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of Mother Nature's requirements. Mighty causes produce mighty

effects; results, let us say, and vice versa. This law is absolute. To
every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every spiritual
atom of life is the direct result of a cause. These atoms differ in power
and potency, as the stars differ in magnitude. Nature's aim is for
diversity. In spite of the apparent fact that all forces are ever striving
for equilibrium. Nature's end, is the very opposite of equality; for
the grand ultimate aim of every force is the production of variety.
The only real difference in any of her infinite number of parts is that
of polarity. For instance, the only difference between the Hottentot
and the intellectual genius of modern civilized society is that which
marks off their souls' respective polarity. It is only a question of per
sonal opinion as to which of the two is the best and wisest. The
civilized shams and personal adornments of society may more than
counterbalance the crude decorations of the savage. The false Theology
and cant of orthodox religion, combined with the many erroneous
theories of so-called science, may more than make up for barbarian
ignorance; for many savages are more learned in the real laws of
Nature than some of our college professors. But be that as it may,
the savage will be the real gainer of the two in most cases, for he
will not have false dogmatic opinions to unlearn and forget. And,
lastly, we would add, that the moral character of any savage will
compare very favorably with the morality of our populous cities.
In fact; making allowance for the planes of life occupied by each,
the external differences between the two are only appearances, evolved
chiefly by our own thoroughly biased and artificial educations. Another
factor in these secondary causes of human suffering is the human
will, or rather, man's capacity for utilizing the great will-force of
the cosmos. Ignorance alone limits human possibilities in this direction.
It is man's place in Nature to sway the mighty pendulum of force
between the higher and the lower states of life (the super-mundane
and sub-mundane realms of being) and in so doing his mission consists
in evolving the attributes of his soul, and gaining all the experience
possible. If suffering is necessary to enable him to accomplish this,
then he will suffer. But, be the causes and consequences what they
may in this life, depend upon it that what the soul suffers from dis
cord it will be justly compensated for by the sum total of results when
the cycle of its purification is over, and the past can be measured at
its true worth.

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