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l. lntroduction \o r/ JI
) E.l'tects of Flaky and Elongated Agglegares in Road Constructron 38

Aggregate Crushing Process 38

Ctse S rudy-Trvrr : Eilec t of Flak iness and Elongation on Bitumen Mixes 6


To a lar-qe extent quality ofroad construction depends on the quality of aggr'egates being
Lrsed in Virrjous stages ol as ag€reg3tej irellglglgglemg!! ro impart structural strength ro a
f in ishetl road. ------1--
The pr.operues 01' ag-gregates; in turn -,are ftrnetiotrs oF the stratum of roek bed;typrof
r,,cI be1lg rMled, rmio of i'eed opening size to product size. and the methods adopted for crush-
in g. Of the dif'fbrent physic.rl propeiiies of aggregates, flakiness and elongation properties domi-
nate tlre qualitv of load construction. especially, where the strength of the pavement layer is de-
rr vcd fiom inter-locking ofaggregates.

Flakiness and elongation indices largely depend on the type of rock being *d
rhe methods ted for its crushinq and reduction ratio emDlo "r^".h"g
in final stage of crushing._l IL
Horvever. tlre scope of this Paper is limited to the discussion ofdifferent typeio
lions ;tnil pfoperries {)f aggregates in different stages and to suggest guidelines for the selection
ol-ct'ushing units to ovcrcornc flakiness and elongation problcms in road construction. A casc
studv illustlates the ef'fects of various alternatives to reduce these.

The effect of using properly shaped aggregates, i.e., ones within the specified limits of
combinetl llakirress and elongation indices has been shown in a supplementary case study.

i Mrnagcr. RITES
*d Labor.rtory Mana-ser. BSC-RBM-PATI
*** Generill Manager. Consulting En-qineering Services (l) Ltd., New Delhi

.\. -/
hlshedilurn gnllgl! alld due [o the increase surface arca compared to volune
\,. Voids content increase witl.r increase in ekrngation of les.
- c) Strength of layer decreases with increasc in the pcrcentage
pcrce cf tjakincss and clott-
gation ind ices.
d) Needs more compactions efforts with incrcase in the percentage elongated
due to
sates. Some times it becomes difficult to attain thc required compactiun
nresencc ol' fl akY Particles
e) Flaky nraterial are prone to fractur€ rvhen subject to point loads'

u hr,1c. s1 sicr,r c('cr:ushing
Jrtuih.a proau.t. it is neceisary t. have rhorougS co'rprcherrsion of tirc
njcl[ to ,-isable aggre-qate product.


,,il ri'i ,.-1 /
Most ol'thc Crushcrs in India consist of simplcf rimary jlw)"nd b$gt9ttl4l!I!:]ttD
size aid shape of aggregate'
In these tvpes of irushels it is almost impossible to attainlil;Fquired
O".tilr;;""."0r rhe outpr.H product as ihere is no choice fo' its control. In gencrrl it is tou'd
ln these type ot" plants fl;ki;.t ind"i in"t"u.

, 3.1. Essential Units in a Crus\i4g System

is cnforced'
..In a well planned, big size highway pro-iect where Quality of construction
to mtrel tire specifications
rriuiii itag" crushil,g, ".J u p."-.Jquiditc'to procluce aggregares
a crushing plant usually
without compromlsrng the quality of maierials. To meet the.r;tandar-ds'
have the rbuowing essenrral;;i,; '
p?.0-To -.t::HfrT_g .gr*f *_L \k p
< YJ ' -- J ' q luu "r
'7 I

,, i)J' Primary crushing unit -2

lo.w lwsL.v
" ii).-," Secondary Crushin$Uirit '
iiit..z ShaPlng tln it
iv)-/ Screening Units
v) ./ Bin
vi)..r, End Product Storage Bin

The most common primary crushers are 3-1y11s!9/ and

3.1.1. Primary crushers :
used in the plants with capaclttes up
Gvl.atorv Drimary crusher. Jaw crushers arb most commonly
;ffitric Tonne per Hour), whereas, gyratory crushers are
'-€clcctiono[ih.ICht !p"*$E9g$E13ry_*Sheris oiprinie inrporrance il ihedesign
of a crusiring plant of an1.EffiE and s'izc.
TFGilou ing factors have important bearing upon the
choicc of printary cnrsher.

a) r miitcrial
I_\pe of rarl'
b) -zAverage daitr1; or hourll.capacity required
It pe urd sizc of qrnrn' cquipnleut
d) Ma-rimrun size offeed material emc-cted ftonl qu.arrv
.\rclnoo ot.tcccung tlic crusllcr
1j Requireurelt offinishcd prociuct srze and shape

3.1.2. secondary crushers/reiluction crushers : seconttary crusher follows immedi-

atcl.v after theprimarv crusher. taking all or a portion of the outFrt product ofthe primary crushing
slage :is its feed. it must be aciequate to handie its share ofthe total plant capacity. Ifrequire4 i
or3 Sccondary crushcrs caribc placed in to mee! the outglQlim4ry crushing. In general
opening n'ill be much lesser than primary crusheJ 4-J
I l-_
:> /Seco*dary crraton crusle, .. ?-
,, >'! ".tHb\jfiff
f '
. ., Jlr. crushcr \
3 ., Fttnnremrill
v L0lte CruSnCr

'Ihrce factors are ofprinte

importancc in selectilg tlre size and type ofsecondary crushers,
these are :

a) v'CaPacitv
b) Size offeed (dcpends on the ratio ofreduction in prirnary crusher)
c) Size and shape of end product required

3.1.3. Sbqring unit/fine crushing unit : Shaping unit rakggcare_9f.9!9!€4!ed3rKlflaty

aggregates and produce better and stronger aggr€gates

Ljg4glb{qqegltare gcnerally used as a shaping units. The impacr breaker fami$ com_
prises of t\1'o machine {pes. The conventional t}pe has a rotor wittr d Horizonta
shaft, the other
fpe is a celltrifr,lgal c,rufu rvirh a verrical siraft and is often called (vcrtica$haft Impactor).
VSI operaies in t}e same lva)' as a centrifugal pump. Material fed from top fufto the
- accelerate to a high velocity and cornes out through opening on the periphery. crush-
of the rotor
ing takes place !r hen the niaterial moving at high spe.a hits tt tine oirtatiooury oot t
also rvhen parlicle collide with free flowing particle. Fig. I illustrates
the Rock-oo-no.t prin"ipte
of VSI.

Fig. l. Sectional View of YSI Crusher Unit

Required size and shape of the aggregates can be atlrieved by-l nggttl1ggp:sl9$.ln g
or decreaslng Ilrc cl]s';r(lc rl')$''
the rotor speed, by changing the feed sizCand by increasing

unit : Screening is an important operation to segregate the crushed

3,1.4-" Screening
product and/
product for different purposes. Sizes of screens are chosen as per requirement of the
or maximum acceptance feed size of next crushing smge'

3.1'5. Surge storage bin : It is desirable to us-yIgg-torggg ills

in-the crushrng plant
and uniform
before any stage of crushing or screening operation to ei-sure.smooih ""il*tl'lt::
time under unlform conditions and at full capaclty'
I 'l' l'6' End product storage bins ; It is desirable ro construcr storage bins to store
I cncl pl'oclucl ag'cregates free fl'om contamination or mixing
diff'erent sizes wilh each other at the
! rrnc ()r :l('TJgc irnd Jr the rirne ofhandring particurarry whcn
open space is Iimited. If proper
I rr) ,1rl \ lIr (r { r') l\re\
e*r cor)tiinr ination is taken then it is not necessary tdtLavc
storage bins.


Study Area

A 100 MTPH muhi srage crusher ar sirkho quary, Gurgaon (Distt.).

Haryana which was
spccially t,u-iiiiFro-ihne - III, Delhi - Jaipur (NH-8) Road project
has been used for the study
purpose. General vierv of study area is shown in photo L

Photo l. Over.all View.of Crushing Unit

J.l. Strrd-r'Alternatives

N,{i:;1 1;1'tlri' Iar{er cruslters irr India consists ol' w clusher and in sccondar.y
are bein_e.used and in sonre
r" *ar"h rhis output
:..) l],11'].-]
LltlslleLi I)lillcnill rr itlr e apircitv of secondnry stage, jaw and cone
_-,t,e! oSilmary
\,r HrrrrlqrJ
cr.ushers are also uSed in parallel.
'\ erts'"- stttr.h has bL'en rrladc with all the tlrree possible alternatives in existence by introducin-t
shapirlg nn 11 ittier secondary crushing stage. A line diagrams ofalternatives
I. II andlll are shown
in Fig. 3. Thc. alrer.narives are detailed in paras 4.i.1.,4.2.2. and
Fig. 2. Line Diagrams of Aggregate Processing Unit
4,2.1, Alternative I : In this altemative jaw crushers is used in primary crusher and the
secondarv crushing unit in cone type. Vertical Shaft Impactor (VSI) is introduced, as a third stage
cntsher as rvell as shapin-u unit, in series. Further, screening units are placed in between starting
and cnding of eaclr crushing stage. n .\ 1
(q o)
{.1.2. Alternative II : This is same as alternative - I exceptjaw crushels are being used in
pr-inrarr rs u c'll ls in secondary qlqgq qruqhing, i.q,, qo!q qq9he1!r4q leeq replaced with jaW_

4.2.3. Alternative III : This is a combination of alternatives I and II, i.e., jaw crushel is
use'd ls prirrary crushel and in secondaly stage.jaw and cone crushers are used in parallel, and t'est
i: samc as irltr'r'natircs I zrnd II

4.-1. SampleCollection

{ve alternatives bv stopping

remarnl11g -qpeIlltlqns and
grlanl rvar lr-rn lbr an h<-rur befbre collecting the samples. Then two numbel of samplesrvere c<rl-
lected ll ()nr uonvev er t belbre and after the VSI crushing stage on that day. Likewise samples
rvcr-e collectccl on diftercnt days. While collectrng samples due car',e has been taken to
nlirinl a ir'r tlrc colrtin uous f'ced in the prinrary crusher till the sampling was completed on sither slde
trl VSI crushcr'.

4.J. Analysis

l Thc collecred -samples were unalysed for their gradation, and combined flakiness and
r cl(rngltion. lrncl tlrcir pnrperfies asexplained in the following paragraphs.
4..{.1. Gradatio., analysis : The gradation analysis has been done taking the most

conrnronly used sieves in the analysis ofload construction materials. The selected sieve set is
Fi -53.0. :15.0. 37.5. 26.5. 5.2.36,0.300, 0.075 (all sieve sizes are in mm), and tested according tcr
t. lS : 1.186 tPrlt I r.

Fl l,
Avelage values ol each alternatives before and after VSI are shown in Table and
Fi glaphicallr' represented in Figs. 3 to 5.
.1..1,2. Combined flakiness and elongation indices : Combined flakiness and elongation
f. r!'st \\'ls cirrried on each sample collected according to IS : 2386 (Part l) in conjunction with note
ii below rablc -500-8 oI MOST (Nlinistry of Sur-face Transport) Specifications fbr Road and Bridge
fl Wtrrks. 'fhird Revision reprinted in 1997. Average values o1'test results, alternativewise before and
rr ttcr VSI irtc' :l)orr n rn Tchlc l.



600 z
5oo t


s itvr:sr/.| tN 0s - I
I . x p"*r"s A,{";""r'. r b.o. vsr -7i".;, a,c,':;';a"n".vs---__-l

Fig. 3. Gradation chart of alternatiye I




SlilVE r_l/li lN d'n

|. e{ pas3'ns Afte'narrys I b:1.:1"'__:11:gl .11!1ll11f:L]

Fie. 4. Gradation chart of alternative II





Fis. 5. Gradation chart ofalternative III

Terlr l. AvBucE VALUEs oF (-RADrNcs

7o Passing

.A.ltemative I Alternative II Alremalive lll

Bcl,rr,i \'.S l After VSi Before VSI After VSI Before VSI After VSI

).r (l I()(1.{) 100.i) 100.0 t00.0 t00.0 100.0

l5 (r !) r) j 99. i 99 .2 100.0 99 _4 99.1
r;5 s.t I 9t .9 9t l e 8.7 96 .1 98.5
l{' : 50 .l 35.-l 62.4 8 8.1 16.1 8'1 .-l
t9 ( j
6-l : 73.5 10.9 71.2 5 4.9 73.6
i6.l 58..1 20.I 48.0 33.3 55.4
-1.7 ) .r6 t -16.9 I 0.8 3 8.6 43.0
: 16 ll (r :11.5 33 27.6 t9.6 35.7
0 .r0() t6 it 25.9 .t.3 14.7 l 1.0 21.0
{) 0t5 tl 3.7 1.8 1.3 2.8

T.rBLIr 2. Avnn,rcr; V,rlurs oF SH^pE CHen,q.crnnrsrrcs

Propr'rl)' A lteinilrir.e I Altemative ll Altcrnative III

1)l lcsl
ll.ibre VSI At'ter VSI Beforc VSI After VSI Before VSI After VSI

i'l.rk inc sr l3.8 14.0 l].] 9.6 19. I | 4.2

Elo'rslttr,rn }t5 15.7 25.4 10.6 25.6 i 5.6
C,rnrhinr'd 5i .l 2.9.1 .l8.6 20.2 44.1 29.8
Fl ,! Iil

=_ >,---,.
Il r. nrrl po(iihle tc Set the ag-qrcgates whose eombined FI and EI values are wirh in rhe \ /
i'.'''l')i$ih L...-
On tlre othcr hand. whatevdr rnay be the type of secondary crusher used, with the intro-
duction ol'shrping unit (vSI) atier rhe secondary crushing stage, FI and EI is greatly reduced ro
hr-ing it ciown ro wirhin the specification limits. Aggregates passing through vSI unirs are more or
lcss cubical in shape and are petfectly suitable for biluminous courses.

Bv usjng the VSI. rhe production of finer fracrions increase

lbr bitunrinous
.lau clusher 0s prinraf),as well as G;ffii;ry

^ lffi r..onau.yl *igogr yg1p1o,gg99gg1;u,l
o',.rn, nd as
nhl.' ,,,ol.','inl ,r'rd thir'"fo,'. / rub I
b;r:c.,rlrrsr-'s :lrc berr)s producr'd. In such a case alternative without vsl can be used.
s. cASE :
| 41. I

mixis a study has been

To iind out the effects of flakiness and elongation on bituminoirs
e one beyond specrfication limits'
conducted with aggregates of two different FI and EI values' i '
i.e.. sample I and the other within specification limits' i e.' sample
2 The samples I and 2 are
before and after the crusher wlth
actually produced materials obtained at two different occasions
Table 3
VSI rvas installed. The physical properties of aggregates are shorvn
T,csLr 3. PHvslccL Pnoprnltns or AcGruGn,rps
Aggregate TYPe Spec ification Limits

Sample I Sample 2

40 28.N <30
FI&EI <1"/o
0.55 0.70
Water AbsolPtion
2.6J2 2.ffi5
Bulk Spccific GravitY
21.82 16.44 <30

are shown in Table 4' It can be seen by
ples ofaggregates individually, job rni* pu'u-"t"rs- order
to eff'ect a reduction in bitumen of the
aggregares as per MOST cri,",iu it ho' been possible gaining in
per cent while at the sametime
of I4.5 per. cent. decreasing air voids to an eitent of 31
stability by 23 Per cent.
Tlsln 4. Joe Mrx Pnnenerens
Value Specification Limits
Sarnple I Sample I
4t) 28.40 <30
Fl & Et (9c)
1229 > 850 kg
Marshall Stability (kg) 999
> 4.O q(
Optirnum B itumcn Content (o/.) 55 2. ,4
3.0 3.0
Mar slrall Flow (ntm) l -5
5.8 | 4.0
Perccrltage Airv0ids
2.409 2.45'l
N4 ax. Sp. Cruvity (Gmrn)
2.269 2.35'7
Bulk Sp. CravilY 01 nlix 4.2'7 l0 - 12 (min )
11 .59 |
VMA (% ) '11 .5 65
VFB (%) 66.9'7 "75

| ,'r. Conclusions of Case StudY-TFo

I -.l A pcrusal or rable 4 abovc shows 1rn1 wilh q"'.^'i"*:,:li1::::1:':"t""""

the larger bitumen percantage, air
\I indices denrand fbr bitumen i*,"u'"', but even with
\J \I increase and so does tf,"
(VMA)' At the samerime there is a
Inin"*t ogg'"gu'"'
"olA.'in voids fill-J-d with bitumen
in specific gravity of the mix and

lvFB)' Stability also decreases

increase the flakiness and elongation indices'
These f'actors would seem to indicate that the flakiness and el ion indices
not only increases the immediate cost of the road but the and durabili
ttl' the paveinent

(t Y)

ADB - IIi. lunded NH - 8,

the course ol' the study.


L MOST- Speeificatii)ns tbr Roud and bridge Works". Third Revision' rePrioted ir 1997'
I lS lilJ6 (Parr Il P lr,Jle Sizc and Shape.
.r Col. Reicndril Singh, Control of Flakingss Index of Aggregate for Bituminous MixeC', "lndian Highways".
-\,,r"{r lqq? '

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