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95% Confidence Interval for Mean
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Diploma 153 3.7595 .60322 .04877 3.6631 3.8558 2.40 5.00
Bachelor 95 3.9600 .60887 .06247 3.8360 4.0840 2.20 5.00
Graduate 57 4.2667 .69625 .09222 4.0819 4.4514 2.00 5.00
Total 305 3.9167 .64951 .03719 3.8435 3.9899 2.00 5.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.556 2 302 .213

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 10.941 2 5.471 14.084 .000
Within Groups 117.303 302 .388
Total 128.245 304

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Participation
Tukey HSD
Mean Difference 99% Confidence Interval
(I) Academic qualification (J) Academic qualification (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Diploma Bachelor -.20052 .08141 .038 -.4395 .0385
Graduate -.50719* .09671 .000 -.7911 -.2233
Bachelor Diploma .20052 .08141 .038 -.0385 .4395
Graduate -.30667* .10442 .010 -.6132 -.0001
Graduate Diploma .50719* .09671 .000 .2233 .7911
Bachelor .30667* .10442 .010 .0001 .6132
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.01 level.

a. List the two variables and their scales of measurement.

Dependent Variable = Participation Scores (Interval)

Independent Variable (k > 2) = Academic Qualifications (Ordinal)

b. Does this analysis meet the assumption on equality of variances? Justify you answer.

Since the significance value of Levene statistic (.213) is bigger than α (.01), therefore the analysis meets the
assumption on equality of variances.

c. Use the 5-steps procedure to test the above hypothesis.

Step 1: State the hypotheses

Ho = µ1 = µ2 = µ3

HA = Not all means are equal

Step 2: Decide significance level

α = .01

Step 3: Run analysis, report F value and significance-F value

F value = 14.084

Sig-F value = .000

Step 4: Decision

Since the sig-F value (.000) is smaller than level of significance (.01), therefore reject Ho.

Step 5: Conclusion

There is significance difference in participation scores between the three groups of academic
d. What can you conclude based on the “Multiple Comparison” table?

The mean difference of Diploma is significance with Graduate in participation scores. Meanwhile, the mean
Bachelor also has significance mean difference with Graduate in participation scores.

e. Calculate and describe the effect size

ƞ2 =

ƞ2 =

ƞ2 = 0.085

The value of eta squared is .085, therefore it indicates the medium effect size. 8.5% variance in participation
scores is explained by group of academic qualifications.

f. Present the results in a “complete” table.

Variable n Mean SD F Sig-F

Academic qualification 14.084 .000
Diploma 153 3.7595 .60322
Bachelor 95 3.9600 .60887
Graduate 57 4.2667 .69625

g. Provide a write-up of the results using APA presentation style.

An Anova test was employed to test the difference in participation scores between three group of academic
qualifications. As depicted from table above, there are significance mean difference, F (305) = 14.084, p =
.000. Mean participation score for Graduate (M = 4.2667, SD = .69625) was the highest among three group
while mean participation score for Diploma (M = 3.7595, SD = .60322) was the lowest among all groups.
The eta squared was .085, indicating medium effect size. The results support the conclusion that
participation scores between three group of academic qualifications were significantly different.

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