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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d realized that he had been enchanted by the
or e wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so
The following text is for number 1 to 5 she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja
John Smith (1)… born in Manchester on 1st Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice
April 1930. He was educated at Manchester fairy took her to the Kahyangan. The story goes
Grammar School and at Cambridge University. that on certain moonlight nights, one can hear the
He (2)… the university in 1952 with a second sound of music in the air above from the top
class honors degree in chemistry. Towards the mountain. It indicates that Sang Prabu and his
end of the year he (3)… for and obtained a post daughter have not met each other until dawn
as a junior research chemist in a large when it is time for them to part and to meet again
pharmaceutical firm. In 1954, he (4)… Jane on another moonlight night.
Brown at a dance, and in 1955 he (5)… married.
6. Based on the text above, we know that Sang
Then they lived in a suburb in London and have
Prabu was…
a son and daughter.
a. a king
1. a. was d. am
b. Blambangan king
b. were e. are
c. Mount wayang king
c. is
d. King of all gods
2. a. leaving d. leave
e. King of the small kingdom in the slope of
b. leaven e. left
Mount Wayang
c. to leave
7. What were the effect of Princess Segara’s
3. a. applies d. applying
magic power to the Prince Begawan?
b. applied e. to apply
a. He fell in love with Prince Segara
c. apply
b. He hated Princess Teja Nirmala
4. a. meeting d. meet
c. He became wicked
b. to meet e. meets
d. He died
c. met
e. He became unconscious and forgot his
5. a. have d. was
b. had e. were
8. What happened then to Prince Begawan?
c. is
a. Prince Begawan married the wicked
The following text is for number 6 to 12. fairy.
b. Prince Begawan was killed by the wicked
The Legend of Mount Wayang
Long time ago, when the gods and goodness used c. Prince Begawan was taken to the
to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a Kahyangan by the wicked fairy.
small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in d. Prince Begawan married Princess Teja
West Java. The king, named Sang Prabu, was a Nirmala.
wise man. He had an only daughter, called e. Prince Begawan was killed by Sang
princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her Prabu
beauty but she was not married. One day Sang 9. Why was Princess Teja Nirmala taken to the
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a Kahyangan?
show of strength. After that, Prince of a. Because she was died.
Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won b. Because she was a good person.
the competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, c. Because she wanted that.
Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan d. Because she was the nice fairy’s friend.
and used magic power to render him unconscious e. Because she was very sad to know Prince
and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was Begawan death.
searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
10. How long did the Princess and Sang Prabu The following text is for number 16 to 20
a. All night long d. in the moonlight
b. All day long e. a week
c. A month
11. How was the characteristic of Prince
a. He was strong d. he was smart
b. He was wise e. he was playboy
c. He was foolish
12. The word “enchanted” has the closets
meaning with…
a. Believed d. charmed 16. The menu is divided into … parts
b. Pleased e. made a. Two d. five
c. Amused b. Three e. six
c. four
The following text is for number 13 to 15.
17. How many beverage are there?
To : all employees a. Three d. six
b. Four e. seven
From : Paul Walker c. five
Subject : Ordering Supplies 18. Below are the main course of menu, except…
a. Omelette d. toast
Date : April 4th, 2019
b. Cereal e. fried eggs
All request for supplies must be type and c. Scrambled eggs
signed. Only typed requests will be accepted. All 19. Steak and sausage is a category of… in menu.
requests must be on my desk by fifteenth every
month. Approved requested will be sent on the
a. Drinks d. main course
accounting Department. Please plan ahead. It b. Beverages e. salads
takes two to six weeks to order supplies. c. Side orders
20. What does the word “steak” mean?
13. The memo is addressed to … a. Beaten egg or an egg mixture cooked
a. New employees d. all employees until just set, may be folded around e.g.
b. Mr. Paul Walker e. head of personal ham or cheese or jelly.
c. Mr. Paul Walker’s relatives b. Egg beaten and cooked to a soft firm
14. What should they do with the request? consistency while stirring.
a. Read it d. signed c. A slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of
b. Write & sign e. typed & signed an animal or large fish.
c. Write down on a paper d. Highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in
15. What does the memo concern? casings
a. Overdue accounts e. Slices of bread that have been toasted
b. Office furniture 21. Rio : “which is more interesting the Safari
c. Supply request Park of Ragunan Zoo?
d. Typewrites Daud : “I thin Ragunan Zoo is … as Safari
e. Buying new products Park. Both of them hav many good things to
a. The most interesting
b. As interesting
c. More interesting
d. Less interesting
e. Not interesting 6. Make a memo to your friend!
22. The whale is … than this dingo.
a. Most big d. biggest 7. Make a schedule your daily activity in one
b. Big e. as big as day!
c. bigger
23. Lintang works … than his colleague.
a. Careful d. as careful as
b. More carefully e. most carefully
c. The more carefully
24. Putry sings as … as Nadia
a. Beautifully d. more beautiful
b. Beautiful e. most beautiful
c. More beautifully
25. Our uncle Mr. Hendita is the … fisherman in
all of town.
a. More talented d. most talented
b. Talenteder e. talent
c. Talentedest

B. Answer the questions below!

The following text is for number 1 to 5

Lezato Restaurant
Chicken soup : Rp 16.000
Shrimp Cocktail : Rp 26.000
Vegetable Soup : Rp 13.000
Roast Rib of Beef : Rp 70.000
Broiled Fish Fillet: Rp 60.000
Fried Chicken : Rp 55.000
Apple Pie : Rp 14.000
Carrot Cake : Rp 11.500
Ice Cream : Rp 11.000
Tomato juice : Rp 8.500
Tea : Rp 5.500
Milk : Rp 7.000

1. How much does the shrimp cocktail cost?
2. How much does the fried chicken cost?
3. How many desserts are there?
4. Which dessert is the cheapest one?
5. Is the tea cheaper than tomato juice?

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