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Sharma Ekta A et al.

IRJP 2012, 3 (5)


Research Article


Sharma Ekta A.*, Shah Nehal J.
Quality Assurance Department, Indubhai Patel College of Pharmacy and Research Centre, Dharmaj, Petlad-Khambhat road,
Dhramaj, Anand, Gujarat, India
Article Received on: 09/03/12 Revised on: 20/04/12 Approved for publication: 02/05/12

The present manuscript describes new, simple, accurate, and precise high performance thin layer chromatography method for the simultaneous determination
of Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Desloratadine Hydrochloride in combined tablet dosage form. Chromatographic separation of the drugs was performed on
aluminium plates pre coated with silica gel 60 F254 as the stationary phase and the solvent system consisted of Chloroform: Ethyl Acetate: Methanol: Tri
ethylamine (6: 4.5: 2.5: 0.8, v/v/v/v). Densitometric evaluation of the separated zones was performed at 245 nm. The two drugs were satisfactorily resolved
with Rf values 0.72 and 0.26 for Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Desloratadine Hydrochloride, respectively. The linear regression data for the calibration plots
showed good relationship with r2 = 0.99886 from 1500 – 5250 ng/spot for Ambroxol Hydrochloride and r2 = 0.99875 from 100 – 350 ng/spot for Desloratadine
Hydrochloride. The methods were validated for precision, accuracy, and recovery. The percentage recovery for Ambroxol Hydrochloride was found to be
99.92 – 100.20 % and 99.73 – 100.18 % for Desloratadine Hydrochloride. The limits of detection and quantification were 201.26 and 609.87 ng/spot per spot
for Ambroxol Hydrochloride and 14.05 and 42.57 ng/spot per spot for Desloratadine Hydrochloride, respectively.
Keywords: Ambroxol Hydrochloride, Desloratadine Hydrochloride, High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Method, Validation

INTRODUCTION reveals RP-HPLC15-17 methods for determination of DES

Ambroxol Hydrochloride (AMB) is chemically trans–4–(2– with other drugs.
Amino-3, 5–dibromobenzylamino)- cyclohexanol1 is a
secretolytic agent used in the treatment of tracheobronchitis,
emphysema with bronchitis pneumoconiosis, chronic
inflammatory pulmonary conditions, bronchiectasis,
bronchitis with bronchospasm asthma2. It is official in Indian
Pharmacopoeia (IP) and British Pharmacopoeia (BP). IP1
describes High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
method and BP3 describes HPLC, Spectrophotometric and
Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. Literature
survey also reveals Spectrophotometric4-5, HPLC6-7, Ultra
Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) 8 and HPTLC9 Figure 2: Structure of Desloratadine Hydrochloride
methods for determination of AMB with other drugs.
The combined dosage forms of AMB and DES are available
in the market (DYL – AX) for the prophylaxis and treatment
of chronic asthma and chronic bronchitis. The combination of
these two drugs is not official in any pharmacopoeia; hence
no official method is available for the simultaneous
estimation of AMB and DES in their combined dosage forms.
Literature survey does not reveal any simple chromatography
or other method for simultaneous estimation of AMB and
DES in combined dosage forms. The present communication
describes simple, specific, rapid, accurate and precise
Figure 1: Structure of Ambroxol hydrochloride chromatographic method based on High Performance Thin
Layer Chromatographic method for simultaneous estimation
Desloratadine Hydrochloride (DES) is chemically 8-chloro-6, of both drugs in their combined tablet dosage forms.
11-dihydro-11-(4-piperdinylidene) - 5H benzo [5, 6] MATERIALS AND METHODS
cyclohepta [1, 2-b] pyridine10 is a second generation Reagents and Materials
antihistaminic drug. It is used for the relief of symptoms of AMB and DES bulk powder was kindly gifted by Cadila
seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial (non-seasonal) allergic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India and Sun
rhinitis and for the symptomatic treatment of pruritus and Pharmaceutical Ltd., Halol, Panchmahal, Gujarat, India
urticaria (hives) associated with chronic idiopathic urticaria11. respectively. The commercial fixed dose combination product
Desloratadine is not official in any pharmacopoeia. Literature Dyl Ax (AMB – 75 mg, DES – 5 mg) was procured from the
survey reveals HPTLC12 and Spectrophotometric13-14 local market which is manufactured by Ajanta Pharma
methods for the determination of DES. Literature survey also Limited (APL). All chemicals and reagents were of analytical

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Sharma Ekta A et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (5)
grade and were purchased from Thermo fisher scientific Pvt. DES (3000, 3750, 4500 ng/spot for AMB and 200, 250, 300
Ltd, Mumbai, India. ng/spot for DES). The result was reported in terms of relative
Instrumentation standard deviation (% RSD).
CAMAG HPTLC instrument (Camag Muttenz, Switzerland) Specificity
was used in this method. CAMAG HPTLC is equipped with The specificity of the method was determined by analyzing
CAMAG TLC scanner-3, Linnomate V Automatic sample standard drug and test samples. The spot for AMB and DES
applicator controlled by WIN CATS software (1.4.3 version). in the samples was confirmed by comparing the Rf and
Aluminium packed silica Gel 60 F254 HPTLC plates (100 X spectrum of the spot with that of a standard. The peak purity
100 mm, layer thickness 0.2mm, E.MERCK). Linear of AMB and DES was determined by comparing the
ascending development was carried out in a 20 cm × 10 cm spectrum at three different regions of the spot i.e. peak start
twin trough glass chamber (Camag Muttenz, Switzerland). (S), peak apex (M) and peak end (E).
The source of radiation used was deuterium lamp emitting a Accuracy
continuous UV spectrum between 190 to 400 nm. Accuracy of the method was carried out by applying the
Optimized chromatographic condition method to drug sample (AMB and DES combination tablet)
Stationary phase: Pre-coated silica gel 60 F254 Aluminium to which know amount of AMB and DES standard powder
Plates (10x10cm) corresponding to 80, 100 and 120% of label claim had been
Mobile phase: Chloroform: Ethyl Acetate: Methanol: Tri added (standard addition method), mixed and the powder was
ethylamine (6: 4.5: 2.5: 0.8, v/v/v/v) extracted and analyzed by running chromatogram in
Chamber saturation: 20 minutes optimized mobile phase.
Development distance: 70mm ANALYSIS OF AMB AND DES IN COMBINED
Development time: 15 minutes TABLET DOSAGE FORM
Relative temperature: 25 ±2˚C Twenty Tablets were weighed and powdered. The powder
Scanning Speed: 20 mm/sec equivalent to 75 mg of AMB and 5 mg of DES was
Detection wavelength: 245 nm transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask. Methanol (50 ml)
AMB Rf: 0.72 was added to it and sonicated for 20 min. The solution was
DES Rf: 0.26 filtered through Whatman filter paper (0.45µ) and the volume
Preparation of standard stock solutions was adjusted up to the mark with methanol. This solution is
An accurately weighed quantity of AMB (100 mg) and DES expected to contain 750 ng/μl of AMB and 50 ng/μl of DES.
(100 mg) were transferred to a separate 100 ml volumetric 4.5 µl of the prepared sample was applied on pre-washed
flask and 50 ml methanol is added to both volumetric flask TLC plate, developed in the above mobile phase, dried in air
and sonicated for 10 minutes. Volume was adjusted up to the and photo metrically analyzed by running chromatogram in
mark with methanol to obtain standard solution having optimized mobile phase. From the peak area obtained in the
concentration of AMB (1000 ng/μl) and DES (1000 ng/μl). chromatogram, the amounts of both the drugs were
37.5 ml of AMB (1000 ng/μl) and 2.5 ml of DES (1000 calculated.
ng/μl) aliquot were transferred to a separate 50 ml volumetric RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
flask and diluted up to concentration of AMB (750 ng/μl) and The results of validation studies on simultaneous estimation
DES (50 ng/μl) with methanol. method developed for AMB and DES in the current study
VALIDATION OF THE PROPOSED METHOD involving Chloroform: Ethyl Acetate: Methanol: Tri
The proposed method was validated according to the ethylamine (6: 4.5: 2.5: 0.8, v/v/v/v) as the mobile phase for
International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) HPTLC are given below.
guidelines18. The proposed method was found to be simple, specific,
Linearity and range accurate, and precise for the routine simultaneous estimation
From the mixed standard stock solution 750 ng/μl of AMB of two drugs. The linearity range for AMB and DES were
and 50 ng/μl of DES, 2 to 7 μl solution spotted on HPTLC found to be 1500 - 5250 ng/spot and 100 - 350 ng/spot
plate to obtain final concentration 1500 – 5250 ng/spot for respectively. Regression analysis data and summary of all
AMB and 100 – 350 ng/spot for DES. Each concentration validation parameters is given in Table 1. Precision was
was applied six times to the HPTLC plate. The plate was then calculated as repeatability (% RSD) and intra and inter day
developed using the previously described mobile phase and variation (% RSD) for both the drugs. Accuracy was
the peak areas were plotted against the corresponding determined by calculating the recovery and the mean was
concentrations to obtain the calibration curves. determined. The LOD and LOQ were found to be 201.26 and
Precision 609.87 ng/spot respectively for AMB and 14.05 and 42.57
The precision of the method was verified by repeatability and ng/spot respectively for DES indicates sensitivity of the
intermediate precision studies. proposed method. The peak purity of AMB and DES was
Repeatability assessed by comparing their respective spectra at the peak
Repeatability studies were performed by analysis of all start, apex and peak end positions of the spot. The peak purity
concentrations (1500, 2250, 3000, 3750, 4500 and 5250 was found to be 0.9991 and 0.9989 for AMB and DES
ng/spot for AMB and 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 respectively. The method was successfully used to determine
ng/spot for DES) of the drug in six times on the same day. the amounts of AMB and DES present in tablets. The results
Intermediate precision obtained are in good agreement with the corresponding
The intermediate precision of the method was checked by labelled amount. By observing the validation parameters, the
intra day and inter day study. The intraday and interday method was found to be specific, accurate and precise. Hence
precision of the proposed method was determined by the method can be employed for the routine analysis of these
analyzing the corresponding responses 3 times on the same drugs in combinations.
day and on 3 different days over a period of 1 week for 3
different concentrations of standard solutions of AMB and
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Sharma Ekta A et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (5)
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Rapid, Stability Indicating RP-UPLC method for simultaneous
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highly thankful to Indubhai Patel college of Pharmacy and 14. Gehad G. Mohamed, Fekria M. Abou Attia, Nahla S. Ismail and Neveen
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Table 1: Regression analysis data and summary of validation parameters for the proposed method
Parameters High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography method


Concentration Range (ng/spot) 1500 – 5250 100 – 350

Slope (m) 2.30628 7.61850
Intercept (c) 4423.10 418.59
Correlation Coefficient (r2) 0.99886 0.99875
Accuracy (% recovery) (n = 3) 99.92 – 100.20 % 99.73 – 100.18 %
Repeatability (%RSD) (n = 6) 0.09 % 0.38 %
Intraday (n = 3) (%RSD) 0.71 – 0.73 % 0.70 – 1.23 %
Interday(n = 3) (%RSD) 0.96 – 1.08 % 1.15 – 1.49 %
LOD (ng/spot) 201.26 14.05
LOQ (ng/spot) 609.87 42.57

Table 2: Recovery data of proposed method

Drug Level Amount taken Amount added Amount Recovered % Recovery ± S.D
(ng/spot) (ng/spot) (ng/spot) (n=3) (n=3)
AMB 0% 3750 0 3749.00 99.97 ± 0.10
80 % 3750 3000 6750.67 100.01 ± 0.07
100 % 3750 3750 7515.67 100.20 ± 0.08
120 % 3750 4500 8244.00 99.92 ± 0.09
DES 0% 250 0 249.33 99.73 ± 0.61
80 % 250 200 450.33 100.07 ± 0.46
100 % 250 250 499.67 99.93 ± 0.42
120 % 250 300 551.00 100.18 ± 0.36

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Sharma Ekta A et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (5)
Table 3: Analysis of AMB and DES by proposed method
Label claim (mg) Amount taken Amount Recovered % Label claim ± S.D
(ng/spot) (ng/spot) (n=3)
DYL - AX 75 5 3375 225 3456 223.1 102.4 ± 99.11 ± 0.12



Figure 3: Photograph of developed HPTLC plate of AMB and DESs



Figure 4: Overlain view of all tracks of AMB and DES at 245nm

Figure 5: Densitogram of AMB (3375 ng /spot ) and DES (225ng / spot)

Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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