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By :
Nahdlini Salma Sabila (B1B017002)
Pratiwi Kusuma K (B1B017007)
Fakhri Naufal (B1B017022)
Mellya Rizki P (B1B017031)
Group :2
Entourage : D1
Assistant : Juniar Susiani




A. Background

Meristem is a network whose cells remain embryonic, meaning that they

are able to continuously divide indefinitely to increase the number of cells in the
body. Meristem constituent cells are usually isodioometric and thin-walled and
are relatively more protoplast-rich compared to adult tissue cells although they
do not find general criteria morphologically to differentiate meristem cells and
mature tissue cells that have not undergone specialization. The possibility of a
large meristematic cell or an initiation cell, or cells that are close to the initial
cell, are getting more and more vacuole (Wilkins, 1989).
Plant hormones are part of the genetic regulation process and function as
precursors. Environmental stimulation triggers the formation of hormones.
When the hormone concentration has reached a certain level, a number of genes
that are initially inactive will begin expression. From an evolutionary
perspective, plant hormones are part of the process of adaptation and self-
defense of plants to maintain the survival of their species. One of the growth
regulating hormones is giberelin (Gardner, 1991).
Gibberelin is a growth hormone found in plant organs, namely in the roots,
stems, buds, leaves, nodules, fruit, and fine tissue. Gibberellins can stimulate
stem growth and can also increase the size of leaves in some plants. Gibberellins
can also replace low-temperature treatment (20-40C) in plants that require this
treatment for flowering. The gibberellin accelerates the appearance of shoots on
the ground. This is because GA3 stimulates the activity of hydrolytic enzymes
especially α amylase which hydrolyzes starch reserves so that enough nutrients
are available for shoots to grow faster (Heddy, 1986).
B. Purpose

The purpose of this practical activity is to determine the effective

concentration of Gibberellin in stem elongation.

Gibberellins are growth regulating substances that have a role in stimulating cell
extension (cell elongation), cell division (cell division), cambium activity and
supporting the formation of new RNA and protein synthesis. Giving gibberellins to
plants in addition to increasing plant height will also increase leaf area and plant dry
weight. The increase in dry plants is due to an increase in photosynthetic activity.
Gibberelin is a growth hormone found in plant organs, namely in the roots, stems,
buds, leaves, buds, root nodules, fruit and special tissues (Salisbury & Ross, 1992).
The origins of gibberellin research can be traced to the late 19th century in Japan
with the demonstration that a disease of rice that produced symptoms of excessive
seedling. elongation and infertility, among others, was the result of fungal infection
Culture filtrates of the fungal pathogen were later shown to reproduce the symptoms
in rice, and the active growth-promoting principle was namedgibberellin after the
perfect (reproductive) form of the fungus, Gibberella fujikuroi. Various names for
the disease were used by Japanese farmers depending on location, the most well-
known being ‘‘bakanae’’, translated as silly seedling (Hedden & Sponsel, 2015).
The biosynthesis of active GAs is a complex, multistepped process with diverse
intermediates makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact tissue or organ in which GAs
are synthesized and localize to. Studies focusing on the spatial organization of the
GA biosynthesis pathway, characterizing the expression patterns of different GA
biosynthetic enzymes using GUS as a reporter, have led to several insights. First, GA
biosynthesis genes are differentially expressed among different tissues, cell types,
and developmental stages. Second, several members of the GA3ox family, which
catalyze the final step in the synthesis of bioactive GAs, are expressed in growing
and elongating shoot and root organs. Third, although there are several examples of
tissues in which the expression of GA biosynthesis genes co-localizes with GA
perception genes. Finally, levels of expression of genes constituting the GA
biosynthetic pathway itself do not always coincide (Binenbaum et al., 2018).
According to Sponsel (1995), the gibberellin (GAS) biosynthetic pathway
consists of 4 paths, namely, pathway from mevalonic acid (MVA) to geranil-geranil
pyrophosphate (GGPP), the cyclization of GGPP becomes Ent-kaurene, Ent-kaurene
becomes GA12-aldehyde, path from GA12-aldehyde to GAS. Pathways from MVA
to GPP are several steps, namely activation of MVA into MVA PP with the MVA
Kinase enzyme, requiring ATP, MG ++ or MN ++, followed by the formation of
GGPP from IPP and DMAP, the enzyme GGPP synthetase. After that there was a
cyclization of the ent-Kaurene from GGPP. At the stage of changing antkaurene to
GA12-aldehyde there is no intermediate result between the two compounds. Experts
argue that the process occurs from contraction of ring B. Ring B which initiAcally
consists of 6 C contracts to ring B with 5 C + C7 outside the ring.
There are several recent research on the effects of giving gibberellins to stem
growth. The first study came from kailan plant (Brassica oleracea), in this study it
was stated that the administration of GA3 (gibberellins) concentration in various
different growing media had a significant effect on plant height increase, but there
was no interaction between the two treatments. The results of the statistical analysis
on the increase in the height of the kailan plant at the age of 10 weeks showed that
the concentration of GA3 had a significant effect on the increase in the height of the
kailan plant. Giving a concentration of 60 ppm was able to give the best results on
the increase in the height of the kailan plant, significantly different from the
administration of GA3 20 ppm and 0 ppm while the concentration of GA3 40 ppm
was not significantly different from the increase in height of the kailan plant.
Increased stem length is the most specific response in most plants given from outside
GA3, due to an increase in apical cell division and elongation activities, so that cell
size will increase (Maharani et al., 2018).
Subsequent research is a research about the effects of growth regulators in the
form of organic gibberellins on the growth of Keji Beling plants. In this research
shows real differences between treatments that have been given organic gibberellin
growth regulator, when compared with the control and growth regulators of synthetic
gibberellins. This is due to the fact that the administration of 100% organic giberelin
growth regulator has been optimal in increasing the number of leaves. The growth of
stem cuttings in Keji Beling plants is influenced by the number of shoots, because
the number of shoots influences the growth of cuttings associated with the
availability of food reserves. The number of shoots that grow, the number of leaves
also increases the availability of food reserves. In the process of photosynthesis to
produce carbohydrates with a lot of carbohydrate content produced, root formation
will also be faster. This is in accordance with the results of this study which showed
that the higher the plant height, the greater number of leaves, and the higher root
length in the treatment of 100% organic giberelin. The more number of segments
will cause an increase in carbohydrate content but a little nitrogen content, so that the
resulting cuttings will affect plant growth (Isrianto, 2017).
Other research regarding the effects of gibberellin on plant growth occur in
tomato plants. Based on the Duncan test at the 95% confidence level, it was shown
that the giberellin concentration was very effective in affecting plant height.
Treatment of 100 ppm (G3) can increase plant height by 42% compared to controls.
Whereas in the treatment of 75 ppm (G2), the plant height achieved was still lower
than the treatment of 50 ppm gibberellin (G1) which was 10%, but gibberellin 50
ppm (G2) was still lower than the giberellin 100 ppm (G1) which was equal to 4%.
Giberellin play a role in supporting cell extension, cambium activity. GA3 can
stimulate stem growth, increase cell enlargement and multiplication in plants, so
plants can reach maximum height. The increase in plant height will affect the growth
of stem diameter with tomatoes. Giberellin concentration is very effective in
increasing stem diameter. The highest stem diameter due to the application of
gibberellin concentrations was shown in 100 ppm (G3) treatment, with an increase of
18% compared to controls. The gibberellins encourage cell division because the
gibberellins stimulate cells in the G1 phase to enter the S phase, and because the
gibberellins also shorten the S phase. Increasing the number of cells causes faster
stem growth because each cell will grow. Vegetable growth can be measured in
addition to plant height, stem diameter can also be seen from the growth in the
number of leaves. Besides giberellin concentration is effective in influencing the
number of productive branches. The highest number of productive branches was
obtained at the giberelin 100 ppm (G3) concentration of 40.00 compared to the
control treatment (G0) 20.67, which was an increase in the number of productive
branches by 93% (Muhyidin et al., 2018).

A. Material
The tools that we used in this practical lab activity are Beaker glass,
analytical, measuring cup, sprayer, stationary, camera, and ruler.
The material that we used in this practical lab activity are Spinach
(Amaranthus viridis), Gibberellin (0, 20, 40, 60 ppm), and aquadest

B. Methods

A. Result

Table 4.1 Observation of The Influence of Gibberelins on Stem Elongation

in Spinach (Amaranthum sp.) Group 2
Week Concentration (ppm)
0 20 40 60
0 7,1 7,9 6,2 16,5
1 10,5 29,5 20 42
2 15,5 44 26,2 57

Table 4.2 Analyses of variance of The Influence of Gibberelins on Stem

Elongation in Spinach (Amaranthum sp.)
F table
Souce of 0, 0,
Diversity Db JK KT F Count 05 01
2483, 827,8 2,1 n 3, 5,
Treatment 3 538 458 99 s 24 29
6023, 376,4
Galat 16 628 768
Total 19 166
LSD 099
Description :
Ns : Not Significant
*: Significant
** : More Significant

Rata-Rata Penambahan Tinggi


Tanaman 40


0 ppm 20 ppm 40 ppm 60 ppm
Konsentrasi giberelin

Graphic 4.1 Number of Increasing Plant Height of Spinach (Amaranthum


Picture 4.1 Amaranthum sp. 0 week

Picture 4.2 Amaranthum sp. 2 week

B. Discussion

Based on the results of the practicum, it can be seen that giving of

gibberellin at certain concentrations has a non-significant effect on the
elongation of spinach plant stems. Spinach plants height treated with gibberellins
with certain concentrations produce Fhit <Ftab, which is Fhit 2.199, Ftab (0.05)
3.24 and Ftab (0.01) 5.29. The graph shows that the most influential
concentration on spinach stem extension is at concentrations of 20 and 60. This
is in accordance with the statement of Sundahri (2014), which states that the use
of the hormone gibberellin can increase plant height increase. The administration
of exogenous gibberellins can be effective if given according to the needs of
spinach plants. The application of the gibberellic hormone with a concentration
that is too low and low frequency is not effective as well as high concentrations
and high frequencies can inhibit the growth and production of spinach (Sundahri
et al., 2014).
The mechanism for the administration of gibberellin growth regulators will
also increase auxin in plants, because gibberellins are able to reduce damage to
IAA due to the enzyme IAA oxidase. The effect of gibberellins on cell extension
due to hydrolysis of starch produced by gibberellins will support the formation
of alpha amylase. Gibberellins work on genes by causing activation of certain
genes. The activated genes will form new enzymes that cause morphogenetic
changes (appearance / appearance of plants). Gibberellin basically promotes cell
division, especially in the shoot meristem, while IAA promotes cell
differentiation. The growth regulator substances encourage the formation of
wood tissue, but the activities are qualitatively different and quantitatively both
encourage maximum growth (Salisbury & Ross, 1992).
According to Gardner (1991), gibberellins are able to stimulate elongation
of stem segments through division and enlargement of stem cells so as to
stimulate stem bud lengthening, in cell division events, GA will stimulate G1
phase (cell growth phase before DNA is replicated) to quickly enter S phase (
cell growth phase when DNA is replicated) and shorten Phase S. GA will also
increase cell division in the meristematic area (for example in stem segments).
Cell division causes an increase in the number of cells in the stem, so that
the stem segment extends (Lakitan, 1996). Gibberellins can increase the
hydrolysis of starch, fructan, and sucrose into glucose and fructose molecules.
The hexose sugar provides energy through respiration which plays a role in cell
growth and decreases the water potential so that water moves in faster and
causes loosening. Cell loosening causes cell enlargement in the stem segments
so that it can accelerate the process of long shoot growth (Salisbury & Ross,
Gibberellins function synergistically (cooperate) with auxin. Giving
gibberellins to plants will increase the content of auxin through the formation of
proteolytic enzymes which will free tryptophan compounds as precursors. The
increase in auxin content will further inhibit the flower abscess process because
the auxin levels are low so it will age quickly and flower abscess zones form
which cause flowers to fall prematurely (Safitri & Aini, 2018).
According to Salisbury & Ross (1992), several functions of gibberellins in
plants are namely it breaks dormancy or barriers to plant growth so that plants
can grow normally (not stunted) by accelerating the process of cell division. It
increases flowering, spurs seed germination process, and also acts on cell
elongation. It also has role in the parthenocarp process, which is the process of
fruit formation which occurs without fertilization or fertilization.
Factors that influence the work of giberelin are giberelin concentration,
high concentration of gibberellins (up to 1000 ppm) can inhibit root formation.
While the gibberellins at low concentrations encourage adventitious root growth,
such as in the pea stem, and accelerate cleavage and cell growth until the plant
quickly becomes high. Long immersion factor, the long immersion factor in
gibberellin solution is related to giving an opportunity to gibberellin solution to
imbibition into seeds which will affect seed germination (Ashari, 1997).

A. Conclusion

Based on the practicum of the influence of gibberellins on the stem extension

that has been done, it can be concluded:
1. Gibberellin concentration does not significantly affect stimulating plant growth,
especially in stem extension.
2. Gibberelin or GA is one of the ZPT terpenoid group plants, which play a role not
only spur stem elongation, but also in the process of regulating plant development.
B. Sugession

The practical activity will be better if the students always remember the schedule
of watering the plant which used for the practical, note every addition of the plant

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