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UNIT 14.

Improvements: Putting Suggestions into Practice


14.1. Zero and First Conditionals

A. Match sentences (1 – 8) to (a – h).
1. If you don’t sit up straight, a. you won’t be able to see it properly.

2. Unless you adjust your computer screen, b. you should drink less coffee.

3. If you spend a lot of time sitting down, c. when I get home.

4. If you find it difficult to sleep, d. until all my muscles feel relaxed.

5. As soon as my neck starts feeling tense, e. make sure the office furniture is

6. I won’t stop the exercise

f. I lower my right ear to my shoulder and
hold it there for 10 seconds
7. Unless you sit on the ball straight and
tighten your abdominals,
g. your shoulders will start to ache.

8. I always do some stretching

h. you may lose your balance and slide off.

B. Which two sentences don’t have a comma in the middle? Why not?


14.2. Phrasal Verbs

A. Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions below.

up into with up of in over out

Business Elements 1-7

1. We need to look ____ the reasons for our decreasing sales.
2. The graphic designer came up ____ a brilliant idea for a new logo.
3. I was held ____ in the traffic for nearly three hours due to road works.
4. Summing ____, we plan to invest more money in new technologies and diversify our product range.
5. Someone needs to write a report on the problems we have had with late deliveries. Julie, can you
take care ____ that?
6. We need an expert in social media networks and that’s where Allie will come ____; she has a lot of
experience in that field.
7. Gustavo, when will you come ____ to the UK next?
8. We need to seek ____ new business opportunities abroad.

B. Use each phrasal verb to write a sentence of your own.

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________

14.3. Second Conditionals

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Second
1. I _______ (not go) to work by car if the public transport _______ (be) more reliable.
2. If I _______ (have) more time, I _______ (learn) another language.
3. If I _______ (not have) a laptop, I _______ (not can) work from home.
4. If people _______ (eat) less fast food they _______ (be) healthier.
5. You _______ (feel) better if you _______(drink) more water.

B. Complete the sentences with something that is true for you.

1. I would go abroad if … _______________________
2. If I could … , I would … _______________________
3. If I had a(n) …, I would/ could … _______________________
4. If I were famous, I … _______________________

Business Elements 2-7

5. If I won a holiday, I … _______________________

14.4. Remember and Remind
A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of remember or remind.
1. The teacher _______ the students that there would be a test on Wednesday.
2. _______ to switch off your mobile phone in class!
3. I _______ listening to my grandfather’s stories about when he was young.
4. My parents _______ me to do my homework every day.
5. Employees must _______ to turn off any equipment that is not being used.

B. Now write six sentences of your own, three with remember and three with remind.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________

14.5. Time Expressions and Modals

Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the box.

until before as soon as after when if may can should

1. ________ we get to school on Monday we won’t know the result of the exam.
2. If those headaches continue, you _______ see a doctor.
3. I always answer the phone ________it rings because that’s important for the company image.
4. If I save up a little more, I ________buy that new mobile phone.
5. If you finish that report, you ________go home early.
6. I always warm-up ________I do any exercise.
7. I’ll tell him ________I get to the office.

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8. ________I get up, I have a shower and get dressed.

14.6. Vocabulary in Context

A. Complete the sentences with one of the words from the box There are two extra words you don’t
need to use. Remember to put verbs in the right form.

warn carry out pilot(v) leak premises bully wellbeing guidelines lack of
hold oblige spy on tool posture

1. In the UK, not many people study foreign languages; as a result, there is a _______ employees who
can speak German, Spanish or Chinese.
2. The police _______ an investigation to find out which companies are involved in the tax fraud
3. No unauthorized persons are allowed on the _______.
4. The physiotherapist has taught me some exercises to improve my _______.
5. The secretary was dismissed for _______ confidential information to the press.
6. In the employee manual you can find useful _______ for dealing with customers and solving
problems with deliveries.
7. We _______ a workshop about Health and Safety next Tuesday.
8. The supervisor _______ the workers not to touch the machine because it was hot.
9. The company _______ male employees to wear a suit and tie.
10. They decided to move their son to another school as he _______ by a group of classmates.
11. We _______ currently _______ a new customer loyalty scheme.
12. Twitter can be a useful _______ when promoting a new product.

B. Use the two extra words to write your own example sentences.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________

14.7. A Report

Business Elements 4-7

A. Read the sections of a report about introducing regional representatives at MN Global Access Ltd.
and put them into a logical order.

Introduction Reasons For Introducing Representatives Setting Up the Scheme

Future Development Conclusions

Report on the Introduction of Regional Representatives at MN Global Access

1. __________
The aim of this report is to outline MN Global Access Ltd.’s new policy of appointing
regional representatives in strategic key cities around the world. The report will highlight
the reasons for introducing the scheme; it will also explain how the scheme will be set up
and piloted and how it will be developed in the future.

2. __________
The company directors have identified untapped potential for business development in
two key global regions: South America and Asia. Following meetings with key business
strategists in these regions, CEO Helena Downs and the company’s directors have decided
that having representatives in key cities in these regions will increase the company’s
ability to promote business and establish key links for sustainable growth.

3. __________
The scheme will be piloted initially in Buenos Aires for a period of six months. MN Global
Access Ltd. collaborator Gustavo Barrantes, will be appointed as the first regional
representative in South America. The company is also planning to pilot the scheme in Asia
and will appoint a representative in Mumbai in the next few weeks.

4. __________
The pilot schemes in Buenos Aires and Mumbai will be carefully monitored, and,
depending on the level of success, the scheme will be expanded within South America and
Asia; Mexico City and Beijing are cities where the company hopes to appoint regional
representatives in the short term. In the long term, MN Global Access Ltd. would like to
extend the scheme to other global regions such as the Middle East and Oceania.

5. __________
In conclusion, the scheme will be piloted on a trial basis for six months in South America
and Asia with regional representatives being appointed in Buenos Aires and Mumbai. It is
hoped that the scheme will be extended to key cities in both global regions in the short

Business Elements 5-7

term and to other key global regions in the medium term.

B. Now match a heading to each one.


14.8. English into Spanish

A. Translate these words into Spanish.
1. lack 2. pilot (vb)
3. posture 4. whose
5. venue 6. trial basis
7. guideline 8. untapped

B. Translate these sentences and expressions into Spanish.

1. Good morning everyone and thanks for attending.
2. What can we do about this?
3. Caroline thinks flexitime is a good idea.
4. Gustavo’s participating in the meeting by Skype.
5. Sorry to interrupt
6. That covers everything...

14.9. Spanish into English

A. Translate these words into English
1. bienestar 2. azafata / o
3. pasillo 4. proveedor
5. cañón 6. riesgo
7. guardarropa 8. luz de foco

B. Translate these sentences and expressions into English. Be careful, they all contain false friends or
words that are easily confused.
1. Mi padre recuerda pasar sus vacaciones en el pueblo de sus abuelos.
2. Mi madre me recordó que tenía cita con el dentista.
3. Diez empleados asistieron a la reunión con el gerente.
4. La enfermera asistió al cirujano durante la operación.

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5. La empresa está buscando un nuevo local en el centro.
6. La conferencia se celebrará en un hotel.

Business Elements 7-7

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