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Submitted to fulfil one of requirements of English course

Lecture by Dra. Nur Hasanah, M. Ed.

By :

Gelar Awal Nugraha 1606239

Class I-A




Title : World War I : The Impact Of War

Introduction :

World War I also known as the First World War, or the Great War, was a
global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November
1918. This war involves all the major world powers, which is divided into two
alliances contrary, the Entente (based Entente Three consisting of Britain, France,
and Russia) and the Central Powers (centered on the Triple Alliance which
consists of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy). World War I is the sixth
deadliest conflict in world history, making political changes such as revolutions in
some countries involved. (

Outline 1 : Discuss about Formal end of the war

Outline 2 : New National Identities

Outline 3 : Political and Economi Impact

Conclusion :

World War I ended with the victory of the Entente Block and defeat the
Central Block. The end of World War 1 was completed with the peace agreement.
War between the Entente Blocks and the Central Block cause many changes in the
world, from politics and economy of a country. many countries are trying to
bounce back to build the country into good. After the first world war is the
establishment of an organization called the League of Nations to create a peaceful

References :

1. Artikelsiana (2014), Sejarah Perang Dunia I: Latar Belakang,

Kronologis,Penyebab, Akibat. [online]. Available at
2. Wikipedia (2016), Perang Dunia I. .[Online].available at

3. Lee, Stephen J. (2000). European Dictatorships 1918-1945 .London

No. Outline Resources

1. Describe about Formal End Of The World War II (1947-1991)

- What makes the world

war I ended? sejarah-perang-dunia-i-latar-
- How the world war I belakang.html
ended ?

Discusses New National Identities

- which countries are
affected? ia_I#Identitas_nasional_baru

- which countries are

3. Discusses Political and Economi Impact

- What is the political

impacts ? sejarah-perang-dunia-i-latar-
- What is the economi belakang.html
impacts ?
Lee, Stephen J. European
Dictatorships 1918-1945 .London

Outline 1 :

Sesudah berlangsung hampir empat tahun, Perang Dunia I berakhir dengan

kekalahan di pihak Blok Sentral. Kekalahan perang pihak Blok Sentral
disebabkan oleh hal sebagai berikut....

a. Jumlah anggota Blok Sekutu lebih banyak (23 negara) sehingga dari segi
kekuatan pun lebih kuat,apalagi dengan masuknya Amerika Serikat.
b. Ada perpecahan di pihak Blok Sentral. Italia yang semula ikut Blok
Sentral, berbalik memusuhinya sebab menginginkan daerah-daerah yang
dikuasai Austria.
c. Terjadinya pemberontakan rakyat di negara anggota Blok Sentral yang
mulai bosan berperang dan tidak mau lagi mendukung pemerintahannnya.

Pemberontakan itu dipimpin kaum sosialis komunis yang meniru gerakan di

Rusia. Kaisar Frans Josef dari Austria dan Kaisar Wilhelm II dari Jerman dipaksa
turun takhta. Kekaisaran Jerman diubah menjadi republik dan menyerah kepada
Sekutu. (

Kemudian setelah gencatan senjatan keadaan perang formal antara kedua

pihak terus berlanjut selama tujuh bulan selanjutnya sampai penandatanganan
Perjanjian Versailles dengan Jerman pada tanggal 28 Juni 1919. Akan tetapi,
publik Amerika Serikat menolak ratifikasi perjanjian tersebut, terutama karena
Liga Bangsa-Bangsalah perjanjian tersebut dibuat; A.S. tidak mengakhiri secara
resmi keikutsertaannya dalam perang sampai Resolusi Knox-Porter
ditandatangani tahun 1921. Setelah Perjanjian Versailles, perjanjian dengan
Austria, Hongaria, Bulgaria, dan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah ditandatangani. Namun,
negosiasi perjanjian terakhir dengan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah diikuti oleh
perselisihan (Perang Kemerdekaan Turki), dan perjanjian damai terakhir antara
Blok Sekutu dan negara yang segera menjadi Republik Turki baru ditandatangani
pada tanggal 24 Juli 1923 di Lausanne.
Sejumlah tugu peringatan perang menyebut akhir perang adalah ketika
Perjanjian Versailles ditandatangani tahun 1919, yaitu ketika banyak tentara yang
berdinas di luar negeri akhirnya pulang ke negara masing-masing; sebaliknya,
banyak peringatan berakhirnya perang terpusat pada gencatan senjata tanggal 11
November 1918 . Secara hukum , perjanjian damai formal belum selesai sampai
ditandatanganinya perjanjian terakhir, yaitu Perjanjian Lausanne. Sesuai
ketentuannya, pasukan Sekutu keluar dari Konstantinopel tanggal 23 Agustus
1923. (

Outline 2 :

Polandia lahir kembali sebagai sebuah negara merdeka setelah lebih dari
satu abad. Sebagai "bangsa Entente kecil" dan negara dengan korban terbanyak
per kapita, Kerajaan Serbia dan dinastinya menjadi tulang belakang negara
multinasional baru, Kerajaan Serbia, Kroasia, dan Slovenia (kelak
bernama Yugoslavia). Cekoslovakia, menggabungkan Kerajaan Bohemia dengan
sebagian Kerajaan Hongaria, dan menjadi satu bangsa baru. Rusia menjadi Uni
Soviet dan kehilangan Finlandia, Estonia, Lituania, dan Latvia, yang menjadi
negara-negara merdeka. Kesultanan Utsmaniyah langsung digantikan oleh Turki
dan beberapa negara lain di Timur Tengah.

Di Imperium Britania, perang ini melepaskan bentuk baru nasionalisme.

Di Australia dan Selandia Baru, Pertempuran Gallipoli semakin terkenal sebagai
"Baptisme Perjuangan" negara-negara tersebut. Inilah perang besar pertama yang
melibatkan negara-negara yang baru berdiri, serta untuk pertama kalinya tentara
Australia berperang sebagai penduduk Australia, bukan subjek dari Kerajaan
Britania Raya. Hari Anzac memperingati Korps Angkatan Darat Australia dan
Selandia Baru dan merayakan momen-momen menentukan tersebut.

Setelah Pertempuran Vimy Ridge, tempat divisi Kanada berperang

bersama untuk pertama kalinya sebagai satu korps tunggal, warga Kanada mulai
menyebut diri mereka sebagia bangsa yang "ditempa dari api". Berhasil di medan
tempur yang sama tempat "negara induk" gagal sebelumnya, Kanada untuk
pertama kalinya dihormati secara internasional atas keberhasilan mereka sendiri.
Kanada memasuki perang dengan status Dominion Imperium Britania dan tetap
seperti itu, meski kelak bangkit dengan rasa kemerdekaan yang lebih
besar. Ketika Britania menyatakan perang pada tahun 1914, jajahan-jajahannya
otomatis juga ikut perang; pada akhirnya, Kanada, Australia, Selandia Baru, dan
Afrika Selatan menjadi penandatangan Perjanjian Versailles yang terpisah dari


Outline 3 :

Kehancuran yang lebih hebat dialami oleh Jerman dan sekutunya sebagai
negara yang kalah perang. Selama perang berlangsung, perekonomian Jerman
mengalami kehancuran. Tingkat inflasi membubung tinggi. Hasil keputusan
Perjanjian Versailles pada tahun 1919 yang mengakhiri peperangan terlampau
berat bagi Jerman. Jerman telah kehilangan seluruh daerah pusat industri, armada
kapal dagang, dan daerah koloni, serta masih harus membayar pampasan perang
dalam jumlah besar. (

Akibat kalah dalam Perang Dunia I, Kekaisaran Jerman dihapuskan dan diganti
republik dengan nama Republik Weimar. Republik baru itu harus menghadapi
berbagai kesulitan akibat Perang Dunia I. Di tengah kesulitan dan kesengsaraan
hidup. Adolft Hitler mengembangkan Naziisme yang meruakan ideologi Partai
Buruh Jerman, National Sozialitische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (NSDAP) yang
dapat juga disebut Partai Nazi. (

Turki juga sangat menderita akibat Perang Dunia I. Turki tidak lagi menjadi
negara beswar di Timur Tengah sebab daerah jajahannya diambil oleh negara lain.
Misalnya, Mesir, Palestina, Yordania, Irak dan Siprus diambil oleh Inggris;Syria
dan Libanon diambil oleh Prancis; Libia diambil oleh Italia.

Kesengsaraan, kemusnahan, dan kekacauan akibat Perang Dunia I juga

menimbulkan keinginan bangsa-bangsa di dunia untuk menciptakan perdamaian.
Menjelang akhir Perang Dunia I, Presiden Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) dari
Amerika Serikat mengusulkan 14 pasal perdamaian dunia. Konsep 14 pasal
perdamaian tersebut menjadi pendorong terbentuknya Liga Bangsa-Bangsa
(League of Nations). Keinginan menciptakan perdamaian dunia mengakibatkan
dibentuknya Liga Bangsa-Bangsa pada tahun 1919 yang berkedudukan di Jenewa,

From this approach, the First World War cleared the way for changes that
were already under way. These affected economies, societies and political trends.

The First World War may well have created the conditions for the
establishment of democratic regimess. But, at the same time it produced a series
of obtacles which these new democracies proved unable to surmount, which
particularly affected Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia; there was, from the
outset, a powerfull drive to revise them. Another obtacle reparations payment.
Even the destruction of the three empires had unintended side-effect. Some of the
new dictactorships which emerged between the wars were built upon the
mobilized masses and upon the ideologies which these autocracies had helped
restrain – especially communism and facism. It is arguable, therefore, that the war
cleared the way for 20th Century dictactorships by smashing nine-teenth-century
autocracies without providing a viable alternative ( Stephen,2000:9)


World War I also known as the First World War, or the Great War, was a
global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November
1918. This war involves all the major world powers, which was divided into two
alliances contrary, the Entente (based Entente Three consisting of Britain, France,
and Russia) and the Central Powers (centered on the Triple Alliance which
consists of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy). World War I is the sixth
deadliest conflict in world history, making political changes such as revolutions in
some countries involved (available at

After four years of war, World War I ended with a defeat for the Central
Powers. The defeat of the Central Powers are caused by Entente Block total
membership of more members (23 countries). There are problems on the part of
the Central Powers, Italy was joined the Central Powers, because Italy wants the
areas controlled by Austria. The revolt by the people in each country member of
the Central Powers were getting tired of war and no longer wanted to support his
government. The revolt was led by socialists communists. Frans Josef Emperor of
Austria and Wilhelm II Emperor of Germany was forced down. German Empire
transformed into a republic and surrendered to the Entente Block. Then after the
truce formal state of war between the two sides continued for seven months
thereafter until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany on June 28,
1919. However, the US public rejected the ratification of the agreement, mainly
because of the nation's intellectual League of Nations the agreement was made;
US. did not formally end its participation in the war to the Knox-Porter Resolution
was signed in 1921. After the Treaty of Versailles, the agreement with Austria,
Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire signed. However, the final agreement
negotiations with the Ottoman Empire was followed by strife (the Turkish
Independence War), and the final peace agreement between the Allies and the
Bloc country that soon became the new Turkish Republic was signed on July 24,
1923 in Lausanne (available at

Poland reemerged as an independent country, after more than a century.

The Kingdom of Serbia and its dynasty, as a "minor Entente nation" and the
country with the most casualties per capita,became the backbone of a new
multinational state, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later renamed
Yugoslavia. Czechoslovakia, combining the Kingdom of Bohemia with parts of
the Kingdom of Hungary, became a new nation. Russia became the Soviet Union
and lost Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, which became independent
countries. The Ottoman Empire was soon replaced by Turkey and several other
countries in the Middle East. In the British Empire, the war unleashed new forms
of nationalism. In Australia and New Zealand the Battle of Gallipoli became
known as those nations' "Baptism of Fire". It was the first major war in which the
newly established countries fought, and it was one of the first times that
Australian troops fought as Australians, not just subjects of the British Crown.
Anzac Day, commemorating the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps,
celebrates this defining moment. After the Battle of Vimy Ridge, where the
Canadian divisions fought together for the first time as a single corps, Canadians
began to refer to theirs as a nation "forged from fire".Having succeeded on the
same battleground where the "mother countries" had previously faltered, they
were for the first time respected internationally for their own accomplishments.
Canada entered the war as a Dominion of the British Empire and remained so,
although it emerged with a greater measure of independence. When Britain
declared war in 1914, the dominions were automatically at war; at the conclusion,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa were individual signatories of
the Treaty of Versailles(available at

From this approach, the First World War cleared the way for changes that
were already under way. These affected economies, societies and political trends.

The First World War may well have created the conditions for the
establishment of democratic regimess. But, at the same time it produced a series
of obtacles which these new democracies proved unable to surmount, which
particularly affected Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia; there was, from the
outset, a powerfull drive to revise them. Another obtacle reparations payment.
Even the destruction of the three empires had unintended side-effect. Some of the
new dictactorships which emerged between the wars were built upon the
mobilized masses and upon the ideologies which these autocracies had helped
restrain – especially communism and facism. Was arguable, therefore, that the
war cleared the way for 20th Century dictactorships by smashing nine-teenth-
century autocracies without providing a viable alternative (Lee,2000:9).

References :



3. Lee, Stephen J. (2000). European Dictatorships 1918-1945 .London

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