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Progress test 9 – How it’s done 1

Progress test 9 – How it’s done 1

1   Verbs with adverbs and prepositions 1 3   Organising a description
Circle the correct words. Then write 1, 2 or 3 to Replace the underlined words with words from the
show which pattern the verb follows. box.

1 verb / object / preposition / object begin  it  explain  once  earlier  after
2 verb / preposition / object
3 verb / object / adverb Example: First of all, you need to boil the potatoes.
To begin with, you need to boil the potatoes.
Example: The operator pours ink into / from / up the
printing press. Pattern 1 1 What happens next is, you fry the onions and garlic.
that, you fry the onions and garlic.
1 They emerged from / to / out the building the next
2 I’ll come back to that later.
day. Pattern
I’ll that in a minute.
2 I’ve put some paper into / to / up the printer.
3 You remember I told you about how to choose a
good olive oil?
3 Don’t forget to pick the sandwiches through / up /
I mentioned how to choose a good
over later. Pattern
olive oil.
4 The products move from / into / along a conveyor
4 And that’s the whole process. All you need to know.
belt. Pattern
And that’s  . All you need to know.
5 You should always cut the top down / off / over first.
5 When you’ve done that, you need to drain the
that’s done, you need to drain the
2   Verbs with adverbs and prepositions 2 vegetables.

Rewrite the sentences, adding the preposition in /5

brackets in the correct place.
4   Describing responsibilities
Example: All the lights are on. Please turn them. (off)
All the lights are on. Please turn them off. Complete the sentences with the missing word.
Example: I’ve recently taken on the role of secretary for
1 I can’t collect the kids today, so could you pick them
our local Greenpeace group.
after school? (up)
1 I enjoy being charge of fundraising for

2 I’ll never get all this work before the end of the day. our charity events.

(through) 2 It’s to the group’s treasurer to keep the

accounts in order.

3 Can you put your thoughts writing? (in) 3 I can’t be responsible everyone’s


4 The police are looking the crime as we speak. (into) 4 At the end of the day, we’re accountable

the shareholders.

5 Try not to make such a mess when you pour the milk 5 Our boss reports the board of

the saucepan! (into) directors.



English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011
Progress test 9 – How it’s done 2

5   Describing roles 1 Hans worked his way the corporate

ladder and is now CEO.
Complete the missing words in this text.
2 It’s gradually getting warmer. Spring is definitely
Sasha has many roles. To make money, she works 0as the way.
a freelance writer. She also 1d to many 3 Could you move your suitcase please? It’s
charities and has recently taken on the 2r of the way.
secretary for a local walking group, where she plays an 4 You always go your way to
active 3p in organising fundraising walks. make me feel at home and I really do appreciate it.
She is also a keen 4s of Chelsea Football 5 You can call or email, but way, you’ll
Club and is an enthusiastic 5m of the have to do something soon.
Supporters’ Club, following the team all over the country.

6   Organising a talk EXPLORE SPEAKING

Complete the text with the phrases in the box. 8   Checking that people understand; adding more
details; asking people to clarify or repeat things
So, that’s it as far as  So, we’ve talked about
Circle the correct phrase.
I’d like to say something about  Let’s begin with
Let’s move on  I’ll be looking at Mum Can you help me make a cake for Dad’s birthday?
Brad 0What I mean is make a cake. /
Good morning and welcome to this seminar on When you say make a cake …
Mum I mean we’re going to bake one together.
balanced living. 0I’ll be looking at three main areas:
Brad So, what do you want me to do?
food, exercise and positive attitude. 1 Mum Put the sugar and eggs into a bowl and beat
food. Nutrition is immensely important in helping us to them. 1Can you run that past me again? / Is that
live a balanced life and I’d like you to take some time clear?
to write down what you eat in a typical day. … While Brad Not really. When you say beat them, 2do you
mean / do you see you want me to use a fork?
you’re doing that, 2
Mum A wooden spoon would be better. When you’ve
exercise. I know it’s hard to find time during our busy done that, can you add the flour and dried
lives, but just 20 minutes a day can reduce the risk fruits?
of so many diseases … 3 exercise is Brad What? 3Can you run that past me again? / Am I
4 making any sense?
concerned. to positive attitude,
Mum 4What I mean is / Sorry, did you say you need to
which is perhaps the most important part of my talk beat the eggs and sugar until they look creamy
today. … 5 these and then put in some flour and dried fruit. 5Am
factors in some detail and now it’s just up to you to I making any sense? / Can you go over that
use what you’ve learned today. Thank you for
Brad OK, now I’ve got it!
coming along.
7   way = route
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
Example: I don’t really want to go there. It’s completely
out of the way.

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011

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