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Category Question

Female reproductive system. Which of the following is the true female pelvis?
Female reproductive system. What is the function of the vagina?
Female reproductive system. The hormone responsible for the development of the ovum
Female reproductive system. Which principal factor causes vaginal pH to be acidic?
Female reproductive system. The inanimate bone of the pelvis is not composed of the:
Female reproductive system. Which does not refer to the transverse diameter of the pel
Female reproductive system. Which pelvic shape has the poorest prognosis for vaginal
Female reproductive system. The two pubic bones meet anteriorly at the:
Female reproductive system. The cardinal function of deciduas is
Female reproductive system. The frenulum and prepuce of the clitoris are formed by th
Female reproductive system. During which of the following phase of the menstrual cycle i
Female reproductive system. The uterus is a hollow, muscular and ………….shaped organ
Female reproductive system. The cervix projects into the vagina & is divided into
Female reproductive system. …………….is the mucos coat of the uterus.
Female reproductive system. The clitoris: corresponding to the ………….in male.
Female reproductive system. The hormone responsible for the maturation of the graafian
Female reproductive system. The lower uterine segment is formed from the
Female reproductive system. Female sex organs that produce ova or eggs.
Female reproductive system. The tiny female sex cell that unites with a male sperm to f
Female reproductive system. This connects the ovary to the uterus.
Female reproductive system. A sac-shaped like an upside-down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area wher
Female reproductive system. The shedding of the lining of the uterus along with some
Female reproductive system. The opening to the uterus.
Female reproductive system. Also called the mammary gland, two of these are located
Female reproductive system. When menstruation ends in middle age.
Female reproductive system. Also called the birth canal, this is a muscular passageway
Female reproductive system. The fleshy outer part of the female reproductive system w
Female reproductive system. On which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation typically take place?
The maternal part of the placenta froms from:
Female reproductive system.
Female reproductive system. Thecal cells produce:
Female reproductive system. Parts of the female reproductive organs are integral to:
Female reproductive system. The following are the internal organs of the female repro
Female reproductive system. The membranous walls of the vagina that form folds are c
Female reproductive system. The oocyte is enclosed by a membrane called:
Female reproductive system. Eggs are produced in the
Female reproductive system. The time in a woman’s life when menstruation usually no
Female reproductive system. Where in the female reproductive system will you find th
Female reproductive system. This usually occurs between days 13 and 15 of the menstru
Female reproductive system. Fertilisation takes place in the
After fertilisation the zygote increases in size and travels down the Fallopian tube to become e
Female reproductive system. This process is known as
Female reproductive system. Which of the following ligaments anchors the ovary to the
Female reproductive system. Which of the following ligaments assists in anchoring the
Female reproductive system. The __________ ligament anchors the ovary to the uterine
Female reproductive system. Successful fertilization of the egg normally occurs in the
Female reproductive system. After an egg is fertilized, it will implant in the _________
Female reproductive system. During menstruation a portion of the endometrial lining i
Female reproductive system. Each breast consists of __________.
Female reproductive system. When the myoepithelial cells contract, milk is forced from
Female reproductive system. Which of the following hormones is involved in the deve
Female reproductive system. After an egg is ovulated, the remaining follicular mass is
Female reproductive system. Progesterone is secreted by
Female reproductive system. Endometrium is the linning of the
Female reproductive system. What is the inner lining of the uterus called?
Female reproductive system. Which one of the followings secretes the gonadotropic
Female reproductive system. The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also
Female reproductive system. Where do the female gonads (paired ovaries) lie?
Female reproductive system. These are the major female sex organs that produce ova or
Female reproductive system. When menstruation ends in middle age.
Female reproductive system. A sac-shaped like an upside-down pear with a thick lining
Female reproductive system. This connects the ovary to the uterus.
Female reproductive system. Also called the birth canal, this is a muscular passageway
Female reproductive system. Myometrium' is middle layer of the
Female reproductive system. In human female, number of ovaries is;
Female reproductive system. What are the three main layers of the uterine wall?
Female reproductive system. The secretory phase follows which phase of the uterine cy
Female reproductive system. What happens to the egg if it is not fertilized?
Female reproductive system. Which hormone(s) travels to the uterus to stimulate tissue
Female reproductive system. The purpose of the vestibular glands is to:
Female reproductive system. An individual with Down syndrome ends up with one extra
Female reproductive system. The sex of a new individual is determined:
Female reproductive system. The structures that draw an ovulated egg into the female
Female reproductive system. Human eggs and sperm are similar in that:
Female reproductive system. "Hot flashes," osteoporosis, and increased risk of heart at
Female reproductive system. The usual site of embryo implantation is:
Female reproductive system. The sex of a child is determined by:
The embryo is directly enclosed in and protected by
Female reproductive system.
Female reproductive system. Female gonads are the
Female reproductive system. Meiosis results in _____________
Female reproductive system. The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogene
Female reproductive system. The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the
Female reproductive system. The primary function of the uterus is to
Female reproductive system. Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine glan
Female reproductive system. Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced by
Female reproductive system. Sertoli cells are found in
Female reproductive system. The signals for parturition originate from
Female reproductive system. The internal reproductive organs are:
Female reproductive system. what is the process of releasing of eggs from the ovaries c
Female reproductive system. The other name of uterus is?
Female reproductive system. Which part of the feemale reproductive system is also kno
Female reproductive system. Which part of the feemale reproductive system is also kno
Female reproductive system. Which is the canal that joins the lower part of the uterus
Female reproductive system. Birth canal is also known as:
Female reproductive system. What is the average duration of the menstrual cycle?
Female reproductive system. Which phase of the menstrual cycle begins right after ovu
Female reproductive system. What day of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle is a woman li
Female reproductive system. The egg can be fertilized until about _______ after ovulati
Female reproductive system. The hormone responsible for the maturation of the graafian
Female reproductive system. The uterine tubes are measured about______________
Female reproductive system. Discoloration of the anterior vaginal wall due to vascula
Female reproductive system. Which is the most common type of female pelvis?
Female reproductive system. The right ovarian vein empties into which of the following
When teaching a group of adolescents about variations in the length of the menstrual cycle, t
Female reproductive system.
When performing a pelvic examination, the nurse observes a red swollen area on the right sid
Female reproductive system.
Female reproductive system. When teaching a group of adolescents about variations in
Female reproductive system. Amenorrhoes is …
Female reproductive system. Which stage of the menstrual cycle remains fairly constant
Female reproductive system.
Female reproductive system. Which hormone causes the maturation of an immature graa
Female reproductive system. Regarding the anatomy and function of the cervix, which o
Female reproductive system. Regarding the anatomy and function of the ovaries, identi
Female reproductive system. Which of the following investigations are used to determin
Female reproductive system. The shortest distance between the sacral promontory and t
Female reproductive system. Organogenesis is complete at:
Antepartum When will a pregnant mother generally feel the first mov
Antepartum A pregnant female undergoes aspiration of her amnotic flu
Antepartum The average length of the umbilical cord in human is:
Antepartum According to Diane, her LMP is November 15, 2002, using
Antepartum Demi, a 38 y/o multipara is admitted with a tentative dia
Antepartum Rachel, a diabetic woman at 36 weeks gestation is schedule
Antepartum Diane wants to know how many fetal movements per hour i
Antepartum O2 and Co2 are exchanged in the placenta through the pro
Antepartum Mr. and Mrs. Cremasteric arrive at the clinic for their fir
Antepartum When Umbilical cord is inserted at the edge of the placent
Antepartum How many trimisters does a full term pregnancy devided i
Antepartum How many months is 27 weeks pregnant?
Antepartum Stages of Development of the Fetus in right sequense.
The normal range of foetal heart rates is:
Antepartum The ideal sleeping position for pregnant women is
Antepartum During the process of fertilization of an oocyte, what func
Antepartum Which of the following should a woman avoid while she i
Antepartum Which of the following is a procedure used to analyze amnio
Antepartum Which of the following is similar to amniocentesis in its u
Antepartum Good parenting begins with learning about one's pregnancy.
Antepartum organogenesis is complete at:
Antepartum Braxton-Hicks refers to
Antepartum The hormone responsible for a positive pregnancy test is:
Antepartum Which of the following is a positive sign of pregnancy?
Antepartum What event occurring in the second trimester helps the
Antepartum The expected weight gain in a normal pregnancy during the
Antepartum The following are ways of determining expected date of
Antepartum Kegel’s exercise is done in pregnancy in order to
Antepartum Pelvic rocking is an appropriate exercise in pregnancy to
Antepartum The nursing intervention to relieve “morning sickness” in
Antepartum The common normal site of nidation/implantation in the u
Antepartum When a pregnant woman experiences leg cramps, the correc
Antepartum To prevent preterm labor from progressing, drugs are usua
Antepartum Which of the following is TRUE in Rh incompatibility?
Which of the following are the functions of amniotic fluid? 1.Cushions the fetus from abdomin
Antepartum The nursing measure to relieve fetal distress due to mater
Antepartum Upon assessment the nurse found the following: fundus at
Antepartum You performed the leopold's maneuver and found the followi
Antepartum If the LMP is Jan. 30, the expected date of delivery (EDD) i
Antepartum In which of the following conditions can the causative age
Antepartum Shoes with low, broad heels, plus a good posture will pre
Antepartum Which of the following signs and symptoms will most likel
Antepartum Fetal heart activity can be seen in
Antepartum Decidual cells (E3) produced?
where is estriol
Antepartum how many days after fertilsation does the ovum implant?
Antepartum during pregnancy the GFR
Antepartum progesterone receptor antagonist (mifepristone) is used to
Antepartum For first trimester diagnosis of Down Syndrome which of th
Antepartum Which vaccination is not safe in pregnancy?
Antepartum Fetal fibronectin
Antepartum An iron supplement
A registered is prescribed
nurse reaches for athe
to answer pregnant client.
telephone on The
a busy pediatric unit, momentarily tur
Antepartum Beri beri is caused by the deficiency of which Vitamin?
Antepartum Infection that occurs during pregnancy is very compromis
Antepartum The main reason for an expected increased need for iron i
Antepartum What is the most IMPORTANT determinant of fetal maturity
Antepartum A woman in her third trimester complains of severe heart
Antepartum Ballottement
Antepartum Braxton Hicks contractions
Antepartum Chadwick's sign
Antepartum Goodell's sign
Antepartum Quickening
Antepartum Hegar's sign
Antepartum Placenta previa
Antepartum Abruptio placenta
Antepartum Which of the following is described as premature separat
Antepartum The client istells
A woman seentheinnurse that herclinic
the prenatal last menstrual period
and complains of morning sickness. Which self care me
Antepartum Which of the following would the nurse assess in a client
Antepartum When taking an obstetrical history on a pregnant client wh
Antepartum The hormone responsible for a positive pregnancy test is:
Antepartum Before birth, which
To differentiate as a of the following
female, structures
the hormonal connects
stimulation ofthe
the embryo that must occur involves
Antepartum A pregnant client states that she “waddles” when she walk
Antepartum Which of the following would the nurse identify as a classi
Antepartum Which of the
Heartburn andfollowing would
flatulence, cause in
common a false-positive result are most likely the result of which
the second trimester,
Antepartum Which of the following prenatal laboratory test values wou
Antepartum During which of the following would the focus of classes
Antepartum FHR can be auscultated with a fetoscope as early as which
Antepartum Cervical softening and uterine souffle are classified as whi
Antepartum Betina 30 weeks AOG discharged with a diagnosis of place
Antepartum Nurse Geli explains to the client who is 33 weeks pregnant
Antepartum Mrs. Jimenez went to the health center for pre-natal che
Antepartum Which of the following urinary symptoms does the pregnan
Antepartum Which
Which of
of the
the following
following danger
refers tosings shouldcell
the single be that
reproduces itself after conception?
Antepartum When developing a plan of care for a client newly diagnose
Antepartum Which of the following common emotional reactions to pre
Antepartum Which of the following statements best describes hypere
Antepartum On which
Which of the
of the following
following areas
would thewould
nursethe nurseas
identify expect
a presumptive sign of pregnancy?
Antepartum When talking with a pregnant client who is experiencing ac
Antepartum A primigravida
The clientisatreviewing
nurse in charge about 35aweeks gestation
patient’s in acti
prenatal history. Which finding indicates a genetic
Antepartum The uterus has already risen out of the pelvis and is experiencing farther into the abdominal a
Antepartum When preparing to listen to the fetal heart rate at 12 wee
Antepartum During a antenatal class, the nurse explains the rational
Antepartum Which of the following would be the priority nursing diagn
Antepartum A client at 8 weeks’ gestation calls complaining of slight
Antepartum The nurse documents positive ballottement in the client’s
Antepartum Which of the following would the nurse use as the basis
Antepartum When measuring a client’s fundal height, which of the f
Antepartum During
A clientawith
pelvic exampreeclampsia
severe the nurse notes a purple-blue
is admitted tinge
with of o
BP 160/110, proteinuria, and severe pitti
Antepartum When describing dizygotic twins to a couple, on which of
Antepartum When
When measuring a client’s
administering fundalsulfate
magnesium height,towhich of the
a client withf preeclampsia, the nurse understands
Antepartum A client who’s 36 weeks pregnant comes to the clinic for a prenatal checkup. To assess the clie
Antepartum A client makes a routine visit to the prenatal clinic. Alt
Antepartum A client, 30 weeks pregnant, is scheduled for a biophysical
Antepartum When assessing a client during her first prenatal visit, t
Antepartum A client at 24 weeks gestation has gained 6 pounds in 4 w
Antepartum Which of the following would be the nurse’s most appropr
Antepartum When assessing the adequacy of sperm for conception to oc
Antepartum Excessive vomiting in early pregnancy is known as:
Antepartum The term fetus is defined as:
Antepartum The number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardles
Antepartum LNMP stands for:
Antepartum What is the lining of the uterus called during pregnancy?
Antepartum By how much does the body cells need for oxygen increas
Antepartum Which of the following statements is true of the fetal circ
Antepartum Which of the following statements is true of antenatal s
Antepartum A twin pregnancy is identified at 12 weeks' gestation on a
Antepartum Which one of the following pregnancies carries the highes
Antepartum With regard to maternal medical disorders, which of the
Antepartum Which of the following is derived form mesoderm?
Antepartum Which of the following is not a part of conceptus?
Antepartum Perception of fetal movement by multigravida pregnant
Antepartum Which of the following is a characteristic posture of preg
Antepartum Which of the following is false regarding PRE-EXISTING
Antepartum Which of the following is the least likely physiological ch
Antepartum After delivery of a term infant with Apgar scores of 2 at 1
Antepartum Which period of gestation does the 1st trimester represen
Antepartum At what stage of gestation would you expect a nulliparou
Antepartum Which of the following are complications of induction?
Antepartum Which of the following need to be present for a women t
Antepartum Which period of gestation does the 2nd trimester represe
Antepartum Which of the following are risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
Antepartum Which period of gestation does the 3rd trimester represe
Antepartum At 12 weeks gestation where would you expect to feel the
Antepartum Which of the following is thought to be a cause of hyper
Antepartum Which of the following methods is the correct way to calc
Antepartum Your patient has underwent testing of her blood type and
Antepartum A patient is wanting to become pregnant and has underwent
Antepartum A patient is the third trimester of her pregnancy states s
Antepartum Your patient is suffering from constipation and is 8 mont
Antepartum A patient in the early stages of pregnancy is suffering fr
Antepartum A patient is having an abdominal ultrasound to assess feta
Antepartum A patient who is 8 1/2 months pregnant tells you she has
Antepartum A patient is undergoing an amniocentesis. Which statemen
Antepartum A pregnant patient has a nonstress test performed. The res
Antepartum A patient who is 35 weeks pregnant states she thinks her "w
Antepartum Which statement by the patient (who is 5'5 127 lbs) woul
Antepartum A patient tells you her last menstrual period was Septemb
Antepartum You are doing an assessment on a female patient. She tells
Antepartum During an assessment of a pregnant patient (who is 20 we
Antepartum Your patient who is 17 weeks pregnant describes to you
Antepartum Which of the following is a probable sign of pregnancy?
Intrapartum Ripening of the cervix occurs during the:
Intrapartum In what presentation is the head in extreme flexion?
Intrapartum Which of the following factors is the underlying cause of
Intrapartum In face presentation the dominator is
Intrapartum When the fetal head is at the level of the ischial spine, it i
Intrapartum Which is a primary power of labor?
Intrapartum In the second stage of labor, uterine contraction last
Intrapartum The time between uterine contractions is
Intrapartum Because of the position of the fetus, an episiotomy has to
Intrapartum How many stages of labor are there?
Intrapartum Low birth weight is due to a number of factors including:
Intrapartum How many centimetres must the cervix dilute to before a
Intrapartum The term "effleurage" refers to _____________ in the Lam
Intrapartum The primary power involved in labor and delivery is
Intrapartum When the shiny portion of the placenta comes out first, th
Intrapartum When the baby’s head is out, the immediate action of the
Intrapartum The fetal heart beat should be monitored every 15 minutes d
Intrapartum In vaginal delivery done in the hospital setting, the docto
Intrapartum In the Philippines, if a nurse performs abortion on the mot
Intrapartum When the bag of waters ruptures spontaneously, the nurse sh
Intrapartum In a gravido-cardiac mother, the first 2 hours postpartum (4
Intrapartum At what stage of labor and delivery does a primigravida di
Intrapartum When delivering
The placenta the be
should baby’s head the
delivered nurse within
normally supports
___the mo after the delivery of the baby.
Intrapartum The following
3.Cranial are types
hematoma of breech
in the fetus presentation EXCEPT:
Intrapartum 4.Fetal anoxia
Intrapartum When giving narcotic analgesics to mother in labor, the spe
Intrapartum Upon assessment, the nurse got the following findings: 2
Intrapartum Diameter of engagement in brow presentation is
Intrapartum Which type of fracture is most common in the newborn?
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client in labor. The nurse determin
Intrapartum A nurse in the labor room is caring for a client in the acti
Intrapartum A nurse is performing an assessment of a client who is sc
Intrapartum A client in labor is transported to the delivery room and is
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client in labor and prepares to aus
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client in labor who is receiving Pi
Intrapartum A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor. The phy
Intrapartum A nurse is monitoring a client in active labor and notes t
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client in labor and is monitoring t
Intrapartum A nurseofisthe
Which admitting a pregnant
following clientinitial
is the nurse's to theaction
labor when
room umbilical
a cord prolapse occurs?
Intrapartum A client in the 28th week of gestation comes to the emerg
Intrapartum During which of the following stages of labor would the n
Intrapartum A client in the active phase of labor has a reactive fetal
Intrapartum Immediately before expulsion, which of the following car
Intrapartum Which of the following characteristics of contractions woul
Intrapartum Which of the following nursing interventions would the nu
Intrapartum A client with gravida 3 para 2 at 40 weeks' gestation is a
Intrapartum Which of the following best describes preterm labor?
Intrapartum When uterine rupture occurs, which of the following would
Intrapartum Which of the following may happen if the uterus becomes
Intrapartum A client asks the nurse what a third degree laceration is.
Intrapartum After 4 hours of active labor, the nurse notes that the con
Intrapartum A patient
The nurseisunderstands
in labor andthat
has the
told is
shein has a bree
which of the following positions with a face pr
Intrapartum When preparing a client for cesarean delivery, which of
Intrapartum While caring for
Accompanied byaher
husband, aclient in early
patient seekslabor in a b to the labor and delivery area. The c
Intrapartum A patient is in the second stage of labor. During this stag
Intrapartum A client has a midpelvic contracture from a previous pelvi
Intrapartum When PROM occurs, which of the following provides eviden
Intrapartum A client who’s admitted to labor and delivery has the foll
Intrapartum After completing a second vaginal examination of a client i
Intrapartum A multigravida at 38 weeks’ gestation is admitted with pa
Intrapartum Immediately after birth the nurse notes the following on a
Intrapartum In the late 1950s, consumers and health care professional
Intrapartum When preparing a client for cesarean delivery, which of
Intrapartum A uterine
Labour contraction
is defined as: is:
Intrapartum Parity is defined as
Intrapartum Where is oxytocin produced?
Intrapartum At full term
Which theare
vessels placenta weights
found the whatcord?
umbilical fraction of the feta
Intrapartum A female baby is born at 24+1 weeks' gestation and has a
Intrapartum A mother gives birth to twins at 37 weeks. Twin 1 (male)
Intrapartum When fetal surface of the placenta presents a central dep
Intrapartum Which of the following statements describe the first stage
Intrapartum Which of the following is a prostaglandin commonly used
Intrapartum Which of the following statements describes the second st
Intrapartum Which of the following statements describes the third stag
Intrapartum What is "labor", also sometimes referred to as "childbirth
Intrapartum What is it called when the baby's head becomes visible at
Intrapartum How many stages of labor are there?
Intrapartum In which year was the first successful Caesarean section
Intrapartum In which year was the Pfannenstiel incision introduced?
Intrapartum When is a caesarean section performed?
Intrapartum Where in Africa was the first successful Caesarean performed?
Intrapartum Who carried out the first successful Caesarean by an Euro
Intrapartum Who introduced the uterine suturing in 1882?
Intrapartum Who performed a successful Caesarean section on herself
Intrapartum Stage 1 of labor includes which phases in the correct orde
Intrapartum Stage 2 of labor begins with the delivery of the baby and
Intrapartum In stage 1 of labor, during the active phase, the cervix dila
Intrapartum What statement is FALSE about the transition phase of sta
Intrapartum Your laboring patient has transitioned to stage 2 of labor
Intrapartum The mother has delivered the placenta. You note that the s
Intrapartum After birth, where do you expect to assess fundal height?
Intrapartum During stage 3 of labor, you note a gush of blood and tha
Postpartum Postpartum depression occurs during which time frame?
Postpartum Fever, foul lochial discharge and subinvolution of the uteru
Postpartum Erica gave birth to a term baby with yellowish skin and sc
Postpartum Types of lochia
Postpartum Which of the following is the cause of postpartum haemo
Postpartum What is the definition of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)?
Postpartum The period of puerperium is
Postpartum Which is the first discharge after delivery, Composed of
Postpartum Breast feeding should be initiated with in how many hour
Postpartum Breast feeding should be initiated with in how many hour
Postpartum A doula is:
Postpartum Which is the most important hormone your body uses to
Postpartum The milk made by the body in the first days after birth has
Postpartum How can you tell if your baby is getting enough milk when
Postpartum How many extra calories a day should you eat when breas
Postpartum Jaundice due to Rh incompatibility appears in newborn at
Postpartum The maximum capacity of Bukri balloon used in PPH is
Postpartum A nurse is administering a shot of Vitamin K to a 30 day-ol
Postpartum Which type of fracture is most common in the newborn?
Postpartum Which of the following actions demonstrates the nurse’s
Postpartum The mother asks the nurse. “What’s wrong with my son’s b
Postpartum Which of the following when present in the urine may cau
Which of the following situations would alert you to a potentially developmental problem wit
Postpartum During the first hours following delivery, the post partum
Postpartum Which of the following is the most appropriate interventio
Before assessing the postpartum client’s uterus for firmness and position in relation to the um
Postpartum Which of the following would be disadvantage of breast f
Postpartum Which of the following amounts of blood loss following b
Postpartum Which change would the nurse identify as a progressive p
Postpartum Which of the following would be inappropriate to assess i
Postpartum Following a precipitous delivery, examination of the client
Which is true regarding the fontanels of the newborn?
Postpartum Nurse Luis is assessing the newborn’s heart rate. Which o
Postpartum The postterm neonate with meconium-stained amniotic flui
Postpartum A newborn who has an asymmetrical Moro reflex response
Postpartum The amniotic fluid of a client
thea nurse
greenish tint. The nurs
Which of the following do when a primipara who is lactating tells the nurse t
Postpartum The nurse hears
A postpartum a motherasks
primipara telling
the anurse,
on thecan
we have sexual intercourse again?” Which
Postpartum A newborn
The weighingthe
nurse assesses 3000 grams and
postpartum feeding
vaginal every 4 (lochia)
discharge hours on four clients. Which of the fol
Postpartum Immediately aftera birth
When preparing woman thewho
is 2notes
daysthe followingfor
postpartum ondischarge,
a recommendations for whic
Postpartum When preparing to administer the vitamin K injection to a
Postpartum When preparing a teaching plan for a client who is to rece
Postpartum While assessing a primipara during the immediate postpart
Postpartum A postpartum
The clientthe
nurse assesses hasvital
a temperature of 101.4ºF,
signs of a client, with
4 hours’ a uterus that
postpartum thatisare
tender when palpated
as follows: BP 90/6
Postpartum Which of the following is the priority focus of nursing practice with the current early postpartu
Postpartum Which one of the following factors does NOT decrease the
Postpartum Which one of the following is NOT the role of a Perinatal
Postpartum Which one of the following does NOT increase the rate of
Postpartum Which of the following are causes of postpartum haemor
Postpartum What is the definition of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)?
Postpartum What is the most common cause of postpartum haemorr
Postpartum What does asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction
Postpartum You're performing a routine assessment on a mother post-de
Family plannng A woman using diaphragm for contraception should be instru
Family plannng What do male condoms offer that other forms of birth con
Family plannng Besides the condom, which is another barrier method of b
Family plannng Which of these is a possible side effect of birth control pil
Family plannng How long is the vaginal ring left in place?
Family plannng Which of these methods of sterilization is permanent?
Family plannng Which of the following methods of contraception would b
Family plannng Which of the following method has an expected failure rat
Family plannng What is the spontaneous expulsion rate for the IUD during
Family plannng Which of the following is the barrier method of contracep
Family plannng A couple who wants to conceive but has been unsuccessful
Family plannng When teaching
For which of theafollowing
client about contraception.
clients Whichexpect
would the nurse of thethat an intrauterine device would no
Family plannng For the client who is using oral contraceptives, the nurse informs the client about the need to
Family plannng
Family plannng How likely do Men and women have fertility problems.
Family plannng _____________ is a major factor for infertility in women.
Family plannng Women who are trying to conceive should boost their in
Family plannng Which sexually transmitted disease can result in infertili
Family plannng If a couple is infertile, this means the couple...
Family plannng A 35-year-old woman is considered infertile after ____ of
Family plannng A couple with one child had been trying, without success
Family plannng The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence definiti
Family plannng The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990:
Family plannng In English jurisdiction the woman who gives birth to an inf
Family plannng Lawful storage of gametes and embryos requires 'effective
Family plannng Evans v. Amicus Healthcare Ltd [2004] is authority for the
Family plannng Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is:
Family plannng The practice of surrogacy, defined as the practice whereby
Family plannng The case of Yearworth v North Bristol NHS Trust [2009] is a
Family plannng In the context of posthumous use of sperm for infertility
Family plannng Which statement is incorrect regarding pre-implantation ge
Family plannng Fertility in women is impaired by
Family plannng The reduction of the hormone testosterone in males is as
Family plannng Infertility is when a couple fail to conceive after
Family plannng The procedures used to treat infertility are
Family plannng The following conditions impair infertility
Family plannng Lack of sperm in male is called
Family plannng A woman who carries a baby for another woman is called
Family plannng Branch of biology which deals with study of prenatal deve
Family plannng Male gametes are named as:
Family plannng The quantity of hormone released by Progestasert per day
Abnormal pregnancy What percentage of singleton pregnancy presents as bree
Abnormal pregnancy In which of the following types of spontaneous abortions
Abnormal pregnancy Which of the following is the primary predisposing factor r
Abnormal pregnancy A client
With 12 weeks’
a fetus in thepregnant come
left-anterior to thepresentation,
breech emergency depar
the nurse would expect the fetal heart ra
Abnormal pregnancy
Abnormal pregnancy Which of the following would be the priority nursing diagn
Abnormal pregnancy The premature exit of the products of conception is know
Abnormal pregnancy Demi who has history of repeated Trichomonas infections w
Abnormal pregnancy The result of the pap-test is class II. This means that:
Abnormal pregnancy Classification of ovarian tumours. Which statements are t
Abnormal pregnancy Moschcowitz repair is done for?
Abnormal pregnancy During a routine return OB visit, an 18-year-old G1P0 patie
Abnormal pregnancy A 11-month-old girl is brought to the physician’s office w
New born care If a baby suffers from diaper rash, you should:
New born care It's best not to expose your baby to large groups of people
New born care If a newborn has been circumcised and sent home with a
New born care baby's crib should include:
New born care How often should you bathe your newborn?
New born care Until baby's umbilical cord falls off:
New born care The best way to take an infant's temperature is with whi
New born care You know your newborn is getting enough to eat when he
New born care How many
A nurse in ahours after
delivery the last
room feedingwith
is assisting should
newborn of a newborn infant. After the delivery
New born care
New born care A nurse is assessing a newborn infant following circumcis
New born care A
A nurse
nurse in
in the newborn
a newborn nursery
nursery is monitoring
is performing anaassessment
preterm ne of a newborn infant. The nurse is p
New born care A postpartum nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a newborn infant with hyperbili
New born care
New born care A nurse on the newborn nursery floor is caring for a neona
New born care A nurse is assessing a newborn infant who was born to a
New born care A
A nurse
nurse prepares to administer
in a newborn a vitamin
nursery receives K injection
a phone call totoprepare
a for the admission of a 43-week
New born care
New born care Vitamin K is prescribed for a neonate. A nurse prepares t
New born care Which one of the following is true of congenital abnorma
New born care Which of the following statements is true of maternal su
New born care Which of the following diseases in the newborn is NOT a m
New born care Which one of the following does not put a fetus at increas
New born care Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding norm
New born care Which of the following statements is true of the Apgar sc
New born care A baby is born at 27 weeks following spontaneous preterm l
New born care Which one of the following statements is FALSE in regards
New born care Which of the following is a true statement about perfor
New born care Which of the following statements is true of the newborn
New born care Which of the following is true of the newborn skin?
New born care Which one of the following is NOT a risk factor for develo
New born care With regard to fractures in the newborn period, which of
New born care A full-term baby is born by forceps delivery following a
New born care You are performing a routine discharge examination on a te
New born care What percentage of DNA codes for genes (of which there
New born care Which one of the following investigations is MOST LIKELY t
New born care What is the name given to the random inactivation of one
New born care Which one of the following is NOT a reported benefit of b
New born care Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to
New born care Which one of the following statements is FALSE with rega
New born care Which one of the following practices may INCREASE the ris
New born care The acceptable upper limit of weight loss for a term baby
New born care A 35-week preterm female infant is now 4 hours old and se
New born care A 31-week female infant weighing 1300 g is born via sponta
New born care You are asked to review a newborn term male infant becaus
New born care All but which one of the following maternal infections ha
New born care Which one of the following is NOT a reported benefit of b
New born care Which one of the following statements is true of preterm
New born care Regarding preterm delivery at the borderline of viability,
New born care A baby is about to be delivered at 26 weeks' gestation. Th
New born care The most important independent predictor of survival in
New born care You come on for night duty and are asked to review the rad
New born care Which of the following is true of small for gestational age
New born care Which of these statements is true?
New born care Which of the following factors may cause a baby to be smal
New born care What is the name given to the hypothesis that shows a rel
New born care Congenital absence of which surfactant protein (SP) is most
New born care A 32-week male infant is born via spontaneous vaginal del
New born care A 28-week gestation female infant, birthweight 800 g, was
New born care A 26-week gestation male infant, intubated and ventilated
New born care A 26-week gestation infant, intubated and ventilated sinc
New born care A 29-week gestation infant, intubated since birth for mode
New born care A 31-week preterm female infant is now 24 hours old and s
New born care A day-2, 28-week infant, weight 900 g, is commenced on c
New born care Which of the following statements is true of the cardiova
New born care A baby is found to have a loud (3/6) ‘rasping’ systolic mu
New born care A baby is born at 37 weeks' gestation with antenatally di
New born care A 28-week gestation preterm baby weighing 800 g develops a
New born care You are asked to review a 2-day-old term infant on the po
New born care A 31-week female infant is born via elective LSCS for IUGR
New born care You are asked to review a 5-week old, ex 31-week male inf
New born care A term baby is referred from a peripheral hospital with f
New born care Adequate renal function and normal amniotic fluid product
New born care A 38-week male infant born via elective LSCS is admitted
New born care A 16-day-old, ex 32-week male infant, birthweight 1750 g,
New born care pH 7.40 [7.35–7.5]; PCO2 45 mmHg [27–40]; sodium 130 mmol l–1 [130–149]; chloride 98 mm
New born care Which one of the following is the most important cause of
New born care Which one of the following is the major contributor to th
New born care A 4-week-old infant has been referred to you because of p
New born care Phototherapy decreases unconjugated serum bilirubin lev
New born care Which one of the following is the most common cause of l
New born care A female infant is born at 39 weeks via elective lower seg
New born care Which one of the following is most likely to lead to a dec
New born care Which one of the following conditions is LEAST likely to pr
New born care A mother has an O-negative blood group. All but which one
New born care A female infant is born with an omphalocoele that was dia
New born care A baby is found to be irritable and jittery on the postnat
New born care An ex-26-week infant, birthweight 790 g, is now 8 days ol
New born care Which one of the following conditions is LEAST likely to
New born care You are asked to perform a routine discharge check on a te
New born care Which one of the following diseases is least likely to be
New born care You are asked to counsel a woman who is planning to have
New born care Which one of the following is the most important risk fact
New born care Which one of the following is the most useful tool in t
New born care You are asked to urgently review a term 3.5 kg infant who
New born care Premature closure of which of the following sutures can
New born care A female infant is born at 25 weeks' gestation with a birth weight of 809 g. She is born in good
New born care An ex-25-week male infant has had the following ophthalmol
New born care Which one of the following is the most common cause of
New born care All but which one of the following factors increases the
New born care Which one of the following patients is at highest risk o
New born care Which one of the following is true of thermoregulation i
New born care Premature babies may lose heat by all but which one of
New born care Which one of the following is good practice with regard t
New born care A 20-year-old primigravid woman presents at 27 weeks' ges
New born care Which of the following conditions in a newborn baby does
New born care You are about to transfer a ventilated 34-week male infant
New born care Which one of the following is the most important risk of t
New born care In general, all but which one of the following should be
New born care Which one of the following is the major reason for not offe
New born care Multidisciplinary follow-up clinics provide which of the fo
New born care Which one of the following factors is most likely to lead
New born care All but which one of the following strategies will help p
New born care Which one of the following is NOT a complication of poor
New born care You receive an urgent call to the operating theatre and
New born care Which one of the following is not a major principle of et
New born care Which one of the following is not a role of an Institution
New born care Which one of the following actions is NOT appropriate wh
New born care All but which one of the following is an appropriate treatm
Drugs in obstetrics Half life of letrozole is
Drugs in obstetrics Methyl dopa in pregnancy is which FDA category drug?
Drugs in obstetrics If mother is diagnosed HIV positive during pregnancy, ac
Drugs in obstetrics The most common side effect with the use of metformin fo
Drugs in obstetrics A client is prescribed warfarin sodium (Coumadin) to be co
Drugs in obstetrics Barbiturates are usually
120 mg of Pethidine not given
is ordered. for pain
Stock relief
in hand during a Calculate the volume to be given.
is 40mg/ml.
Drugs in obstetrics
Drugs in obstetrics Antidote to Magnesium sulphate
Drugs in obstetrics A patient presents for prenatal care in the second trimest
Drugs in obstetrics Which of the following is a prostaglandin commonly used
Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2 Wrong 3
Gynaecoid pelvis Android pelvis Anthropoid pelvis Platypelloid pelvis
All of the above. Escape of menstrual f Receiving the penis anExit for the fetus durin
Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH) Estrogen Progesterone Luteneizing hormone
The action of the doderlein bacillus. Cervical mucus changSecretion of the SkeneSecretion of the barth
Sacrum Ilium Pubis Ischium
Bi-spinous diameter Bi-ischial diameter Bi-tuberous diameter Intertuberous diamete
Android Platypelloid Anthropoid Gynecoid
Symphysis pubis Coccyx Sacrococcygeal Sacro-illiac joint
Maintenance of pregnancy Immune resonse Production of hormo None of the above
Labia minora Fossa Navicularis Mons veneris Labia majora
Secretory phase Ischemic phase Menstrual phase Proliferative phase
Pear–shaped organ Almond –shaped orgaOrange –shaped organCircle – shaped organ
Two portions Three portions Four portions One portion
The endometrium The myometrium The perimetrium Endocardium
Penis Prostate Testes Vas deference
Follicle stimulating hormone Progesterone Estrogen Luteinizing hormone
Isthmus and cervix Cervix Body of the uterus Isthmus
Ovary Testes Uterus Isthmus
Ovum Ovary Graafian follicle Gonad
Fallopian tube Vagina Cervix Ovary
thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby. Also called the womb.
Menstruation. Amniotic fluid Mucosal discharge. Urine
Internal os External os Lateral os Posterior os
Breast Lungs Sternum Heart
Menopause Gestation Implantation Pregnancy.
Vagina Uterus Fallopian tube Ovary.
Vulva Uterus Ovary Cervix
14 1 22 28
The decidua The myometrium The accreta The perimetrium
Androgens FSH Progesterone Prolactin
The function of the urinary system. The function of the caThe function of the diThe function of the ly
The vagina and cervix, uterus, fallopian tubThe vagina and appendi The vagina and cervix,The vagina and cervix,
Rugae. Vestibule. Fornix. Mons.
The zona pellucida. The trigone The perineum. The pellucida.
ovaries gametes kidneys Vas deference
Late 50s Early 20s Teens Mid 40s
Ovaries Fallopian tube Uterus Vagina
Ovulation Shedding of the liningThe lining of the uteruThe lining of the uteru
fallopian tube cervix vagina uterus
implantation conception ovulation menstruation
suspensory ovarian round Uterine
round ovarian suspensory Uterine
ovarian suspensory round uterine
ampulla of the uterine tube ovaries uterus cervix
endometrium myometrium perimetrium peritonium
stratum functionalis stratum basalis stratum epidermalis mesoderm
15-20 mammary glands over 20 mammary gla1 mammary gland 2 mammary gland
oxytocin estrogen progesterone HCG
progesterone prolactin oxytocin HCG
corpus luteum theca folliculi vesicular follicle proliferative follicle
Corpus luteum Thyroid Thymus Testes
Uterus Cervix Fallopian tube Ovaries
Endometrium Fimbriae Oviduct Cervix
Anterior pituitary Adrenal Posterior pituitary Thyroid
Follicular phase and lasts for about 13 d
Luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days Luteal phase and lastsFollicular phase lastin
Pelvic cavity Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Scrotal sacs
Ovary/ovaries Testes/testicles
Gametes Uterus
Gestation Implantation Menarche
Uterus Cervix Vagina Ovaries
Fallopian tube Vagina Cervix Fundus
Vagina Cervix Fallopian tube Ovaries
Uterus Theca lutein Serosa Uterine tube
2 1 million 5
Perimetrium, endometrium, myometrium Endometrium, function Myometrium, basilar Myometrium, endometr
proliferative luteal follicular ovulation
It will wait in the uterine tube for 48 hours.It will die. It will wait in the uter It continues to search
estrogen and progesterone progesterone estrogen FSH and LH
Secrete a mucus-based lubricant during sexual arousal
Secrete a lubricant to Keep the pubic area mProduce pheromones d
47 46 48 49
At the moment of fertilization At the moment of imp3 months 1 month
Fimbriae Chorionic villi Fallopian tube Isthmus
They have the same number of chromosomThey have same life s They are same in size.They have same half li
Menopause Menarche Pregnancy Labour
Uterus Fallopian tube Cervix Isthmus
The sex chromosome contained in the sperThe sex chromosome cThe sex chromosome co The sex chromosome co
Amnion Chorion Amniotic fluid Chorionic villi
Ovaries Ovum Uterus Pubis
Four nonidentical haploid cells Two nonidentical haplo Three nonidentical hapFive nonidentical haplo
1 mature ovum is produced in oogenesis a 2 mature ovum is pro 1 mature ovum is pro 2 mature ovum is pro
ovary Uterus Pituitary gland Hypothalamus
receive, retain and nourish a fertilized ovu regulate the ovarian asynthesize female ho protect the ovaries
Graafian follicle Vitelline membrane Germinal epithelium Stroma
Fully developed foetus & placenta Release of oxytocin fr Pressure exerted by amDifferentiation of ma
Seminiferous tubules and provide nutrition Pancreas and secrete Ovaries and secrete p Pancreas and secrete
Placenta as well as fully developed foetus Oxytocin released fro Placenta only Fully developed foetus
Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vaginaOvaries, fallopian tubeOvaries, fallopian tub Ovaries, fallopian tub
ovulation Fertilization Embedding Production
Womb Bag Pouch Abdomen
Labia majora Labia minora Mons pubis Vagina
Labia minora Labia majora Mons pubis Vagina
Vagina Cervix Labia minora Labia majora
Vagina Cervix Uterus Ovary
28 days 30 days 31 days 27 days
Luteal Phase Follicular Phase Ovulatory Phase Menstruation
14 4 6 22
24 hours 6 hours 72 hours 1 week
Follicle stimulating hormone Luteinizing hormone Estrogen Progesterone
7 to 12 cm 2 to 5 cm 1 to 2 cm 12 to 18 cm
Chadwick’s sign Osiander’s sign Goodless sign Humans signs
Gynaecoid Anthropoid Android Platypelloid
Vena cava Renal vein Internal iliac vein External iliac vein
Proliferative phase
Menstrual phase Secretory phase Ischemic phase
Bartholin’s gland Skene’s gland Parotid gland Clitoris
Proliferative phase Menstrual phase Secretory phase Ischemic phase
Absence of meonthly menstrual bleeding Frequent urination Softening of the cervi menstruation
Secretaory/Luteal Proliferation/FollicularMenstruation ovulation
Progesterone Oestrogen LH Androgen
FSH Oestrogen LH Androgen
None of the above. The uterosacral ligamen The endocervix, conti The lower pH of the v
If fertilization and implantation occur the The most common carci
None of the above. Tere are 3 ovaries in
Mid-luteal phase serum progesterone is theTemperature charts a Ultrasound follicular tFSH-based urine predic
Obstetric OB conjugate Interspinous diameterTrue conjugate Diagonal conjugate
8 weeks after ovulation. 2 weeks after ovulatio6 weeks after ovulatio20 weeks after ovulati
13 to 20 weeks 2 to 4 weeks 4 to 8 weeks Third trimester
Meconium Jaundice Sepsis Placenta previa
50 cm 35cm 60cm 40cm
August 22, 2003 August 18, 2003 July 22, 2003 February 22, 2003
Leg pain Burning on urination. Abdominal pain. Increased lochial flow.
Determine fetal well being. Ascertain correct gestDetermine fetal lung Determine fetal size
Thrice 3 to 4 times 20 times 10-12 times
Diffusion Pinocytosis Active transport Facilitated diffusion
The sex of the baby is determined by the s Some women are just Nature
m determines whet
The sex of the baby is
Velamentous insertion Central insertion Battledore insertion Lateral insertion
3 trimisters 1 trimister 2 trimisters 4 trimisters
five months and four weeks pregnant five months pregnant five months and thre six months and four w
egg,blastocyst,embryo,fetus. egg,embryo,blastocystblastocyst,egg,embryoembryo,egg,blastocyst
120 to 160 beats per minute 80 to 100 beats per m170 to 190 beats per 72 to 80 beats per mi
On their left side On their right side On their front On their back
Polyspermy block Hardening of corona rHardening of zona pelcapasitation of sperm
All of these. Being under 20 and ovNot having adequate pSmoking cigarettes.
Amniocentesis. Medical genetic counsEpisiotomy. CBC
Chorionic villi sampling. Endoscopy. Vernix caseosa. Strai gravida
All of these. Having adequate prena Having proper, adequatAppropriate exercise.
8 weeks after ovulation. 2 weeks after ovulatio4 weeks after ovulatio6 weeks after ovulatio
contractions a urine pregnancy testa blood pregnancy tesa rule for calculating
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Estrogen Progesterone Follicle Stimulating
(+) ultrasound Fetal movement felt Enlargement of the ut(+) pregnancy test
Quickening Lightening Ballotment Pseudocyesis
1-2 pounds per week. 3-4 pounds per week.5-6 pounds per week.7-8 pounds per week.
Naegele’s rule Batholomew’s rule of Quickening Mc Donald’s rule
Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles Relieve backache Prevent leg varicosit Strengthen the chest
Backache Orthostatic hypotensi Leg cramps Urinary frequency
Dry carbohydrate food like crackers Low sodium diet Intravenous infusion Antacid
Upper uterine portion Mid-uterine area Lower uterine segmenLower cervical segmen
Let the woman lie down and dorsiflex the f Let the woman walk foAllow the woman to exAsk the woman to rais
Prostaglandin and oxytocin
Magnesium sulfate and terbutaline Progesterone and est Dexamethasone and pr
On the first pregnancy of the Rh(-) mother, the fetus will not be affected
The condition can occuEvery pregnancy of anRhoGam
R is given only d
All of the above 1, 2, 3 1, 3, 4 1&3
Put the mother
Hydatidiform on left side lying position Place the mother on sPlace mother on a kneAny of the above
Missed abortion Pelvic inflammatory dEctopic pregnancy
Right upper quadrant Left upper quadrant Right lower quadrant Left lower quadrant
Nov. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 24 Nov. 8
Rubella Gonorrhea Candidiasis Moniliasis
Backache Vertigo Leg cramps Nausea
Passage of clear vesicular mass per vagina Slight bleeding Absence of fetal heartEnlargement of the ut
week 7 week 4 week 5 week 3
Are the specialised cells of the endometri Are specialsed cells ofForm the inner cell maAre specialsed cells of
Placenta only Fetus and placenta Fetus and corpus lut Corpus luteum and pl
5 to 6 days 2 to 4 days 7 to 8 days 10 to 12 days
Increases Decreases Remains stable Flactuates
misscariage ectopic pregnancy infertility morning sickness
CVS B Serum Alpha fetoprotein C PAPP-A
MMR Diphtheria Rabies Hepatitis B
It is produced by chorion Is a liposaccharide Normally found in vagValue >30 ng/mL is co
Orange juice milk water tea
Malpractice Assault Batter Defamation
Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin C
Herpes Simplex Tuberculosis Human papilloma viruInfluenza
The mother may have physiologic anemia due to the increased need The for
red blood
may have
cell mass
a problem
as wellofasdigestion
the fetalbecause
The mother may suffer The fetus has an incr
An L/S ratio of 2:1 The presence of well fThe presence of IgG aAn L/S ratio of 1:2
Sleep with head propped on several pillowsEat the evening meal jTake sodium bicarbonaDrink small amounts of
Passive fetal movement in response to tappideep violet colorationSoftening of the cervi First recognised move
Painless uterine contractions Passive fetal movement painfull dark red vagi Softening of the cervi
deep violet coloration of the vaginal wall First recognised moveSoftening of the cervi painless bright red va
Softening of the cervix painfull dark red vagi Painless uterine contrSoftening of the isthm
First recognised movement of the fetus Softening of the cervi Passive fetal movement painless bright red va
Softening of the isthmus of the cervical os deep violet colorationpainless bright red va Painless uterine contr
painless bright red vaginal bleeding painfull dark red vagi Softening of the cervi deep violet coloration
painfull dark red vaginal bleeding Softening of the isthmdeep violet colorationPassive fetal movement
Abruptio placentae Placenta previa Incompetent cervix Ectopic pregnancy
Oct-21 Dec-27 Sep-27 Nov-07
To eat a dry crackers before getting
Bright red, painless vaginal bleeding out of To eat eggs for breakf To eat fatty
Concealed or external dark red bleeding or spicy To eat three well bal
Palpable fetal outline Soft and nontender
G4 T1 P1 A1 L2 G3 T1 P1 A0 L2 G3 T2 P0 A0 L2 G2 T2 P0 A0 L2
Human chorionic gonadotrophin Progesterone Estrogen Follicle stimulating h
Foramen ovale Umbilical vein Ductus arteriosus Ductus venosus
Secretion of estrogen by the fetal gonad Secretion of androgenDecrease in maternal Increase in maternal e
Relaxation of the pelvic joints Excessive weight gain Pressure on the pelvi The large size of the
Edema of the hands and face Edema of the feet andWeight gain of 1 lb/week Early morning headac
The test was performed less than 10 days aThe test was performed The urine sample was A spontaneous abortio
Decreased gastric acidity Increased plasma HCGDecreased intestinal mElevated estrogen leve
Rubella titer less than 1:8 Hematocrit 33.5% White blood cells 8,000/mm3 One hour glucose chal
First trimeste Prepregnant period Second trimester Third trimester
20 weeks gestation 15 weeks gestation 10 weeks gestation 5 weeks gestation
Probable signs Diagnostic signs Presumptive signs Positive signs
I will have to remain in bed until my due d INeed
am happy
to be to note thinI am
modified anyafraid
way by I might
I may go back to work since I stay only a
Should be restricted because it may stimulat Is permitted if penile Is safe as long as she i
25-35 lbs
Frequency 20-30 lbs 30- 40 lbs
Incontinence 10-15 lbs
Nasal stuffiness Burning
Chromosomevision Breast tenderness Constipation
Blastocyst Zygote Trophoblast
Dietary intake Medication Exercise Glucose monitoring
Ambivalence, fear, fantasies Anxiety, passivity, ext Awkwardness, clumsine Introversion, egocentr
Multiple gestation
Severe nausea Uterine
and vomiting leading to electrolyte, anomalies
Loss of appetite
nutritional trauma
imbalances Renal
that in or vascular
the absence disease
of other
in dehydration
medical prob
Severe anemia leadingSevere nausea and diar
Abdomen, breast, and thighs
Cheeks, forehead, and nose Breast, areola, and ni Chest, neck, arms, and
Nausea and vomiting Hegar sign Skin pigmentation ch Positive serum pregna
Pressure on blood vessels from the enlargi Pregnancy-induced hyThrombophlebitis The force of gravity p
Physician who will attend the delivery of thChaplain in case the feHead of the hospital’sNursing unit manager
The patient has a child with cystic fibrosis The patient is 25 yearsThe patient was expose The patient has a history of preterm lab
18th week of pregnancy 12th week of pregnan10th week of pregnan8th week of pregnanc
Doppler placed midline at the suprapubic r Stethoscope placed miFetoscope placed midw External electronic fe
Facilitate relaxation, possibly reducing the Reduce the risk of fet Eliminate pain so thatEliminate pain and gi
Pain Anticipatory Grieving Knowledge Deficit Risk for infection
Taking 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda inEating a few low-sodiuAvoiding the felt
Fetal kicking intake of Eating
by the clientsix small meals a day instead of t
Passive movement of the unengaged fetus Palpable
10 pounds contraction
per trimester Enlargement
1 pound per week and softe
for 40 weeks
A total gain of 25 to 30 pounds ½ pound per week for
From the symphysis pubis to the fundus From the fundus to thFrom the xiphoid
Goodell’s sign procFrom the symphysis pu
Chadwick’s sign Braxton-Hicks sign McDonald’s sign
Seizure precautions Daily weights Right lateral positioning Stress reduction
separate sperm
to the fundus Sharing of a common Each Fromovathe with the sapubis
symphysis Sharing of axiphoid
to the common chorion
xiphoid proc
pressure From the fundus to th
Prevent seizures Slow the process of laIncrease dieresis
“What changes have you made at home to “gAre you planning to “Have you begun prena “Can you tell me about the meals you t
The fetus isn’t in distress at this time.
A severely malformed fetus.
Grapelike clusters. An empty gestational An extrauterine pregnancy
The client should repeThe client should repeThe fetus should be de
“I support your commitment; however, you“It’s maycontraindicated
have to supplement
f “Youeach
should be able to breast-feed with
Hand/face edema Dietary
“You willintake Depression
have to ask your physician when heGlucosuria
“The placenta is covering the opening of th “You need a cesarean “The placenta is cover
Sperm motility Sperm count Sperm maturity Semen volume
Hyperemesis Hypervomitus. Normal in most pregnMorning sickness
The unborn offspring, from the end of the 8The maternal tissue, p The baby, once it is The unborn child, as
Parity Fundus Pregnosis Gravida
Last Normal Menstrual Period
Decidua Ligand Neurotransmitter Myofibril PerisomeLabour Not Making Pr
Endometrium Basal myometrium
20% 10% 30% 40%
The umbilical vein carries well-oxygenated A 100% of the cardiac The arterial duct (duc The foramen ovale typi
Amniocentesis offers a diagnostic test for DAt the age of 40 the r Measurement of nuchal The neonatal screening
ICSI with single embryo transfer. Ovulation induction. Natural conception Family history of multi
Monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twiA Singleton pregnancyDichorionic diamnioti Monochorionic diamni
Infants of mothers with insulin-dependent dMothers with epilepsy Infants of mothers wit
skeletal system lining of the GI tract liver brain
deciduas amniotic fluid fetus membranes
16-18 weeks 6-8 weeks 18-20 weeks None of the above
lordosis kyphosis hyperextension scoliosis
Pre-existing hypertension always presents before
20 weeks’
causes of pre-existing
Women with hypertension
disease can pre-existing
present withhyperten
gestation. hyperaldosteronism. in pregnancy should have
is indistinguishable
their serum
Increase in peripheral vascular resistance Increase in intravascu Increase in cardiac ouIncrease in stroke vo potassium
from pre-eclampsia
and creatini
Deoxygenated blood to the placenta Oxygenated blood to tOxygenated blood froDeoxygenated blood f
1-12 weeks 1-11 weeks 1-10 weeks 1-13 weeks
18-20 weeks 14-16 weeks 22-24 weeks 10-12 weeks
Uterine hyper-stimulaCaesarian section Uterine rupture
Hypertension with Proteinurea Hypertension with VisHypertension with Hy Hypertension with Ha
13-28 weeks 15-30 weeks 10-20 weeks 14-29 weeks
all of the above Change of partner Family history of pre- Obesity (BMI >35)
29-40 weeks 28-40 weeks 30-41 weeks 27-39 weeks
Symphysis pubis Halfway between umbi Xiphisternum Umbilicus
High levels of circulating HCG Underlying infection Over eating Psychological issues
First day of LMP
Chromosomal + 9 months and 1 week First day of last mens Last day of LMP + 8 mFirst day of LMP + 9
Placental insufficiencyGenetic disorder Hereditory disorder
At 28 weeks she should receive the Rh immAt 36 weeks she will No further testing wil The patient will be ch
She must use an effective birth control me Once she has a positivThe patient's rubella tIt is okay to come in
Dorsiflexing the foot will help the affected Avoiding regular exerciTell the patient to inc A prenatal work up nee
Taking a cap-ful of Ex-lax a day will help rel Exercise regularly Constipation is experi Try to eat food rich is
"I have been addicted to Mexican food and "Ifr eat frequently thro "I have my saltines at "I know this morning si
Before the abdominal ultrasound is perfor An abdominal ultrasoun Generally, at 20 week There are two types of
Reassure the patient this kick count is normNotify the MD of this Prep the patient for a Assess the patient's u
The patient is to be in the supine position. The patient will be or It is performed at 30 It is normal for the pat
"Reactive" Nonstress Test "Nonreactive" NonstreNegative Contraction SPositive Contraction St
Nitrazine strip test Ultrasound Nonstress test Amniocentesis
"I can expect to gain 50-60 lbs during my p "I will need to increas "I need to be sure to e"I don't have to watc
June 17, 2015 June 10, 2015 May 17, 2015 June 10, 2014
Primipara Nullipara Multipara Gravida
G: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1, L: 3 G: 4, T: 3, P: 0, A: 0, L: G: 4, T: 4, P: 0, A: 0, L: G: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1, L:
Quickening Ballottement Braxton Hick's contracNone of the above beca
Goodell's Sign Quickening Amenorrhea Fetal heart rate detec
First stage Second stage Third stage Fourth stage
Vertex Sinciput Brow Face
Mechanical Nutritional Environmental Medical
Mentum Scapula Occiput Brow
Station “0” Station –1 Station +1 Station +2
Cterine contractions Pushing of the motherIntrathoracic pressureAbdominal contractio
60 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds 120 seconds
Interval Intensity Duration Frequency
Heals more faster than laceration It is more difficult to It is more painful than It involve more blood
Three Sixteen Twelve It depends
all of the above Age of the mother. Improper or inadequatDecreased maternal nu
10cm 5cm 15cm 20cm
light stroking of the abdomen muscle relaxation controlled breathing the absence of anesth
Uterine contraction Bearing down ability Cervical effacement anValsalva technique
Schultze Ritgens Duncan Marmets
Check if there is cord coiled around the necCut the umbilical cordWipe the baby’s face aDeliver the anterior s
The heart rate will decelerate during a contThe heart rate will ac The rate should not beThe heart rate will de
Oxytocin can make the cervix close and thusOxytocin will prevent Oxytocin will facilitat Giving oxytocin will e
Abortion is both immoral and illegal in our Abortion is immoral anAbortion is consideredAbortion is illegal bec
Place the mother on semifowler’s position to improve circulati
Cover the prolapse cord with sterile gauze Push back the prolapse Push back the cord in
There is a fluid shift from the placental ci The maternal heart is The delivery process i The mother is tired an
Stage 1 Stage 2 technique Duncan
Marmet’s Stage 3 maneuver Stage 4
Ritgen’s technique Schultze maneuver
30 minutes 5 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes
Incomplete Complete Frank Footling
1,2,3,4 1 & 2 2&4 2,3,4
Cervical dilatation hasUterine contraction is The progress of labor i
Uterine contractions are strong and the baby
Hemorrhage secondary to uterine atony Inadequate tissue per Blood volume deficienNormal blood loss
13.5 cm 12.5 cm 9.5 cm 14.5 cm
Calvicular Humeral Femoral Manibula
The cervix is dilated completely The client begins to exThe contractions are rThe membranes have
Administer oxygen via face mask Place the mother in thDocument the findingsIncrease the rate of Pi
Fetal heart rate of 180 beats per minute White blood cell counMaternal pulse rate o Hemoglobin of 11.0 g
Supine position with a wedge under the rigProne position with thSemi-Fowler position Trendelenburg’s positi
Palpating the maternal radial pulse while lisNoting if the heart ra Placing the diaphrag Performing Leopold’s m
A fetal heart rate of 90 beats per minute Three contractions oc Adequate resting
An IV infusion toneIncreased urinary out
of antibiotics
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring Placing the client on Placing a code cart at
Notify the physician or nurse midwife Encourage the client’sEncourage the client Continue monitoring th
Document the findings and tell the mother that the monitor indicates fetal well-being
Take the mother’s vitaNotify the physician o Reposition the mother and check the m
Identifying the types of accelerations
Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate Determining the frequDetermining the intens
Place the client in a knee-chest position in Notify the physician a Apply a sterile warm sBegin monitoring mate
Regular uterine dilation with cervical dilati regular uterine contracPainful contractions wiRegular uterine contra
Second stage Second stage First stage Third stage
Put the client in a knee-to-chest position Call the physician or Arrange for fetal bloodPush down on the uter
External rotation Extension Flexion Descent
Gradually increasing intervals
Increasing intensity with walking Starting mainly in th Occurring at irregular
Promote parent-newborn interaction. Coach for effective cl Obtain a urine specime Assess uterine contrac
Monitor fetal heart tones after the amniot Position the client in Ambulate the client toExplain the rationale
Labor that begins after 24 weeks gestation and before 28 wee
Labor that begins aftershock
20 weeks gestation Labor that begins aft Labor that begins aft
Limiting hypovolemic
Obtaining blood spec Instituting complete bInserting a urinary cat
Tetanic contractions prolonged to more than Weak contraction pro Increased pain with brIncreased restlessness
90 seconds
Arrange for a staff member of the anesthesia department to explain what to expect
Modify preoperative teaching to meet the needs of either a planned or emergency
Explain e Instruct
the surgery, the mother’s
That extended their anal sphincter Through the skin and That involves anterior That extends through
Not drink fluids
Assume Sim’s position Lie face down Practice holding brea
Obtaining an order to begin IV oxytocin infusion Preparing for a cesarean section for failure to progress
Administering a light s Increasing the encour
extended cord Pica Ophthalmia neonator Quickening
Partially extended
Completely flexed Partially flexed
Arrange for a staff member of the anest
Modify preoperative teaching to meet the nExplain the surgery, e Instruct the mother’s
Yogurt Cereal with milk Vegetable soup Peanut butter cookies
“What is your expected due date?” “Who will be with you“Do you have any aller“Do you have any chron
Every 15 minutes Every 5 minutes Every 30 minutes Every 60 minutes
Ischial spines Pubic arch Sacral promontory Symphysis pubis
PROM removes the fetus most effective defe The chorion and amnio Nursing care is based oPROM is associated wi
Preparing for immediate delivery. Providing comfort meaChecking for rupture Placing the client in b
1 cm above the ischial spines. In no relationship to t Directly in line with th1 cm below the ischial
Cervical dilation Contraction monitorinFetal heart rate Maternal vital sign
Start oxygen per nasal cannula at 2 L/min.
Recognize this as normal first period of reacSuction the infant’s Call the assessment da
Prepared childbirth Clinical nurse specialisNurse-midwifery Labor, delivery, recov
Modify preoperative teaching to meet the nInstruct the mother’s Arrange for a staff m Explain the surgery, e
A tightening and shortening of the uterine A signal to the midwifThe stretching of the pSometimes referred to
The process during which the uterus contrac The voluntary pushingContractions closer th The process during w
The number of a woman has given birth. The number of time aThe strength of the utThe dilation of the cer
Posterior Pituitary Anterior Pituitary Placenta Ovary
1:06 1:08 1:10 1:16
1 Vein & 2 Arteries 2 Veins & 1 Artery 1 Vein & 1 Artery 3 Arteries and no vein
ELBW (Extremely Low Birth Weight). IUGR (Intrauterine GroSGA (Small for GestatiVLBW (Very Low Birth
Placenta Circumvallata Placenta succenturiat Placenta marginata Fenestrated placenta
Starts when the effaced cervix is 3cm dilateOnset of painful contraStarts when regular paStarts when regular pa
Misoprostol Labetalol Atenolol Misoprestol
The second stage begins at full dilatation o The second stage beginThe second stage beginThe second stage begin
The third stage begins once the baby is b The third stage begin The third stage beginsThe third stage begins
The culmination of the gestation period of aA major political partyA Cole Porter tune Something that grows o
Crowning None of the above Distocia Early phase
3 12 10 15
1794 1797 1796 1795
1900 1901 1899 1902
Vaginal delivery would put baby or mother W a hen the mother fears When the woman is ha When the doctor is tir
rean performed? Johannesburg Cape Town Lagos Accra Cape
Dr. James Barry Deepak Chopra Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov
Max Sanger Carl Jung Benjamin Spock Edward Jenner
Ines Ramirez Michelle Bachelet Virginia Apgar Tess Gerritsen
Latent, Active, Transition Transition, Latent, ActActive, Latent, Transit Active, Transition, Lat
0 TRUE sometimes true sometimes false
4-7 cm 1-3 cm 7-10 cm 8-10 cm
The transition phase is the longest phase ofThe mother may experi The cervix will dilate The transition phase e
Bulging perineum and rectum with an increIncrease in meconium-Retracting perineum aRapid and intense con
Schultze mechanism, baby Duncan mechanism, mSchultze mechanism, Duncan mechanism, b
At or near the umbilicus At the xiphoid process5 cm below the umbili2 cm above the pubic
Signs of placental separation Postpartum hemorrhaImminent delivery of Ophthalmia neonator
Within weeks after delivery Within 12 weeks Within 16 weeks Within 24 hours
Puerperal sepsis Puerperal psychosis Postpartum hemorrhaHypertensive disorder
Low serum bilirubin O2 level of 99% Normal RBC and WBC Low platelet count
3 types 2 types 6 types 5 types
All of the above Retained Placenta Coagulapathy Uterine atony
Loss of >500ml of blood from the vagina witLoss of >500ml of blooLoss of >200ml of blooLoss of >200ml of bloo
6 weeks 3 weeks 5 weeks 2 months
Lochia Rubra Lochia serosa Lochia alba None of the above
Half an hour to one hour 4 hours 12 hours 24 hours
1-2 hours 12 hours 24 hours 10 hours
Someone who cares for a new mother, helpiDai A trained nurse-midwiSomeone who provides
Prolactin Estrogen Progesterone Insulin
Colostrum Lactose Acidophilus None of the above
All of the above Your baby has at leastYour baby has severa Your baby steadily gai
500 100 1000 450
24 hours 50 hours 72 hours 7 day
500 ml 200 ml 600ml 1000 ml
Vastus laterali Gluteus minimus Vastus medialis Gluteus maximus
Clavicular Humoral Femoral Mandible
Placing the newborn under a radiant warmeSuctioning with a bulbObtaining an Apgar scInspecting the newbor
“A decrease in material hormones present b“The tissue has hyper “A decrease in material The breast tissue
hormones is i before birth cause
Uric acid crystals Mucus Bilirubin Excess iron
Saying “mama” or “dada” for the first time Pointing to body partsUsing gesture to com Cooing at 3 months.
To promote uterine contraction To promote To facilitate eliminati To prevent infection
Sensory stimulation several sensesAn
at attitude
a time of extension when prone or
Kangaroo care Tactile stimulation unt
Assist her to urinate Ambulate her in the haA dminister analgesia Assess the vital signs
The incidence of allergies increases due to maternal antibodie
Involution occurs moreMore than 300 ml There is a greater cha
More than 400 ml
More than 500 ml More than 200 ml
Lactation Lochia Uterine involution Diuresis
The baby’s lips smacking The attachment of theThe mother’s comfortAudible swallowing.
level with positioning the baby.
Instructing the client to use two or more p Instructing the client Applying cold to limit Instructing the client
The anterior is large in shape when compare The anterior is triangular
is bulgin
at 18 months; the a
100 beats per minute 80 beats per minute 120 beats per minute 140 beats per minute
RespiratIntegumentary problemsory probl Elimination problems Gastrointestinal problems Integumentary proble
Fractured clavicle Talipes equinovarus Congenital hypothyro Increased intracranial
Meconium Vernix Hydramnio Lanugo
Tell her to breast feed more frequently Administer a narcotic Encourage her to wearUse soap and water to
‘Alcohol helps it dry and kills germs” Daily soap and water c“An antibiotic ointmen“He can have a tub ba
“When the discharge has stopped and the in “After your 6 weeks e “Anytime you both wan “As soon as choose a
3 ounces 2 ounces 4 ounces 6 ounces
A bright red discharge 5 days after delivery Almost colorless to cr A pinkoxygen
Start to brownish disA
per nasal
dark red discharge o
the assessment
at 2 L/min. data to the physicia
Recognize this as normal first period of reacSuction the infant’s
Diaphragm Female condom Oral contraceptives Rhythm method
Vastus lateralis muscle Gluteus maximus musAnterior Deltoid muscle
The clientfemoris
avoid contact with children diagnosed with
Pregnancy should
Prevent uterine be avoided for 3 months The vaccine prevents
inversion The injection will provide immunity aga
Promote uterine involHasten the puerperiu Determine the size of
.4ºF, with a uterus that is tender when palpated, remai Breasts Incision Urine
Determine the amount of lochia Assess the uterus for Recheck the blood preReport the temperatur
Facilitating safe and effective self-and new Promoting comfort and Exploring the emotiona Teaching about the im
A Lower social class. Improved antenatal caImproved maternal heImproved maternal he
Discussing the importance of autopsy with A Classification of all Evaluation of factors Feedback of recommend
Female sex of fetus. A Multiple pregnancy. Maternal age <20 year
All of the above Uterine atony Retained Placenta Vaginal or vulval lacer
Loss of >500ml of blood from the vagina witLoss of >200ml of blooLoss of >500ml of blooLoss of >200ml of bloo
Uterine atony Vulval or vaginal lacerUterine rupture Retained placenta
Placental insufficiency Chromosomal disordeUterine rupture Prolapsed cord
Perform fundal massage and assist the patiContinue to monitor thNotify the physician. Administer PRN dose of
6 hours 1 hour 12 hours 28 hours
All of the above Least chance of failur Best protection againsCheapest to use
Diaphragm Withdrawal IUD Sterilization
All of the above Nausea Irregular bleeding Headaches
3 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 3 months
Vasectomy Oral pills IUD cervcal cap
Which of the following methods of contraceA monophasic combined A phasic progestogen Ao monophasic progesto
IUD Male Condom DMPA (depot medroxyp spermicide
5% 15% 1% 0.50%
condom Oral pills calendar method vasectomy
Condoms disturbance related to infertilitFear related to the u Pain related to numerIneffective family copin
Diaphragm Vasectomy
Promiscuous young adul Nulliparous woman Promiscuous young adPostpartum client
Maintain hormonal levels Decrease the incidencReduce side effects Prevent drug interacti
equal Men greater than wo Women greater than only women
All of the above Anovulation Weight Age
folic acid Potassium Lycopene Nickel
Pelvic inflammatory disease All of the above Genital herpes Human papillomavirus
Could not conceive after 12 months of unprWill never be able to Should look into adopAll of the above
6 months 4 months 2 months 1 month
Secondary Infertility Primary Infertility Irreversible infertility Sterility
Failure to conceive after frequent unprotecFailure to conceive at Failure to conceive fo Failure to conceive af
All of the options
Authority are correctis provided by section
for this statement Aims to27(1)
promote safe
of the W
a as amended
Human by the
Fertilisation andHPEmbryology
rovides the legal fra
Act 1990
In surrogacy arrangemIn surrogacy arrangemIn surrogacy arrangem
Consent for the storagConsent for the removConsent for the stora
The donor of sperm or eggs may withdraw th A man can withdraw his Article 8 rights are n Stored embryos cannot
A way of screening embryos to ascertain theRegulated by the comA way of creating desi Used for sex selection for social reason
Governed by the Surrogacy Arrangements Act Contracts
1985 andarethe
HumanA criminal
Act 1990
Illegal in English jurisd
In certain circumstances and for the purposStorage, use and disp There is no property i Ownership of sperm samthe court has a
In certain circumstances
Posthumous insemination is lawful subject tRemoval and use of s Pre-mortem
Licenses for PGDeffective
and tissue typing must be obtained from the
Tissue typing can be used to 'screen in' fav Tissue typing can be u Paragraph 1ZA(1)(d) of
Obesity Hernia High blood pressure Gall Stones
Andropause Menopause Hydrocoele Testopause
1 year of unprotected sex 2 years of unprotecte3 years of unprotected4 years of unprotected
All of the above Intra uterine inseminatIn Vitro fertilization (I Intra Cytoplasmic Spe
All Endometriosis PCO Fibroids
Azoospermia Oligospermia Normospermia None of the above
Surrogate mother Stepmother Second mother Biological mother
Embryology Fertilization Reproduction Anatomy
Sperms Eggs Ova Acronym
65 µg 25 µg 45 µg 85 µg
3-4% 0-1% 9-10% 14-15%
Missed Threatened Imminent
Epidemic infection from Incomplete
nosocomial sources localizing in the l
Breast injury caused by overdistention, stasTemporary urinary ret Endemic infection occu
Imminent abortion Threatened abortion Complete abortion Missed abortion
Above the maternal umbilicus and to the lefIn the lower-left mat In the lower-right ma Above the maternal umb
Pain Risk for infection Anticipatory Grieving Knowledge Deficit
Abortion. Delivery Chemical pregnancy. Stillbirth.
It’s a screening for cervical cancer It’s a screening test f It is a diagnostic test It is a test that will s
Possible inflammation or infections Presence of malignantNormal finding Presence of benign or
Serous and mucinous cystadenoma or adenoc
Mucinous cystadenoma Teratoma is the most Thecomas can cause M
Enterocoele Vault prolapse Chronic inversion of uAdenomyosis
The patient’s urine sample is contamina
The patient has diabetes. The patient has kidne The patient has a urin
Malformation Aplasia Hypoplasia Agenesis
Give his bottom some "air time" Change his diaper lessUse diapers continousKeep his bottom damp
6 weeks 2 weeks 3 months 1 year
Apply a new bandage every time you change
Leave the bandage onAvoid
u getting soap neaDonot use any bandag
A firm mattress A soft mattress Feathered pillows Hard toys
2 or 3 times a week Once a week Daily twice a day
She should only be given sponge baths She should bathe in 2 She should be bathed Should umbilical cord
Rectal Axillary (armpit) Oral Forehead
6 to 8 times a day 2 to 4 times a day 10 or more times a da1 time
3 to 4 hours 4 to 6 hours 6 to 8 hours 8 to 10 hours
Drying the infant in a warm blanket Closing the doors to Turning on the overh Warming the crib pad
Document the findings Contact the physician Circle the amount of Reinforce the dressing
Tachypnea and retractions Hypotension and BradAcrocyanosis and grunting The presence of a barr
Place the tape measure under the infants hWrap the tape measure Place thebreast
Stop the tape measure Place
feedings andthe tapeto
switch measure
bottle-feeding perman
Continue to breast-feed every 2-4 hours Feed the newborn infa Switch to bottle feedi
Instillation of the preparation into the lun Subcutaneous injectioIntravenous injection Intramuscular injectio
infants are deficient in vitamin K.Lethargy Cuddles
and this injection prevents when
“The vitamin
your Kbeing
infant hSleepiness
your infant
from being jaundiced.”
“You infant needs vit
Turn on the apnea and cardiorespiratory monitors“Newborn infants have
Connect the resuscitation bag to the oxygen
Vastus lateralis Set up the intravenousSet linethe
5% dextrose
warmer in
Deltoid Triceps Biceps
Congenital anomaly registers allow researche Deformations are typicCongenital anomaly reg Deformities of the sku
The commonest drugs to cause neonatal witAll infants born to mo Withdrawal from meth Mothers who are on a
HIV infection. Myaesthenia gravis. Malar rash (systemic Thyrotoxicosis.
Polyhydramnios. Oligohydramnios. Bicornuate uterus. Polyhydramnios.
If cord blood is collected, the umbilical art Most babies are cyanos Fetal blood oxygen le The fetal brain can use
An Apgar score of <5 at 10 minutes is asso APGAR stands for Airwa Umbilical cord gases aThe Apgar score has ex
Place the baby in a sterile plastic bag up t Ask the obstetrician t Don't worry about univ Dry the baby, wrap in
If a baby has suffered from in-utero asphyxiPrimary apnoea will noTerminal apnoea will Irregular gasping is m
The examination can be performed at any tiNewborn examinations The newborn examinatio A ‘systems-based’ appr
Plagiocephaly is more common in babies who The skull is made of t The anterior fontanellThe normal occipito-fr
Haemangiomas tend to respond well to treaPustular rashes are alwCutis aplasia of the veA congenital melanocy
Caesarean section for breech presentation Female gender. Older male sibling wi The presence of spina
Rib fractures are rarely caused by CPR in fu Fractures to the long Skull fractures found Fractures to the humer
Arrange an urgent MRI scan to check for intrLet the baby attempt Inform the obstetriciaPrescribe artificial te
This is a cephalhaematoma as it does not crThis is most like a s This is a Chignon and iThe baby has caput s
<3%. 15% 50%. 85%.
Microarray. PCR. Family history. Clinical examination.
Lyon hypothesis. Buffalo hypothesis. Elephant hypothesis. Leopard hypothesis.
Decreased intelligence quotient (IQ). Promotes mother–infaDecreased risk of ast Reduced likelihood and
Breastfeeding increases the risk of premenoLactation helps the m Breastfeeding is moreLactational amenorrho
Human milk contains more calcium and phoHuman milk contains Human milk contains m Human milk contains m
Prophylactic insulin infusion. Prophylactic antifungaAdministration via a peBiochemical surveillanc
10%. 1% 5%. 15%.
Perform a sepsis work-up and commence IVPlace her in 30% oxyg Commence caffeine for Start mask continuous
Take blood cultures and commence IV antibiInsert an umbilical ar Commence 10% dextro Get a chest radiograph
Arrange for both Hep B immunoglobulin and No management require Cease the breastfeed Arrange for Hep B imm
Hepatitis B. Zikka virus. CMV infection. Rubella.
Decreased intelligence quotient (IQ). Decreased risk of ast Reduced likelihood and Decreased incidence of
Prolonged preterm rupture of membranes sh Maternal chorioamnionitIf corticosteroids are If there is fetal dist
There is no evidence to support the use of A Below 26 weeks' gest For babies born at 24 Ethically, when it com
The baby should be born into a plastic bag All babies at this gest A saturation probe shoThe baby should be dr
Gestation at birth. Birth weight. Sex. Administration of ante
Withdraw the catheter so that it sits at the Advise the nursing stafAdvance the catheter Remove so the catheter.
Small mothers tend to have small babies. SGA is usually definedAsymmetrical IUGR usua IUGR babies have more
Babies with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMVery low birthweight Extremely low birthwePreterm IUGR babies s
All of the above. Genotype. Prematurity. Congenital infection.
Barker hypothesis. Meow hypothesis. X Factor. Meow hypothesis.
Decreased chance that he will need to be i Decreased chance of Decreased total lengthDecreased chance of d
Peak inspiratory pressure will increase. Inspiratory time will i Tidal volume will incr PEEP will increase.
Increase PIP to 20 cmH2O. Convert to SIMV. Increase inspiratory t Increase PEEP to 7 c
Increase amplitude (delta P) to 32 cm. Convert to SIPPV. Increase the rate to 9 Increase MAP to 15 c
Extubate to nasal continuous positive airwaDecrease PEEP by 1 c Reduce IT to 0.3 seco Increase PIP to 13 cm
Commence caffeine. Place her in 30% oxyg Perform a sepsis workStart continuous posit
Decreased rate of apnoea. Increased incidence oDecreased rate of necrIncreased weight gain.
Contractility of the heart is independent of Blood pressure = strokLeft-to-right shunting The fetal heart does n
Ventriculo-septal defect (VSD). Atrial septal defect (A Pulmonary atresia with Patent ductus arterios
Transfer the baby immediately to the nearest Check a blood glucoseMonitor pre- and postStart a prostaglandin E
Measure the systolic and diastolic blood preMeasure pre- and postd Prescribe aspirin 75 mPerform an electrocar
Upper GI contrast study. Endoscopy. Lower GI contrast studPlain abdominal radio
Probiotics. Oral antibiotics. Prebiotics. Feeding with breast mi
Ultrasonography of the abdomen. pH probe. Upper GI contrast stud
Sweat test. Neonatal screening tesImmunoreactive trypsRectal biopsy.
Excretion of waste products. Providing space for Protection against infeMaintenance of tempe
Restrict total fluid intake. Insert a urinary cathetContinue current manAdd sodium chloride t
Collect a urine catheter specimen or a suprStart oral antibiotics. Unwrap the baby. Repeat the bag urine.
Continue the BSL monitoring as per hospitalStart rectal Resonium.Insert a central cathetFluid restrict the baby.
Haemolysis. Prematurity. Breastfeeding. Physiological jaundice
Increased bilirubin production. Breastfeeding. Decreased hepatic biliImmature hepatic enz
Reassure the mother and continue breastfeCease breastfeeding. Commence photothera Perform liver function
Isomerization of the bilirubin molecule to Direct conjugation of tSplitting the bilirubi Induction of the enzym
Cystic fibrosis. Neonatal septicaemiaComplete oral (insteadFormula feeding.
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Autoimmune thromboc Congenital cytomegaloGroup B streptococcal
Iron supplementation. Erythropoietin. Vitamin E supplementa Decreased frequency o
β-Thalassaemia. α-Thalassaemia. ABO incompatibility. Rhesus isoimmunizati
O-negative. O-positive. A-negative. B-positive.
Abnormal insulin secretion. Defect in fatty acid ox Cold stress. Delayed serum cortiso
Intravenous 10% dextrose at 60 ml kg–1 perAttempt to breastfeedNGT expressed breast NGT formula feed.
Ignore the electrolyte results and start pho Cease the parenteral Start an insulin infusioStart oral sodium rep
Hyperthyroidism. Phenylketonuria. Cystic fibrosis. Galactosaemia.
Vitamin D. Iron. Calcium. Vitamin E.
Trisomy 21. Hypothyroidism. Galactosaemia. Cystic fibrosis.
Folic acid. Sodium valproate. Thiamine. Ultrasound screening.
Extreme prematurity. Coagulation disorder. Intermittent positive-pPneumothorax.
MRI. Doppler assessment ofBedside amplitude intNeurological examinat
Myoclonic jerks. Hypoglycaemia. Subdural haemorrhageHypocalcaemia.
Sagittal suture. Coronal suture. Metopic suture. Frontozygomatic sutur
with a birth weight of 809 g. She is born in good condition and requires no active resuscitation, but develops moderate respiratory distress
Stage 1 Stage 2. Stage 3. Stage 4.
Autosomal recessive inheritance. Prematurity. Autosomal dominant iCongenital rubella.
Female sex. Grade IV intraventric Inadequate antenatal N s eonatal meningitis.
23-week male infant. 26-week female infant27-week male and fem 28-week infant with in
Babies should be placed in a thermoneutraThe normal newborn bPreterm babies have liBabies should be plac
Translocation. Convection. Conduction. Radiation.
Babies should receive input from a skilled Babies should be keptPretermi babies must aVery preterm babies s
Administer IM steroids and IV antibiotics toReassure her that she Awaiti delivery and theTransfer the baby in ut
Neonatal abstinence syndrome. Expected birth weightTerm baby requiring t Baby requiring an exch
Increase the inspired oxygen concentrationIncrease the peak inspIncrease the peak endIncrease the respirator
Risk of transport accident. High cost of neonatal Increased risk of intr Increased mortality an
Establish arterial access. Establish venous accesChest X-ray in an intu Insertion of a nasogast
High cost of follow-up services. Assessment causes dist Parents do not want f Most babies will be n
All of the above. Audit. Research. Reassurance to parent
Postnatal depression. Failure to attend antenElective caesarean secParental decision to f
Restrictive visiting policy in the neonatal in Allowing parents to t Kangaroo cuddling. Syringe-feeding baby.
Baby is small for gestational age. Maternal anxiety. Failure to thrive in thePersonality disorder in
Insert an emergency umbilical venous cathet Cease resuscitation atSeek parental advice aCall your consultant.
Hedonism. Beneficence. Non-malificence. Autonomy.
Over-ride the parents' wishes to continue t Review and approve reAct as an advisory andDevelop and ratify inst
Discussion about planning for future pregn Providing a single roo Social work involvemeDiscussing autopsy.
Morphine infusion to hasten death. Withhold non necessar Subcutaneous fentanyl
45 hours 120 hours 90 hours 70 hours
6 weeks 12 weeks 18 weeks 24 weeks
Gastrointestinal upsets Headache Hot flashes Hyperglycemia
Report any nose or gum bleeds Take Tylenol for minorUse a soft toothbrush Maintain a consistent
They rapidly transfer across the placenta, and lack of an antagonist
them effects
labor. genera
These drugs readily cr Adverse reactions may i
3 ml 30 ml 40 ml 1ml
Calciumglyconate oxytocin Pitocin Tocolytic drug
Measles Hepatitis A Tetanus Typhoid
Misoprostol Labetalol Atenolol Misoprestol
In gynaecoid pelvis the pelvis brim is a transverse ellipse(nearly a circle) most fvourable for delivery.
The vagina is the passage which allows the escape of the menstrual flow, receives the penis and ejected sperm during sexual in
Follicle stimulating hormone is released by the hyothalamus of the brain during ovultion.
The vaginal fluid is strongly acid(pH 4.5) due to the presence of lactic acid formed by the action of Doderlein' bacilli on glycoge
The sacrum is the shield shaped bony structure that is located at the back of the pelvis/ consisting of 5 fused vertebrae. The ina
B-Spinous diametre refers to the distance between the tips of the ischial spines.
Android pelvis is smaller and narrower.
When two pubic bones join anteriorly it forms the symphysis pubis.
The decidua is the modified mucosal linning of the uterus known as the endometrium that maintains the pregnancy.
Anteriorly labia minora is split by the clitoris forming the prepuce and the frenulum of the clitoris.
The secretory phase of the cycle is the only time when a fertilized egg can implant in the lining.
The uterus , also called the womb, is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in a woman's lower abdomen, between the bladder
The cervix is divided by its relation to the surrounding vaginal wall into two segments: an upper supravaginal portion, which is
The endometrium is the innermost lining mucous layer of the uterus, and functions to prevent adhesions between the oppose
The clitoris is an erectile structure, homologous to the male penis
The hormone that stimulates the maturation if the of the graafian follicle is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is released
It enlarges during pregnancy to form the lower uterine segment. The internal os is the narrow opening between the isthmus an
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The female has two oval shaped ovaries located in the pelvis above the uterus. They are the major female sex organs and prod
At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries.
alled the womb.
If the ovum hasn't been fertilized by a sperm it settles into the uterus lining. The lining is shed along with some blood around o
The opening into the uterus is called the internal os, and the opening into the vagina is called the external os.
Either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body which secrete milk after childbirth, called Breas
The stopping of menstruation is called menopause. The average age for menopause is 51 years old, but some women will have
Vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the lower
The vulva is the area of female sex organs that lies outside of the vagina. These organs include folds of sensitive tissue called th
Ovulation usually occurs between 12 and 14 days before your period starts (Fehring et al 2006). This is an average, so it could b
The maternal placenta (Decidua basalis) develops from the maternal uterine tissue.
Thecal cells are not capable of producing estrogen but do produce androgens in response to LH, which are then converted into
The female urogenital tract consists of all the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of urine. It include
The internal genitalia are those organs that are within the true pelvis. These include the vagina, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes (o
The walls of the vagina are lined with an outer, fibrous adventitia; a middle layer of smooth muscle; and an inner mucous mem
vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the lower p
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels d
The female has two oval shaped ovaries located in the pelvis above the uterus. They are the major female sex organs and prod
Ovulation happens about 14 days before your period starts. If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day
Fertilization usually takes place in a fallopian tube that links an ovary to the uterus.
implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg or blastocyst to the wall of the uterus at the start of pregnancy.
The Suspensory Ligament of the ovary is composed of the peritoneal fold extending from the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall.
The round ligament of the uterus helps to hold the uterus in an anteverted position superior to the bladder.
The ovarian ligament (also called the utero-ovarian ligament or proper ovarian ligament) is a fibrous ligament that connects the
The fertilization of the egg usually happens in the ampulla part of the fallopian tube.
implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus called endometrium.
The stratum functionalis is a thick superficial layer that is sloughed off during menstruation and grows anew during each cycle.
Humans normally have two complex mammary glands, one in each breast, and each complex mammary gland consists of 15–2
The nerve stimulus induces the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes the myoepithelial cells surrounding the milk-pro
Female hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone are important in promoting growth and changes that occur in the breas
After the egg leaves the ovary, the walls of the follicle again close, and the space that was occupied by the egg begins to fill wit
The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which is a steroid hormone responsible for the decidualization of the endometrium
The endometrium changes throughout the menstrual cycle in response to hormones. During the first part of the cycle, the hor
The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus.
Gonadotropins like LH and FSH are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days. During secretary phas
The ovaries lie within the pelvic cavity, on either side of the uterus, to which they are attached via a fibrous cord called the ova
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The stopping of menstruation is called menopause. The average age for menopause is 51 years old, but some women will have
Uterus is a sac shaped like an upside down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or zygo
At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries.
Vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the lower
The myometrium is located between the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine wall), and the serosa or perimetrium (the
Human females are typically born with two ovaries stemming from the uterus.
The uterus has three layers, which together form the uterine wall. From innermost to outermost, these layers are the endomet
The secretory phase of the uterine cycle follows the proliferative phase.
After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube where it stays for about 24 to 48 hours. If the egg is not fertilized duri
Throughout the entire follicular phase, rising estrogen levels in the blood stimulate growth of the endometrium and myometriu
The Bartholin's glands (also called Bartholin glands or greater vestibular glands) are two pea sized compound racemose glands
"mosaic Down syndrome" may occur when an error in cell division happens after fertilization. These individuals have some cel
Chromosomal sex is determined at the time of fertilization; a chromosome from the sperm cell, either X or Y, fuses with the X c
As the egg is released (a process called ovulation), it is captured by finger-like projections on the end of the fallopian tubes (fim
In a human egg or sperm, there are 23 chromosomes, one of which is an X or Y.
Presence of hot flashes during menopause causes woman's risk for certain conditions, such as breast cancer, heart disease, ost
In humans, implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.
In the XY sex-determination system, the female-provided ovum contributes an X chromosome and the male-provided sperm co
The embryo is directly enclosed in and protected by the amnion.
The female gonad, the ovary or "egg sac", is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one
The end result of meiosis is haploid daughter cells with chromosomal combinations different from those originally present in th
The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that: one mature ovum is produced in oogenesis, and four ma
The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the: ovary
Functions of the uterus include nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus and holding it till the baby is mature e
During ovulation, the mature follicle or Graafian follicle bursts and the ovum is released.This is named as Corpus luteum which
Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced by fully developed foetus and placenta. When a woman is in a lithotomy or s
It is specifically located in the convoluted seminiferous tubules (since this is the only place in the testes where the spermatozoa
The signals for parturition originate from the fully developed fetus and the placenta which induce mild uterine contractions cal
The internal reproductive organs are the (1) ovaries, (2) fallopian tubes, (3) uterus, and (4) vagina.
Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the ovarian follicles rupture and release th
The uterus, also called the womb, is the organ that contains and nourishes the embryo and fetus from the time the fertilized eg
Translated as "large lips," the labia majora are relatively large and fleshy, and are comparable to the scrotum in males.
Translated as "small lips," the labia minora can be very small or up to 2 inches wide.
Vagina is the canal that joins the lower part of the uterus to the outside of the body.
The vagina is a canal that joins the cervix (the lower part of uterus) to the outside of the body. It also is known as the birth can
The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days and occurs in phases: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase (ovulation), an
The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins right after ovulation
On average, a woman's cycle normally is between 28-32 days,Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the la
After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube. It stays there for about 24 hours, waiting for a single sperm to fertiliz
The hormone that stimulates the maturation if the of the graafian follicle is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is released
The fallopian tubes are bilateral muscular structures of paramesonephric duct origin. They are from 7 to 12 cm in length and u
Chadwick sign is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia resulting from increased blood flow. It can be observed a
A gynecoid pelvis is oval at the inlet, has a generous capacity and wide subpubic arch. This is the classical female pelvis. Pelvic
The right ovarian vein drains into the inferior vena cava.
Variations in the length of the menstrual cycle are due to variations in the proliferative phase. The menstrual, secretory and isc
Bartholin’s glands are the glands on either side of the vaginal orifice. The clitoris is female erectile tissue found in the perineal
Variations in the length of the menstrual cycle are due to variations in the proliferative phase. The menstrual, secretory and isc
Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiological states of amenorrhoea are see
The menstrual cycle is typically most irregular around the extremes of reproductive life (menarche and menopause) due to ano
The corpus luteum is essential for establishing and maintaining pregnancy in females. The corpus luteum secretes progesteron
FSH stimulates the growth and maturation of immature oocytes into mature (Graafian) follicles before ovulation.
All statements are false. The cardinal ligaments attach the cervix to the pelvic side walls. The uterosacrals attach the cervix pos
Following 9 weeks the fetoplacental unit takes over the production of hCG.
Mid-luteal phase serum progesterone is performed on day 21 in a 28-day cycle.
The obstetric conjugate is the shortest distance between the promontory of the sacrum and the symphysis pubis. It generally m
After the completion of gastrulation the embryo enters into organogenesis – this is the process by which the ectoderm, mesod
A woman pregnant for the first time typically feels fetal movements at about 18 to 20 weeks, whereas a woman who has been
Fluid that looks green or brown usually means that the baby has passed his first bowel movement (meconium) while in the wo
The length of the average cord is 50cm.This is suffiecient to allow for delivery of the baby without applying any traction to the
Naegle's rule: EDD=LMP+9Months+7 Days
Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that causes a blood clot to form and block one or more veins, usually in your legs
A biophysical profile is a prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well being involving a scoring system with the score being term
3 to 4 fetal movements per hour is normal.
Oxygen and carbondioxide readily diffuses across the placenta from maternal to fetal blood.
Chromosomal sex is determined at the time of fertilization; a chromosome from the sperm cell, either X or Y, fuses with the X c
In velamentous cord insertion, the umbilical cord inserts into the fetal membranes (choriamniotic membranes), then travels wi
A normal, full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, and can range from 37-42 weeks. It's divided into three trimesters. Each trimester l
27 weeks pregnant is five months and four weeks pregnant. This is the last week of the sixth month and the last week of the se
A baby goes through several stages of development, beginning as a fertilized egg. The egg develops into a blastocyst, an embry
A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute (bpm) in the in utero period.
The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left
The cortical reaction is a process initiated during fertilization by the release of cortical granules from the egg, which prevents p
To have a healthy pregnancy the mother should be beween 20 to 35 years of age, should have adequate prenatal medical supe
Amniocentesis detects chromosome abnormalities, neural tube defects, and genetic disorders. Genetic disorders include disor
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis are prenatal diagnostic procedures used to detect certain fetal genetic abno
Good parental care prior to a child's birth includes: Having adequate prenatal medical supervision, having proper, adequate nu
organogenesis – this is the process by which the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are converted into the internal organs of
Braxton Hicks: Irregular contractions of the womb (the uterus) occurring towards the middle of pregnancy in the first pregnanc
It's the Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG hormone that's detected in a positive pregnancy test.
Positive signs of pregnancy are those signs that are definitely confirmed as a pregnancy. They include fetal heart sounds, ultras
In pregnancy terms, quickening is the moment in pregnancy when the pregnant woman starts to feel or perceive fetal moveme
On a trimester basis in a woman with a normal pre-pregnancy weight: First trimester: 1-4.5 pounds. Second trimester: 1-2 pou
Naegele's rule is a standard way of calculating the due date for a pregnancy. The rule estimates the expected date of delivery (E
Kegel exercises help strengthen the( pelvic floor muscles) muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowels. By strengthen
Pelvic rocking can be used in upright positions, for example leaning on a bench or on a wall and also in the hands and knees po
Symptoms of morning sickness may be relieved by eating a few dry carbohydrate crackers.
The common site of the implantation in the uterus is the upper uterine portion.
Leg cramps is caused by the contraction of the gastrocnimeus (leg muscle). Thus, the intervention is to stretch the muscle by do
Magnesium sulfate acts as a CNS depressant as well as a smooth muscle relaxant. Terbutaline is a drug that inhibits the uterine
On the first pregnancy, the mother still has no contact with Rh(+) blood thus it has not antibodies against Rh(+). After the first p
All the four functions enumerated are true of amniotic fluid.
When a pregnant woman lies on supine position, the weight of the gravid uterus would be compressing on the vena cava again
Hydatidiform mole begins as a pregnancy but early in the development of the embryo degeneration occurs. The proliferation o
Right upper quadrant. The landmark to look for when looking for PMI is the location of the fetal back in relation to the right or
Based on the last menstrual period, the expected date of delivery is Nov. 6. The formula for the Naegele’s Rule is subtract 3 fro
Rubella is caused by a virus and viruses have low molecular weight thus can pass through the placental barrier. Gonorrhea, can
Backache usually occurs in the lumbar area and becomes more problematic as the uterus enlarges. The pregnant woman in he
Hydatidiform mole (H-mole) is characterized by the degeneration of the chorionic villi wherein the villi becomes vesicle-like. Th
Gestational Age Week 7. Generally, from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assess
The human decidua is a specialized tissue characterized by embryo-receptive properties. It is formed during the secretory phas
During pregnancy, estriol is synthesized in very high quantities by the placenta and is the most produced estrogen in the body b
Implantation. Once the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, approximately five to six days after fertilization, it hatches out of i
During pregnancy, the glomerular filtration rate normally increases to up to 150% of the normal rate, peaking at approximately
Mifepristone is usually used to terminate pregnancy but these compounds have numerous other applications in female health
Diagnostic tests that can identify Down syndrome include: Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). In CVS, cells are taken from the plac
The measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox (varicella) vaccines are particularly important for women of childbearing age wh
Fetal fibronectin (fFN) is a fibronectin protein produced by fetal cells. It is found at the interface of the chorion and the decidua
Taking iron supplement pills and getting enough iron in your food will correct most cases of iron deficiency anemia. You usually
Malpractice is defined as injurious or unprofessional actions that harm another. It involves professional misconduct, such as om
Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency.
TORCH (Toxoplasmosis and other infections: rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex)
The mother may have physiologic anemia due to the increased need for red blood cell mass as well as the fetal requires about
About 400 mgs of Iron is needed by the mother in order to produce more RBC mass to be able to provide the needed increase
The most important determinants of fetal maturity for extrauterine survival is L/S ratio of 2:1.
Sleep with head propped on several pillows Heartburn is a burning sensation caused by re- gurgitation of gastric contents. It is
ballottement is a sharp upward pushing against the uterine wall with a finger inserted into the vagina for diagnosing pregnancy
Braxton Hicks Contraction are a painless intermittent weak contractions of the uterus occurring during pregnancy.
Chadwick sign is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia resulting from increased blood flow.
Goodell sign is an indication of pregnancy. It is a significant softening of the vaginal portion of the cervix from increased vascula
quickening is the first motion of a fetus in the uterus felt by the mother usually somewhat before the middle of the period of g
Hegar's sign is defined as softening and compressibility of the lower segment of the uterus in early pregnancy (about the seven
Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta is implanted near the outlet of the uterus, so that at the time of delivery th
Abruptio placentae is defined as the premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. Patients with abruptio placentae, a
Abruptio placentae is described as premature separation of a normally implanted placenta during the second half of pregnancy
To calculate the EDD by Nagele’s rule, add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period and count back 3 months, changin
For morning nausea, eat toast, cereal, crackers, or other dry foods before getting out of bed.
A client with abruptio placentae may exhibit concealed or dark red bleeding, possibly reporting sudden intense localized uterin
The client has been pregnant four times, including current pregnancy (G). Birth at 38 weeks’ gestation is considered full term (T
It's the Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG hormone that's detected in a positive pregnancy test. It's also responsible for ju
The foramen ovale is an opening between the right and left auricles (atria) that should close shortly after birth so the newborn
The fetal gonad must secrete estrogen for the embryo to differentiate as a female. An increase in maternal estrogen secretion d
During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause relaxation of the pelvic joints, resulting in the typical “waddling” gait. Changes in p
Edema of the hands and face is a classic sign of PIH. Many healthy pregnant woman experience foot and ankle edema. A weigh
A false-positive reaction can occur if the pregnancy test is performed less than 10 days after an abortion. Performing the tests
During the second trimester, the reduction in gastric acidity in conjunction with pressure from the growing uterus and smooth
A rubella titer should be 1:8 or greater. Thurs, a finding of a titer less than 1:8 is significant, indicating that the client may not p
First-trimester classes commonly focus on such issues as early physiologic changes, fetal development, sexuality during pregna
The FHR can be auscultated with a fetoscope at about 20 week’s gestation. FHR usually is ausculatated at the midline suprapub
Cervical softening (Goodell sign) and uterine soufflé are two probable signs of pregnancy. Probable signs are objective findings
Placenta previa means that the placenta is the presenting part. On the first and second trimester there is spotting. On the third
Coitus is restricted when there is watery discharge, uterine contraction and vaginal bleeding. Also those women with a history
A weight gain of 11. 2 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lbs) is currently recommended as an average weight gain in pregnancy. This weight g
Pressure and irritation of the bladder by the growing uterus during the first trimester is responsible for causing urinary frequen
Danger signs that require prompt reporting are leaking of amniotic fluid, blurred vision, vaginal bleeding, rapid weight gain and
The zygote is the single cell that reproduces itself after conception. The chromosome is the material that makes up the cell and
Although all of the choices are important in the management of diabetes, diet therapy is the mainstay of the treatment plan an
During the first trimester, common emotional reactions include ambivalence, fear, fantasies, or anxiety. The second trimester is
Multiple gestation is one of the predisposing factors that may cause placenta previa. Uterine anomalies abdominal trauma, and
The description of hyperemesis gravidarum includes severe nausea and vomiting, leading to electrolyte, metabolic, and nutritio
Chloasma, also called the mask of pregnancy, is an irregular hyperpigmented area found on the face. It is not seen on the brea
Presumptive signs of pregnancy are subjective signs. Of the signs listed, only nausea and vomiting are presumptive signs. Hega
Pressure of the growing uterus on blood vessels results in an increased risk for venous stasis in the lower extremities. Subseque
The fetus of a cocaine-addicted mother is at risk for hypoxia, meconium aspiration, and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait; each offspring has a one in four chance of having the trait or the disorder. Maternal age is not
On the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus is still within the pelvic area. On the 10th week, the uterus is still within the pelvic ar
At 12 weeks gestation, the uterus rises out of the pelvis and is palpable above the symphysis pubis. The Doppler intensifies the
Breathing techniques can raise the pain threshold and reduce the perception of pain. They also promote relaxation. Breathing
For the client with an ectopic pregnancy, lower abdominal pain, usually unilateral, is the primary symptom. Thus, pain is the pr
Using bicarbonate would increase the amount of sodium ingested, which can cause complications. Eating low-sodium crackers
Ballottement indicates passive movement of the unengaged fetus. Ballottement is not a contraction. Fetal kicking felt by the cli
To ensure adequate fetal growth and development during the 40 weeks of a pregnancy, a total weight gain 25 to 30 pounds is r
The nurse should use a nonelastic, flexible, paper measuring tape, placing the zero point on the superior border of the symphy
Chadwick’s sign refers to the purple-blue tinge of the cervix. Braxton Hicks contractions are painless contractions beginning aro
Women hospitalized with severe preeclampsia need decreased CNS stimulation to prevent a seizure. Seizure precautions provi
Dizygotic (fraternal) twins involve two ova fertilized by separate sperm. Monozygotic (identical) twins involve a common placen
The nurse should use a nonelastic, flexible, paper measuring tape, placing the zero point on the superior border of the symphy
The chemical makeup of magnesium is similar to that of calcium and, therefore, magnesium will act like calcium in the body. A
During the third trimester, the pregnant client typically perceives the fetus as a separate being. To verify that this has occurred,
In a client with gestational trophoblastic disease, an ultrasound performed after the 3rd month shows grapelike clusters of tran
The BPP evaluates fetal health by assessing five variables: fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reacti
Recent breast reduction surgeries are done in a way to protect the milk sacs and ducts, so breast-feeding after surgery is possib
After 20 weeks’ gestation, when there is a rapid weight gain, preeclampsia should be suspected, which may be caused by fluid
is not the priority. Depression may cause either anorexia or excessive food intake, leading to excessive weight gain or loss. This
A complete placenta previa occurs when the placenta covers the opening of the uterus, thus blocking the passageway for the b
Although all of the factors listed are important, sperm motility is the most significant criterion when assessing male infertility. S
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and po
The fetal stage commences at the beginning of the ninth week, fertilisation age or eleventh week gestational age till birth.
Gravid comes from Latin gravis, meaning "heavy." It can refer to a female who is literally pregnant, and it also has the figurative
LNMP. Last Normal Menstrual Period.
Decidua is the term for the uterine lining (endometrium) during a pregnancy, which forms the maternal part of the placenta. It
There is a significant increase in oxygen demand during normal pregnancy. This is due to a 15% increase in the metabolic rate a
Unusually for a vein, the umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the IVC via the ductus venosus. Umbilica
Cells can be cultured and chromosomal analysis performed. Rapid results may be available within 48 hours. The risk of miscarr
This increases the risk of monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twins fivefold; the reasons for this are poorly understood.
Pregnancies that share the placenta and amnion are at highest risk of adverse outcome because of risk of twin-to-twin transfu
Infants of diabetic mothers are already producing inappropriately high amounts of insulin in response to in utero exposure to m
The mesoderm develops into cartilage, skeletal muscle, and dermis
The conceptus includes all structures that develop from the zygote, both embryonic and extraembryonic.
A multipara might feel movements as early as 16 weeks whereas a primipara might not feel anything until 20 to 22 weeks.
Lordosis is defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine seen in pregnancy.
Because the physiological fall in blood pressure in the first
trimester can leadintoperipheral
There is decrease a normal booking
vascularblood pressure,
resistance a high
during prepregnancy blood pressure could be masked and only present
The umbilical vein carries blood oxygenated in the maternal body from the placenta to the fetus, while the umbilical arteries ca
The first trimester is the time in between fertilization of the egg by the sperm (conception) and week 12 of a pregnancy. A wom
Most women will become aware of foetal movements around 18-20 weeks. However if a women has had previous pregnancies
Induction of labour increases the risk of a number of complications. The uterus can become over stimulated causing prolonged
Pre-eclampsia is defined as the presence of both hypertension and proteinuria during pregnancy.
The second trimester begins at 13 weeks and ends at 28 weeks.
All of the above are the risk factors.
36-40third trimester
weeks starts
Xiphoid at 29ofweeks
process and ends at 40 weeks.
37–40 weeks Regression of fundal height between 36–32 cm
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of morning sickness in which women suffer with excessive nausea and vomiting whic
The correct way to calculate the EDD is to add 9 months and 1 week onto the first day of the last normal menstrual period. Thi
The patient'sIUGR usually
Rh factor suggestssoa baby
is negative hasneed
she will a chromosomal disorder.
to receive the This isglobulin
Rh immune becauseatin28a weeks.
healthyIfbaby the head
the patient circumferen
was A+ (mean
The only correct option is: She must use an effective birth control method at the time of immunization and not become pregna

Legs cramps are normal in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and is usually caused by an altered calcium-phosphorus bala
A pregnant patient should be discouraged from taking any type of medications (even over-the-counter) unless prescribed by th
Morning sickness (nausea accompanied sometimes by vomiting) is very common in the first trimester. The patient who suffers
A patient should
Reassuring have athis
the patient fullisbladder
normalbefore the procedure
is the correct better
The images
mother of the
should feelfetus can be
the baby obtained.
kick So times
at least 10 instructing
in twothe pati

All options are incorrect expect for that the patient should be in the supine position.
The results of the question describe a "reactive" nonstress test and the fetus is healthy.
Because 35 weeks is still early for the delivery of a baby, an ultrasound and nonstress test will probably be ordered after the co
If a woman has a normal pre-pregnancy weight she should expect to gain 25 to 35 lbs during her pregnancy. All other options a

Using the Nagele's rule to calculate an expected due date you would add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period wh
This describes a primipara woman because she had one birth that occurred after 20 weeks gestation. Note parity is the numbe
The answer is G: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1, L: 3. G is the number of pregnancies including the present one. T is the number of babies bo
This patient is describing quickening which is where fetal movement is perceived and this can happen at 16 to 20 weeks of gest
Pregnancy signs are categorized into 3 categories: Presumptive, Probable, and Positive. Amenorrhea and quickening are presum
Cervical ripening refers to the softenig of the cervix that typially begins prior to the the onset of labor contractions and is neces
Vertex presentation allows well flexed head.
Dystocia is difficult, painful, prolonged labor due to mechanical factors involving the fetus (passenger), uterus (powers), pelvis (
In face preentation the dominator is mentum (chin).
0 station. This is when the baby's head is even with the ischial spines. The baby is said to be "engaged" when the largest part o
The primary power of normal labour is uterine contraction. It puts the baby in position,causes decent, cervical dilation and effa
The second stage can last from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Contractions will last about 60 seconds at intervals of 3-5 minutes of res
The time between contractions includes the length or duration of the contraction and the minutes in between the contractions
Episiotomy include easy repair and improved healing
There are three stages of labour. The first stage is when your cervix is opening and your baby is moving down the birth canal. T
Factors related to low birth weigt babies are poor maternal nutrition, maternal age, and Improper or inadequate prenatal care
The time of the onset of true labor until the cervix is completely dilated to 10 cm. The period after the cervix is dilated to 10 cm
Effleurage - a rhythmic stroking; "effleurage of the abdomen is used in the Lamaze method of childbirth"
Uterine contraction is the primary force that will expel the fetus out through the birth canal Maternal bearing down is consider
There are 2 mechanisms possible during the delivery of the placenta. If the shiny portion comes out first, it is called the Schultz
The nurse should check if there is a cord coil because the baby will not be delivered safely if the cord is coiled around its neck.
The normal fetal heart rate will decelerate (go down) slightly during a contraction because of the compression on the fetal hea
The action of oxytocin is to make the uterus contract as well make the cervix close. If it is given prior to placental delivery, the p
Induced Abortion is illegal in the country as stated in our Penal Code and any person who performs the act for a fee commits a
The correct action of the nurse is to cover the cord with sterile gauze wet with sterile NSS. Observe strict asepsis in the care of
During the pregnancy, there is an increase in maternal blood volume to accommodate the need of the fetus. When the baby an
In stage 1 during a normal vaginal delivery of a vertex presentation, the multigravida may have about 8 hours labor while the p
Ritgen’s technique is done to prevent perineal tear. This is done by the nurse by support the perineum with a sterile towel and
The placenta is delivered within 30 minutes from the delivery of the baby. If it takes longer, probably the placenta is abnormall
Breech presentation means the buttocks of the fetus is the presenting part. If it is only the foot/feet, it is considered footling. If
all the above conditions can occur following a precipitate labor and delivery of the fetus because there was little time for the b
Narcotic analgesics must be given when uterine contractions are already well established so that it will not cause stoppage of t
All the signs in the stem of the question are signs of hemorrhage. If the fundus is soft and boundaries not well defined, the cau
The engagement diameter in the brow pesentation is 13.5 cm which is longer than any diameter of the inlet so there is no mec
Clavicle, also known as collar bone, fractures are the most common injury sustained by newborns during birth. A clavicle fractu
The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is dilated completely and ends with the birth of the neonate.
Late decelerations are due to uteroplacental insufficiency as the result of decreased blood flow and oxygen to the fetus during
A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. A count of 180 beats per minute could indicate fetal distress and would
Vena cava and descending aorta compression by the pregnant uterus impedes blood return from the lower trunk and extremiti
The nurse simultaneously should palpate the maternal radial or carotid pulse and auscultate the fetal heart rate to differentiate
A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM. Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations indicate fetal distress and the need to d
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin.
A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions may indicate the need for imme
Accelerations are transient increases in the fetal heart rate that often accompany contractions or are caused by fetal movemen
Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate is important so that abnormal variations of the baseline rate will be identified if they occ
The immediate priority is to minimize pressure on the cord. Thus the nurse’s initial action involves placing the client on bed res
Regular uterine contractions (every 10 minutes or more) along with cervical dilation before 36 weeks' gestation or rupture of fl
Crowing, which occurs when the newborn’s head
Thepresenting part position
knee to chest appears gets
at the vaginal
the weightopening, occurs
off the baby during
and the second
umbilical stage would
cord, which of labor. Duringblood
prevent the first stage
flow. of labor,
Calling cervic
the physici
Immediately before expulsion or birth of the rest of the body, the cardinal movement of external rotation occurs. Descent flexi
With true labor, contractions increase in intensity with walking. In addition, true labor contractions occur at regular intervals, u
true labor contractions gradually shortens.
During the third stage of labor, which begins with the delivery of the newborn, the nurse would promote parent-newborn inter
The nurse should first monitor fetal heart tone. After an amniotomy is performed, the umbilical cord may be washed down bel
Preterm labor is best described as labor that begins after 20 weeks’ gestation and before 37 weeks’ gestation. The other time p
With uterine rupture, the client is at risk for hypovolemic shock. Therefore, the priority is to prevent and limit hypovolemic sho
Hyperstimulation of the uterus such as with oxytocin during the induction of labor may result in tetanic contractions prolonged
A key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the ne
Third degree laceration involves all in the second degree laceration and the external sphincter of the rectum. Options B, C and
When the woman is in Sim’s position, this puts the weight of the fetus on bed, not on the woman and allows good circulation i
The client’s labor is hypotonic. The nurse should call the physical and obtain an order for an infusion of oxytocin, which will ass
In a breech position, because of the space between the presenting part and the cervix, prolapse of the umbilical cord is comm
With a face presentation, the head is completely extended. With a vertex presentation, the head is completely or partially flexe
A key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the ne
In some birth settings, intravenous therapy is not used with low-risk clients. Thus, clients in early labor are encouraged to eat h
When obtaining the history of a patient who may be in labor, the nurse’s highest priority is to determine her current status, par
During the second stage of labor, the nurse should assess the strength, frequency, and duration of contraction every 15 minute
The ischial spines are located in the mid-pelvic region and could be narrowed due to the previous pelvic injury. The symphysis p
PROM can precipitate many potential and actual problems; one of the most serious is the fetus loss of an effective defense aga
This question requires an understanding of station as part of the intrapartal assessment process. Based on the client’s assessm

The signs indicate placenta previa and vaginal exam to determine cervical dilation would not be done because it could cause he
The first 15 minutes to 1 hour after birth is the first period of reactivity involving respiratory and circulatory adaptation to extra
Prepared childbirth was the direct result of the 1950’s challenging of the routine use of analgesic and anesthetics during childb
routine use of analgesics and anesthetics during childbirth. Roles for nurse midwives and clinical nurse specialists did not deve
A key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the ne
Uterine contraction: The tightening and shortening of the uterine muscles. During labor, contractions accomplish two things: (1
Labor: Childbirth,during which the uterus contracts and the cervix opens for delivering a baby and the placenta, membranes, a
Parity dfined as the number of times a female has carried the pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is secreted into the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland. Secretion dep
The ability of the fetus to grow and thrive in utero depends on the placental function and the average weight of the placenta a
umbilical cords have one vein and two arteries. The vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the baby and the arter
This baby has a birth weight less than 1000 g and is therefore ELBW.
These twins are different sexes and therefore must have come from two eggs and two sacs. IF they were the same sex they had
If the fetal surface of such a placenta presents a central depression surrounded by a thickened, gray-white ring, it is called a cir
1st stage of labour starts when the effaced cervix is 3cm dilated and ends when the cervix is fully dilated at 10cm.
Misoprostol is inserted vaginally and causes effacement of the cervix in addition to uterine contraction.
The second stage begins at full dilatation of the cervix and ends when the baby is born.
The third stage begins once the baby is born and ends once the placenta and membranes have been expelled from the uterus.
Childbirth, also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of a pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a woman's uterus by
Birth crowning, which is when your baby's head starts to emerge bit by bit during each contraction, occurs during the second s
The process of labor and birth is divided into three stages: The first stage begins when you start having contractions that cause
First Successful Cesarean in U.S. 1794: Elizabeth Bennett delivers a daughter by cesarean section, becoming the first woman in
Pfannenstiel incision. Introduced by Pfannenstiel in 1900, this curved incision is approximately 10–15 cm long and 2 cm above
An emergency c-section has to be done immediately because your health or your baby's health is in danger.
The first successful Caesarean in Africa is performed in Cape Town by Dr. James Barry.
James Barry carried out the first successful caesarean by a European doctor in Africa in Cape Town, while posted there betwee
It was Max Sanger who in 1882 insisted that suturing of the uterus was essential,[5] and he introduced a silver suture that prod
In March
Latent 2000,
(early Inés Active,
labor), RamírezTransition
Pérez, a Mexican woman from the state of Oaxaca, gained media attention after performing a Cae

The answer is FALSE. Stage 2 begins with the full dilation of the cervix (10 cm) and ends with the full delivery of the baby.
The answer is : 4-7 cm
This option
Bulging is false.and
perineum It should
antransition phase
increase in is the
show (not longest)
(and presenting of thephase
stageor1 other
and contractions are very
parts) are signs tha

Remember "SHINY" Schultze. This is the side from the baby. Try to remember the baby is shiny and new so it is the SHINY Schu
It should be found at or near the umbilicus. It will decrease 1 cm a day and after 10 days post-delivery it can not be palpated.
Signs that the placenta is about to be delivered: Umbilical cord starts to lengthen, Trickling/gush of blood, and uterus changes
Onset of PPD is typically between one week and one month following childbirth.
Puerperal sepsis is an infection of the genital tract occuring at any time between the onset of rupture of membranes on labour
Phototherapy is the most common treatment for reducing high bilirubin levels that causes jaundice in a newborn.
There are 3 types of lochia- Lochia rubra, Lochia serosa, Lochia alba.
All of the above are potential causes of PPH with uterine atony been the most common. Coagulopathy is a rare cause, accounti
Primary postpartum haemorrhage is defined as a loss of blood >500ml from the vagina within 24 hours of delivery. If the blood
The period of about six weeks after childbirth during which the mother's reproductive organs return to their original non-pregn
Lochia rubra (or cruenta) is the first discharge, Composed of blood, shreds of fetal membranes, decidua, vernix caseosa, lanugo
Breastfeeding should ideally start within Half an hour to one hour after your baby is born. A baby is usually alert after birth and
Initiation of breastfeeding after 1-2 cesarean section is recommended.
A doula also known as a birth companion, birth coach or post-birth supporter, is a non-medical person who assists a woman be
A hormone called Prolactin secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain is responsible for the alveoli making milk. Prolactin rises
Colostrum: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the breasts during the second half of pregnancy and for a few days after b
All of the above are the right answers
women who are breastfeeding need about 500 calories more than moms who aren't
Jaundice, or yellow coloring of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, skin, and eyes may be present. The baby may not look yellow imm
The obstetrical balloon is a 24 French, 54 cm-long, silicone catheter with a filling capacity of 500 mL. The device is used for the
Vastus lateralis is the most appropriate location.
Clavicle, also known as collar bone, fractures are the most common injury sustained by newborns during birth. A clavicle fractu
The newborn’s ability to regulate body temperature is poor. Therefore, placing the newborn under a radiant warmer aids in ma
The presence of excessive estrogen and progesterone in the maternal-fetal blood followed by prompt withdrawal at birth preci
Uric acid crystals in the urine may produce the reddish “brick dust” stain on the diaper. Mucus would not produce a stain. Biliru
A child should say “mama” or “dada” during 10 to 12 months of age. Options A, B and C are all normal assessments of languag
Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that produces intermittent uterine contractions, helping to promote ute
Kangaroo care is the use of skin-to-skin contact to maintain body heat. This method of care not only supplies heat but also enc
Before uterine assessment is performed, it is essential that the woman empty her bladder. A full bladder will interfere with the
With breast feeding, the father’s body is not capable of providing the milk for the newborn, which may interfere with feeding t
Postpartum hemorrhage is defined as blood loss of more than 500 ml following birth. Any amount less than this not considered
Lactation is an example of a progressive physiological change that occurs during the postpartum period.
Assessing the attachment process for breast-feeding should include all of the answers except the smacking of lips. A baby who
Using two or more peripads would do little to reduce the pain or promote perineal healing. Cold applications, sitz baths, and K
The anterior fontanel is larger in size than the posterior fontanel. Additionally, the anterior fontanel, which is diamond shaped
The normal heart rate for a newborn that is sleeping is approximately 100 beats per minute. If the newborn was awake, the no
Intrauterine anoxia may cause relaxation of the anal sphincter and emptying of meconium into the amniotic fluid. At birth som
A fractured clavicle would prevent the normal Moro response of symmetrical sequential extension and abduction of the arms f
The greenish tint is due to the presence of meconium. Lanugo is the soft, downy hair on the shoulders and back of the fetus. H
Feeding more frequently, about every 2 hours, will decrease the infant’s frantic, vigorous sucking from hunger and will decreas
Application of 70% isopropyl alcohol to the cord minimizes microorganisms (germicidal) and promotes drying. The cord should
Cessation of the lochial discharge signifies healing of the endometrium. Risk of hemorrhage and infection are minimal 3 weeks
To determine the amount of formula needed, do the following mathematical calculation. 3 kg x 120 cal/kg per day = 360 calori

The first 15 minutes to 1 hour after birth is the first period of reactivity involving respiratory and circulatory adaptation to extra
The diaphragm must be fitted individually to ensure effectiveness. Because of the changes to the reproductive structures durin
The middle third of the vastus lateralis is the preferred injection site for vitamin K administration because it is free of blood ves
After administration of rubella vaccine, the client should be instructed to avoid pregnancy for at least 3 months to prevent the
Using both hands to assess the fundus is useful for the prevention of uterine inversion.
The datathready
A weak, suggestspulse
an infection
100endometrial lining ofimpending
BPM may indicate the uterus.hemorrhagic
The lochia may be An
shock. decreased or pulse
increased copious,
is adark brown in
check the extent of vaginal bleeding first. Then it would be appropriate to check the uterus, which may be a possible cause of t
Because of early postpartum discharge and limited time for teaching, the nurse’s priority is to facilitate the safe and effective c
Lower social class significantly increases the risk of perinatal mortality
Although a Perinatal Mortality Committee will look at autopsy results as part of their role, they are not directly responsible for
Females have a slightly lower rate of perinatal mortality. All the other factors are known to increase the perinatal mortality rate
All of the above are potential causes of PPH with uterine atony been the most common.
Primary postpartum haemorrhage is defined as a loss of blood >500ml from the vagina within 24 hours of delivery. If the blood
The most common cause of PPH is uterine atony, however retained placenta and vaginal lacerations also account for a significa
If the placenta is not supplying adequate blood to the fetus the body directs prioritises brain development at the expense of th
This is not a normal finding. The fundus of the uterus should be firm, mid-line, and near or at the umbilicus. If the fundus is soft
The diaphragm may
be inserted up to 6
The advantages
hours before youof male condom are Least chance of failure, Best protection against STDs and Cheapest to use.
have sex. It is
Diaphragm must be method which helps prevent pregnancy by blocking sperm from entering the uterus.
a barrier
left in place for at
Nausea, Irregular
least 6 hours afterbleeding, Headaches are the side effects of birth control pills.
The last
the vaginal
had be left in the vagina for three weeks. If the ring is accidentally expelled, it can be rinsed with water and
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception
Progestin-only contraceptives are the preferred choice for breastfeeding mothers when something hormonal is desired or nece
IUD has an expected failure rate if 2 pregnancies in 1000 women during the first year of use.
Spontaneous expulsion rate for the IUD during the first year after placement is 5%
condom prevents live sperm from reaching an ovum.
Based on the partner’s statement, the couple is verbalizing feelings of inadequacy and negative feelings about themselves and
Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective contraceptive method or barrier against bacterial and v
An IUD may increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, especially in women with more than one sexual partner, because
Regular timely ingestion of oral contraceptives is necessary to maintain hormonal levels of the drugs to suppress the action of
Men and women are equally likely to have a fertility problem. In about one in five infertile couples, both partners have contrib
Rarely, in the uterus, fibroid growths, endometriosis, tumors, cervical problems, or irregular uterine shape can keep the egg fro
Women trying to conceive should add a supplement of at least 600 mcg folic acid, either alone or as part of their prenatal vitam
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, is an infection of the female reproductive organs. PID is one of the most serious complicatio
For many couples infertility is a crisis, but infertility doesn't mean you can never have a child. Fertility problems often come wit
If the woman is 35 or older, an infertility diagnosis is considered after only six months of regular unprotected intercourse. A wo
Secondary infertility is the inability to become pregnant or to carry a baby to term after previously giving birth to a baby.
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence definition of infertility is "failure to conceive after frequent unprotected se
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 provides the legal framework for the regulation of infertility treatment and r
A fundamental issue for situations that involve infertility treatment and surrogacy arrangements is the potential difficulty of es
Consent for the removal of gametes is governed by common law, whereas consent for storage and subsequent use or disposal
Natalie Evans wished to use her frozen embryos to have a genetically related child. However, her former partner withdrew his c
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a technique to screen embryos to ascertain their genetic makeup prior to implantation fo
Surrogacy was defined in the Warnock Report as the practice whereby one woman carries a child for another with the intentio
The traditional common law position is that there is no property in the body or its tissues even though ownership, control, stor
The court has no power to waive the requirement for pre-mortem consent for the posthumous use of sperm. However, posthu
Paragraph 1ZA(1)(d) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 permits PGD to ascertain whether a serious medical
Excessive weight causes ovulatory problems in women and can result in infertility in some. Studies show that obese women ar
It is otherwise known as 'male menopause' when an ageing male has plummeting levels of testosterone which leads to signs su
A couple should seek help to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected sex. But if the couple are in their mid-thirties or
Although infertility is a difficult problem, and its treatment highly subjective, scientific technology has come out with magical m
Although these conditions are known to impair infertility, they can be effectively treated in some individuals.
Normospermia is when a male has sperms with normal morphology, with a count of 20 million /ml . Oligospermia is when the
These are women who lend their wombs to bear the child of another woman who is the biological mother.
Embryology is defined as the branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and their development.
It releasesare
of hormonereproductive
per day. cells. They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg cells
It acts by forming a thick plug of mucus at the cervical os which prevents penetration by the sperm.
The percentage of breech deliveries decreases with 3-4% of births at term.
In a missed abortion, there is early fetal intrauterine death, and products of conception are not expelled. The cervix remains cl
With mastitis, injury to the breast, such as overdistention, stasis, and cracking of the nipples, is the primary predisposing factor
Cramping and vaginal bleeding coupled with cervical dilation signifies that termination of the pregnancy is inevitable and cann
With this presentation, the fetal upper torso and back face the left upper maternal abdominal wall. The fetal heart rate would b
For the client with an ectopic pregnancy, lower abdominal pain, usually unilateral, is the primary symptom. Thus, pain is the pr
An abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear involves collecting cells fro
class 2 means that the Pap test found Possible inflammation or infections, but no evidence of cancer
90% of ovarian malignancies
In Moschcowitz repair, severalare epithelial
purse string carcinomas, therefore
sutures starting A is false.
from below Serous
are used tocystadenoma
obliterate theor adenocarcinoma
cul-de-sac accounts
of the pouch of Dof
Care should be taken not to include the ureter in the stitch.
Sugar (glucose) is usually present in the urine at very low levels or not at all. Abnormally high amounts of sugar in the urine, kn
The child exhibits microcephaly, facial abnormalities, both of which are tissue malformations. The patient’s heart murmur is lik
A good airing makes it hard for irritants like bacteria and yeast (which need a damp environment) to grow.
It's probably wise not to expose a newborn to the general public or large groups of people until she's reached 6 weeks, especia
The American Academy
AAP reports that youofshould
an infant to that
on keep the areafeatherbed,
a waterbed, as clean as beanbag,
possible by washing
deep your baby's
pillow-top pe
infant doesn't need much bathing if you wash the diaper area thoroughly during diaper changes. The AAP notes that two or th
During her first week or two, until the stump of the umbilical cord falls off, your newborn should have only sponge baths, notes
The AAP recommends taking a baby's temperature rectally. This method is the most reliable in detecting low-grade fevers in ch
During the first month, if his diet is adequate, he should urinate six to eight times a day and have at least two bowel movemen
In newborns, the need to feed outweighs the need to sleep. The AAP recommends that you wake your baby for a feeding ever

Evaporation of moisture from a wet body dissipates heat along with the moisture. Keeping the newborn dry by drying the wet
A yellow exudate may be noted in 24 hours. and this is a part of normal healing. The nurse would expect that the area would b
The infant with respiratory distress syndrome may present with signs of cyanosis. tachypnea or apnea. nasal flaring. chest wall
To measure the head circumference. the nurse should place the tape measure under the infant’s head. wrap the tape around t
Breast feeding should be initiated within 2 hours after birth and every 2-4 hours thereafter. The other options are not necessar
The aim of therapy in RDS is to support the disease until the disease runs its course with the subsequent development of surfa
A newborn infant born to a woman using drugs is irritable. The infant is overloaded easily by sensory stimulation. The infant m
Vitamin K is necessary for the body to synthesize coagulation factors. Vitamin K is administered to the newborn infant to preve
Vastus lateralis
is the appropriate site for vit k injection.
It is important to monitor congenital abnormalities to understand their aetiology. Preconception folic acid supplementation to
Opiates (heroin or methadone) are more common drugs of addiction than cocaine and crack cocaine (in the UK and Australia)
HIV infection is due to transmission of the HIV virus, not the antibody. However, the presence of maternal anti-HIV IgG can lead
Polyhydramnios is unlikely to lead to a deformation. The baby should still be closely examined for conditions such as oesophag
The umbilical artery caries used blood away from the fetus, and so the pH can never be higher than in the vein.
This is one of several criteria for considering therapeutic hypothermia if a baby has hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, as the o
This has been shown to be effective thermal care for a newborn preterm baby. Keep the bag/wrap in place until the baby is ins
At birth, you cannot tell if the baby is in the primary or secondary stage of their apnoea after the insult. IF the baby is in primar
A very early examination (within the first 6–12 hours) may miss some duct-dependent cardiac lesions. Parents should be told th
The incidence of positional plagiocephaly has increased since the ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign, but it is still recommended to put b
Large haemangiomas affecting the eyes or the airway should be treated and they can respond dramatically to beta-blockers.
Breech presentation after 36 weeks is a risk factor for DD, with a 10-fold increased risk. The incidence of DDH in singleton bree
The rib cage is flexible and not fully ossified. If a baby has been home and re-presents with rib fractures, non-accidental injury
This is likely to be a lower motor facial nerve injury. This can be distinguished from an upper motor nerve injury (which would r
Cephalhaematoma occurs in about 1% of newborn infants, and is due to bleeding between the periosteum and the cranial bon
Only 1.5% of human DNA codes for genes.
Microarray is the only test here that will identify if genes are working or not. Family history and clinical examination will be ver
The Lyon hypothesis refers to the random inactivation of one X chromosome in a female (either maternal X or paternal X) at a s
There is considerable debate as to whether babies who have been breastfed subsequently have a higher IQ than those given fo
Breastfeeding confers some health advantages on the mother, as there appears to be some protection against ovarian and prem
Cows' milk contains more calcium and phosphate than human milk, but their absorption is much lower.
Although some infants may develop hyperglycaemia while receiving parenteral nutrition some will not, and prophylactic insulin
A healthy term baby can lose up to 10% of its birth weight in the first week of life.
This baby is at risk of sepsis because of maternal PPROM and PTL. In spite of the intrapartum antibiotics the baby is now sympt
The most important management option is to treat her for possible early-onset infection. If she does have early-onset infection
All infants born to hepatitis B carriers should be given Hep B immunoglobulin and Hep B immunization within 12 hours of birth
These infants may become chronic carriers of HBsAg and are at risk of developing carcinoma of the liver. Symptoms of liver dise
There is considerable debate as to whether babies who have been breastfed subsequently have a higher IQ than those given fo
The ORACLE trial showed a benefit from administration of oral antibiotics. Each case should be assessed on its merits, as if the
There is little evidence to support its use. If it is required then the prognosis for intact survival is poor.
Plastic wraps (and a hat to cover the head) have been shown to improve thermoregulation, but the baby must also be placed u
It is clear that survival and neurodevelopmental outcome are more strongly determined by the degree of prematurity than by
There is no convincing argument in favour of a high or low UAC position. If the initial radiograph reveals the tip of the catheter
Babies reflect their mother's centile at birth and tend to graduated towards their midparental centile during the first year of life
SGA babies are ninefold more likely to have had a congenital infection.
All of these factors can cause a baby to have a birth weight <10th percentile.
This relationship is thought to be mediated through insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2). It is named after David Barker, who first
Congenital absence of surfactant protein B is lethal in the neonatal period.
This baby has early respiratory distress syndrome. Early application of CPAP reduces subsequent use of IPPV and thus may be u
If a pneumothorax occurs when on volume guarantee, the initial change that you might see is a sudden increase in the peak pr
This baby has a respiratory acidosis and ventilation needs to be increased to remove more CO2.
This baby has a respiratory acidosis, so needs its ventilation increased. In HFOV there are essentially only two ways to do this: i
This baby is overventilated, as indicated by the low Paco2, and is stable enough to be extubated. Caffeine loading significantly i
This is the normal age in hours for apnoea of prematurity to present. CPAP may also be necessary if the caffeine does not decre
Caffeine decreases the rate of apnoea. The major long-term benefit is improved neurodevelopmental outcome with lower rate
Unlike stroke volume, contractility is independent of preload and afterload, and is an innate property of myofibrils. It can be infl
The high-velocity turbulence creates a rasping noise.
The baby must first be commenced on a prostaglandin E1 infusion prior to transfer. The baby should ideally have been born in
A wide pulse pressure (low diastolic BP) is almost diagnostic of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the presence of these sympt
The most important cause of bile-stained vomiting that needs to be excluded is a malrotation with volvulus. Clinical examinatio
The relative risk of developing NEC is 0.35 in infants treated with probiotics compared to placebo.
This baby appears to be developing pyloric stenosis and this can be confirmed on abdominal USS by finding the pylorus ≥3 mm
This baby has a meconium ileus; 80–90% of these babies will have CF. A sweat test performed after 4 weeks of age is the ‘gold
Urine production is the major contributor to amniotic fluid, but in the fetus the placenta is the organ responsible for the remov
This baby has hyponatraemia secondary to excessive IV dextrose administration. Fluids need to be restricted until the urine ou
While the most likely cause of this baby's temperature is environmental (i.e. he is overwrapped), the bag urine result is abnorm
These results are consistent with excessive haemolysis of the sample caused by excessive squeezing during collection.
Haemolytic jaundice is the most important cause of jaundice presenting on the first day of life and needs to be excluded.
The major cause of physiological jaundice is increased bilirubin production due to increased haemoglobin levels at birth and a
This baby has breast milk jaundice.
This is the exact mechanism.
Infants with undiagnosed cystic fibrosis can have malabsorption of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K), and this would be th
The mother has a normal platelet count so it is not autoimmune disease. Both parents will require platelet typing.
In preterm infants, iron stores are low and will be exhausted quickly because of the infant's rapid growth rate. However, routine
Classic β-thalassaemia major does not affect neonates because most of the haemoglobin is in the fetal (HbF) form.
The mother and baby have the same blood group and no antibodies should be produced.
This baby most likely has Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. There is often hyperinsulinaemia due to beta-cell hyperplasia.
The baby should be commenced on a dextrose infusion. Some neonatologists would consider giving a 2 ml kg–1 bolus of 10% d
The low sodium and high potassium levels are most likely due to haemolysis and no action is required; the baby has a high seru
Babies with hyperthyroidism are most likely to present in the first few days after birth before a neonatal screening test (NNST)
Sun exposure is important for the production of vitamin D, and individuals who keep their skin covered or do not get much exp
Trisomy 21 is often screened for antenatally (there are a number of tests including the triple test, non-invasive fetal testing, am
Preconceptual administration of folic acid decreases the incidence of neural tube defects in at-risk women by as much as 75%.
Prematurity is the most important risk factor, with IVH being very rare in term infants.
The change that best predicts a bad outcome is abnormality in signal intensity in the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLI
This baby has the classic finding of benign myoclonic jerks.
The most common form of craniosynostosis is premature closure of the sagittal suture, giving a scaphocephalic (boat-shaped) h
moderate respiratory distress requiring intubation and surfactant. She is extubated to CPAP the next day. She has some mild feed intoleran
A thin white line of demarcation in the periphery of the retina separates the avascular retina anteriorly from the vascularized r
Inherited causes now account for 50% of all cases of severe sensorineural hearing impairment; 80% are due to single-gene aut
Males are at higher risk of adverse outcome than females.
Gestation is the biggest independent factor in predicting adverse neurodevelopmental outcome.
The thermoneutral range is narrow in preterm babies, and if they have to use energy keeping warm or cool they will not grow e
Translocation refers to the process of genetic material being transferred from one chromosome to a non-homologous chromos
The exact composition of the team may vary from centre to centre, and some skilled neonatal nurses can offer much of this pa
The most important step in management is to give IM steroids to accelerate lung maturation and IV antibiotics because of the
These babies can generally be observed in a Special Care Nursery but are at risk of developing serious complications (e.g. seizu
As the altitude increases there is a decrease in the atmospheric pressure (from 760 mmHg at sea level to 640 mmHg at 1500 m
Transport carries a significant element of risk to both the baby and the retrieval staff.
This is often best left to experienced operators at the receiving unit.
It is the high cost and time commitment required for these clinics that normally limits them being offered to those infants cons
All of them are important components of multidisciplinary follow-up clinics.
Postnatal depression is the most common cause of abnormal mother–infant bonding.
Both parents should be encouraged to visit or telephone to see how their baby is getting on, whenever possible. Most neonata
Birth weight is determined by events prior to birth.
Ideally, all adrenaline should be given IV, but it is not unreasonable to give the first dose via the ETT while arrangements are be
In Hedonism the principal ethic is maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.
It is not the role of the Committee to do this. In the rare situations where there is a major disagreement about the continuation
This is not appropriate in the immediate period after a baby's death, and should be delayed until a follow-up appointment is ar
Whilst it is reasonable to give opiates in the knowledge that they may cause respiratory depression and thereby shorten life, th
About 90% of radiolabeled letrozole is recovered in urine. Letrozole's terminal elimination half-life is about 45 hours.
Oral methyldopa has been assigned to pregnancy category B
A three-drug prophylactic regimen for the mother taken during pregnancy and throughout the breastfeeding period, as well as
Most frequent side effects of metformin include gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
The client should notify the health care provider if blood is noted in stools or urine, or any other signs of bleeding occur.
Barbiturates are rapidly transferred across the placental barrier, and lack of an antagonist makes them generally inappropriate
40*3=120 mg therefore 3ml
Calcium gluconate is the antidote for Magnesium Sulfate toxicity. If ordered, administer Calcium Gluconate 10%, IV Push, 10 m
Contracting a measles, mumps, or rubella (German measles) infection in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
Misoprostol is inserted vaginally and causes effacement of the cervix in addition to uterine contraction.
d ejected sperm during sexual intercourse and provides an exit for the fetus during delivery.

of Doderlein' bacilli on glycogen found in the squamous epithelium of the lining.

ting of 5 fused vertebrae. The inaminate bone consists of ilium, ischium and pubis.

ntains the pregnancy.

bdomen, between the bladder and the rectum.

r supravaginal portion, which is attached to the surrounding tissue, and a lower, free segment, the vaginal portion.
adhesions between the opposed walls of the myometrium, thereby maintaining the patency of the uterine cavity.

ting Hormone which is released by the anterior pituitary gland.

opening between the isthmus and the cervix.

ajor female sex organs and produce ova or eggs. Each ovary contains thousands of ova. The tiny female sex cell that unites with a male sper

along with some blood around once a month in a process called menstruation.
he external os.
milk after childbirth, called Breast.
old, but some women will have it a year or two earlier, and some will have it a year or two later. Early menopause is possible, and can happ
the female's body in the lower pelvic area.
folds of sensitive tissue called the labia (labia means "lips"). The labia has two parts. The outermost folds are called the labia majora.
. This is an average, so it could be a couple of days earlier or later. For example, say you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle.

, which are then converted into estrogen by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced aromatase in the neighboring granulosa cells of sel
n and release of urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and the organs of reproduction – uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes a
uterus, cervix, uterine tubes (oviducts or fallopian tubes), and ovaries.
scle; and an inner mucous membrane with transverse folds called rugae.
the female's body in the lower pelvic area.

as a woman's oestrogen levels decline.

ajor female sex organs and produce ova or eggs. Each ovary contains thousands of ova.
8 days, you ovulate around day 14.

start of pregnancy.
vary to the lateral pelvic wall.
the bladder.
rous ligament that connects the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus.
alled endometrium.
grows anew during each cycle.
mammary gland consists of 15–20 simple glands.
al cells surrounding the milk-producing alveoli to contract, thus forcing the milk from the alveoli into the ducts.
changes that occur in the breast, especially during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle.
pied by the egg begins to fill with new cells known as the corpus luteum
ualization of the endometrium (its development) and maintenance, respectively.
e first part of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is made by the ovaries. Estrogen causes the lining to grow and thicken to prepare the uteru
alian uterus.

t 13 days. During secretary phase, the endometrium prepares for the implantation of an embryo and the corpus luteum is active and secre
via a fibrous cord called the ovarian ligament.

old, but some women will have it a year or two earlier, and some will have it a year or two later. Early menopause is possible, and can happ
ea where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby. Also called the womb.

the female's body in the lower pelvic area.

d the serosa or perimetrium (the outer uterine layer).

st, these layers are the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium.

s. If the egg is not fertilized during that time, the egg disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 2 weeks later.
he endometrium and myometrium of the uterus. This also causes endometrial cells to produce receptors for progesterone, which helps prim
ed compound racemose glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina. They secrete mucus to lubri
These individuals have some cells with an extra chromosome #21 (47 chromosomes total)
, either X or Y, fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell.
e end of the fallopian tubes (fimbriae). The fimbriae sweep the egg into the tube.

breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and thyroid problems.

and the male-provided sperm contributes either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, resulting in female (XX) or male (XY) offspring, resp

ey are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries have two func
om those originally present in the parent.
uced in oogenesis, and four mature sperm are produced in spermatogenesis.

olding it till the baby is mature enough for birth.

named as Corpus luteum which serves as a temporary endocrine gland by releasing progesterone and estrogen.
n a woman is in a lithotomy or semi-sitting position, the Foetal Ejection Reflux is impaired and the increased pain caused by the sacrum's in
e testes where the spermatozoa are produced). They maintain nutrition of germ cells
ce mild uterine contractions called foetal ejection reflex.

n follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells.

us from the time the fertilized egg is implanted to the time of birth
o the scrotum in males.
t also is known as the birth canal.
ovulatory phase (ovulation), and the luteal phase.

arting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 14 days from the next expected period.
ting for a single sperm to fertilize it.
ting Hormone which is released by the anterior pituitary gland.
rom 7 to 12 cm in length and usually less than 1 cm in diameter.
blood flow. It can be observed as early as 6 to 8 weeks after conception, and its presence is an early sign of pregnancy
e classical female pelvis. Pelvic brim is a transverse ellipse (nearly a circle) Most favorable for delivery.The gynecoid pelvis (sometimes calle

he menstrual, secretory and ischemic phases do not contribute to this variation.

tile tissue found in the perineal area above the urethra. The parotid glands are open into the mouth. Skene’s glands open into the posterior
he menstrual, secretory and ischemic phases do not contribute to this variation.
al states of amenorrhoea are seen, most commonly, during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the latter also forming the basis of a fo
che and menopause) due to anovulation and inadequate follicular development (5-7). The luteal phase of the cycle is relatively constant in
us luteum secretes progesterone, which is a steroid hormone responsible for the decidualization of the endometrium (its development) an
before ovulation.
erosacrals attach the cervix posteriorly to the sacrum. The endocervix is lined by columnar (glandular) epithelium. The ectocervix is continu

e symphysis pubis. It generally measures 10.5 cm. Because the obstetric conjugate cannot be clinically measured, it is estimated by subtrac
by which the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are converted into the internal organs of the body. This process takes place between ab
whereas a woman who has been pregnant more than once will typically feel movements around 15 to 17 weeks.
ent (meconium) while in the womb.
out applying any traction to the placenta.

more veins, usually in your legs.

stem with the score being termed Manning's score.

, either X or Y, fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell. The sex of the baby depends on which sperm gets to the egg first
tic membranes), then travels within the membranes to the placenta (between the amnion and the chorion).
ree trimesters. Each trimester lasts between 12 and 14 weeks, or about three months.
onth and the last week of the second trimester.
lops into a blastocyst, an embryo, then a fetus.
utero period.
ur left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby.
from the egg, which prevents polyspermy, the fusion of multiple sperm with one egg.
adequate prenatal medical supervision and must avoid smokig.
Genetic disorders include disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
etect certain fetal genetic abnormalities.CVS is done at 10-12 weeks' gestation, and amniocentesis is done at 15-18 weeks' gestation.
on, having proper, adequate nutrition, appropriate exercise.
erted into the internal organs of the body. This process takes place between about week 3 to the end of week 8.
pregnancy in the first pregnancy and, earlier and more intensely, in subsequent pregnancies.

nclude fetal heart sounds, ultrasound scanning of the fetus, palpation of the entire fetus, palpation of fetal movements, x-ray, and actual de
o feel or perceive fetal movements in the uterus.The first natural sensation of quickening may feel like a light tapping, or the fluttering of a
unds. Second trimester: 1-2 pounds per week. Third trimester: 1-2 pounds per week.
the expected date of delivery (EDD) by adding one year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the first day of a woman's las
erus, and bowels. By strengthening these muscles during your pregnancy, you can develop the ability to relax and control the muscles in pre
also in the hands and knees position. Having this 'tool' means it gives another thing to do, which can distract you from the contractions, e

on is to stretch the muscle by dosiflexing the foot of the affected leg towards the knee.
s a drug that inhibits the uterine smooth muscles from contracting. On the other hand, oxytocin and prostaglandin stimulates contraction o
es against Rh(+). After the first pregnancy, even if terminated into an abortion, there is already the possibility of mixing of maternal and fet

pressing on the vena cava against the vertebrae obstructing blood flow from the lower extremities. This causes a decrease in blood return
ation occurs. The proliferation of the vesicle-like substances is rapid causing the uterus to enlarge bigger than the expected size based on a
l back in relation to the right or left side of the mother and the presentation, whether cephalic or breech. The best site is the fetal back nea
Naegele’s Rule is subtract 3 from the month and add 7 to the day.
lacental barrier. Gonorrhea, candidiasis and moniliasis are conditions that can affect the fetus as it passes through the vaginal canal during
ges. The pregnant woman in her third trimester usually assumes a lordotic posture to maintain balance causing an exaggeration of the lum
the villi becomes vesicle-like. These vesicle-like substances when expelled per vagina and is a definite sign that the woman has H-mole.
ected and viability can be assessed. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic he
rmed during the secretory phase of menstrual cycle from uterine mucosa termed endometrium. The decidua is composed of glands, immu
produced estrogen in the body by far, although circulating levels of estriol are similar to those of other estrogens due to a relatively high rat
r fertilization, it hatches out of its zona pellucida and begins the process of implantation in the uterus.
l rate, peaking at approximately the 13th week of pregnancy.
er applications in female healthcare.
VS, cells are taken from the placenta and used to analyze the fetal chromosomes. This test is typically performed in the first trimester, betw
women of childbearing age who are susceptible to these infections and who may become pregnant because these vaccines are contraindi
of the chorion and the decidua (between the fetal sac and the uterine lining). It can be thought of as an adhesive or "biological glue" that
n deficiency anemia. You usually take iron pills 1 to 3 times a day. To get the most benefit from the pills, take them with vitamin C (ascorbic
essional misconduct, such as omission or commission of an act that a reasonable and prudent nurse would or would not do. In this exampl

well as the fetal requires about 350-400 mg of iron to grow

to provide the needed increase in blood supply for the fetus. Also, about 350-400 mgs of iron is need for the normal growth of the fetus. T

gitation of gastric contents. It is best relieved by sleeping position, eating small meals, and not eating before bedtime.
vagina for diagnosing pregnancy by feeling the return impact of the displaced fetus
during pregnancy.

he cervix from increased vascularization. This vascularization is a result of hypertrophy and engorgement of the vessels below the growing
re the middle of the period of gestation.
arly pregnancy (about the seventh week) which, on bimanual examination, is felt by the finger in the vagina as though the neck and body o
so that at the time of delivery the placenta precedes the baby. Placenta previa can cause painless bleeding in the last trimester of pregnanc
tients with abruptio placentae, also called placental abruption, typically present with painfull dark red bleeding, uterine contractions, and fe
ng the second half of pregnancy, usually with severehemorrhage. Placenta previa refers to implantation of the placenta in the lower uterin
d count back 3 months, changing the year appropriately. To obtain a date of September 27, 7 days have been added to the last day of the L

sudden intense localized uterine pain. The uterus is typically firm to boardlike, and the fetal presenting part may be engaged. Bright red, p
station is considered full term (T), while birth form 20 weeks to 38 weeks is considered preterm (P). A spontaneous abortion occurred at 8
y test. It's also responsible for jump-starting all of the other pregnancy hormones in the body. Production of hCG starts at fertilization and l
ortly after birth so the newborn will not have a murmur or mixed blood traveling through the vascular system. The umbilical vein, ductus a
in maternal estrogen secretion does not effect differentiation of the embryo, and maternal estrogen secretion occurs in every pregnancy. M
al “waddling” gait. Changes in posture are related to the growing fetus. Pressure on the surrounding muscles causing discomfort is due to t
foot and ankle edema. A weight gain of 2 lb or more per week indicates a problem. Early morning headache is not a classic sign of PIH.
abortion. Performing the tests too early or too late in the pregnancy, storing the urine sample too long at room temperature, or having a s
he growing uterus and smooth muscle relaxation, can cause heartburn and flatulence. HCG levels increase in the first, not the second, trim
cating that the client may not possess immunity to rubella. A hematocrit of 33.5% a white blood cell count of 8,000/mm3, and a 1 hour glu
pment, sexuality during pregnancy, and nutrition. Some early classes may include pregnant couples. Second and third trimester classes ma
ulatated at the midline suprapubic region with Doppler ultrasound transducer at 10 to 12 week’s gestation. FHR, cannot be heard any earlie
able signs are objective findings that strongly suggest pregnancy. Other probable signs include Hegar sign, which is softening of the lower u
er there is spotting. On the third trimester there is bleeding that is sudden, profuse and painless.
so those women with a history of spontaneous miscarriage may be advised to avoid coitus during the time of pregnancy when a previous m
gain in pregnancy. This weight gain consists of the following: fetus- 7.5 lb; placenta- 1.5 lb; amniotic fluid- 2 lb; uterus- 2.5 lb; breasts- 1.5 to
sible for causing urinary frequency. Dysuria, incontinence and burning are symptoms associated with urinary tract infection.
bleeding, rapid weight gain and elevated blood pressure. Nasal stuffiness, breast tenderness, and constipation are common discomforts as
terial that makes up the cell and is gained from each parent. Blastocyst and trophoblast are later terms for the embryo after zygote.
ainstay of the treatment plan and should always be the priority. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes generally need only diet thera
anxiety. The second trimester is a period of well-being accompanied by the increased need to learn about fetal growth and development.
nomalies abdominal trauma, and renal or vascular disease may predispose a client to abruptio placentae.
ectrolyte, metabolic, and nutritional imbalances in the absence of other medical problems. Hyperemesis is not a form of anemia. Loss of ap
face. It is not seen on the breasts, areola, nipples, chest, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, or thighs.
ng are presumptive signs. Hegar sign,skin pigmentation changes, and a positive serum pregnancy test are considered probably signs, which
the lower extremities. Subsequently, edema and varicose vein formation may occur. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the veins due
erine growth retardation (IUGR). Therefore, the nurse must notify the physician of the client’s cocaine use because this knowledge will influ
he disorder. Maternal age is not a risk factor until age 35, when the incidence of chromosomal defects increases. Maternal exposure to rub
uterus is still within the pelvic area. On the 12th week, the uterus and placenta have grown, expanding into the abdominal cavity. On the 18
ubis. The Doppler intensifies the sound of the fetal pulse rate so it is audible. The uterus has merely risen out of the pelvis into the abdomin
promote relaxation. Breathing techniques do not eliminate pain, but they can reduce it. Positioning, not breathing, increases uteroplacent
y symptom. Thus, pain is the priority. Although the potential for infection is always present, the risk is low in ectopic pregnancy because pa
ons. Eating low-sodium crackers would be appropriate. Since liquids can increase nausea avoiding them in the morning hours when nausea
ction. Fetal kicking felt by the client represents quickening. Enlargement and softening of the uterus is known as Piskacek’s sign.
weight gain 25 to 30 pounds is recommended: 1.5 pounds in the first 10 weeks; 9 pounds by 30 weeks; and 27.5 pounds by 40 weeks. The
e superior border of the symphysis pubis and stretching the tape across the abdomen at the midline to the top of the fundus. The xiphoid a
nless contractions beginning around the 4th month. Goodell’s sign indicates softening of the cervix. Flexibility of the uterus against the cerv
izure. Seizure precautions provide environmental safety should a seizure occur. Because of edema, daily weight is important but not the pr
twins involve a common placenta, same genotype, and common chorion.
e superior border of the symphysis pubis and stretching the tape across the abdomen at the midline to the top of the fundus. The xiphoid a
ll act like calcium in the body. As a result, magnesium will block seizure activity in a hyper stimulated neurologic system by interfering with
To verify that this has occurred, the nurse should ask whether she has made appropriate changes at home such as obtaining infant supplie
shows grapelike clusters of transparent vesicles rather than a fetus. The vesicles contain a clear fluid and may involve all or part of the dec
dy movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume. A normal response for each variable receives 2 p
st-feeding after surgery is possible. Still, it’s good to check with the surgeon to determine what breast reduction procedure was done. There
, which may be caused by fluid retention manifested by edema, especially of the hands and face. The three classic signs of preeclampsia ar
cessive weight gain or loss. This is not, however, the priority consideration at this time. Weight gain thought to be caused by excessive food
ocking the passageway for the baby. This response explains what a complete previa is and the reason the baby cannot come out except by
when assessing male infertility. Sperm count, sperm maturity, and semen volume are all significant, but they are not as significant sperm m
ea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. Signs and symptoms may also include vomiting many times a day and feeling faint. Hyp
ek gestational age till birth.
nt, and it also has the figurative meanings of pregnant: "full or teeming" and "meaningful."

maternal part of the placenta. It is formed under the influence of progesterone and forms highly characteristic cells.
increase in the metabolic rate and a 20% increased consumption of oxygen.
ia the ductus venosus. Umbilical cord pH is usually higher in the vein than in the artery.
hin 48 hours. The risk of miscarriage is less than 1%.
this are poorly understood.
e of risk of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and cord entanglement.
sponse to in utero exposure to maternal hyperglycaemia. They need early, regular feeding or intravenous dextrose, not more insulin.

ything until 20 to 22 weeks.

uld be masked and only present

s, while the umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated blood and fetal wastes from the fetus to the placenta, where they are treated in the mat
week 12 of a pregnancy. A woman's body goes through many changes during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy.
en has had previous pregnancies they often notice movements earlier (around 15-18 weeks).
er stimulated causing prolonged contractions which can starve the baby of oxygen. It can also cause contractions to be so powerful they ca

ssive nausea and vomiting which prevents them taking in adequate amounts of food and water. It is thought to be caused by high levels of
st normal menstrual period. This method may not be reliable if a woman is unsure about when her last menstrual period was. As a result u
eks. the head
the patient circumference
was A+ (meaningshould
her Rhremain
factor isnormal, even
positive) sheifwould
there not
is significant placental
have to receive theinsufficiency, as the body makes sure the bra
Rh immune globulin.
nization and not become pregnant for 1-3 months. Other options are incorrect statements about education regarding the rubella vaccine.

altered calcium-phosphorus balance and pressure of the uterus on the nerves. Getting regular exercise, increasing calcium intake (NOT IRO
counter) unless prescribed by the OB doctor. This option is out of the scope of practice for the nurse.
mester. The patient who suffers from this condition should avoid spicy and fried food because this can makes the morning sickness worst. A
obtained. So times
k at least 10 instructing
in twothe patient to 2drink
consecutive hourwater to fill the bladder for the procedure would be ideal.

robably be ordered after the confirmation via the Nitrazine strip test that the membranes have ruptured. The nitrazine strip test is quick an
er pregnancy. All other options are correct statements.

of the last menstrual period which would be September 17, 2014. Then subtract 3 months which would be June 17, 2014 and then add 1 y
ation. Note parity is the number of births NOT the number of fetuses as with twins in this situation. Multipara is a woman who has had tw
e. T is the number of babies born after 37 weeks gestation. P is the number of babies born before 37 weeks gestation. A is the number of a
appen at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation.
rrhea and quickening are presumptive signs of pregnancy, and fetal heart rate detected by an electronic devices is a positive sign of pregna
f labor contractions and is necessary for cervical dilation and passage of the fetus.

enger), uterus (powers), pelvis (passage), or psyche.

ngaged" when the largest part of the head has entered the pelvis.
decent, cervical dilation and effacement.
at intervals of 3-5 minutes of rest in between.
tes in between the contractions (called the interval).

moving down the birth canal. The second stage is when your baby is being born and the third stage is when the placenta is delivered.
per or inadequate prenatal care of the mother.
fter the cervix is dilated to 10 cm until the baby is delivered.

ternal bearing down is considered the secondary power/force that will help push the fetus out.
s out first, it is called the Schultze mechanism; while if the meaty portion comes out first, it is called the Duncan mechanism.
e cord is coiled around its neck. Wiping of the face should be done seconds after you have ensured that there is no cord coil but suctioning
he compression on the fetal head. However, the heart rate should go back to the pre-contraction rate as soon as the contraction is over sinc
prior to placental delivery, the placenta will be trapped inside because the action of the drug is almost immediate if given parentally.
rms the act for a fee commits a grave offense punishable by 10-12 years of imprisonment.
erve strict asepsis in the care of the cord to prevent infection. The cord has to be kept moist to prevent it from drying. Don’t attempt to put
d of the fetus. When the baby and placenta have been delivered, there is a fluid shift back to the maternal circulation as part of physiologic
about 8 hours labor while the primigravida may have up to 12 hours labor.
rineum with a sterile towel and pushing the perineum downard with one hand while the other hand is supporting the baby’s head as it goe
bably the placenta is abnormally adherent and there is a need to refer already to the obstetrician.
/feet, it is considered footling. If only the buttocks, it is frank breech. If both the feet and the buttocks are presenting it is called complete b
e there was little time for the baby to adapt to the passageway. If the presentation is cephalic, the fetal head serves as the main part of the
at it will not cause stoppage of the contraction thus protracting labor. Also, it should be given when delivery of fetus is imminent or too clos
daries not well defined, the cause of the hemorrhage could be uterine atony.
er of the inlet so there is no mechanism of labour and labour is obstructed.
ns during birth. A clavicle fracture is a break in the collar bone and occurs as a result of a difficult delivery or trauma at birth.
of the neonate.
and oxygen to the fetus during the uterine contractions. This causes hypoxemia; therefore oxygen is necessary.Option A: The supine positi
ndicate fetal distress and would warrant physician notification. By full term. a normal maternal hemoglobin range is 11-13 g/dL as a result o
m the lower trunk and extremities. This leads to decreasing cardiac return. cardiac output. and blood flow to the uterus and the fetus. The
e fetal heart rate to differentiate the two. If the fetal and maternal heart rates are similar. the nurse may mistake the maternal heart rate fo
fetal distress and the need to discontinue to Pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-m

may indicate the need for immediate medical management. and the physician or nurse-midwife needs to be notified.
or are caused by fetal movement. Episodic accelerations are thought to be a sign of fetal-well being and adequate oxygen reserve.
rate will be identified if they occur. Options 1 and 3 are important to assess. but not as the first priority.
ves placing the client on bed rest and then placing the client in a knee-chest position or lowering the head of the bed, and elevating the ma
weeks' gestation or rupture of fluids indicates preterm labor.

the first stage
flow. of labor,
Calling cervical dilation
the physician and and
or midwife, effacement occur.
arranging During
for blood the thirdare
sampling stage of labor, the
IMPORTANT, butnewborn
they haveand placenta
a lower are delivered.
priority than gettinT
al rotation occurs. Descent flexion, internal rotation, extension, and restitution (in this order) occur before external rotation.
ons occur at regular intervals, usually starting in the back and sweeping around to the abdomen. The interval of

promote parent-newborn interaction by placing the newborn on the mother’s abdomen and encouraging the parents to touch the newbo
cord may be washed down below the presenting part and cause umbilical cord compression, which would indicate by vitiable deceleration
eks’ gestation. The other time periods are inaccurate.
vent and limit hypovolemic shock. Immediate steps should include giving oxygen, replacing lost fluids, providing drug therapy as needed, e
n tetanic contractions prolonged to more than 90seconds, which could lead to such complications as fetal distress, abruptio placentae, amn
perative teaching to meet the needs of either planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on ci
of the rectum. Options B, C and D are under the second degree laceration.
an and allows good circulation in the lower extremities.
usion of oxytocin, which will assist the uterus to contact more forcefully in an attempt to dilate the cervix. Administering light sedative wou
e of the umbilical cord is common. Quickening is the woman’s first perception of fetal movement. Ophthalmia neonatorum usually results f
d is completely or partially flexed. With a brow (forehead) presentation, the head would be partially extended.
perative teaching to meet the needs of either a planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on
y labor are encouraged to eat healthy snacks and drink fluid to avoid dehydration. Yogurt, which is an excellent source of calcium and ribofl
etermine her current status, particularly her due date, gravidity, and parity. Gravidity and parity affect the duration of labor and the potenti
of contraction every 15 minutes. If maternal or fetal problems are detected, more frequent monitoring is necessary. An interval of 30 to 60
us pelvic injury. The symphysis pubis, sacral promontory, and pubic arch are not part of the mid-pelvis.
loss of an effective defense against infection. This is the client’s most immediate need at this time. Typically, PROM occurs about 1 hour, no
s. Based on the client’s assessment findings, this client is ready for delivery, which is the nurse’s top priority. Placing the client in bed, check

e done because it could cause hemorrhage. Assessing maternal vital signs can help determine maternal physiologic status. Fetal heart rate i
d circulatory adaptation to extrauterine life. The data given reflect the normal changes during this time period. The infant’s assessment data
ic and anesthetics during childbirth. The LDRP was a much later concept and was not a direct result of the challenging of
al nurse specialists did not develop from this challenge.
perative teaching to meet the needs of either a planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on
ctions accomplish two things: (1) they cause the cervix to thin and dilate (open); and (2) they help the baby to descend into the birth canal
and the placenta, membranes, and umbilical cord from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. During the first stage of labor (which

r pituitary gland. Secretion depends on electrical activity of neurons in the hypothalamus

verage weight of the placenta at term is 508 g. The ratio between placenta weight and birth weight of the newborn is 1:6.
centa to the baby and the arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the baby to the placenta.

hey were the same sex they had approximately a 1 in 4 chance of being identical, despite there being two placentas.
gray-white ring, it is called a circumvallate placenta. The ring is composed of a double fold of chorion and amnion, with degenerated decid
ly dilated at 10cm.

been expelled from the uterus.

es leaving a woman's uterus by vaginal passage or Caesarean section.
tion, occurs during the second stage of labor. (A contraction is when the uterine muscle tightens and relaxes to help your baby pass from th
having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully dilated.
n, becoming the first woman in the United States to give birth this way and survive.
10–15 cm long and 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. The skin and rectus sheath are opened transversely using sharp dissection.
is in danger.

wn, while posted there between 1817 and 1828.

oduced a silver suture that produced minimal tissue reaction.
attention after performing a Caesarean section on herself. Despite having no medical training, the operation was successful and both she an

e full delivery of the baby.

tageor1 other
ead and contractions are very
parts) are signs that intense
the birthand longbaby
of the in duration.

and new so it is the SHINY Schultze side. The Schultze mechanism is where the baby's surface is delivered first. Duncan mechanism is wher
elivery it can not be palpated.
h of blood, and uterus changes from an oval shape to globular.

upture of membranes on labour , and the 42nd day postpartum in which fever, foul lochial discharge and subinvolution of the uterus is pres
dice in a newborn.

opathy is a rare cause, accounting around 1% of PPH.

24 hours of delivery. If the blood loss is between 500-1000ml it is defined as a minor PPH. If the blood loss is more than 1000ml it is defined
eturn to their original non-pregnant condition.
decidua, vernix caseosa, lanugo and membranes. It is red in color because of the large amount of blood it contains. It typically lasts no lon
by is usually alert after birth and will spontaneously seek the breast if left undisturbed in skin-to-skin contact with their mother's body.

person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, to provide emotional support and physical help if needed.
veoli making milk. Prolactin rises when the baby suckles.
nancy and for a few days after birth, before breast milk comes in. It is high in protective antibodies that boost the newborn's immune syste

e baby may not look yellow immediately after birth, but jaundice can develop quickly, usually within 24 hours.
0 mL. The device is used for the temporary control and reduction of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

ns during birth. A clavicle fracture is a break in the collar bone and occurs as a result of a difficult delivery or trauma at birth.
der a radiant warmer aids in maintaining his or her body temperature. Suctioning with a bulb syringe helps maintain a patent airway. Obtai
rompt withdrawal at birth precipitates breast engorgement, which will spontaneously resolve in 4 to 5 days after birth. The trauma of the b
would not produce a stain. Bilirubin and iron are from hepatic adaptation.
normal assessments of language development of a child.
ractions, helping to promote uterine involution.
only supplies heat but also encourages parent-child interaction.
ll bladder will interfere with the accuracy of the assessment by elevating the uterus and displacing to the side of the midline. Vital sign asse
ich may interfere with feeding the newborn, providing fewer chances for bonding, or he may be jealous of the infant’s demands on his wife
unt less than this not considered postpartum hemorrhage.
he smacking of lips. A baby who’s smacking his lips isn’t well attached and can injure the mother’s nipples.
d applications, sitz baths, and Kegel exercises are important measures when the client has a fourth-degree laceration
anel, which is diamond shaped closes at 18 month, whereas the posterior fontanel, which is triangular in shape closes at 8 to 12 weeks. Ne
the newborn was awake, the normal heart rate would range from 120 to 160 beats per minute.
the amniotic fluid. At birth some of the meconium fluid may be aspirated, causing mechanical obstruction or chemical pneumonitis. The in
ion and abduction of the arms followed by flexion and adduction. In talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) the foot is turned medially, and in plant
oulders and back of the fetus. Hydramnios represents excessive amniotic fluid. Vernix is the white, cheesy substance covering the fetus.
g from hunger and will decrease breast engorgement, soften the breast, and promote ease of correct latching-on for feeding. Narcotics ad
omotes drying. The cord should be kept dry until it falls off and the stump has healed. Antibiotic ointment should only be used to treat an in
d infection are minimal 3 weeks after a normal vaginal delivery. Telling the client anytime is inappropriate because this response does not p
120 cal/kg per day = 360 calories/day feeding q 4 hours = 6 feedings per day = 60 calories per feeding: 60 calories per feeding; 60 calories

d circulatory adaptation to extrauterine life. The data given reflect the normal changes during this time period. The infant’s assessment data
he reproductive structures during pregnancy and following delivery, the diaphragm must be refitted, usually at the 6 weeks’ examination fo
n because it is free of blood vessels and nerves and is large enough to absorb the medication. The deltoid muscle of a newborn is not large
t least 3 months to prevent the possibility of the vaccine’s toxic effects to the fetus.

reased or pulse
is adark brown in appearance,
compensatory mechanism and foul
of the smelling,
body providing
in response further evidence
to decreased of a possible
fluid volume. infection.
Thus, the All thecheck
nurse should client’s
thedata indicao
ich may be a possible cause of the hemorrhage.
acilitate the safe and effective care of the client and newborn. Although promoting comfort and restoration of health, exploring the family’

are not directly responsible for discussing autopsy and obtaining consent from parents; this remains the job of the treating clinicians.
ease the perinatal mortality rate.

24 hours of delivery. If the blood loss is between 500-1000ml it is defined as a minor PPH. If the blood loss is more than 1000ml it is defined
tions also account for a significant proportion of PPH. Uterine atony describes a state in which the uterus can no longer effectively contract
evelopment at the expense of the body. As a result the abdominal circumference decreases whilst the head circumference remains normal.
he umbilicus. If the fundus is soft, boggy, and displaced, the nurse should perform fundal massage and assist the patient to the bathroom to

heapest to use.
g the uterus.

it can be rinsed with water and should be put back in immediately.

hing hormonal is desired or necessary.

feelings about themselves and their capabilities. Thus, the nursing diagnosis of self-esteem disturbance is most appropriate. Fear, pain, an
r barrier against bacterial and viral sexually transmitted infections. Although spermicides kill sperm, they do not provide reliable protection
an one sexual partner, because of the increased risk of sexually transmitted infections. An UID should not be used if the woman has an acti
drugs to suppress the action of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary leading to inappropriate secretion of FSH and LH. Therefore, follicle
ples, both partners have contributing problems. In about 15% of couples, no cause is found after all tests have been done. This is referred to
erine shape can keep the egg from implanting in the uterus. In women, fertility declines with age, and even more so after the age of 35. Co
or as part of their prenatal vitamins to decrease the risk of fetal malformations. Folic acid may also decrease the risk of a miscarriage. The
of the most serious complications of certain sexually transmitted diseases in women. PID can cause irreversible damage to the uterus, ova
ertility problems often come with feelings of guilt or inadequacy. Up to 15% of all couples are infertile, but only 1% to 2% are sterile. Half of
r unprotected intercourse. A woman's chances of having a baby rapidly decrease every year after age 30. As a woman ages, she has fewer h
usly giving birth to a baby.
ve after frequent unprotected sexual intercourse for one to two years in couples in the reproductive age group". By this definition infertility
tion of infertility treatment and research and is intended to promote safe and ethical use of assisted reproductive technologies. The Act has
s is the potential difficulty of establishing legal parentage. In England and Wales the woman who gives birth to an infant is recognised as th
and subsequent use or disposal is controlled by Schedule 3 of the 1990 Act. Consent must be in writing and signed (Schedule 3, para 1(1)) a
er former partner withdrew his consent which meant that she could no longer use the stored embryos which were subsequently destroyed
makeup prior to implantation following in vitro fertilisation. It is used to screen embryos for inherited medical conditions that could serious
ld for another with the intention that the child should be handed over after birth. The law on surrogacy is governed by the Surrogacy Arran
though ownership, control, storage and disposal of in vitro gametes and embryos are regulated by a combination of statute and common l
use of sperm. However, posthumous insemination is not unlawful per se if conducted in a jurisdiction where such consent is not a mandat
tain whether a serious medical condition 'could be treated by umbilical cord blood stem cells, bone marrow or other tissue of any resulting
dies show that obese women are 43% less likely to become pregnant compared to normal women. Obesity can also give rise to high blood p
osterone which leads to signs such as fatigue and low sexual libido.
ouple are in their mid-thirties or if one of them has a medical problem then they can seek help earlier
gy has come out with magical methods such as IUI and IVF/ICSI that effectively treat infertility.
e individuals.
/ml . Oligospermia is when the count is < 20 million /ml
ical mother.
ryos and their development.
metes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Gametes are haploid cells, and each cell carries only one copy of each

expelled. The cervix remains closed; there may be a dark brown vaginal discharge, negative pregnancy test, and cessation of uterine grow
the primary predisposing factor. Epidemic and endemic infections are probable sources of infection for mastitis. Temporary urinary retentio
regnancy is inevitable and cannot be prevented. Thus, the nurse would document an imminent abortion. In a threatened abortion, crampin
wall. The fetal heart rate would be most audible above the maternal umbilicus and to the left of the middle. The other positions would be i
y symptom. Thus, pain is the priority. Although the potential for infection is always present, the risk is low in ectopic pregnancy because pa
nd placenta) from the uterus.
mear involves collecting cells from your cervix — the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina.

a or
he adenocarcinoma
cul-de-sac accounts
of the pouch for 50% of malignancies. Mucinous cystadenoma or adenocarcinoma is less frequently malignant (10% of o
of Douglas.

mounts of sugar in the urine, known as glycosuria, are usually the result of high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar usually occurs in diabe
he patient’s heart murmur is likely also caused by tissue malformation, but echocardiography would be required for confirmation. Malform

she's reached 6 weeks, especially in the winter months, when more viruses are going around.
sible by
nbag, washing
deep your baby's
pillow-top penis
mattress, with soap
or other and water every
inappropriately day.
soft surface.
s. The AAP notes that two or three times a week during her first year is plenty. If she is bathed more frequently, it may dry out her skin.

d have only sponge baths, notes the AAP. Once the umbilical area is healed, you can try placing your baby in 2 inches of water.
detecting low-grade fevers in children under age 5
ve at least two bowel movements daily, reports the Nemours Foundation.
ke your baby for a feeding every three to four hours or so, and possibly more often for smaller or premature babies.

newborn dry by drying the wet newborn infant will prevent hypothermia via evaporation.
ld expect that the area would be red with a small amount of bloody drainage. If the bleeding is excessive. the nurse would apply gentle pre
apnea. nasal flaring. chest wall retractions. or audible grunts.
’s head. wrap the tape around the occiput. and measure just above the eyebrows so that the largest area of the occiput is included.
other options are not necessary.
bsequent development of surfactant. The infant may benefit from surfactant replacement therapy. In surfactant replacement. an exogenou
nsory stimulation. The infant may cry incessantly and posture rather than cuddle when being held.
to the newborn infant to prevent abnormal bleeding. Newborn infants are vitamin K deficient because the bowel does not have the bacter

n folic acid supplementation to prevent spina bifida shows the benefit of recognizing high-risk groups.
ocaine (in the UK and Australia) and more typically cause a withdrawal syndrome.]
f maternal anti-HIV IgG can lead to diagnostic difficulty. It is therefore necessary to confirm HIV infection in the newborn by the presence o
or conditions such as oesophageal atresia and neuromuscular abnormalities.
than in the vein.
aemic encephalopathy, as the outcome may otherwise be poor.
rap in place until the baby is inside a warm, humidified incubator.
e insult. IF the baby is in primary apnoea they will start to gasp; however, if they are in the secondary stage spontaneous breathing will not
esions. Parents should be told that a normal newborn examination is not a guarantee of normality
it is still recommended to put babies to sleep supine to reduce the risk of cot death.
dramatically to beta-blockers.
dence of DDH in singleton breech delivery is 14% but not if it occurs before 36 weeks as the fetus may normally change position in-utero d
ractures, non-accidental injury should be considered, even if CPR has taken place. In preterm babies on the NICU with severe osteopenia, r
otor nerve injury (which would require imaging) by the involvement of the upper part of the face, including the eyelids.
periosteum and the cranial bones (usually parietal, less commonly occipital) as a result of shearing or tearing of communicating veins duri

clinical examination will be very useful in most cases but may fail to identify the specific genetic cause in a number of cases.
r maternal X or paternal X) at a stage during cell division.
e a higher IQ than those given formula milk in the early months of life, but there is no doubt that breastfeeding does not decrease the IQ.
tection against ovarian and premenopausal breast cancer as well as osteoporosis.

will not, and prophylactic insulin infusions could lead to significant hypoglycaemia in some infants.

ntibiotics the baby is now symptomatic. The other measures may be useful in the acute management of apnoea, but the priority should be
does have early-onset infection, a delay in commencing IV antibiotics may have very serious consequences. All the other options may also
nization within 12 hours of birth.
the liver. Symptoms of liver disease in the neonatal period are rare in affected babies.
e a higher IQ than those given formula milk in the early months of life, but there is no doubt that breastfeeding does not decrease the IQ.
assessed on its merits, as if the mother has frank sepsis it may be safer to deliver the baby immediately.

the baby must also be placed under a radiant warmer.

degree of prematurity than by birthweight or any other factor (although they all contribute).
h reveals the tip of the catheter is below the level of the diaphragm (T10), the usual practice is to withdraw it to make it sit at approximatel
entile during the first year of life.
med after David Barker, who first made these observations.

t use of IPPV and thus may be useful in preventing the adverse effects of this treatment. However, the Cochrane Review on this topic by Ho
sudden increase in the peak pressure as the ventilator tries to compensate for the decreased tidal volume. The other settings will be unch

tially only two ways to do this: increase amplitude (in practice this is what we do first); or decrease frequency (we only do this if the simple
d. Caffeine loading significantly increases the chances of successful extubation. Options B, C and D will all increase the tidal volume, further
ary if the caffeine does not decrease her rate of apnoea.
mental outcome with lower rates of cerebral palsy in babies treated with caffeine compared to those treated with placebo.
operty of myofibrils. It can be influenced by inotropes (e.g. dobutamine).

hould ideally have been born in a tertiary centre, in view of the antenatal diagnosis.
) in the presence of these symptoms.
with volvulus. Clinical examination and plain abdominal radiograph are often unremarkable in these cases, and an upper GI contrast study is

SS by finding the pylorus ≥3 mm thick.

after 4 weeks of age is the ‘gold standard’ for the diagnosis of CF.
organ responsible for the removal of waste products.
be restricted until the urine output improves.
), the bag urine result is abnormal. This may be due to contamination, and a clean specimen is required to exclude a urinary tract infection
ezing during collection.
and needs to be excluded.
emoglobin levels at birth and a shortened red cell lifespan.

E, D and K), and this would be the most likely cause of late-onset haemorrhagic disease in this list.
uire platelet typing.
d growth rate. However, routine administration of iron is controversial and not given in all units
he fetal (HbF) form.

ue to beta-cell hyperplasia.
iving a 2 ml kg–1 bolus of 10% dextrose before starting the infusion.
quired; the baby has a high serum bilirubin and requires phototherapy.
neonatal screening test (NNST) is performed. NNST results are often ‘batched’, and results may not be available until the baby is at least a f
covered or do not get much exposure will frequently have vitamin D deficiency. Mother and baby will often require supplementation.
st, non-invasive fetal testing, amniocentesis); most babies have obvious features present at birth.
isk women by as much as 75%.

imb of the internal capsule (PLIC) and basal ganglia with 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity, and positive predictive value of 100%.

scaphocephalic (boat-shaped) head.

he has some mild feed intolerance and apnoea of prematurity, but otherwise has an uncomplicated neonatal admission. Her cranial ultraso
nteriorly from the vascularized retina posteriorly.
80% are due to single-gene autosomal recessive disorders and 15% to autosomal dominant disorders.

warm or cool they will not grow effectively.

to a non-homologous chromosome.
nurses can offer much of this package as holistic care, but generally a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and speech and language the
d IV antibiotics because of the risk of ascending infection. Transfer should then be arranged.
erious complications (e.g. seizures).
ea level to 640 mmHg at 1500 m). This decreases the amount of oxygen that is available. Although increasing the PIP and PEEP will also imp

ng offered to those infants considered to be at highest risk of adverse outcome.

henever possible. Most neonatal units will have an ‘open-door’ policy which allows parent involvement 24 hours per day.

ETT while arrangements are being made to insert an emergency UVC. The second dose should be given via the UVC and no further time sh

reement about the continuation of care it will be the court that will make this decision on the basis of an independent assessment of the e
til a follow-up appointment is arranged (normally 6–8 weeks afterwards).
sion and thereby shorten life, the purpose of using the medication should only ever be to relieve distress or pain. In practice, if the child is i
ife is about 45 hours.

breastfeeding period, as well as infant prophylaxis for six weeks after birth, whether or not the infant is breastfeeding.
ausea and vomiting.
r signs of bleeding occur.
s them generally inappropriate during active labor. Neonatal side effects of barbiturates include central nervous system depression, prolon

m Gluconate 10%, IV Push, 10 ml over 3 minutes.

ause miscarriage.
cell that unites with a male sperm to form a fertilized egg.

opause is possible, and can happen in a woman's mid-to-early 40s.

re called the labia majora.

ay menstrual cycle.

eighboring granulosa cells of selected growing follicles.

uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and vagina.
nd thicken to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.

orpus luteum is active and secretes progesterone hormone.

opause is possible, and can happen in a woman's mid-to-early 40s.

period) begins 2 weeks later.

or progesterone, which helps prime the endometrium to the late proliferative phase and the luteal phase.
gina. They secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina

(XX) or male (XY) offspring, respectively. Hormone levels in the male parent affect the sex ratio of sperm in humans.

mond. The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (ova) and female hormones.

d pain caused by the sacrum's inability to move as teh baby descends can be intolerable.
gynecoid pelvis (sometimes called a “true female pelvis”) is found in about 50% of the women

’s glands open into the posterior wall of the female urinary meatus.

tter also forming the basis of a form of contraception known as the lactational amenorrhoea method.
he cycle is relatively constant in all women, with a duration of 14 days.
dometrium (its development) and maintenance, respectively

helium. The ectocervix is continuous with the vagina and is covered in squamous epithelium. The columnar epithelium undergoes metapla

sured, it is estimated by subtracting 1.5 to 2 cm from the diagonal conjugate, which is the distance from the lower margin of the symphysis
process takes place between about week 3 to the end of week 8.

gets to the egg first

nta and your baby.

at 15-18 weeks' gestation.

movements, x-ray, and actual delivery of an infant.
ht tapping, or the fluttering of a butterfly.Usually, quickening occurs naturally at about the middle of a pregnancy. A woman pregnant for th

to the first day of a woman's last menstrual period (LMP).

ax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth.
act you from the contractions, ease back ache and help the baby to move into position in its journey to be born.

glandin stimulates contraction of smooth muscles.

ity of mixing of maternal and fetal blood so this can trigger the maternal blood to produce antibodies against Rh(+) blood. The fetus takes i

uses a decrease in blood return to the heart and consequently immediate decreased cardiac output and hypotension. Hence, putting the m
an the expected size based on ages of gestation (AOG). In the situation given, the pregnancy is only 5 months but the size of the uterus is a
The best site is the fetal back nearest the head.

hrough the vaginal canal during the delivery process.

using an exaggeration of the lumbar curvature. Low broad heels provide the pregnant woman with a good support.
that the woman has H-mole.
he presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy.
dua is composed of glands, immune cells, blood and lymph vessels, and decidual stromal cells (DSCs).
ogens due to a relatively high rate of metabolism and excretion.

rmed in the first trimester, between 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy.

se these vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy.
dhesive or "biological glue" that binds the fetal sac to the uterine lining.
e them with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) pills or orange juice. Vitamin C helps your body absorb more iron.
d or would not do. In this example, the standard of care was breached; a 3-month-old infant should never be left unattended on a scale.

he normal growth of the fetus. Thus, about 750-800 mgs iron supplementation is needed by the mother to meet this additional requiremen

f the vessels below the growing uterus.

a as though the neck and body of the uterus were separated, or connected by only a thin band of tissue.
in the last trimester of pregnancy.
ding, uterine contractions, and fetal distress.
the placenta in the lower uterine segment, causing painless bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy refers to the im
en added to the last day of the LMP (rather than the first day of the LMP), plus 4 months (instead of 3 months) were counted back. To obta

rt may be engaged. Bright red, painless vaginal bleeding, a palpable fetal outline and a soft nontender abdomen are manifestations of plac
taneous abortion occurred at 8 weeks (A). She has two living children (L).
of hCG starts at fertilization and levels rapidly rise until 10 weeks when they peak.
em. The umbilical vein, ductus arteriosus, and ductus venosus are obliterated at birth.
tion occurs in every pregnancy. Maternal androgen secretion remains the same as before pregnancy and does not effect differentiation. Sec
es causing discomfort is due to the growing uterus. Weight gain has no effect on gait.
he is not a classic sign of PIH.
room temperature, or having a spontaneous or missed abortion impending can all produce false-negative results.
in the first, not the second, trimester. Decrease intestinal motility would most likely be the cause of constipation and bloating. Estrogen lev
of 8,000/mm3, and a 1 hour glucose challenge test of 110 g/dl are with normal parameters.
nd and third trimester classes may focus on preparation for birth, parenting, and newborn care.
FHR, cannot be heard any earlier than 10 weeks’ gestation.
which is softening of the lower uterine segment; Piskacek sign, which is enlargement and softening of the uterus; serum laboratory tests; ch

of pregnancy when a previous miscarriage occurred.

2 lb; uterus- 2.5 lb; breasts- 1.5 to 3 lb; blood volume- 4 lb; body fat- 7 lb; body fluid- 7 lb.
ry tract infection.
tion are common discomforts associated with pregnancy.
the embryo after zygote.
es generally need only diet therapy without medication to control their blood sugar levels. Exercise, is important for all pregnant women an
fetal growth and development. Common emotional reactions during this trimester include narcissism, passivity, or introversion. At times th

not a form of anemia. Loss of appetite may occur secondary to the nausea and vomiting of hyperemesis, which, if it continues, can deplete

considered probably signs, which are strongly suggestive of pregnancy.

n inflammation of the veins due to thrombus formation. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is not associated with these symptoms. Gravity p
because this knowledge will influence the care of the client and neonate. The information is used only in relation to the client’s care.
eases. Maternal exposure to rubella during the first trimester may cause congenital defects. Although a history or preterm labor may place
the abdominal cavity. On the 18th week, the uterus has already risen out of the pelvis and is expanding into the abdominal area.
ut of the pelvis into the abdominal cavity and is not at the level of the umbilicus. The fetal heart rate at this age is not audible with a stetho
reathing, increases uteroplacental perfusion.
in ectopic pregnancy because pathogenic microorganisms have not been introduced from external sources. The client may have a limited k
he morning hours when nausea is usually the strongest is appropriate. Eating six small meals a day would keep the stomach full, which ofte
wn as Piskacek’s sign.
d 27.5 pounds by 40 weeks. The pregnant woman should gain less weight in the first and second trimester than in the third. During the first
top of the fundus. The xiphoid and umbilicus are not appropriate landmarks to use when measuring the height of the fundus (McDonald’s
ity of the uterus against the cervix is known as McDonald’s sign.
eight is important but not the priority. Preclampsia causes vasospasm and therefore can reduce utero-placental perfusion. The client shoul

top of the fundus. The xiphoid and umbilicus are not appropriate landmarks to use when measuring the height of the fundus (McDonald’s
logic system by interfering with signal transmission at the neuromascular junction.
such as obtaining infant supplies and equipment. The type of anesthesia planned doesn’t reflect the client’s preparation for parenting. The
may involve all or part of the decidual lining of the uterus. Usually no embryo (and therefore no fetus) is present because it has been absorb
se for each variable receives 2 points; an abnormal response receives 0 points. A score between 8 and 10 is considered normal, indicating t
ction procedure was done. There is the possibility that reduction surgery may have decreased the mother’s ability to meet all of her baby’s
e classic signs of preeclampsia are hypertension, edema, and proteinuria. Although urine is checked for glucose at each clinic visit, this
t to be caused by excessive food intake would require a 24-hour diet recall. However, excessive intake would not be the primary considerati
aby cannot come out except by cesarean delivery. Telling the client to ask the physician is a poor response and would increase the patient’
y are not as significant sperm motility.
times a day and feeling faint. Hyperemesis gravidarum is considered more severe than morning sickness.

extrose, not more insulin.

here they are treated in the maternal body.

ctions to be so powerful they cause rupture of the uterus. Finally if a women is induced to early it can result in prolonged labour.

ht to be caused by high levels of circulating HCG. This is supported by the fact that it's more common in multiple pregnancies and also tend
nstrual period was. As a result ultrasound is used to more accurately date pregnancies.
as the body makes sure the brain receives the necessary fuel at the expense of the rest of the body. That's why in placental insufficiency th
n regarding the rubella vaccine.

reasing calcium intake (NOT IRON), and dorsiflexing the foot of the affected leg with help this patient.

es the morning sickness worst. All other options are correct statements.

The nitrazine strip test is quick and easy to do and will assess for the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal secretions.
e June 17, 2014 and then add 1 year and this would make the expected due date June 17, 2015.
para is a woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in a successful delivery, and nullipara is a woman who has not had a birth
s gestation. A is the number of abortions or miscarriages and L is the number of current living children.

vices is a positive sign of pregnancy. Out of this selection Goodell's sign is the only probable sign.

n the placenta is delivered.

ncan mechanism.
ere is no cord coil but suctioning of the nose should be done after the mouth because the baby is a “nasal obligate” breather. If the nose is
on as the contraction is over since the compression on the head has also ended.
mediate if given parentally.

om drying. Don’t attempt to put back the cord into the vagina but relieve pressure on the cord by positioning the mother either on trendel
circulation as part of physiologic adaptation during the postpartum period. In cesarean section, the fluid shift occurs faster because the pla

porting the baby’s head as it goes out of the vaginal opening.

presenting it is called complete breech.

ad serves as the main part of the fetus that pushes through the birth canal which can lead to cranial hematoma, and possible compression
y of fetus is imminent or too close because the fetus may suffer respiratory depression as an effect of the drug that can pass through place

or trauma at birth.

sary.Option A: The supine position is avoided because it decreases uterine blood flow to the fetus. The client should be turned to her side
range is 11-13 g/dL as a result of the hemodilution caused by an increase in plasma volume during pregnancy.
to the uterus and the fetus. The best position to prevent this would be side-lying with the uterus displaced off of abdominal vessels. Positio
istake the maternal heart rate for the fetal heart rate. Leopold’s maneuvers may help the examiner locate the position of the fetus but will
od-quality contractions in a 10-minute period.

equate oxygen reserve.

of the bed, and elevating the maternal hips on a pillow to minimize the pressure on the cord. Monitoring maternal vital signs and FHR, noti

haveand placenta
a lower are delivered.
priority The
than getting fourth
the babystage ofcord.
off the labor lasts from 1 to 4 hours after birth, during which time the mother and newborn rec
external rotation.

the parents to touch the newborn. Collecting a urine specimen and other laboratory tests is done on admission during the first stage of lab
d indicate by vitiable deceleration on the fetal heart tracing.

viding drug therapy as needed, evaluating fetal responses and preparing for surgery. Obtaining blood specimens, instituting complete bed r
distress, abruptio placentae, amniotic fluid embolism, laceration of the cervix, and uterine rupture. Weak contractions would not occur. Pain
h of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available.

Administering light sedative would be done for hypertonic uterine contractions. Preparing for cesarean section is unnecessary at this time.
mia neonatorum usually results from maternal gonorrhea and is conjunctivitis. Pica refers to the oral intake of nonfood substances

th of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available. Allowing the mother’s support person to remain with her as much as po
llent source of calcium and riboflavin, is soft and easily digested. During pregnancy, gastric emptying time is delayed. In most hospital settin
duration of labor and the potential for labor complications. Later, the nurse should ask about chronic illness, allergies, and support persons
necessary. An interval of 30 to 60 minutes between assessments is too long because of variations in the length and duration of patient’s lab

ly, PROM occurs about 1 hour, not 4 hours, before labor begins. Fetal viability and gestational age are less immediate considerations that aff
y. Placing the client in bed, checking for ruptured membranes, and providing comfort measures could be done, but the priority here is imm

ysiologic status. Fetal heart rate is important to assess fetal well-being and should be done. Monitoring the contractions will help evaluate t
iod. The infant’s assessment data reflect normal adaptation. Thus, the physician does not need to be notified and oxygen is not needed. Th
challenging of

th of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available. Allowing the mother’s support person to remain with her as much as po
y to descend into the birth canal.
ng the first stage of labor (which is called dilation), the cervix dilates fully to a diameter of about 10 cm (2 inches).

newborn is 1:6.

amnion, with degenerated decidua and fibrin in between.

s to help your baby pass from the uterus into the birth canal.)
sing sharp dissection.

n was successful and both she and her baby survived.

first. Duncan mechanism is where the maternal side is delivered first. Remember "DULL/DIRTY" Duncan. This side will be dull/dirty, red, and

ubinvolution of the uterus is present.

is more than 1000ml it is defined as a major PPH.

contains. It typically lasts no longer than 3 to 5 days after birth.

act with their mother's body.

help if needed.

ost the newborn's immune system.

or trauma at birth.
maintain a patent airway. Obtaining an Apgar score measures the newborn’s immediate adjustment to extrauterine life. Inspecting the um
s after birth. The trauma of the birth process does not cause inflammation of the newborn’s breast tissue. Newborns do not have breast m

ide of the midline. Vital sign assessment is not necessary unless an abnormality in uterine assessment is identified. Uterine assessment sho
the infant’s demands on his wife’s time and body. Breast feeding is advantageous because uterine involution occurs more rapidly, thus min
hape closes at 8 to 12 weeks. Neither fontanel should appear bulging, which may indicate increases ICP or sunken, which may indicate hydr

or chemical pneumonitis. The infant is not at increased risk for gastrointestinal problems. Even though the skin is stained with meconium,
t is turned medially, and in plantar flexion, with the heel elevated. The feet are not involved with the Moro reflex. Hypothyroiddism has no
substance covering the fetus.
hing-on for feeding. Narcotics administered prior to breast feeding are passed through the breast milk to the infant, causing excessive sleep
should only be used to treat an infection, not as a prophylaxis. Infants should not be submerged in a tub of water until the cord falls off and
because this response does not provide the client with the specific information she is requesting. Choice of a contraceptive method is impo
calories per feeding; 60 calories per feeding with formula 20 cal/oz = 3 ounces per feeding. Based on the calculation. 2, 4 or 6 ounces are in

iod. The infant’s assessment data reflect normal adaptation. Thus, the physician does not need to be notified and oxygen is not needed. Th
y at the 6 weeks’ examination following childbirth or after a weight loss of 15 lbs or more. In addition, for maximum effectiveness, spermici
muscle of a newborn is not large enough for a newborn IM injection. Injections into this muscle in a small child might cause damage to the

ection. All thecheck

nurse should client’s
thedata indicate
amount a uterine
of lochia problem,
present. not a breast
Temperatures upproblem. Typically,
to 100.48F transient
in the first fever,
24 hours usually
after birth 101ºF, may be
are related present
to the with b

n of health, exploring the family’s emotional status, and teaching about family planning are important in postpartum/newborn nursing care

b of the treating clinicians.

is more than 1000ml it is defined as a major PPH.

an no longer effectively contract. Because the uterus cannot contract the blood vessels which were supplying the placenta are not compre
d circumference remains normal.
st the patient to the bathroom to void. A full bladder can cause the fundus to become displaced and soft/boggy.

most appropriate. Fear, pain, and ineffective family coping also may be present but as secondary nursing diagnoses.
o not provide reliable protection against the spread of sexually transmitted infections, especially intracellular organisms such as HIV. Inserti
be used if the woman has an active or chronic pelvic infection, postpartum infection, endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma, or uterine abn
of FSH and LH. Therefore, follicles do not mature, ovulation is inhibited, and pregnancy is prevented. The estrogen content of the oral site
ave been done. This is referred to as unexplained infertility.
more so after the age of 35. Conception after age 45 is rare. Being overweight or underweight can also play a role in having trouble conce
se the risk of a miscarriage. The folic acid supplement should be started at least one to two months prior to conception to maximize its effic
rsible damage to the uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, or other parts of the female reproductive system, and is the primary preventable cau
only 1% to 2% are sterile. Half of couples who seek help can eventually conceive and birth a child either on their own or with medical assis
s a woman ages, she has fewer healthy eggs remaining.

oup". By this definition infertility affects approximately one in seven heterosexual couples at some point during their reproductive lives.
uctive technologies. The Act has been subject to piecemeal amendment by legislation such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (De
h to an infant is recognised as the legal mother (section 27(1) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990). In surrogacy arrangem
d signed (Schedule 3, para 1(1)) and withdrawal of consent is by notice in writing.
ch were subsequently destroyed. Consent for the continued storage of embryos can be withdrawn by either party at any time up until the ti
cal conditions that could seriously affect the infant. It can also be used to identify whether an embryo has a sex related medical condition.
governed by the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 and the Human Fertilisation Act 1990 (amended by the 2008 Act). Surrogacy arrangeme
nation of statute and common law. The issue of ownership of gametes arose in Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust [2009] when several c
ere such consent is not a mandatory requirement. In L v. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2008] L made an emergency out-o
w or other tissue of any resulting child, establishing whether the tissue of any resulting child would be compatible with that of a sibling'. In
can also give rise to high blood pressure or gallstones but both these other factors have nothing to do with fertility

cell carries only one copy of each chromosome.

t, and cessation of uterine growth and breast tenderness. A threatened abortion is evidenced with cramping and vaginal bleeding in early
stitis. Temporary urinary retention due to decreased perception of the urge to void is a contributory factor to the development of urinary t
n a threatened abortion, cramping and vaginal bleeding are present, but there is no cervical dilation. The symptoms may subside or progre
. The other positions would be incorrect.
in ectopic pregnancy because pathogenic microorganisms have not been introduced from external sources. The client may have a limited k

our vagina.

frequently malignant (10% of ovarian malignancies). Teratomas usually occur in premenopausal women. Fibromas are rare and benign; th

ood sugar usually occurs in diabetes, especially when untreated.

quired for confirmation. Malformation refers to the intrinsic disruption of tissue structure, and it typically occurs during the embryonic peri

ently, it may dry out her skin.

n 2 inches of water.
the nurse would apply gentle pressure with sterile gauze. If bleeding is not controlled. then the blood vessel may need to be ligated. and th

of the occiput is included.

ctant replacement. an exogenous surfactant preparation is instilled into the lungs through an endotracheal tube.

bowel does not have the bacteria necessary for synthesizing fat-soluble vitamin K. The infant’s bowel does not have support the productio

n the newborn by the presence of viral DNA or RNA using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.

e spontaneous breathing will not return without intervention.

mally change position in-utero during this time

e NICU with severe osteopenia, rib fractures may occur after chest physiotherapy or CPR, but the bones are usually obviously osteopenic.
the eyelids.
ing of communicating veins during delivery. The extent of the swelling is limited by the underlying skull bone and does not cross suture line

number of cases.

ding does not decrease the IQ.

noea, but the priority should be to treat for possible infection.

s. All the other options may also be reasonable but should be done in conjunction or after the commencement of IV antibiotics.

ding does not decrease the IQ.

it to make it sit at approximately L4.

hrane Review on this topic by Ho et al. gives the cautionary note that “…many of the trials were done in the 1970s and 1980s and re-evalua
. The other settings will be unchanged (unless someone physically changes them).

ncy (we only do this if the simple measures have failed). This baby has good chest wobble, but if he did not then we would need to conside
ncrease the tidal volume, further decreasing the Paco2.

ed with placebo.

and an upper GI contrast study is required to confirm the diagnosis.

exclude a urinary tract infection.

able until the baby is at least a few weeks old. Babies who are at risk of hyperthyroidism (secondary to maternal antibodies) should have th
n require supplementation.

predictive value of 100%.

al admission. Her cranial ultrasounds are all reported as normal. She never required treatment for retinopathy of prematurity. Which one o
st, and speech and language therapist will aid the nursery nurse and neonatologist.

ng the PIP and PEEP will also improve oxygenation, the most appropriate step is to simply increase the percentage of inspired oxygen.

hours per day.

a the UVC and no further time should be wasted giving another dose down the ETT.

ndependent assessment of the evidence.

r pain. In practice, if the child is in pain morphine is a safe drug that will not cause respiratory depression once tolerated.


rvous system depression, prolonged drowsiness, delayed establishment of feeding (e.g. due to poor sucking reflex or poor sucking pressure
r epithelium undergoes metaplasia in this case, but cells vulnerable to neoplastic change. It is this area from which cervical carcinoma com

e lower margin of the symphysis to the sacral promontory. The true conjugate is measured from the top of the symphysis to the sacral prom
gnancy. A woman pregnant for the first time (i.e., a primigravida woman) typically feels fetal movements at about 18–20 weeks, whereas a

nst Rh(+) blood. The fetus takes it’s blood type usually form the father.

ypotension. Hence, putting the mother on side lying will relieve the pressure exerted by the gravid uterus on the vena cava.
ths but the size of the uterus is already above the umbilicus which is compatible with 7 months AOG. Also, no fetal heart beat is appreciate

e left unattended on a scale.

meet this additional requirement.

ctopic pregnancy refers to the implantation of the products of conception in a site other than the endometrium. Incompetent cervix is a co
nths) were counted back. To obtain the date of November 7, 7 days have been subtracted (instead of added) from the first day of LMP plus

omen are manifestations of placenta previa.

oes not effect differentiation. Secretion of androgen by the fetal gonad would produce a male fetus.

pation and bloating. Estrogen levels decrease in the second trimester.

uterus; serum laboratory tests; changes in skin pigmentation; and ultrasonic evidence of a gestational sac. Presumptive signs are subjective

ortant for all pregnant women and especially for diabetic women, because it burns up glucose, thus decreasing blood sugar. However, dieta
sivity, or introversion. At times the woman may seem egocentric and self-centered. During the third trimester, the woman typically feels aw

which, if it continues, can deplete the nutrients transported to the fetus. Diarrhea does not occur with hyperemesis.

with these symptoms. Gravity plays only a minor role with these symptoms.
lation to the client’s care.
tory or preterm labor may place the patient at risk for preterm labor, it does not correlate with genetic defects.
to the abdominal area.
s age is not audible with a stethoscope. The uterus at 12 weeks is just above the symphysis pubis in the abdominal cavity, not midway betw

. The client may have a limited knowledge of the pathology and treatment of the condition and will most likely experience grieving, but thi
keep the stomach full, which often decrease nausea.

than in the third. During the first trimester, the client should only gain 1.5 pounds in the first 10 weeks, not 1 pound per week. A weight ga
eight of the fundus (McDonald’s measurement).

ental perfusion. The client should be placed on her left side to maximize blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and promote diuresis.

eight of the fundus (McDonald’s measurement).

t’s preparation for parenting. The client should have begun prenatal classes earlier in the pregnancy. The nurse should have obtained dietar
esent because it has been absorbed. Because there is no fetus, there can be no extrauterine pregnancy. An extrauterine pregnancy is seen
s considered normal, indicating that the fetus has a low risk of oxygen deprivation and isn’t in distress. A fetus with a score of 6 or lower is
s ability to meet all of her baby’s nutritional needs, and some supplemental feeding may be required. Preparing the mother for this possibi
cose at each clinic visit, this
ld not be the primary consideration for this client at this time.
and would increase the patient’s anxiety. Although a cesarean would help to prevent hemorrhage, the statement does not explain why the

lt in prolonged labour.

ultiple pregnancies and also tends to only affect women during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

s why in placental insufficiency the abdominal circumference is reduced but the head circumference is normal (asymmetrical IUGR).

al secretions.
woman who has not had a birth at more than 20 weeks gestation.

obligate” breather. If the nose is suctioned first before the mouth, the mucus plugging the mouth can be aspirated by the baby.

ng the mother either on trendellenberg or sims position

hift occurs faster because the placenta is taken out right after the baby is delivered giving it less time for the fluid shift to gradually occur.

toma, and possible compression of cord may occur which can lead to less blood and oxygen to the fetus (hypoxia). Likewise the maternal p
drug that can pass through placental barrier.

nt should be turned to her side to displace pressure of the gravid uterus on the inferior vena cava. An intravenous Pitocin infusion is discon

off of abdominal vessels. Positioning for abdominal surgery necessitates a supine position; however. a wedge placed under the right hip p
he position of the fetus but will not ensure a distinction between the two rates.
maternal vital signs and FHR, notifying the physician and preparing the client for delivery, and wrapping the cord with sterile saline soaked w

me the mother and newborn recover from the physical process of birth and the mother’s organs undergo the initial readjustment to the no

ission during the first stage of labor. Assessing uterine contractions every 30 minutes is performed during the latent phase of the first stage

mens, instituting complete bed rest, and inserting a urinary catheter are necessary in preparation for surgery to remedy the rupture.
ontractions would not occur. Pain, bright red vaginal bleeding, and increased restlessness and anxiety are not associated with hyperstimula

tion is unnecessary at this time. Oxytocin would increase the uterine contractions and hopefully progress labor before a cesarean would be
e of nonfood substances

o remain with her as much as possible is an important concept, although doing so depends on many variables. Arranging for necessary exp
s delayed. In most hospital settings, clients are allowed only ice chips or clear liquids.
s, allergies, and support persons.
ngth and duration of patient’s labor.

mmediate considerations that affect the plan of care. Malpresentation and an incompetent cervix may be causes of PROM.
one, but the priority here is immediate delivery.

contractions will help evaluate the progress of labor.

ed and oxygen is not needed. The data do not indicate the presence of choking, gagging or coughing, which are signs of excessive secretion

o remain with her as much as possible is an important concept, although doing so depends on many variables. Arranging for necessary exp
his side will be dull/dirty, red, and rough and is the side from the mother. Try to remember the mother is dirty from labor and is in rough sh

trauterine life. Inspecting the umbilical cord aids in detecting cord anomalies.
Newborns do not have breast malignancy. This reply by the nurse would cause the mother to have undue anxiety. Breast tissue does not hy

entified. Uterine assessment should not cause acute pain that requires administration of analgesia. Ambulating the client is an essential co
on occurs more rapidly, thus minimizing blood loss. The presence of maternal antibodies in breast milk helps decrease the incidence of alle
sunken, which may indicate hydration.

skin is stained with meconium, it is noninfectious (sterile) and nonirritating. The postterm meconium-stained infant is not at additional risk
reflex. Hypothyroiddism has no effect on the primitive reflexes. Absence of the Moror reflex is the most significant single indicator of cent

e infant, causing excessive sleepiness. Nipple soreness is not severe enough to warrant narcotic analgesia. All postpartum clients, especiall
water until the cord falls off and the stump has completely healed.
a contraceptive method is important, but not the specific criteria for safe resumption of sexual activity. Culturally, the 6-weeks’ examinatio
alculation. 2, 4 or 6 ounces are incorrect.

ed and oxygen is not needed. The data do not indicate the presence of choking, gagging or coughing, which are signs of excessive secretion
maximum effectiveness, spermicidal jelly should be placed in the dome and around the rim. However, spermicidal jelly should not be insert
child might cause damage to the radial nerve. The anterior femoris muscle is the next safest muscle to use in a newborn but is not the safes

th 101ºF, may be
are related present
to the with breast
dehydrating engorgement.
effects of labor andSymptoms of mastitis
are considered normal.include influenza-like
Although recheckingmanifestations. Localized
the blood pressure mayinfection of ancho
be a correct ep

ostpartum/newborn nursing care, they are not the priority focus in the limited time presented by early post-partum discharge.

ng the placenta are not compressed and can therefore bleed profusely. A uterus can become atonic for a number of reasons such as prolo

lar organisms such as HIV. Insertion and removal of the diaphragm along with the use of the spermicides may cause vaginal irritations, whi
sia or carcinoma, or uterine abnormalities. Age is not a factor in determining the risks associated with IUD use. Most IUD users are over the
estrogen content of the oral site contraceptive may cause the nausea, regardless of when the pill is taken. Side effects and drug interactions

ay a role in having trouble conceiving. Anovulation refers to a woman who is not ovulating and therefore cannot conceive.
o conception to maximize its efficacy.
d is the primary preventable cause of infertility in women.
n their own or with medical assistance.

ring their reproductive lives.

Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act 2003 and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (Disclosure of Donor Info
Act 1990). In surrogacy arrangements this applies even if the commissioning woman has donated one or more of her own eggs.

r party at any time up until the time of implantation.

a sex related medical condition. It cannot be used (lawfully) for sex selection for family balancing.
2008 Act). Surrogacy arrangements are not illegal in England although contracts are unenforceable by or against any of the persons makin
NHS Trust [2009] when several cancer victims stored semen samples prior to receiving chemotherapy. The samples were negligently allowe
08] L made an emergency out-of-hours application to the High Court to remove sperm from her dead husband's body. The judge declared
patible with that of a sibling'. In essence this allows embryo compatibility testing for the benefit of an existing child. PGD and tissue typing

ng and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, with no cervical dilation. An incomplete abortion presents with bleeding, cramping, and cervica
to the development of urinary tract infection, not mastitis.
ymptoms may subside or progress to abortion. In a complete abortion all the products of conception are expelled. A missed abortion is ear

. The client may have a limited knowledge of the pathology and treatment of the condition and will most likely experience grieving, but thi

Fibromas are rare and benign; they can cause Meigs' syndrome in which ascites and a usually right pleural effusion are found in conjunction

ccurs during the embryonic period of development (3rd -8th week). Alcohol, a teratogen, exerts its effect during this stage of fetal develop
el may need to be ligated. and the nurse would contact the physician. Because the findings identified in the question are normal. the nurse

s not have support the production of vitamin K until bacteria adequately colonizes it by food ingestion.

e usually obviously osteopenic.

ne and does not cross suture lines

ment of IV antibiotics.
e 1970s and 1980s and re-evaluation of the strategy of early CDP in the era of antenatal steroid use and early surfactant administration is in

then we would need to consider the possibility of the tube being blocked (or dislodged). Try to not suction after surfactant (at least 6 hour

ternal antibodies) should have thyroid function studies done after birth and be closely observed for signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

athy of prematurity. Which one of the following neurological problems is most likely to be present on long-term follow-up?
centage of inspired oxygen.

nce tolerated.

g reflex or poor sucking pressure). Tranquilizers are associated with neonatal effects such as hypotonia, hypothermia, generalized drowsine
m which cervical carcinoma commonly originates. The cervix is supplied by upper vaginal branches and the uterine artery. Lymph drainage

the symphysis to the sacral promontory. The interspinous diameter is the transverse measurement of the midplane and generally is the sm
about 18–20 weeks, whereas a woman who has been pregnant more than once (i.e., a multipara woman) will typically feel movements ar

on the vena cava.

no fetal heart beat is appreciated because the pregnancy degenerated thus there is no appreciable fetal heart beat.
trium. Incompetent cervix is a conduction characterized by painful dilation of the cervical os without uterine contractions.
d) from the first day of LMP plus November indicates counting back 2 months (instead of 3 months) from January. To obtain the date of Dec

Presumptive signs are subjective signs and include amenorrhea; nausea and vomiting; urinary frequency; breast tenderness and changes; e

asing blood sugar. However, dietary intake, not exercise, is the priority. All pregnant women with diabetes should have periodic monitoring
ter, the woman typically feels awkward, clumsy, and unattractive, often becoming more introverted or reflective of her own childhood.

dominal cavity, not midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process. At 12 weeks the FHR would be difficult to auscultate with a fet

kely experience grieving, but this is not the priority at this time.

t 1 pound per week. A weight gain of ½ pound per week would be 20 pounds for the total pregnancy, less than the recommended amount.

, and promote diuresis.

urse should have obtained dietary information during the first trimester to give the client time to make any necessary changes.
extrauterine pregnancy is seen with an ectopic pregnancy.
tus with a score of 6 or lower is at risk for asphyxia and premature birth; this score warrants detailed investigation. The BPP may or may no
aring the mother for this possibility is extremely important because the client’s psychological adaptation to mothering may be dependent o

tement does not explain why the hemorrhage could occur. With a complete previa, the placenta is covering all the cervix, not just most of i

mal (asymmetrical IUGR).

pirated by the baby.

e fluid shift to gradually occur.

ypoxia). Likewise the maternal passageway (cervix, vaginal canal and perineum) did not have enough time to stretch which can lead to lace

avenous Pitocin infusion is discontinued when a late deceleration is noted.

dge placed under the right hip provides displacement of the uterus.
cord with sterile saline soaked warm gauze are important. But these actions have no effect on minimizing the pressure on the cord.

the initial readjustment to the nonpregnant state.

he latent phase of the first stage of labor. Coaching the client to push effectively is appropriate during the second stage of labor.

ry to remedy the rupture.

ot associated with hyperstimulation.

abor before a cesarean would be necessary. It is too early to anticipate client pushing with contractions.

les. Arranging for necessary explanations by various staff members to be involved with the client’s care is a nursing responsibility. The nurs

causes of PROM.

h are signs of excessive secretions. Suctioning is not necessary.

les. Arranging for necessary explanations by various staff members to be involved with the client’s care is a nursing responsibility. The nurs
rty from labor and is in rough shape.

anxiety. Breast tissue does not hypertrophy in the fetus or newborns.

ating the client is an essential component of postpartum care, but is not necessary prior to assessment of the uterus.
ps decrease the incidence of allergies in the newborn. A greater chance for error is associated with bottle feeding. No preparation is require
ned infant is not at additional risk for bowel or urinary problems.
gnificant single indicator of central nervous system status, but it is not a sign of increased intracranial pressure.

All postpartum clients, especially lactating mothers, should wear a supportive brassiere with wide cotton straps. This does not, however, p

lturally, the 6-weeks’ examination has been used as the time frame for resuming sexual activity, but it may be resumed earlier.

h are signs of excessive secretions. Suctioning is not necessary.

micidal jelly should not be inserted into the vagina until involution is completed at approximately 6 weeks. Use of a female condom protect
in a newborn but is not the safest.

od Localized
pressure mayinfection of anchoice
be a correct episiotomy or C-section
of action, incision
it is not the rarely causes
first action systemic
that should symptoms, and
be implemented uterine
in light involution
of the would
other data. Thenot be indica
data affec

t-partum discharge.

number of reasons such as prolonged labour, large baby, multiple pregnancy and retained placenta.

may cause vaginal irritations, which could place the client at risk for infection transmission. Male sterilization eliminates spermatozoa from t
use. Most IUD users are over the age of 30. Although there is a slightly higher risk for infertility in women who have never been pregnant,
ide effects and drug interactions may occur withoral contraceptives regardless of the time the pill is taken.

annot conceive.
thority (Disclosure of Donor Information) Regulations 2004. A major review of the 1990 Act commenced in 2004 and resulted in the Huma
ore of her own eggs.

against any of the persons making it (section 1A). It is not a criminal offence for the surrogate and the commissioning couple to enter into a
samples were negligently allowed to thaw and were no longer suitable for use. The parties sued but whilst it was apparent that there was
band's body. The judge declared that this would be lawful after being misinformed that the Human Tissue Act 2004 (which does not apply t
ting child. PGD and tissue typing can be used only to screen for genetic characteristics or tissue types - they cannot be used to screen in mu

bleeding, cramping, and cervical dilation. An incomplete abortion involves only expulsion of part of the products of conception and bleedi

xpelled. A missed abortion is early fetal intrauterine death without expulsion of the products of conception.

kely experience grieving, but this is not the priority at this time.

effusion are found in conjunction with the small ovarian mass. The ovary is a common site of metastatic spread, particularly from the breas

during this stage of fetal development. Defective cell migration is thought to mediate a substantial fraction of alcohol’s teratogenicity.
question are normal. the nurse would document the assessment.
rly surfactant administration is indicated focusing on administration methods”.

n after surfactant (at least 6 hours if possible). If the baby has poor chest wobble, if you increase the amplitude and the baby starts to wobb

nd symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

term follow-up?
pothermia, generalized drowsiness, and reluctance to feed for the first few days. Narcotic analgesic readily cross the placental barrier, causi
e uterine artery. Lymph drainage is to the obturator and internal and external iliac nodes, and thence to the common iliac and para-aortic n

midplane and generally is the smallest diameter of the pelvis.

will typically feel movements around 15–17 weeks.
ne contractions.
nuary. To obtain the date of December 27, 7 days were added to the last day of the LMP (rather than the first day of the LMP) and Decemb

reast tenderness and changes; excessive fatigue; uterine enlargement; and quickening.

hould have periodic monitoring of serum glucose. However, those with gestational diabetes generally do not need daily glucose monitoring
ective of her own childhood.

difficult to auscultate with a fetoscope. Although the external electronic fetal monitor would project the FHR, the uterus has not risen to t

han the recommended amount.

necessary changes.
tigation. The BPP may or may not be repeated if the score isn’t within normal limits.
o mothering may be dependent on how successfully she breast-feeds.

g all the cervix, not just most of it.

to stretch which can lead to laceration.
the pressure on the cord.

econd stage of labor.

a nursing responsibility. The nurse is responsible for reinforcing the explanations about the surgery, expected outcome, and type of anesthe

a nursing responsibility. The nurse is responsible for reinforcing the explanations about the surgery, expected outcome, and type of anesthe
he uterus.
eeding. No preparation is required for breast feeding.
traps. This does not, however, prevent or reduce nipple soreness. Soaps are drying to the skin of the nipples and should not be used on the

be resumed earlier.

Use of a female condom protects thereproductive system from the introduction of semen or spermicides into the vagina and may be used

of involution would
other data. Thenot be indicate
data affected.a The client impending
potential data do nothemorrhage.
include dysuria, frequency,
Assessing or urgency,
the uterus symptoms
for firmness and of urinaryintract
position infections,
relation wh
to the um

n eliminates spermatozoa from the ejaculate, but it does not eliminate bacterial and/or viral microorganisms that can cause sexually transm
who have never been pregnant, the IUD is an acceptable option as long as the risk-benefit ratio is discussed. IUDs may be inserted immedia
2004 and resulted in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 which serves mainly to amend the 1990 Act

missioning couple to enter into an arrangement.

it was apparent that there was negligence there was no direct personal injury to the parties and there was no guidance from the law as to
Act 2004 (which does not apply to gametes) permitted posthumous removal of sperm with the consent of a qualifying relative.
cannot be used to screen in multifactorial attributes such as intelligence and sporting ability.

oducts of conception and bleeding occurs with cervical dilation.

read, particularly from the breast and GI tract. Up to 10% of malignant ovarian masses are secondary tumours. The primary malignancy ma

of alcohol’s teratogenicity.
ude and the baby starts to wobble again it is unlikely that the tube is dislodged (it may still be partially blocked – have a listen for added so
cross the placental barrier, causing depressive effects in the newborn 2 to 3 hours after intramuscular injection. Regional anesthesia is asso
e common iliac and para-aortic nodes.
first day of the LMP) and December indicates counting back only 1 month (instead of 3 months) from January.

ot need daily glucose monitoring. The standard of care recommends a fasting and 2-hour postprandial blood sugar level every 2 weeks.

HR, the uterus has not risen to the umbilicus at 12 weeks.

ed outcome, and type of anesthetic to be used. The obstetrician is responsible for explaining about the surgery and outcome and the anest

ed outcome, and type of anesthetic to be used. The obstetrician is responsible for explaining about the surgery and outcome and the anest
es and should not be used on the breasts of lactating mothers. Dry nipple skin predisposes to cracks and fissures, which can become sore a

nto the vagina and may be used after childbirth. Oral contraceptives may be started within the first postpartum week to ensure suppressio

ndof urinaryintract
position infections,
relation which would
to the umbilicus andnecessitate assessing the
midline is important, butclient’s urine.
the nurse should

ms that can cause sexually transmitted infections.

d. IUDs may be inserted immediately after delivery, but this is not recommended because of the increased risk and rate of expulsion at this
s no guidance from the law as to who owned the sperm. The Court of Appeal held that the sperm was the property of the person who prod
a qualifying relative.

ours. The primary malignancy may be difficult to detect and the prognosis is very poor.
cked – have a listen for added sounds). Always think of pneumothorax as a possible cause as well.
tion. Regional anesthesia is associated with adverse reactions such as maternal hypotension, allergic or toxic reaction, or partial or total re
od sugar level every 2 weeks.
gery and outcome and the anesthesiology staff is responsible for explanations about the type of anesthesia to be used.

gery and outcome and the anesthesiology staff is responsible for explanations about the type of anesthesia to be used.
sures, which can become sore and painful.

rtum week to ensure suppression of ovulation . For the couple who has determined the female’s fertile period, using the rhythm method, a

risk and rate of expulsion at this time.

property of the person who produced it. Accordingly the court determined that for the purpose of negligence, the sperm was capable of b
xic reaction, or partial or total respiratory failure.
iod, using the rhythm method, avoidance of intercourse during this period, is safe and effective.
nce, the sperm was capable of being property.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1
Female reproductiWhich of the following is the true femaGynaecoid pelvis Android pelvis
Female reproductiWhat is the function of the vagina? All of the above. Escape of menstrual f
Female reproductiThe hormone responsible for the develFollicle Stimulat Estrogen
Female reproductiWhich principal factor causes vaginal p The action of the doderlein
Cervical mucus
Female reproductiThe inanimate bone of the pelvis is no Sacrum Ilium
Female reproductiWhich does not refer to the transverse Bi-spinous diametBi-ischial diameter
Female reproductiWhich pelvic shape has the poorest progAndroid Platypelloid
Female reproductiThe two pubic bones meet anteriorly atSymphysis pubis Coccyx
Female reproductiThe cardinal function of deciduas is Maintenance of pImmune resonse
Female reproductiThe frenulum and prepuce of the clitorLabia minora Fossa Navicularis
Female reproductiDuring which of the following phase of Secretory
t phase Ischemic phase
Female reproductiThe uterus is a hollow, muscular and Pear–shaped orgaAlmond –shaped org
Female reproductiThe cervix projects into the vagina & is Two portions Three portions
Female reproducti…………….is the mucos coat of the uteruThe endometriumThe myometrium
Female reproductiThe clitoris: corresponding to the ………Penis Prostate
Female reproductiThe hormone responsible for the maturati Follicle stimulati Progesterone
Female reproductiThe lower uterine segment is formed f Isthmus and cerviCervix
Female reproductiFemale sex organs that produce ova or Ovary Testes
Female reproductiThe tiny female sex cell that unites wit Ovum Ovary
Female reproductiThis connects the ovary to the uterus. Fallopian tube Vagina
Female reproductiA sac-shaped like an upside-down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilize
Female reproductiThe shedding of the lining of the uter Menstruation. Amniotic fluid
Female reproductiThe opening to the uterus. Internal os External os
Female reproductiAlso called the mammary gland, two ofBreast Lungs
Female reproductiWhen menstruation ends in middle ageMenopause Gestation
Female reproductiAlso called the birth canal, this is a m Vagina Uterus
Female reproductiThe fleshy outer part of the female repVulva Uterus
Female reproductiOn which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation typically
14 take place? 1
The maternal part of the placenta froms from:
Female reproducti The decidua The myometrium
Female reproductiThecal cells produce: Androgens FSH
Female reproductiParts of the female reproductive organsThe function of thThe function of the c
Female reproductiThe following are the internal organs o The vagina and cerThe vagina and append
Female reproductiThe membranous walls of the vagina tha Rugae. Vestibule.
Female reproductiThe oocyte is enclosed by a membraneThe zona pellucid The trigone
Female reproductiEggs are produced in the ovaries gametes
Female reproductiThe time in a woman’s life when menstrLate 50s Early 20s
Female reproductiWhere in the female reproductive systeOvaries Fallopian tube
Female reproductiThis usually occurs between days 13 anOvulation Shedding of the lining
Female reproductiFertilisation takes place in the fallopian tube cervix
After fertilisation the zygote increases in size and travels down the Fallopian tube to become embedded
Female reproductiThis process is known as implantation conception
Female reproductiWhich of the following ligaments anchor suspensory ovarian
Female reproductiWhich of the following ligaments assistround ovarian
Female reproductiThe __________ ligament anchors the ov ovarian suspensory
Female reproductiSuccessful fertilization of the egg normaampulla of the ut ovaries
Female reproductiAfter an egg is fertilized, it will impl endometrium myometrium
Female reproductiDuring menstruation a portion of the en stratum functionalstratum basalis
Female reproductiEach breast consists of __________. 15-20 mammary gover 20 mammary gl
Female reproductiWhen the myoepithelial cells contract, oxytocin estrogen
Female reproductiWhich of the following hormones is in progesterone prolactin
Female reproductiAfter an egg is ovulated, the remaining corpus luteum theca folliculi
Female reproductiProgesterone is secreted by Corpus luteum Thyroid
Female reproductiEndometrium is the linning of the Uterus Cervix
Female reproductiWhat is the inner lining of the uterus c Endometrium Fimbriae
Female reproductiWhich one of the followings secretes Anterior pituitary Adrenal
Female reproductiThe secretory phase in the human menstr Luteal phase and lLuteal phase and last
Female reproductiWhere do the female gonads (paired ova Pelvic cavity Thoracic cavity
Ovary/ovaries Testes/testicles
Female reproductiThese are the major female sex organs
Female reproductiWhen menstruation ends in middle age Gestation
Female reproductiA sac-shaped like an upside-down pearUterus
w Cervix
Female reproductiThis connects the ovary to the uterus. Fallopian tube Vagina
Female reproductiAlso called the birth canal, this is a m Vagina Cervix
Female reproductiMyometrium' is middle layer of the Uterus Theca lutein
Female reproductiIn human female, number of ovaries is; 2 1
Female reproductiWhat are the three main layers of the uPerimetrium, en Endometrium, function
Female reproductiThe secretory phase follows which phasproliferative luteal
Female reproductiWhat happens to the egg if it is not fertIt will wait in the It will die.
Female reproductiWhich hormone(s) travels to the uterusestrogen and pro progesterone
Secrete a mucus-based lubricant during sexual arousal
Female reproductiThe purpose of the vestibular glands is Secrete a lubricant to
Female reproductiAn individual with Down syndrome ends 47 46
Female reproductiThe sex of a new individual is determinAt the moment ofAt f the moment of imp
Female reproductiThe structures that draw an ovulated eFimbriae Chorionic villi
Female reproductiHuman eggs and sperm are similar in thThey have the sa They have same life s
Female reproducti"Hot flashes," osteoporosis, and increasMenopause Menarche
Female reproductiThe usual site of embryo implantation iUterus Fallopian tube
Female reproductiThe sex of a child is determined by: The sex chromosoThe sex chromosome c
The embryo is directly enclosed in and protected by
Female reproducti Amnion Chorion
Female reproductiFemale gonads are the Ovaries Ovum
Female reproductiMeiosis results in _____________ Four nonidentical Two nonidentical hapl
Female reproductiThe basic difference between spermato1 mature ovum is 2 mature ovum is pro
Female reproductiThe organ that makes estrogen and pr ovary Uterus
Female reproductiThe primary function of the uterus is t receive, retain an regulate the ovarian
Female reproductiWhich part of ovary in mammals acts asGraafian follicle Vitelline membrane
Female reproductiFoetal ejection reflex in human female Fully developed f Release of oxytocin f
Female reproductiSertoli cells are found in Seminiferous tubulPancreas and secrete
Female reproductiThe signals for parturition originate fr Placenta as well aOxytocin released fro
Female reproductiThe internal reproductive organs are: Ovaries, fallopian Ovaries, fallopian tube
Female reproductiwhat is the process of releasing of eggsovulation Fertilization
Female reproductiThe other name of uterus is? Womb Bag
Female reproductiWhich part of the feemale reproductiveLabia majora Labia minora
Female reproductiWhich part of the feemale reproductiveLabia minora Labia majora
Female reproductiWhich is the canal that joins the lower Vagina Cervix
Female reproductiBirth canal is also known as: Vagina Cervix
Female reproductiWhat is the average duration of the me28 days 30 days
Female reproductiWhich phase of the menstrual cycle begi Luteal Phase Follicular Phase
Female reproductiWhat day of a typical 28-day menstrual14 4
Female reproductiThe egg can be fertilized until about __24 hours 6 hours
Female reproductiThe hormone responsible for the maturat Follicle stimulati Luteinizing hormone
Female reproductiThe uterine tubes are measured abou 7 to 12 cm 2 to 5 cm
Female reproducti Discoloration of the anterior vaginal Chadwick’s sign Osiander’s sign
Female reproductiWhich is the most common type of fema Gynaecoid Anthropoid
Female reproductiThe right ovarian vein empties into whiVena cava Renal vein
When teaching a group of adolescents Proliferative
about variations
in the length of the menstrual cycle, the nurse u
Female reproducti Menstrual phase
When performing a pelvic examination, the nurse observes a red swollen area on the right side of the va
Female reproducti Bartholin’s gland Skene’s gland
Female reproductiWhen teaching a group of adolescents Proliferative
ab phas Menstrual phase
Female reproductiAmenorrhoes is … Absence of meontFrequent urination
Female reproductiWhich stage of the menstrual cycle rema Secretaory/LutealProliferation/Follicula
Female reproducti Progesterone Oestrogen
Female reproductiWhich hormone causes the maturationFSH o Oestrogen
Female reproductiRegarding the anatomy and function ofNone of the aboveThe uterosacral ligame
Female reproductiRegarding the anatomy and function ofIft fertilization The most common carc
Female reproductiWhich of the following investigations a Mid-luteal phase Temperature charts
Female reproductiThe shortest distance between the sacrObstetric OB conj Interspinous diamete
Female reproductiOrganogenesis is complete at: 8 weeks after ovul2 weeks after ovulati
Wrong 2 Wrong 3
Anthropoid pelvis Platypelloid pelvi
Receiving the penis andExit for the fetus
Progesterone Luteneizing horm
Secretion of the Skene’sSecretion of the
Pubis Ischium
Bi-tuberous diameter Intertuberous di
Anthropoid Gynecoid
Sacrococcygeal Sacro-illiac joint
Production of hormoneNone of the abov
Mons veneris Labia majora
Menstrual phase Proliferative pha
Orange –shaped organ.Circle – shaped o
Four portions One portion
The perimetrium Endocardium
Testes Vas deference
Estrogen Luteinizing horm
Body of the uterus Isthmus
Uterus Isthmus
Graafian follicle Gonad
Cervix Ovary
scles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby. Also called the womb.
Mucosal discharge. Urine
Lateral os Posterior os
Sternum Heart
Implantation Pregnancy.
Fallopian tube Ovary.
Ovary Cervix
22 28
The accreta The perimetrium
Progesterone Prolactin
The function of the digeThe function of t
The vagina and cervix, uThe vagina and ce
Fornix. Mons.
The perineum. The pellucida.
kidneys Vas deference
Teens Mid 40s
Uterus Vagina
The lining of the uterusThe lining of the
vagina uterus
ovulation menstruation
round Uterine
suspensory Uterine
round uterine
uterus cervix
perimetrium peritonium
stratum epidermalis mesoderm
1 mammary gland 2 mammary glan
progesterone HCG
oxytocin HCG
vesicular follicle proliferative folli
Thymus Testes
Fallopian tube Ovaries
Oviduct Cervix
Posterior pituitary Thyroid
Follicular phase and lasts for about 13 days
Follicular phase lasting
Abdominal cavity Scrotal sacs
Gametes Uterus
Implantation Menarche
Vagina Ovaries
Cervix Fundus
Fallopian tube Ovaries
Serosa Uterine tube
million 5
Myometrium, basilar zoMyometrium, end
follicular ovulation
It will wait in the uteru It continues to se
estrogen FSH and LH
Keep the pubic area moProduce pheromon
48 49
3 months 1 month
Fallopian tube Isthmus
They are same in size. They have same ha
Pregnancy Labour
Cervix Isthmus
The sex chromosome cont The sex chromosom
Amniotic fluid Chorionic villi
Uterus Pubis
Three nonidentical haploFive nonidentical
1 mature ovum is produ2 mature ovum is
Pituitary gland Hypothalamus
synthesize female hormprotect the ovari
Germinal epithelium Stroma
Pressure exerted by amn Differentiation
Ovaries and secrete pr Pancreas and secr
Placenta only Fully developed f
Ovaries, fallopian tubesOvaries, fallopia
Embedding Production
Pouch Abdomen
Mons pubis Vagina
Mons pubis Vagina
Labia minora Labia majora
Uterus Ovary
31 days 27 days
Ovulatory Phase Menstruation
6 22
72 hours 1 week
Estrogen Progesterone
1 to 2 cm 12 to 18 cm
Goodless sign Humans signs
Android Platypelloid
Internal iliac vein External iliac vein
Secretory phase Ischemic phase
Parotid gland Clitoris
Secretory phase Ischemic phase
Softening of the cervix menstruation
Menstruation ovulation
LH Androgen
LH Androgen
The endocervix, continuThe lower pH of
None of the above. Tere are 3 ovarie
Ultrasound follicular tr FSH-based urine p
True conjugate Diagonal conjuga
6 weeks after ovulation20 weeks after ov
In gynaecoid pelvis the pelvis brim is a transverse ellipse(nearly a circle) most fvourable for delivery.
The vagina is the passage which allows the escape of the menstrual flow, receives the penis and ejected sperm during sexu
Follicle stimulating hormone is released by the hyothalamus of the brain during ovultion.
The vaginal fluid is strongly acid(pH 4.5) due to the presence of lactic acid formed by the action of Doderlein' bacilli on glyc
The sacrum is the shield shaped bony structure that is located at the back of the pelvis/ consisting of 5 fused vertebrae. Th
B-Spinous diametre refers to the distance between the tips of the ischial spines.
Android pelvis is smaller and narrower.
When two pubic bones join anteriorly it forms the symphysis pubis.
The decidua is the modified mucosal linning of the uterus known as the endometrium that maintains the pregnancy.
Anteriorly labia minora is split by the clitoris forming the prepuce and the frenulum of the clitoris.
The secretory phase of the cycle is the only time when a fertilized egg can implant in the lining.
The uterus , also called the womb, is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in a woman's lower abdomen, between the bladd
The cervix is divided by its relation to the surrounding vaginal wall into two segments: an upper supravaginal portion, whic
The endometrium is the innermost lining mucous layer of the uterus, and functions to prevent adhesions between the opp
The clitoris is an erectile structure, homologous to the male penis
The hormone that stimulates the maturation if the of the graafian follicle is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is relea
It enlarges during pregnancy to form the lower uterine segment. The internal os is the narrow opening between the isthmu
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The female has two oval shaped ovaries located in the pelvis above the uterus. They are the major female sex organs and p
At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries.
egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby. Also called the womb.
If the ovum hasn't been fertilized by a sperm it settles into the uterus lining. The lining is shed along with some blood aroun
The opening into the uterus is called the internal os, and the opening into the vagina is called the external os.
Either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body which secrete milk after childbirth, called B
The stopping of menstruation is called menopause. The average age for menopause is 51 years old, but some women will h
Vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the low
The vulva is the area of female sex organs that lies outside of the vagina. These organs include folds of sensitive tissue calle
Ovulation usually occurs between 12 and 14 days before your period starts (Fehring et al 2006). This is an average, so it cou
The maternal placenta (Decidua basalis) develops from the maternal uterine tissue.
Thecal cells are not capable of producing estrogen but do produce androgens in response to LH, which are then converted
The female urogenital tract consists of all the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of urine. It inc
The internal genitalia are those organs that are within the true pelvis. These include the vagina, uterus, cervix, uterine tube
The walls of the vagina are lined with an outer, fibrous adventitia; a middle layer of smooth muscle; and an inner mucous m
vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the low
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen lev
The female has two oval shaped ovaries located in the pelvis above the uterus. They are the major female sex organs and p
Ovulation happens about 14 days before your period starts. If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around
Fertilization usually takes place in a fallopian tube that links an ovary to the uterus.
implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg or blastocyst to the wall of the uterus at the start of pregnancy.
The Suspensory Ligament of the ovary is composed of the peritoneal fold extending from the ovary to the lateral pelvic wa
The round ligament of the uterus helps to hold the uterus in an anteverted position superior to the bladder.
The ovarian ligament (also called the utero-ovarian ligament or proper ovarian ligament) is a fibrous ligament that connects
The fertilization of the egg usually happens in the ampulla part of the fallopian tube.
implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus called endometrium.
The stratum functionalis is a thick superficial layer that is sloughed off during menstruation and grows anew during each cy
Humans normally have two complex mammary glands, one in each breast, and each complex mammary gland consists of 1
The nerve stimulus induces the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes the myoepithelial cells surrounding the milk
Female hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone are important in promoting growth and changes that occur in the b
After the egg leaves the ovary, the walls of the follicle again close, and the space that was occupied by the egg begins to fill
The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which is a steroid hormone responsible for the decidualization of the endometri
The endometrium changes throughout the menstrual cycle in response to hormones. During the first part of the cycle, the
The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus.
Gonadotropins like LH and FSH are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days. During secretary p
The ovaries lie within the pelvic cavity, on either side of the uterus, to which they are attached via a fibrous cord called the
The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes.
The stopping of menstruation is called menopause. The average age for menopause is 51 years old, but some women will h
Uterus is a sac shaped like an upside down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or z
At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries.
Vagina also called the birth canal, it is a muscular passageway from the cervix to the outside of the female's body in the low
The myometrium is located between the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine wall), and the serosa or perimetrium
Human females are typically born with two ovaries stemming from the uterus.
The uterus has three layers, which together form the uterine wall. From innermost to outermost, these layers are the endo
The secretory phase of the uterine cycle follows the proliferative phase.
After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube where it stays for about 24 to 48 hours. If the egg is not fertilized
Throughout the entire follicular phase, rising estrogen levels in the blood stimulate growth of the endometrium and myom
The Bartholin's glands (also called Bartholin glands or greater vestibular glands) are two pea sized compound racemose gla
"mosaic Down syndrome" may occur when an error in cell division happens after fertilization. These individuals have some
Chromosomal sex is determined at the time of fertilization; a chromosome from the sperm cell, either X or Y, fuses with the
As the egg is released (a process called ovulation), it is captured by finger-like projections on the end of the fallopian tubes
In a human egg or sperm, there are 23 chromosomes, one of which is an X or Y.
Presence of hot flashes during menopause causes woman's risk for certain conditions, such as breast cancer, heart disease
In humans, implantation is the stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.
In the XY sex-determination system, the female-provided ovum contributes an X chromosome and the male-provided sperm
The embryo is directly enclosed in and protected by the amnion.
The female gonad, the ovary or "egg sac", is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis,
The end result of meiosis is haploid daughter cells with chromosomal combinations different from those originally present
The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that: one mature ovum is produced in oogenesis, and four
The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the: ovary
Functions of the uterus include nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus and holding it till the baby is matu
During ovulation, the mature follicle or Graafian follicle bursts and the ovum is released.This is named as Corpus luteum wh
Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced by fully developed foetus and placenta. When a woman is in a lithotomy
It is specifically located in the convoluted seminiferous tubules (since this is the only place in the testes where the spermat
The signals for parturition originate from the fully developed fetus and the placenta which induce mild uterine contraction
The internal reproductive organs are the (1) ovaries, (2) fallopian tubes, (3) uterus, and (4) vagina.
Ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries. In humans, this event occurs when the ovarian follicles rupture and relea
The uterus, also called the womb, is the organ that contains and nourishes the embryo and fetus from the time the fertilize
Translated as "large lips," the labia majora are relatively large and fleshy, and are comparable to the scrotum in males.
Translated as "small lips," the labia minora can be very small or up to 2 inches wide.
Vagina is the canal that joins the lower part of the uterus to the outside of the body.
The vagina is a canal that joins the cervix (the lower part of uterus) to the outside of the body. It also is known as the birth
The average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days and occurs in phases: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase (ovulation)
The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins right after ovulation
On average, a woman's cycle normally is between 28-32 days,Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of th
After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube. It stays there for about 24 hours, waiting for a single sperm to fer
The hormone that stimulates the maturation if the of the graafian follicle is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone which is relea
The fallopian tubes are bilateral muscular structures of paramesonephric duct origin. They are from 7 to 12 cm in length an
Chadwick sign is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia resulting from increased blood flow. It can be observe
A gynecoid pelvis is oval at the inlet, has a generous capacity and wide subpubic arch. This is the classical female pelvis. Pe
The right ovarian vein drains into the inferior vena cava.
Variations in the length of the menstrual cycle are due to variations in the proliferative phase. The menstrual, secretory and
Bartholin’s glands are the glands on either side of the vaginal orifice. The clitoris is female erectile tissue found in the perin
Variations in the length of the menstrual cycle are due to variations in the proliferative phase. The menstrual, secretory and
Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiological states of amenorrhoea are
The menstrual cycle is typically most irregular around the extremes of reproductive life (menarche and menopause) due to
The corpus luteum is essential for establishing and maintaining pregnancy in females. The corpus luteum secretes progeste
FSH stimulates the growth and maturation of immature oocytes into mature (Graafian) follicles before ovulation.
All statements are false. The cardinal ligaments attach the cervix to the pelvic side walls. The uterosacrals attach the cervix
Following 9 weeks the fetoplacental unit takes over the production of hCG.
Mid-luteal phase serum progesterone is performed on day 21 in a 28-day cycle.
The obstetric conjugate is the shortest distance between the promontory of the sacrum and the symphysis pubis. It genera
After the completion of gastrulation the embryo enters into organogenesis – this is the process by which the ectoderm, me
and ejected sperm during sexual intercourse and provides an exit for the fetus during delivery.

tion of Doderlein' bacilli on glycogen found in the squamous epithelium of the lining.
sisting of 5 fused vertebrae. The inaminate bone consists of ilium, ischium and pubis.

maintains the pregnancy.

er abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum.

pper supravaginal portion, which is attached to the surrounding tissue, and a lower, free segment, the vaginal portion.
nt adhesions between the opposed walls of the myometrium, thereby maintaining the patency of the uterine cavity.

ulating Hormone which is released by the anterior pituitary gland.

w opening between the isthmus and the cervix.

major female sex organs and produce ova or eggs. Each ovary contains thousands of ova. The tiny female sex cell that unites with a ma

ed along with some blood around once a month in a process called menstruation.
d the external os.
te milk after childbirth, called Breast.
ars old, but some women will have it a year or two earlier, and some will have it a year or two later. Early menopause is possible, and c
of the female's body in the lower pelvic area.
de folds of sensitive tissue called the labia (labia means "lips"). The labia has two parts. The outermost folds are called the labia majora
06). This is an average, so it could be a couple of days earlier or later. For example, say you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle.

LH, which are then converted into estrogen by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced aromatase in the neighboring granulosa cel
ation and release of urine. It includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and the organs of reproduction – uterus, ovaries, fallopian t
ina, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes (oviducts or fallopian tubes), and ovaries.
muscle; and an inner mucous membrane with transverse folds called rugae.
of the female's body in the lower pelvic area.

ge, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline.

major female sex organs and produce ova or eggs. Each ovary contains thousands of ova.
is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14.

the start of pregnancy.

e ovary to the lateral pelvic wall.
r to the bladder.
fibrous ligament that connects the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus.

s called endometrium.
and grows anew during each cycle.
ex mammary gland consists of 15–20 simple glands.
helial cells surrounding the milk-producing alveoli to contract, thus forcing the milk from the alveoli into the ducts.
and changes that occur in the breast, especially during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle.
ccupied by the egg begins to fill with new cells known as the corpus luteum
ecidualization of the endometrium (its development) and maintenance, respectively.
g the first part of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is made by the ovaries. Estrogen causes the lining to grow and thicken to prepare the
mmalian uterus.

out 13 days. During secretary phase, the endometrium prepares for the implantation of an embryo and the corpus luteum is active and
ed via a fibrous cord called the ovarian ligament.

ars old, but some women will have it a year or two earlier, and some will have it a year or two later. Early menopause is possible, and c
area where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby. Also called the womb.

of the female's body in the lower pelvic area.

and the serosa or perimetrium (the outer uterine layer).

most, these layers are the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium.

ours. If the egg is not fertilized during that time, the egg disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 2 weeks lat
of the endometrium and myometrium of the uterus. This also causes endometrial cells to produce receptors for progesterone, which he
sized compound racemose glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina. They secrete mucus
n. These individuals have some cells with an extra chromosome #21 (47 chromosomes total)
cell, either X or Y, fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell.
the end of the fallopian tubes (fimbriae). The fimbriae sweep the egg into the tube.

as breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and thyroid problems.

of the uterus.
me and the male-provided sperm contributes either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, resulting in female (XX) or male (XY) offsprin

They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries have tw
t from those originally present in the parent.
roduced in oogenesis, and four mature sperm are produced in spermatogenesis.

d holding it till the baby is mature enough for birth.

is named as Corpus luteum which serves as a temporary endocrine gland by releasing progesterone and estrogen.
hen a woman is in a lithotomy or semi-sitting position, the Foetal Ejection Reflux is impaired and the increased pain caused by the sacr
n the testes where the spermatozoa are produced). They maintain nutrition of germ cells
nduce mild uterine contractions called foetal ejection reflex.

arian follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells.
fetus from the time the fertilized egg is implanted to the time of birth
e to the scrotum in males.

dy. It also is known as the birth canal.

the ovulatory phase (ovulation), and the luteal phase.

y starting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 14 days from the next expected period.
waiting for a single sperm to fertilize it.
ulating Hormone which is released by the anterior pituitary gland.
re from 7 to 12 cm in length and usually less than 1 cm in diameter.
ed blood flow. It can be observed as early as 6 to 8 weeks after conception, and its presence is an early sign of pregnancy
s the classical female pelvis. Pelvic brim is a transverse ellipse (nearly a circle) Most favorable for delivery.The gynecoid pelvis (sometime

e. The menstrual, secretory and ischemic phases do not contribute to this variation.
rectile tissue found in the perineal area above the urethra. The parotid glands are open into the mouth. Skene’s glands open into the po
e. The menstrual, secretory and ischemic phases do not contribute to this variation.
gical states of amenorrhoea are seen, most commonly, during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the latter also forming the basis
narche and menopause) due to anovulation and inadequate follicular development (5-7). The luteal phase of the cycle is relatively cons
orpus luteum secretes progesterone, which is a steroid hormone responsible for the decidualization of the endometrium (its developm
les before ovulation.
e uterosacrals attach the cervix posteriorly to the sacrum. The endocervix is lined by columnar (glandular) epithelium. The ectocervix is

the symphysis pubis. It generally measures 10.5 cm. Because the obstetric conjugate cannot be clinically measured, it is estimated by s
ess by which the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are converted into the internal organs of the body. This process takes place betw
nal portion.

sex cell that unites with a male sperm to form a fertilized egg.

menopause is possible, and can happen in a woman's mid-to-early 40s.

ds are called the labia majora.

8-day menstrual cycle.

he neighboring granulosa cells of selected growing follicles.

– uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and vagina.
w and thicken to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.

e corpus luteum is active and secretes progesterone hormone.

menopause is possible, and can happen in a woman's mid-to-early 40s.

ur period) begins 2 weeks later.

s for progesterone, which helps prime the endometrium to the late proliferative phase and the luteal phase.
vagina. They secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina

ale (XX) or male (XY) offspring, respectively. Hormone levels in the male parent affect the sex ratio of sperm in humans.

almond. The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (ova) and female hormones.

ased pain caused by the sacrum's inability to move as teh baby descends can be intolerable.

cted period.
n of pregnancy
he gynecoid pelvis (sometimes called a “true female pelvis”) is found in about 50% of the women

ene’s glands open into the posterior wall of the female urinary meatus.

latter also forming the basis of a form of contraception known as the lactational amenorrhoea method.
of the cycle is relatively constant in all women, with a duration of 14 days.
endometrium (its development) and maintenance, respectively

epithelium. The ectocervix is continuous with the vagina and is covered in squamous epithelium. The columnar epithelium undergoes m

measured, it is estimated by subtracting 1.5 to 2 cm from the diagonal conjugate, which is the distance from the lower margin of the sym
This process takes place between about week 3 to the end of week 8.
m in humans.
mnar epithelium undergoes metaplasia in this case, but cells vulnerable to neoplastic change. It is this area from which cervical carcinom

m the lower margin of the symphysis to the sacral promontory. The true conjugate is measured from the top of the symphysis to the sac
from which cervical carcinoma commonly originates. The cervix is supplied by upper vaginal branches and the uterine artery. Lymph dr

p of the symphysis to the sacral promontory. The interspinous diameter is the transverse measurement of the midplane and generally is
the uterine artery. Lymph drainage is to the obturator and internal and external iliac nodes, and thence to the common iliac and para-a

he midplane and generally is the smallest diameter of the pelvis.

the common iliac and para-aortic nodes.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2
Antepartum When will a pregnant moth 13 to 20 weeks 2 to 4 weeks 4 to 8 weeks
Antepartum A pregnant female undergoe Meconium Jaundice Sepsis
Antepartum The average length of the 50 cm 35cm 60cm
Antepartum According to Diane, her L August 22, 2003 August 18, 2003 July 22, 2003
Antepartum Demi, a 38 y/o multipara iLeg pain Burning on urinationAbdominal pain.
Antepartum Rachel, a diabetic woman D a etermine fetal weAscertain correct geDetermine fetal lu
Antepartum Diane wants to know howThrice
m 3 to 4 times 20 times
Antepartum O2 and Co2 are exchangedDiffusion Pinocytosis Active transport
Antepartum Mr. and Mrs. Cremasteric ar The sex of the babSome women are just Nature determines
Antepartum When Umbilical cord is insVelamentous inserCentral insertion Battledore insertio
Antepartum How many trimisters does3 trimisters 1 trimister 2 trimisters
Antepartum How many months is 27 wfive months and f five months pregnanfive months and t
Antepartum Stages of Development of egg,blastocyst,embegg,embryo,blastocyblastocyst,egg,emb
The normal range of foetal heart rates is:
Antepartum 120 to 160 beats 80 to 100 beats per 170 to 190 beats p
Antepartum The ideal sleeping positi On their left side On their right side On their front
Antepartum During the process of fert Polyspermy block Hardening of coronaHardening of zona
Antepartum Which of the following sh All of these. Being under 20 and Not having adequat
Antepartum Which of the following is Amniocentesis. Medical genetic couEpisiotomy.
Antepartum Which of the following is sChorionic villi samEndoscopy. Vernix caseosa.
Antepartum Good parenting begins with All of these. Having adequate preHaving proper, ade
Antepartum organogenesis is complete8 weeks after ovul2 weeks after ovulat4 weeks after ovula
Antepartum Braxton-Hicks refers to contractions a urine pregnancy tea blood pregnancy
Antepartum The hormone responsible Human
fo Chorionic Estrogen Progesterone
Antepartum Which of the following is (+) ultrasound Fetal movement feltEnlargement of the
Antepartum What event occurring in t Quickening Lightening Ballotment
Antepartum The expected weight gain 1i -2 pounds per we3-4 pounds per wee5-6 pounds per we
Antepartum The following are ways of Naegele’s rule Batholomew’s rule oQuickening
Antepartum Kegel’s exercise is done in Strengthen the pelRelieve backache Prevent leg varico
Antepartum Pelvic rocking is an appr Backache Orthostatic hypotenLeg cramps
Antepartum The nursing intervention tDry carbohydrate fLow sodium diet Intravenous infusi
Antepartum The common normal site of Upper uterine porMid-uterine area Lower uterine seg
Antepartum When a pregnant woman Let expthe woman lie Let the woman walkAllow the woman t
Prostaglandin and oxytocin
Antepartum To prevent preterm labor fMagnesium sulfate and terbutaline Progesterone and
On the first pregnancy of the Rh(-) mother, the fetus will not be affected
Antepartum Which of the following is The condition can ocEvery pregnancy of
Which of the following are the functions of amniotic fluid? 1.Cushions the fetus from abdominal trauma 2.S
Antepartum All of the above 1, 2, 3 1, 3, 4
Antepartum The nursing measure to relPut the mother onPlace the mother onPlace mother on a
Hydatidiform mole l
Antepartum Upon assessment the nurse Missed abortion Pelvic inflammator
Antepartum You performed the leopold' Right upper quadr Left upper quadrantRight lower quadra
Antepartum If the LMP is Jan. 30, the Nov. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 24
Antepartum In which of the following Rubella Gonorrhea Candidiasis
Antepartum Shoes with low, broad heelBackache Vertigo Leg cramps
Antepartum Which of the following sigPassage of clear v Slight bleeding Absence of fetal h
Antepartum Fetal heart activity can beweek 7 week 4 week 5
Antepartum Decidual cells (E3) produced?
Are the specialise Are specialsed cells Form the inner cell
where is estriol
Antepartum Placenta only Fetus and placenta Fetus and corpus
Antepartum how many days after ferti 5 to 6 days 2 to 4 days 7 to 8 days
Antepartum during pregnancy the GFRIncreases Decreases Remains stable
Antepartum progesterone receptor anta misscariage ectopic pregnancy infertility
Antepartum For first trimester diagno CVS B Serum Alpha fetoprotein
Antepartum Which vaccination is not sMMR Diphtheria Rabies
Antepartum Fetal fibronectin It is produced by Is a liposaccharide Normally found in
Antepartum An iron supplement is presc
Orange milk
juicethe telephone water
A registered nurse reaches to answer on a busy pediatric unit, momentarily turning away fro
Antepartum Malpractice Assault Batter
Antepartum Beri beri is caused by the Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3
Antepartum Infection that occurs dur Herpes Simplex Tuberculosis Human papilloma v
The mother may have physiologic anemia
The due
to the
have a problem
need forofred
Antepartum The main reason for an exp The mother may suff
Antepartum What is the most IMPORTAN An L/S ratio of 2:1 The presence of wellThe presence of Ig
Antepartum A woman in her third trimSleep with head prEat the evening mealTake sodium bicarb
Antepartum Ballottement Passive fetal movedeep violet coloratioSoftening of the ce
Antepartum Braxton Hicks contractionsPainless uterine coPassive fetal moveme painfull dark red v
Antepartum Chadwick's sign deep violet coloratFirst recognised mo Softening of the ce
Antepartum Goodell's sign Softening of the cepainfull dark red va Painless uterine co
Antepartum Quickening First recognised mSoftening of the cerPassive fetal movem
Antepartum Hegar's sign Softening of the isdeep violet coloratiopainless bright red
Antepartum Placenta previa painless bright redpainfull dark red va Softening of the ce
Antepartum Abruptio placenta painfull dark red v Softening of the ist deep violet colorat
Antepartum Which of the following is Abruptio placenta Placenta previa Incompetent cervi
Antepartum The client istells
A woman seentheinnurse
the prenatal clinicOct-21 Dec-27 sickness. Which
and complains of morning Sep-27self care measures will the
Antepartum To eat red,
Bright a drypainless
crackeTo eat eggs
vaginal forexternal
breaTo dark
or eat fatty or spi
red bleeding
Antepartum Which of the following wou Palpable fetal outl
Antepartum When taking an obstetricalG4 T1 P1 A1 L2 G3 T1 P1 A0 L2 G3 T2 P0 A0 L2
Antepartum The hormone responsible Human fo chorionic Progesterone Estrogen
Antepartum Before birth, which
To differentiate as a of the Foramen
female, ovale stimulation
the hormonal Umbilical vein Ductus
of the embryo arteriosus
that must occur involves which of the
Antepartum Secretion of estro Secretion of androgDecrease in matern
Antepartum A pregnant client states t Relaxation of the pExcessive weight gaiPressure on the pe
Antepartum Which of the following woul Edema of the handEdema of the feet a Weight gain of 1 lb/week
Antepartum Which of the
Heartburn andfollowing wou
flatulence, The
commontest was perfoThe
in the secondtest was perform
trimester, The urine
are most likelysample w of which of the follow
the result
Antepartum Decreased gastric aIncreased plasma HCDecreased intestina
Antepartum Which of the following preRubella titer less Hematocrit 33.5% White blood cells 8,000/mm3
Antepartum During which of the followFirst trimeste Prepregnant period Second trimester
Antepartum FHR can be auscultated wit20 weeks gestation15 weeks gestation 10 weeks gestation
Antepartum Cervical softening and uterProbable signs Diagnostic signs Presumptive signs
Antepartum Betina 30 weeks AOG dischIwill have to rem INeed am happy to note I am
to be modified afraid
in any wayI by
either partner
Antepartum Nurse Geli explains to the Should be restricte Is permitted if pen
Antepartum Mrs. Jimenez went to the 25-35 lbs
Frequency 20-30 lbs 30- 40 lbs
Antepartum Which of the following ur Dysuria
Nasal stuffiness
Antepartum Which of the following
Which of the following refersdaBlurred
Chromosomevision Breast
to the single cell that reproduces itself tenderness
after conception?
Antepartum Blastocyst Zygote
Antepartum When developing a plan ofDietary intake Medication Exercise
Antepartum Which of the following co Ambivalence, fear,Anxiety, passivity, e Awkwardness, clum
Antepartum Multiple gestation
Severe nausea andUterine
vomiting anomalies
of appetite toAbdominal
leadingand electrolyte,trauma
continuous vomiting
Antepartum Which of the following st Severe anemia lead
Antepartum On which
Which of the
of the followingCheeks,
following forehead,
would the nurse Breast,
identify as aareola, and Chest,
presumptive neck,
sign of arms,
Antepartum Nausea and vomitiHegar sign Skin pigmentation
Antepartum When talking with a pregna Pressure on blood Pregnancy-induced Thrombophlebitis
Antepartum A primigravida
The clientisatreviewing
nurse in charge a Physician who willprenatal
a patient’s Chaplainhistory.
in caseWhich
theHead of the
finding hospit a genetic risk factor?
Antepartum The uterus has already risen Theout
of thehas a ch
pelvis The
andpatient is 25 yeaThe
is experiencing patient
farther intowas
theexabdominal area at about t
Antepartum 18th week of preg12th week of pregn 10th week of preg
Antepartum When preparing to listen tDoppler placed mid Stethoscope placed Fetoscope placed
Antepartum During a antenatal class, Facilitate relaxati Reduce the risk of f Eliminate pain so
Antepartum Which of the following wou Pain Anticipatory GrievinKnowledge Deficit
Antepartum A client at 8 weeks’ gesta Taking 1 teaspoon Eating a few low-sodAvoiding the felt
Fetal kicking intake
by the client
Antepartum The nurse documents positi Passive movementPalpable contractio
10 pounds per trimester
Antepartum Which of the following woA total gain of 25 ½ pound per week
Antepartum When measuring a client’sFrom the symphysis From the fundus to From the xiphoid
Goodell’s sign p
Antepartum During
A clientawith
pelvic exampreeclampsia
severe the nChadwick’s sign Braxton-Hicks
is admitted sign proteinuria, and severe pitting edema. W
with of BP 160/110,
Antepartum Seizure precautionsDaily weights Right lateral positioning
Antepartum When describing dizygoticTwo Fromovathefertilized
symphysis Sharing of the
pubis to a commoEach
fundus Fromovathe with the pubis to the xiphoid pr
Antepartum When
When measuring
administeringa client’s
magnesium sulfate to a From clientthe
Reduce with xiphoid
blood pr
pressure the nurse understands that this drug
Antepartum Prevent
The fetusseizures
isn’t in distress at this time.
A client who’s 36 weeks pregnant comes to the clinic for a prenatal checkup. Slow the process o the client’s preparati
To assess
Antepartum “What changes hav“Are you planning t “Have you begun
A severely malformed pr fetus.
Antepartum A client makes a routine vGrapelike clusters.An empty gestationa
Antepartum A client, 30 weeks pregnant The client should reThe client should r
Antepartum When assessing a client du“I support your commitment; “It’s contraindicated“You
however, you should
may have check
to supplement each feedin
Antepartum A client at 24 weeks gestaHand/face edema Dietary intake Depression
“You will have to ask your physician when he returns.”
Antepartum Which of the following wo“The placenta is c “You need a cesar
Antepartum When assessing the adequac Sperm motility Sperm count Sperm maturity
Antepartum Excessive vomiting in earl Hyperemesis Hypervomitus. Normal in most pr
Antepartum The term fetus is defined aThe unborn offspriThe maternal tissue, The baby, once it
Antepartum The number of times a wom Parity Fundus Pregnosis
Antepartum LNMP stands for: Last Normal MenstLigand Neurotransmitter Myofibril Per
Antepartum What is the lining of the Endometrium Basal
Antepartum By how much does the body 20% 10% 30%
Antepartum Which of the following statThe umbilical vein A 100% of the cardiaThe arterial duct (
Antepartum Which of the following st Amniocentesis offer At the age of 40 theMeasurement of nuc
Antepartum A twin pregnancy is identiICSI with single emOvulation induction.Natural conceptio
Antepartum Which one of the followinMonochorionic moA Singleton pregnanDichorionic diamni
Antepartum With regard to maternal mInfants of mothersMothers with epilep
Antepartum Which of the following is skeletal system lining of the GI tractliver
Antepartum Which of the following is deciduas amniotic fluid fetus
Antepartum Perception of fetal move 16-18 weeks 6-8 weeks 18-20 weeks
Antepartum Which of the following is lordosis kyphosis hyperextension
Antepartum Which of the following is Pre-existing hypertension Endocrine always
of Women
weeks’ uninvestigated
include pre
gestation. hyperaldosteronism. in pregnancy
Which of the following is tIncrease in peripheIncrease in intravas Increase in cardiac should have their serum pota
Antepartum After delivery of a term in Deoxygenated blooOxygenated blood toOxygenated blood
Antepartum Which period of gestation1-12 weeks 1-11 weeks 1-10 weeks
Antepartum At what stage of gestatio 18-20 weeks 14-16 weeks 22-24 weeks
Antepartum Which of the following are complications of Uterine hyper-stimuCaesarian section
Antepartum Which of the following neHypertension withHypertension with VHypertension with
Antepartum Which period of gestation13-28 weeks 15-30 weeks 10-20 weeks
Antepartum Which of the following areall of the above Change of partner Family history of p
Antepartum Which period of gestation29-40 weeks 28-40 weeks 30-41 weeks
Antepartum At 12 weeks gestation wheSymphysis pubis Halfway between um Xiphisternum
Antepartum Which of the following is High levels of circ Underlying infectionOver eating
Antepartum Which of the following met First day of LMP
Chromosomal + First day of last me Last day of LMP +
Antepartum Placental insufficienGenetic disorder
Antepartum Your patient has underwent At 28 weeks she shAt 36 weeks she wil No further testing
Antepartum A patient is wanting to be She must use an efOnce she has a positThe patient's rubel
Antepartum A patient is the third tri Dorsiflexing the foAvoiding regular exeTell the patient to
Antepartum Your patient is suffering Taking a cap-ful ofExercise regularly Constipation is exp
Antepartum A patient in the early sta "I have been addict"I eat frequently th "I have my saltine
Antepartum A patient is having an abdBefore the abdomin An abdominal ultraso Generally, at 20 w
Antepartum A patient who is 8 1/2 monReassure the patien Notify the MD of thiPrep the patient f
Antepartum A patient is undergoing a The patient is to b The patient will be It is performed at
Antepartum A pregnant patient has a n"Reactive" Nonstre"Nonreactive" NonstNegative Contractio
Antepartum A patient who is 35 weeksNitrazine strip testUltrasound Nonstress test
Antepartum Which statement by the pa"I can expect to g "I will need to incre "I need to be sure
Antepartum A patient tells you her la June 17, 2015 June 10, 2015 May 17, 2015
Antepartum You are doing an assessmen Primipara Nullipara Multipara
Antepartum During an assessment of aG: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1G: 4, T: 3, P: 0, A: 0, G: 4, T: 4, P: 0, A: 0
Antepartum Your patient who is 17 weQuickening Ballottement Braxton Hick's cont
Antepartum Which of the following is Goodell's Sign Quickening Amenorrhea
Wrong 3 Rationale
Third trimester A woman pregnant for the first time typically feels fetal movements at about 18 to 20 weeks, wherea
Placenta previa Fluid that looks green or brown usually means that the baby has passed his first bowel movement (me
40cm The length of the average cord is 50cm.This is suffiecient to allow for delivery of the baby without app
February 22, 2003 Naegle's rule: EDD=LMP+9Months+7 Days
Increased lochial flowThrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that causes a blood clot to form and block one or more
Determine fetal size A biophysical profile is a prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal well being involving a scoring system w
10-12 times 3 to 4 fetal movements per hour is normal.
Facilitated diffusion Oxygen and carbondioxide readily diffuses across the placenta from maternal to fetal blood.
The sex of the baby i Chromosomal sex is determined at the time of fertilization; a chromosome from the sperm cell, either
Lateral insertion In velamentous cord insertion, the umbilical cord inserts into the fetal membranes (choriamniotic mem
4 trimisters A normal, full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, and can range from 37-42 weeks. It's divided into three tri
six months and four 27 weeks pregnant is five months and four weeks pregnant. This is the last week of the sixth month an
embryo,egg,blastocyst A baby goes through several stages of development, beginning as a fertilized egg. The egg develops in
72 to 80 beats per m A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) usually ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute (bpm) in the in utero
On their back The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left s
capasitation of sper The cortical reaction is a process initiated during fertilization by the release of cortical granules from t
Smoking cigarettes. To have a healthy pregnancy the mother should be beween 20 to 35 years of age, should have adequa
CBC Amniocentesis detects chromosome abnormalities, neural tube defects, and genetic disorders. Geneti
Strai gravida Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis are prenatal diagnostic procedures used to detect c
Appropriate exercise.Good parental care prior to a child's birth includes: Having adequate prenatal medical supervision, ha
6 weeks after ovulati organogenesis – this is the process by which the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm are converted i
a rule for calculating Braxton Hicks: Irregular contractions of the womb (the uterus) occurring towards the middle of pregna
Follicle Stimulating It's the Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG hormone that's detected in a positive pregnancy test.
(+) pregnancy test Positive signs of pregnancy are those signs that are definitely confirmed as a pregnancy. They include
Pseudocyesis In pregnancy terms, quickening is the moment in pregnancy when the pregnant woman starts to feel
7-8 pounds per weekOn a trimester basis in a woman with a normal pre-pregnancy weight: First trimester: 1-4.5 pounds. S
Mc Donald’s rule Naegele's rule is a standard way of calculating the due date for a pregnancy. The rule estimates the ex
Strengthen the chestKegel exercises help strengthen the( pelvic floor muscles) muscles that support the bladder, uterus, an
Urinary frequency Pelvic rocking can be used in upright positions, for example leaning on a bench or on a wall and also in
Antacid Symptoms of morning sickness may be relieved by eating a few dry carbohydrate crackers.
Lower cervical segmeThe common site of the implantation in the uterus is the upper uterine portion.
Ask the woman to raisLeg cramps is caused by the contraction of the gastrocnimeus (leg muscle). Thus, the intervention is to
Dexamethasone and M p agnesium sulfate acts as a CNS depressant as well as a smooth muscle relaxant. Terbutaline is a drug
RhoGam is given onlyOn the first pregnancy, the mother still has no contact with Rh(+) blood thus it has not antibodies aga
1&3 All the four functions enumerated are true of amniotic fluid.
Any of the above When a pregnant woman lies on supine position, the weight of the gravid uterus would be compressin
Ectopic pregnancy Hydatidiform mole begins as a pregnancy but early in the development of the embryo degeneration o
Left lower quadrant Right upper quadrant. The landmark to look for when looking for PMI is the location of the fetal back
Nov. 8 Based on the last menstrual period, the expected date of delivery is Nov. 6. The formula for the Naege
Moniliasis Rubella is caused by a virus and viruses have low molecular weight thus can pass through the placenta
Nausea Backache usually occurs in the lumbar area and becomes more problematic as the uterus enlarges. Th
Enlargement of the uHydatidiform mole (H-mole) is characterized by the degeneration of the chorionic villi wherein the vill
week 3 Gestational Age Week 7. Generally, from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected a
Are specialsed cells oThe human decidua is a specialized tissue characterized by embryo-receptive properties. It is formed d
Corpus luteum and pDuring pregnancy, estriol is synthesized in very high quantities by the placenta and is the most produc
10 to 12 days Implantation. Once the embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, approximately five to six days after fertili
Flactuates During pregnancy, the glomerular filtration rate normally increases to up to 150% of the normal rate,
morning sickness Mifepristone is usually used to terminate pregnancy but these compounds have numerous other appl
C PAPP-A Diagnostic tests that can identify Down syndrome include: Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). In CVS, cell
Hepatitis B The measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox (varicella) vaccines are particularly important for wome
Value >30 ng/mL is coFetal fibronectin (fFN) is a fibronectin protein produced by fetal cells. It is found at the interface of the
tea Taking iron supplement pills and getting enough iron in your food will correct most cases of iron defici
Defamation Malpractice is defined as injurious or unprofessional actions that harm another. It involves professiona
Vitamin C Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency.
Influenza TORCH (Toxoplasmosis and other infections: rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex)
The mother may have physiologic anemia due to the increased need for red blood cell mass as well as
The fetus has an inc About 400 mgs of Iron is needed by the mother in order to produce more RBC mass to be able to prov
An L/S ratio of 1:2 The most important determinants of fetal maturity for extrauterine survival is L/S ratio of 2:1.
Drink small amounts Soleep with head propped on several pillows Heartburn is a burning sensation caused by re- gurgitation
First recognised mov ballottement is a sharp upward pushing against the uterine wall with a finger inserted into the vagina
Softening of the cerviBraxton Hicks Contraction are a painless intermittent weak contractions of the uterus occurring during
painless bright red v Chadwick sign is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia resulting from increased blood fl
Softening of the isthmGoodell sign is an indication of pregnancy. It is a significant softening of the vaginal portion of the cerv
painless bright red v quickening is the first motion of a fetus in the uterus felt by the mother usually somewhat before the
Painless uterine cont Hegar's sign is defined as softening and compressibility of the lower segment of the uterus in early pre
deep violet colorationPlacenta previa is a condition in which the placenta is implanted near the outlet of the uterus, so that
Passive fetal movemen Abruptio placentae is defined as the premature separation of the placenta from the uterus. Patients w
Ectopic pregnancy Abruptio placentae is described as premature separation of a normally implanted placenta during the
Nov-07 To calculate the EDD by Nagele’s rule, add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period and coun
To eat three well bal For morning nausea, eat toast, cereal, crackers, or other dry foods before getting out of bed.
Soft and nontender A client with abruptio placentae may exhibit concealed or dark red bleeding, possibly reporting sudde
G2 T2 P0 A0 L2 The client has been pregnant four times, including current pregnancy (G). Birth at 38 weeks’ gestation
Follicle stimulating It's the Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG hormone that's detected in a positive pregnancy test.
Ductus venosus The foramen ovale is an opening between the right and left auricles (atria) that should close shortly aft
Increase in maternal The fetal gonad must secrete estrogen for the embryo to differentiate as a female. An increase in mate
The large size of the During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause relaxation of the pelvic joints, resulting in the typical “wad
Early morning heada Edema of the hands and face is a classic sign of PIH. Many healthy pregnant woman experience foot a
A spontaneous abortiA false-positive reaction can occur if the pregnancy test is performed less than 10 days after an aborti
Elevated estrogen levDuring the second trimester, the reduction in gastric acidity in conjunction with pressure from the gro
One hour glucose chaA rubella titer should be 1:8 or greater. Thurs, a finding of a titer less than 1:8 is significant, indicating
Third trimester First-trimester classes commonly focus on such issues as early physiologic changes, fetal development
5 weeks gestation The FHR can be auscultated with a fetoscope at about 20 week’s gestation. FHR usually is ausculatated
Positive signs Cervical softening (Goodell sign) and uterine soufflé are two probable signs of pregnancy. Probable sig
I may go back to workPlacenta previa
since I stay onlymeans
at thethat the placenta is the presenting part. On the first and second trimester ther
Is safe as long as she Coitus is restricted when there is watery discharge, uterine contraction and vaginal bleeding. Also tho
10-15 lbs A weight gain of 11. 2 to 15.9 kg (25 to 35 lbs) is currently recommended as an average weight gain in
Burning Pressure and irritation of the bladder by the growing uterus during the first trimester is responsible fo
Constipation Danger signs that require prompt reporting are leaking of amniotic fluid, blurred vision, vaginal bleedi
Trophoblast The zygote is the single cell that reproduces itself after conception. The chromosome is the material t
Glucose monitoring Although all of the choices are important in the management of diabetes, diet therapy is the mainstay
Introversion, egocentDuring the first trimester, common emotional reactions include ambivalence, fear, fantasies, or anxiet
Renal or vascular disease
Multiple gestation is one of the predisposing factors that may cause placenta previa. Uterine anomalie
Severe nausea andandThe description of hyperemesis gravidarum includes severe nausea and vomiting, leading to electrolyt
Abdomen, breast, thighs
Chloasma, also called the mask of pregnancy, is an irregular hyperpigmented area found on the face. I
Positive serum pregn Presumptive signs of pregnancy are subjective signs. Of the signs listed, only nausea and vomiting are
The force of gravity Pressure of the growing uterus on blood vessels results in an increased risk for venous stasis in the low
Nursing unit managerThe fetus of a cocaine-addicted mother is at risk for hypoxia, meconium aspiration, and intrauterine g
The patient has a history of fibrosis
a recessive trait; each
at 32 weeks’ offspring has a one in four chance of having the trait or the diso
8th week of pregnan On the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus is still within the pelvic area. On the 10th week, the uterus
External electronic f At 12 weeks gestation, the uterus rises out of the pelvis and is palpable above the symphysis pubis. Th
Eliminate pain and gi Breathing techniques can raise the pain threshold and reduce the perception of pain. They also promo
Risk for infection For the client with an ectopic pregnancy, lower abdominal pain, usually unilateral, is the primary symp
Eating six small mealsUsing
a daybicarbonate would
instead of thee increase
large meals the amount of sodium ingested, which can cause complications. Ea
Enlargement Ballottement indicates passive movement of the unengaged fetus. Ballottement is not a contraction. F
and soft
1 pound per week for 40 weeks
To ensure adequate fetal growth and development during the 40 weeks of a pregnancy, a total weight
From the symphysis pThe nurse should use a nonelastic, flexible, paper measuring tape, placing the zero point on the super
McDonald’s sign Chadwick’s sign refers to the purple-blue tinge of the cervix. Braxton Hicks contractions are painless co
Stress reduction Women hospitalized with severe preeclampsia need decreased CNS stimulation to prevent a seizure. S
Sharing of a commonDizygotic
chorion (fraternal) twins involve two ova fertilized by separate sperm. Monozygotic (identical) twins
From the fundus to t The nurse should use a nonelastic, flexible, paper measuring tape, placing the zero point on the super
Increase dieresis The chemical makeup of magnesium is similar to that of calcium and, therefore, magnesium will act li
“Can you tell me aboutDuring the third
the meals youtrimester, theeach
typically eat pregnant
day?”client typically perceives the fetus as a separate being. To ver
In a client with gestational trophoblastic disease, an ultrasound performed after the 3rd month shows
An extrauterine pregnancy
The fetus should be dThe BPP evaluates fetal health by assessing five variables: fetal breathing movements, gross body mov
“You should be able toRecent breast without
breast-feed reduction surgeries are done in a way to protect the milk sacs and ducts, so breast-feed
After 20 weeks’ gestation, when there is a rapid weight gain, preeclampsia should be suspected, which
Glucosuria is not the priority. Depression may cause either anorexia or excessive food intake, leading to excessive
“The placenta is coveA complete placenta previa occurs when the placenta covers the opening of the uterus, thus blocking
Semen volume Although all of the factors listed are important, sperm motility is the most significant criterion when a
Morning sickness Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vom
The unborn child, as The fetal stage commences at the beginning of the ninth week, fertilisation age or eleventh week gest
Gravida Gravid comes from Latin gravis, meaning "heavy." It can refer to a female who is literally pregnant, and
Labour Not Making P LNMP. Last Normal Menstrual Period.
myometrium Decidua is the term for the uterine lining (endometrium) during a pregnancy, which forms the matern
40% There is a significant increase in oxygen demand during normal pregnancy. This is due to a 15% increa
The foramen ovale typUnusually for a vein, the umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the IVC via the
The neonatal screeninCells can be cultured and chromosomal analysis performed. Rapid results may be available within 48 h
Family history of multThis increases the risk of monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twins fivefold; the reasons for this ar
Monochorionic diamnPregnancies that share the placenta and amnion are at highest risk of adverse outcome because of ris
Infants of mothers wiInfants of diabetic mothers are already producing inappropriately high amounts of insulin in response
brain The mesoderm develops into cartilage, skeletal muscle, and dermis
membranes The conceptus includes all structures that develop from the zygote, both embryonic and extraembryo
None of the above A multipara might feel movements as early as 16 weeks whereas a primipara might not feel anything u
scoliosis Lordosis is defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine seen in pregnancy.
Renal disease can present
in blood pressure
that in the first
is indistinguishable from
can lead to a normal booking blood
Increase in stroke vo There is decrease in peripheral vascular resistance pressure, a high
during prepregnancy blood pressure could be
Deoxygenated blood The umbilical vein carries blood oxygenated in the maternal body from the placenta to the fetus, whil
1-13 weeks The first trimester is the time in between fertilization of the egg by the sperm (conception) and week
10-12 weeks Most women will become aware of foetal movements around 18-20 weeks. However if a women has
Uterine rupture Induction of labour increases the risk of a number of complications. The uterus can become over stim
Hypertension with H Pre-eclampsia is defined as the presence of both hypertension and proteinuria during pregnancy.
14-29 weeks The second trimester begins at 13 weeks and ends at 28 weeks.
Obesity (BMI >35) All of the above are the risk factors.
27-39 weeks The third trimester starts at 29ofweeks and ends at 40 weeks.
36-40 weeks Xiphoid process sternum
Umbilicus 37–40 weeks Regression of fundal height between 36–32 cm
Psychological issues Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of morning sickness in which women suffer with excessive n
First day of LMP + 9 The correct way to calculate the EDD is to add 9 months and 1 week onto the first day of the last norm
Hereditory disorder Symmetrical IUGR usually suggests a baby has a chromosomal disorder. This is because in a healthy ba
The patient's Rh factor is negative so she will need to receive the Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks. If t
The patient will be c
The only correct option is: She must use an effective birth control method at the time of immunization
It is okay to come i
A prenatal work up neLegs cramps are normal in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and is usually caused by an altered
Try to eat food rich i A pregnant patient should be discouraged from taking any type of medications (even over-the-counte
"I know this morning Morning
s sickness (nausea accompanied sometimes by vomiting) is very common in the first trimester.
There are two types oA patient should have a full bladder before the procedure so better images of the fetus can be obtaine
Reassuring the patient this is normal is the correct answer. The mother should feel the baby kick at lea
Assess the patient's u
It is normal for the paAll options are incorrect expect for that the patient should be in the supine position.
Positive Contraction SThe results of the question describe a "reactive" nonstress test and the fetus is healthy.
Amniocentesis Because 35 has
weeks is still early for the delivery
If a woman a normal pre-pregnancy weightofshe
a baby, an expect
should ultrasound and25nonstress
to gain to 35 lbs test willher
during probabl
"I don't have to watc
June 10, 2014 Using the Nagele's rule to calculate an expected due date you would add 7 days to the first day of the
Gravida This describes a primipara woman because she had one birth that occurred after 20 weeks gestation.
G: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1, L The answer is G: 5, T: 3, P: 0, A: 1, L: 3. G is the number of pregnancies including the present one. T is
None of the above bec This patient is describing quickening which is where fetal movement is perceived and this can happen
Fetal heart rate dete Pregnancy signs are categorized into 3 categories: Presumptive, Probable, and Positive. Amenorrhea a
bout 18 to 20 weeks, whereas a woman who has been pregnant more than once will typically feel movements around 15 to 17 weeks.
his first bowel movement (meconium) while in the womb.
livery of the baby without applying any traction to the placenta.

form and block one or more veins, usually in your legs.

ng involving a scoring system with the score being termed Manning's score.

ernal to fetal blood.

me from the sperm cell, either X or Y, fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell. The sex of the baby depends on which sperm gets to
embranes (choriamniotic membranes), then travels within the membranes to the placenta (between the amnion and the chorion).
eeks. It's divided into three trimesters. Each trimester lasts between 12 and 14 weeks, or about three months.
ast week of the sixth month and the last week of the second trimester.
ized egg. The egg develops into a blastocyst, an embryo, then a fetus.
minute (bpm) in the in utero period.
better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta an
ase of cortical granules from the egg, which prevents polyspermy, the fusion of multiple sperm with one egg.
rs of age, should have adequate prenatal medical supervision and must avoid smokig.
and genetic disorders. Genetic disorders include disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
c procedures used to detect certain fetal genetic abnormalities.CVS is done at 10-12 weeks' gestation, and amniocentesis is done at 15
natal medical supervision, having proper, adequate nutrition, appropriate exercise.
nd endoderm are converted into the internal organs of the body. This process takes place between about week 3 to the end of week 8.
towards the middle of pregnancy in the first pregnancy and, earlier and more intensely, in subsequent pregnancies.
in a positive pregnancy test.
as a pregnancy. They include fetal heart sounds, ultrasound scanning of the fetus, palpation of the entire fetus, palpation of fetal move
regnant woman starts to feel or perceive fetal movements in the uterus.The first natural sensation of quickening may feel like a light tap
rst trimester: 1-4.5 pounds. Second trimester: 1-2 pounds per week. Third trimester: 1-2 pounds per week.
ncy. The rule estimates the expected date of delivery (EDD) by adding one year, subtracting three months, and adding seven days to the
upport the bladder, uterus, and bowels. By strengthening these muscles during your pregnancy, you can develop the ability to relax and
bench or on a wall and also in the hands and knees position. Having this 'tool' means it gives another thing to do, which can distract yo
ohydrate crackers.

e). Thus, the intervention is to stretch the muscle by dosiflexing the foot of the affected leg towards the knee.
relaxant. Terbutaline is a drug that inhibits the uterine smooth muscles from contracting. On the other hand, oxytocin and prostagland
thus it has not antibodies against Rh(+). After the first pregnancy, even if terminated into an abortion, there is already the possibility of

d uterus would be compressing on the vena cava against the vertebrae obstructing blood flow from the lower extremities. This causes
of the embryo degeneration occurs. The proliferation of the vesicle-like substances is rapid causing the uterus to enlarge bigger than th
the location of the fetal back in relation to the right or left side of the mother and the presentation, whether cephalic or breech. The be
. 6. The formula for the Naegele’s Rule is subtract 3 from the month and add 7 to the day.
can pass through the placental barrier. Gonorrhea, candidiasis and moniliasis are conditions that can affect the fetus as it passes throu
atic as the uterus enlarges. The pregnant woman in her third trimester usually assumes a lordotic posture to maintain balance causing
chorionic villi wherein the villi becomes vesicle-like. These vesicle-like substances when expelled per vagina and is a definite sign that t
a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The pre
ptive properties. It is formed during the secretory phase of menstrual cycle from uterine mucosa termed endometrium. The decidua is
acenta and is the most produced estrogen in the body by far, although circulating levels of estriol are similar to those of other estrogens
tely five to six days after fertilization, it hatches out of its zona pellucida and begins the process of implantation in the uterus.
p to 150% of the normal rate, peaking at approximately the 13th week of pregnancy.
ds have numerous other applications in female healthcare.
us sampling (CVS). In CVS, cells are taken from the placenta and used to analyze the fetal chromosomes. This test is typically performed
rticularly important for women of childbearing age who are susceptible to these infections and who may become pregnant because th
s found at the interface of the chorion and the decidua (between the fetal sac and the uterine lining). It can be thought of as an adhesi
rrect most cases of iron deficiency anemia. You usually take iron pills 1 to 3 times a day. To get the most benefit from the pills, take the
nother. It involves professional misconduct, such as omission or commission of an act that a reasonable and prudent nurse would or w
hiamine deficiency.
erpes simplex)
red blood cell mass as well as the fetal requires about 350-400 mg of iron to grow
e RBC mass to be able to provide the needed increase in blood supply for the fetus. Also, about 350-400 mgs of iron is need for the no
ival is L/S ratio of 2:1.
ation caused by re- gurgitation of gastric contents. It is best relieved by sleeping position, eating small meals, and not eating before bed
nger inserted into the vagina for diagnosing pregnancy by feeling the return impact of the displaced fetus
of the uterus occurring during pregnancy.
sulting from increased blood flow.
the vaginal portion of the cervix from increased vascularization. This vascularization is a result of hypertrophy and engorgement of the
usually somewhat before the middle of the period of gestation.
ment of the uterus in early pregnancy (about the seventh week) which, on bimanual examination, is felt by the finger in the vagina as t
e outlet of the uterus, so that at the time of delivery the placenta precedes the baby. Placenta previa can cause painless bleeding in the
ta from the uterus. Patients with abruptio placentae, also called placental abruption, typically present with painfull dark red bleeding, u
mplanted placenta during the second half of pregnancy, usually with severehemorrhage. Placenta previa refers to implantation of the p
ast menstrual period and count back 3 months, changing the year appropriately. To obtain a date of September 27, 7 days have been ad
e getting out of bed.
ding, possibly reporting sudden intense localized uterine pain. The uterus is typically firm to boardlike, and the fetal presenting part ma
). Birth at 38 weeks’ gestation is considered full term (T), while birth form 20 weeks to 38 weeks is considered preterm (P). A spontaneo
in a positive pregnancy test. It's also responsible for jump-starting all of the other pregnancy hormones in the body. Production of hCG
a) that should close shortly after birth so the newborn will not have a murmur or mixed blood traveling through the vascular system. T
a female. An increase in maternal estrogen secretion does not effect differentiation of the embryo, and maternal estrogen secretion o
s, resulting in the typical “waddling” gait. Changes in posture are related to the growing fetus. Pressure on the surrounding muscles cau
ant woman experience foot and ankle edema. A weight gain of 2 lb or more per week indicates a problem. Early morning headache is n
s than 10 days after an abortion. Performing the tests too early or too late in the pregnancy, storing the urine sample too long at room
on with pressure from the growing uterus and smooth muscle relaxation, can cause heartburn and flatulence. HCG levels increase in th
n 1:8 is significant, indicating that the client may not possess immunity to rubella. A hematocrit of 33.5% a white blood cell count of 8,0
ic changes, fetal development, sexuality during pregnancy, and nutrition. Some early classes may include pregnant couples. Second and
on. FHR usually is ausculatated at the midline suprapubic region with Doppler ultrasound transducer at 10 to 12 week’s gestation. FHR,
gns of pregnancy. Probable signs are objective findings that strongly suggest pregnancy. Other probable signs include Hegar sign, which
rst and second trimester there is spotting. On the third trimester there is bleeding that is sudden, profuse and painless.
and vaginal bleeding. Also those women with a history of spontaneous miscarriage may be advised to avoid coitus during the time of pr
d as an average weight gain in pregnancy. This weight gain consists of the following: fetus- 7.5 lb; placenta- 1.5 lb; amniotic fluid- 2 lb; u
first trimester is responsible for causing urinary frequency. Dysuria, incontinence and burning are symptoms associated with urinary trac
blurred vision, vaginal bleeding, rapid weight gain and elevated blood pressure. Nasal stuffiness, breast tenderness, and constipation a
chromosome is the material that makes up the cell and is gained from each parent. Blastocyst and trophoblast are later terms for the e
s, diet therapy is the mainstay of the treatment plan and should always be the priority. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes ge
ence, fear, fantasies, or anxiety. The second trimester is a period of well-being accompanied by the increased need to learn about fetal
enta previa. Uterine anomalies abdominal trauma, and renal or vascular disease may predispose a client to abruptio placentae.
vomiting, leading to electrolyte, metabolic, and nutritional imbalances in the absence of other medical problems. Hyperemesis is not a
nted area found on the face. It is not seen on the breasts, areola, nipples, chest, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, or thighs.
only nausea and vomiting are presumptive signs. Hegar sign,skin pigmentation changes, and a positive serum pregnancy test are consid
isk for venous stasis in the lower extremities. Subsequently, edema and varicose vein formation may occur. Thrombophlebitis is an infla
aspiration, and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Therefore, the nurse must notify the physician of the client’s cocaine use becau
of having the trait or the disorder. Maternal age is not a risk factor until age 35, when the incidence of chromosomal defects increases
On the 10th week, the uterus is still within the pelvic area. On the 12th week, the uterus and placenta have grown, expanding into the a
above the symphysis pubis. The Doppler intensifies the sound of the fetal pulse rate so it is audible. The uterus has merely risen out of
ption of pain. They also promote relaxation. Breathing techniques do not eliminate pain, but they can reduce it. Positioning, not breath
unilateral, is the primary symptom. Thus, pain is the priority. Although the potential for infection is always present, the risk is low in ect
h can cause complications. Eating low-sodium crackers would be appropriate. Since liquids can increase nausea avoiding them in the m
ttement is not a contraction. Fetal kicking felt by the client represents quickening. Enlargement and softening of the uterus is known as
of a pregnancy, a total weight gain 25 to 30 pounds is recommended: 1.5 pounds in the first 10 weeks; 9 pounds by 30 weeks; and 27.5
ng the zero point on the superior border of the symphysis pubis and stretching the tape across the abdomen at the midline to the top o
ks contractions are painless contractions beginning around the 4th month. Goodell’s sign indicates softening of the cervix. Flexibility of
mulation to prevent a seizure. Seizure precautions provide environmental safety should a seizure occur. Because of edema, daily weight
Monozygotic (identical) twins involve a common placenta, same genotype, and common chorion.
ng the zero point on the superior border of the symphysis pubis and stretching the tape across the abdomen at the midline to the top o
erefore, magnesium will act like calcium in the body. As a result, magnesium will block seizure activity in a hyper stimulated neurologic
us as a separate being. To verify that this has occurred, the nurse should ask whether she has made appropriate changes at home such
ed after the 3rd month shows grapelike clusters of transparent vesicles rather than a fetus. The vesicles contain a clear fluid and may in
g movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume. A normal response for
sacs and ducts, so breast-feeding after surgery is possible. Still, it’s good to check with the surgeon to determine what breast reduction
sia should be suspected, which may be caused by fluid retention manifested by edema, especially of the hands and face. The three clas
od intake, leading to excessive weight gain or loss. This is not, however, the priority consideration at this time. Weight gain thought to b
g of the uterus, thus blocking the passageway for the baby. This response explains what a complete previa is and the reason the baby c
st significant criterion when assessing male infertility. Sperm count, sperm maturity, and semen volume are all significant, but they are
terized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration. Signs and symptoms may also include vomiting many times
on age or eleventh week gestational age till birth.
e who is literally pregnant, and it also has the figurative meanings of pregnant: "full or teeming" and "meaningful."

ancy, which forms the maternal part of the placenta. It is formed under the influence of progesterone and forms highly characteristic ce
cy. This is due to a 15% increase in the metabolic rate and a 20% increased consumption of oxygen.
he placenta to the IVC via the ductus venosus. Umbilical cord pH is usually higher in the vein than in the artery.
s may be available within 48 hours. The risk of miscarriage is less than 1%.
vefold; the reasons for this are poorly understood.
verse outcome because of risk of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and cord entanglement.
mounts of insulin in response to in utero exposure to maternal hyperglycaemia. They need early, regular feeding or intravenous dextro

h embryonic and extraembryonic.

para might not feel anything until 20 to 22 weeks.

ancy blood pressure could be masked and only present

he placenta to the fetus, while the umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated blood and fetal wastes from the fetus to the placenta, where
perm (conception) and week 12 of a pregnancy. A woman's body goes through many changes during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy.
eks. However if a women has had previous pregnancies they often notice movements earlier (around 15-18 weeks).
uterus can become over stimulated causing prolonged contractions which can starve the baby of oxygen. It can also cause contraction
einuria during pregnancy.
women suffer with excessive nausea and vomiting which prevents them taking in adequate amounts of food and water. It is thought to
o the first day of the last normal menstrual period. This method may not be reliable if a woman is unsure about when her last menstru
This becauseatin28a weeks.
healthyIfbaby the head
the patient circumference
was A+ (meaningshould
her Rhremain
factor isnormal, even
positive) sheifwould
there not
is significant placental
have to receive theinsufficiency, as th
Rh immune globu
od at the time of immunization and not become pregnant for 1-3 months. Other options are incorrect statements about education rega

s usually caused by an altered calcium-phosphorus balance and pressure of the uterus on the nerves. Getting regular exercise, increasin
cations (even over-the-counter) unless prescribed by the OB doctor. This option is out of the scope of practice for the nurse.
common in the first trimester. The patient who suffers from this condition should avoid spicy and fried food because this can makes the
ges of the
hould feelfetus can be
the baby obtained.
kick So times
at least 10 instructing
in twothe patient to 2drink
consecutive hourwater to fill the bladder for the procedure would be ideal.

ne position.
etus is healthy.
to 35 lbs test willher
during probably be ordered
pregnancy. after
All other the confirmation
options via the Nitrazine strip test that the membranes have ruptured. The ni
are correct statements.

d 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period which would be September 17, 2014. Then subtract 3 months which would be June
red after 20 weeks gestation. Note parity is the number of births NOT the number of fetuses as with twins in this situation. Multipara is
ncluding the present one. T is the number of babies born after 37 weeks gestation. P is the number of babies born before 37 weeks ges
erceived and this can happen at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation.
e, and Positive. Amenorrhea and quickening are presumptive signs of pregnancy, and fetal heart rate detected by an electronic devices
ents around 15 to 17 weeks.

ends on which sperm gets to the egg first

mnion and the chorion).

ts that reach the placenta and your baby.

amniocentesis is done at 15-18 weeks' gestation.

week 3 to the end of week 8.

etus, palpation of fetal movements, x-ray, and actual delivery of an infant.

ening may feel like a light tapping, or the fluttering of a butterfly.Usually, quickening occurs naturally at about the middle of a pregnanc

and adding seven days to the first day of a woman's last menstrual period (LMP).
evelop the ability to relax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth.
g to do, which can distract you from the contractions, ease back ache and help the baby to move into position in its journey to be born.

nd, oxytocin and prostaglandin stimulates contraction of smooth muscles.

e is already the possibility of mixing of maternal and fetal blood so this can trigger the maternal blood to produce antibodies against Rh

wer extremities. This causes a decrease in blood return to the heart and consequently immediate decreased cardiac output and hypote
rus to enlarge bigger than the expected size based on ages of gestation (AOG). In the situation given, the pregnancy is only 5 months bu
er cephalic or breech. The best site is the fetal back nearest the head.

t the fetus as it passes through the vaginal canal during the delivery process.
to maintain balance causing an exaggeration of the lumbar curvature. Low broad heels provide the pregnant woman with a good suppo
a and is a definite sign that the woman has H-mole.
10 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy.
ndometrium. The decidua is composed of glands, immune cells, blood and lymph vessels, and decidual stromal cells (DSCs).
r to those of other estrogens due to a relatively high rate of metabolism and excretion.
ation in the uterus.
is test is typically performed in the first trimester, between 10 and 13 weeks of pregnancy.
ecome pregnant because these vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy.
n be thought of as an adhesive or "biological glue" that binds the fetal sac to the uterine lining.
nefit from the pills, take them with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) pills or orange juice. Vitamin C helps your body absorb more iron.
nd prudent nurse would or would not do. In this example, the standard of care was breached; a 3-month-old infant should never be left

mgs of iron is need for the normal growth of the fetus. Thus, about 750-800 mgs iron supplementation is needed by the mother to meet

s, and not eating before bedtime.

hy and engorgement of the vessels below the growing uterus.

the finger in the vagina as though the neck and body of the uterus were separated, or connected by only a thin band of tissue.
ause painless bleeding in the last trimester of pregnancy.
h painfull dark red bleeding, uterine contractions, and fetal distress.
efers to implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment, causing painless bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy. Ectopi
mber 27, 7 days have been added to the last day of the LMP (rather than the first day of the LMP), plus 4 months (instead of 3 months) w

the fetal presenting part may be engaged. Bright red, painless vaginal bleeding, a palpable fetal outline and a soft nontender abdomen
red preterm (P). A spontaneous abortion occurred at 8 weeks (A). She has two living children (L).
the body. Production of hCG starts at fertilization and levels rapidly rise until 10 weeks when they peak.
rough the vascular system. The umbilical vein, ductus arteriosus, and ductus venosus are obliterated at birth.
aternal estrogen secretion occurs in every pregnancy. Maternal androgen secretion remains the same as before pregnancy and does no
the surrounding muscles causing discomfort is due to the growing uterus. Weight gain has no effect on gait.
. Early morning headache is not a classic sign of PIH.
ne sample too long at room temperature, or having a spontaneous or missed abortion impending can all produce false-negative results
ce. HCG levels increase in the first, not the second, trimester. Decrease intestinal motility would most likely be the cause of constipatio
white blood cell count of 8,000/mm3, and a 1 hour glucose challenge test of 110 g/dl are with normal parameters.
regnant couples. Second and third trimester classes may focus on preparation for birth, parenting, and newborn care.
to 12 week’s gestation. FHR, cannot be heard any earlier than 10 weeks’ gestation.
ns include Hegar sign, which is softening of the lower uterine segment; Piskacek sign, which is enlargement and softening of the uterus
and painless.
d coitus during the time of pregnancy when a previous miscarriage occurred.
1.5 lb; amniotic fluid- 2 lb; uterus- 2.5 lb; breasts- 1.5 to 3 lb; blood volume- 4 lb; body fat- 7 lb; body fluid- 7 lb.
s associated with urinary tract infection.
nderness, and constipation are common discomforts associated with pregnancy.
last are later terms for the embryo after zygote.
with gestational diabetes generally need only diet therapy without medication to control their blood sugar levels. Exercise, is importan
ed need to learn about fetal growth and development. Common emotional reactions during this trimester include narcissism, passivity,
o abruptio placentae.
blems. Hyperemesis is not a form of anemia. Loss of appetite may occur secondary to the nausea and vomiting of hyperemesis, which,
n, or thighs.
um pregnancy test are considered probably signs, which are strongly suggestive of pregnancy.
. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the veins due to thrombus formation. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is not associated with
he client’s cocaine use because this knowledge will influence the care of the client and neonate. The information is used only in relation
omosomal defects increases. Maternal exposure to rubella during the first trimester may cause congenital defects. Although a history o
grown, expanding into the abdominal cavity. On the 18th week, the uterus has already risen out of the pelvis and is expanding into the
erus has merely risen out of the pelvis into the abdominal cavity and is not at the level of the umbilicus. The fetal heart rate at this age
ce it. Positioning, not breathing, increases uteroplacental perfusion.
present, the risk is low in ectopic pregnancy because pathogenic microorganisms have not been introduced from external sources. The
usea avoiding them in the morning hours when nausea is usually the strongest is appropriate. Eating six small meals a day would keep t
ng of the uterus is known as Piskacek’s sign.
ounds by 30 weeks; and 27.5 pounds by 40 weeks. The pregnant woman should gain less weight in the first and second trimester than
n at the midline to the top of the fundus. The xiphoid and umbilicus are not appropriate landmarks to use when measuring the height
ng of the cervix. Flexibility of the uterus against the cervix is known as McDonald’s sign.
ause of edema, daily weight is important but not the priority. Preclampsia causes vasospasm and therefore can reduce utero-placental

n at the midline to the top of the fundus. The xiphoid and umbilicus are not appropriate landmarks to use when measuring the height
hyper stimulated neurologic system by interfering with signal transmission at the neuromascular junction.
priate changes at home such as obtaining infant supplies and equipment. The type of anesthesia planned doesn’t reflect the client’s pre
ntain a clear fluid and may involve all or part of the decidual lining of the uterus. Usually no embryo (and therefore no fetus) is present
lume. A normal response for each variable receives 2 points; an abnormal response receives 0 points. A score between 8 and 10 is cons
mine what breast reduction procedure was done. There is the possibility that reduction surgery may have decreased the mother’s abili
nds and face. The three classic signs of preeclampsia are hypertension, edema, and proteinuria. Although urine is checked for glucose
me. Weight gain thought to be caused by excessive food intake would require a 24-hour diet recall. However, excessive intake would not
is and the reason the baby cannot come out except by cesarean delivery. Telling the client to ask the physician is a poor response and w
e all significant, but they are not as significant sperm motility.
nclude vomiting many times a day and feeling faint. Hyperemesis gravidarum is considered more severe than morning sickness.

forms highly characteristic cells.

eding or intravenous dextrose, not more insulin.

etus to the placenta, where they are treated in the maternal body.
rst 12 weeks of a pregnancy.

t can also cause contractions to be so powerful they cause rupture of the uterus. Finally if a women is induced to early it can result in p
d and water. It is thought to be caused by high levels of circulating HCG. This is supported by the fact that it's more common in multiple
bout when her last menstrual period was. As a result ultrasound is used to more accurately date pregnancies.
receive theinsufficiency, as the body makes sure the brain receives the necessary fuel at the expense of the rest of the body. That's why
Rh immune globulin.
ments about education regarding the rubella vaccine.

ng regular exercise, increasing calcium intake (NOT IRON), and dorsiflexing the foot of the affected leg with help this patient.
tice for the nurse.
d because this can makes the morning sickness worst. All other options are correct statements.
ure would be ideal.

branes have ruptured. The nitrazine strip test is quick and easy to do and will assess for the presence of amniotic fluid in the vaginal sec

months which would be June 17, 2014 and then add 1 year and this would make the expected due date June 17, 2015.
in this situation. Multipara is a woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in a successful delivery, and nullipara is a woma
es born before 37 weeks gestation. A is the number of abortions or miscarriages and L is the number of current living children.

ted by an electronic devices is a positive sign of pregnancy. Out of this selection Goodell's sign is the only probable sign.
out the middle of a pregnancy. A woman pregnant for the first time (i.e., a primigravida woman) typically feels fetal movements at abou

tion in its journey to be born.

roduce antibodies against Rh(+) blood. The fetus takes it’s blood type usually form the father.

d cardiac output and hypotension. Hence, putting the mother on side lying will relieve the pressure exerted by the gravid uterus on the
regnancy is only 5 months but the size of the uterus is already above the umbilicus which is compatible with 7 months AOG. Also, no fe

nt woman with a good support.

omal cells (DSCs).

y absorb more iron.
d infant should never be left unattended on a scale.

eded by the mother to meet this additional requirement.

a thin band of tissue.

mester of pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy refers to the implantation of the products of conception in a site other than the endometrium
onths (instead of 3 months) were counted back. To obtain the date of November 7, 7 days have been subtracted (instead of added) from

d a soft nontender abdomen are manifestations of placenta previa.

efore pregnancy and does not effect differentiation. Secretion of androgen by the fetal gonad would produce a male fetus.

roduce false-negative results.

y be the cause of constipation and bloating. Estrogen levels decrease in the second trimester.

wborn care.

t and softening of the uterus; serum laboratory tests; changes in skin pigmentation; and ultrasonic evidence of a gestational sac. Presum

levels. Exercise, is important for all pregnant women and especially for diabetic women, because it burns up glucose, thus decreasing b
include narcissism, passivity, or introversion. At times the woman may seem egocentric and self-centered. During the third trimester, th

miting of hyperemesis, which, if it continues, can deplete the nutrients transported to the fetus. Diarrhea does not occur with hypereme

ension is not associated with these symptoms. Gravity plays only a minor role with these symptoms.
mation is used only in relation to the client’s care.
defects. Although a history or preterm labor may place the patient at risk for preterm labor, it does not correlate with genetic defects.
lvis and is expanding into the abdominal area.
e fetal heart rate at this age is not audible with a stethoscope. The uterus at 12 weeks is just above the symphysis pubis in the abdomin

d from external sources. The client may have a limited knowledge of the pathology and treatment of the condition and will most likely e
mall meals a day would keep the stomach full, which often decrease nausea.

t and second trimester than in the third. During the first trimester, the client should only gain 1.5 pounds in the first 10 weeks, not 1 po
when measuring the height of the fundus (McDonald’s measurement).

can reduce utero-placental perfusion. The client should be placed on her left side to maximize blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and

when measuring the height of the fundus (McDonald’s measurement).

oesn’t reflect the client’s preparation for parenting. The client should have begun prenatal classes earlier in the pregnancy. The nurse s
herefore no fetus) is present because it has been absorbed. Because there is no fetus, there can be no extrauterine pregnancy. An extra
ore between 8 and 10 is considered normal, indicating that the fetus has a low risk of oxygen deprivation and isn’t in distress. A fetus w
decreased the mother’s ability to meet all of her baby’s nutritional needs, and some supplemental feeding may be required. Preparing
urine is checked for glucose at each clinic visit, this
r, excessive intake would not be the primary consideration for this client at this time.
cian is a poor response and would increase the patient’s anxiety. Although a cesarean would help to prevent hemorrhage, the statemen

an morning sickness.

uced to early it can result in prolonged labour.

t's more common in multiple pregnancies and also tends to only affect women during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

rest of the body. That's why in placental insufficiency the abdominal circumference is reduced but the head circumference is normal (a

h help this patient.

niotic fluid in the vaginal secretions.

ne 17, 2015.
very, and nullipara is a woman who has not had a birth at more than 20 weeks gestation.
rent living children.

probable sign.
eels fetal movements at about 18–20 weeks, whereas a woman who has been pregnant more than once (i.e., a multipara woman) will t

d by the gravid uterus on the vena cava.

h 7 months AOG. Also, no fetal heart beat is appreciated because the pregnancy degenerated thus there is no appreciable fetal heart b
other than the endometrium. Incompetent cervix is a conduction characterized by painful dilation of the cervical os without uterine con
acted (instead of added) from the first day of LMP plus November indicates counting back 2 months (instead of 3 months) from January

ce a male fetus.

e of a gestational sac. Presumptive signs are subjective signs and include amenorrhea; nausea and vomiting; urinary frequency; breast

up glucose, thus decreasing blood sugar. However, dietary intake, not exercise, is the priority. All pregnant women with diabetes should
During the third trimester, the woman typically feels awkward, clumsy, and unattractive, often becoming more introverted or reflective

oes not occur with hyperemesis.

rrelate with genetic defects.

mphysis pubis in the abdominal cavity, not midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process. At 12 weeks the FHR would be diffic

ondition and will most likely experience grieving, but this is not the priority at this time.

n the first 10 weeks, not 1 pound per week. A weight gain of ½ pound per week would be 20 pounds for the total pregnancy, less than t

reduce blood pressure, and promote diuresis.

n the pregnancy. The nurse should have obtained dietary information during the first trimester to give the client time to make any nece
auterine pregnancy. An extrauterine pregnancy is seen with an ectopic pregnancy.
nd isn’t in distress. A fetus with a score of 6 or lower is at risk for asphyxia and premature birth; this score warrants detailed investigatio
may be required. Preparing the mother for this possibility is extremely important because the client’s psychological adaptation to mot

nt hemorrhage, the statement does not explain why the hemorrhage could occur. With a complete previa, the placenta is covering all t

d circumference is normal (asymmetrical IUGR).

e., a multipara woman) will typically feel movements around 15–17 weeks.

s no appreciable fetal heart beat.

ervical os without uterine contractions.
ad of 3 months) from January. To obtain the date of December 27, 7 days were added to the last day of the LMP (rather than the first da

g; urinary frequency; breast tenderness and changes; excessive fatigue; uterine enlargement; and quickening.

women with diabetes should have periodic monitoring of serum glucose. However, those with gestational diabetes generally do not ne
more introverted or reflective of her own childhood.
eeks the FHR would be difficult to auscultate with a fetoscope. Although the external electronic fetal monitor would project the FHR, th

e total pregnancy, less than the recommended amount.

client time to make any necessary changes.

warrants detailed investigation. The BPP may or may not be repeated if the score isn’t within normal limits.
chological adaptation to mothering may be dependent on how successfully she breast-feeds.

the placenta is covering all the cervix, not just most of it.
LMP (rather than the first day of the LMP) and December indicates counting back only 1 month (instead of 3 months) from January.

diabetes generally do not need daily glucose monitoring. The standard of care recommends a fasting and 2-hour postprandial blood sug
tor would project the FHR, the uterus has not risen to the umbilicus at 12 weeks.
f 3 months) from January.

-hour postprandial blood sugar level every 2 weeks.

Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2
Intrapartum Ripening of the cervix occurs First stage Second stage Third stage
Intrapartum In what presentation is the h Vertex Sinciput Brow
Intrapartum Which of the following factorsMechanical Nutritional Environmental
Intrapartum In face presentation the domiMentum Scapula Occiput
Intrapartum When the fetal head is at theStation
l “0” Station –1 Station +1
Intrapartum Which is a primary power of Cterine contractionsPushing of the mot Intrathoracic pressur
Intrapartum In the second stage of labor, 60 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds
Intrapartum The time between uterine conInterval Intensity Duration
Intrapartum Because of the position of th Heals more faster thIt is more difficult It is more painful tha
How many stages of labor
Intrapartum are there? Three Sixteen Twelve
Intrapartum Low birth weight is due to a all of the above Age of the mother. Improper or inadequat
Intrapartum How many centimetres must 10cm th 5cm 15cm
Intrapartum The term "effleurage" refers light stroking of t muscle relaxation controlled breathing
Intrapartum The primary power involved in Uterine contraction Bearing down abilitCervical effacement a
Intrapartum When the shiny portion of theSchultze Ritgens Duncan
Intrapartum When the baby’s head is out,Check if there is co Cut the umbilical coWipe the baby’s face
Intrapartum The fetal heart beat should beThe heart rate will The heart rate will The rate should not b
Intrapartum In vaginal delivery done in th Oxytocin can make th Oxytocin will preve Oxytocin will facilitat
Intrapartum In the Philippines, if a nurse Abortion is both imm Abortion is immoralAbortion is considered
Place the mother on semifowler’s po
Intrapartum When the bag of waters rupture Cover the prolapse cPush back the prolap
Intrapartum In a gravido-cardiac mother, tThere is a fluid shi The maternal heart The delivery process
Intrapartum At what stage of labor and deStage 1 Stage 2 techniqueDuncanStage 3 maneuver
Intrapartum When delivering
The placenta the be
should baby’s heRitgen’s
delivered technique
normally within ___ minutes after the delivery of the baby.
Intrapartum 30 minutes 5 minutes 45 minutes
Intrapartum The following are types of br Incomplete Complete Frank
3.Cranial hematoma in the fetus
Intrapartum 4.Fetal anoxia 1,2,3,4 1&2 2&4
Intrapartum When giving narcotic analgesic Uterine contractions Cervical dilatation hUterine contraction i
Intrapartum Upon assessment, the nurse go Hemorrhage seconda Inadequate tissue pBlood volume deficie
Intrapartum Diameter of engagement in br13.5 cm 12.5 cm 9.5 cm
Intrapartum Which type of fracture is m Calvicular Humeral Femoral
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client The cervix is dilate The client begins to The contractions are
Intrapartum A nurse in the labor room is cAdminister oxygen v Place the mother inDocument the findings
Intrapartum A nurse is performing an asseFetal heart rate of White blood cell co Maternal pulse rate o
Intrapartum A client in labor is transport Supine position withProne position withSemi-Fowler position
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client Palpating the materna Noting if the heart Placing the diaphrag
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client A fetal heart rate o Three contractions Adequate resting
An IV infusion ton
of antibiotics
Intrapartum A nurse is beginning to care fContinuous electroniPlacing the client o
Intrapartum A nurse is monitoring a clientNotify the physician Encourage the clienEncourage the client
Document the findings and tell the mother that the monitor indicates fetal w
Intrapartum A nurse is caring for a client Take the mother’s viNotify the physician o
Identifying the types of accelerations
Intrapartum A nurse is admitting a pregnan A ssessing the baseli
Which of the following is the nurse's initial action when umbilical cord Determining the frequ
prolapse occurs?
Intrapartum Place the client in a Notify the physicianApply a sterile warm
Intrapartum A client in the 28th week of Regular uterine dilatregular uterine contPainful contractions w
Intrapartum During which of the followingSecond stage Second stage First stage
Intrapartum A client in the active phase Put the client in a Call the physician o Arrange for fetal bloo
Intrapartum Immediately before expulsionExternal rotation Extension Gradually increasingFlexion
Intrapartum Which of the following charact Increasing intensity Starting mainly in t
Intrapartum Which of the following nursinPromote parent-newb Coach for effective Obtain a urine specim
Intrapartum A client with gravida 3 para Monitor fetal heart Position the client Ambulate
Labor thatthe client
begins t 24 weeks ges
Intrapartum Which of the following best Labor that Labor
begins af shock that begins a
Limiting hypovolemic
Intrapartum When uterine rupture occurs, Obtaining blood sp Instituting complete
Intrapartum Which of the following may hTetanic contractionsWeak Arrange
for to more
a staff
p Increased
than 90of
member seconds
pain with b
the anesthesia departme
Intrapartum Modify preoperative teaching to meet the Explain
either a planned or eme
Intrapartum A client asks the nurse what aThat extended their Through the skin anThat involves
Not drink anterior
Intrapartum Assume Sim’s positi Lie face down
Obtaining an order to begin IV oxytocin Preparing
infusion for a cesarean section for
Intrapartum After 4 hours of active labor, Administering a ligh
Intrapartum A patient
The nurseisunderstands
in labor andthat
has the
Completely umbilical
fetal head
extended Pica of the followingOphthalmia
is in which Partially
positions neonato
with a face presentation?
Intrapartum Completely flexed
Intrapartum When preparing a client for Modify preoperativeExplain the surgery Instruct the mother’s
Intrapartum While caring for
Accompanied byaher
multigravidYogurt Cereal with
husband, a patient seeks admission milk
to the laborVegetable soup
and delivery area. The client states
Intrapartum “What is your expec“Who will be with y“Do you have any alle
Intrapartum A patient is in the second sta Every 15 minutes Every 5 minutes Every 30 minutes
Intrapartum A client has a midpelvic cont Ischial spines Pubic arch Sacral promontory
Intrapartum When PROM occurs, which ofPROM t removes the The
fe chorion and amn Nursing care is based
Intrapartum A client who’s admitted to labPreparing for immedi Providing comfort Checking for ruptur
Intrapartum After completing a second vagi 1 cm above the ischiIn no relationship toDirectly in line with t
Intrapartum A multigravida at 38 weeks’ gCervical dilation Contraction monitoFetal heart rate
Start oxygen per nasal cannula at 2 L
Intrapartum Immediately after birth the nuRecognize this as norSuction the infant’
Intrapartum In the late 1950s, consumers Prepared childbirth Clinical nurse speciaNurse-midwifery
Intrapartum When preparing a client for Modify preoperativeInstruct the mother’Arrange for a staff m
Intrapartum A uterine
Labour contraction
is defined as: is: A tightening and shoA signal to the midwThe stretching of the
Intrapartum The process during w The voluntary pushin Contractions closer t
Intrapartum Parity is defined as The number of a wom The number of timeThe strength of the u
Intrapartum Where is oxytocin produced?Posterior Pituitary Anterior Pituitary Placenta
Intrapartum At full term
Which theare
vessels placenta weigumbilical cord? 1:06
found the 1:08 1:10
Intrapartum 1 Vein & 2 Arteries 2 Veins & 1 Artery 1 Vein & 1 Artery
Intrapartum A female baby is born at 24+1ELBW (Extremely Low IUGR (Intrauterine GSGA (Small for Gestat
Intrapartum A mother gives birth to twinsDCDA. MCMA. DCMA.
Intrapartum When fetal surface of the plaPlacenta Circumvall Placenta succenturiPlacenta marginata
Intrapartum Which of the following stateme Starts when the effaOnset of painful conStarts when regular p
Intrapartum Which of the following is a p Misoprostol Labetalol Atenolol
Intrapartum Which of the following statemThe second stage beg The second stage beThe second stage begi
Intrapartum Which of the following statemThe third stage beg The third stage beg The third stage begin
Intrapartum What is "labor", also sometimThe culmination of th A major political paA Cole Porter tune
Intrapartum What is it called when the baCrowning None of the above Distocia
Intrapartum How many stages of labor are 3 12 10
Intrapartum In which year was the first s 1794 1797 1796
Intrapartum In which year was the Pfannen 1900 1901 1899
Intrapartum When is a caesarean section Vaginal delivery wouWhen the mother fea When the woman is h
Intrapartum Where in Africa was the first successful Caesare Johannesburg Cape Town
Intrapartum Who carried out the first suc Dr. James Barry Deepak Chopra Anton Chekhov
Intrapartum Who introduced the uterine sMax Sanger Carl Jung Benjamin Spock
Intrapartum Who performed a successful CInes Ramirez Michelle Bachelet Virginia Apgar
Intrapartum Stage 1 of labor includes whi Latent, Active, TranTransition, Latent, AActive, Latent, Transi
Intrapartum Stage 2 of labor begins with t 0 TRUE sometimes true
Intrapartum In stage 1 of labor, during the4-7 cm 1-3 cm 7-10 cm
Intrapartum What statement is FALSE about The transition phaseThe mother may expeThe cervix will dilate
Intrapartum Your laboring patient has tra Bulging perineum anIncrease in meconiuRetracting perineum
Intrapartum The mother has delivered theSchultze mechanismDuncan mechanism,Schultze mechanism,
Intrapartum After birth, where do you expAt or near the umbilAt the xiphoid proc 5 cm below the umbil
Intrapartum During stage 3 of labor, you Signs of placental s Postpartum hemorrImminent delivery of
Wrong 3 Rationale
Fourth stage Cervical ripening refers to the softenig of the cervix that typially begins prior to the the onset o
Face Vertex presentation allows well flexed head.
Medical Dystocia is difficult, painful, prolonged labor due to mechanical factors involving the fetus (pas
Brow In face preentation the dominator is mentum (chin).
Station +2 0 station. This is when the baby's head is even with the ischial spines. The baby is said to be "e
Abdominal contraction The primary power of normal labour is uterine contraction. It puts the baby in position,causes
120 seconds The second stage can last from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Contractions will last about 60 seconds
Frequency The time between contractions includes the length or duration of the contraction and the min
It involve more blood loss thEpisiotomy include easy repair and improved healing
It depends There are three stages of labour. The first stage is when your cervix is opening and your baby i
Decreased maternal nutritionFactors related to low birth weigt babies are poor maternal nutrition, maternal age, and Impro
20cm The time of the onset of true labor until the cervix is completely dilated to 10 cm. The period a
the absence of anesthetics Effleurage - a rhythmic stroking; "effleurage of the abdomen is used in the Lamaze method of
Valsalva technique Uterine contraction is the primary force that will expel the fetus out through the birth canal M
Marmets There are 2 mechanisms possible during the delivery of the placenta. If the shiny portion come
Deliver the anterior shoulderThe nurse should check if there is a cord coil because the baby will not be delivered safely if th
The heart rate will decelerat The normal fetal heart rate will decelerate (go down) slightly during a contraction because of t
Giving oxytocin will ensure c The action of oxytocin is to make the uterus contract as well make the cervix close. If it is given
Abortion is illegal because maInduced Abortion is illegal in the country as stated in our Penal Code and any person who perf
Push back the cord into the The correct action of the nurse is to cover the cord with sterile gauze wet with sterile NSS. Obs
The mother is tired and weakDuring the pregnancy, there is an increase in maternal blood volume to accommodate the nee
Stage 4 In stage 1 during a normal vaginal delivery of a vertex presentation, the multigravida may have
Schultze maneuver Ritgen’s technique is done to prevent perineal tear. This is done by the nurse by support the p
60 minutes The placenta is delivered within 30 minutes from the delivery of the baby. If it takes longer, pro
Footling Breech presentation means the buttocks of the fetus is the presenting part. If it is only the foo
2,3,4 all the above conditions can occur following a precipitate labor and delivery of the fetus becau
The progress of labor is well Narcotic analgesics must be given when uterine contractions are already well established so th
Normal blood loss All the signs in the stem of the question are signs of hemorrhage. If the fundus is soft and bou
14.5 cm The engagement diameter in the brow pesentation is 13.5 cm which is longer than any diamet
Manibula Clavicle, also known as collar bone, fractures are the most common injury sustained by newbo
The membranes have rupturThe second stage of labor begins when the cervix is dilated completely and ends with the birth
Increase the rate of Pitocin I Late decelerations are due to uteroplacental insufficiency as the result of decreased blood flow
Hemoglobin of 11.0 g/dL A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. A count of 180 beats per minute could i
Trendelenburg’s position withVena cava and descending aorta compression by the pregnant uterus impedes blood return fro
Performing Leopold’s maneuver The nurse simultaneously should palpate the maternal radial or carotid pulse and auscultate th
Increased urinary output A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM. Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations indicate
Placing a code cart at the cli Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin
Continue monitoring the fetalA normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions
Reposition the mother and checkAccelerations
the monitorare for
transient increases
changes in the
in the fetal fetal heart rate that often accompany contractions
Determining the intensity of Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate is important so that abnormal variations of the baseline
Begin monitoring maternal viThe immediate priority is to minimize pressure on the cord. Thus the nurse’s initial action invo
Regular uterine contractions Regular uterine contractions (every 10 minutes or more) along with cervical dilation before 36
Third stage Crowing, which occurs when the newborn’s head
Push down on the uterine fuThe or presenting part position
knee to chest appears gets
at the vaginal
the weightopening, occurs
off the baby during
and the second
umbilical stage would
cord, which of labor. Du
Descent Immediately before expulsion or birth of the rest of the body, the cardinal movement of extern
With true labor, contractions increase in intensity with walking. In addition, true labor contrac
Occurring at irregular intervatrue labor contractions gradually shortens.
Assess uterine contractions During the third stage of labor, which begins with the delivery of the newborn, the nurse woul
Explain the rationale for the The nurse should first monitor fetal heart tone. After an amniotomy is performed, the umbilica
Labor that begins after 28 w Preterm labor is best described as labor that begins after 20 weeks’ gestation and before 37 w
Inserting a urinary catheter With uterine rupture, the client is at risk for hypovolemic shock. Therefore, the priority is to pr
Increased restlessness and a Hyperstimulation of the uterus such as with oxytocin during the induction of labor may result
Instruct the mother’s supportA key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preo
That extends through the perThird degree laceration involves all in the second degree laceration and the external sphincter
Practice holding breaths bet When the woman is in Sim’s position, this puts the weight of the fetus on bed, not on the wom
Increasing the encouragemenThe client’s labor is hypotonic. The nurse should call the physical and obtain an order for an in
Quickening In a breech position, because of the space between the presenting part and the cervix, prolap
Partially flexed With a face presentation, the head is completely extended. With a vertex presentation, the he
Arrange for a staff member of the anesthesia department to explain what to expect postoperatively
A key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preo
Peanut butter cookies In some birth settings, intravenous therapy is not used with low-risk clients. Thus, clients in ea
“Do you have any chronic ill When obtaining the history of a patient who may be in labor, the nurse’s highest priority is to d
Every 60 minutes During the second stage of labor, the nurse should assess the strength, frequency, and duratio
Symphysis pubis The ischial spines are located in the mid-pelvic region and could be narrowed due to the previ
PROM is associated with malPROM can precipitate many potential and actual problems; one of the most serious is the fetu
Placing the client in bed to b This question requires an understanding of station as part of the intrapartal assessment proce
1 cm below the ischial spines
Maternal vital sign The signs indicate placenta previa and vaginal exam to determine cervical dilation would not b
Call the assessment data to tThe first 15 minutes to 1 hour after birth is the first period of reactivity involving respiratory an
Prepared childbirth was the direct result of the 1950’s challenging of the routine use of analge
Labor, delivery, recovery, po routine use of analgesics and anesthetics during childbirth. Roles for nurse midwives and clinic
Explain the surgery, expecte A key point to consider when preparing the client for a cesarean delivery is to modify the preo
Sometimes referred to as "BrUterine contraction: The tightening and shortening of the uterine muscles. During labor, contr
The process during which thLabor: Childbirth,during which the uterus contracts and the cervix opens for delivering a baby
The dilation of the cervix Parity dfined as the number of times a female has carried the pregnancies to a viable gestation
Ovary Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and is secreted into the bloodstream by the posteri
1:16 The ability of the fetus to grow and thrive in utero depends on the placental function and the
3 Arteries and no veins umbilical cords have one vein and two arteries. The vein carries oxygenated blood from the pl
VLBW (Very Low Birth WeightThis baby has a birth weight less than 1000 g and is therefore ELBW.
MCTA These twins are different sexes and therefore must have come from two eggs and two sacs. IF
Fenestrated placenta If the fetal surface of such a placenta presents a central depression surrounded by a thickened
Starts when regular painful c1st stage of labour starts when the effaced cervix is 3cm dilated and ends when the cervix is fu
Misoprestol Misoprostol is inserted vaginally and causes effacement of the cervix in addition to uterine con
The second stage begins when The second stage begins at full dilatation of the cervix and ends when the baby is born.
The third stage begins once The third stage begins once the baby is born and ends once the placenta and membranes have
Something that grows on a treChildbirth, also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of a pregnancy by one or more bab
Early phase Birth crowning, which is when your baby's head starts to emerge bit by bit during each contrac
15 The process of labor and birth is divided into three stages: The first stage begins when you star
1795 First Successful Cesarean in U.S. 1794: Elizabeth Bennett delivers a daughter by cesarean secti
1902 Pfannenstiel incision. Introduced by Pfannenstiel in 1900, this curved incision is approximately
When the doctor is tired An emergency c-section has to be done immediately because your health or your baby's healt
Lagos Accra Cape The first successful Caesarean in Africa is performed in Cape Town by Dr. James Barry.
Anton Chekhov James Barry carried out the first successful caesarean by a European doctor in Africa in Cape T
Edward Jenner It was Max Sanger who in 1882 insisted that suturing of the uterus was essential,[5] and he int
Tess Gerritsen In March
Latent 2000,
(early Inés Active,
labor), RamírezTransition
Pérez, a Mexican woman from the state of Oaxaca, gained media
Active, Transition, Latent
sometimes false The answer is FALSE. Stage 2 begins with the full dilation of the cervix (10 cm) and ends with t
8-10 cm The answer is : 4-7 cm
The transition phase ends andTBulging
his option is false.and
perineum It should
antransition phase
increase in is the
show (not longest)
(and presenting of thephase
Rapid and intense contractio
Duncan mechanism, baby Remember "SHINY" Schultze. This is the side from the baby. Try to remember the baby is shiny
2 cm above the pubic symphyIt should be found at or near the umbilicus. It will decrease 1 cm a day and after 10 days post-
Ophthalmia neonatorum Signs that the placenta is about to be delivered: Umbilical cord starts to lengthen, Trickling/gu
y begins prior to the the onset of labor contractions and is necessary for cervical dilation and passage of the fetus.

l factors involving the fetus (passenger), uterus (powers), pelvis (passage), or psyche.

spines. The baby is said to be "engaged" when the largest part of the head has entered the pelvis.
puts the baby in position,causes decent, cervical dilation and effacement.
ctions will last about 60 seconds at intervals of 3-5 minutes of rest in between.
of the contraction and the minutes in between the contractions (called the interval).

ervix is opening and your baby is moving down the birth canal. The second stage is when your baby is being born and the third stage is
trition, maternal age, and Improper or inadequate prenatal care of the mother.
ly dilated to 10 cm. The period after the cervix is dilated to 10 cm until the baby is delivered.
used in the Lamaze method of childbirth"
s out through the birth canal Maternal bearing down is considered the secondary power/force that will help push the fetus out.
acenta. If the shiny portion comes out first, it is called the Schultze mechanism; while if the meaty portion comes out first, it is called th
will not be delivered safely if the cord is coiled around its neck. Wiping of the face should be done seconds after you have ensured tha
uring a contraction because of the compression on the fetal head. However, the heart rate should go back to the pre-contraction rate a
ake the cervix close. If it is given prior to placental delivery, the placenta will be trapped inside because the action of the drug is almost
Code and any person who performs the act for a fee commits a grave offense punishable by 10-12 years of imprisonment.
gauze wet with sterile NSS. Observe strict asepsis in the care of the cord to prevent infection. The cord has to be kept moist to prevent
olume to accommodate the need of the fetus. When the baby and placenta have been delivered, there is a fluid shift back to the mater
tion, the multigravida may have about 8 hours labor while the primigravida may have up to 12 hours labor.
e by the nurse by support the perineum with a sterile towel and pushing the perineum downard with one hand while the other hand is
of the baby. If it takes longer, probably the placenta is abnormally adherent and there is a need to refer already to the obstetrician.
senting part. If it is only the foot/feet, it is considered footling. If only the buttocks, it is frank breech. If both the feet and the buttocks
and delivery of the fetus because there was little time for the baby to adapt to the passageway. If the presentation is cephalic, the feta
re already well established so that it will not cause stoppage of the contraction thus protracting labor. Also, it should be given when de
ge. If the fundus is soft and boundaries not well defined, the cause of the hemorrhage could be uterine atony.
which is longer than any diameter of the inlet so there is no mechanism of labour and labour is obstructed.
mmon injury sustained by newborns during birth. A clavicle fracture is a break in the collar bone and occurs as a result of a difficult deliv
mpletely and ends with the birth of the neonate.
e result of decreased blood flow and oxygen to the fetus during the uterine contractions. This causes hypoxemia; therefore oxygen is n
of 180 beats per minute could indicate fetal distress and would warrant physician notification. By full term. a normal maternal hemoglo
uterus impedes blood return from the lower trunk and extremities. This leads to decreasing cardiac return. cardiac output. and blood fl
r carotid pulse and auscultate the fetal heart rate to differentiate the two. If the fetal and maternal heart rates are similar. the nurse ma
r variable decelerations indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue to Pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to achieve thre
d during an IV infusion of Pitocin.
adycardia between contractions may indicate the need for immediate medical management. and the physician or nurse-midwife needs
t often accompany contractions or are caused by fetal movement. Episodic accelerations are thought to be a sign of fetal-well being an
ormal variations of the baseline rate will be identified if they occur. Options 1 and 3 are important to assess. but not as the first priority
us the nurse’s initial action involves placing the client on bed rest and then placing the client in a knee-chest position or lowering the h
with cervical dilation before 36 weeks' gestation or rupture of fluids indicates preterm labor.

ng the second
mbilical stage would
cord, which of labor. Duringblood
prevent the first stage
flow. of labor,
Calling cervical dilation
the physician and and
or midwife, effacement occur.
arranging During
for blood the thirdare
sampling stage of labor, the
he cardinal movement of external rotation occurs. Descent flexion, internal rotation, extension, and restitution (in this order) occur bef
. In addition, true labor contractions occur at regular intervals, usually starting in the back and sweeping around to the abdomen. The i

of the newborn, the nurse would promote parent-newborn interaction by placing the newborn on the mother’s abdomen and encoura
tomy is performed, the umbilical cord may be washed down below the presenting part and cause umbilical cord compression, which w
eeks’ gestation and before 37 weeks’ gestation. The other time periods are inaccurate.
k. Therefore, the priority is to prevent and limit hypovolemic shock. Immediate steps should include giving oxygen, replacing lost fluids,
e induction of labor may result in tetanic contractions prolonged to more than 90seconds, which could lead to such complications as fe
n delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the needs of either planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and bre
ation and the external sphincter of the rectum. Options B, C and D are under the second degree laceration.
he fetus on bed, not on the woman and allows good circulation in the lower extremities.
al and obtain an order for an infusion of oxytocin, which will assist the uterus to contact more forcefully in an attempt to dilate the cer
nting part and the cervix, prolapse of the umbilical cord is common. Quickening is the woman’s first perception of fetal movement. Oph
th a vertex presentation, the head is completely or partially flexed. With a brow (forehead) presentation, the head would be partially e
n delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the needs of either a planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and b
w-risk clients. Thus, clients in early labor are encouraged to eat healthy snacks and drink fluid to avoid dehydration. Yogurt, which is an
he nurse’s highest priority is to determine her current status, particularly her due date, gravidity, and parity. Gravidity and parity affect
trength, frequency, and duration of contraction every 15 minutes. If maternal or fetal problems are detected, more frequent monitorin
d be narrowed due to the previous pelvic injury. The symphysis pubis, sacral promontory, and pubic arch are not part of the mid-pelvis
e of the most serious is the fetus loss of an effective defense against infection. This is the client’s most immediate need at this time. Typ
he intrapartal assessment process. Based on the client’s assessment findings, this client is ready for delivery, which is the nurse’s top pri

ne cervical dilation would not be done because it could cause hemorrhage. Assessing maternal vital signs can help determine materna
eactivity involving respiratory and circulatory adaptation to extrauterine life. The data given reflect the normal changes during this time
ging of the routine use of analgesic and anesthetics during childbirth. The LDRP was a much later concept and was not a direct result of
es for nurse midwives and clinical nurse specialists did not develop from this challenge.
n delivery is to modify the preoperative teaching to meet the needs of either a planned or emergency cesarean birth, the depth and b
ne muscles. During labor, contractions accomplish two things: (1) they cause the cervix to thin and dilate (open); and (2) they help the
rvix opens for delivering a baby and the placenta, membranes, and umbilical cord from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. D
pregnancies to a viable gestational age.
the bloodstream by the posterior pituitary gland. Secretion depends on electrical activity of neurons in the hypothalamus
the placental function and the average weight of the placenta at term is 508 g. The ratio between placenta weight and birth weight of
s oxygenated blood from the placenta to the baby and the arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the baby to the placenta.

from two eggs and two sacs. IF they were the same sex they had approximately a 1 in 4 chance of being identical, despite there being
sion surrounded by a thickened, gray-white ring, it is called a circumvallate placenta. The ring is composed of a double fold of chorion a
d and ends when the cervix is fully dilated at 10cm.
cervix in addition to uterine contraction.
s when the baby is born.
e placenta and membranes have been expelled from the uterus.
a pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a woman's uterus by vaginal passage or Caesarean section.
ge bit by bit during each contraction, occurs during the second stage of labor. (A contraction is when the uterine muscle tightens and re
first stage begins when you start having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully d
ers a daughter by cesarean section, becoming the first woman in the United States to give birth this way and survive.
curved incision is approximately 10–15 cm long and 2 cm above the pubic symphysis. The skin and rectus sheath are opened transverse
your health or your baby's health is in danger.
own by Dr. James Barry.
opean doctor in Africa in Cape Town, while posted there between 1817 and 1828.
erus was essential,[5] and he introduced a silver suture that produced minimal tissue reaction.
e state of Oaxaca, gained media attention after performing a Caesarean section on herself. Despite having no medical training, the oper

e cervix (10 cm) and ends with the full delivery of the baby.
HORTEST (not longest)
(and presenting of thephase
stageor1 other
and contractions are very
parts) are signs that intense
the birthand longbaby
of the in duration.

y to remember the baby is shiny and new so it is the SHINY Schultze side. The Schultze mechanism is where the baby's surface is delive
m a day and after 10 days post-delivery it can not be palpated.
starts to lengthen, Trickling/gush of blood, and uterus changes from an oval shape to globular.
g born and the third stage is when the placenta is delivered.

lp push the fetus out.

comes out first, it is called the Duncan mechanism.
s after you have ensured that there is no cord coil but suctioning of the nose should be done after the mouth because the baby is a “na
to the pre-contraction rate as soon as the contraction is over since the compression on the head has also ended.
e action of the drug is almost immediate if given parentally.
f imprisonment.
s to be kept moist to prevent it from drying. Don’t attempt to put back the cord into the vagina but relieve pressure on the cord by positi
a fluid shift back to the maternal circulation as part of physiologic adaptation during the postpartum period. In cesarean section, the flu

hand while the other hand is supporting the baby’s head as it goes out of the vaginal opening.
eady to the obstetrician.
h the feet and the buttocks are presenting it is called complete breech.
sentation is cephalic, the fetal head serves as the main part of the fetus that pushes through the birth canal which can lead to cranial h
, it should be given when delivery of fetus is imminent or too close because the fetus may suffer respiratory depression as an effect of t

as a result of a difficult delivery or trauma at birth.

xemia; therefore oxygen is necessary.Option A: The supine position is avoided because it decreases uterine blood flow to the fetus. The
. a normal maternal hemoglobin range is 11-13 g/dL as a result of the hemodilution caused by an increase in plasma volume during pre
. cardiac output. and blood flow to the uterus and the fetus. The best position to prevent this would be side-lying with the uterus displ
ates are similar. the nurse may mistake the maternal heart rate for the fetal heart rate. Leopold’s maneuvers may help the examiner loc
mentation is to achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-minute period.

cian or nurse-midwife needs to be notified.

a sign of fetal-well being and adequate oxygen reserve.
s. but not as the first priority.
st position or lowering the head of the bed, and elevating the maternal hips on a pillow to minimize the pressure on the cord. Monitori

he thirdare
mpling stage of labor, the
IMPORTANT, butnewborn
they haveand placenta
a lower are delivered.
priority The
than getting fourth
the babystage ofcord.
off the labor lasts from 1 to 4 hours after birth, during whi
ution (in this order) occur before external rotation.
ound to the abdomen. The interval of

her’s abdomen and encouraging the parents to touch the newborn. Collecting a urine specimen and other laboratory tests is done on a
l cord compression, which would indicate by vitiable deceleration on the fetal heart tracing.

oxygen, replacing lost fluids, providing drug therapy as needed, evaluating fetal responses and preparing for surgery. Obtaining blood s
d to such complications as fetal distress, abruptio placentae, amniotic fluid embolism, laceration of the cervix, and uterine rupture. We
ean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available.

an attempt to dilate the cervix. Administering light sedative would be done for hypertonic uterine contractions. Preparing for cesarean
tion of fetal movement. Ophthalmia neonatorum usually results from maternal gonorrhea and is conjunctivitis. Pica refers to the oral in
he head would be partially extended.
arean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available. Allowing the mother’s support pers
dration. Yogurt, which is an excellent source of calcium and riboflavin, is soft and easily digested. During pregnancy, gastric emptying ti
y. Gravidity and parity affect the duration of labor and the potential for labor complications. Later, the nurse should ask about chronic il
ed, more frequent monitoring is necessary. An interval of 30 to 60 minutes between assessments is too long because of variations in th
re not part of the mid-pelvis.
mediate need at this time. Typically, PROM occurs about 1 hour, not 4 hours, before labor begins. Fetal viability and gestational age are l
y, which is the nurse’s top priority. Placing the client in bed, checking for ruptured membranes, and providing comfort measures could b

can help determine maternal physiologic status. Fetal heart rate is important to assess fetal well-being and should be done. Monitoring
mal changes during this time period. The infant’s assessment data reflect normal adaptation. Thus, the physician does not need to be n
nd was not a direct result of the challenging of

arean birth, the depth and breadth of instruction will depend on circumstances and time available. Allowing the mother’s support pers
open); and (2) they help the baby to descend into the birth canal.
agina to the outside world. During the first stage of labor (which is called dilation), the cervix dilates fully to a diameter of about 10 cm

e hypothalamus
a weight and birth weight of the newborn is 1:6.
by to the placenta.

entical, despite there being two placentas.

of a double fold of chorion and amnion, with degenerated decidua and fibrin in between.

terine muscle tightens and relaxes to help your baby pass from the uterus into the birth canal.)
ds when your cervix is fully dilated.

heath are opened transversely using sharp dissection.

no medical training, the operation was successful and both she and her baby survived.
e the baby's surface is delivered first. Duncan mechanism is where the maternal side is delivered first. Remember "DULL/DIRTY" Dunca
uth because the baby is a “nasal obligate” breather. If the nose is suctioned first before the mouth, the mucus plugging the mouth can b

pressure on the cord by positioning the mother either on trendellenberg or sims position
. In cesarean section, the fluid shift occurs faster because the placenta is taken out right after the baby is delivered giving it less time fo

l which can lead to cranial hematoma, and possible compression of cord may occur which can lead to less blood and oxygen to the fetu
y depression as an effect of the drug that can pass through placental barrier.

e blood flow to the fetus. The client should be turned to her side to displace pressure of the gravid uterus on the inferior vena cava. An
in plasma volume during pregnancy.
e-lying with the uterus displaced off of abdominal vessels. Positioning for abdominal surgery necessitates a supine position; however. a
s may help the examiner locate the position of the fetus but will not ensure a distinction between the two rates.

essure on the cord. Monitoring maternal vital signs and FHR, notifying the physician and preparing the client for delivery, and wrapping

hours after birth, during which time the mother and newborn recover from the physical process of birth and the mother’s organs unde

laboratory tests is done on admission during the first stage of labor. Assessing uterine contractions every 30 minutes is performed duri
or surgery. Obtaining blood specimens, instituting complete bed rest, and inserting a urinary catheter are necessary in preparation for s
vix, and uterine rupture. Weak contractions would not occur. Pain, bright red vaginal bleeding, and increased restlessness and anxiety a

tions. Preparing for cesarean section is unnecessary at this time. Oxytocin would increase the uterine contractions and hopefully progre
vitis. Pica refers to the oral intake of nonfood substances

g the mother’s support person to remain with her as much as possible is an important concept, although doing so depends on many va
regnancy, gastric emptying time is delayed. In most hospital settings, clients are allowed only ice chips or clear liquids.
e should ask about chronic illness, allergies, and support persons.
g because of variations in the length and duration of patient’s labor.

lity and gestational age are less immediate considerations that affect the plan of care. Malpresentation and an incompetent cervix may
ng comfort measures could be done, but the priority here is immediate delivery.

should be done. Monitoring the contractions will help evaluate the progress of labor.
sician does not need to be notified and oxygen is not needed. The data do not indicate the presence of choking, gagging or coughing, w

g the mother’s support person to remain with her as much as possible is an important concept, although doing so depends on many va

o a diameter of about 10 cm (2 inches).

ember "DULL/DIRTY" Duncan. This side will be dull/dirty, red, and rough and is the side from the mother. Try to remember the mother
us plugging the mouth can be aspirated by the baby.

elivered giving it less time for the fluid shift to gradually occur.

blood and oxygen to the fetus (hypoxia). Likewise the maternal passageway (cervix, vaginal canal and perineum) did not have enough ti

on the inferior vena cava. An intravenous Pitocin infusion is discontinued when a late deceleration is noted.

a supine position; however. a wedge placed under the right hip provides displacement of the uterus.

nt for delivery, and wrapping the cord with sterile saline soaked warm gauze are important. But these actions have no effect on minimiz

nd the mother’s organs undergo the initial readjustment to the nonpregnant state.

30 minutes is performed during the latent phase of the first stage of labor. Coaching the client to push effectively is appropriate during t
ecessary in preparation for surgery to remedy the rupture.
ed restlessness and anxiety are not associated with hyperstimulation.

ractions and hopefully progress labor before a cesarean would be necessary. It is too early to anticipate client pushing with contractions

doing so depends on many variables. Arranging for necessary explanations by various staff members to be involved with the client’s car
ear liquids.

d an incompetent cervix may be causes of PROM.

oking, gagging or coughing, which are signs of excessive secretions. Suctioning is not necessary.

doing so depends on many variables. Arranging for necessary explanations by various staff members to be involved with the client’s car
ry to remember the mother is dirty from labor and is in rough shape.
neum) did not have enough time to stretch which can lead to laceration.

ns have no effect on minimizing the pressure on the cord.

ctively is appropriate during the second stage of labor.

ent pushing with contractions.

nvolved with the client’s care is a nursing responsibility. The nurse is responsible for reinforcing the explanations about the surgery, exp

nvolved with the client’s care is a nursing responsibility. The nurse is responsible for reinforcing the explanations about the surgery, exp
ations about the surgery, expected outcome, and type of anesthetic to be used. The obstetrician is responsible for explaining about the

ations about the surgery, expected outcome, and type of anesthetic to be used. The obstetrician is responsible for explaining about the
ible for explaining about the surgery and outcome and the anesthesiology staff is responsible for explanations about the type of anesth

ible for explaining about the surgery and outcome and the anesthesiology staff is responsible for explanations about the type of anesth
ons about the type of anesthesia to be used.

ons about the type of anesthesia to be used.

Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2
Postpartum Postpartum depressionWithin weeks after Within 12 weeks Within 16 weeks
Postpartum Fever, foul lochial dis Puerperal sepsis Puerperal psychosis Postpartum hemorrh
Postpartum Erica gave birth to a t Low serum bilirubinO2 level of 99% Normal RBC and WBC
Postpartum Types of lochia 3 types 2 types 6 types
Postpartum Which of the followin All of the above Retained Placenta Coagulapathy
Postpartum What is the definitio Loss of >500ml of blLoss of >500ml of blLoss of >200ml of blo
Postpartum The period of puerperi6 weeks 3 weeks 5 weeks
Postpartum Which is the first dis Lochia Rubra Lochia serosa Lochia alba
Postpartum Breast feeding should Half an hour to one 4 hours 12 hours
Postpartum Breast feeding should 1-2 hours 12 hours 24 hours
Postpartum A doula is: Someone who caresDai f A trained nurse-midwi
Postpartum Which is the most impProlactin Estrogen Progesterone
Postpartum The milk made by the bo Colostrum Lactose Acidophilus
Postpartum How can you tell if yo All of the above Your baby has at leaYour baby has severa
Postpartum How many extra calorie 500 100 1000
Postpartum Jaundice due to Rh inc24 hours 50 hours 72 hours
Postpartum The maximum capacity500 o ml 200 ml 600ml
Postpartum A nurse is administerinVastus laterali Gluteus minimus Vastus medialis
Postpartum Which type of fractur Clavicular Humoral Femoral
Postpartum Which of the followingPlacing the newbornSuctioning with a buObtaining an Apgar s
Postpartum The mother asks the nu“A decrease in mate “The tissue has hype“A decrease in material hormones present b
Postpartum Which of the followingUric acid crystals Mucus Bilirubin
Which of the following situations would alert you to a potentially developmental problem with a child?
Postpartum Saying “mama” or “da Pointing to body parUsing gesture to com
Postpartum During the first hours To promote uterine To promote analgesiTo facilitate eliminati
Sensory stimulation including several senses at a time
Postpartum Which of the followingKangaroo care Tactile stimulation unto the umbilicus and m
Before assessing the postpartum client’s uterus for firmness and position in relation
Postpartum Assist her to urinateAmbulate her in the Administer analgesia
The incidence of allergies increases due to m
Postpartum Which of the following Involution occurs moMore than 300 ml
Postpartum Which of the followingMore than 500 ml More than 200 ml
Postpartum Which change would the Lactation Lochia Uterine involution
Postpartum Which of the followingThe baby’s lips smacThe attachment of thThe mother’s comfort level with positioning
Postpartum Following a precipitousInstructing the clie Instructing the clien Applying cold to limit
Which is true regarding the fontanels of the newborn?
Postpartum The anterior is larg The anterior is triangular
The anterior
posterior is diamond shape
Postpartum Nurse Luis is assessin 100 beats per minut80 beats per minute120 beats per minute
Postpartum The postterm neonate RespiratIntegument
w Elimination problemGastrointestinal problems
Postpartum A newborn who has anFractured
a clavicle Talipes equinovarus Congenital hypothyro
Postpartum The amniotic fluid of a Meconium
should the nurse doVernix Hydramnio
Which of the following when a primipara who is lactating tells the nurse that she has so
Postpartum Tell her to breast f Administer a narcotiEncourage her to wear
Postpartum The nurse hears
A postpartum a mothe
primipara ‘Alcohol helps
asks the it dry
nurse, Daily can
“When soapweand water
have “An antibiotic
sexual intercourseointmen
again?” Which of the follow
Postpartum “When the discharge“After your 6 weeks “Anytime you both wa
Postpartum A newborn
The weighingthe
nurse assesses 300
ounces vaginal2discharge
ounces (lochia) on 4 ounces
four clients. Which of the following assessm
Postpartum A bright red dischargAlmost colorless to A pinkoxygen
Start to brownish di cannula at 2 L/min.
per nasal
Postpartum Immediately after birthRecognize this as norS uction the infant’s
When preparing a woman who is 2 days postpartum for discharge, recommendations for which of the follow
Postpartum Diaphragm Female condom Oral contraceptives
Postpartum When preparing to admin Vastus lateralis muscGluteus maximus muAnterior femoris muscle
The client should avoid contact with children
Postpartum When preparing a teachiPregnancy should be The
Prevent uterine inversion vaccine prevents
Postpartum While assessing a prim Promote uterine invHasten the puerperiu
Postpartum A postpartum client has a temperature of 1Breasts
The nurse assesses the vital signs of a client, 4 hours’ postpartum Incision
that are as follows: BP 90/60; temperatur
Postpartum Determine the amoun Assess the uterus foRecheck the blood
Which of the following is the priority focus of nursing practice with the current prepostpartum discharge?
Postpartum Facilitating safe and Promoting comfort an Exploring the emotiona
Postpartum Which one of the follo A Lower social class.Improved antenatal Improved maternal he
Postpartum Which one of the followDiscussing the imporA Classification of a Evaluation of factors
Postpartum Which one of the follo Female sex of fetus.A Multiple pregnanc
Postpartum Which of the followin All of the above Uterine atony Retained Placenta
Postpartum What is the definitio Loss of >500ml of blLoss of >200ml of blLoss of >500ml of blo
Postpartum What is the most com Uterine atony Vulval or vaginal lac Uterine rupture
Postpartum What does asymmetrical Placental insufficienChromosomal disordUterine rupture
Postpartum You're performing a rouPerform fundal massa Continue to monitorNotify the physician.
Wrong 3 Rationale
Within 24 hours Onset of PPD is typically between one week and one month following childbirth.
Hypertensive disorder Puerperal sepsis is an infection of the genital tract occuring at any time between the onset of ruptu
Low platelet count Phototherapy is the most common treatment for reducing high bilirubin levels that causes jaundice
5 types There are 3 types of lochia- Lochia rubra, Lochia serosa, Lochia alba.
Uterine atony All of the above are potential causes of PPH with uterine atony been the most common. Coagulopa
Loss of >200ml of blood fro Primary postpartum haemorrhage is defined as a loss of blood >500ml from the vagina within 24 h
2 months The period of about six weeks after childbirth during which the mother's reproductive organs retur
None of the above Lochia rubra (or cruenta) is the first discharge, Composed of blood, shreds of fetal membranes, dec
24 hours Breastfeeding should ideally start within Half an hour to one hour after your baby is born. A baby i
10 hours Initiation of breastfeeding after 1-2 cesarean section is recommended.
Someone who provides house A doula also known as a birth companion, birth coach or post-birth supporter, is a non-medical per
Insulin A hormone called Prolactin secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain is responsible for the alveol
None of the above Colostrum: A sticky white or yellow fluid secreted by the breasts during the second half of pregnan
Your baby steadily gains weiAll of the above are the right answers
450 women who are breastfeeding need about 500 calories more than moms who aren't
7 day Jaundice, or yellow coloring of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, skin, and eyes may be present. The ba
1000 ml The obstetrical balloon is a 24 French, 54 cm-long, silicone catheter with a filling capacity of 500 m
Gluteus maximus Vastus lateralis is the most appropriate location.
Mandible Clavicle, also known as collar bone, fractures are the most common injury sustained by newborns d
Inspecting the newborn’s um The newborn’s ability to regulate body temperature is poor. Therefore, placing the newborn under
The breast tissue is inflam The presence of excessive estrogen and progesterone in the maternal-fetal blood followed by prom
Excess iron Uric acid crystals in the urine may produce the reddish “brick dust” stain on the diaper. Mucus wou
Cooing at 3 months. A child should say “mama” or “dada” during 10 to 12 months of age. Options A, B and C are all nor
To prevent infection Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that produces intermittent uterine contracti
An attitude of extension when prone or side lying
Kangaroo care is the use of skin-to-skin contact to maintain body heat. This method of care not onl
Assess the vital signs Before uterine assessment is performed, it is essential that the woman empty her bladder. A full bl
There is a greater chance foWith breast feeding, the father’s body is not capable of providing the milk for the newborn, which
More than 400 ml
Postpartum hemorrhage is defined as blood loss of more than 500 ml following birth. Any amount
Diuresis Lactation is an example of a progressive physiological change that occurs during the postpartum pe
Audible swallowing. Assessing the attachment process for breast-feeding should include all of the answers except the sm
Instructing the client about Using two or more peripads would do little to reduce the pain or promote perineal healing. Cold ap
The anterior
The posterior closes at 18 months; fontanel
the anterior is larger
closes at 8in
tosize than the posterior fontanel. Additionally, the anterior fontane
12 months.
140 beats per minute The normal heart rate for a newborn that is sleeping is approximately 100 beats per minute. If the
Integumentary problems Intrauterine anoxia may cause relaxation of the anal sphincter and emptying of meconium into the
Increased intracranial press A fractured clavicle would prevent the normal Moro response of symmetrical sequential extension
Lanugo The greenish tint is due to the presence of meconium. Lanugo is the soft, downy hair on the should
Use soap and water to cleanFeeding more frequently, about every 2 hours, will decrease the infant’s frantic, vigorous sucking fr
“He can have a tub bath eacApplication of 70% isopropyl alcohol to the cord minimizes microorganisms (germicidal) and promo
“As soon as choose a contraCessation of the lochial discharge signifies healing of the endometrium. Risk of hemorrhage and in
6 ounces To determine the amount of formula needed, do the following mathematical calculation. 3 kg x 120
A dark red discharge on a 2
Call the assessment data to the physician’s attention
The first 15 minutes to 1 hour after birth is the first period of reactivity involving respiratory and cir
Rhythm method The diaphragm must be fitted individually to ensure effectiveness. Because of the changes to the re
Deltoid muscle The middle third of the vastus lateralis is the preferred injection site for vitamin K administration be
The injection will provide immunity
After administration
against the 7-day
of rubella
vaccine, the client should be instructed to avoid pregnancy for at lea
Determine the size of the f Using both hands to assess the fundus is useful for the prevention of uterine inversion.
Urine The datathready
an infection
A weak, elevatedoftothe
100endometrial lining ofimpending
BPM may indicate the uterus.hemorrhagic
The lochia may be An
shock. decreased
Report the temperature to tcheck the extent of vaginal bleeding first. Then it would be appropriate to check the uterus, which
Teaching about the importanBecause of early postpartum discharge and limited time for teaching, the nurse’s priority is to facili
Improved maternal health. Lower social class significantly increases the risk of perinatal mortality
Feedback of recommendations Although a Perinatal Mortality Committee will look at autopsy results as part of their role, they are
Maternal age <20 years. Females have a slightly lower rate of perinatal mortality. All the other factors are known to increase
Vaginal or vulval lacerationsAll of the above are potential causes of PPH with uterine atony been the most common.
Loss of >200ml of blood fro Primary postpartum haemorrhage is defined as a loss of blood >500ml from the vagina within 24 h
Retained placenta The most common cause of PPH is uterine atony, however retained placenta and vaginal laceration
Prolapsed cord If the placenta is not supplying adequate blood to the fetus the body directs prioritises brain develo
Administer PRN dose of PitoThis is not a normal finding. The fundus of the uterus should be firm, mid-line, and near or at the u
etween the onset of rupture of membranes on labour , and the 42nd day postpartum in which fever, foul lochial discharge and subinvolutio
evels that causes jaundice in a newborn.

most common. Coagulopathy is a rare cause, accounting around 1% of PPH.

om the vagina within 24 hours of delivery. If the blood loss is between 500-1000ml it is defined as a minor PPH. If the blood loss is more th
reproductive organs return to their original non-pregnant condition.
s of fetal membranes, decidua, vernix caseosa, lanugo and membranes. It is red in color because of the large amount of blood it contains. I
our baby is born. A baby is usually alert after birth and will spontaneously seek the breast if left undisturbed in skin-to-skin contact with th

orter, is a non-medical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, to provide emotional support and physical help if nee
responsible for the alveoli making milk. Prolactin rises when the baby suckles.
he second half of pregnancy and for a few days after birth, before breast milk comes in. It is high in protective antibodies that boost the new

who aren't
es may be present. The baby may not look yellow immediately after birth, but jaundice can develop quickly, usually within 24 hours.
a filling capacity of 500 mL. The device is used for the temporary control and reduction of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

y sustained by newborns during birth. A clavicle fracture is a break in the collar bone and occurs as a result of a difficult delivery or trauma
acing the newborn under a radiant warmer aids in maintaining his or her body temperature. Suctioning with a bulb syringe helps maintain
al blood followed by prompt withdrawal at birth precipitates breast engorgement, which will spontaneously resolve in 4 to 5 days after birt
on the diaper. Mucus would not produce a stain. Bilirubin and iron are from hepatic adaptation.
tions A, B and C are all normal assessments of language development of a child.
ermittent uterine contractions, helping to promote uterine involution.
his method of care not only supplies heat but also encourages parent-child interaction.
mpty her bladder. A full bladder will interfere with the accuracy of the assessment by elevating the uterus and displacing to the side of the
k for the newborn, which may interfere with feeding the newborn, providing fewer chances for bonding, or he may be jealous of the infant
owing birth. Any amount less than this not considered postpartum hemorrhage.
during the postpartum period.
the answers except the smacking of lips. A baby who’s smacking his lips isn’t well attached and can injure the mother’s nipples.
e perineal healing. Cold applications, sitz baths, and Kegel exercises are important measures when the client has a fourth-degree laceration
nally, the anterior fontanel, which is diamond shaped closes at 18 month, whereas the posterior fontanel, which is triangular in shape close
0 beats per minute. If the newborn was awake, the normal heart rate would range from 120 to 160 beats per minute.
ing of meconium into the amniotic fluid. At birth some of the meconium fluid may be aspirated, causing mechanical obstruction or chemic
rical sequential extension and abduction of the arms followed by flexion and adduction. In talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) the foot is turned
downy hair on the shoulders and back of the fetus. Hydramnios represents excessive amniotic fluid. Vernix is the white, cheesy substance
rantic, vigorous sucking from hunger and will decrease breast engorgement, soften the breast, and promote ease of correct latching-on for
ms (germicidal) and promotes drying. The cord should be kept dry until it falls off and the stump has healed. Antibiotic ointment should onl
Risk of hemorrhage and infection are minimal 3 weeks after a normal vaginal delivery. Telling the client anytime is inappropriate because th
tical calculation. 3 kg x 120 cal/kg per day = 360 calories/day feeding q 4 hours = 6 feedings per day = 60 calories per feeding: 60 calories pe

volving respiratory and circulatory adaptation to extrauterine life. The data given reflect the normal changes during this time period. The in
se of the changes to the reproductive structures during pregnancy and following delivery, the diaphragm must be refitted, usually at the 6 w
itamin K administration because it is free of blood vessels and nerves and is large enough to absorb the medication. The deltoid muscle of
avoid pregnancy for at least 3 months to prevent the possibility of the vaccine’s toxic effects to the fetus.
rine inversion.
lochia may be An
shock. decreased
increased or pulse
is adark brown in appearance,
compensatory mechanism and foul
of the smelling,
body providing
in response further evidence
to decreased of a possible
fluid volume. infection.
Thus, the All
nurse shou
o check the uterus, which may be a possible cause of the hemorrhage.
nurse’s priority is to facilitate the safe and effective care of the client and newborn. Although promoting comfort and restoration of health

part of their role, they are not directly responsible for discussing autopsy and obtaining consent from parents; this remains the job of the tr
tors are known to increase the perinatal mortality rate.
most common.
om the vagina within 24 hours of delivery. If the blood loss is between 500-1000ml it is defined as a minor PPH. If the blood loss is more th
nta and vaginal lacerations also account for a significant proportion of PPH. Uterine atony describes a state in which the uterus can no long
cts prioritises brain development at the expense of the body. As a result the abdominal circumference decreases whilst the head circumfer
-line, and near or at the umbilicus. If the fundus is soft, boggy, and displaced, the nurse should perform fundal massage and assist the pati
ochial discharge and subinvolution of the uterus is present.

PPH. If the blood loss is more than 1000ml it is defined as a major PPH.

ge amount of blood it contains. It typically lasts no longer than 3 to 5 days after birth.
ed in skin-to-skin contact with their mother's body.

l support and physical help if needed.

tive antibodies that boost the newborn's immune system.

y, usually within 24 hours.

morrhage (PPH).

of a difficult delivery or trauma at birth.

th a bulb syringe helps maintain a patent airway. Obtaining an Apgar score measures the newborn’s immediate adjustment to extrauterine
y resolve in 4 to 5 days after birth. The trauma of the birth process does not cause inflammation of the newborn’s breast tissue. Newborns

and displacing to the side of the midline. Vital sign assessment is not necessary unless an abnormality in uterine assessment is identified. U
r he may be jealous of the infant’s demands on his wife’s time and body. Breast feeding is advantageous because uterine involution occurs

the mother’s nipples.

nt has a fourth-degree laceration
which is triangular in shape closes at 8 to 12 weeks. Neither fontanel should appear bulging, which may indicate increases ICP or sunken, w

mechanical obstruction or chemical pneumonitis. The infant is not at increased risk for gastrointestinal problems. Even though the skin is sta
arus (clubfoot) the foot is turned medially, and in plantar flexion, with the heel elevated. The feet are not involved with the Moro reflex. Hy
x is the white, cheesy substance covering the fetus.
te ease of correct latching-on for feeding. Narcotics administered prior to breast feeding are passed through the breast milk to the infant, c
. Antibiotic ointment should only be used to treat an infection, not as a prophylaxis. Infants should not be submerged in a tub of water unti
time is inappropriate because this response does not provide the client with the specific information she is requesting. Choice of a contrace
lories per feeding: 60 calories per feeding; 60 calories per feeding with formula 20 cal/oz = 3 ounces per feeding. Based on the calculation.

es during this time period. The infant’s assessment data reflect normal adaptation. Thus, the physician does not need to be notified and oxy
must be refitted, usually at the 6 weeks’ examination following childbirth or after a weight loss of 15 lbs or more. In addition, for maximum e
edication. The deltoid muscle of a newborn is not large enough for a newborn IM injection. Injections into this muscle in a small child migh
uid of a possible
volume. infection.
Thus, the All thecheck
nurse should client’s
thedata indicate
amount a uterine
of lochia problem,
present. not a breast
Temperatures upproblem. Typically,
to 100.48F transient
in the first fever,
24 hours usually
after birth 101ºF,
are relam

omfort and restoration of health, exploring the family’s emotional status, and teaching about family planning are important in postpartum/

nts; this remains the job of the treating clinicians.

PPH. If the blood loss is more than 1000ml it is defined as a major PPH.
e in which the uterus can no longer effectively contract. Because the uterus cannot contract the blood vessels which were supplying the pla
reases whilst the head circumference remains normal.
ndal massage and assist the patient to the bathroom to void. A full bladder can cause the fundus to become displaced and soft/boggy.
diate adjustment to extrauterine life. Inspecting the umbilical cord aids in detecting cord anomalies.
wborn’s breast tissue. Newborns do not have breast malignancy. This reply by the nurse would cause the mother to have undue anxiety. Br

erine assessment is identified. Uterine assessment should not cause acute pain that requires administration of analgesia. Ambulating the c
cause uterine involution occurs more rapidly, thus minimizing blood loss. The presence of maternal antibodies in breast milk helps decreas

dicate increases ICP or sunken, which may indicate hydration.

lems. Even though the skin is stained with meconium, it is noninfectious (sterile) and nonirritating. The postterm meconium-stained infant
nvolved with the Moro reflex. Hypothyroiddism has no effect on the primitive reflexes. Absence of the Moror reflex is the most significant s

h the breast milk to the infant, causing excessive sleepiness. Nipple soreness is not severe enough to warrant narcotic analgesia. All postpa
submerged in a tub of water until the cord falls off and the stump has completely healed.
requesting. Choice of a contraceptive method is important, but not the specific criteria for safe resumption of sexual activity. Culturally, th
eding. Based on the calculation. 2, 4 or 6 ounces are incorrect.

s not need to be notified and oxygen is not needed. The data do not indicate the presence of choking, gagging or coughing, which are signs
more. In addition, for maximum effectiveness, spermicidal jelly should be placed in the dome and around the rim. However, spermicidal jell
this muscle in a small child might cause damage to the radial nerve. The anterior femoris muscle is the next safest muscle to use in a newbo
transient fever,
24 hours usually
after birth 101ºF, may be
are related present
to the with breast
dehydrating engorgement.
effects of labor andSymptoms of mastitis
are considered normal.include influenza-like
Although recheckingmanifestations. Loca
the blood pressur

ng are important in postpartum/newborn nursing care, they are not the priority focus in the limited time presented by early post-partum d

els which were supplying the placenta are not compressed and can therefore bleed profusely. A uterus can become atonic for a number of

e displaced and soft/boggy.

mother to have undue anxiety. Breast tissue does not hypertrophy in the fetus or newborns.

n of analgesia. Ambulating the client is an essential component of postpartum care, but is not necessary prior to assessment of the uterus
dies in breast milk helps decrease the incidence of allergies in the newborn. A greater chance for error is associated with bottle feeding. No

tterm meconium-stained infant is not at additional risk for bowel or urinary problems.
or reflex is the most significant single indicator of central nervous system status, but it is not a sign of increased intracranial pressure.

ant narcotic analgesia. All postpartum clients, especially lactating mothers, should wear a supportive brassiere with wide cotton straps. This

n of sexual activity. Culturally, the 6-weeks’ examination has been used as the time frame for resuming sexual activity, but it may be resum

ging or coughing, which are signs of excessive secretions. Suctioning is not necessary.
he rim. However, spermicidal jelly should not be inserted into the vagina until involution is completed at approximately 6 weeks. Use of a fe
t safest muscle to use in a newborn but is not the safest.
gh recheckingmanifestations. Localized
the blood pressure mayinfection of anchoice
be a correct episiotomy or C-section
of action, incision
it is not the rarely causes
first action systemic
that should symptoms, and
be implemented uterine
in light involuti
of the othe

resented by early post-partum discharge.

become atonic for a number of reasons such as prolonged labour, large baby, multiple pregnancy and retained placenta.
rior to assessment of the uterus.
ssociated with bottle feeding. No preparation is required for breast feeding.

ased intracranial pressure.

ere with wide cotton straps. This does not, however, prevent or reduce nipple soreness. Soaps are drying to the skin of the nipples and sho

ual activity, but it may be resumed earlier.

proximately 6 weeks. Use of a female condom protects thereproductive system from the introduction of semen or spermicides into the va
symptoms, and uterine
in light involution
of the would
other data. Thenot be indicate
data affected.a The client impending
potential data do nothemorrhage.
include dysuria, frequency,
Assessing or urgency,
the uterus symptoms
for firmness and of urina

ained placenta.
o the skin of the nipples and should not be used on the breasts of lactating mothers. Dry nipple skin predisposes to cracks and fissures, wh

emen or spermicides into the vagina and may be used after childbirth. Oral contraceptives may be started within the first postpartum week
or urgency, symptoms
for firmness and of urinaryintract
position infections,
relation which would
to the umbilicus andnecessitate assessing the
midline is important, butclient’s urine.
the nurse should
poses to cracks and fissures, which can become sore and painful.

within the first postpartum week to ensure suppression of ovulation . For the couple who has determined the female’s fertile period, using
the female’s fertile period, using the rhythm method, avoidance of intercourse during this period, is safe and effective.
nd effective.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1
Family plannng A woman using diaphr
6 hours 1 hour
Family plannng What do male condom All of the above Least chance of failure
Family plannng Besides the condom,Diaphragm Withdrawal
Family plannng Which of these is a pAll of the above Nausea
Family plannng How long is the vagin 3 weeks 1 week
Family plannng Which of these methVasectomy Oral pills
Family plannng Which of the followWhich of the following metA monophasic combined c
Family plannng Which of the followiIUD Male Condom
Family plannng What is the spontane 5% 15%
Family plannng Which of the followicondom Oral pills
Family plannng A couple who wantsSelf-esteem
Condoms disturbance rela
Fear related to the unk
Family plannng When teaching
For which of theafollowing
clie clients would the nurse expect that an intrauterine device would not be reco
Family plannng For the client who isPromiscuous young adul Nulliparous
using oral contraceptives, womanthe client about the need to take the p
the nurse informs
Family plannng Maintain hormonal levels Decrease the incidence o
Family plannng How likely do Men aequal Men greater than wome
Family plannng _____________ is a m All of the above Anovulation
Family plannng Women who are tryin folic acid Potassium
Family plannng Which sexually transPelvic inflammatory disea All of the above
Family plannng If a couple is inferti Could not conceive after 1 Will never be able to hav
Family plannng A 35-year-old woman 6 months 4 months
Family plannng A couple with one chSecondary Infertility Primary Infertility
Family plannng The National InstitutFailure to conceive after f Failure to conceive at a
Family plannng The Human FertilisaAll of the options
Authority are correAims
for this statement to promote
is provided safe and
by section 27(1) of the Human Fertilisation
Family plannng In English jurisdict In surrogacy arrangement
Family plannng Lawful storage of ga Consent for the storage,
Family plannng Evans v. Amicus Healt The donor of sperm or eggsA man can withdraw his co
Family plannng Pre-implantation genA way of screening embryos Regulated by the commo
Family plannng The practice of surr Governed by the SurrogacyContracts
are enforceabl
Act 1985 and the Human Fertilisation Act
Family plannng The case of YearwortIn certain circumstances a Storage, use and disposa
Family plannng In the context of poPosthumous insemination is Removal and use of sper
Family plannng Which statement is iTissue typing can be used tTissue typing can be use
Family plannng Fertility in women i Obesity Hernia
Family plannng The reduction of th Andropause Menopause
Family plannng Infertility is when a 1 year of unprotected sex 2 years of unprotected s
Family plannng The procedures usedAllt of the above Intra uterine insemination
Family plannng The following conditiAll Endometriosis
Family plannng Lack of sperm in malAzoospermia Oligospermia
Family plannng A woman who carries Surrogate mother Stepmother
Family plannng Branch of biology whEmbryology Fertilization
Family plannng Male gametes are nSperms Eggs
The quantity of hor 65 µg 25 µg
Wrong 2 Wrong 3
12 hours 28 hours
Best protection against Cheapest to use
IUD Sterilization
Irregular bleeding Headaches
2 weeks 3 months
IUD cervcal cap
A phasic progestogen onlA monophasic progestogen o
DMPA (depot medroxypro spermicide
1% 0.50%
calendar method vasectomy
Pain related to numerouIneffective family coping rel
Diaphragm Vasectomy
Promiscuous young adulPostpartum client
Reduce side effects Prevent drug interactions
Women greater than meonly women
Weight Age
Lycopene Nickel
Genital herpes Human papillomavirus (HP
Should look into adoptioAll of the above
2 months 1 month
Irreversible infertility Sterility
Failure to conceive for a Failure to conceive after f
Was amended by the Hum Provides the legal framewor
In surrogacy arrangement In surrogacy arrangements
Consent for the removalConsent for the storage, u
Article 8 rights are not Stored embryos cannot be de
A way of creating design Used for sex selection for social reasons
A criminal offence Illegal in English jurisdictio
There is no property in Ownership of sperm samples
In certain circumstances the court has a discretion, in the interests of equity and justice, to waive t
Pre-mortem effective co
Licenses for PGD and tissue typing must be obtained from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Paragraph 1ZA(1)(d) of the
High blood pressure Gall Stones
Hydrocoele Testopause
3 years of unprotected s4 years of unprotected sex
In Vitro fertilization (IVF) Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm In
PCO Fibroids
Normospermia None of the above
Second mother Biological mother
Reproduction Anatomy
Ova Acronym
45 µg 85 µg
The diaphragm may be inserted up to 6 hours before you have sex. It must be left in
place for at least 6 hours after the last time you had sex.
The advantages of male condom are Least chance of failure, Best protection against STDs and Cheapest to use.
Diaphragm is a barrier method which helps prevent pregnancy by blocking sperm from entering the uterus.
Nausea, Irregular bleeding, Headaches are the side effects of birth control pills.
The vaginal ring should be left in the vagina for three weeks. If the ring is accidentally expelled, it can be rinsed with water
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception
Progestin-only contraceptives are the preferred choice for breastfeeding mothers when something hormonal is desired or n
IUD has an expected failure rate if 2 pregnancies in 1000 women during the first year of use.
Spontaneous expulsion rate for the IUD during the first year after placement is 5%
condom prevents live sperm from reaching an ovum.
Based on the partner’s statement, the couple is verbalizing feelings of inadequacy and negative feelings about themselves
Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective contraceptive method or barrier against bacterial an
An IUD may increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, especially in women with more than one sexual partner, beca
Regular timely ingestion of oral contraceptives is necessary to maintain hormonal levels of the drugs to suppress the action
Men and women are equally likely to have a fertility problem. In about one in five infertile couples, both partners have con
Rarely, in the uterus, fibroid growths, endometriosis, tumors, cervical problems, or irregular uterine shape can keep the eg
Women trying to conceive should add a supplement of at least 600 mcg folic acid, either alone or as part of their prenatal v
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, is an infection of the female reproductive organs. PID is one of the most serious compli
For many couples infertility is a crisis, but infertility doesn't mean you can never have a child. Fertility problems often come
If the woman is 35 or older, an infertility diagnosis is considered after only six months of regular unprotected intercourse. A
Secondary infertility is the inability to become pregnant or to carry a baby to term after previously giving birth to a baby.
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence definition of infertility is "failure to conceive after frequent unprotecte
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 provides the legal framework for the regulation of infertility treatment a
A fundamental issue for situations that involve infertility treatment and surrogacy arrangements is the potential difficulty o
Consent for the removal of gametes is governed by common law, whereas consent for storage and subsequent use or dispo
Natalie Evans wished to use her frozen embryos to have a genetically related child. However, her former partner withdrew
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is a technique to screen embryos to ascertain their genetic makeup prior to implantatio
Surrogacy was defined in the Warnock Report as the practice whereby one woman carries a child for another with the inte
The traditional common law position is that there is no property in the body or its tissues even though ownership, control,
The court has no power to waive the requirement for pre-mortem consent for the posthumous use of sperm. However, pos
Paragraph 1ZA(1)(d) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 permits PGD to ascertain whether a serious med
Excessive weight causes ovulatory problems in women and can result in infertility in some. Studies show that obese women
It is otherwise known as 'male menopause' when an ageing male has plummeting levels of testosterone which leads to sign
A couple should seek help to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected sex. But if the couple are in their mid-thirtie
Although infertility is a difficult problem, and its treatment highly subjective, scientific technology has come out with magic
Although these conditions are known to impair infertility, they can be effectively treated in some individuals.
Normospermia is when a male has sperms with normal morphology, with a count of 20 million /ml . Oligospermia is when
These are women who lend their wombs to bear the child of another woman who is the biological mother.
Embryology is defined as the branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and their development
It releasesare
of hormonereproductive
per day. cells. They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg c
It acts by forming a thick plug of mucus at the cervical os which prevents penetration by the sperm.
heapest to use.
g the uterus.

it can be rinsed with water and should be put back in immediately.

hing hormonal is desired or necessary.

feelings about themselves and their capabilities. Thus, the nursing diagnosis of self-esteem disturbance is most appropriate. Fear, pain
r barrier against bacterial and viral sexually transmitted infections. Although spermicides kill sperm, they do not provide reliable protec
an one sexual partner, because of the increased risk of sexually transmitted infections. An UID should not be used if the woman has an
drugs to suppress the action of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary leading to inappropriate secretion of FSH and LH. Therefore, fo
ples, both partners have contributing problems. In about 15% of couples, no cause is found after all tests have been done. This is referre
erine shape can keep the egg from implanting in the uterus. In women, fertility declines with age, and even more so after the age of 35
or as part of their prenatal vitamins to decrease the risk of fetal malformations. Folic acid may also decrease the risk of a miscarriage. T
e of the most serious complications of certain sexually transmitted diseases in women. PID can cause irreversible damage to the uterus,
ertility problems often come with feelings of guilt or inadequacy. Up to 15% of all couples are infertile, but only 1% to 2% are sterile. Ha
r unprotected intercourse. A woman's chances of having a baby rapidly decrease every year after age 30. As a woman ages, she has few
usly giving birth to a baby.
ve after frequent unprotected sexual intercourse for one to two years in couples in the reproductive age group". By this definition inferti
tion of infertility treatment and research and is intended to promote safe and ethical use of assisted reproductive technologies. The Act
s is the potential difficulty of establishing legal parentage. In England and Wales the woman who gives birth to an infant is recognised a
and subsequent use or disposal is controlled by Schedule 3 of the 1990 Act. Consent must be in writing and signed (Schedule 3, para 1(
er former partner withdrew his consent which meant that she could no longer use the stored embryos which were subsequently destro
makeup prior to implantation following in vitro fertilisation. It is used to screen embryos for inherited medical conditions that could ser
ild for another with the intention that the child should be handed over after birth. The law on surrogacy is governed by the Surrogacy A
though ownership, control, storage and disposal of in vitro gametes and embryos are regulated by a combination of statute and comm
use of sperm. However, posthumous insemination is not unlawful per se if conducted in a jurisdiction where such consent is not a man
tain whether a serious medical condition 'could be treated by umbilical cord blood stem cells, bone marrow or other tissue of any resu
dies show that obese women are 43% less likely to become pregnant compared to normal women. Obesity can also give rise to high blo
osterone which leads to signs such as fatigue and low sexual libido.
ouple are in their mid-thirties or if one of them has a medical problem then they can seek help earlier
gy has come out with magical methods such as IUI and IVF/ICSI that effectively treat infertility.
me individuals.
/ml . Oligospermia is when the count is < 20 million /ml
ical mother.
ryos and their development.
metes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Gametes are haploid cells, and each cell carries only one copy of
most appropriate. Fear, pain, and ineffective family coping also may be present but as secondary nursing diagnoses.
o not provide reliable protection against the spread of sexually transmitted infections, especially intracellular organisms such as HIV. In
be used if the woman has an active or chronic pelvic infection, postpartum infection, endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma, or uterine
of FSH and LH. Therefore, follicles do not mature, ovulation is inhibited, and pregnancy is prevented. The estrogen content of the oral s
ave been done. This is referred to as unexplained infertility.
n more so after the age of 35. Conception after age 45 is rare. Being overweight or underweight can also play a role in having trouble co
se the risk of a miscarriage. The folic acid supplement should be started at least one to two months prior to conception to maximize its
rsible damage to the uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, or other parts of the female reproductive system, and is the primary preventable
only 1% to 2% are sterile. Half of couples who seek help can eventually conceive and birth a child either on their own or with medical a
s a woman ages, she has fewer healthy eggs remaining.

oup". By this definition infertility affects approximately one in seven heterosexual couples at some point during their reproductive lives.
uctive technologies. The Act has been subject to piecemeal amendment by legislation such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology
h to an infant is recognised as the legal mother (section 27(1) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990). In surrogacy arran
d signed (Schedule 3, para 1(1)) and withdrawal of consent is by notice in writing.
ch were subsequently destroyed. Consent for the continued storage of embryos can be withdrawn by either party at any time up until t
cal conditions that could seriously affect the infant. It can also be used to identify whether an embryo has a sex related medical conditi
governed by the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 and the Human Fertilisation Act 1990 (amended by the 2008 Act). Surrogacy arrang
ination of statute and common law. The issue of ownership of gametes arose in Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust [2009] when sever
ere such consent is not a mandatory requirement. In L v. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2008] L made an emergency o
w or other tissue of any resulting child, establishing whether the tissue of any resulting child would be compatible with that of a sibling
can also give rise to high blood pressure or gallstones but both these other factors have nothing to do with fertility

cell carries only one copy of each chromosome.

lar organisms such as HIV. Insertion and removal of the diaphragm along with the use of the spermicides may cause vaginal irritations,
sia or carcinoma, or uterine abnormalities. Age is not a factor in determining the risks associated with IUD use. Most IUD users are ove
estrogen content of the oral site contraceptive may cause the nausea, regardless of when the pill is taken. Side effects and drug interacti

ay a role in having trouble conceiving. Anovulation refers to a woman who is not ovulating and therefore cannot conceive.
o conception to maximize its efficacy.
d is the primary preventable cause of infertility in women.
n their own or with medical assistance.

uring their reproductive lives.

Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act 2003 and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (Disclosure of Donor
Act 1990). In surrogacy arrangements this applies even if the commissioning woman has donated one or more of her own eggs.

er party at any time up until the time of implantation.

a sex related medical condition. It cannot be used (lawfully) for sex selection for family balancing.
e 2008 Act). Surrogacy arrangements are not illegal in England although contracts are unenforceable by or against any of the persons m
NHS Trust [2009] when several cancer victims stored semen samples prior to receiving chemotherapy. The samples were negligently all
08] L made an emergency out-of-hours application to the High Court to remove sperm from her dead husband's body. The judge decla
patible with that of a sibling'. In essence this allows embryo compatibility testing for the benefit of an existing child. PGD and tissue typ
may cause vaginal irritations, which could place the client at risk for infection transmission. Male sterilization eliminates spermatozoa fro
use. Most IUD users are over the age of 30. Although there is a slightly higher risk for infertility in women who have never been pregna
ide effects and drug interactions may occur withoral contraceptives regardless of the time the pill is taken.

annot conceive.

thority (Disclosure of Donor Information) Regulations 2004. A major review of the 1990 Act commenced in 2004 and resulted in the Hu
ore of her own eggs.

against any of the persons making it (section 1A). It is not a criminal offence for the surrogate and the commissioning couple to enter in
samples were negligently allowed to thaw and were no longer suitable for use. The parties sued but whilst it was apparent that there w
band's body. The judge declared that this would be lawful after being misinformed that the Human Tissue Act 2004 (which does not ap
ting child. PGD and tissue typing can be used only to screen for genetic characteristics or tissue types - they cannot be used to screen in
n eliminates spermatozoa from the ejaculate, but it does not eliminate bacterial and/or viral microorganisms that can cause sexually tra
who have never been pregnant, the IUD is an acceptable option as long as the risk-benefit ratio is discussed. IUDs may be inserted imm

n 2004 and resulted in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 which serves mainly to amend the 1990 Act

missioning couple to enter into an arrangement.

it was apparent that there was negligence there was no direct personal injury to the parties and there was no guidance from the law a
Act 2004 (which does not apply to gametes) permitted posthumous removal of sperm with the consent of a qualifying relative.
y cannot be used to screen in multifactorial attributes such as intelligence and sporting ability.
ms that can cause sexually transmitted infections.
d. IUDs may be inserted immediately after delivery, but this is not recommended because of the increased risk and rate of expulsion at

s no guidance from the law as to who owned the sperm. The Court of Appeal held that the sperm was the property of the person who
a qualifying relative.
risk and rate of expulsion at this time.

property of the person who produced it. Accordingly the court determined that for the purpose of negligence, the sperm was capable
nce, the sperm was capable of being property.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2 Wrong 3 Rationale
Abnormal What perce3-4% 0-1% 9-10% 14-15% The percentage of breech deliv
Abnormal In which o Missed Threatened Imminent Incomplete
Epidemic infection from nosocomial In asources
missed localizing
abortion, in
the is
Abnormal Which of thBreast injury caused by ove Temporary urina Endemic infectioWith mastitis, injury to the bre
Abnormal A client
With 1 Imminent
a fetus abortion breech
in the left-anterior Threatened aborCthe
presentation, omplete
nurse abortiMissed
would expectabortionCramping
the fetal heart rateand vaginal
would bleeding
be most aud
Abnormal Above the maternal umbilic In the lower-le In the lower-rig Above the matern With this presentation, the fet
Abnormal Which of thPain Risk for infectio Anticipatory Gri Knowledge DeficiFor the client with an ectopic p
Abnormal The prematAbortion. Delivery Chemical pregnaStillbirth. An abortion is the premature e
Abnormal Demi who It’s
ha a screening for cervicaIt’s a screening It is a diagnosti It is a test that A Pap smear, also called a Pap
Abnormal The result Possible inflammation or i Presence of malNormal finding Presence of beni class 2 means that the Pap tes
Abnormal Classificat Serous and mucinous cystaMucinous cysta Teratoma is the Thecomas can ca90% of ovarian malignancies
In Moschcowitz repair, severala
Abnormal Moschcowit Enterocoele Vault prolapse Chronic inversionAdenomyosis
The patient’s urineCare should
sample is be taken not to in
Abnormal During a roThe patient has diabetes. The patient has The patient has a Sugar (glucose) is usually prese
Abnormal A 11-month- Malformation Aplasia Hypoplasia Agenesis The child exhibits microcephal
The percentage of breech deliveries decreases with 3-4% of births at term.
In a missed abortion, there is early fetal intrauterine death, and products of conception are not expelled. The cervix remains closed; there
With mastitis, injury to the breast, such as overdistention, stasis, and cracking of the nipples, is the primary predisposing factor. Epidemic
Cramping and vaginal bleeding coupled with cervical dilation signifies that termination of the pregnancy is inevitable and cannot be preve
With this presentation, the fetal upper torso and back face the left upper maternal abdominal wall. The fetal heart rate would be most au
For the client with an ectopic pregnancy, lower abdominal pain, usually unilateral, is the primary symptom. Thus, pain is the priority. Alth
An abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear involves collecting cells from your cer
class 2 means that the Pap test found Possible inflammation or infections, but no evidence of cancer
90% of ovarian malignancies
In Moschcowitz repair, severalare epithelial
purse string carcinomas, therefore
sutures starting A is false.
from below Serous
are used tocystadenoma
obliterate theor adenocarcinoma
cul-de-sac accounts
of the pouch for 50% of
of Douglas.
Care should be taken not to include the ureter in the stitch.
Sugar (glucose) is usually present in the urine at very low levels or not at all. Abnormally high amounts of sugar in the urine, known as gly
The child exhibits microcephaly, facial abnormalities, both of which are tissue malformations. The patient’s heart murmur is likely also cau
The cervix remains closed; there may be a dark brown vaginal discharge, negative pregnancy test, and cessation of uterine growth and bre
ry predisposing factor. Epidemic and endemic infections are probable sources of infection for mastitis. Temporary urinary retention due to
s inevitable and cannot be prevented. Thus, the nurse would document an imminent abortion. In a threatened abortion, cramping and vag
etal heart rate would be most audible above the maternal umbilicus and to the left of the middle. The other positions would be incorrect.
m. Thus, pain is the priority. Although the potential for infection is always present, the risk is low in ectopic pregnancy because pathogenic m
a) from the uterus.
ves collecting cells from your cervix — the lower, narrow end of your uterus that's at the top of your vagina.

ocarcinoma accounts
ac of the pouch for 50% of malignancies. Mucinous cystadenoma or adenocarcinoma is less frequently malignant (10% of ovarian mal
of Douglas.

sugar in the urine, known as glycosuria, are usually the result of high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar usually occurs in diabetes, espec
’s heart murmur is likely also caused by tissue malformation, but echocardiography would be required for confirmation. Malformation refe
sation of uterine growth and breast tenderness. A threatened abortion is evidenced with cramping and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
porary urinary retention due to decreased perception of the urge to void is a contributory factor to the development of urinary tract infecti
ened abortion, cramping and vaginal bleeding are present, but there is no cervical dilation. The symptoms may subside or progress to aborti
er positions would be incorrect.
pregnancy because pathogenic microorganisms have not been introduced from external sources. The client may have a limited knowledge

y malignant (10% of ovarian malignancies). Teratomas usually occur in premenopausal women. Fibromas are rare and benign; they can cau

usually occurs in diabetes, especially when untreated.

confirmation. Malformation refers to the intrinsic disruption of tissue structure, and it typically occurs during the embryonic period of deve
ginal bleeding in early pregnancy, with no cervical dilation. An incomplete abortion presents with bleeding, cramping, and cervical dilation.
velopment of urinary tract infection, not mastitis.
may subside or progress to abortion. In a complete abortion all the products of conception are expelled. A missed abortion is early fetal int

nt may have a limited knowledge of the pathology and treatment of the condition and will most likely experience grieving, but this is not th

are rare and benign; they can cause Meigs' syndrome in which ascites and a usually right pleural effusion are found in conjunction with the

ng the embryonic period of development (3rd -8th week). Alcohol, a teratogen, exerts its effect during this stage of fetal development. Def
cramping, and cervical dilation. An incomplete abortion involves only expulsion of part of the products of conception and bleeding occurs

missed abortion is early fetal intrauterine death without expulsion of the products of conception.

rience grieving, but this is not the priority at this time.

e found in conjunction with the small ovarian mass. The ovary is a common site of metastatic spread, particularly from the breast and GI tr

stage of fetal development. Defective cell migration is thought to mediate a substantial fraction of alcohol’s teratogenicity.
conception and bleeding occurs with cervical dilation.

cularly from the breast and GI tract. Up to 10% of malignant ovarian masses are secondary tumours. The primary malignancy may be diffic

s teratogenicity.
primary malignancy may be difficult to detect and the prognosis is very poor.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2
New born If a baby suffers from dia Give his bottom some "airChange his diaper lUse diapers continou
New born It's best not to expose you6 weeks 2 weeks 3 months
New born If a newborn has been ci Apply a new bandage everLeave the bandage Avoid on getting soap ne
New born baby's crib should includeA firm mattress A soft mattress Feathered pillows
New born How often should you ba 2 or 3 times a week Once a week Daily
New born Until baby's umbilical cordShe should only be given She should bathe inShe should be bathed
New born The best way to take an i Rectal Axillary (armpit) Oral
New born You know your newborn is6 to 8 times a day 2 to 4 times a day 10 or more times a d
New born How many
A nurse in ahours after
delivery the3istoassisting
room 4 hours with the delivery
4 toof
6 hours 6 to 8After
a newborn infant. hoursthe delivery. the nurse prepares to
New born Drying the infant in a war Closing the doors t Turning on the overh
New born A nurse is assessing a ne Document the findings Contact the physician Circle the amount of
New born A
A nurse
nurse in
in the newborn
a newborn nur
nursery and retraction
is performing Hypotension
an assessment and BrAcrocyanosis
of a newborn infant. The and
is preparing to measure t
New born A postpartum nurse is providing
Place the tape measure unWrap the tape
instructions to the mother of a newbornmeasP lace
Stop the
infant tape
the breast measur
with hyperbilirubinemia
feedings and switchwho
to is
New born Continue to breast-feed e Feed the newborn in
New born A nurse on the newborn nur Instillation of the prepar Subcutaneous injecIntravenous injection
New born A nurse is assessing a ne Incessant
“Newborncrying Lethargy
infants are deficient Cuddles
in vitamin K. and
“Thethis whenKbeing
New born A nurse prepares to admin
A nurse in a newborn nursery receives a phone call to “You
Turn infant
prepare needs
on theforapnea v
the admission
and cardiorespiratory
of a 43-week-gestation
monitors newborn wi
New born Connect the resuscitation
Vastus lateralis Set up the intravenous line with 5% dextrose
New born Vitamin K is prescribed fo Deltoid Triceps
New born Which one of the followinCongenital anomaly registe Deformations are typ Congenital anomaly re
New born Which of the following st The commonest drugs to cAll infants born to Withdrawal from met
New born Which of the following di HIV infection. Myaesthenia gravisMalar rash (systemic
New born Which one of the following Polyhydramnios. Oligohydramnios. Bicornuate uterus.
New born Which of the following st If cord blood is collected, Most babies are cyaFetal blood oxygen l
New born Which of the following staAn Apgar score of <5 at 1 APGAR stands for AiUmbilical cord gases
New born A baby is born at 27 weeksPlace the baby in a steril Ask the obstetricia Don't worry about uni
New born Which one of the following If a baby has suffered fromPrimary apnoea willTerminal apnoea will
New born Which of the following is The examination can be peNewborn examinatiThe newborn examinati
New born Which of the following staPlagiocephaly is more comThe skull is made oThe anterior fontanell
New born Which of the following is Haemangiomas tend to resPustular rashes are Cutis aplasia of the v
New born Which one of the following Caesarean section for bre Female gender. Older male sibling w
New born With regard to fractures i Rib fractures are rarely ca Fractures to the lonSkull fractures found
New born A full-term baby is born Arrange an urgent MRI scan Let the baby attempInform the obstetrici
New born You are performing a routiThis is a cephalhaematoma This is most like a This is a Chignon and
New born What percentage of DNA c<3%. 15% 50%.
New born Which one of the following Microarray. PCR. Family history.
New born What is the name given toLyon hypothesis. Buffalo hypothesis.Elephant hypothesis.
New born Which one of the followinDecreased intelligence quo Promotes mother–iDecreased risk of ast
New born Which of the following st Breastfeeding increases t Lactation helps theBreastfeeding is mor
New born Which one of the followinHuman milk contains moreHuman milk containHuman milk contains
New born Which one of the followinProphylactic insulin infusi Prophylactic antifunAdministration via a p
New born The acceptable upper limit10%. 1% 5%.
New born A 35-week preterm femalePerformi a sepsis work-up Place her in 30% oxCommence caffeine fo
New born A 31-week female infant we Take blood cultures and c Insert an umbilical Commence 10% dextr
New born You are asked to review a Arrange for both Hep B imNo management requ Cease the breastfeed
New born All but which one of the f Hepatitis B. Zikka virus. CMV infection.
New born Which one of the followinDecreased intelligence quo Decreased risk of aReduced likelihood an
New born Which one of the followinProlonged preterm rupturMaternal chorioamnio If corticosteroids are
New born Regarding preterm delivery There is no evidence to suA Below 26 weeks' gFor babies born at 24
New born A baby is about to be deli The baby should be born iAll babies at this g A saturation probe sh
New born The most important indepe Gestation at birth. Birth weight. Sex.
New born You come on for night duty Withdraw the catheter so Advise
th the nursing sAdvance the catheter s
New born Which of the following is Small mothers tend to havSGA is usually definAsymmetrical IUGR usu
New born Which of these statementsBabies with congenital cy Very low birthweighExtremely low birthwe
New born Which of the following facAll of the above. Genotype. Prematurity.
New born What is the name given toBarker hypothesis. Meow hypothesis. X Factor.
New born Congenital absence of whic SP-B SP-A. SP-C.
New born A 32-week male infant is bDecreased chance that heDecreased chance oDecreased total length
New born A 28-week gestation female Peak inspiratory pressure w Inspiratory time wilTidal volume will incr
New born A 26-week gestation maleIncrease
i PIP to 20 cmH2OConvert to SIMV. Increase inspiratory
New born A 26-week gestation infantIncrease amplitude (delta Convert to SIPPV. Increase the rate to
New born A 29-week gestation infantExtubate to nasal continuoDecrease PEEP by Reduce IT to 0.3 seco
New born A 31-week preterm femaleCommence caffeine. Place her in 30% oxPerform a sepsis wor
New born A day-2, 28-week infant, Decreased rate of apnoeaIncreased incidenceDecreased rate of nec
New born Which of the following staContractility of the heart Blood pressure = stLeft-to-right shunting
New born A baby is found to have a Ventriculo-septal defect ( Atrial septal defect Pulmonary atresia wit
New born A baby is born at 37 weekTransfer the baby immediat Check a blood gluc Monitor pre- and post
New born A 28-week gestation preter Measure the systolic and dMeasure pre- and po Prescribe aspirin 75 m
New born You are asked to review a Upper GI contrast study. Endoscopy. Lower GI contrast stu
New born A 31-week female infant isProbiotics. Oral antibiotics. Prebiotics.
New born You are asked to review a Ultrasonography of the abdomen. pH probe.
New born A term baby is referred fr Sweat test. Neonatal screeningImmunoreactive tryp
New born Adequate renal function an Excretion of waste producProviding space fo Protection against inf
New born A 38-week male infant born Restrict total fluid intake. Insert a urinary cat Continue current ma
New born A 16-day-old, ex 32-week C mollect a urine catheter s Start oral antibioticUnwrap the baby.
New born pH 7.40 [7.35–7.5]; PCO2 Continue
45 mmHgthe [27–40];
BSL monitorin
l–1 [130–149];
Insert a central
98 mmol l–1 [105–115]; pot
New born Which one of the following Haemolysis. Prematurity. Breastfeeding.
New born Which one of the followinIncreased bilirubin producBreastfeeding. Decreased hepatic bil
New born A 4-week-old infant has beReassure the mother and Cease breastfeedinCommence photother
New born Phototherapy decreases un Isomerization of the bilir Direct conjugation oSplitting the bilirub
New born Which one of the followin Cystic fibrosis. Neonatal septicaem Complete oral (instea
New born A female infant is born at Alloimmune thrombocytop Autoimmune thromCongenital cytomegal
New born Which one of the following Iron supplementation. Erythropoietin. Vitamin E supplement
New born Which one of the following β-Thalassaemia. α-Thalassaemia. ABO incompatibility.
New born A mother has an O-negativO-negative. O-positive. A-negative.
New born A female infant is born wiAbnormal insulin secretioDefect in fatty acid Cold stress.
New born A baby is found to be irri Intravenous 10% dextroseAttempt to breastfeNGT expressed breast
New born An ex-26-week infant, birtIgnore the electrolyte res Cease the parentera Start an insulin infusi
New born Which one of the following Hyperthyroidism. Phenylketonuria. Cystic fibrosis.
New born You are asked to perform aVitamin D. Iron. Calcium.
New born Which one of the following Trisomy 21. Hypothyroidism. Galactosaemia.
New born You are asked to counsel Folic acid. Sodium valproate. Thiamine.
New born Which one of the following Extreme prematurity. Coagulation disordeIntermittent positive-
New born Which one of the followinMRI. Doppler assessmentBedside amplitude in
New born You are asked to urgently Myoclonic jerks. Hypoglycaemia. Subdural haemorrhag
New born Premature closure of whicSagittal suture. Coronal suture. Metopic suture.
New born A female infant is born at 25 weeks' gestation with a birth weight of 809 g. She is born in good condition and require
New born An ex-25-week male infantStage 1 Stage 2. Stage 3.
New born Which one of the followinAutosomal recessive inherPrematurity. Autosomal dominant
New born All but which one of the Female sex. Grade IV intraventrInadequate antenatal
New born Which one of the followin23-week male infant. 26-week female infa27-week male and fe
New born Which one of the followinBabies should be placed The normal newborn Preterm babies have l
New born Premature babies may lose Translocation. Convection. Conduction.
New born Which one of the following Babies should receive inp Babies should be kep Preterm babies must
New born A 20-year-old primigravid Administer IM steroids andReassure her that shAwait delivery and th
New born Which of the following coNeonatal abstinence syndExpected birth weigTerm baby requiring
New born You are about to transfer Increase the inspired oxy Increase the peak inIncrease the peak end
New born Which one of the following Risk of transport accident.High cost of neonatIncreased risk of int
New born In general, all but which Establish arterial access. Establish venous acChest X-ray in an int
New born Which one of the following High cost of follow-up servAssessment causes Parents
d do not want f
New born Multidisciplinary follow-u All of the above. Audit. Research.
New born Which one of the following Postnatal depression. Failure to attend anElective caesarean se
New born All but which one of the f Restrictive visiting policy Allowing parents toKangaroo cuddling.
New born Which one of the followinBaby is small for gestationMaternal anxiety. Failure to thrive in th
New born You receive an urgent cal Insert an emergency umbilCease resuscitationSeek parental advice
New born Which one of the following Hedonism. Beneficence. Non-malificence.
New born Which one of the following Over-ride the parents' wi Review and approveAct as an advisory an
New born Which one of the followinDiscussion about planningProviding a single Social work involvem
New born All but which one of the foMorphine infusion to hasten death. Withhold non necessa
Wrong 3 Rationale
Keep his bottom damp atA good airing makes it hard for irritants like bacteria and yeast (which need a damp environment) to g
1 year It's probably wise not to expose a newborn to the general public or large groups of people until she's
Donot use any bandage The The American
AAP reports Academy
that youofshould
never(AAP) recommends
allow an infant to that
on keep the areafeatherbed,
a waterbed, as clean as beanbag,
possible bd
Hard toys Next
infant doesn't need much bathing if you wash the diaper area thoroughly during diaper changes. The
twice a day Next
Should umbilical cord ar During her first week or two, until the stump of the umbilical cord falls off, your newborn should have
Forehead The AAP recommends taking a baby's temperature rectally. This method is the most reliable in detecti
1 time During the first
In newborns, month,
the if his
need to feeddiet is adequate,
outweighs he should
the need urinate
to sleep. Thesix to recommends
AAP eight times a that
day and
you have
8 to 10 hours
Warming the crib pad Evaporation of moisture from a wet body dissipates heat along with the moisture. Keeping the newbo
Reinforce the dressing A yellow exudate may be noted in 24 hours. and this is a part of normal healing. The nurse would exp
The presence of a barrel The infant with respiratory distress syndrome may present with signs of cyanosis. tachypnea or apnea
Place the tape measure atTo measure the head circumference. the nurse should place the tape measure under the infant’s head
Switch to bottle feeding Breast feeding should be initiated within 2 hours after birth and every 2-4 hours thereafter. The other
Intramuscular injection The aim of therapy in RDS is to support the disease until the disease runs its course with the subseque
Sleepiness A newborn infant born to a woman using drugs is irritable. The infant is overloaded easily by sensory s
“Newborn infants have stVitamin K is necessary for the body to synthesize coagulation factors. Vitamin K is administered to the
Set the radiant warmer control
lateralis at 36.5* C (97.6*F)
Biceps is the appropriate site for vit k injection.
Deformities of the skull It is important to monitor congenital abnormalities to understand their aetiology. Preconception folic
Mothers who are on a met Opiates (heroin or methadone) are more common drugs of addiction than cocaine and crack cocaine
Thyrotoxicosis. HIV infection is due to transmission of the HIV virus, not the antibody. However, the presence of mate
Polyhydramnios. Polyhydramnios is unlikely to lead to a deformation. The baby should still be closely examined for con
The fetal brain can use alThe umbilical artery caries used blood away from the fetus, and so the pH can never be higher than in
The Apgar score has exceThis is one of several criteria for considering therapeutic hypothermia if a baby has hypoxic ischaemic
Dry the baby, wrap in sevThis has been shown to be effective thermal care for a newborn preterm baby. Keep the bag/wrap in
Irregular gasping is most At birth, you cannot tell if the baby is in the primary or secondary stage of their apnoea after the insu
A ‘systems-based’ approac A very early examination (within the first 6–12 hours) may miss some duct-dependent cardiac lesions.
The normal occipito-frontThe incidence of positional plagiocephaly has increased since the ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign, but it is sti
A congenital melanocyticLarge haemangiomas affecting the eyes or the airway should be treated and they can respond dramati
The presence of spina bifBreech presentation after 36 weeks is a risk factor for DD, with a 10-fold increased risk. The incidence
Fractures to the humerusThe o rib cage is flexible and not fully ossified. If a baby has been home and re-presents with rib fractur
Prescribe artificial tears This is likely to be a lower motor facial nerve injury. This can be distinguished from an upper motor ne
The baby has caput suc Cephalhaematoma occurs in about 1% of newborn infants, and is due to bleeding between the perios
85%. Only 1.5% of human DNA codes for genes.
Clinical examination. Microarray is the only test here that will identify if genes are working or not. Family history and clinica
Leopard hypothesis. The Lyon hypothesis refers to the random inactivation of one X chromosome in a female (either mate
Reduced likelihood and seThere is considerable debate as to whether babies who have been breastfed subsequently have a high
Lactational amenorrhoeaBreastfeeding confers some health advantages on the mother, as there appears to be some protection
Human milk contains more Cows' milk contains more calcium and phosphate than human milk, but their absorption is much lowe
Biochemical surveillance Ai lthough some infants may develop hyperglycaemia while receiving parenteral nutrition some will no
15%. A healthy term baby can lose up to 10% of its birth weight in the first week of life.
Start mask continuous pos This baby is at risk of sepsis because of maternal PPROM and PTL. In spite of the intrapartum antibioti
Get a chest radiograph. The most important management option is to treat her for possible early-onset infection. If she does h
Arrange for Hep B immuno All infants born to hepatitis B carriers should be given Hep B immunoglobulin and Hep B immunization
Rubella. These infants may become chronic carriers of HBsAg and are at risk of developing carcinoma of the liv
Decreased incidence of inThere is considerable debate as to whether babies who have been breastfed subsequently have a high
If there is fetal distres The ORACLE trial showed a benefit from administration of oral antibiotics. Each case should be assess
Ethically, when it comes There is little evidence to support its use. If it is required then the prognosis for intact survival is poor.
The baby should be driedPlastic wraps (and a hat to cover the head) have been shown to improve thermoregulation, but the ba
Administration of antenatIt is clear that survival and neurodevelopmental outcome are more strongly determined by the degree
Remove the catheter. There is no convincing argument in favour of a high or low UAC position. If the initial radiograph revea
IUGR babies have more res Babies reflect their mother's centile at birth and tend to graduated towards their midparental centile
Preterm IUGR babies shou SGA babies are ninefold more likely to have had a congenital infection.
Congenital infection. All of these factors can cause a baby to have a birth weight <10th percentile.
Meow hypothesis. This relationship is thought to be mediated through insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2). It is named aft
SP-D. Congenital absence of surfactant protein B is lethal in the neonatal period.
Decreased chance of deve This baby has early respiratory distress syndrome. Early application of CPAP reduces subsequent use o
PEEP will increase. If a pneumothorax occurs when on volume guarantee, the initial change that you might see is a sudde
Increase PEEP to 7 cmH2This baby has a respiratory acidosis and ventilation needs to be increased to remove more CO2.
Increase MAP to 15 cm HThis baby has a respiratory acidosis, so needs its ventilation increased. In HFOV there are essentially o
Increase PIP to 13 cmH2OThis baby is overventilated, as indicated by the low Paco2, and is stable enough to be extubated. Caffe
Start continuous positiveThis is the normal age in hours for apnoea of prematurity to present. CPAP may also be necessary if th
Increased weight gain. Caffeine decreases the rate of apnoea. The major long-term benefit is improved neurodevelopmenta
The fetal heart does not Unlike stroke volume, contractility is independent of preload and afterload, and is an innate property
Patent ductus arteriosus The high-velocity turbulence creates a rasping noise.
Start a prostaglandin E1 iThe baby must first be commenced on a prostaglandin E1 infusion prior to transfer. The baby should id
Perform an electrocardioA wide pulse pressure (low diastolic BP) is almost diagnostic of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in the
Plain abdominal radiograThe most important cause of bile-stained vomiting that needs to be excluded is a malrotation with vol
Feeding with breast milk The relative risk of developing NEC is 0.35 in infants treated with probiotics compared to placebo.
Upper GI contrast study. This baby appears to be developing pyloric stenosis and this can be confirmed on abdominal USS by fi
Rectal biopsy. This baby has a meconium ileus; 80–90% of these babies will have CF. A sweat test performed after 4
Maintenance of temperatUrine production is the major contributor to amniotic fluid, but in the fetus the placenta is the organ r
Add sodium chloride to mThis baby has hyponatraemia secondary to excessive IV dextrose administration. Fluids need to be res
Repeat the bag urine. While the most likely cause of this baby's temperature is environmental (i.e. he is overwrapped), the b
Fluid restrict the baby. These results are consistent with excessive haemolysis of the sample caused by excessive squeezing d
Physiological jaundice. Haemolytic jaundice is the most important cause of jaundice presenting on the first day of life and ne
Immature hepatic enzymThe major cause of physiological jaundice is increased bilirubin production due to increased haemoglo
Perform liver function tesThis baby has breast milk jaundice.
Induction of the enzyme This
gl is the exact mechanism.
Formula feeding. Infants with undiagnosed cystic fibrosis can have malabsorption of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D an
Group B streptococcal (GB The mother has a normal platelet count so it is not autoimmune disease. Both parents will require pla
Decreased frequency of bIn preterm infants, iron stores are low and will be exhausted quickly because of the infant's rapid grow
Rhesus isoimmunization.Classic β-thalassaemia major does not affect neonates because most of the haemoglobin is in the feta
B-positive. The mother and baby have the same blood group and no antibodies should be produced.
Delayed serum cortisol r This baby most likely has Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. There is often hyperinsulinaemia due to b
NGT formula feed. The baby should be commenced on a dextrose infusion. Some neonatologists would consider giving a
Start oral sodium replac The low sodium and high potassium levels are most likely due to haemolysis and no action is required
Galactosaemia. Babies with hyperthyroidism are most likely to present in the first few days after birth before a neonat
Vitamin E. Sun exposure is important for the production of vitamin D, and individuals who keep their skin covere
Cystic fibrosis. Trisomy 21 is often screened for antenatally (there are a number of tests including the triple test, non
Ultrasound screening. Preconceptual administration of folic acid decreases the incidence of neural tube defects in at-risk wo
Pneumothorax. Prematurity is the most important risk factor, with IVH being very rare in term infants.
Neurological examinationThe change that best predicts a bad outcome is abnormality in signal intensity in the posterior limb of
Hypocalcaemia. This baby has the classic finding of benign myoclonic jerks.
Frontozygomatic suture. The most common form of craniosynostosis is premature closure of the sagittal suture, giving a scaph
s born in good condition and requires no active resuscitation, but develops moderate respiratory distress requiring intubation and surfactan
Stage 4. A thin white line of demarcation in the periphery of the retina separates the avascular retina anteriorl
Congenital rubella. Inherited causes now account for 50% of all cases of severe sensorineural hearing impairment; 80% a
Neonatal meningitis. Males are at higher risk of adverse outcome than females.
28-week infant with intraGestation is the biggest independent factor in predicting adverse neurodevelopmental outcome.
Babies should be placed The thermoneutral range is narrow in preterm babies, and if they have to use energy keeping warm o
Radiation. Translocation refers to the process of genetic material being transferred from one chromosome to a n
Very preterm babies shouThe exact composition of the team may vary from centre to centre, and some skilled neonatal nurses
Transfer the baby in uteroThe most important step in management is to give IM steroids to accelerate lung maturation and IV an
Baby requiring an exchanThese babies can generally be observed in a Special Care Nursery but are at risk of developing serious
Increase the respiratory rAs the altitude increases there is a decrease in the atmospheric pressure (from 760 mmHg at sea leve
Increased mortality and m Transport carries a significant element of risk to both the baby and the retrieval staff.
Insertion of a nasogastricThis is often best left to experienced operators at the receiving unit.
Most babies will be normIt is the high cost and time commitment required for these clinics that normally limits them being offe
Reassurance to parents. All of them are important components of multidisciplinary follow-up clinics.
Parental decision to formPostnatal depression is the most common cause of abnormal mother–infant bonding.
Syringe-feeding baby. Both parents should be encouraged to visit or telephone to see how their baby is getting on, wheneve
Personality disorder in thBirth weight is determined by events prior to birth.
Call your consultant. Ideally, all adrenaline should be given IV, but it is not unreasonable to give the first dose via the ETT w
Autonomy. In Hedonism the principal ethic is maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.
Develop and ratify instituIt is not the role of the Committee to do this. In the rare situations where there is a major disagreeme
Discussing autopsy. This is not appropriate in the immediate period after a baby's death, and should be delayed until a fol
Subcutaneous fentanyl toWhilst it is reasonable to give opiates in the knowledge that they may cause respiratory depression an
ed a damp environment) to grow.
groups of people until she's reached 6 weeks, especially in the winter months, when more viruses are going around.
he areafeatherbed,
rbed, as clean as beanbag,
possible by washing
deep your baby's
pillow-top penis
mattress, with soap
or other and water every
inappropriately day.
soft surface.
during diaper changes. The AAP notes that two or three times a week during her first year is plenty. If she is bathed more frequently, it ma

ff, your newborn should have only sponge baths, notes the AAP. Once the umbilical area is healed, you can try placing your baby in 2 inches
s the most reliable in detecting low-grade fevers in children under age 5
ht times a that
ommends day and
you have
least twofor
baby bowel movements
a feeding daily, to
every three reports the Nemours
four hours Foundation.
or so, and possibly more often for smaller or premature babies.

moisture. Keeping the newborn dry by drying the wet newborn infant will prevent hypothermia via evaporation.
ealing. The nurse would expect that the area would be red with a small amount of bloody drainage. If the bleeding is excessive. the nurse w
yanosis. tachypnea or apnea. nasal flaring. chest wall retractions. or audible grunts.
asure under the infant’s head. wrap the tape around the occiput. and measure just above the eyebrows so that the largest area of the occip
4 hours thereafter. The other options are not necessary.
its course with the subsequent development of surfactant. The infant may benefit from surfactant replacement therapy. In surfactant repl
verloaded easily by sensory stimulation. The infant may cry incessantly and posture rather than cuddle when being held.
min K is administered to the newborn infant to prevent abnormal bleeding. Newborn infants are vitamin K deficient because the bowel do

etiology. Preconception folic acid supplementation to prevent spina bifida shows the benefit of recognizing high-risk groups.
n cocaine and crack cocaine (in the UK and Australia) and more typically cause a withdrawal syndrome.]
wever, the presence of maternal anti-HIV IgG can lead to diagnostic difficulty. It is therefore necessary to confirm HIV infection in the newb
be closely examined for conditions such as oesophageal atresia and neuromuscular abnormalities.
H can never be higher than in the vein.
baby has hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, as the outcome may otherwise be poor.
baby. Keep the bag/wrap in place until the baby is inside a warm, humidified incubator.
f their apnoea after the insult. IF the baby is in primary apnoea they will start to gasp; however, if they are in the secondary stage spontane
t-dependent cardiac lesions. Parents should be told that a normal newborn examination is not a guarantee of normality
o Sleep’ campaign, but it is still recommended to put babies to sleep supine to reduce the risk of cot death.
nd they can respond dramatically to beta-blockers.
ncreased risk. The incidence of DDH in singleton breech delivery is 14% but not if it occurs before 36 weeks as the fetus may normally chan
d re-presents with rib fractures, non-accidental injury should be considered, even if CPR has taken place. In preterm babies on the NICU wit
hed from an upper motor nerve injury (which would require imaging) by the involvement of the upper part of the face, including the eyelid
bleeding between the periosteum and the cranial bones (usually parietal, less commonly occipital) as a result of shearing or tearing of com

ot. Family history and clinical examination will be very useful in most cases but may fail to identify the specific genetic cause in a number o
me in a female (either maternal X or paternal X) at a stage during cell division.
tfed subsequently have a higher IQ than those given formula milk in the early months of life, but there is no doubt that breastfeeding does
ppears to be some protection against ovarian and premenopausal breast cancer as well as osteoporosis.
heir absorption is much lower.
nteral nutrition some will not, and prophylactic insulin infusions could lead to significant hypoglycaemia in some infants.

e of the intrapartum antibiotics the baby is now symptomatic. The other measures may be useful in the acute management of apnoea, but
-onset infection. If she does have early-onset infection, a delay in commencing IV antibiotics may have very serious consequences. All the o
ulin and Hep B immunization within 12 hours of birth.
veloping carcinoma of the liver. Symptoms of liver disease in the neonatal period are rare in affected babies.
tfed subsequently have a higher IQ than those given formula milk in the early months of life, but there is no doubt that breastfeeding does
. Each case should be assessed on its merits, as if the mother has frank sepsis it may be safer to deliver the baby immediately.
sis for intact survival is poor.
thermoregulation, but the baby must also be placed under a radiant warmer.
gly determined by the degree of prematurity than by birthweight or any other factor (although they all contribute).
If the initial radiograph reveals the tip of the catheter is below the level of the diaphragm (T10), the usual practice is to withdraw it to make
ds their midparental centile during the first year of life.

ctor 2 (IGF-2). It is named after David Barker, who first made these observations.

AP reduces subsequent use of IPPV and thus may be useful in preventing the adverse effects of this treatment. However, the Cochrane Rev
that you might see is a sudden increase in the peak pressure as the ventilator tries to compensate for the decreased tidal volume. The othe
to remove more CO2.
HFOV there are essentially only two ways to do this: increase amplitude (in practice this is what we do first); or decrease frequency (we on
nough to be extubated. Caffeine loading significantly increases the chances of successful extubation. Options B, C and D will all increase the
P may also be necessary if the caffeine does not decrease her rate of apnoea.
proved neurodevelopmental outcome with lower rates of cerebral palsy in babies treated with caffeine compared to those treated with pla
d, and is an innate property of myofibrils. It can be influenced by inotropes (e.g. dobutamine).

o transfer. The baby should ideally have been born in a tertiary centre, in view of the antenatal diagnosis.
uctus arteriosus (PDA) in the presence of these symptoms.
ded is a malrotation with volvulus. Clinical examination and plain abdominal radiograph are often unremarkable in these cases, and an upp
tics compared to placebo.
med on abdominal USS by finding the pylorus ≥3 mm thick.
weat test performed after 4 weeks of age is the ‘gold standard’ for the diagnosis of CF.
us the placenta is the organ responsible for the removal of waste products.
tration. Fluids need to be restricted until the urine output improves.
i.e. he is overwrapped), the bag urine result is abnormal. This may be due to contamination, and a clean specimen is required to exclude a
sed by excessive squeezing during collection.
on the first day of life and needs to be excluded.
n due to increased haemoglobin levels at birth and a shortened red cell lifespan.

t-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K), and this would be the most likely cause of late-onset haemorrhagic disease in this list.
Both parents will require platelet typing.
use of the infant's rapid growth rate. However, routine administration of iron is controversial and not given in all units
he haemoglobin is in the fetal (HbF) form.
uld be produced.
n hyperinsulinaemia due to beta-cell hyperplasia.
gists would consider giving a 2 ml kg–1 bolus of 10% dextrose before starting the infusion.
ysis and no action is required; the baby has a high serum bilirubin and requires phototherapy.
ys after birth before a neonatal screening test (NNST) is performed. NNST results are often ‘batched’, and results may not be available until
s who keep their skin covered or do not get much exposure will frequently have vitamin D deficiency. Mother and baby will often require s
including the triple test, non-invasive fetal testing, amniocentesis); most babies have obvious features present at birth.
ral tube defects in at-risk women by as much as 75%.
term infants.
nsity in the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) and basal ganglia with 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity, and positive predictive

agittal suture, giving a scaphocephalic (boat-shaped) head.

ring intubation and surfactant. She is extubated to CPAP the next day. She has some mild feed intolerance and apnoea of prematurity, but
the avascular retina anteriorly from the vascularized retina posteriorly.
l hearing impairment; 80% are due to single-gene autosomal recessive disorders and 15% to autosomal dominant disorders.

evelopmental outcome.
use energy keeping warm or cool they will not grow effectively.
rom one chromosome to a non-homologous chromosome.
ome skilled neonatal nurses can offer much of this package as holistic care, but generally a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and spe
ate lung maturation and IV antibiotics because of the risk of ascending infection. Transfer should then be arranged.
at risk of developing serious complications (e.g. seizures).
(from 760 mmHg at sea level to 640 mmHg at 1500 m). This decreases the amount of oxygen that is available. Although increasing the PIP
trieval staff.

rmally limits them being offered to those infants considered to be at highest risk of adverse outcome.

ant bonding.
baby is getting on, whenever possible. Most neonatal units will have an ‘open-door’ policy which allows parent involvement 24 hours per

e the first dose via the ETT while arrangements are being made to insert an emergency UVC. The second dose should be given via the UVC

there is a major disagreement about the continuation of care it will be the court that will make this decision on the basis of an independen
should be delayed until a follow-up appointment is arranged (normally 6–8 weeks afterwards).
use respiratory depression and thereby shorten life, the purpose of using the medication should only ever be to relieve distress or pain. In p
is bathed more frequently, it may dry out her skin.

try placing your baby in 2 inches of water.

or smaller or premature babies.

bleeding is excessive. the nurse would apply gentle pressure with sterile gauze. If bleeding is not controlled. then the blood vessel may nee

that the largest area of the occiput is included.

ment therapy. In surfactant replacement. an exogenous surfactant preparation is instilled into the lungs through an endotracheal tube.
en being held.
deficient because the bowel does not have the bacteria necessary for synthesizing fat-soluble vitamin K. The infant’s bowel does not have

high-risk groups.

onfirm HIV infection in the newborn by the presence of viral DNA or RNA using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.

in the secondary stage spontaneous breathing will not return without intervention.
e of normality

s as the fetus may normally change position in-utero during this time
preterm babies on the NICU with severe osteopenia, rib fractures may occur after chest physiotherapy or CPR, but the bones are usually o
t of the face, including the eyelids.
ult of shearing or tearing of communicating veins during delivery. The extent of the swelling is limited by the underlying skull bone and doe

cific genetic cause in a number of cases.

o doubt that breastfeeding does not decrease the IQ.

some infants.

ute management of apnoea, but the priority should be to treat for possible infection.
serious consequences. All the other options may also be reasonable but should be done in conjunction or after the commencement of IV
o doubt that breastfeeding does not decrease the IQ.
e baby immediately.

practice is to withdraw it to make it sit at approximately L4.

ent. However, the Cochrane Review on this topic by Ho et al. gives the cautionary note that “…many of the trials were done in the 1970s an
ecreased tidal volume. The other settings will be unchanged (unless someone physically changes them).

); or decrease frequency (we only do this if the simple measures have failed). This baby has good chest wobble, but if he did not then we w
ns B, C and D will all increase the tidal volume, further decreasing the Paco2.

mpared to those treated with placebo.

kable in these cases, and an upper GI contrast study is required to confirm the diagnosis.

ecimen is required to exclude a urinary tract infection.

se in this list.

esults may not be available until the baby is at least a few weeks old. Babies who are at risk of hyperthyroidism (secondary to maternal anti
her and baby will often require supplementation.
ent at birth.

pecificity, and positive predictive value of 100%.

and apnoea of prematurity, but otherwise has an uncomplicated neonatal admission. Her cranial ultrasounds are all reported as normal. Sh

minant disorders.

, occupational therapist, and speech and language therapist will aid the nursery nurse and neonatologist.

ble. Although increasing the PIP and PEEP will also improve oxygenation, the most appropriate step is to simply increase the percentage of

arent involvement 24 hours per day.

ose should be given via the UVC and no further time should be wasted giving another dose down the ETT.

on on the basis of an independent assessment of the evidence.

be to relieve distress or pain. In practice, if the child is in pain morphine is a safe drug that will not cause respiratory depression once tolera
. then the blood vessel may need to be ligated. and the nurse would contact the physician. Because the findings identified in the question

rough an endotracheal tube.

he infant’s bowel does not have support the production of vitamin K until bacteria adequately colonizes it by food ingestion.

n (PCR) method.

CPR, but the bones are usually obviously osteopenic.

he underlying skull bone and does not cross suture lines

after the commencement of IV antibiotics.

trials were done in the 1970s and 1980s and re-evaluation of the strategy of early CDP in the era of antenatal steroid use and early surfact

bble, but if he did not then we would need to consider the possibility of the tube being blocked (or dislodged). Try to not suction after surf

ism (secondary to maternal antibodies) should have thyroid function studies done after birth and be closely observed for signs and sympto
ds are all reported as normal. She never required treatment for retinopathy of prematurity. Which one of the following neurological proble

mply increase the percentage of inspired oxygen.

spiratory depression once tolerated.

ndings identified in the question are normal. the nurse would document the assessment.

by food ingestion.
atal steroid use and early surfactant administration is indicated focusing on administration methods”.

ged). Try to not suction after surfactant (at least 6 hours if possible). If the baby has poor chest wobble, if you increase the amplitude and th

ly observed for signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

the following neurological problems is most likely to be present on long-term follow-up?
ou increase the amplitude and the baby starts to wobble again it is unlikely that the tube is dislodged (it may still be partially blocked – hav
ay still be partially blocked – have a listen for added sounds). Always think of pneumothorax as a possible cause as well.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1 Wrong 2 Wrong 3 Rationale
Drugs in obHalf life of 45 hours 120 hours 90 hours 70 hours About 90% of radiolabeled letrozole is recovered in urine. Letro
Drugs in obMethyl dopB A C D Oral methyldopa has been assigned to pregnancy category B
Drugs in obIf mother 6 weeks 12 weeks 18 weeks 24 weeks A three-drug prophylactic regimen for the mother taken during
Drugs in obThe most cGastrointesHeadache Hot flashe Hyperglyc Most frequent side effects of metformin include gastrointestina
Drugs in obA client is Report anyTake
They rapidly
TylenoUse a soft Maintain aThe client should notify the health care provider if blood is not
transfer across
The neonatal
the placenta,
effects and
of an antagonist
make them
Drugs in obBarbiturate These drugs Adverse reaBarbiturates are rapidly transferred across the placental barrier
120 mg of Pethidine is ordered. Stock in hand is 40mg/ml. Calculate the volume to be given.
Drugs in ob 3 ml 30 ml 40 ml 1ml 40*3=120 mg therefore 3ml
Drugs in obAntidote t Calciumglyoxytocin Pitocin Tocolytic dCalcium gluconate is the antidote for Magnesium Sulfate toxici
Drugs in obA patient pMeasles Hepatitis ATetanus Typhoid Contracting a measles, mumps, or rubella (German measles) in
Drugs in obWhich of tMisoprostoLabetalol Atenolol MisoprestoMisoprostol is inserted vaginally and causes effacement of the
ozole is recovered in urine. Letrozole's terminal elimination half-life is about 45 hours.
gned to pregnancy category B
men for the mother taken during pregnancy and throughout the breastfeeding period, as well as infant prophylaxis for six weeks after birth
metformin include gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
alth care provider if blood is noted in stools or urine, or any other signs of bleeding occur.
erred across the placental barrier, and lack of an antagonist makes them generally inappropriate during active labor. Neonatal side effects o

ote for Magnesium Sulfate toxicity. If ordered, administer Calcium Gluconate 10%, IV Push, 10 ml over 3 minutes.
, or rubella (German measles) infection in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
ly and causes effacement of the cervix in addition to uterine contraction.
phylaxis for six weeks after birth, whether or not the infant is breastfeeding.

ve labor. Neonatal side effects of barbiturates include central nervous system depression, prolonged drowsiness, delayed establishment of
siness, delayed establishment of feeding (e.g. due to poor sucking reflex or poor sucking pressure). Tranquilizers are associated with neonat
lizers are associated with neonatal effects such as hypotonia, hypothermia, generalized drowsiness, and reluctance to feed for the first few
luctance to feed for the first few days. Narcotic analgesic readily cross the placental barrier, causing depressive effects in the newborn 2 to
sive effects in the newborn 2 to 3 hours after intramuscular injection. Regional anesthesia is associated with adverse reactions such as mat
h adverse reactions such as maternal hypotension, allergic or toxic reaction, or partial or total respiratory failure.
Category Question Correct Wrong 1 At Wrong
birth 2 Wrong 3 Rationale
Female repWhen
When does
doesAat fertiliza 2 months
babies heart start to beat? 6 months Unborn babies are considered human beings to the U.S Go
Antenatal 6 weeks 10 weeks 6 months at Birth The baby's heart starts to beat at around 6 weeks.
Antenatal When doesEarlyofasabortion
Complications 406 months 7 months 64 days The early signs of a brain have begun to form. Even though
can include...
Abnormal All of abovRisk of inf Risk of breRisk of he There are several
4% happen betweenother
16-20 weeks of abortion like uteri
Abnormal 8-12 weekLater than 12-16week16-20 wee1% of all abortions - after the 20th week of pregnancy
Abnormal Which oneUnited StaCanada
Physically Africa
and Emotionally United Ki Over 1 million abortions occur annually in the United State
Abnormal How does a Physically EmotionallNot at all Abortion affects the mother also. 45.2% of women experie
Abnormal What perce 51.60% 34.90% 87.90% 34.80% Abortion is sadly a very common choice for women. 51.6%
Abnormal In the US, 1 out of ev1 out of every 19 or 1 out of ev1 out of every 3 or 4 pregnancies ends in abortion.
Abnormal A living, p Partial-bi It doesn't
When 1st trimest2nd
the zygote becomestrimesIn the U.S., a federal statute defines "partial-birth abortion
the fetus.
Female repWhen doesAt fertiliz At bith, o 6 months Unborn babies after fertilization are considered human bei
Abnormal In New YorThe entire She can't 2nd trimesAfter the bIn New York woman legally can have abortion the entire nin
Abnormal In New York No age 14 At least 16 18 There is no age limit.
Drugs in obThe aborti RU-486 There is noAP-570
Blocks the hormone progesterone. BP-570 Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typica
Drugs in obWhat doesContractions Produces tCauses theBlocks the Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone. Without p
Stretch marks
Intranatal Choose
Your ____all has to dialate ____ before
you siConstipati Contraction
can deliver your baby. is common occurrence when labor begins. Alw
Intranatal After you deliver
10 Umbilical
baby, youPlacenta,
then deliver Vagina,
what?8 An understanding of these terms is an important aspect of
Intranatal If your baby Your placenta
Your uteruYour
starts choking, you should: ovari Your funduThis information is important to know, so that you will be a
New born Turn baby Run screamBreath int Suction ouIt is important to learn infant CPR and what to do with a ch
New born Newborn bab Black tar Mustard Chocolate Green peaIt can be a little scary when you see how black the first bow
Postnatal Breast
all All
thatthat a All
apply: thatisa NOT
What Disease fighting
helpful Over
diBreastfeeding is recommended for the first 12 months of lif
Intranatal Tensing yoPlaying muVisualizati Massage The more the you relax during labor, the less pain you will e
Intranatal Choose all An IV of Pi methodis
Which contraceptive A Cesarean An Epidurawait
suitable Labor
to avoid teenage usually takes
pregnancy are: several hours. Get the right information
Family pla All of the The condoThe pill The IUD all of the above are the right answers
Family pla Which of tAll of the Frustration Curiosity aAll answers are correct
human beings to the U.S Government.
at around 6 weeks.
begun to form. Even though the fetus is now developing areas that will become specific sections of the brain, not until the end of week
weeks of abortion like uterine perforation, endotoxic shock, cervical laceration, uterine rupture and death.
20th week of pregnancy
annually in the United States and 3,000 abortions per day.
so. 45.2% of women experience sadness, and 25.8% of women become depressed, they have a higher chance of breast cancer, can get
on choice for women. 51.6% of women will choose to have an abortion.
es ends in abortion.
efines "partial-birth abortion" as any abortion in which the life of the fetus is terminated after having been extracted from the mother's
n are considered human beings to the U.S Government.
n have abortion the entire nine months.

U-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol to bring about an abortion during pregnancy. This combination is
ne progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, ending the pregnancy.
ence when labor begins. Always call your health care provider for assistance if you think you are in labor.
ms is an important aspect of receiving childbirth education classes before you deliver your baby.
o know, so that you will be aware of what is happening when you give birth.
PR and what to do with a choking baby - before you become a parent.
u see how black the first bowel movement is - be prepared!
d for the first 12 months of life. Get help and support to give your the baby the best start in life.
labor, the less pain you will experience.
urs. Get the right information about the process so that you are aware of all that will happen during each stage of labor.
ain, not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around forty to forty-three days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to

nce of breast cancer, can get many infections, and can bleed out.Many women who opt for a abortion are known to experience guilt la

extracted from the mother's body to a point "past the navel [of the fetus]" or "in the case of head-first presentation, the entire fetal he

egnancy. This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 49 days of pregnancy.

age of labor.
ctrical brain activity begin to occur.

known to experience guilt later. Some women might also have to deal with post-abortion stress for several years. Even the father might

sentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother" .
years. Even the father might be emotionally affected after an abortion.

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