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The Focus o f This Book 1

the person who has a preoccupation with healthy eating that

unwittingly ends up inducing stress in everyday life. Food (and
health for that matter) may take such a hold in a person's life that
it becomes an idol. The book will address ways of dealing with that
In our culture, the notion of eating for the right reason— that
reason being to commune with God— has been lost. Caring for
body and soul has become out of balance. The hope is that this
book will aid in restoring that balance.
This book is a nutrition-based approach for all ages, ethnicities,
genders, and professions. It is for people who wish to care for their
health by eating in ways that will deepen their communion with
Both those who are new to the Orthodox Tradition and those
familiar with the faith will encounter more teachings and practices
of the tradition. And those who are immersed in the Orthodox
Tradition might find in the book helpful reminders that will
reinforce the notion that caring for our health can be an avenue
through which we can nurture and deepen our practice in the faith.

Your Commitment
This book is designed to provide you with modern-day practical
nutrition guidance, supported by the Orthodox Tradition. I
encourage you to make the commitment to read this brief book and
implement its exercises within a limited time frame (see below). In
fact, it is designed in a way that will guide you to do just that.

Each section provides you with hands-on exercises that will

make the discussed concepts a part of your everyday life. The hope
is that in a few short weeks you can make health changes to benefit
you for a lifetime.
You may wish to read this book in community. Consider starting
a small group at your church or hosting one in your home or work
setting. Invite other Christians (or people who are open to
Christian values) who are trying to better their health through a
faith-based approach.
Or you may consider reading this little book with your spouse,
family, or a close friend. The instant support and accountability you
create in reading alongside others is highly beneficial.
You may also read it on your own, but it's important to try your
best to keep yourself on track with the suggested timetable so you
can reap the fruits of your labor.

How to Use this Book

Together, we are about to embark on a sacred journey to better
health. Let's pack our bags and get ready to go! » Each chapter is
designed with Sections and Training Tools. » Each section
contains a specific topic of discussion. » Training Tools are found
at the end of each section and contain hands-on activities for you
to complete.

» Read each section in order and complete the Training Tool

» Don't move to the next chapter until you've completed the
hands-on activities associated with the chapter you're on. » The
material in each chapter coincides with and builds
The Focus o f This Book 3

upon the previous chapter. » Set a time frame that works for
you to complete this book.
(For example, complete a chapter within a week or two

And now let our journey begin!

Let's Start Today

In these times of fast-food restaurants and vending machines, it

doesn't take a doctor, a scientist, or a food expert to explain to us
how we have lost sight of cultural and traditional ways of eating.
Our contemporary lifestyle demands
tually anything. Like a giant tidal wave, this lifestyle has engulfed
and scattered us.
We've lost the focus and awareness that make our faith the
definitive guide and anchor when it comes to living and caring for
our health. My hope is that the teachings of the Orthodox
Tradition, accompanied by the modern-day health guidelines
presented in this book, will aid us in recovering those aspects of
our faith that steer us to a balanced relationship in wellness.

I thank God and Ancient Faith Publishing for giving me the

opportunity to share with you this modern-day yet age-old
information. Throughout this book, I mention some personal
observations relating to sound health and nutrition practices,
observations that tap into and reflect the wisdom of many saints,
early Church Fathers, and present-day spiritual fathers and

mothers who are part of the Orthodox Tradition. Now let the
fasting to better health begin!

At this point it is important to state the following disclaimer:

The information presented in this book does not outline a cure for
specific medical conditions, but it does provide some guidance for
health and nutrition practices. I hope and pray that this
information will be beneficial for your life in the areas of proper
eating and healthy faith-based living.

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