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Từ vựng học Toefl (A)

accurate : a : + : Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard. : đúng đắn; chính xác.

abdomen : n : : In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly. : bụng
abdominal : n : : Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen. : Bụng, ở bụng
abduction : n : - : A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally. : bắt cóc; dạng ra (chân, tay)
abed : adv : : In bed; on a bed. : ở trên giờng
abhorrence : n : - : The act of detesting extremely. : sự ghe tởm, ghét cay ghét đắng
abhorrent : a : - : Very repugnant; hateful. : Ghê tởm; đáng ghét
abidance : n : + : An abiding. : tôn trọng; tuân theo
able-bodied : a : : Competent for physical service. :
abnormal : a : - : Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard. : Khác thờng
abrasion : n : : That which is rubbed off. : MàI mòn; làm trầy da
abrupt : a : : Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break. : Bất ngờ, vội vã; cốc lốc
abscess : n : - : A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body. : áp xe; chỗ rỗ (kim
absence : n : - : The fact of not being present or available. : sự vắng mặt, điểm danh, thiếu
absorb : v : : To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water. : Hút nớc; hấp thụ
absurd : : - : Inconsistent with reason or common sense. : vô lý; ngu xuẩn, ngớ ngẩn
academician : n : : A member of an academy of literature, art, or science. : Viện sĩ
academy : n : : Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught. : học viện, viện hàn lâm
accept : v : + : To take when offered. :
access : n : : A way of approach or entrance; passage. : Lối vào; triều dâng; tăng
accession : n : + : Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government. : đạt đến, tiến đến
accompaniment : n : : :
accompanist : n : : One who or that which accompanies. : Ngời đI theo; vật theo
accompany : v : + : To go with, or be associated with, as a companion. : đi kèm; di theo
accordion : n : : A portable free-reed musical instrument. : đàn accoc
account : n : : A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions. : sổ sách kế
toán; tài khoản
accouter : v : : To dress. : mặc, băng bó; xếp hàng; trang trí
accredit : v : + : To give credit or authority to. : Gây tín nhiệm
accuracy : n : + : Exactness. :
accusation : n : : A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error. : kết tội
accusatory : a : : Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation. : Buộc tội; tố cáo.
accuse : v : - : To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error. : Kết tội,tố cáo
ache : v : - : To be in pain or distress. : đau nhức
achromatic : a : : Colorless, : Không màu, không sắc
acidify : v : : To change into acid. : a xít hoá
Acknowledgment : n : : : lời cảm ơn
acoustic : a : : Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing. : Thuộc âm thanh, thính giác.
acquaint : v : : To make familiar or conversant. : Làm quen
acquiescence : n : + : Passive consent. : Bằng lòng; phục tùng
acquire : v : : To get as one's own. : giành đợc, đạt đợc
acquisition : n : : Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor. : Giành đợc, thu đợc
acquit : v : : To free or clear, as from accusation. : Tr hết nợ, trắng án
actionable : a : : Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words. : Cung cấp đầy dủ
lý do cho một vụ kiện
acupuncture : : : : châm cứu
administrator : a : : One who manages affairs of any kind. : ngời quản lý, ngời cầm quyền
admissible : a : : Having the right or privilege of entry. : Có thể thừa nhận, kết nạp
admittance : n : : Entrance, or the right or permission to enter. : Sự thu nạp; nhận vào.
ado : n : : unnecessary activity or ceremony. : Sự khó nhọc, công sức; hối hả
adumbrate : v : : To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. : Phác hoạ
advertiser : v : + : One who advertises, especially in newspapers. : ngời qung cáo

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advisory : a : : Not mandatory. : T vấn

advocate : v : + : speak in favor of; support (an idea or plan); urge; plead for : bào chũa, biện hộ
aeronaut : n : : One who navigates the air, a balloonist. : ngời lái khí cầu
aeronautics : n : : the art or practice of flying aircraft : hàng không học
aerostat : n : : A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. : Khí cầu
aerostatics : n : : The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical propertie
: Khí cầu học
affect : v : + : To act upon :
affectation : n : : A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt. : Gi vờ
affiliate : n : : Some auxiliary person or thing. : Chi nhánh, hội viên
affirmative : a : + : Answering yes; to a question at issue. : khẳng định; qủa quyết
affix : v : : To fasten. : Đóng(dấu); ký(tên,…)
afire : a, adv : : On fire, literally or figuratively. : rực cháy; bừng bừng.
afoot : adv : : In progress. : đang tiến thành; chở dậy, hoạt động
aforesaid : a : : Said in a preceding part or before. : đã nói trớc đây
afterthought : n : : A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time. : Suy nghĩ sau khi h/đ
aggravate : v : : To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome. : làm nặng thêm; làm xấu thêm; làm trầm
trọng thêm
aggress : v : - : To make the first attack. : Gây sự; gây hấn.
aggrieve : v : - : To give grief or sorrow to. : Làm cho buồn phiền
aide-de-camp : n : : An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. : siz quan phụ tá, hầu
ailment : n : : Slight sickness. : ẩm đau, bệnh tật
airy : a : : Delicate, ethereal. : Trên cao; thoáng khí
akin : a : : Of similar nature or qualities. : HI giống, nan ná; thuộc bà con, có họ
alabaster : n : : A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum. : Thạch cao tuyết hoa
albeit : conj : : Even though. :
album : n : : A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like. :
tập ảnh, đĩa ghi bài hát
alcohol : n : : A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste. : độ cồn
alcoholism : n : : A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages. : Chứng
nghiện rợu
alder : n : : Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family. : cây tổng qun sủi
aldermanship : n : : The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman. : Uỷ viên hội đồng thành
alien : n : : One who owes allegiance to a foreign government. : xa lạ; nớc ngoài
alienable : a : : Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands. : Có thể nhợng lạIiđợc
aliment : n : : That which nourishes. : Cấp dỡng, đồ ăn
alley : n : : A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like. : Ngõ; đờng hẹp
allotment : n : : Portion. : Chia phần; phân công
allusion : n : : An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it. : bóng gió
alluvion : n : - : Flood. : lụt; bồi đát, phù sa
ally : n : : A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness. : Liên minh,
đồng minh
almanac : n : : A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information.
: Niên lịch, niên giám
altar : n : : Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned. : Bàn thờ, bệ
alter : v : + : To make change in. : Biến đổi,thay đổi
alteration : n : : Change or modification. : sự thay đổi, sửa đổi
altercate : v : - : To contend angrily or zealously in words. : CãI lộn, đấu khẩu
alternate : n : - : One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other. : xen
kẽ, luân phiên; ngời thay thế
alternative : n : : Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else. :
altitude : n : : Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea. : độ cao; đờng cao

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amateur : a : - : Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession. :
amatory : a : : Designed to excite love. : Yêu đng,biểu lộ t/y
ambitious : a : - : Eagerly desirous and aspiring. : Nhiều tham vọng
ambulate : v : : To walk about : đI lạI, lu động
Americanism : n : : A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States. :
amour : n : : A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature. :
ampere : n : : The practical unit of electric-current strength. : Ampe (điện)
ampersand : n : : The character &; and. : &
amusement : n : : Diversion. : tiêu khiển; vui chi
anagram : n : : The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase. : phép đo
chữ cái
analyst : n : : One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method. : nhà phân tích
analyze : v : : To examine minutely or critically. :
anatomy : n : : That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms. : gii phẫu
anemic : a : - : Affected with anemia. : Thiếu máu; xanh xao
anemometer : n : : An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind. : Thiết bị đo gió.
Anglophobia : n : : Hatred or dread of England or of what is English. : Chủ trng bàI Anh
Anglo-Saxon : n : : The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India. : dòng
anhydrous : a : : Withered. : (hoá học) khan; làm khô
animalcule : n : : An animal of microscopic smallness. : vi sinh vật
animate : v : + : To make alive. : Tiếp sinh khí, tạo sức sống
annalist : n : : Historian. : Ngời chép sử
annalized : a : : : lãi xuất kỳ hạn 1 năm
annual : a : : lasting a year; N. annual; adv. annually : trong 1 năm
annunciation : n : : Proclamation. : công bố
anonymous : a : : Of unknown authorship. : vô danh, nặc danh
Antarctic : a : : Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it. : Nam cực
ante : v : : In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt. : đánh bàI xì tố
antechamber : n : : A waiting room for those who seek audience. : phòng ngoài
antedate : v : : To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one. : Lùi ngày tháng
antenatal : a : : Occurring or existing before birth. : tiền sn; khám thai
anteroom : n : : A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. : Phòng ngoàI, phòng đợi
anthropology : n : : The science of man in general. : Nhân loạI học
antic : n : : A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action. : trò hề, gây cời
Antichrist : n : : Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power. : Kẻ thù của Chúa
anticyclone : n : : An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward. : vùng
xoáy nghịch
antilogy : n : - : Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas. : y.n mâu thuẫn
antipathize : v : - : To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike. :
antiphon : n : : A response or alteration of responses, generally musical. : cài thánh ca; tụng ca
antiphony : n : : An anthem or other composition sung responsively. : hát đối, tiếng vang; thánh ca
antipodes : n : : A place or region on the opposite side of the earth. : Vùng đất đối chân
antique : a : : Pertaining to ancient times. : cổ xa; đồ cổ
antislavery : a : : Opposed to human slavery. : Chống chế độ nô lệ
Antispasmodic : a : : :
antistrophe : n : : The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in 'the home of joy and the joy of home'. :
hồi khúc
antitoxin : n : : A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms. : Kháng độc
antonym : n : : A word directly opposed to another in meaning. : TráI nghĩa
anxious : a : : Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter. : lo lắng, băn khoăn
apathy(n) : n : - : lack of interest; a apathetic : lãnh đạm, thờ
apology : n : : A disclaimer of intentional error or offense. : biện bạch, xin lỗi
apostle : n : : Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority. : tông đồ; ngời lãnh đạo ci cách
appellate : a : : Capable of being appealed to. : kháng án

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appertain : v : + : To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation : có

quan hệ với, thích hợp với
appreciable : a : + : Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect. : có thể thấy đợc, đánh giá đợc
Apprehensible : a : : :
aquarium : n : : : bể nuôi cá
aqueduct : n : : A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance. : Cống nớc
aqueous : a : : Of, pertaining to, or containing water. : có nớc
arbor : n : : A tree. : Cây
arboreal : a : : Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. : thuộc cây
arborescent : a : : Having the nature of a tree. : có hình cây; có dạng cây gỗ
arboriculture : n : : The cultivation of trees or shrubs. : Nghề trồng cây
archaism : n : : Obsolescence. : cổ, sự bắt chớc cổ
archangel : n : : An angel of high rank. : Tổng thiên thần, bồ câu thiên sứ; cây bạch chỉ tía
archdeacon : n : : A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese. : phó giám mục
arched : : : : có hình vòng cung
arctic : : : : bắc cực; giá rét; ủng
armory : n : : An arsenal. : Kho vũ khí, xởng đúc vũ khí
arrant : a : : Notoriously bad. : Thực sự hoàn toàn
arrear : n : : Something overdue and unpaid. : việc đang làm dở; nợ cha trả
arrogant : a : : Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc. : kiêu căng; ngạo mạn
arrogate : v : - : To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds. : yêu
sách bậy; đòi bậy
artery : : : : động mạch; huyết mạch
Artesian(well) : n : : A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure :
ascendant : a : : Dominant. : có u thế; uy lực
ascension : n : : The act of rising. : Thăng thiên
asexual : a : : Having no distinct sexual organs. : vô tính
assassinate : v : : To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person. : ám
assassination : n : : Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery. : Mu sát, ám sát
assess : v : : To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid). : đánh thuế
assessor : n : : An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes. : Ngời định giá tàI sn
assignee : n : : One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests. :
Ngời đựoc uỷ nhiệm
assonance : n : : Resemblance or correspondence in sound. : Trùng âm, tng ứng
assonate : v : : To accord in sound, especially vowel sound. :
athirst : a : : Wanting water. : khao khát, khát
athwart : adv : : From side to side. : Xuyên qua; chống lại
atonement : n : : Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury. : sự chuộc lỗi; đền tội
atria : n : : (pl) atrium : của; tâm nhĩ; khoang tai ngoài; sân chung (nhiều nhà)
attorney-general : n : : The chief law-officer of a government. : chởng lý
auburn : a : : Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair. : Màu nâu vàng (tóc)
audible : a : : Loud enough to be heard. : Nghe rõ
audition : n : : The act or sensation of hearing. : thử giọng
auditorium : n : : : thính phòng
auditory : a : : Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing. : nghe, thính giác
augur : v : + : To predict. : Tiên doán
Augustinian : a : : Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him. :
aural : a : : Of or pertaining to the ear. : Chuyện yêu đơng
auricle : n : : One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins. : DáI tai,chỗ lồi
auricular : a : : Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing. : Thuộc tai,nói thầm
aurora : n : : A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere. : ánh hồng lúc bình minh, ánh
ban mai, cực quang
auspice : n : : favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance. : che chở, bảo hộ

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autarchy : n : : Unrestricted power. : quyền năng tuyệt đối

authentic : a : : Of undisputed origin. : xác thực, đáng tin
authenticity : n : : The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship claimed. : Tính đúng
đắn, tính xác thực
autonomy : n : : Self-government. : Tự trị
autumnal : a : : Of or pertaining to autumn. :
avid(adj) : a : + : eager, greedy; N. avidity : háo hức, thèm khát
awaken : v : + : To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like. : Thức giấc; nhận ra
awe : n : - : solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear; V : fill with awe; a awesome :
sợ hãi; kinh sợ
Từ vựng học Toefl (B-C)
backpack : n : : : ba lô đeo trên vai
Baconian : a : : Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy. :
bacterium : n : : A microbe. : vi khuẩn
badger : v : - : pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and again; Ex. The children
badgered me into taking them into the cinema; N : a kind of mountain animal : làm phiền. quấy rầy; ngời bán
hàng rong; con lửng
bailiff : n : : An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment. : Chấp hành viên ở toà án
balcony : n : : : ban công
bale : n : : A large package prepared for transportation or storage. : đóng thành kiện
ballad : n : : Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form. : Khúc balat; bàI
balloon : n : : : khí cầu; qu bóng; tăng giá
balsam : n : : A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing. : Nhựa thm
barbecue(n) : n : : party : bữa tiệc ngoài trời
barcarole : n : : A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers. : Bài hát đò đa; khúc đò.
bare : a : : : trống rỗng; trần truồng, trọc; xác x
baritone : a : : Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor. : giọng nam trung; đàn, kèn baritôn
barometer : n : : An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface. : phong vũ; dụng
cụ đo khí áp
barring(prep.) : prep : - : Apart from. : trừ ra
bass : a : : Low in tone or compass. : giọng trầm
baste : v : : To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking. : phết mỡ; rót nến
baton : n : : An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege. : Gởy chỉ
huy; dùi cui cnh sát
battalion : n : : A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a regiment. : Tiểu
đoàn; dàn trận
batten : n : : A narrow strip of wood. : tấm ván lót; lót ván
batter : n : : A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery. : Bột
nhão làm bánh; đập liên hồi
bawl : v : - : To proclaim by outcry. : Nói oang oang.
bearable : a : : : có thể chịu đụng, khoan dung
beau : n : : An escort or lover. : nịnh đầm;ăn mặc diêm dúa.
becalm : v : + : To make quiet. : Làm yên lặng, êm dịu
beck : v : : To give a signal to, by nod or gesture. : Vộy tay, theo sự sai khiến
bedaub : v : - : To smear over, as with something oily or sticky. : Lem luốc;loè loạt
bedeck : v : + : To cover with ornament. : trang trí, trang điểm
bedlam : n : : Madhouse. : nhà thng điên; cnh hỗn loạn
befriend : v : + : To be a friend to, especially when in need. : Giúp đỡ.
belate : v : - : To delay past the proper hour. belay v. To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat. : Tạm
believe : v : + : To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others. :
belle : n : + : A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty, accomplishments, etc. : hoa khôi
belly : n : : : bụng; dạ dày
benefice : n : : A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service. : TàI

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sn của các cha cố

benignity : n : : Kindness of feeling, disposition, or manner. : lòng tốt, lòng nhân từ
bereave : v : : To make desolate with loneliness and grief. : làm mất, lấy mất
berth : n : : A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc. : giờng ngủ trên tàu
bestride : v : : To get or sit upon astride, as a horse. : ngồi dạng chân; cỡi ngựa
bethink : v : : To remind oneself. : Nhớ ra, nghĩ ra
betide : v : : To happen to or befall. : xảy đến, xảy ra
betimes : adv : : In good season or time. : kịp thời, đúng lúc
bevel : n : : Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees. : Góc nghiêng, cạnh nghiêng
beverages.(n) : n : : Things to drink : đồ uống
bibliography : n : : A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject. : Sách
tham kho, th mục
bibliomania : n : : The passion for collecting books. : bệnh mê sách
bibliophile : n : : One who loves books. : Ngời ham sách
bide : v : : To await. : chờ đợi
bigamy : n : : The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living. : sự lấy hai vợ, hai
bight : n : : A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a coast-line. : chỗ uốn,
chỗ cong; khúc uốn; vịnh
bilateral : a : : Two-sided. : Tay đôI, song phng
bilingual : a : : Speaking two languages. : thông thạo 2 thứ tiếng
binoculars : n : : : ống nhòm
biography : n : : A bibliographical sketch or notice. : Tiểu sử, lý lịch
biology : n : : The science of life or living organisms. :
biped : n : : An animal having two feet. : Động vật hai chân.
birthright : n : : A privilege or possession into which one is born. : quyền thừa kế
bitterness : n : - : Acridity, as to the taste. : chua cay; đắng; rét buốt
blackspot : n : : : nhựa đờng
blase : a : : Sated with pleasure. :
blazon : v : + : To make widely or generally known. : Tuyên dng; huy hiệu
bleacher : n : : : thợ chuột vi; khán đài ko có mái che
blimp : n : : : khí cầu nhỏ
blithe : a : : Joyous. : than thn vô t
blithesome : a : : Cheerful. : vui vẻ; ba hoa
blockade : n : : The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces. : phong to, bao vây;
tắc nghẽn (giao thông; tuyết băng)
boatswain : n : : A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, anchors, etc. : viên
quản lý neo buồm
bodice : n : : A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist. : áo lót
bole : n : : The trunk or body of a tree. : Thân cây
bolero : n : : A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing. :
đIửu nhy Bolero
boll : n : : A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotton. : (Thực vật học) quả nang
bomb : n : - : A hollow projectile containing an explosive material. : quả bom
bombard : v : : To assail with any missile or with abusive speech. : dồn dập, tới tấp
bombardier : n : : An artillery man who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells. : pháo thủ, ngời cắt bom
booth : n : : : quán, rạp, lều; trạm điện thoại công cộng
bore : v : - : To weary by tediousness or dullness. :
borough : n : : An incorporated village or town. : thành phố; thị xã; khu
bosom : n : : The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman. : ngực;
trái tim, tâm hồn; mặt sông hồ
botanical : a : : Connected with the study or cultivation of plants. : Thực vật học
botanize : v : : To study plant-life. : nghiên cứu thực vật
botany : n : : The science that treats of plants. : Thực vật học
bowler : n : : In cricket, the player who delivers the ball. : ngời chi đánh ki

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brae : n : : Hillside. : Bờ dốc; sờn đồi

bray : n : : A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn. : Tiếng be be (cừu kêu)
breaker : n : : One who trains horses, dogs, etc. : Nguời dạy thú
breech : n : : The buttocks. : Khoá nòng.
brethren : n : : pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like. : anh em đồng nghiệp,
dodòng bào
brigand : n : : One who lives by robbery and plunder. : Kẻ cớp.
brimstone : n : : Sulfur. : lu huỳnh
brine : n : : Water saturated with salt. : nớc mặn
brisk : a : + : : nhanh nhu; lanh lợi; nổi bọt, sủi bọt
Briticism : n : : A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British. : từ ngữ đặc Anh
broadcast : a : : Disseminated far and wide. : đợc truyền đi rông rãi, đợc phát thanh
brogue : n : : Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people. : giọng Ailen; giày
leo núi
bronchitis : : : Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. : bệnh viêm phê qun
bronchus : n : : Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs. : Phế qun
brotherhood : n : : Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity. : tình anh em; hội ái hữu
bruise : a : - : : thâm tím, méo mó; sứt sẹo
buffoon : n : : A clown. : Anh hề; làm trò hề
bulbous : a : : Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb. : hình củ
bullock : n : : An ox. : Bò thiến
bulrush : n : : Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water. : cỏ nến, cây bấc,
cây cỏ khỉ
buoyancy : n : + : Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas. : sức nổi; kh năng phục hồi nhanh;tính
vui vẻ;
burgess : n : : In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia. :
dân thành thị, đại biểu thị xã
bursar : n : : A treasurer. : thủ quỹ
bust : v : - : : bắt giữ; làm vỡ; tợng bán thân; ngực (phụ nữ)
bustle : v : : To hurry. : hối h; vội vã; ồn ào
butte : n : : A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated. : ụ đát; mô đát
cabalism : : : Superstitious devotion to one's religion. : Thuật phù thuỷ
cadenza : : : An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument. : đoạn
độc tấu
caitiff : a : + : Cowardly. : Hèn nhát; hèn hạ
cajolery : : : Delusive speech. : Tán tỉnh, phỉnh phờ
calorie : : : Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. :
Calvary : : : The place where Christ was crucified. : Chỗ Chúa bị đóng đinh
Calvinism : : : The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin. : Thuyết Calvin
Calvinize : v : : To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism. : dạy thuyết Can-vin
came : n : : A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows. : Khung chì để
lắp kính cửa
candid : a : : Straightforward. : thật thà,ngay thẳng
canon : n : : Any rule or law. : tiêu chuẩn; luật lệ
cantonment : n : : The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered. : Khu vực dân c
captivate : v : + : To fascinate, as by excellence. eloquence, or beauty. : Làm sayđắm, quyến rũ
carcass : n : : The dead body of an animal. : xác (súc vật, tàu)
cartridge : n : : A charge for a firearm, or for blasting. : đạn, vỏ đạn; cuộn phim
catastrophic : a : : disastrous; calamitous : thm khốc; thê thm
catchy : a : : : hấp dẫn, dễ lôi cuốn; lừa
Catholicism : n : : The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church. : Đạo Thiên Chúa
catholicity : n : : Universal prevalence or acceptance. : Bao trùm, phổ biến, rộng rãI, đạI lợng
cat-o-nine-tails : n : : An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the arm :
đay thừng đợc bện bằng 9 sợi dùng để đánh vào tay

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census : n : : An official numbering of the people of a country or district. : sự điều tra dân số
centiliter : n : : A hundredth of a liter. : 1% lít
centimeter : n : : A length of one hundredth of a meter. : xentimét
cereal : a : : Pertaining to edible grain or farinaceous seeds. : ngũ cốc; món ăn từ ngũ cốc
ceremonial : a : : Characterized by outward form or ceremony. : nghi lễ, nghi thức; long trọng
chamber : n : : : buồng, phòng
chancery : n : : A court of equity, as distinguished from a common-law court. : toà án công lý
chaos : n : - : Any condition of which the elements or parts are in utter disorder and confusion. : sự hỗn độn;
hỗn loạn
chastity : n : + : Sexual or moral purity. : sự trong trắng, trinh bạch; giản dị, mộc mạc
chiffon : n : : A very thin gauze used for trimmings, evening dress, etc. : đồ trang trí
chilly : a : : : lạnh lẽo; lạnh lùng, lạnh nhạt; ớt khô
chin : n : : : cái cằm
cholera : n : : An acute epidemic disease. : bệnh dịch t
Christ : n : : A title of Jesus : Chúa
chronology : n : : The science that treats of computation of time or of investigation and arrangement of
events : niên đại học, bảng niên đại
chronometer : n : : A portable timekeeper of the highest attainable precision. : đồng hồ bấm giờ, crônômet
circulate : v : : To disseminate. : La hành, truyền bá
circumference : n : : The boundary-line of a circle. : Đờng tròn; chu vi.
clairvoyance : n : : Intuitive sagacity or perception. : sáng suốt
clay : n : : : đất sét
clearance : n : : A certificate from the proper authorities that a vessel has complied with the law and may sai
: Thanh toán các khon thuế để rời cng
clement : a : : Compassionate. : khoan dung; nhân từ; ôn hoà
clog : v : - : prevent, block; N. chain : còng chân; ngăn trở
clumsy : a : - : Awkward of movement. : Vụng về, lóng ngóng
coaster : n : : : ngời buôn dọc bờ biển
coerce : v : : To force. : ép buộc
coercive : a : : Serving or tending to force. : ép buộc; cỡng bức.
cognizant : a : : Taking notice. : hiểu biết; nhận thức
cohesive : a : : Having the property of consistency. : Dính liền, cố kết
coincident : a : : Taking place at the same time. : Trùng hợp
collapsible : a : : That may or can collapse. : Có thể gập lại, xếp lại đợc.
colleague : : : An associate in professional employment. : đồng nghiệp, đồng sự
collective : a : : Consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a mass, or sum. :
Tập thể; tập hợp
collide : v : - : To meet and strike violently. : Va chạm, xung đột
collision : n : - : Violent contact. : Sự xung đột, va chạm
colloquialism : n : : Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation. : Thông tục
commemorate : v : : To serve as a remembrance of. : kỷ niệm; tởng nhớ
commentary : n : : A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work.; V commentate; N
commentator : bài bình luận
commissariat : n : : The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily
needs : cục quân nhu; dân uỷ
commission : v : : To empower. : uỷ nhiệm; ra lệnh
commitment : n : : The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping. : Lệnh bắt giam
committal : n : : The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being : giao phó, uỷ thác; bỏ tù; lời
hứa, cam kết
commodity : n : : Something that is bought and sold. : Hàng hoá
commute : v : - : To put something, especially something less severe, in place of. : Thay thế, giao hoán
compact : n : : agreement; contract; ADJ : tightly packed; firm; brief; concise; Ex. compact statement :
thoả thuận; hiệp ớc, hiệp đồng; kết đặc, chắc nịch; chật ních, chen chúc
comparable : a : : Fit to be compared. : có thể so sánh đợc.
comparative : a : : Relative. : So sánh tng đối

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comparison : n : : Examination of two or more objects with reference to their likeness or unlikeness. :
compensate : v : + : To remunerate. : Phần bù; đền bù;
competence : n : : Adequate qualification or capacity. : năng lực, khả năng; thẩm quyền
competitive : a : : characterized by rivalry. : Cạnh tranh
complacence : n : : Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings. : Tự mãn
complaisance : n : : Politeness. : tính dễ dãi, ân cần
complicate : v : : To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with. : làm phức tạp, rắc rối
complication : n : : An intermingling or combination of things or parts, especially in a perplexing manner. :
Phức tạp rắc rối
Comprehensible : a : : :
comprehension : n : : Ability to know. : Sự nhận thức
compression : n : : Constraint, as by force or authority. :
compulsion : n : : Coercion. : ép buộc, cỡng bách
compulsory : a : : Forced. : giáo dục phổ cập
concerto : n : : A musical composition. : Bn concerto
concordance : n : : Harmony. : Phù hợp; mục lục
concurrence : n : : Agreement. : đồng thời, cùng nhau
condensation : n : : The act or process of making dense or denser. : sự ngng, tụ; cô đọng (văn)
condense : v : + : To abridge. : cô đọng, súc tích
conduce : v : + : To bring about. : đa đến, góp phần
conduct : v : : : Hạnh kiểm; hớng dẫn;
conductible : a : : Capable of being conducted or transmitted. : dẫn điện, nhiệt
confederacy : n : : A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as for mutual aid. :
Liên minh,liên bang; âm mu
confer : v : : To bestow. : Phòng, ban; bàn bạc
conferee : n : : A person with whom another confers. : Ngời dự hội nghị.
confidant : n : : One to whom secrets are entrusted. : bạn tâm tình
confide : v : : To reveal in trust or confidence. : giãi bày, tâm sự; phó thác, giao phó
confinement : n : - : Restriction within limits or boundaries. : Giam hãm, hạn chế; ở cữ
confluent : n : : A stream that unites with another. : hợp dòng, gặp nhau
conformation : n : : General structure, form, or outline. : Hình thể, hình dáng
confront : v : : To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles. : Trạm trán; đối chất; đối chiếu; giáp mặt
congregate : v : + : To bring together into a crowd. : Tập hợp, tụ hợp
conjoin : v : + : To unite. : kết hợp lại; chắp lại
conjunction : n : : The state of being joined together, or the things so joined. : Liên kết, kết hợp
connote : v : : To mean; signify. : Bao hàm; có nghĩa là
conquer : v : : To overcome by force. : Chinh phục, xâm chiếm
conscience : n : : The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in character and
conduc : lng tâm
conscious : a : : Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks. : Có ý thức, nhận thức
consecutive : a : : Following in uninterrupted succession. : liên tiếp
conservatism : n : : Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things. : CN bo thủ
conservative : a : : Adhering to the existing order of things. : Bo tồn, giữ gìn
conservatory : n : : An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation. : Ngời chơi
consignee : n : : A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted. : Ngời nhận hàng gửi
consolidate : v : + : To combine into one body or system. : củng cố, hợp nhất, thống nhất
consonant : a : : Being in agreement or harmony with. : Hoà hợp; phụ âm
conspicuous : a : : Clearly visible. : dễ thấy, rõ ràng
constable : n : : An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace. : Cnh sát; nguyên soái
consternation : n : : Panic. : Kinh hoàng; khiếp đm
constituency : n : : The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body. : cử tri
constrict : v : + : To bind. : Thắt lạI, xiết lai; làm cằn cỗi
consulate : n : : The place in which a consul transacts official business. : toà lãnh sự
consumption : n : : Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc., or by using up, wearing out, etc. : Tiêu

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thụ hàng hoá; tiêu diệt, tàn phá bệnh lao phổi
contagious : a : : Transmitting disease. : lây
contemporaneous : a : : Living, occurring, or existing at the same time. : Cùng thời, đng thời
Contemporary : a : : : tạm thời
Contemptuous : a : : :
contender : n : : One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry. : đối thủ
contiguity : n : : Proximity. : Sự tiếp giáp; liên tởng
contingency : n : : Possibility of happening. : ngẫu nhiên; tình cờ
continuation : n : : Prolongation. : Tiếp diễn, mở rộng
continuity : n : : Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development. : liên tục; kịch bn điện
continuous : a : : Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence. : liên
tục; không ngừng.
contort : v : - : To twist into a misshapen form. : méo mó; nhăn nhó; xoắn
contraction : n : - : : thu nhỏ; teo; tiêm nhiễm
contradictory : a : : Inconsistent with itself. : mấu thuẫn, trái ngợc; lý sự cùn
contraposition : n : - : A placing opposite. : Sự tng phn
contrivance : n : : The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a special purpose. :
Sáng kiến;
contrive : v : + : To manage or carry through by some device or scheme. : sáng chế ra, trù tính, xoay sở, lo
control : v : + : To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over. : đIều khiển, quyền hành
controller : n : : One who or that which regulates or directs. : Ngời kiểm tra, kiểm soát
contumacy : n : : Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority. : lăng mạ; vô lễ, láo xợc
contuse : v : - : To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin. : làm giập.
convalesce : v : + : To recover after a sickness. : LạI sức, phục hồi
convalescence : n : : The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of diseas :
Thời kỳ dớng bệnh; sự lạI sức
convergent : a : : Tending to one point. : Hội tụ.
convertible : a : : Interchangeable. : Có thể đổi, thay thế
convolution : n : : A winding motion. : quấn, xoắn
convolve : v : : To move with a circling or winding motion. : Quấn lại
convoy : n : : A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation. : Hộ tống, hộ vệ
convulse : v : - : To cause spasms in. : Làm chấn động, náo động
convulsion : n : : A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body. : Biến động, chứng co thắt
coronation : n : : The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch. : Lễ đăng qunag
coronet : n : : Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than soverei
: Mũ miện nhỏ, dây băng dát đá quý
corporal : a : : Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind. : thân thể, thân xác
corps : n : : A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together. : Quân đoàn, đoàn
corpse : n : : A dead body. : xác chết, thi hài
correlate : v : : To put in some relation of connection or correspondence. : Có tng quan
correspond : a : : : tng xứng; phù hợp
corrigible : a : : Capable of reformation. : Có thể sủa chũ, cI tạo
corruptible : a : : Open to bribery. : dễ lung lạc, dễ mua chuộc; dễ h hỏng
corruption : n : - : Loss of purity or integrity. : Tham nhũng, thối nát
cosmogony : n : : A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe. : thuyết nguồn gốc vũ trụ
cosmography : n : : The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology. :
cosmology : n : : The general science of the universe. : vũ trụ học
cosmopolitan : n : : Common to all the world. : CN thế giới; giang hồ
cosmos : n : : The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and arrangement. : vũ trụ; trật
tự hài hoà; hệ thống hài hoà; cúc vạn thọ
countercharge : v : - : To accuse in return. : phản công
counter-claim : n : : A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff. : NI nhận đn
khiếu kiện

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counterfeit : a : : Made to resemble something else. : giả mạo; giả vờ

countervail : v : - : To offset. : phn tác dụng
counting-house : n : : A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc. :
trụ sở giao dịch
courageous : a : + : Brave. : can đm; dũng cm
course : n : : Line of motion or direction. : Tiến trình, diễn tiến
coverage : n : : area amount covered; amount of publicity received by an event : phạm vi; sự tờng thuật
covey : n : : A flock of quails or partridges. : bầy gà gô nhỏ
coxswain : n : : One who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an
officer : Thuyền trởng
craft : n : : : nghề thủ công; mu mẹo
crag : n : : A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. : Vách đá lởm chởm
cranium : n : : The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain. : (giải phẫu)sọ
creak : n : : A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound. : kẽo kẹt, cót két
creamy : a : : Resembling or containing cream. : Có nhiều kem; mợt mịn
credible : a : : Believable. : đáng tin, có uy tín
credulous : a : : Easily deceived. : nhẹ dạ, c tin
crematory : a : : A place for cremating dead bodies. : NI ho táng
criterion : n : : A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion. : tiêu chuẩn
critique : n : : A criticism or critical review. : BàI phê bình
crockery : n : : Earthenware made from baked clay. : bát đĩa sành
crook : n : : : móc, gậy có móc
crumble : : : : sụp đổ; vỡ vụn, đổ nát
crusade : n : : Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle. : chiến
dịch, cuộc vận động lớn
crust : n : : : vỏ (bánh, trái đất)
crustacean : n : : Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc. : LoàI giáp
crystallize : v : : To bring together or give fixed shape to. : kết tinh, rắc đờng kính, làm cho rõ ràng
cudgel : n : : A short thick stick used as a club. : Dùi cui; gậy
culprit : n : : A guilty person. : Thủ phạm, bị cáo
curable : a : + : Capable of being remedied or corrected. : Chữa đợc bệnh
curio : n : : A piece of bric-a-brac. : Đồ cổ
curt : a : : Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. : Cộc lốc; ngắn gọn
cygnet : n : : A young swan. : con thiên nga non
Từ vựng học Toefl (D-E)
daring : a : : Brave. : táo bạo; dũng cảm
Darwinism : n : : The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of higher forms. :
học thuyết Đác uyn
datum : n : : A premise, starting-point, or given fact. : luận cứ; mốc đo lờng
dawn : : : : bình minh; tinh m; nở ra, hé mở
day-man : n : : A day-laborer. : việc làm công nhật
dead. : : : :
dead-heat : n : : A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no winner. : ngời đai
xem ca nhạc, đi tàu ko mất tiền
death's-head : n : : A human skull as a symbol of death. : sọ, đầu lâu
debut : n : : A first appearance in society or on the stage. : Lần xuất trình đầu tiên
decagon : n : : A figure with ten sides and ten angles. : hình 10 cạnh
decagram : n : : A weight of 10 grams. :
decalogue : n : : The ten commandments. : Mời đIều răn của Chúa
Decameron : n : : A volume consisting of ten parts or books. :
decameter : n : : A length of ten meters. : đêcamét
decasyllable : n : : A line of ten syllables. : 10 âm tiết
deceit : n : - : Falsehood. : lừa dối; bề ngoài gi dối
deceive : v : - : To mislead by or as by falsehood. : lừa đảo; lờng gạt

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decent : a : - : Characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress. : Hợp khuôn phép; đoan
trang, đứng đắn
decimal : a : : Founded on the number 10. : thập phân
decisive(ad.) : a : : Conclusive. : quyết định, dứt khoát
declamatory : a : : A full and formal style of utterance. : hùng biện
declarative : a : : Containing a formal, positive, or explicit statement or affirmation. : Tuyên bố; tờng thuật
declension : n : : The change of endings in nouns and a to express their different relations of gender. : biến
cách; sa sút, suy đồi
decorate : v : + : To embellish. : Trang hoàng
decrepit : a : : Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity. : Già yếu, hom hem; đổ nát
dedication : n : : The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end or cause. : cống hiến;
hiến dâng; lời đề tặng (sách)
deduce : v : : To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles. : Suy luận
deduct : v : - : : khấu trừ
defamation : n : : Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name of another. : nói xấu,
phỉ báng
defendant : n : : A person against whom a suit is brought. : bị đn; bị kiện
defensible : a : : Capable of being maintained or justified. : Có thể bo vệ đợc
defensive : a : : Carried on in resistance to aggression. : Phòng thủ; bảo vệ
defiant : a : : Characterized by bold or insolent opposition. : bớng bỉnh, ngang nhạnh, hồ nghi, ngờ vực
definite : a : + : Having an exact signification or positive meaning. : Rõ ràng; xác định rõ
deforest : v : : To clear of forests. : Phá reùng, phát quang
deform : v : : To disfigure. : bóp méo, xuyên tạc
deformity : n : : A disfigurement. : méo mó, dị dạng
defraud : v : - : To deprive of something dishonestly. : ăn gian, lừa gạt
deist : n : : One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation. : nhà thần luận
deity : n : : A god, goddess, or divine person. : Thần thánh
deject : v : - : To dishearten. : làm buồn nn; chán nn
dejection : n : : Melancholy. : Buồn nản; thất vọng.
delectable : a : : Delightful to the taste or to the senses. : Ngon lành, thú vị
delicacy : n : : That which is agreeable to a fine taste. : duyên dáng; yếu đuối
demerit : n : - : A mark for failure or bad conduct. : Khuyết điểm; điều lầm lỗi
demobilize : v : - : To disband, as troops. : Giải ngũ
demonstrable : a : : Capable of positive proof. : Có thể chứng minh đợc
demonstrate : v : : To prove indubitably. : chứng minh, giải thích, bày tỏ
Demonstrative : a : : :
demonstrator : n : : One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner. : Ngời chứng minh.
demulcent : n : : Any application soothing to an irritable surface : Thuốc làm dịu chứng viêm.
demurrage : : : the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. : Giữ tàu quá hạn
dendroid : a : : Like a tree. :
dendrology : n : : The natural history of trees. : tính tuổi cây
denominate : v : : To give a name or epithet to. : đặt tên là, gọi là
denote : v : : To designate by word or mark. : Có biểu hiện, chứng tỏ
denouement : n : : That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up. : Kết cục, kết đoạn
denude : v : - : To strip the covering from. : lột trần; bóc vỏ
denunciation : : : The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment. : Tố cáo, tố
deponent : a : : Laying down. : Ngời làm chứng
depopulate : v : : To remove the inhabitants from. : Gim dân số
deport : v : - : To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony. : trục xuất, lu đày; ăn ở, c xử
deportment : n : : Demeanor. : thái độ, cách c xử; phản ứng hoá học
deprave : v : : To render bad, especially morally bad. : Làm h hỏng, làm suy đồi
depress : v : - : To press down. : Chán nn, ngã lòng
depth : n : : Deepness. : Độ sâu; độ dày.
derisible : a : : Open to ridicule. :

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derivation : n : : That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive form and meaning.
: Nguồn gốc; điều chế, dẫn xuất; thuyết tiến hoá
dermatology : n : : the study of skin diseases; adj dermatological; n dermatologist : chuyên khoa da
dermatology : n : : The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases. : khoa da liễu
descendant : n : : One who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc. : Hởu duệ, con
descent : v : - : The act of moving or going downward. : Xuống dốc
desert : v : - : To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned; ADJ N : rời bỏ; bỏ trốn; ruồng bỏ;
hiu quạnh, vắng vẻ; sa mạc, hoang vắng
desiccant : n : : Any remedy which, when applied externally, dries up or absorbs moisture, as that of wounds.
: Chất làm khô
designate : v : + : To select or appoint, as by authority. : chỉ rõ,định rõ;chỉ định,bổ nhiệm;đặt tên, gọi tên
desist : v : - : To cease from action. : Ngừng,nghỉ
despair : a : : Utter hopelessness and despondency. : thất vọng; tuyệt vọng
desperate : a : : : liều mạng; tuyệt vọng
desperate : a : - : Resorted to in a last extremity, or as if prompted by utter despair. : tuyệt vọng; dữ dội
despicable : a : : Contemptible. : ti tiện, hèn hạ
despite(prep.) : prep : : In spite of. : Mặc dù, không kể
despotism : n : : Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part. : Chế
độ chuyên quyền
dessert : n : : : món tráng miệng
deteriorate : v : - : To grow worse. : làm lỏng, suy đồi
detest : v : - : To dislike or hate with intensity. : Ghét, ghê tởm
detract : v : - : To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation. : Lờy đI, khấu trừ; chê bai, gièm
pha, làm gim giá trị
detrude : v : : To push down forcibly. :
devilry : n : : Malicious mischief. : yêu thuật
deviltry : n : : Wanton and malicious mischief. : yêu thuật
dexterity : n : : Readiness, precision, efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work
: Sự khéo tay; khéo léo
diabolic : a : : Characteristic of the devil. : ma quỷ; độc ác, hiểm ác
diacritical : a : : Marking a difference. : Dấu phụ để phên biệt
diagnose : v : : To distinguish, as a disease, by its characteristic phenomena. : Chẩn đoán.
dialect : n : : Forms of speech collectively that are peculiar to the people of a particular district. : Thổ ngữ
dialectician : n : : A logician. : biện chứng
dialogue : n : : A formal conversation in which two or more take part. : Cuộc đối thoại; tác phẩm, đoạn văn
đối thoại
diatomic : a : : Containing only two atoms. : hai nguyên tử, điaxit
difference : n : : Dissimilarity in any respect. : Khác nhau
differentiate : v : : To acquire a distinct and separate character. : Phân biệt
diffusible : a : : Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly. : Có thể khếch tán
diffusion : n : : Dispersion. : Truyền bá phổ biến
digress : v : - : To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter. : Lạc đề
dimly : adv : - : Obscurely. : lờ mờ; mập mờ
dinosaur : n : - : :
dip : : : : nhúng, ngâm; độ nghiêng, chỗ trũng; mắc nợ
diphthong : n : : The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the
so : nguyên âm đôi; trùng âm
diplomat : n : : A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another. : Nhà ngoạI giao
diplomatist : n : : One remarkable for tact and shrewd management. : Nhà ngoạI giao
disallow : v : - : To withhold permission or sanction. : Không công nhận; cấm
disappear : v : - : To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being. :
disappoint : v : - : To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of. : thất ớc; làm hỏng
disapprove : v : - : To regard with blame. : Phn đối; không tán thành
disarrange : v : : To throw out of order. : lộn xộn; xáo trộn

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disbeliever : n : : One who refuses to believe. : không tin; hoài nghi

disciple : n : : One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows some doctrine. : Môn
đồ; học trò; đồ đệ của Giê-xu
disciplinary : a : : Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority. : đua vào kỷ luật; rèn
luyện trí óc
discipline : v : - : punish; control by training in obedience : trừng phạt; đa vào kỷ luật
discipline(n) : n : : a control or order exercised; way of life aimed at self-control and conformity; branch of
learning; punishment : kỷ luật; sự hành xác; rèn luyện trí óc; trừng phạt
discolor : v : - : To stain. : đổi màu, làm bạc màu
disfavor : n : : Disregard. : ghét bỏ; phn đối
dishabille : n : : Undress or negligent attire. : sự ăn mặc xuềnh xoàng
dishonest : a : : Untrustworthy. : Bất lng, không trung thực
disillusion : v : : To disenchant. : Làm tỉnh ngộ,hết o tởng
disinherit : v : : To deprive of an inheritance. : tớc quyền thừa kế
dislocate : v : - : To put out of proper place or order. : làm trật khớp; làm trục trặc; đổi chỗ, chuyển chỗ
disobedience : n : : Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction. : Không tuân lệnh
disobedient : a : : Neglecting or refusing to obey. : ko tuân lệnh
disown : v : : To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself. : Không công nhận; từ
bỏ, tuyệt giao
dispensation : n : : That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power. : sự phân phối, sự
sắp đặt, sự miễn trừ
dispossess : v : : To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate. : trục xuất; đuổi ra; gii thoát
disputation : n : : Verbal controversy. : Bàn cãI, tranh luận
disqualify : v : : To debar. : tớc quyền, loại
disquiet : v : : To deprive of peace or tranquillity. disregard v. To take no notice of. : làm không an tâm, băn
khoăn, lo lắng
disreputable : a : - : Dishonorable or disgraceful. : làm ô danh
disrepute : n : : A bad name or character. : Mang tiếng xấu
disrupt : v : - : To burst or break asunder. : phá vỡ, bẻ gẫy.
dissatisfy : v : - : To displease. : ko làm hài lòng; làm bất mãn
dissect : v : - : To cut apart or to pieces. : mổ xẻ, giải phẫu, cắt ra từng mảnh
disseminate : v : + : spread : gieo rắc, phổ biến
dissension : n : : Angry or violent difference of opinion. : Mối chia rẽ, bất đồng
dissentient : n : : One who disagrees. : ngời không tán thành quan điểm của đa số
dissentious : a : - : Contentious. : Hay sinh sự
dissever : v : : To divide. : Chia cắt, phân chia
dissimilar : a : : Different. : Khác; không giống
dissipation : n : : The state of being dispersed or scattered. : Tiêu tan; uổng phí
dissolute : a : : Lewd. : chi bời, phóng đáng
dissolve : v : - : To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture. : phân huỷ, tan rã, hoà tan; giải tán; tẩy
dissonance : n : : Discord. :
dissuasion : n : : The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion, or pleading.
: Can ngăn
distillation : n : : Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile. : sự cất, tinh
distiller : n : : One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors. : Ngời chng cất rợu
distrain : v : : To subject a person to distress. : tịch biên (tài sn)
distrust : n : : Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person. : Không tin tởng,nghi
disyllable : n : : A word of two syllables. : từ 2 âm tiết
divagation : n : : Digression. : lang thang; lan man, lạc đề
divergent : a : : Tending in different directions. : phân kỳ; bất đồng( ý kiến)
diversity : n : + : Dissimilitude. : Tính đa dạng
divert : v : - : To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established. : làm trêch hớng;
làm giải trí, tiêu khiển

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divination : n : : The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hidden. : Bói toán,
tiên đoán
divisible : a : : Capable of being separated into parts. : có thể chia đợc.
divisor : n : : That by which a number or quantity is divided. : Số chia
divulgence : n : : A divulging. : sự tiết lộ
doe : n : : The female of the deer. : Hu cái
doleful : a : : Melancholy. : đau buồn, sầu thm
dolor : n : : Lamentation. : Nỗi đau buồn; đau thơng
domain : n : : A sphere or field of action or interest. : Lãnh địa; vùng
dominance : n : : Ascendancy. : u thế; thống trị
dominant : : : Conspicuously prominent. : trội hn; u thế hn; thống trị
dominate : v : + : To influence controllingly. : Thống trị, chiếm u thế
domination : n : : Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority. :
donator : n : : One who makes a donation or present. :
donee : n : : A person to whom a donation is made. : Ngời nhận quà tặng
donor : n : : One who makes a donation or present. : Ngời cho, ngời tặng
doublet : n : : One of a pair of like things. : áo chẽn đàn ông; bộ đôi
doubly : adv : - : In twofold degree or extent. : gấp đôi; lá mặt lá trái
dragoon : n : : In the British army, a cavalryman. : Kỵ binh;ngời hung dữ
dramatist : n : : One who writes plays. : Nhà soạn kịch
dramatize : v : : To relate or represent in a dramatic or theatrical manner. : Viết kịch;
drastic(a : a : : Acting vigorously. : mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt
drawback(n) : n : : disadvantage : bất lợi
drawer(n) : n : : person or thing that draws; sliding in or out of a table; knickers : ngời vẽ tranh, ngời rút séc;
ngăn kéo; quần đùi
drizzle(n) : n : : very fine rain; V. drizzle; a drizzly : ma phùn, ma bụi
drowsy : n : : Heavy with sleepiness. : Ngủ l m, uể oi
duckling : n : : A young duck. : Vịt con
duet : n : : A composition for two voices or instruments. : Cặp đôI, bộ đôi
dugout : : : : thuyền độc mộc; hầm trú ẩn; sĩ quan tái ngũ
dun : v : - : To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment. : đòi nợ, quấy rầy
dunk : : : : nhúng bánh vào sữa
duplex : a : : Having two parts. : kép
durance : n : : Confinement. : sự cầm tù, giam cầm
dusk : : : : bóng tối; nhá nhem
duteous : a : : Showing submission to natural superiors. : biết vâng lời; có ý thức sẵn sàng, chấp hành n/v
dutiful : a : : Obedient. : biết vâng lời, kính trọng
dwindle : : : : teo, thu nhỏ; thoái hoá
earnest : a : : Ardent in spirit and speech. : đứng đắn; tha thiết
earthenware : n : : Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun. : đất nung
Easter(n) : n : : : lễ phục sinh
eatable : a : : Edible. : ăn đợc
economize : v : + : To spend sparingly. : tiết kiệm
ecstatic : a : : Enraptured. : mê ly; ngây ngất; xuất thần
edible : a : : Suitable to be eaten. : thức ăn
editorial : n : : An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official argument. : BàI xã
educe : v : : To draw out. : Rút ra.
effect : : : A consequence. : hiệu qu, hiệu lực; thực hiện
effeminacy : : : Womanishness. : eỏ lả, nhu nhợc
efficacious : a : : Effective. : Có hiệu quả; sinh lợi
efficiency : n : : The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a duty. : Hiệu
qu, kh năng
efficient : a : : Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results. : Có hiệu lực, hiệu qu
efflorescence : n : : The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance. adj efflorescent; V effloresce : nỏ

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efflorescent : a : : Opening in flower. :
effuse : v : + : To pour forth. : Toả ra (mùi thm)
egotism : n : : Self-conceit. : tính ích kỷ
egotist : n : - : One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences. : Ng-
ời ích kỷ, tự cao tự đại
eject : v : + : To expel. N : tống ra; điều suy nghĩ
elasticity : n : : That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being change
: Co giãn
elated : a : + : filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud; Ex. elated crowd;
V. elate; N. elation : tự hào, hãnh diện; phấn chấn
electrolysis : n : : The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an electric current. :
điện phân
electrotype : n : : A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin. : Mạ;
element : n : : A component or essential part. :
eligible : a : + : Qualified for selection. : phù hợp, thích hợp
eliminate : v : - : To separate and cast aside. : LoạI trừ; bàI tiết
Elizabethan : a : : Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era. : triều nữ hoàng Elizabethan
elusion : n : - : Evasion. :
embezzle : v : - : To misappropriate secretly. : Tham ô; biển thủ
emblem : n : : A symbol. : biểu tợng; tợng trng
embody : v : + : To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form. : biểu hiện, hiện
thân; bao gồn, kể c
embolden : v : + : To give courage to. : khuyến khích
embolism : n : : An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel. : sự tắc mạch, nghẽn khí
emerge : v : + : come up, come out into view; become known; N. emergence : hiện rõ; thể hiện
emergent : a : : Coming into view. : Nổi bật lên, rõ nét
emeritus : a : : Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position. : Im lìm; thụ động
eminence : n : : An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc. : địa vị cao, nổi
tiếng; mô đất,; đức giáo hoàng
emphasis : n : : Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid upon some word. : sự
nhấn mạnh, sự bối rối, tầm quan trọng
emphasize : v : + : To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words. :
Nhấn mạnh
employee : n : : One who works for wages or a salary. : Ngời lao động
employer : n : : One who uses or engages the services of other persons for pay. : Chủ, ngời sử dụng lao động
empower : v : + : To delegate authority to. : trao quyền; làm cho có thể
enamor : v : + : To inspire with ardent love. : Làm say mê, hân hoan
encompass : v : : surround; include; Ex. His activities encompass publishing and computers. : vây quanh;
bao gồm, chứa đựng; hoàn thiện;
encore : n : : The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance. : Hat lại; múa lại.
encourage : v : + : To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind. : Cổ vũ, động viên
encyclical : n : : Intended for general circulation. : phổ biến rộng rãi
encyclopedia : n : : A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject. : bách khoa th
endanger : v : - : To expose to peril. : Gây nguy hiểm
endear : v : + : To cause to be loved. : làm cho đợc yêu mến, quý trọng
endowment : n : : : cung cấp vốn; tài năng
endurable : a : : Tolerable. : Có thể chịu đựng đợc
endurance : n : : The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without succumbing. : kh
năng chịu đựng; nhẫn nại; kéo dài
energetic : a : : Working vigorously. : Mạnh mẽ; mãnh liệt.
enfeeble : v : - : To debilitate. : làm yếu
engraft : v : + : To set or implant deeply and firmly. : Ghép cây
engrave : v : + : To cut or carve in or upon some surface. : khắc, chậm, trổ, in sâu
enkindle : v : + : To set on fire. : nhóm lửa; kích động.

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enlist : v : + : To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. : thu nhận vào quân đội; tòng
quân; tranh thủ ( cm tình, cộng tác)
enormous : a : + : Gigantic. : to lớn; tàn ác
enrage : v : - : To infuriate. : làm giận điên lên
enshrine : v : + : To keep sacred. : Cất giữu thiêng liêng
ensnare : v : - : To entrap. : bẫy, gài bẫy
entangle : v : + : To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications. : Làm vớng mắc, rối rắm
enthusiastic : a : : Full of zeal and fervor. : Hăng háI nhiệt tình, say mê
entirety : n : : A complete thing. : Toàn vẹn
entrails : n : : pl. The internal parts of an animal. : ruột, lòng
entree : n : : The act of entering. :
entwine : v : : To interweave. : bện, tết; ôm; quấn
Epicurean : a : : Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite. : Hởng lạc
epicycle : n : : A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle. : (toán học)
Epixic, ngoại luân
epicycloid : n : : A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle. :
Hình trụ
epidemic : n : : Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region. : Bệnh dịch; lan truyền
epidermis : n : : The outer skin. : Biểu bì
episode : n : - : An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it. : đoạn, hồi, tình
epizootic : a : : Prevailing among animals. : bệnh dịch động vật
epode : n : : A species of lyric poems. : Th trữ tình
equinox : n : : period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal
equinox; a equinoctial : diểm xuân; điểm thu phân
equivalent : a : : Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like. : Tng đng
espy : v : + : To keep close watch. : trông thấy, nhận thấy
esquire : : : A title of dignity, office, or courtesy. : Ông, ngài( ghi trên th)
essence : : : That which makes a thing to be what it is. : Bn chất
esthetic : a : : Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts. : thẩm mỹ
estimable : : : Worthy of respect. : đáng kính, đáng quý trọng
estrange : v : : To alienate. : làm xa lạ; ly gián
estuary : n : : A wide lower part of a tidal river. : cửa sông
eulogize : v : : To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character. : tán dng, ca ngợi
euphonious : a : + : Characterized by agreeableness of sound. : êm tai, thuận tai
eureka(G) : : : I have found it. : Thấy rồi, tìm thấy rồi !
evade : v : - : To avoid by artifice. : Lng tránh, lẩn tránh
evangelical : a : : Seeking the conversion of sinners. : Kinh phúc âm
evangelist : n : : A preacher who goes from place to place holding services. : ngời truyền giáo (không phi cha
evasion : n : : Escape. : sự thoái thác, lẩn tránh
evert : v : : To turn inside out. : Lôn từ trong ra ngoài
evolution : n : : Development or growth. : Tiến triển, tiến hoá
evolve : v : + : To unfold or expand. : Mở ra; suy luận ra
excavate : v : + : To remove by digging or scooping out. : đào; khai quật
excellency : n : : A title of honor bestowed upon various high officials. : NgàI; phu nhân
excellent : a : : Possessing distinguished merit. :
excess : n : : That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or experience. : Quá mức,
vuợt quá giới hạn
excitable : a : : Nervously high-strung. : Dễ bị kích động, kích thích
excitation : n : : Intensified emotion or action. : Kích thích
exclamation : n : : An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling. : dấu !
exclude : v : - : To shut out purposely or forcibly. : Ngăn chặn, loạI trừ
exclusion : n : : Non-admission. : Ngăn chặn, loạI trừ
excrescence : n : : Any unnatural addition, outgrowth, or development. : Chỗ sùi.

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excruciate : v : : To inflict severe pain or agony upon. : hành hạ, làm đau đớn
excursion : n : : A journey. : Cuộc du ngoạn
executor : n : : A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will. : ngời thi hành, thực hiện
exemplar : n : : A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated. : gơng mẫu, mẫu mực; vật tơng tự
exert : v : : To make an effort. : dùng, sử dụng (sức mạnh, nh hởng); cố gắng
exhale : v : : To breathe forth. : toả ra; trút
exhaust : v : : To empty by draining off the contents. : cạn kiệt, suy kiệt
exhaustible : a : - : Causing or tending to cause exhaustion. : Làm cạn kiệt, suy kiệt
exhaustive : a : : Thorough and complete in execution. : Thấu đáo, toàn diện
exigent : a : : Urgent. : Cấp bách, khẩn cấp
existence : n : : Possession or continuance of being. : Sự tồn tại
exit : n : : A way or passage out. :
expanse : n : : A continuous area or stretch. : mở rộng;phát triển
expectancy : n : : The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable. : Mong đI; triển vọng
expediency : n : : Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case. : có lợi; thủ đoạn
expeditious : a : : Speedy. : nhanh chóng
exposition : n : : Formal presentation. : PhI bày, bóc trần; phi
expository : a : : explanatory; serving to explain; N. exposition : explaining; exhibition : có t/c mô t, gii
expulsion : n : : Forcible ejection. : Sự trục xuất, (y học) sự sổ thai
extempore : adv : : Without studied or special preparation. : ứng khẩu
extensible : a : : Capable of being thrust out. : Có thể kéo thẳng,kéo dài, gia hạn
extensor : n : : A muscle that causes extension. : c duỗi
extortion : n : : The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion. : bóp nặn, tống tiền
extradite : v : : To surrender the custody of. : dẫn độ, đợc trao trả
extrajudicial : a : + : Happening out of court. : Không phI ra toà phân xử
extraordinary : a : - : Unusual. : khác thờng; đặc biệt
extravagance : n : : Undue expenditure of money. : phung phí; tính quá mức
extravagant : : : Needlessly free or lavish in expenditure. : phung phí; ngông cuồng
extremity : n : : The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position. : đầu, mũi;
bất hạnh tột độ
extremity : n : : The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position. : đầu, mũi;
bất hạnh tột độ
eyesight : n : : : thị lực; tầm nhìn
Từ vựng học Toefl (F-G-H)
facility : n : + : Ease. : đ/k dễ dàng
fallacy : n : - : Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such reasoning. : Dối trá; o
tởng sai lầm; nguỵ biện
famish : v : - : To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst. : Làm cho chết đói
fanciless : a : : Unimaginative. : không có sức tởng tợng
faulty : a : : Imperfect. : không hoàn ho, lỗi
faun : n : : One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet. : thấn
đồng áng( có sừng và có đuôi)
fawn : n : : A young deer. : Hu nhỏ; nịnh bợ
federate : v : + : To league together. : tổ chức thành liên đoàn, liên bang
feelings.(n) : n : : : Sờ mờ, cm tởng v..v..
feldspar(n) : n : : common aluminum silicate of potassium, sodium or calcium ; adj feldspathi : đá trờng
felicitate : v : + : To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event. : Khen ngợi; chúc mừng
felonious : a : : Showing criminal or evil purpose. : ác độc
felony : n : : One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment. : Trọng tội
feminine : a : : Characteristic of woman or womankind. : Có t/c đàn bà
ferocious : a : - : Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature. : dữ tơn, hung ác, tàn bạo
ferocity : n : - : Savageness. : Hung ác; dã man, tàn bạo
festal : a : : Joyous. : Ngày lễ; vui nhộn

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festivity : n : + : : vui mừng, hân hoan; ngày hội

fete : n : : A festival or feast. :
fetus : n : : The young in the womb or in the egg. : Bào thai
feudal : a : : Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal. : phong kiến
feudalism : n : : The feudal system. : Chế độ phong kiến
fiducial : a : : Indicative of faith or trust. : chuẩn, lấy làm cơ sở so sánh
fief : n : : A landed estate held under feudal tenure. : TháI ấp, đất phong
finality : n : : The state or quality of being final or complete. : H/đ cuối cùng, cứu cánh
financier : n : : One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations. : chuyên gia tài chính, nhà tài
fiscal : a : : Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government. : công khố, tài chính
fishmonger : n : : One who sells fish. : Ngời bán cá
fit : a : + : : vừa vặn
fixture : n : : One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position. : vật cố định, đồ đạc;
ngời ở lì 1 chỗ
flag-officer : n : : The captain of a flag-ship. : Cờ hiệu
flatter : a : : : tâng bốc; xu nịnh; tôn lên
flatulence : n : : Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels. : đầy hi; tự cao tự đại; huênh hoang, rỗng
flection : n : : The act of bending. : Sự uốn
flexible : a : : Pliable. : Mềm dẻo, uyển chuyển
flipper : n : : : chân chèo; bàn tay
fluctuate : v : : vary irregularly; rise and fall; N fluctuation : dao động;
flue : n : : A smoke-duct in a chimney. : ống khói, ống hơi
fluential : a : : Pertaining to streams. : trôi chy, lu loát
folio : n : : A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once. : (ngành in) khổ hai; số tờ
folk-lore : n : : The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people. : Phong tục, tập quán
fondle : v : : To handle tenderly and lovingly. : Vuốt ve,mn trớn
fondue : n : : : nớc xốt đun
foolery : n : : Folly. : Sự dại dột; ngu xuẩn; trò hề
forby(adv.) : adv : : Besides. : ngoài ra
forebode : v : + : To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil. : Báo trớc
forecast : v : + : To predict. :
forecastle : n : : That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds. : Phần trớc của tàu d-
ới boong
foreclose : v : : To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property. : tuyên
bố mất quyền lợi; tịch thu tài sản
forecourt : n : : A court opening directly from the street. : sân trớc; sân ngoài
forefather : n : : An ancestor. : tổ tiên
forego : v : : To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of. : loại bỏ; kiêng
forehead : n : : The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair. : trán
foreigner : n : : A citizen of a foreign country. :
forejudge : v : : To judge of before hearing evidence. : xử trớc, quyết định trớc
foreknowledge : n : : Prescience. : biết trớc; đoán trớc
foreman : n : : The head man. : quản đốc, đốc công;chủ tịch bồi thẩm đoàn.
foreordination : n : : Predestination. : Định mệnh; sự bổ nhiệm trớc.
forepeak : n : : The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck. :
forerun : v : : To go before as introducing or ushering in. : báo trớc; vợt lên trớc
foresail : n : : A square sail. : mũi tàu
foresee : v : + : To discern beforehand. : dự kiến trớc
forethought : n : : Premeditation. : chủ tâm; tính trớc
forfend : v : : To ward off. : Xa lánh
forgo : v : - : To deny oneself. : ThôI, bỏ, kiêng
fork : n : : : cái nĩa; chạc cây; ngã ba
formula : n : : Fixed rule or set form. : thể thức, cách thức, công thức

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forth : a : : Into notice or view. : Phía trớc; lỗ ra

foursome : a : : Consisting of four. : nhóm 4 ngời, trận đấu gôn giữa hai cặp
fracture : n : : A break. : bẻ gãy; làm đứt đoạn
fragile : a : : Capable of being broken. : mỏng mnh; mong manh; dễ vỡ
frailty : n : : Liability to be broken or destroyed. : dỡ vỡ, mỏng mảnh, tính yếu đuối, bạc nhợc; khuyết điểm
frankincense : n : : A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes. : hng trầm
fraternal : a : : Brotherly. : Anh em; hội kín
free(trade) : n : : n. Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs. :
freemason : n : : A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled artisans. : hội viên
hội Tam Điển
freighter : n : : : (tàu, máy bay) chở hàng
frequency : n : : The comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space. : Thờng
xuyên; tần số
frightful : a : : Apt to induce terror or alarm. : Khủng khiếp; kinh khủng
frigidarium : n : : A room kept at a low temperature for preserving fruits, meat, etc. : phòng tắm nớc lạnh
frivolity : n : : A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice. : Phù phiếm; nhẹ dạ
frontier : n : : The part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country. : biên giới; giới hạn
frowzy : a : : Slovenly in appearance. : hôi hám, nhếch nhác
fuel : n : : N.V : chất đốt; cung cấp chất đốt
fungible : a : : That may be measured, counted, or weighed. : có thể thay thế đợc
fungous : a : : Spongy. : nấm; mọc nhanh nh nấm
fungous : a : : Spongy. : nấm; mọc nhanh nh nấm
furlong : n : : A measure, one-eighth of a mile. : 1/8 mile
furlough : n : : A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer. : Nghỉ
furrier : n : : A dealer in or maker of fur goods. : Ngời buôn bán, thuộc da lông thú
further : a : : More distant or advanced. : Xa hn; hn nữa
furtherance : n : : Advancement. : sự xúc tiến
fuse : v : : To unite or blend as by melting together. : Cỗu chì; kíp nổ
futurist : n : : A person of expectant temperament. : ngời theo thuyết vị lai
gaiety : n : : Festivity. : Cuộc liên hoan.
gallant : a : : Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit. : Dũng cm, hào hiệp
galore : a : : Abundant. : Phong phú, dồi dào
galvanic : a : : Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action. : kích động mạnh
gamble : v : : To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency. : Cuộ đánh bạc; việc
mạo hiểm.
garrison : n : : The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense. : đn vị đồn trú
garrote : v : : To execute by strangling. :
gastritis : n : : Inflammation of the stomach. : Viêm dạ dày
gaudy : : : flashy; showy : loè loẹt; hoa mỹ
gauge : n : : An instrument for measuring. : Máy đo
gendarme : : : In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police officer. : Hiến
binh, sen đầm
generalize : v : + : To draw general inferences. : Tổng quát hoá; phổ biến
generally : adv : : Ordinarily. :
generosity : n : + : A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily. : rộng lợng; khoan hồng; hào
phóng, rộng rãi
genital : a : : Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs. : Sinh dục
gestation : n : : Pregnancy. : thai nghén; ấp ủ
gesticulate : v : : To make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech. : Hoa tay múa chân
gigantic : a : + : Tremendous. : Khổng lồ
giver : n : : One who gives, in any sense. : Ngời cho quà, ngời biếu
gladden : v : + : To make joyous. : làm vui lòng, sung sớng
glazier : n : : One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows. : Thợ lắp kính, trang men
glimpse : n : : A momentary look. : cái nhìn lớt qua; sự thoáng hiện

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gnash : v : : To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage. : Nghiến răng
Gordian(knot) : n : - : n. Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners. : v/đ hoc
búa, khó gii quyết, v/đ phức tạp
gosling : n : : A young goose. : ngỗng con
gourd : n : : A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind. : Cây bầu
graceless : : : Ungracious. : Khiếm nhã, vô lễ
gradation : n : : A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series. : Thay đổi từ từ
gradient : : : Moving or advancing by steps. : độ dốc
grantee : n : : The person to whom property is transferred by deed. : Ngời đợc hởng trợ cấp; ngời đợc hởng
quyền chuyển nhợng
grantor : n : : The maker of a deed. : Ngời trợ cấp
granular : : : Composed of small grains or particles. : có hột; hình hột
granule : n : : A small grain or particle. : hột nhỏ
grasp : v : : size greedily; hold firmly; N grasp : nắm lấy; đồng cỏ
grasping : a : : aviaries : hám lợi; tham lam
grenadier : n : : A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature. : Trung đoàn vệ binh Anh
grievous : a : : Creating affliction. : đau khổ, đau đớn; trầm trọng
grimy : a : : : đầy bụi bẩn; cáu ghét
grindstone : n : : A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools. : đá mài
ground : n : : A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk. : Mặt đất; bãI đất
guess : n : : Surmise. : đoán, ớc chừng
guzzle : v : - : To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp. : ăn uống lu bù
gynecocracy : n : : Female supremacy. :
gynecology : n : : The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women. : Bệnh phụ nữ
gyrate : v : : To revolve. : hồi chuyển, xoay tròn
habitable : a : : Fit to be dwelt in. : có thể ở đợc
habitant : n : : Dweller. : Ngời c trú; ngời ở; Ngời Canada gốc Pháp
habitat : n : : : môi trờng sống; chỗ ở
habitude : n : : Customary relation or association. : thói quen, tập quán
hackney : v : - : To make stale or trite by repetition. : Buồn tẻ, vô vị
handy : a : : : khéo tay; thuận tiện, dễ sử dụng
hanger-on : n : : A parasite. : ký sinh; ăn bám
happy-go-lucky : a : : Improvident. : Hoang phí.
hardihood : n : : Foolish daring. : táo bạo, gan dạ; tr tráo; cn trở
hardihood : n : : Foolish daring. : táo bạo, gan dạ; trơ tráo; cản trở
harmonious : a : + : Concordant in sound. : hài hoà; hoà thuận
harness : n : : : yên cng; dụng cụ lao động; đóng yên cng; khai thác
havoc : n : - : Devastation. : sự tàn phá
hawthorn : n : : A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges. : Cây táo gai
head (foremost) : n : : adv. Precipitately, as in diving. : cao nhất, đầu tiên
heartbeat : n : : : nhịp tim; xúc động, bối rối
heathenish : : : Irreligious. : NgoạI đạo
heifer : n : : A young cow. : bê cái
hemorrhoids : n : : pl. Tumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels, at the lower end of the
rectum : bện trĩ
henchman : n : : A servile assistant and subordinate. : Tay sai, ngời hầu cận
henpeck : v : - : To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances. : Bắt nạt, xỏ mũi (chồng)
heptagon : n : : A figure having seven sides and seven angles. : Hình 7 cạnh
heptarchy : n : : A group of seven governments. : sự thống trị bộ bảy
herbaceous : a : : Having the character of a herb. : luống hoa nở quanh năm
herbalist : n : : : ngời trồng và bán dợc tho; nhà n/c tho mộc
herbarium : n : : A collection of dried plants scientifically arranged for study. : Tập mẫu cây
hereditary : a : : Passing naturally from parent to child. : Di truyền
heretic : n : : One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any philosophy. : Ng-
ời theo dị giáo

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hernia : n : : Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position. : chứng ruột sa
heron : n : : : con diệc
hesitancy : n : - : A pausing to consider. : Do dự, ngập ngừng
hesitation : n : - : Vacillation. : Ngắc ngứ, ấp úng
heterogeneity : n : : Unlikeness of constituent parts. : tính khác, phát sinh
Heteromorphic : : : :
hexagon : n : : A figure with six angles. : hình 6 cạnh
hexangular : a : : Having six angles. : 6 góc
hexapod : a : : Having six feet. : LoàI 6 chân
heyday : n : + : peak; time of greatest success or power; prime : thời hoàng kim; thời sung sức; tuổi thanh
Hibernian : a : : Pertaining to Ireland, or its people. : Thuộc Ai-len
hideous : a : : Appalling. : Gớm guốc; ghê tởm
hinder : v : - : To obstruct. : cản trở; gây trở ngại
hoarse : a : : Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue. : khàn khàn; khàn giọng
homologous : a : : Identical in nature, make-up, or relation. : tơng ứng; đồng đẳng
homonym : n : : A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. : đồng âm khác nghĩa
homophone : n : : A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. : từ đồng âm khác
honorarium : b : : A token fee or payment to a professional man for services. : tiền thù lao
hoop : n : : : vòng; vành đai
hose : n : : : tới bằng vòi; bít tất dài
hospitality : n : : The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests with kindness. : lòng mến
humanize : v : + : To make gentle or refined. : nhân đạo
humble : a : - : : khiêm tốn, nhún nhờng; khúm núm; tầm thờng, nhỏ bé
humiliate : v : - : To put to shame. : làm nhục
hussar : n : : A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine. : kỵ binh nhẹ
hustle : v : : To move with haste and promptness. : Xô đẩy, chen lấn; nhộn nhịp, hối h
hydra : n : : The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules. : Rắn nhiều đầu; tai ng
hydraulic : a : : Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion. : ống dẫn; chạy bằng
sức nớc
hydrodynamics : n : : The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids. : thuỷ động lực
hydroelectric : a : : Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam. : Thuỷ điện.
hydromechanics : n : : The mechanics of fluids. : thuỷ c học
hydrometer : n : : An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation. : Tỉ trọng kế
hydrostatics : n : : The branch of science that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of fluids. : Thuỷ tĩnh học
hydrous : a : : Watery. : Có nớc
hygiene : n : : The branch of medical science that relates to improving health. : vệ sinh
hypnosis : n : : An artificial trance-sleep. : thôi miên;
hypnotism : n : : An artificially induced somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestion. :
thuật thôi miên
hypnotize : v : : To produce a somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestions. : thôi
hypocrisy : n : : Extreme insincerity. : Đạo đức giả.
hypodermic : : : Pertaining to the area under the skin. : dới da (mũi tên, kim tiêm ..)
hypotenuse : : : The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle. : Cạnh huyền
hypothesis : n : : A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion. : Gi thuyết
hysteria : n : : A nervous affection occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing and crying. : Sự quá khích;
cuồng loạn.
Từ vựng học Toefl (I - L)
icily : a : : Frigidly. : Băng giá; lạnh lùng
iciness : n : : The state of being icy. : lạnh lẽo; lãnh đạm
icon : n : : An image or likeness. : Tợng, thầnh tợng
iconoclast : n : : An image-breaker. : ngời bài trừ thánh tợng

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idealize : v : : To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard. : Lý tởng hoá

idolize : v : : To regard with inordinate love or admiration. : thần tợng hoá, tôn sùng
ignominious : a : : Shameful. : xấu xa, đê tiện; nhục nhã
iliad : n : : A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy. : Thiên anh hùng ca
illiberal : a : : Stingy. : Hẹp hòi; bần tiện.
illiterate : a : : Having little or no book-learning. : Dốt nát, thất học
ill-natured : a : - : Surly. : Cáu kỉnh, gắt gỏng
illogical : a : : Contrary to the rules of sound thought. : không lôgíc, phi lý
illuminant : n : : That which may be used to produce light. : Sáng tỏ; rực rỡ
illumine : v : : To make bright or clear. : Chiếu sáng, soi sáng
imbrue : v : : To wet or moisten. : nhúng; làm thấm đẫm; nhuộm
imitate : v : : make in imitation. : Bắt chớc
immaterial : a : : Of no essential consequence. : Không quan trọng, vụn vặt
immature : a : - : Not full-grown. : non nớt, cha chín muồi
immeasurable : a : : Indefinitely extensive. : vô hạn, ko đo đợc
immerse : v : : To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid. : ngâm, nhúng dới nớc
immersion : n : : The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid. : nhúng chìm; ngâm n-
immigrant : n : : A foreigner who enters a country to settle there. : Nhân nhập c
immigrate : v : : To come into a country or region from a former habitat. :
: : : :
imminence : n : - : Impending evil or danger. : Diều sắp xy ra
immiscible : a : : Separating, as oil and water. : Không trộn lẫn đợc
immortalize : v : : To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great or indefinite length of ti
: làm bất tử; lu danh muôn thủa
immovable : a : : Steadfast. : Bất động
impatience : n : : Unwillingness to brook delays or wait the natural course of things. : nóng vội; thiếu kiên
impend : v : : To be imminent. : sắp xy đến; treo l lửng
imperil : v : : To endanger. : làm cho nguy hiểm
impermissible : a : : Not permissible. : cấm; ko cho phép
impersonate : v : : To appear or act in the character of. : Nhân cách hoá
impetuosity : n : : Rashness. : mãnh mẽ, dữ dội
impliable : a : : Capable of being inferred. :
importation : n : : The act or practice of bringing from one country into : Nhập khẩu
impracticable : a : - : Not feasible. : ko kh thi
impregnate : v : : To make pregnant. : thụ thai; làm đất đai màu mỡ; thấm nhuần, nhiễm
impulsion : n : : Impetus. : Xô tới,đẩy tới
inaccurate : a : : Not exactly according to the facts. : ko chính xác; sai
inactive : a : : Inert. : Bất động
inadvisable : a : : Unadvisable. : Không thích hợp
inapprehensible : a : : :
inapt : a : : Awkward or slow. : Bất tàI ,vụng về
inbred : a : : Innate;inborn : Bẩm sinh
incandescence : n : : The state of being white or glowing with heat. : Sự nóng sáng.
incapacity : n : : Want of power to apprehend, understand, and manage. : ko đủ năng lực
inchmeal : adv : : Piecemeal. : Dần dần từng bớc một
incidentally : adv : : Without intention. : ngẫu nhiên; nhân tiện
: : : :
incinerate : v : - : To reduce to ashes. : hoả táng, thiêu
incitement : n : : That which moves to action, or serves as an incentive or stimulus. : khuyến khích; xúi dục
incoercible : a : : Incapable of being forced, constrained, or compelled. : không nén đợc
incoherence : n : - : Want of connection, or agreement, as of parts or ideas in thought, speech, etc. : rời rạc,
không mạch lạc
incombustible : a : : That can not be burned. : Không cháy đợc

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incomparable : a : : Matchless. : Vô song, không thể so sánh đợc

incompetent : a : : Not having the abilities desired or necessary for any purpose. : Bất tàI; thiếu kh năng
Incompressible : a : : :
inconceivable : a : : Incomprehensible. : Không thể nhận thức đợc
inconsiderable : a : : :
inconsistent : a : : Contradictory. : mâu thuẫn
inconstant : a : : Changeable. : ko kiên định; ko chung thuỷ
indefensible : a : : Untenable. : Không thể bo về đợc
indefinitely : adv : : In a vague or uncertain way. : Mập mờ; vô hạn định
indescribable : a : : That can not be described. : Không thể t đợc;m hồ
indestructible : a : : That can not be destroyed. : Không thể phá huỷ đợc
indicant : a : : That which points out. :
indicator : n : : One who or that which points out. : (ngời, vật, dấu hiệu) chỉ thị
indigestible : a : : Not digestible, or difficult to digest. : ko thể tiêu hoá; ko thể lĩnh hội
indigestion : n : : Difficulty or failure in the alimentary canal in changing food into absorptive nutriment. : (y
học) chứng khó tiêu
indignant : a : : Having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedness. : Phẫn nộ; căm phẫn
indiscreet : a : : Lacking wise judgment. : Vô ý không cẩn trọng
indispensable : a : : Necessary or requisite for the purpose. : Cần, không thể thiếu đợc
indivertible : a : : That can not be turned aside. : Không thể trệch hớng
indivisible : a : : Not separable into parts. : Không thể chia đợc
indolence : n : : Laziness. : Sự lời biếng
indulgence : n : : The yielding to inclination, passion, desire, or propensity in oneself or another. : nuông
chiều; đặc âm; gia hạn; ham mê, miệt mài
inebriate : v : + : To intoxicate. : làm mê mẩn
inedible : a : - : Not good for food. : ko ăn đợc
inefficiency : n : : That which does not accomplish an intended purpose. : Thiếu kh năng, bất tài
inefficient : a : : Not accomplishing an intended purpose. : thiếu khả năng, bất tài; không có hiệu quả
inestimable : a : : Above price. : Vô giá
inexhaustible : a : : So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied, wasted, or spent. : không
bao giờ hết, không biết mệt
inexpensive : a : : Low-priced. : Không đắt, rẻ
inexperience : n : : Lack of or deficiency in experience. : sự thiếu kinh nghiệm
inexplicable : a : : Such as can not be made plain. : Không thể giI thích đợc
inexpressible : a : : Unutterable. : Không thể diễn đạt đợc
infamy : n : : Total loss or destitution of honor or reputation. : điều ô nhục, bỉ ổi; sự mất quyền công dân
inference : n : : The derivation of a judgment from any given material of knowledge on the ground of law. :
Suy luận
infest : v : : To be present in such numbers as to be a source of annoyance, trouble, or danger. : Tràn vào
quấy phá
infinite : a : : Measureless. : vô tận, vô hạn, hằng hà sa số
infinity : n : : Boundless or immeasurable extension or duration. : vô cực, vô tận
infirmary : n : : A place for the reception or treatment of the sick. : Bệnh viện
inflammable : a : : Easily set on fire or excited. : dễ cháy, dễ bị khích động
inflexible : a : : That can not be altered or varied. : Cứng rắn; không nhân nhợng.
influence : n : : Ability to sway the will of another. : nh hởng, tác dụng
influential : a : : Having the power to sway the will of another. : có nh hởng; có uy thế
infusion : n : : The act of imbuing, or pouring in. : pha; nớc pha; tiêm
ingenuity : n : : Cleverness in contriving, combining, or originating. : Khéo léo
inglorious : a : : Shameful. : không vinh quang; nhục nhã
ingratitude : n : : Insensibility to kindness. : sự vô ơn bạc nghĩa
ingredient : n : : Component. : Thành phần
inherence : n : : The state of being permanently existing in something. : Tính vốn có, cố hữu
inhospitable : a : : Not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously. : ko mến khách; ko ở đợc
inhume : v : - : To place in the earth, as a dead body. : chôn cất, mai táng

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iniquity : n : : Gross wrong or injustice. : đIều bất công, tội lỗi

inmost : a : : Deepest within. : Tận trong cùng; tận đáy lòng, thâm tâm
innovate : v : + : To introduce or strive to introduce new things. : sáng kiến; tiến hành đổi mới
innumerable : a : : Countless. : Không đếm xuể
inquire : v : + : To ask information about. : điều tra, thẩm tra
inquisition : n : : A court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics. : đIều tra, thẩn tra chính
thức (của toà án)
inquisitive : a : : Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity. : Tò mò, tọc mạch
inroad : n : : Forcible encroachment or trespass. : Sự xâm nhập; vụ đột nhập
insectivore : n : : : loài ăn sâu bọ
insecure : a : : Not assured of safety. : Không an toàn; bếp bênh
inseparable : a : : That can not be separated. : không thể tách rời, chia lìa
insight : n : : Intellectual discernment. : Sự nhìn thấu đợc bên trong; hiểu biết sâu sắc; sáng suốt
insignificance : n : : Lack of import or of importance. : không quan trọng, tầm thờng
insistence : n : : Urgency. : khăng khăng; nhấn mạnh
insistent : a : : Urgent. : khăng khăng, nài nỉ; nhấn mạnh
insolent : a : : Impudent. : xấc láo
inspector : n : : An official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or importance. :
Thanh tra; n/v thuế vụ
instance : n : : A single occurrence or happening of a given kind. : ví dụ
instigator : n : : One who incites to evil. : Kẻ chủ mu
instill : v : : To infuse. : truyền dẫn ý nghĩ; nhỏ, rỏ
insufficiency : n : - : Inadequacy. : ko đủ; thiếu
insular : a : - : Pertaining to an island. : Có t/c đo
insulate : v : - : To place in a detached state or situation. : Cô lập, cách ly
insurgence : n : : Uprising. : Nổi dậy, nổi loạn
intelligence : n : : Capacity to know or understand. :
intemperance : n : : Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites. : Không đIều độ
intension : n : : The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained. : quyết tâm cao; mãnh liệt; cao
intensive : a : : Adding emphasis or force. : cao độ; tập trung
intention : n : : That upon which the mind is set. :
interact : v : + : To act reciprocally. : Tng tác, nh hởng lẫn nhau
intercede : v : + : To mediate between persons. : hoà gii; can thiệp giúp
intercept : v : : To interrupt the course of. : ngăn chặn, chặn đứng;
intercessor : n : - : A mediator. : ngời xin giùm, nói giùm; ngời môi giới, trung gian
interlocutor : n : : One who takes part in a conversation or oral discussion. : Ngời đối thoại
interlude : n : : An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. : Giờ giải lao.
intermediate : a : : Being in a middle place or degree or between extremes. : Giữa; trung gian; trung cấp
intermission : n : : A recess. : thời gian ngừng, lúc tạm nghỉ
intermit : v : - : To cause to cease temporarily. : gián đoạn
interpolation : n : : Verbal interference. : phép nội suy
interpose : v : : To come between other things or persons. : đặt vào giiã, can thiệp
interposition : n : : A coming between. : đặt vào giã; can thiệp
interpreter : n : : A person who makes intelligible the speech of a foreigner by oral translation. : ngời trình
diễn, diễn xuất; giải thích; phiên dịch
interrogative : a : : Having the nature or form of a question. : nghi vấn
interrogatory : n : : A question or inquiry. : câu hỏi, lời thẩm vấn
interrupt : v : - : To stop while in progress. : Gián đoạn, đứt quãng
intersect : v : : To cut through or into so as to divide. : cắt nhau; giao nhau
intervale : n : : A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river. : vùng lòng chảo
intestacy : n : : The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. : chết ko để lại di
intestine : n : : That part of the digestive tube below or behind the stomach, extending to the anus. : ruột
intolerable : a : : Insufferable. :

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intolerance : n : : Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure. : tính không khoan dung, không dung thứ; tính
không chịu đợc
intolerant : a : - : Bigoted. : Cố chấp, không khoan dung
intoxicant : n : : Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. : Chất làm say
intoxicate : v : : To make drunk. : Làm say
intramural : a : : Situated within the walls of a city. : nội bộ; trong vách
intricate : a : : Difficult to follow or understand. : rắc rối; phức tạp.
introspection : n : : The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. : Tự xem xét nội
introversion : n : : The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally. : lồng vào trong; hớng vào
nội tâm
inure : v : : To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure. : làm cho quen; có hiệu lực
invalid : n : : One who is disabled by illness or injury. : Không hệp lê; tàn phế
invaluable : a : : Exceedingly precious. : vô giá
invariable : a : : Unchangeable. :
inversion : n : : Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first. : Sự lộn ngợc; đảo ngợc.
investor : n : : One who invests money. : Ngời đầu t
invigorate : v : : To animate. : Tiếp thêm sinh lực, làm cho cờng tráng
involuntary : a : : Unwilling. : không cố ý; vô tình
involution : n : : Complication. : điều rắc rối; phức tạp
involve : v : : To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively. : Gồm, bao hàm
ire : n : + : Wrath. : nổi iận, giận dữ
irk : v : : To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue. : Làm phiền; làm khó chịu
irradiance : n : : Luster. : sự sáng chói; chiếu, rọi
irrefragable : a : : That can not be refuted or disproved. : không thể phủ nhận
irrefrangible : a : : That can not be broken or violated. : ko hể xâm phạm
irreligious : a : : Indifferent or opposed to religion. : không tín ngỡng.
irresistible : a : : That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. : hấp dẫn không thể cỡng lại đợc
irresponsible : a : : Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities. : thiếu tinh thần trách nhiệm; không chịu
trách nhiệm
irreversible : a : : Irrevocable. : không thể thay đổi đợc
irrigate : v : : To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means. : tới, rửa
irritable : a : : Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation. : dễ cáu; cáu kỉnh.
irritancy : n : : The quality of producing vexation. V irritate : lám cáu
irritant : n : : A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension. : gây bứt rứt,
khó chịu, làm nổi quạu
islet : n : : A little island. : Hòn đảo nhỏ; vùng biẹt lập.
isobar : n : : A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment. : đờng
đẳng áp
isochronous : a : : Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. : Chiếm thời gian bằn nhau
isolate : v : : To separate from others of its kind. : cách ly
isothermal : : : Having or marking equality of temperature. : đờng dẳng nhiệt .
itinerate : v : : To wander from place to place. : lu động
Jingo : n : : One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy. : phần tử
Sô-vanh hiếu chiến
joggle : n : : A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. : xóc nhẹ; lắc lắc
joggle : n : : A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. : xóc nhẹ; lắc lắc
journalize : v : : To keep a diary. : ghi nhật ký
joust : v : : To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback. : cỡi ngựa đấu thơng
judgment : n : : The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached. : phán quyết; cách
nhìn, đánh giá, phán đoán; chỉ trích
judicial : a : : Pertaining to the administration of justice. : Thuộc toà án
judiciary : n : : That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal : bộ
máy t pháp; pháp luật, toàn án
juggle : v : : To play tricks of sleight of hand. : tung hứng; lừa bịp

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jugglery : n : : The art or practice of sleight of hand. : Trò tung hứng; trò lừa gạt.
jugular : a : : Pertaining to the throat. : (giải phẫu) cổ
juicy : a : : Succulent. : mọng nớc, ẩm ớt; lý thú
jumpy : a : - : : thay đổi thất thờng; giật mình
junction : n : : The condition of being joined. : sự nối liền, chỗ gặp nhau, ga đầu mối
juridical : a : : Assumed by law to exist. : pháp lý
jurisdiction : n : : Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. : quyền hạn pháp lý
justapose : v : : To place close together. :
justice : n : : : sự công bằng; công lý, quan toà, thẩm phán
justification : n : : Vindication. : bào chữa; sắp chữ đúng hàng, đúng chỗ
juxtaposition : n : : : đặt cạnh nhau; liền kề nhau
kerchief : n : : A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck. : khăn
vuông; khăn mùi soa
kingling : n : : A petty king. :
knickknack : n : : A small article, more for ornament that use. : Mẩu tin trang trí
knight(errant) : n : : n. One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of
adventure. : hiệp sĩ thánh chiến
knighthood : n : : Chivalry. : tinh thần hiệp sĩ; tớc hầu
lacerate : v : - : To tear rudely or raggedly. : Xé rach,làm tan nát (cõi lòng)
lactation : n : : The secretion of milk. : sự sinh ra sữa, sự cho bú
lacteal : a : : Milky. : Sữa
lactic : a : : Pertaining to milk. : Sữa
laddie : n : : A lad. : bé tí hon
ladle : n : : A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids. : CáI môI
để múc
landholder : n : : Landowner. : địa chủ, ngời cho thuê đất
landmark : n : : A familiar object in the landscape serving as a guide to an area otherwise easily lost track :
Ranh giới; giới hạn; mốc
landscape : n : : A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation. :
phong cảnh, tranh phong cảnh
lassie : n : : A little lass. : (thân mật)thiếu nữ; em yêu quý
later(adv.) : adv : : At a subsequent time. : Chậm, muộn
lateral : a : : adv. laterally : ở nhánh (họ hàng); bên cạnh
latish : a : - : Rather late. : HI trễ,khá muộn
lattice : n : : Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. : Lới, rèm, hàng
rào mắt cáo
laudable : a : : Praiseworthy. : đáng tán dng, khen ngợi
laudation : n : : High praise. : Lời tán dơng, ca ngợi
laudatory : a : : Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise. : tán dng, c ngợi
laureate : a : : Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction. : Đợc giải thởng
lave : v : : To wash or bathe. : Tắm rửa; chy qua
lawgiver : n : : A legislator. : Ngời là luật
lawmaker : n : : A legislator. : Ngời làm luật
lawn : n : : : bẫi cỏ; vi gai mịn (batit)
laxative : : : Having power to open or loosen the bowels. : nhuận tràng
lea : n : : A field. : Khong đất hoang
leeward : n : : That side or direction toward which the wind blows. : phía dới gió
left-handed : a : : Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right. : thuận tay trái, vụng về; không
thành thực
legalize : v : + : To give the authority of law to. : hợp pháp hoá, công nhận, chứng nhận
legging : n : : A covering for the leg. : Sự đi bộ
legible : a : : That may be read with ease. : rõ ràng, dễ đọc
legionary : n : : A member of an ancient Roman legion or of the modern French Legion of Honor. : quân
lính, lính lê dơng
legislative : a : : That makes or enacts laws. : làm luật

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legislator : n : : A lawgiver. : Ngời làm luật

legitimacy : n : : Accordance with law. : hợp pháp, chính thống
leisure : n : : Spare time. : Rỗi rãI, th nhàn
lever : n : : That which exerts, or through which one may exert great power. : đòn bẩy
leviathan : n : : Any large animal, as a whale. : quái vật khổng lồ; ngời có uy quyền; tàu lớn
lexicography : n : : The making of dictionaries. : Từ đIển học
lid : n : : : nắp vung; mi mắt;
lifelike : a : : Realistic. : Giống nh thật
lifelong : a : : Lasting or continuous through life. : Suốt đời
lifetime : n : : The time that life continues. : cuộc đời
ligament : n : : That which binds objects together. : Ràng buộc; dây chằng.
light-hearted : a : : Free from care. : vui vẻ, vô t lự
lights : n : : : Phổi súc vật (thức ăn chó..)
lightweight : a : : : hạng nhẹ; tầm thờng
limitation : n : : A restriction. : Hạn chế
lingo : n : : Language. : ngôn ngữ lạ, khó hiểu
linguist : n : : One who is acquainted with several languages. : Nhà ngôn ngữ học
linguistics : n : : The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of words. : Ngôn ngữ
liniment : n : : A liquid preparation for rubbing on the skin in cases of bruises, inflammation, etc. : Dỗu xoa
liqueur : n : : An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances. : rợu mùi;
liquidate : v : : To deliver the amount or value of. : thanh lý, thanh toán
literacy : n : : The state or condition of knowing how to read and write. : hiểu biết; biết đọc
lithesome : a : : Nimble. : Lanh le;linh lợi
lithosphere : a : : : thạch quyển
lithotype : n : : In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing. : thuật nghiền sỏi
litigant : n : : A party to a lawsuit. : Ngời kiện
litigate : v : - : To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law. : kiện, tranh chấp
litigious : a : : Quarrelsome. : kiện tụng; tranh chấp
littoral : a : : Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore. : ven biển; duyên hi
liturgy : n : : A ritual. : nghi thức tế lễ
livelihood : n : : Means of subsistence. : kế sinh nhai
loam : n : : A non-coherent mixture of sand and clay. : đát sét trộn (nhiều mùn)
loch : n : : A lake. : hồ
locomotion : n : : The act or power of moving from one place to another. : vận động; di động
logician : n : : An expert reasoner. : nhà lôgíc học
loneliness : n : : Solitude. : cô đn; hiu quạnh
loot : v : + : To plunder. : Cớp bóc
lough : n : : A lake or loch. : Hồ, vịnh
lowly(adv.) : adv : : Rudely. : Tầm thờng; hèn mọn
low-spirited : a : : Despondent. : nn lòng
luminescence : n : : Showing increase. : Phát sáng, phát quang
luminescent : a : : Showing increase of light. : Phát quang
luminosity : n : : The quality of giving or radiating light. : tính sang; độ sáng.
lunacy : n : - : Mental unsoundness. : Mất trí; đIên rồ
lunatic : n : - : An insane person. : Ngời đIên, ngời mất trí
lune : n : : The moon. : Hình trăng
luxuriance : n : + : Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity. : Sự sum suê; phồn thịnh;phong phú; hoa mỹ
luxuriate : v : + : To live sumptuously. : Xa hoa, sung sớng
lying : n : : Untruthfulness. : sự nói dối
lyre : n : : One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class. : đàn lia
lyric : a : : Fitted for expression in song. : Th trữ tình
Từ vựng học Toefl (M - N - O)
machinery : n : : The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively. : Máy móc; bộ máy

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machinist : n : : One who makes or repairs machines, or uses metal-working tools. : thợ máy
Madonna : n : : A painted or sculptured representation of the Virgin, usually with the infant Jesus. : Đức mẹ,
tợng hay tranh Đức mẹ đồng trinh
magistracy : n : : The office or dignity of a magistrate. : quan toà, uỷ quyền;
magnet : n : : A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the lodestone. : nam châm;
vật có sức cuốn hút
magnificent : a : : Grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action. : Tráng lệ; nguy nga.
maintenance : n : : That which supports or sustains. : bo dỡng đờng
maize : n : : Indian corn : usually in the United States called simply corn. : Ngô vàng
makeup : n : : The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is composed. : đồ hoá trang;
bn chất, t/c; cấu tạo, thành phần
maleficent : a : : Mischievous. : làm hại; ác hiểm
mallet : n : : A wooden hammer. : cái vồ
maltreat : v : : To treat ill, unkindly, roughly, or abusively. : ngợc đãi; hành hạ
man-eater : n : : An animal that devours human beings. : ăn thịt ngời
maniac : n : - : a person raving with madness. : điên cuồng
manifestation : n : : outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex.
manifestation of his pronounced musical bent : biểu lộ, biểu thị; hiện hình; biểu tình, thị uy
manliness : n : : The qualities characteristic of a true man, as bravery, resolution, etc. : vẻ đàn ông, tính đàn
ông( đàn bà); tính hùng dũng, mạnh mẽ
mantle : n : : A cloak. : áo khoác; che phủ, che đậy
manumission : n : : Emancipation. : GiI phóng nô lệ
marine : a : : Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. : Thuộc biển
Martian : a : : Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet. : thuộc sao Hoả.
martyrdom : n : : Submission to death or persecution for the sake of faith or principle. : Chết vì nghĩa; nỗi
thống khổ, sự dày vò
marvel : v : : To be astonished and perplexed because of (something). : ngạc nhiên, tự hỏi
masonry : n : : The art or work of constructing, as buildings, walls, etc., with regularly arranged stones. :
Nghề thợ nề; hội Tam Điểm
masquerade : n : : A social party composed of persons masked and costumed so as to be disguised. : Dạ hội
hoá trang
mass : n : : material : khối, đống
massacre : n : - : The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings. : Cuộc tàn sát, thm sát
massive : a : : Of considerable bulk and weight. :
masterpiece : n : : A superior production. : kiệt tác
mastery : n : : The attainment of superior skill. : u thế
material : n : : That of which anything is composed or may be constructed. : vật chất; thân thể; quan trọng
materialize : v : : To take perceptible or substantial form. : Vật chất hoá, cụ thể hoá
matinee : n : : An entertainment (especially theatrical) held in the daytime. : Buổi biểu diễn nhạc kịch ban
matricide : n : - : The killing, especially the murdering, of one's mother. : tội giết mẹ
matrimony : n : : The union of a man and a woman in marriage. : Hôn nhân
matter(of) : a : : fact n. Something that has actual and undeniable existence or reality. : Có y/n; có t/c quan
maze : n : : A labyrinth. : mê cung
mead : n : : A meadow. : đống cỏ
mechanics : n : : The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of forces. : C học
medial : a : : Of or pertaining to the middle. : Trung bình;trung gian
medicine : n : : A substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties. : Y khoa
medieval : a : : Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. : Thời trung cổ
meliorate : v : + : To make better or improve, as in quality or social or physical condition. : Cải thiện.
melodious : a : : Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds. : Du dng , êm tai
melon : n : : : qu da; lời lãi
melt : v : - : : nấu chy KL; tan ra, chy ra
memorable : a : + : Noteworthy. : đáng ghi nhớ; ko quên

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menace : n : : A threat. : đe doạ, uy hiếp

merciless : a : - : Cruel. : nhẫn tâm; tàn nhẫn
metal : n : : An element that forms a base by combining with oxygen, is usually hard, heavy, and lustrous. :
Kim loại
metallurgy : n : : The art or science of extracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. : Luyện kim
metaphysics : n : : The principles of philosophy as applied to explain the methods of any particular science. :
Hình học siêu hình; trừu tợng
metempsychosis : n : : Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or
: Thuyết luân hồi
metronome : n : : An instrument for indicating and marking exact time in music. : máy nhịp ()âm nhạc
metropolitan : a : : Pertaining to a chief city. : Thuộc thủ đô
mettlesome : a : + : Having courage or spirit. : khí khái, dũng cm
: : : :
micrometer : n : : An instrument for measuring very small angles or dimensions. : dụng cụ đo vi lợng
microphone : n : : An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds. : micro
microscopy : n : : The art of examing objects with the microscope. : dùng kiến hiển vi
mien : n : : The external appearance or manner of a person. : dáng điệu, phong cách, vẻ mặt, dung nhan
migrate : v : : To remove or pass from one country, region, or habitat to another. : Di c
militarism : n : : A policy of maintaining great standing armies. : chủ nghĩa quân phiệt, tinh thần thợng võ
militia : n : : Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary military organizations. :
Dân quân
millet : n : : A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. : cây kê; hạt kê
mimic : v : : To imitate the speech or actions of. : Bắt chớc
miniature : a : : Much smaller than reality or that the normal size. : thu nhỏ lại
minimize : v : : To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree. : Cực tiểu hoá
ministration : n : : Any religious ceremonial. : cứu giúp, chăm sóc
ministry : n : : A service. : Bộ, đoàn mục s
minority : n : : The smaller in number of two portions into which a number or a group is divided. : Thiểu số;
tuổi vị thành niên
mint : n : : : sở đúc tiền; cây bạc hà
misbehave : v : - : To behave ill. : c xử không đúng đắn
misbehavior : n : - : Ill or improper behavior. : T cách xấu
mischievous : a : : Fond of tricks. : tinh quái, ranh mãnh; làm nguy hại
miscount : v : - : To make a mistake in counting. : đếm sai
misdeed : n : - : A wrong or improper act. : hành động xấu, tội ác
misinterpret : v : - : To misunderstand. : Hiểu sai, dịch sai
mismanage : v : - : To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully. : Qun lý tồi
misogyny : n : - : Hatred of women. : tính ghét phụ nữ
misplace : v : - : To put into a wrong place. : để không đúng chỗ
misrepresent : v : - : To give a wrong impression. : Xuyên tạc, bóp méo
missa : n : : The book containing the service for the celebration of mass. : Kinh sách.
mistrust : v : - : To regard with suspicion or jealousy. : Nghi ngờ, hồ nghi
misty : a : : Lacking clearness : mù sơng; mơ hồ, nớc đôi
misunderstand : v : - : To Take in a wrong sense. :
miter : n : : The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. : Mũ tế (giám mục); mộng vuông góc (đồ
moat : n : : A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall. : đờng hào
mockery : n : : Ridicule. :
moderation : n : + : Temperance. : Tiết chế, đIều độ
moderator : n : : The presiding officer of a meeting. : Chủ toạ
modification : n : : A change. : sự thay đổi, sự biến thể
modify : v : : To make somewhat different. : Sửa đổi; gm bớt
molt : v : - : To cast off, as hair, feathers, etc. : rụng lông, thay lông
momentary : a : : Lasting but a short time. : Thoáng qua; nhất thời
monastery : n : : A dwelling-place occupied in common by persons under religious vows of seclusion. : Tu

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money : n : : :
mongrel : n : : The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. : ngời, chó, vật, cây
monitory : n : : Admonition or warning. : Báo trớc, khuyên răn
monogamy : n : : The habit of pairing, or having but one mate. : Chế độ một vợ một chồng
monograph : n : : A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. : chuyên khảo
monomania : n : : The unreasonable pursuit of one idea. : độc tởng; suy ngẫm
monopoly : n : : The control of a thing, as a commodity, to enable a person to raise its price. : độc quyền
monosyllable : n : : A word of one syllable. : từ 1 âm tiết
monstrosity : n : : Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. : QuáI dj, kỳ quái
moonbeam : n : : A ray of moonlight. : ánh trăng
moralist : : + : A writer on ethics. : Nhà đạo đức học,
morality : n : : Virtue. : đạo đức, giáo lý; đức hạnh, nhân cách
mordacious : a : : Biting or giving to biting. : ăn mòn; đay nghiến, châm chọc
morphology : n : : the science of organic forms. : hình thái học
motive : a : : : vận động; chuyển động
mountainous : a : : Full of or abounding in mountains. : nhiều núi; khổng lồ
mouthful : n : : As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise. : miếng ()đầy mồm
mow : n : : : đống, đụn (rm rạ); bĩu môi, nhăn mặt
muffle : v : - : To deaden the sound of, as by wraps. : bọc ủ, quấn; bit, bóp nghẹt, làm cho bớt kêu
muggy(adj) : a : : oppressively humid; N. Mugginess : oi
mulatto : n : : The offspring of a white person and a black person. : Da ngăm ngăm; da màu
municipality : n : : A district enjoying municipal government. : Chính quyền tự trị
mutation : n : : The act or process of change. : Biến đổi, thay đổi
mystic : n : : One who professes direct divine illumination, or relies upon meditation to acquire truth. : Ngời
thần bí
myth : n : : A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. : thần thoại; hoang đ-
ờng, chuyện tởng tợng
naked : a : : : ko dấu giếm; trần trụi
name : n : : :
naphtha : n : : A light, colorless, volatile, inflammable oil used as a solvent, as in manufacture of paints. :
ligorin, dầu mỏ
Narcissus : n : : The son of the Athenian river-god Cephisus, fabled to have fallen in love with his reflection
: Hoa thuỷ tiên
narrate : v : : To tell a story. : Thuật lại
narrator : n : : One who narrates anything. : ngời kể chuyện
narrow-minded : a : : Characterized by illiberal views or sentiments. : hẹp hòi; ích kỷ; vô học
natal : : : Pertaining to one's birth.; ex : natal day, natal place : (thuộc sinh, ngày sinh)
nationality : n : : A connection with a particular nation. :
nature : cn : : :
nausea : n : - : An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to vomit : buồn nôn;
kinh tởm
naval : a : : Pertaining to ships. : HI quân
navel : n : : The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached. : rốn; trung
navigate : v : : To traverse by ship. : đi sông đi biển
nebula : n : : A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. : tinh vân; chứng mắt kéo mây
nebula : n : : A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. : tinh vân; chứng mắt kéo mây
necessary : a : : Indispensably requisite or absolutely needed to accomplish a desired result. :
necessitate : v : : To render indispensable. : đòi hỏi phi có, bắt phi
necessity : n : : That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired. : bắt buộc; cần thiết
necrology : n : - : A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time. : d/s ngời chết; tiểu sử
necromancer : n : - : One who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the :
Cô đồng (gọi hồn)

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necropolis : n : - : A city of the dead. : Bãi tha ma; nghĩa địa

necrosis : n : - : the death of part of the body. : hoại th
nectar : n : : Any especially sweet and delicious drink. : Mật hoa; rợu tiên
nectarine : n : : A variety of the peach. : Qu xuân đào
needy : : : Being in need, want, or poverty. : nghèo túng.
negation : n : : The act of denying or of asserting the falsity of a proposition. : sự phủ định, phủ nhận; cự
tuyệt, từ chối
neglect : a : - : : cẩu th; bỏ bê; ko chú ý
negligee : n : : A loose gown worn by women. : Quần áo xuềnh xoàng
negligent : a : - : Apt to omit what ought to be done. : cẩu thả, lơ đễnh
negotiable : v : : To bargain with others for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of property. : có thể tởng
tợng, trao đổi, tr bằng tiền
neocracy : n : : Government administered by new or untried persons. : Sự thống trị của chính phủ mới, ngời
neo-Darwinsim : n : : Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. : thuyết Dacuyn mới
neo-Latin : n : : Modernized Latin. : Tiếng La tinh mới.
Neolithic : a : : Pertaining to the later stone age. : Thuộc thời kỳ đồ đá mới
neology : n : : The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. : từ mới
nestle : v : : To adjust cozily in snug quarters. : ấp ủ, ôm chặt
nestling : a : : Recently hatched. : Mới nở; chim non
network : n : : Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. : mạng
neural : a : : Pertaining to the nerves or nervous system. : thần kinh
neurology : n : : The science of the nervous system. : Thần kinh học
nevertheless : conj : : Notwithstanding. : Tuy nhiên.
newsstand : n : : : quầy bán báo
nil : n : - : Nothing : Không có gì
nimble : a : + : Light and quick in motion or action. : Nhanh nhẹn, nhanh trí
noiseless : a : - : Silent. : im lặng, yên ắng
nomic : a : : Usual or customary. :
nominate : v : : To designate as a candidate for any office. : đề cử; chọn bổ nhiệm
nomination : n : : The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office. : chỉ định; bổ nhiệm
nominee : n : : One who receives a nomination. : Ngời đợc chỉ định, đề cử
non-combatant : n : : One attached to the army or navy, but having duties other than that of fighting. : Ngời
thực thi nhiệm vụ
non-existent : n : : That which does not exist. : không tồn tại
nonpareil : n : : One who or that which is of unequaled excellence. : ngời, vật có một không hai
norm : n : + : A model. : tiêu chuẩn; quy tắc
normalcy : n : : The state of being normal. : Bình thờng; chuẩn tắc
Norman : a : : Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France. : Ngời Noóc-măng
noticeable : a : : Perceptible. :
nowadays : adv : : In the present time or age. :
nowhere : adv : : In no place or state. : ko ni nào, ko ở đâu
nucleus : n : : A central point or part about which matter is aggregated. : trung tâm; nhân
nude : a : - : Naked. : Kho thân
numerical : a : : Of or pertaining to number. : số, bằng số
nunnery : n : : A convent for nuns. : nữ tu viện
nutriment : n : : That which nourishes. : Chất dinh dỡng.
oaken : a : : Made of or from oak. : bằng gỗ sồi
oar : n : : : mái chèo
oath : n : + : : lời thề
obesity : n : : Excessive fatness. : Sự béo, phệ
objector : n : - : One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling. : Ngời chống đối
obsequies : n : - : Funeral rites. : đám ma
observance : n : : A traditional form or customary act. : Lễ kỷ niệm; tuân theo
observant : a : : Quick to notice. : tinh mắt, tinh ý

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obsolescent : a : - : Passing out of use, as a word. : cũ đi; teo đi

obstetrics : n : : The branch of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of women during : sn
obstinacy : n : : Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to have one's own way. : b-
ớng bỉnh; ngoan cố.
obstruction : n : - : Hindrance. :
obtrusive : a : : Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. : ép buộc; làm phiền.
occasion : n : : An important event or celebration. : dịp, c hội; duyên cớ
occupant : n : + : A tenant in possession of property, as distinguished from the actual owner. : Ngời sở hữa,
chiếm hữu
occurrence : n : : A happening. :
octagon : n : : A figure with eight sides and eight angles. : Hình bát giác
octave : n : : A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to that other. : Quãng
tám; tho\ 8 câu;nhóm 8
octogenarian : a : : A person of between eighty and ninety years. : thọ 80 tuổi
octopus : n : : : con bạch tuộc
oddity : n : : An eccentricity. : kỳ dị; kỳ quặc
ode : n : + : The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung. : th ca ngợi
off : a : - : Farther or more distant. : khỏi, cách, rời
offshoot : n : : Something that branches off from the parent stock. : nhánh, cành; một phần
ogre : n : - : A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings. : yêu tinh; ngời tàn ác
ointment : n : : A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists. :
Thuốc mỡ
olive-branch : n : : A branch of the olive-tree, as an emblem of peace. : Cành ô liu (hoà bình)
omission : n : - : Exclusion. : Sự bỏ sót, bỏ quên
omnipotence : n : + : Unlimited and universal power. : Quyền tuyệt đối, vô hạn
omniscience : n : + : Unlimited or infinite knowledge. : thông suốt mọi thứ; toàn trí thức; Chúa
onion : n : : : củ hành
onrush : n : : Onset. : lao tới, xông tới
onset : n : : An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification. : tấn công, công kích mạnh
opalescence : n : : The property of combined refraction and reflection of light, resulting in smoky tints. :
Trắng đục, trắng sữa
operative : a : : Active. : Có hiệu lực; thực tế.
operetta : n : : A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act. : nhạc kịch
opinion : n : : A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge. : ý
kiến; d luận; đánh giá
opportunity : n : + : Favorable or advantageous chance or opening. : C hội
optic : n : : Pertaining to the eye or vision. : (đùa cợt) con mắt; cái vòi( cắm vào chai)
optics : n : : The science that treats of light and vision, and all that is connected with sight. : Quang học.
optimism : n : + : The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best. : Lạc
opulent : a : : Wealthy. : Giàu có; phong phú.
orate : v : : To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech. : Diễn thuyết
oration : n : : An elaborate or formal public speech. : BàI diễn văn, diễn thuyết
ordnance : n : : A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. : Quân nhu
orgies : n : - : Wild or wanton revelry. : truy hoan, trác táng
origin : n : : The beginning of that which becomes or is made to be. : Nguồn gốc
originate : v : : To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of. :
orographic : a : : : địa hình núi
orthodoxy : n : : Acceptance of the common faith. : t/c chính thống
orthopedic : a : : Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity : khoa chỉnh hình
orthopedist : n : : One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity : Chuyên khoa chỉnh hình
ostentation : n : : A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery. : Sự phô trơng;
khoe khoang
ostracism : n : : Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics. : sự phát vãng, khai trừ, tẩy

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otter : n : : : con rái cá
ought : n : : To be under moral obligation to be or do. : nuôi
outburst : n : : A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual. : phun l' bột phát, bùng nổ; cn (giận)
outcast : n : - : One rejected and despised, especially socially. : Ngời bị xã hội ruồng bỏ
outcry : n : - : A vehement or loud cry or clamor. : Tiếng la hét; tiếng la ó, phn đối
outdo : v : + : To surpass. : vợt trội; giỏi hn
outlaw : n : - : A habitual lawbreaker. : ngời sống ngoài vòng pháp luật; kẻ cớp; con ngựa bất kham
outlive : v : + : To continue to exist after. : sống sót
outreach : v : + : To reach or go beyond. : Vợt hn
outride : v : + : To ride faster than. : vợt trớc
outrigger : n : : A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. : Rầm chìa; móc
chèo; ngáng buộc ngựa
outstretch : v : + : To extend. : kéo dài ra, trải dài ra, mở rộng
outweigh : v : : To surpass in importance or excellence. : nặng hn; có nhiều tác dụng
overdo : v : - : To overtax the strength of. : quá trớn; hỏng vì cờng điệu
overhang : n : : A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over. : Nhô lên trên
overjoyed : a : + : : vui mừng khôn xiết
overleap : v : : To leap beyond. : Nhy vợt qua
overlord : n : : One who holds supremacy over another. : Lãn chúa.
overpay : v : - : To pay or reward in excess. : tr tiền quá cao
overproduction : n : : Excessive production. : Khủng hong thừa
overreact : v : + : : phn ứng dữ dội
oversee : v : - : To superintend. : Trông nom, quan sát
overshadow : v : - : To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison. : Làm lu mờ; che bóng
overthrow : v : - : To vanquish an established ruler or government. : Lật đổ; đạp đổ; đánh bại hoàn toàn
overture : n : : An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet. : Sự đàm phán; thơng lợng.
Từ vựng học Toefl (P, R)
packet : n : : A bundle, as of letters. :
pact : n : : A covenant. : Hiệp ớc; công ớc
paddle : n : : : mái chèo; chèo xuồng
pagan : n : : A worshiper of false gods. : ngoại đạo
pageant : n : : A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one. : Phô trng rực rỡ;
pale : n : - : : cọc, hàng rào; tái nhợt, yếu ớt
paleontologist : n : : : nhà cổ sinh vật học
palinode : n : : A retraction. : Sự co rút
palsy : n : - : Paralysis. : tê liệt; chứng liệt
paly : a : - : Lacking color or brilliancy. : HI tai táI, xanh xao
Pan-American : a : : Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South. : Liên Mỹ.
panel : n : : A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame. : panô. bức tranh
panic : n : - : A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. : hong sợ, kinh hoàng
panoply : n : : A full set of armor. : Bộ đầy đủ
panorama : n : : A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. : Toàn cnh
pant : : : : thở hổn hển; khát khao
pantheism : n : : The worship of nature for itself or its beauty. : Lòng tin, sự thờ cúng
Pantheon : n : : A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed roof. : đền bách
thần; kăng danh nhân
pantoscope : n : : A very wide-angled photographic lens. : máy chiếu toàn cnh
papacy : n : : The official head of the Roman Catholic Church. : Giáo hoàng
paradoxical : a : - : : nghịch lý
paralysis : n : - : Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles. : Liệt; tình trạng tê
pare : v : - : To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything. : Tỉa, gọt, đẽo
parentage : n : : The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect. :
Nguồn gốc ttổ tiên; hàng cha mẹ, t cách cha mẹ

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Parisian : a : : Of or pertaining to the city of Paris. : Thuộc Paris

parliament : n : : A legislative body. : Quốc hội
parse : v : : To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word. : Phân
tích, phân tích câu
parsimonious : a : - : Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money. : Keo kiệt; chi li, bủn xỉn
partible : a : : Separable. : Có thể chia đợc (thừa kế )
participate : v : : To receive or have a part or share of. : Tham gia, tham dự
passible : a : + : Capable of feeling of suffering. : dễ cảm động, dễ xúc động
paternal : a : : Fatherly. : đằng nội, họ nội
patrimony : n : : An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father. : Gia sn, di sn
patriotism : n : : Love and devotion to one's country. : Lòng yêu nớc
patron : a : : : ngời bo trợ; ông bầu
patronymic : a : : Formed after one's father's name. : đặt tên theo cha
patter : v : : To mumble something over and over. : Tiếng tí tách
pauperism : n : : Dependence on charity. : Bần cùng
pavilion : n : : An open structure for temporary shelter. : dựng rạp; che lều; rạp, lều
payee : n : : A person to whom money has been or is to be paid. : Ngời đợc trả tiền
pectoral : a : : Pertaining to the breast or thorax. : ngực; vây,ức; tấm che ngực
pedagogics : n : : The science and art of teaching. : KH s phạm
pedal : : : A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, and other machines. : bàn
đạp xe đạp; đòn bẩy; đạp, dùng bàn đạp
peddle : v : : To go about with a small stock of goods to sell. : bán rong; ngồi lê đôi mách
peddler : n : : One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail. : Ngời bán rong.
pedigree : n : : One's line of ancestors. : ph hệ, dòng giống
peerage : n : + : The nobility. : hàng qúy tộc, khanh tớng
penalty : n : : The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law. : Hình phạt
pendant : n : : Anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use. : Vật đợc treo dới
một vật (cờ hiệu, dây chuyền ..)
pendulum : n : : A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock. : qu lắc, con
penetrable : a : : That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force. : Có thể xâm nhập, xuyên
quan, hiểu thấu
penetration : n : : Discernment. : xâm nhập; thấm nhuần; xuyên qua; sắc so
penguin(n) : n : : : chim cánh cụt
peninsular : a : : Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water. : bán đảo
penitence.() : n : : : ăn năn; hối lỗi; sám hối
pentad : n : : The number five. : Nhóm 5
pentagon : n : : A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides. : Hình ngũ giác
pentagram : n : : A figure having five points or lobes. : sao năm cánh
pentahedron : n : : A solid bounded by five plane faces. : Khối 5 năm (ngũ giác)
pentameter : n : : In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet. : Câu th năm âm tiết
pentathlon : n : : The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants. : cuộc
thi 5 môn phối hợp (TDTT)
pentavalent : a : : Quinqeuvalent. : hoá trị năm
penurious : a : - : Excessively sparing in the use of money. : túng thiếu, bủn xỉn
pep : : + : : sức sống; tinh thần hăng hái, sôi nổi
perceive : v : + : To have knowledge of, or receive impressions concerning, through the medium of the body :
Hiểu đợc; lĩnh hội đợc
perceptible : : + : Cognizable. : nhận thúc, lĩnh hội
perception : n : : Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or the external : Sự
nhận thức, tri giác; thu thuế
perfectible : a : + : Capable of being made perfect. : có thể hoàn thiện
perfidy : n : - : Treachery. : phn bội; xo trá
perform : v : : To accomplish. : Thực hiện; biểu diễn
perfumery : n : : The preparation of perfumes. : nớc hoa, xởng chế biến nớc hoa

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perish : : - : : diệt vong; tàn lụi, chết

permanence : n : + : A continuance in the same state, or without any change that destroys the essential form or
: Sự vĩnh cửa
permanent : a : : Durable. : Thờng xuyên; vĩnh cửu.
permissible : a : : That may be allowed. : Chấp nhận đợc; dùng đợc
permutation : n : : Reciprocal change, different ordering of same items. : sự đổi trật tự; hoán vị
perpendicular : a : : Straight up and down. : vuông góc; thẳng đứng
perquisite : n : : Any profit from service beyond the amount fixed as salary or wages. : Bổng lộc, tiền thù lao
perseverance : n : + : A persistence in purpose and effort. : Kiên nhẫn,kiên trì
persevere : v : + : To continue striving in spite of discouragements. : kiên nhẫn, kiên trì
persist : v : + : To continue steadfast against opposition. : bền bỉ; khăng khăng, cố chấp
persistence : n : : A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like. : Bền bỉ, kiên trì
personage : n : : A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station. : nhân vật quan
trọng, ngời có vai vế
personal : a : : Not general or public. : Cá nhân
personality : n : : The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an individual. :
Nhân cách, tính cách
perspicacity : n : : Acuteness or discernment. : Minh mãn, sáng trí
perspire : v : : To excrete through the pores of the skin. : đổ mồ hôi
persuadable : a : : capable of influencing to action by entreaty, statement, or anything that moves the : có thể
thuyết phục đợc
persuade : v : + : To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection. : Thuyết phục; làm cho
pertinacity : n : : Unyielding adherence. : Tính ngoan cố, cố chấp
perusal : n : n : The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. : nghiên cứu kỹ
pervade : v : + : To pass or spread through every part. : tràn ngập, to khắp
pervert : n : - : One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. : Ngời h hỏng; lầm
đờng lạc lối
pervious : a : : Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance. : dễ thấm qua; xâm nhập.
pestilence : n : : A raging epidemic. : Bệnh dịch hạch
petrify : v : : turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze : làm sững sờ, chết điếng; tê liệt; biến
thành đá
petulance : n : : The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulant. : nóng ny, hay hờn dỗi
pharmacopoeia : : : :
phenomenal : : : Extraordinary or marvelous. : có t/c hiện tợng; kỳ lạ
phenomenon : n : : Any unusual occurrence. : Hiện tợng
philately : n : : The study and collection of stamps. : ChI tem, su tầm tem
philharmonic : a : : Fond of music. : yêu nhạc
philogynist : n : : One who is fond of women. : ngời yêu phụ nữ
philologist : n : : An expert in linguistics. : nhà ngữ văn
philosophize : v : : To seek ultimate causes and principles. : Sống có triết lý
phonetic : a : : Representing articulate sounds or speech. : Ngữ âm
phonic : a : : Pertaining to the nature of sound. : ngữ âm
phonology : n : : The science of human vocal sounds. : Hệ thống âm vị
photoelectric : a : : Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity. : quang điện
photometer : n : : Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two :
Quang kế
photometry : n : : The art of measuring the intensity of light. : Trắc quang học, đo sáng
physiocracy : n : : The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth. :
physiology : n : : The science of organic functions. : Sinh lý học
physique : n : : The physical structure or organization of a person. : vóc ngời, cơ thể
picayune : a : : Of small value. : Đồng tiền lẻ; ngời tầm thờng.
piccolo : n : : A small flute. : Sáo nhỏ
piece : n : : A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass. : Mnh, mẩu, miếng
pincers : n : : An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. : Cái kìm; càng cua

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pinch : v : : : cấu, véo; dằn vặt, dày vò; túng quẫn

pinchers : n : : An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. : cá kìm
pioneer : n : : One among the first to explore a country. : Ngời tiên phong
piteous : a : : Compassionate. : thm thng; đáng thng
piteous : a : : Compassionate. : thm thng; đáng thng
pitiable : a : : Contemptible. : đáng thng, đáng khinh
pitiful : a : : Wretched. : thơng hại, nhỏ mọn
pitiless : a : : Hard-hearted. : Nhẫn tâm; khắc nghiệt
plagiarism : n : : The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own. :
ăn cắp
planetarium : n : : : cung thiên văn, nhà mô hình vũ trụ
planisphere : n : : A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. : bình đồ; địa cầu
playwright : n : : A maker of plays for the stage. : Nhà soạnh kịch
pleasant : a : : Agreeable. :
pleasurable : a : : Affording gratification. : Thích thú, mang lạI niềm vui
pledgee : n : : The person to whom anything is pledged. : Ngời cầm đồ
pledgeor : n : : One who gives a pledge. : Ngời làm tin
plenteous : a : : Abundant. : sung túc; dồi dào; phong phú
plurality : n : : A majority. : chính, chủ yếu
pneumatic : : : Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. : Đầy không khí, gas
poignant : : : Severely painful or acute to the spirit. : cay; sầu thm; đắng cay; buốt nhói; làm mủi lòng
polar : a : : Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the : địa cực
pole : : : : cực; thái cực; sào, cọc; Ngời Ba Lan
polemics : n : : The art of controversy or disputation. : Bút chiến
pollen : n : : The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant. : Phấn hoa;
thụ phấn
pollinate : v : : : thụ phấn
polyarchy : n : : Government by several or many persons of what- ever class. :
polycracy : n : : The rule of many. : tập thể qun lý
polygamy : n : : the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once. : chế độ nhiều vợ,
nhiều chồng
polygon : n : : A figure having many angles. : Hình đa giác
polyhedron : n : : A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four. : khối đa diện
polysyllable : n : : Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables. : đa âm tiết
polytheism : n : : The doctrine or belief that there are more gods than one. : Thuyết đa thần
pommel : v : : To beat with something thick or bulky. : đấm liên tục, đánh liên hồi
pompous : a : : Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. : hoa lệ, tráng lệ; tự cao tự
ponder : v : : To meditate or reflect upon. : Suy nghĩ, cân nhắc
pontiff : n : : The Pope. : Giáo chủ, giám mục
populace : n : : The common people. : công chúng; quần chúng
portfolio : n : : A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. : cặp giấy; danh mục;
pose : n : : : tue thế, điệu bộ; yêu sách
posit : v : : To present in an orderly manner. : thừa nhận; đặt ở vị trí
positive : a : + : Free from doubt or hesitation. : Xác thực, rõ ràng
posse : n : + : A force of men. : lực lợng mạnh
: : : :
possess : v : + : To own. : Sở hữu; ám nh
possessive : a : : Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. : sở
hữu, chiếm hữu, kh kh giữ của
possessor : n : : One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property. : Ngời sở hữu
possible : a : + : Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural. :
postdate : v : : To make the date of any writing later than the real date. : Ngày trớc
posterior : n : : The hinder part. : đến sau, phía sau
postgraduate : a : : Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree. : sau khi tốt nghiệp

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pot : n : : : ấm, bình, lọ, nồi, chậu hoa

potter : : : : thợ gốm; lãng phí; làm qua loa
precede : v : + : To happen first. : đi trớc
precedence : n : + : Priority in place, time, or rank. : u tiên; địa vị trên
precedential : a : : Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. :
precession : n : : The act of going forward. : Sự tiến động
precision : n : : Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment. : chính xác
predict : v : : To foretell. : Báo trớc
prediction : n : : A prophecy. :
predominant : a : : Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree. : Chiếm u thế; trội hơn
predominate : v : + : To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. : chiếm u thế; trội hn
preeminence : n : + : Special eminence. : tính u việt
preemption : n : : The right or act of purchasing before others. : Sự mua đợc trớc, quyền u tiên mua trớc
preengage : v : + : To preoccupy. : ớc hẹn trớc;
preexistence : n : : Existence antecedent to something. : Kiếp trớc
preface : n : : A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book. : Lời tựa
preferable : a : : More desirable than others. : đáng thích hơn
preference : n : : An object of favor or choice. : Sự u đãi; u tiên
preferential : : : Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority. : u đãI, u tiên
preferment : n : : Preference. : Sự thăng cấp; đề bạt.
pregnancy : : : : có thẻe chiếm đợc
prejudice : n : - : A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. : định kiến, thành kiến
premier : a : : First in rank or position. : nhất, đầu
preoccupation : n : : The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied. : Mối u t, lo lắng
preoccupy : v : : To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. : ám nh; chiếm giữ trớc
preordain : v : : To foreordain. : quyết định trớc
preparatory : a : : Having to do with what is preliminary. : sửa soạn; chuẩn bị
preponderant : a : : Prevalent. : trội hn, u thế hn
preponderate : v : : To exceed in influence or power. : trội hn, lấn át, h thế
prepossession : n : : A preconceived liking. : thiên kiến
prescient : a : : Foreknowing. : tiên tri; biết trớc
prescript : a : : Prescribed as a rule or model. : sắc lệnh
prescriptible : a : : Derived from authoritative direction. :
prescription : n : : An authoritative direction. : quy định; đn thuốc
presentient : a : : Perceiving or feeling beforehand. : có linh cảm
preservation : n : : Conservation. : Gìn giữ, bo qun
presumption : n : : That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved. : đIều gi định; hành vi
táo bạo
pretension : n : : A bold or presumptuous assertion. : kỳ vọng; tự phụ, khoe khoang
prevalence : n : : Frequency. : Phổ biến, thịnh hành
prevention : n : : Thwarting. : Ngăn cn, ngăn trở,
priggish : a : : Conceited. : Lên mặt ta đây, khinh khỉnh; lên mặt đạo đức
prima : a : : First. :
primer : n : : An elementary reading-book for children. : sách vỡ lòng
primeval : a : : Belonging to the first ages. : S khai; nguyên thuỷ
primitive : a : : Pertaining to the beginning or early times. : Nguyên thuỷ; gốc
principal : a : : Most important. : chính; chủ yếu
priory : n : : A monastic house. : Tu viện
privateer : n : : A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime war. : Cớp biển
privilege : n : : A right or immunity not enjoyed by all, or that may be enjoyed only under special :
privity : n : : Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter. : Hiểu biết riêng, quan hệ
probate : a : : Relating to making proof, as of a will. : Chứng thực (công chứng)
procedure : n : : A manner or method of acting. : Thủ tục

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proceed : v : + : To renew motion or action, as after rest or interruption. : tiến lên, theo đuổi; tiếp tục
proclamation : n : + : Any announcement made in a public manner. : Tuyên bố, công bố
procrastination : n : - : delay; N procrastinate : trì hoãn, chần chừ
proctor : n : : An agent acting for another. : Giám thị
productive : a : : Yielding in abundance. : màu mỡ; hữu ích; phong phú; sn xuất
professor : n : : A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college. :
proffer : v : + : To offer to another for acceptance. : dâng, tặng, biếu
proficiency : n : : An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science. : Sự tài giỏi;
thành thục.
proficient : a : : Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, or industry. : TàI giaoỉ,
thành thạo
profiteer : n : : One who profits. : đầu c, trục lợi
profligacy : n : : Shameless viciousness. : Phóng đãng, trác táng
profuse : a : : Produced or displayed in overabundance. : Dồi dào
progression : n : : A moving forward or proceeding in course. : Quá trình, tiến trình
prohibition : n : : A decree or an order forbidding something. : cấm, ngăn cấm
prohibitionist : n : : One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic : ngời
ủng hộ việc cấm bán cái gì
prohibitory : n : : Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages. : Có
xu hớng ngăn cấm
prolix : a : : Verbose. : dài dòng; rờm rà
promenade : v : : To walk for amusement or exercise. : Đi dạo.
prominence : n : : The quality of being noticeable or distinguished. : lồi lên, nổi lên;
promoter : n : : A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager. : Ngời tổ chức, tàI trợ; ngời sáng lập
propel : v : : To drive or urge forward. : đẩy đi đẩy lại
propeller : n : : One who or that which propels. : chân vịt, cánh quạt
prophecy : n : : Any prediction or foretelling. : tiên đoán
prophesy : v : : To predict or foretell, especially under divine inspiration and guidance. : tiên đoán; tiên tri
proponent : n : : supporter; backer; opposite of opponent : đề nghị, đề xuất
proportionate : a : : Being in proportion. : Cân xứng, cân đối
propose : v : + : : đề nghị; mục đích
propulsion : : : A driving onward or forward. : sự thúc đẩy
proscription : n : : Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. : cấm, bài trừ; trục xuất
protagonist : n : : A leader in any enterprise or contest. : vai chính, ngời giữ vai trò chủ đạo
protective : a : : Sheltering. : Bo hộ, bo vệ
protege : n : : One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person. : nữ bo vệ
Protestant : n : : A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of special judgment. :
Ngời theo đạo tin lành; ngời phản kháng
protoplasm : n : : The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell. : Chất
nguyên sinh
protrusion : n : : The act of protruding. : Sự thò ra, nhô ra, lồi ra
protuberant : a : : Bulging. : Phồng lên, u lên
protuberate : v : : To swell or bulge beyond the surrounding surface. : phông lên, u lên
prowler : : : : bột, bụi, phấn, thuốc súng; rắc (muối, bột), thoa (phấn)
proximately : adv : : Immediately. :
prudence : n : : Caution. : Cẩn thận, thận trọng
prudential : a : : Proceeding or marked by caution. : thận trọng; cẩn thận
prudery : n : : An undue display of modesty or delicacy. : Tính c thẹn,làm bộ đoan trang
pseudapostle : n : : A pretended or false apostle. :
psychic : a : : Pertaining to the mind or soul. : ông đồng, bà cốt
pudgy : a : : Small and fat. : Béo lùn
pugnacious : a : : Quarrelsome. : Hay gây ghổ
pulp : n : : : thịt cùi (cây); tuỷ; bôt nhão; sách báo giật gân; bột nhão
purloin : v : : To steal. : ăn cắp; ăn trộm
purse(n) : n : : : túi nhỏ; túi xắc

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pursue : n : : : ví tiền; ngân quỹ

pusilanimous : a : : Without spirit or bravery. :
pyre : n : : A heap of combustibles arranged for burning a dead body. : giàn thiêu
pyromania : a : : An insane propensity to set things on fire. : chứng ham muốn phòng ho (không kiềm chế)
pyrotechnic : a : : Pertaining to fireworks or their manufacture. : pháo hoa; sắc sảo, hóm hỉnh
pyx : n : : A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved. : hộp đựng bánh
quackery : n : : Charlatanry : Lang băm, bịp ợm
quadrate : v : : To divide into quarters. : Hình vuông
quarter : n : : One of four equal parts into which anything is or may be divided. : 04-Jan
quarto : n : : An eight-page newspaper of any size. : Giấy khổ 4; viết tắt
quiescence : n : : Quiet. : Im lặng; tĩnh lặng
quietus : n : - : A silencing, suppressing, or ending. : bất động; chết
quintet : n : : Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments. : Ngũ tấu
quite(adv.) : adv : : Fully. : hoàn toàn, hấu hết
race(adj) : a : : seldom, unusual; exception good; of less than the usual density : hiếm; đặc biệt; loãng
racy : a : + : Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. : đặc sắc
radiate : v : + : To extend in all directions, as from a source or focus. : tỏa ra;phát ra; phát xạ
radical : n : : One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures. : gốc, c bn; cực đoan
radix : n : : That from or on which something is developed. : Nguồn gốc, căn nguyên
raft : n : : : đám đông; bè, mng; th bè, chở bằng bè, mng
ramose : a : : Branch-like. : Có nhiều cành nhánh.
rapine : n : : The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force, as in war. : cớp bóc
ration : v : - : To provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food. : Hạn chế lơng thực.
rationalism : n : : The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone, independently of authority. : Chủ
nghĩa duy lý
reaction : n : : Tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflat :
readjust : v : + : To put in order after disarrangement. : điều chỉnh; thích nghi
ready : a : : In a state of preparedness for any given purpose or occasion. : sẵn sàng
realism : n : : The principle and practice of depicting persons and scenes as they are believed really to exist :
Chủ nghĩa hiện thực
reassure : v : + : To give new confidence. : Cam đoan lạI, bo hiểm lại
rebuild : v : + : To build again or anew. : Xây dựng lại
rebut : v : - : To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer. : từ chối, cự tuyệt
recapture : v : + : To capture again. : Bắt lạI, đoạt lại
receivable : a : : Capable of being or fit to be received - often money. : có thể nhận đợc
recessive : a : : Having a tendency to go back. : thụt lùi, lặn
recidivist : n : : A confirmed criminal. : tái phạm
reciprocity : n : : Equal mutual rights and benefits granted and enjoyed. : Nhân nhợng lẫn nhau
recital : v : : : kể lại; ngâm th; độc tấu
recitation : n : : The act of reciting or repeating, especially in public and from memory. : Kể lạI; kể chuyện
reck : v : : To have a care or thought for. : lo ngại, băn khoăn
reckless : a : - : Foolishly headless of danger. : coi thờng; hấp tấp; táo bạo, liều lĩnh
reclaim : v : : To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. : CI tạo, giác ngộ
reclusory : n : : A hermitage. : ẩn sĩ
recognize : v : + : To recall the identity of (a person or thing). : công nhận, thùa nhận
recoil : v : - : To start back as in dismay, loathing, or dread. : Lùi lạI, dội lạI, giật lại
recollect : v : + : To recall the knowledge of. : nhớ lại, hồi tởng; nhận ra
recover : v : + : To regain. : Phục hồi;khôI phục
recreate : v : + : To refresh after labor. : TáI tạo
recruit : v : : To enlist men for military or naval service. : Tân binh, hội viên mới
recure : v : : To cure again. :
redolence : n : : Smelling sweet and agreeable. : Mùi thm phng phức
redound : n : : Rebound. : nh hởng lạI, đua lại
reducible : a : : That may be reduced. : gim bớt; khử đợc; rút gọn đợc

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reed : n : : : cây sậy, tranh; mũi tên; th đồng quê; lợp mái tranh
reestablish : v : : To restore. : phục hồi
referee : n : : An umpire. : Trọng tài.
referrer : n : : One who refers. : quy vào; chuyển đến
reflectible : a : : Capable of being turned back. :
reflection : n : : The throwing off or back of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy that travels in waves. :
Phn chiếu, phn xạ
reflector : n : : A mirror, as of metal, for reflecting light, heat, or sound in a particular direction. : gơng phản
xạ, vật phản quang
reflexible : a : : Capable of being reflected. : Phn chiếu,phn xạ
reformer : n : : One who carries out a reform. : Ngời chủ trơng cải cách.
refragable : : : Capable of being refuted. : có thể phn bác
refringency : n : : Power to refract. :
refringent : a : : Having the power to refract. : Chiết quang.
refusal : n : : Denial of what is asked. :
regalia : n : : pl. The emblems of royalty. : Biểu trng và y phục cuAả hoàng gia.
regality : n : : Royalty. : vuơng quốc; hoàng gia
regent : n : : One who is lawfully deputized to administer the government for the time being in the name of
the : quan nhiếp chính; nhân viên hội đồng quản trị trờng đại học
regnant : a : : Exercising royal authority in one's own right. : tho quyên
regretful : a : : Feeling, expressive of, or full of regret. : Hối tiếc
rein : n : : A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal. : dây cơng.
rejoin : v : + : To reunite after separation. : Nối lạI, gắn lại
relapse : v : - : To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery. : tái phát bệnh.
reliance : n : : Dependence. :
reliant : a : : Having confidence. : tin cậy; tín nhiệm.
reluctance : n : : Unwillingness. : Miễn cỡng
reminiscent : a : : Pertaining to the recollection of matters of personal interest. : nhóm lại; gợi lại; hồi tởng
remodel : v : : Reconstruct. : sửa đổi, tu sửa
remonstrant : a : : Having the character of a reproof. : có ý khuyên can
remunerate : v : : To pay or pay for. : tr công; tiền thù lao
Renaissance : n : : The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern
: thời phục hng
renunciation : n : : An explicit disclaimer of a right or privilege. : Sự từ bỏ; hy sinh
reorganize : v : : To change to a more satisfactory form of organization. : Tổ chức lại
repentance : n : : Sorrow for something done or left undone, with desire to make things right by undoing the
wr : Sự ăn năn; sự hối lỗi.
repertory : n : : A place where things are stored or gathered together. : Kho (tàI liệu)
repetition : n : : The act of repeating. : Lặp lại
reprehand : v : : To find fault with. :
reprehension : n : : Expression of blame. : Chỉ trích, khiển trách
reproduce : v : : To make a copy of..N : reproduction : TáI sn xuất
reptile : v : : : bò; hèn hạ, ti tiện; loài bò sát
repugnant : a : : Offensive to taste and feeling. : đáng ghét, ghê tởm; mâu thuẫn, ngang bớng
repulse : n : : The act of beating or driving back, as an attacking or advancing enemy. : đẩy lùi, đánh lui; phn
đối kịch liệt, thoáI thác
repute : v : : To hold in general opinion. : Tiếng tăm, lời đồn
requital : n : : Adequate return for good or ill. : đền bù, đền đáp; tr thù
reseat : v : : To place in position of office again. : trang bị ghế mới
resent : v : - : To be indignant at, as an injury or insult. : phẫn uất, oán giận; bực bội
resentment(n) : n : : : oán giận
reservoir : n : : A receptacle where a quantity of some material, especially of a liquid or gas, may be kept. :
Kho dự trữ; nguồn cung cấp.
resistance : n : : The exertion of opposite effort or effect. : Chống lại
resistant : a : : Offering or tending to produce resistance. : Kháng cự; chịu đựng.

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resistive : a : : Having or exercising the power of resistance. : Chống lại

resistless : a : : Powerless. : Không chống lạI đợc
reslience : n : : The power of springing back to a former position : Nhanh chóng thích nghi
resonance : a : : Able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. :
resonate : v : : To have or produce resonance. : cộng hởng; tiếng vang
resource : n : : That which is restored to, relied upon, or made available for aid or support. : phơng kế, thủ
đoạn; sự giải trí
respondent : a : : Answering. : Phn hồi
retch : v : - : To make an effort to vomit. : nôn, mửa
retention : n : : The keeping of a thing within one's power or possession. : giữ lại, cầm lại; sở hữu
reticence : n : : The quality of habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. : Trầm lặng, dè dặt, ít
retouch : v : + : To modify the details of. : Sửa lại
retrace : v : : To follow backward or toward the place of beginning, as a track or marking. : vẽ lại, kẻ lại; truy
tìm gốc tích
reunite : v : + : To unite or join again, as after separation. : hợp nhất lại, hoà giải
revelation : n : : A disclosing, discovering, or making known of what was before secret, private, or unknown.
: Phát hiện, khám phá, tiết lộ
revere : v : + : To regard with worshipful veneration. : tôn kính; sùng kính
revisal : n : : Revision. : bn in thử lần 2
revise : v : : To examine for the correction of errors, or for the purpose of making changes. : đọc lại, duyệt
lại; sửa đổi
revocation : n : - : Repeal. : Huỷ bỏ, thủ tiêu
rhapsody : n : : Rapt or rapturous utterance. : Khúc cuồng tởng
riddance : n : : The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable. : gii thoát
ridiculous : : : Laughable and contemptible. : Lố bịch; lố lăng.
rightful : a : : Conformed to a just claim according to established laws or usage. : Công bằng; hợp pháp
rigorous : a : : Uncompromising. : nghiêm khắc; khắt khe; khắc nghiệt; khắc khổ
ripplet : n : : A small ripple, as of water. : Lăn tăn, gn sóng; nhẹ nhàng
risible : a : : capable of exciting laughter. : hay cời
rookery : : : A place where crows congregate to breed. : hòn non bộ
rotary : a : : Turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus. : quay; chỗ đờng vòng;
máy quay
rotund : a : : Round from fullness or plumpness. : Béo phục phịc; kêu oang oang; rỗng
routine : n : : : lệ thờng, thủ tục;
ruin : n,v : - : : làm hỏng; làm xấu đi; sự đổ nát; sự tiêu tan, phá sn
ruminant : a : : Chewing the cud. : loài nhai lại; t lự
rumor : n : : : tin đồn; tiếng đồn
rupture : v : - : To separate the parts of by violence. : Gẫy, đứt, vỡ
ruth : n : : Sorrow for another's misery. : lòng thng lòng trắc ẩn

Từ vựng học Toefl (S, T)

sacrifice : v : : To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar. : cúng; tế lễ
sacrificial : a : : Offering or offered as an atonement for sin. : cúng thần; cúng tế
sacrilege : n : - : The act of violating or profaning anything sacred. : Phạm thợng; báng bổ
safeguard : v : : To protect. : Bo vệ
salience : n : : The condition of standing out distinctly. : chỗ nhô ra, lồi ra; nét nổi bật
salutation : n : : Any form of greeting, hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act. : Chào hỏi, săn sóc
salvo : n : : A salute given by firing all the guns, as at the funeral of an officer. : Chào mừng hoan nghênh
sameness : n : : : đn điệu; đều đều
sanctity : n : : Holiness. : Thiieng liêng; thần thánh
sanguineous : a : : Consisting of blood. : Có máu
sapience : n : + : Deep wisdom or knowledge. : khôn khéo; khôn ngoan
saponaceous : a : : Having the nature or quality of soap. : Có t/c xà phòng
satirical : : : using satire; mocking : châm biếm; trào phúng

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scam : n : - : : mu đồ bất lng

scarcity : n : : Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands. : khan hiếm, thiếu thốn
scatter : v : + : throw about; disperse; N. scatter : ri rác; phân tán
scholastic : : : Pertaining to education or schools. : Học tập (nhà trờng)
scorecard : : : :
scorn : : - : : khinh miệt
scoundrel : n : - : A man without principle. : Côn đồ, vô lại
scribble : n : : Hasty, careless writing. : chữ viết nguệch ngoạc, cẩu thả; tác phẩm văn học xoàng
scribe : n : : One who writes or is skilled in writing. : ngời biết viết; ngời chép thuê, nhà luật học và thần Do
thái học
script : n : : Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form. : Nguyên bn; bn gốc
Scriptural : : : Pertaining to, contained in, or warranted by the Holy Scriptures. : phù hợp với kinh thánh;
thuộc kinh thánh
scythe : n : : A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc. : cái hái (cắt cỏ)
seal : n : : : hi cẩu; dấu niêm phong
seance : n : : A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits. : Buổi họp; buổi gọi hồn
sebaceous : : : Pertaining to or appearing like fat. : Bã nhờn.
seclude : : : To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others. : tách biệt
secondary : : : Less important or effective than that which is primary. : Thứ yếu
secrecy : n : : Concealment. : Kín đáo, bí mật
secretary : n : : One who attends to correspondence, keeps records. or does other writing for others. :
secretive : : : Having a tendency to conceal. : giấu giếm; giữ kẽ.
sediment : n : : Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. : trầm tích; cặn
seditious : a : - : Promotive of conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state. : Nổi loạn
seduce : v : : To entice to surrender chastity. : Quyến rũ, dụ dỗ
seed : n : : : hạt giống; tinh dịch; gieo hạt, gieo giống
seer : n : : A prophet. : Ngời tiên tri, ngời trông thấy
seignoir : n : : A title of honor or respectful address, equivalent to sir. :
seismograph : n : : An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes. : máy đo địa chấn
self-respect : n : : Rational self-esteem. : Tự trọng
semiannual : a : : Recurring at intervals of six months. : Quý (6 tháng )
semiaquatic : a : : : nửa ở dới nớc
semicircle : n : : A half-circle. : Hình bán nguyệt
semicivilized : a : : Half-civilized. : Văn minh 1 nửa
seminar : n : : Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a teacher. : Hội nghị
chuyên đề
senile : a : - : Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age. : Lão suy
senior : a : + : more or most advanced in age, standing, position; N. senior, seniority : lớn tuổi hm, có thâm
niên cao, chức vụ cao
sense : n : : The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action. : Giác quan,ý thức;
senses : n : : : Giác quan; tri gác cm giác
sensibility : n : : Power to perceive or feel. : Nhạy cm
sensorium : n : : The sensory apparatus. : Chất xám, vỏ não
sentience : n : : Capacity for sensation or sense-perception. : Kh năng cm giác
separate : v : - : To take apart. :
separatist : n : : A seceder. : Ngời theo chính sách ly khai
septennial : : : Recurring every seven years. : 7 năm 1 lần
sequel : n : : That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened. : Đoạn tiếp theo, hậu quả,
ảnh hởng; kết luận
sequestrate : v : - : To confiscate. : tịch thu, sung công
sergeant : n : : A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal. : Trung sĩ; hạ sĩ cảnh sát
sergeant-at-arms : n : : An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding of :

sergeant-major : n : : The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. : Thợng sĩ

severance : n : : Separation. : Gián đoạn; cắt rời

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severely : adv : : Extremely. : Khắt khe; gay gắt

sextet : n : : A band of six singers or players. : Nhóm 6
sextuple : a : : Multiplied by six. : gấp 6 lần
sheer : a : : Absolute. : tuyệt đối; hoàn toàn
shore : n : : : bờ biển; cột trụ
showy : a : : : loè loạt; phô trng
shrinkage : n : : A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension. : độ co, phần hụt
sibilance : n : : A hissing sound. : âm xuýt
sibilant : a : : Made with a hissing sound. : âm xuýt
sibilate : v : : To give a hissing sound to, as in pronouncing the letter s. : đọc thành âm xuýt
sidelong : a : : Inclining or tending to one side. : Hớng tới 1 bên;Cạnh khoé, bóng gió
sidereal : a : : of the fixed stars : thuộc các chòm sao
siege : n : : A beleaguerment. : Bao vây
significance : n : : Importance. : ý nghĩa; quan trọng
significant : a : : Important, especially as pointing something out. : đầy y/n, quan trọng
similar : a : : Bearing resemblance to one another or to something else. : tơng tự, đồng dạng
similitude : n : : Similarity. : Sự sống; sự so sánh; bản sao
simultaneous : a : : Occurring, done, or existing at the same time. : đồng bộ
singe : v : : To burn slightly or superficially. : Cháy xém
sink : n : : plumbed in basin; place where foul liquid; place of vice : bồn rửa bát; ni bùn lầy nớc đọng; ổ tội
sink : v : - : fall in come slowly; settle comfortably; cause to fall; forget, overlook : chìm, lắng; chìm đắm,
đam mê; suy gim; quên, bỏ qua
sirocco : n : : hot winds from Africa. : Gió nóng từ Chây Phi tới
skepticism : n : - : The entertainment of doubt concerning something. : hoài nghi
skewer : n : : : xiên; xiên thịt
skim : v : : : hớt bọt, hớt váng
skip : v : : : bỏ qua;nhy;nhy dây; thùng đựng; ông bầu
skis : n : : : ván trợt tuyết
skunk : n : : : con chồn hôi; kẻ đê tiện, đán khinh; đánh bại
slice : n : : : miếng mỏng, lát mỏng
slip : v : - : : trợt chân; lầm lỗi; áo choàng; xích chó; bến tàu; miến giấy nhỏ
slothful : a : - : Lazy. : Uể oI,lời biếng
sneaker : n : : : ngời lén lút; dầy đế mềm
socialism : n : : A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society. :
sociology : n : : The philosophical study of society. : Xã Hội học
Sol : n : : The sun. : mặt trời
solar : : : Pertaining to the sun. :
soldier : n : : A person engaged in military service. :
solicitor : n : : One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney. : Luật s;
solicitude : n : : Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. : Lo âu, nóng ruột
somber : a : : dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow : màu thẫm; mờ đục, tối tăm, u ám
somniferous : a : : Tending to produce sleep. : gây ngủ
somnolence : n : : Oppressive drowsiness. : Ngủ l m
sophistical : a : : Fallacious. : nguỵ biện
sophisticate : v : - : To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner. : nguỵ biện, làm giả, xuyên tạc
soprano : n : : A woman's or boy's voice of high range. : giọng nữ cao
sorcery : n : : Witchcraft. : Ma thuật
sore : n : - : : đau
spark : n : : : tia lửa, tia sáng; sắc so
specialize : v : : To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course. : chuyên
specialty : n : : An employment limited to one particular line of work. : đặc trng; đặc biệt
species : n : : A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus. : LoàI, loại
specimen : n : : One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the class. : hạng ngời, thứ

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spectator : n : : One who beholds or looks on. : khán gi; ngời xem
speculate : v : : To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. : suy đoán, đầu cơ
speculator : n : : One who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss, but also a chance of profit. : Kẻ
đầu cơ tích trữ; ngời hay suy đoán
spherical : a : : globular : hình cầu
spheroid : n : : A body having nearly the form of a sphere. : vật hình cầu
spherometer : n : : An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces. : cái đo thể cầu
spice : n : : : đồ gia vị; làm đậm đà (cho gia vị, thêm, tăng cờng)
spinous : a : : Having spines. : Có gai
spontaneous : a : : Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause. : tự động tự
ý, tự phát
spray : n : : : cành nhỏ (cây); bụi nớc
sprightly : a : : Vivacious. : Hoạt bát, sống động
spruce : v : : neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V. : diện; làm gọn
gàng; gỗ vân sam
squalid : a : : Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance. : D dáy; ti tiện
squeeze : v : : : ép, vắt,nặn; ôm chặt, xiết
squirrel : : : : tích trữ; lông sóc
stagnate : v : : To become dull or inert. : làm ứ đọng; đình trệ
stagnation : n : : The condition of not flowing or not changing. : sự đình trệ, đình đốn, tình trạng ứ đọng
stallion : n : : An uncastrated male horse, commonly one kept for breeding. : Ngựa đực
stanchion : n : : A vertical bar, or a pair of bars, used to confine cattle in a stall. : cột trụ, cọc buộc súc vật
startle : : : : giật mình, hong hốt
statuesque : a : : Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue. : nh tợng; đẹp, nghiêm nh tợng
statuette : n : : A figurine. : tợng
stature : n : : The natural height of an animal body. : Vóc ngời; sự tiến triển
steppe : n : : One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. : thịnh hành; a chuộng
sterling : a : : Genuine. : đúng giá trị
sticky : a : - : : khó tính; nhớp nháp; phn đối
stiletto : n : : A small dagger. : dao găm nhỏ; gót dày
stimulate : v : + : To rouse to activity or to quickened action. : Kích động; kích thích
stimulus : n : + : Incentive. : kích thích; khuyên khích
stingy : a : - : Cheap, unwilling to spend money. : Keo kiệt, bủn xỉn
Stoicism : n : : The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered in success and failure. :
Chủ nghĩa xtôc.
stringency : n : : Strictness. : chính xác; khan hiếm
stripling : n : : A mere youth. : thanh niên mới lớn
stubby : : : : ngắn và dày; lùn và béo
stuff : v : : : v. nhồi bông, rm; nhồi nhét; bịt lấp; chen lấn, xô đẩy. n. vi sợi len; mọi thứ linh tinh, chuyện
tầm phào; ngón nghề, bí quyết
stunted : a : : : kimg hãm; còi cọc
stupendous : a : : Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree. : Rất to lớn, rất quan trọng;lạ lùng,kỳ diệu
suasion : n : + : The act of persuading. : Thuyếtt phục
suave : a : + : Smooth and pleasant in manner. : Ngọt ngào, tinh tế, khéo léo (đàn ông)
subaquatic : a : : Being, formed, or operating under water. : ở dới nớc
subjacent : a : : Situated directly underneath. : ở dới, phía dới
subjection : n : : The act of bringing into a state of submission. : Khuất phục; đua ra (góp ý)
submergence : n : - : The act of submerging. : Chìm,lặn
submission : n : : A yielding to the power or authority of another. : khuất phục; trình diện; ý kiến
subservience : n : + : The quality, character, or condition of being servilely following another's behests. : Sự
giúp ích, phục vụ; sự khúm núm, quỵ luỵ
subterranean : a : : Situated or occurring below the surface of the earth. : ở dới mặt đất; kín, bí mật
subtrahend : : : That which is to be subtracted. : Số bị trừ
successful : a : + : Having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity. :

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successor : n : + : One who or that which takes the place of a predecessor or preceding thing. : ngời nối
nghiệp, nối ngôi, thừa tự
succinct : : : Concise, brief : coụ đọng, sỳc tớch
sufficiency : n : : An ample or adequate supply. : sự đầy đủ, khả năng
summary : n : : An abstract. : Tóm tắt
summit : : : : đỉnh, chóp; cấp cao nhất
superadd : v : - : To add in addition to what has been added. : thêm vào nhiều quá
superb : a : + : Sumptuously elegant. : Oai hùng; tráng lệ
superfluity : n : : That part of anything that is in excess of what is needed. : số thừa; vật không cần thiết
superheat : v : : To heat to excess. : nóng già
superintend : v : : To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement. : trông nom,
giám sát
superlative : n : : That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. : bậc nhất
Supplementary : a : : :
surety : n : + : Security for payment or performance. : Bo đm. chắc chắn
surf : : : : sóng vỗ; lớt ván
surmise : v : : to conjecture; guess; N. : phỏng đoán; gi định
surround : v : : To encircle. :
surveyor : n : : A land-measurer. : Thanh tra,thuế vụ
susceptibility : n : - : A specific capability of feeling or emotion. : Nhạy cm; dễ tự ái
suspicious : a : - : Inclined to doubt or mistrust. : nghi ngờ
sweater : n : : : áo vệ sinh, áo nịt; ngời ra nhiều mồ hôi; kẻ bóc lột công nhân
swelling : a : - : : sng tấy; phồng; nớc triều
syllabication : n : : Division of words into that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. : Chia thành âm
syllable : n : : That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. :
syllabus : n : : Outline of a subject, course, lecture, or treatise. :
sylph : n : + : A slender, graceful young woman or girl. : Ngời phụ nữ mnh mai xinh đẹp; nữ thần gió
sympathize : v : : To share the sentiments or mental states of another. : Có thiện cm, cm tình
symphonic : a : : Characterized by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. : bn giao hởng
symphonious : a : : Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. : Hoà âm
symphony : n : : A harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. : Bản nhạc giao hởng; khúc nhạc
synchronism : n : : Simultaneousness. : Tính đồng bộ
synonym : n : : A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other. : đồng nghĩa
systematic : a : : Methodical. : có hệ thống; có phng pháp
tack : n : : A small sharp-pointed nail. : đóng bằng đinh mũ; thay đổi đờng lối; khâu lợc, dính tạm
tact : n : + : Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. : Tế nhị, khéo léo,
tàI ứng biến
tactician : n : : One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. : Nhà cgiến thuật
tangency : n : : The state of touching. : Tiếp tuyến
tangent : : : Touching. : Tiếp tuyến
tannery : n : : A place where leather is tanned. : Xởng thuộc da.
tapestry : n : : A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle, designed for ornamental hangings. : trang
trí bằng thm; thm thêu
tar : n : : : hắc ín, nhựa đờng; bôi hác ín; rãi nhựa đờng
tasty(adj) : : : pleasing in flavor; attractive : hợp khẩu vị; hấp dẫn
taxation : n : : A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution. : Sự đánh thuế, hệ thống thuế
taxidermy : n : : The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them. : Khoa nhồi bông thú
technique : n : : Manner of performance. :
technology : n : : The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures. : Công nghệ
telepathy : n : : Thought-transference. : ngoại cm
telephony : n : : The art or process of communicating by telephone. : Hệ thống đIện thoại
telltale : a : : That gives warning or information. : mách loẻ; lộ
tempt : v : : To offer to (somebody) an inducement to do wrong. : Xúi dục, lôI cuốn; quyến rũ
tempter : n : : An allurer or enticer to evil. : ngời xúi giục, quyến rũ

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tenant : n : - : An occupant. : Tấ đIền

tendency : n : : Direction or inclination, as toward some objector end. : Xu hớng; khuynh hớng.
tenor : n : : A settled course or manner of progress. : Chiều hớng chung; lề thói
terminate : v : - : To put an end or stop to. : Kết thúc, chấm dứt
terrapin : n : : : rùa Bác Mỹ
terrific : a : + : : xuất sắc, tuyệt vời; cực lớn
testament : n : : A will. : chúc th, di chúc; kinh thánh
theism : n : : Belief in God. : Thuyết hữu thần.
theocrasy : n : : The mixed worship of polytheism. :
theological : a : : Based on or growing out of divine revelation. : Thần học.
theology : n : : The branch of theological science that treats of God. : Thần học
theorize : v : : To speculate. : tạo ra lý thuyết; lý luận
thereabout : adv : : Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately. : vùng lân cận; xâp xỉ
therefor : adv : : For that or this. : về việc đó
thermoelectricity : n : : Electricity generated by differences of temperature, : nhiet dien
thesis : n : : An essay or treatise on a particular subject. : luận văn, luận án; luận điểm, luận đề
thoroughbred : a : : Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. : Giống thuần chủng
thoroughfare : n : : street, road; public stree : đờng lớn; phố lớn
thrill : v : : : làm rùng mình, làm xúc động, hồi hộp; chuyện giật gân
tincture : n : : A solution, usually alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine. : sắc nhẹ;thong nhẹ
tinge : n : : A faint trace of color. : màu nhẹ, nét thoáng
tipsy : a : : Befuddled with drinks. : Ngà ngà say, chếnh choáng
tissue : n : : : một loạt chuỗi đan xen; giấy lụa
toilsome : a : - : Laborious. : Vất v, cực nhọc
tolerance : n : + : Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others. : Khoan dung, tha thứ
tortious : a : : Wrongful. : sai lầm; có hại
tortoise : n : : : con rùa
towboat : n : : : tàu kéo
trait : n : : A distinguishing feature or quality. : đặc điểm
trammel : n : : An impediment. : Ngăn trở, gây trở ngại
tranquil : a : - : Calm. : Yên tĩnh, tthanh bình
tranquilize : v : - : To soothe. : làm dịu, mê, yên lặng; làm yên tâm
transalpine : a : : Situated on the other side of the Alps. : Bên kia núi An-p
transatlantic : a : : Situated beyond or on the other side of the Atlantic. : Bên kia ĐạI Tây Dng
transcontinental : a : : Extending or passing across a continent. : Xuyên lục địa.
transcript : n : : A copy made directly from an original. : bn sao nguyên bn
transferable : a : : Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. : Có thể di chuyển
transference : n : : The act of conveying from one person or place to another. : sự di chuyển; chuyển nhợng
transferrer : n : : One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another. : Ngời nhợng lại
transfigure : v : : To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to. : biến hình, biến dạng; làm rạng rỡ
nét mặt
transfuse : v : : To pour or cause to pass, as a fluid, from one vessel to another. : Rót sang, đổ sang, truyền
transgress : v : - : To break a law. : Vi phạm, vợt quá giới hạn
transience : n : : Something that is of short duration. : Ngắn ngủi
translate : v : : To give the sense or equivalent of in another language or dialect. : Dịch, phiên dịch
translator : n : : An interpreter. :
translucence : n : : The property or state of allowing the passage of light. : mờ, kính mờ
transmissible : a : : That may e sent through or across. : Có thể truyền dẫn, chuyển giao
transmission : n : : The act of sending through or across. : Truyền dẫn
transmit : v : : To send trough or across. : Truyền, dẫn
transplant : v : : To remove and plant in another place. : Di thực; cấy ghép
transposition : n : : The act of reversing the order or changing the place of. : đổi chỗ, hoán vị
transverse : a : : Lying or being across or in a crosswise direction. : nằm ngang.
treacherous : a : - : Perfidious. : phản bội, bội bạc, dối trá

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treble : a : : Multiplied by three. : Gấp 3

trebly : adv : : Triply. : ba lần, gấp ba
tremendous : a : - : Awe-inspiring. : ghê gớm; khủng khiếp
trestle : n : : An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a railway-bridge. : Bộ
ngụa; giàn khung; giàn giáo
tricycle : n : : A three-wheeled vehicle. : Xe 3 bánh
triennial : a : : Taking place every third year. : 3 năm 1 lần
trimness : n : = : Neatness. : Gọn gàng, ngăn nắp
trinity : n : : A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance. : Bộ 3
trio : n : : Three things grouped or associated together. : Bộ ba; tam ca.
trisect : v : : To divide into three parts, especially into three equal parts. : chia làm 3 phần
triumvir : n : : One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority. : Thành viên bộ tam đế chế
trivial : a : : Of little importance or value. : tầm thờng, bình thờng
troublesome : a : - : Burdensome. : Gây phiền hà
truculent : a : - : Having the character or the spirit of a savage. : ngỗ ngợc, hung bạo
tryout : v : : : thử; kiểm tra
turtle : n : : : con ba ba, đồi mồi, rùa
tutelar : a : : Protective. : giám hộ, bo vệ
twinge : n : - : A darting momentary local pain. : Sự đau nhói; nhức nhối;cắn rứt
typical : a : : Characteristic. : Tiêu biểu, đIún hình
typify : v : + : To serve as a characteristic example of. : Điển hình.
typography : n : : The arrangement of composed type, or the appearance of printed matter. : Kỹ thuật tạo
chữ,in trên máy

Từ vựng học Toefl (U, V, W, Y, Z)

unavoidable : a : : Inevitable. : không thể tránh đợc
unbearable : a : : Unendurable. : Không chịu nổi
unbecoming : a : - : Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings. : không vừa, không thích hợp
unbelief : a : - : Doubt. : Thiếu niềm tin
unconscious : a : - : Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc. : Không có ý thức, ngất
undeceive : v : + : To free from deception, as by apprising of the real state of affairs. : Giác ngộ, làm tỉnh ngộ
undercharge : v : - : To make an inadequate charge for. : Nạp thiếu, không đủ
underrate : v : - : To undervalue. : đánh giá thấp, coi nhẹ
undersell : v : - : To sell at a lower price than. : bán rẻ; đánh giá thấp
undersized : a : - : Of less than the customary size. : Còi cọc, kích thớc nhỏ
understate : v : - : To fail to put strongly enough, as a case. : báo cáo không đúng sự thật
undervalue : v : - : To underestimate. : đánh giá thấp; coi rẻ, khinh thờng
underworld : n : - : Hades. : Địa ngục.
underwrite : v : : To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. : bo hiểm ; ký tên ở dới
undulate : v : : To move like a wave or in waves. : nhấp nhô; dập dờn
undulous : a : : Resembling waves. : Chùm sóng
unfavorable : a : : Adverse. : đIều bất lợi
unicellular : a : : Consisting of a single cell. : bắt nguồn; nguồn gốc
unisonant : a : : Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord. : đồng lòng; đồng âm
Unitarian : a : : Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. : Thuyết nhất thể; quan
đIúm tập trung
unlawful : a : - : Illegal. : phạm luật
unlimited : a : : Unconstrained. : không giới hạn, vô cùng
unnatural : a : : Artificial. : QuáI đn; không tự nhiên
unnecessary : a : : Not essential under the circumstances. :
unsettle : v : - : To put into confusion. : Làm đo lộn; làm lo lắng
Unsophisticated : : : :
untimely : a : - : Unseasonable. : Non, yếu; không gặp thời
unutterable : a : - : Inexpressible. : ko nói nên lời;
unwise : a : - : Foolish. : Ngu xuẩn, không thận trọng

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unyoke : v : + : To separate. : cởi ách (bò, ngựa); nghỉ làm việc

upcast : n : : A throwing upward. : sự phóng lên,ném lên
upheaval : n : : Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition. : nổi lên, dấy lên
upheave : v : : To raise or lift with effort. : nổi lên, nổi dậy
uppermost : a : : First in order of precedence. : Quan trọng hàng đầu
uproot : v : - : To eradicate. : Nhổ rễ; tiêu diệt
upturn : v : : To throw into confusion. : Sự tăng giá
urban : : : Of, or pertaining to, or like a city. : thành phố
urbanity : n : : Refined or elegant courtesy. : Lịch sự, tao nhã
usage : n : : Treatment. : cách s/d, cách đối xử
usurious : a : : Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned. : Nặng lãi
utensil : n : : : đồ dùng, vật dụng
utility : n : : Fitness for some desirable practical purpose. : Vật có ích
utmost : n : : The greatest possible extent. : õa nhất, cuối cùng; vô cùng, cực điểm
vacate : v : - : to leave : bỏ trống, bỏ không; xin thôi; huỷ bỏ
vaccinate : v : + : To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox. : Tiêm chủng
vacuum : n : : A space entirely devoid of matter. : chân không
vainglory : n : : Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity. : Dng dng tự đắc; kheo khoang; khoác lác
valediction : n : : A bidding farewell. : sự từ biệt, tạm biệt
valedictorian : n : : Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. :
đại biểu h/s đọc diễn văn từ biệt trong lễ tốt nghiệp
valedictorian : n : : Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. :
đại biểu h/s đọc diễn văn từ biệt trong lễ tốt nghiệp
valorous : a : + : Courageous. : dũng cảm
variable : a : : Having a tendency to change. : có thể thay đổi đợc
variance : n : : Change. : khác biệt
variant : n : : A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance. : biến
vaudeville : n : : A variety show. : chng trình tạp kỹ
vegetation : n : : Plant-life in the aggregate. : cây cối, thực vật; sự dinh dỡng
vegetative : a : : Pertaining to the process of plant-life. : Sinh dỡng
vendible : a : : Marketable. : sẵn sàng để bán; vật để bán
vendition : n : : The act of selling. :
venereal : a : : Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse. : Nhục dục; giao phối
venous : a : : Of, pertaining to, or contained or carried in a vein or veins. : tĩnh mạch
ventricle : n : : : gii phẫu(tâm thất,não thất)
verify : v : : To prove to be true, exact, or accurate. :
verily : adv : : In truth. : thực; đích thực.
vermin : n : - : A noxious or troublesome animal. : sâu hại; động vật có hại
vernal : n : + : pertaining to spring : mùa xuân
version : n : : A description or report of something as modified by one's character or opinion. : bn dịch; lối
gii thích; phóng tác
vestment : n : : Clothing or covering. : Lễ phục
veto : n : : The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment. : Quyền phủ
viceroy : n : + : A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province. : Phó v-
ng; tổng trấn
vigilance : n : : Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger. : Cnh giác; thận trọng
vindicative : a : + : Revengeful. : Dễ chứng minh, dễ bào chữa
vinery : n : : A greenhouse for grapes. : nhà chính trồng nho
violation : n : - : Infringement. :
violator : n : - : One who transgresses. : Phạm luật
violoncello : n : : A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. : đàn viôlôngxen
virtu : n : : Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. : đồ cổ; đồ mỹ nghệ
viscount : n : + : In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage. : Tử tớc

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vista : n : : A view or prospect. : Viễn cảnh; triển vọng

visual : a : : Perceptible by sight. : nhìn; thuộc( thị giác)
visualize : v : : To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation. : hình dung; mờng tợng
vitality : n : + : The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance. : Sinh khí; sức sống
vituperable : a : - : Deserving of censure. : đáng chửi rủa; đáng thoá mạ
vivify : v : + : To endue with life. : truyền sức sống
vocable : n : : a word, especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound. : Từ
vociferance : n : : The quality of making a clamor. :
volitive : a : : Exercising the will. : tự nguyện
volunteer : n : + : : tình nguyện, xung phong;
waddle : v : - : : đi lạch bạch
waistcoat : n : : A vest. : áo ghi lê
wampum : n : : Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency. : chuỗi vỏ
sò(dùng làm tiền hoặc để trang sức của thổ dân Mỹ)
wantonness : n : : Recklessness. : Bừa bãI, nghịch ngợm
warbler : n : - : : chim chích
warlike : a : - : Belligerent. : Tham chiến
waterproof : a : : : ko thấm nớc
wavelet : n : : A ripple. : sóng gợn lăn tăn, làn sóng hơi quăn(tóc)
weal : n : + : Well-being. : Hạnh phúc, cnh sung sớng
wearisome : a : - : Fatiguing. : mệt nhọc; chán ngắt, tẻ nhạt
weasel : n : : : con chồn; lẩn tránh
webbed : n : : : có màng chân
weed : n : - : : cỏ dại; ngời gầy gò; rẫy cỏ, nhổ cỏ dại
weird : n : : : số phận, số mệnh; huyền bí, kỳ lạ
well-to-do : a : + : In prosperous circumstances. : thịnh vợng; giàu có
whereabouts : n : : The place in or near which a person or thing is. : ở nI có ( nguời, vật )
wherewith : n : + : The necessary means or resources. : cần thiết
whine : v : - : To utter with complaining tone. : Tiếng rên rỉ, than vãn
wholly : adv : : Completely. : toàn bộ, hoàn toàn
wield : v : + : To use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full command. : Sử
dụng hết chức năng
wile : n : : An act or a means of cunning deception. : mu mẹo, mu chớc
wintry : a : : Lacking warmth of manner. : thuộc mùa đông; lạnh lẽo
: : : :
wiry : a : + : Thin, but tough and sinewy. : Dẻo dai; sang sng
witchcraft : a : : Sorcery. : Ma thuật
witling : n : - : A person who has little understanding. : Chậm hiểu
wittingly : a : + : With knowledge and by design. : Chủ tâm, cố ý
wizen-faced : a : - : Having a shriveled face. :
wolverine : n : : : chồn gulô (Bắc Mỹ)
woolly : a : : : phủ len, lông t; m hồ
working-man : n : + : One who earns his bread by manual labor. : Ngời hay làm
workmanlike : a : + : Like or befitting a skilled workman. : khéo tay, khéo léo
workmanship : n : : The art or skill of a workman. : ngời lao động
worn : a : - : : mòn,hỏng
wrench : v : : twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out of her hands. : giật mạnh, vặn mạnh; chia tay,
phân ly
wretchedness : n : - : Extreme misery or unhappiness. : khốn khổ; bất hạnh; đáng ghét; khổ sở
yearling : n : : A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old. : Thú vật 1 tuổi
yellowish : a : : : hi vàng; vàng vàng
zeitgeist : n : : The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. : hệ t tởng của thời
zodiac : n : : An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger planets. : hoàng đạo
: a : : Being an addition to. : Bổ sung, thêm; góc phụ (toán)

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: a : : Capable of being conceived. : Lĩnh hội đợc, hiểu rõ đợc

: a : : Denoting electricity produced by heat. : đIện tim
: a : : Deviating from the normal form or standard type. : Khác hình
: a : : Disdainful. : Khinh thờng, khinh bỉ
: a : : Inclined to strong exhibition or expression of feeling or thoughts. : Có luận chứng; giãI bày tâm sự
: a : : Intelligible. : Có thể lĩnh hội
: a : : Living or existing at the same time. : đng thời, cùng thời, cùng tuổi
: a : : Not to be understood. :
: a : : Resisting all attempts to reduce volume by pressure. : Không ném đợc, không ép đợc
: a : : Showing inexperience. : C bn, đn gin; không tinh vi
: a : : Small in quantity or importance. : nhỏ bé; ko đáng kể
: a : : Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections. : Thuốc chữa co thắt
: a : : The right or privilege of voting. : Phòng thủ; bảo vệ
: n : : A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of : sách về y d-
ợc; kho dợc phẩm
: n : : A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part. : vật phụ thuộc, kèm theo
: n : : Recognition. : Công nhận, thừa nhận

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