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San Fernando High School

Portfolio Artifact Reflection Worksheet

Name: Aaleyah Renteria

Artifact Title: ​Graphing Arts ​ Artifact Date: May 28, 2019

Class/Subject/Event: Pre-Calculus

Student Grade Level: __11__

This artifact provides evidence that I am gaining proficiency in one of the following Student Learning

□ Effective Communication
□​ Critical Thinking
□ Character Development

Note: the fully-expanded SLOs are available at

Answer EACH the following BOLD questions COMPLETELY.

A. Describe the activity and the goal of the activity. [3 sentences or more]

This artifact is about a choosing which career we wanted to do a project on. We had to search and type
multiple pages of work about our career. 80 or more equations handwritten and within desmosomes to create
our artifact. Also make a 3D model our our main design. We also had to include cited pages working with a
partner within this project.

B. How does the activity demonstrate your skills as an effective communicator, a critical thinker or demonstrate
your character development?

This artifact demonstrates my skills under critical thinker because I had to make sure all my information was
correct and nothing was false. I also had to come up with different designs to make my board stand out from
the rest of my peers. Another reason this showcases under critical thinker is by working with my partner
exchanging ideas and dates to have all our work checked. I made sure I went through the checklist marking off
every category so we can receive a good score.

C. What could you do next to improve your abilities in the Student Learning Outcomes for this specific artifact?
OR How will you use this skill in the future? [5 sentences or more]
I feel I can definitely use these skills when it comes to college. I have to set up varises of way to make sure all
my work or group work is correct. Critical thinking is important in my everyday decisions, making the right
choice over the wrong. I will use this skill at work when a conflict occurs or a new obstacle comes my way. I
can also use this when i'm helping my younger sibling to understand the work it took to make the project.

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