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Yellow, Brown, Green, and More:

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What Does the Color of My Phlegm

Ashley Marcin



Phlegm colors and meanings Green or yellow phlegm Brown phlegm Barcode Recognition API
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White phlegm Black phlegm Clear phlegm Red or pink phlegm
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Why phlegm changes color

Phlegm is a type of mucus made in your chest. You typically don’t produce noticeable amounts related stories
of phlegm unless you are sick with a cold or have some other underlying medical issue. When
you cough up phlegm, it’s called sputum. You may notice different colored sputum and wonder
8 Ways to Get Rid of Mucus
what the colors mean. In Your Chest

Here’s your guide to different conditions that produce phlegm, why it might be different colors,
and when you should see a doctor.
7 Ways to Get Rid of
Phlegm in Your Throat

What do different phlegm colors mean?

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What does green or yellow phlegm mean?

If you see green or yellow phlegm, it’s usually a sign that your body is fighting an infection. The
color comes from white blood cells. At first, you may notice yellow phlegm that then progresses
into green phlegm. The change occurs with the severity and length of the potential sickness.

Green or yellow phlegm is commonly caused by:

Bronchitis: This usually starts off with a dry cough and eventually some clear or white phlegm.
Over time, you may start coughing up yellow and green phlegm. This is a sign that the illness
may be progressing from viral to bacterial. Coughing can last up to 90 days.

Pneumonia: This is typically a complication of another respiratory issue. With pneumonia, you
may cough up phlegm that is yellow, green, or sometimes bloody. Your symptoms will vary
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based on the type of pneumonia you have. Cough, fever, chills, and shortness of breath are
common symptoms with all types of pneumonia.
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Sinusitis: This is also known as a sinus infection. A virus, allergies, or even bacteria can cause Medrio's eClinical Platforms. Request a
this condition. When it is caused by bacteria, you may notice yellow or green phlegm, nasal Demo

congestion, postnasal drip, and pressure in your sinus cavities.

Cystic fibrosis: This is a chronic lung disease where mucus builds up in the lungs. This disease Herbs and Supplements for COPD
often affects children and young adults. It can cause a variety of phlegm colors from yellow to (Chronic Bronchitis and
green to brown. Emphysema) 


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What does brown phlegm mean?

You may also consider this color “rusty” in appearance. The color brown often means old
blood. You may see this color after your phlegm appears red or pink.

Brown phlegm is commonly caused by:

Bacterial pneumonia:This form of pneumonia can produce phlegm that is green-brown or rust-

Bacterial bronchitis: This condition can produce rusty brown sputum as it progresses. Chronic
bronchitis may also be a possibility. You may be more at risk for developing chronic bronchitis ADVERTISEMENT

if you smoke or are often exposed to fumes and other irritants.

Cystic fibrosis: This chronic lung disease may cause rust-colored sputum.

Pneumoconiosis: Inhaling different dusts, like coal, asbestos, and silicosis can cause this
incurable lung disease. It can cause brown sputum.

Lung abscess: This is a cavity filled with pus inside your lungs. It’s usually surrounded by
infected and inflamed tissue. Along with cough, night sweats, and loss of appetite, you will
experience a cough that brings up brown or blood-streaked sputum. This phlegm also smells Asthma and Your Diet: What to Eat
and What to Avoid 

What does white phlegm mean?

You may experience white phlegm with several health conditions.

White phlegm is commonly caused by:

Viral bronchitis:This condition may start off with white phlegm. If it progresses into a bacterial
infection, it may lead to yellow and green phlegm.

GERD: This chronic condition affects your digestive system. It may cause you to cough up thick,
white sputum.

COPD: This condition causes your airways to narrow and your lungs to produce excess mucus.
The combination makes it hard for your body to get oxygen. With this condition, you may
experience white sputum.

Congestive heart failure: This occurs when your heart isn’t effectively pumping blood to the
rest of your body. Fluids build up in different areas leading to edema. Fluid collects in the lungs ADVERTISEMENT

and may lead to an increase in white sputum. You may also experience shortness of breath.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you’re having difficulty breathing.

What does black phlegm mean?

Black sputum is also called melanoptysis. Seeing black phlegm may mean you have inhaled a
high amount of something black, like coal dust. It may also mean you have a fungal infection What Is a Respiratory Therapist?
that needs medical attention. 

Black phlegm is commonly caused by:

Smoking: Smoking cigarettes, crack  , or other drugs may lead to black sputum.

Pneumoconiosis: One type in particular, black lung disease, may cause black sputum. It mostly
affects coal workers or anyone else who has frequent exposure to coal dust. Coughing up
black sputum may also be accompanied by shortness of breath.

Fungal infection: A black yeast called Exophiala dermatitidis causes this infection. This is an
uncommon condition that can cause black phlegm. It more often affects people who have
cystic fibrosis.


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What does clear phlegm mean? ADVERTISEMENT

Your body produces clear mucus and phlegm on a daily basis. It is mostly filled with water,
protein, antibodies, and some dissolved salts to help lubricate and moisturize your respiratory
system. An increase in clear phlegm may mean that your body is trying to flush out an irritant,
like pollen, or some type of virus.

Clear phlegm is commonly caused by:

Allergic rhinitis: This is also called nasal allergy or sometimes hay fever. It makes your body
produce more nasal mucus after exposure to allergens like pollen, grasses, and weeds. This Breathing Exercises to Increase
mucus creates postnasal drip and may make you cough up clear phlegm. Lung Capacity 

Viral bronchitis: This is an inflammation in the bronchial tubes in your lungs. It begins with clear
or white phlegm and coughing. In some cases, you may find that the phlegm progress to a
yellow or green color.

Viral pneumonia: This form of pneumonia is caused by an infection in your lungs. Early
symptoms include fever, dry cough, muscle pain, and other flu-like symptoms. You may also
see an increase in clear phlegm.

What does red or pink phlegm mean?

Blood is likely the cause of any shade of red phlegm. Pink is considered another shade of red,
so it may also indicate that there is blood in your phlegm, just less of it.

Red or pink phlegm is commonly caused by:

Pneumonia:This lung infection may cause red phlegm as it progresses. It may also cause chills,
fever, cough, and chest pain.

Tuberculosis: This bacterial infection can be spread from one person to another in close
quarters. Major symptoms include coughing for more than three weeks, coughing up blood and
red phlegm, fever, and night sweats.

Congestive heart failure (CHF): This happens when your heart isn’t effectively pumping blood
to your body. In addition to pink or red-tinged sputum, you may also experience shortness of

Pulmonary embolism: This happens when the pulmonary artery in your lungs becomes
blocked. This blockage is often from a blood clot that travels from somewhere else in the body,
like your leg. It often causes bloody or blood-streaked sputum.

This condition is life-threatening and may also cause shortness of breath and chest pain.

Lung cancer: This condition causes many respiratory symptoms, including coughing up red-
tinged phlegm or even blood.

See your doctor if you’re producing more phlegm than normal, having intense coughing spells,
or notice other symptoms like weight loss or fatigue.

What if the phlegm texture changes?

The consistency of your phlegm can change due to many of reasons. The scale ranges from
mucoid (frothy) to mucopurulent to purulent (thick and sticky). Your phlegm may get thicker and
darker as an infection progresses. It may also be thicker in the morning or if you are

Clear phlegm that’s associated with allergies is generally not as thick or sticky as the green
sputum you see with bacterial bronchitis or the black phlegm from a fungal infection.

What does frothy phlegm mean?

Moving beyond colors now: Is your phlegm frothy? Another word for this texture is mucoid.
White and frothy phlegm may be another sign of COPD. This may also change to yellow or
green if you end up getting a chest infection.

Is it both pink and frothy? This combination may mean you are experiencing congestive heart
failure in a late stage. If you have this condition along with extreme shortness of breath,
sweating, and chest pain, call your local emergency services immediately.

When to see your doctor

While phlegm is a normal part of the respiratory system, it isn’t normal if it’s affecting your
everyday life. It may be time to head to the doctor if you notice it in your airways, throat, or if
you start coughing it up.

If your sputum is clear, yellow, or green, you may be safe to wait a few days or even weeks
before making an appointment. You should still keep watch over your other symptoms to see
how your illness is progressing.

If you see any shade of red, brown, or black phlegm, or are experiencing frothy sputum, you
should make an appointment right away. This may be a sign of a more serious underlying

It can be difficult to self-diagnose what type of lung issue you’re having. A doctor can perform a
variety of tests including X-rays and sputum analyses to determine the cause.

If you’re not sure what’s causing the change in color or are experiencing other unusual ADVERTISEMENT

symptoms, see your doctor.

Learn more: Sputum culture »

How to get rid of sputum

There are times when phlegm is a reason to see your doctor right away. Some phlegm-causing
conditions respond best to antibiotics, other medications, and breathing treatments. In some
cases, surgery may be necessary.

Some of the conditions on this list are viral, and that means they don’t respond to antibiotics.
Instead, to heal you simply need to eat well, hydrate, and rest.
Was this article helpful?

You can also try measures like:

Yes No
Using a humidifier in your home: Keeping the air moist can help loosen phlegm and allow
you to cough it up more easily.
Gargling with salt water: Mix a cup of warm water with 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt, and
gargle to loosen any mucus from allergies or a sinus infection that’s affecting your throat.
Using eucalyptus oil: This essential oil works by loosening the mucus in your chest and
can be found in products like Vicks VapoRub.
Taking over-the-counter expectorants: Medications like guaifenesin (Mucinex) thin your
mucus so it flows more freely and you can more easily cough it up. This medication comes
in formulations for adults and children.

The bottom line

Phlegm is produced by your respiratory system as protection for your lungs. Unless you have
an underlying medical condition, you may not notice your sputum. You may only cough it up if
you are sick or develop a chronic lung disease.

If you do cough it up, pay attention to its appearance. If you notice a change in color,
consistency, or volume, contact your doctor to make an appointment.

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