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Alfie Wall CV

High Heavens Wood 4


Marlow Bottom



I started of doing media at secondary school where I studied media studies from year 10 doing it for
GCSE. During this time we make lots of different production and learnt how to create story’s using
the equilibrium theory. Moreover, we looked into advertising and filming making like making our
own trailer. We also make our own Film disc cover with the artwork on both sides and all the other
things that where needed like actors and title etc. I was proud of my work at the time but now
realise I could have done much better. At the end of the year I received a grade 4. In college I have
improved my skills a lot from doing documentaries, radio drama, short films and music videos I have
improved my camera work by incorporating new angles and becoming steadier. For editing I learnt
lots of new techniques and different ways to edit which made it more professional. Moreover, I am
very proud of my work and how much I have improved.


I started making my movies on YouTube when I was quite young in 2012/13 they weren’t very good
but I had lots of fun making them. The first proper production I made was in secondary school for
media GCSE where we made a trailer, I found this fun and thought my production was okay but
could have been better. For college I made 6 productions I was very proud of including a music
video, documentary, short films and music videos. They helped me improve a lot.

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