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Wat. Res. Vol, 29, No. I, pp.

17-26, 1995
Pergamon Copyright © 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd
0043-1354(94)00139-1 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0043-1354/95 $7.00 + 0.00


~Ecosystems Division, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 11-115,
Hamilton, 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton
and 3New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Private Bag 3123, Hamilton, New Zealand

(First received April 1993; accepted in revised form May 1994)

Abstract--Theeffect of influent loading rate on mass removal of BOD, SS and faecal coliforms (FC) from
dairy parlour wastewaters was compared in four pairs of planted (Schoenoplectus validus) and unplanted
gravel-bed wetlands (each 19 m2). The wetlands were operated at nominal retention times of 7, 5.5, 3 and
2 days, with in and outflows sampled fortnightly over a 20 month period. Hydraulic flows were monitored
to enable calculation of the mass flows of pollutants. Influent water quality varied markedly over the trial
period (CBOD5 20-300 g m-3; SS, 60-250 g m-3; FC, 103-104MPN (100 ml-~). NBOD was an important
component of total BOD, being around 1.5 times higher than the influent CBODs, and 2-10 times higher
than the effluent CBOD5. Outflow levels of CBODs, SS and faecal coliforms rapidly mirrored changes
in influent loadings. Mean mass removal of CBOD5 increased from 60-75% to 85-90%, total BOD
(CBODs + NBOD) from 50 to 80% and FC from 90-95 to >99% with increasing wetland retention time
during the first 12 months of monitoring. Mean annual SS removals of 75-85% were recorded irrespective
of loading rate. High levels of dissolved humic colour in the wastewaters were little affected by passage
through the wetland at short retention times, but were reduced by up to 40% at longer retentions. Mass
removals of CBODs, SS and FC showed monotonic relationships to mass loading rates, with little
difference between the performance of planted and unplanted wetlands, except for CBOD5at high loadings
(> 3 g m-2 d- ~). The planted wetlands showed significantlyimproved removal rates for CBOD5 at higher
loadings, and 1.3 to 2.6 fold higher mass removals of total BOD.

Key words--artificial wetlands, subsurface-flow, root-zone method, agricultural wastewater, BOD,

suspended solids, faecal coliforms, dissolved colour, Schoenoplectus validus, bulrush

INTRODUCTION holding yards with high pressure hoses, waste milk,

and milking equipment cleaning water (including
Point- and diffuse-source pollution of waterways
detergents, acid and alkalising agents, and sanitisers),
draining agricultural land have become an increasing
are commonly treated in two stage oxidation ponds
concern in many countries as farming practices inten-
(MAF, 1985) before discharge to surface waters. A
sify and rural land uses diversify. In New Zealand,
recent study of the performance of dairy farm oxi-
dairy farming is a major primary industry, with dairy
dation ponds in New Zealand (Hickey et al., 1989)
cattle numbers (3.5 million) exceeding that of the
demonstrated the wide variability in the quality of
human population. About 7,000 million litres of milk
these effluents and focused concern on their potential
are produced annually of which 80-90% is exported
environmental impacts in sensitive receiving waters.
in some form, representing around 25% of the world
Constructed wetlands are an emerging "low-tech"
dairy export market and 20% of New Zealand's
method of wastewater treatment which is particularly
overseas earnings (Department of Statistics, 1992).
suited to small-scale on-site applications (Hammer,
Based largely on year-round pastoral grazing, point-
1989; Cooper and Findlater, 1990). They are con-
source discharges of farm wastewater are generally
sidered to have considerable potential for the further
only produced as a result of twice-daily milking
treatment of agricultural oxidation pond discharges,
operations (approximately 8-10% of total waste pro-
because of their relatively low cost, low operation and
duction). These dairy parlour wastewaters composed
maintenance requirements, and lack of reliance on
of excreta and mud which is washed from concrete
machinery or energy inputs. However, information
on wetland treatment of agricultural wastewaters
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. is presently very limited. In gravel-bed constructed

18 CHRIS C. TANNER et al.

wetlands, wastewaters typically flow through shallow

gravel-filled channels in which emergent aquatic
plants grow hydrophonically. The gravel matrix pro-
vides an extensive surface area for microbial colonisa- i
tion and promotes physical settling and filtration
(Brix, 1987). In addition to aesthetic and wildlife "~' ×

habitat enhancement, aquatic plants assimilate nutri-

ents, produce plant litter and other organic com- r--
pounds, and modify the microclimate and hydrology Y,
of wetland treatment systems. They may also increase
microbial decomposition of organic matter by root-
zone oxygen release and venting of gaseous byprod-
ucts of anaerobic decomposition, via their internal
aeration systems (aerenchyma).
This and a companion paper (Tanner et al., 1994)
report findings of a program to evaluate constructed
wetland technologies for use on farms, and develop
appropriate design guidelines. The objectives of the
present study were to: r~
(1) Investigate the effects of loading rate on removal ~J

of biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids,

dissolved colour, and faecal indicator bacteria from .o c~

dairy farm wastewaters in subsurface-flow gravel-bed

constructed wetlands, and; c~
(2) Evaluate the effect of planting with the emergent o
aquatic plant Schoenoplectus validus (M. Vahl.) A.
Love et D. Love (soft-stem bulrush) on treatment
performance. This species has been commonly em-
ployed in municipal wetland wastewater treatment
systems in North America, Australia and New
Zealand. •-~ "0


Trials were carried out on the Ruakura Research Farm

(Dairying Research Corporation, Hamilton, New Zealand)
in 8 channels (9.5 × 2 x 0.6 m deep) filled to 0.4 m depth
with alluvial rhyolitic gravel (10-30 mm diameter, 35-37%
effective pore space). The channels were lined with 1 mm
thick butyl rubber and water balance tests showed leakage o
to be negligible. Adjacent pairs of channels were supplied
with one of four inflow rates of dairy parlour wastewaters
after pre-treatment in a two-stage oxidation pond system.
The loading rates corresponded to hydraulic rates of ap- 0
proximately 20, 26, 45, and 6 8 m m d - I ; giving nominal
retention times of 2, 3, 5.5 and 7 days (actual hydraulic
loadings given in Table 1). Wastewater from the secondary
pond was first pumped to a primary header tank (10001),
then gravity-fed to four (one per pair of channels) secondary
header tanks (1501) fitted with float valves. Hourly inflows _~_-.
to the head of the wetlands were metered via automatically
controlled (Irri Trol model MCl2plus irrigation controller;
California, U.S.A.) solenoid operated hydraulic valves
(Richdel model 1225; Nevada, U.S.A.). The strength of the
influent wastewater was increased from September 1991 ==
(latter 5 months of trial) by reduction of the effective size c~
of the pre-treatment aerobic pond, using a movable
polyethylene barrier. Inflow rates to the two wetlands E o'7 ~.
operating at 7 days retention time were also readjusted at
this time to ~ 3.8 days retention (37 mm d-t) as part of a
concurrent experiment. E
Water levels were maintained 20 mm below the gravel
surface at the downstream end of the wetlands, by adjusting
the height of the outflow pipes. Outflow volumes were tr~
monitored by tipping buckets which were read weekly and,
Organic pollutant removal in constructed wetlands 19

as for inflows, cleaned and re-calibrated monthly. Vegetative trial there was little difference between hydraulic
propagules of Schoenoplectus validus, collected from a natu-
inflow and outflow rates in the unplanted wetlands,
ral population growing locally, were planted out (8 propag-
ules m 2) in one of each pair of channels in early November, suggesting that overall rainfall additions and evapor-
1989 (spring). Unplanted channels were retained as controls ation losses were similar. The planted wetlands
with weeds controlled periodically by hand weeding and showed net water losses of around 2 m m d-~, pre-
spot applications of glyphosate herbicide. Plants were al- sumably due to evapotranspiration and interception
lowed to establish in the wetlands over a 3 month period,
with periodic applications of NPK fertiliser, before selected losses from the plant canopy. Comparison of inflows
inflow rates ofwastewaters were introduced. Details of plant and outflows between 900 and 1700 h on two con-
sampling in the wetlands during the trial are given in Tanner secutive clear sunny days in early January 1992
et aL (1995). (maximum air temperature 25°C, pan evaporation 5.5
lnflowing wastewater and the outflow of each channel and 5.8 m m d -t) showed evaporation rates between
were sampled fortnightly from June 1990 to January 1992
(20 months) and analysed using standard methods (APHA, 0.5 and 1.0 mm h -m for the unplanted channels, com-
1989) for 5 day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand pared to losses between 0.9 and 1.6 mm h-~ in the
(CBODs; unseeded, nitrification inhibited) and suspended planted wetlands. This was similar to maximum
solids (SS; GFC filter, gravimetric); and temperature, con- midday rates reported previously for planted gravel-
ductivity, pH (Solomat MPM 2000 meter; Connecticut,
U.S.A.) and dissolved oxygen recorded (saturated air cali- bed wetlands operating nearby (van Oostrom and
brated Yellow Springs Instruments Model 54A DO meter; Cooper, 1990).
Ohio, U.S.A.). Faecal coliforms (FC) were sampled every 4
weeks using the membrane filter M-FC agar technique Temperature, pH, and conductivity
(APHA, 1989). To help define the oxygen demand charac- The temperature of the outflows from the wetlands
teristics of the wastewater before and after wetland treat-
ment, supplementary analysis of CBOD(20 day), chemical were generally 1-3°C above mean daily air tempera-
oxygen demand (COD; closed reflux, titrimetric; APHA tures at the site and around 0.7°C below those of the
1989) and filtered (GFC) CBOD s were performed on four inflowing wastewater, ranging from a minimum of
occasions during the spring and early summer of 1991, on 7-9°C in winter to a maximum of 22°C during
the influent wastewater and each channel outflow. Potential
nitrogenous oxygen demand (NBOD) was calculated as 4.33 summer. Planting had little effect on outflow tem-
times the NH4-N concentration (as in Copper, 1986), using peratures during winter, but lowered temperatures
nitrogen data from a companion study (Tanner et al., 1995). during summer by 0.5-1°C. Additional in situ
Dissolved colour due to humic compounds (yellow sub- measurements during sunny summer days showed
stance) was monitored in inflows and outflows on five plant shading resulted in 2 ~ ° C cooler surface water
occasions during 1991 by measuring the absorbance of
filtered samples at 440 nm (10 mm path length, Shimadzu temperatures (20 mm depth) at midday.
UV 190 spectrophotometer), and is expressed as g~0 (the Mean inflow pH values of 7.2 were reduced slightly
absorption coefficient at 440 nm; Kirk, 1983). to between 6.6 and 7.0 in the outflows. Influent
Water quality and flow data were smoothed to remove conductivity ranged from 500 to 1100 #S cm ~ in the
day to day variation and reveal underlying trends. Smooth-
ing was performed using Bayesian techniques (Upsdell, first winter to summer period and 700-1500 in the
1985; Upsdell and Wheeler, 1992) which allowed analysis of second, reflecting both seasonal increases in waste-
non-normal data distributions and generation of confidence water loading and increased evaporation losses
intervals. To allow for the increasing variability of larger during the summer. Mean conductivity for the July
values, FC results were analysed using a Poisson error 1990-91 year was reduced during passage through the
distribution and a log link function. To enable evaluation of
true removal rates in the presence of seasonally fluctuating wetlands from 793 at the inflow to between 700 and
influent strengths, and valid comparison of planted and 550 # S cm t, increasing with retention time.
unplanted wetlands with different hydrological budgets,
performance was compared where possible on a mass flow Oxygen demand
basis by combining smoothed in- and out-flow rate curves,
and smoothed water quality concentration curves. Adher- Dissolved oxygen levels in the influent wastewater,
ence to first-order kinetics (assuming plug-flow) was verified commonly around 1-2.5 g m 3 rose above 6 in mid-
and rate constants calculated from mean concentration winter when organic loadings and temperatures in the
values for the four wetlands, using graphical methods and oxidation ponds were lowest. Slightly higher mean
linear regression, as outlined in Tchobanoglous and outflow oxygen levels of 2 - 3 g m -3 were recorded,
Schroeder (1987).
with a small but consistent rise (0.5-1 g m~ 3) noted
with increasing retention time and little difference
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION between planted and unplanted beds.
Mean influent C B O D s concentrations of 57
Hydrology (___7.5)gm 3 during the first year of monitoring,
Rainfall varied markedly on a month to month were increased to over 200 g m 3 during the final
basis but was evenly spread through the seasons with spring-summer period (Fig. 1). During this period of
a mean of 3.4 m m d - 1 recorded during the trial period the trial (1991/2), SS accounted for around 40% of
(Ruakura Meteorological Station, 2.5 km west of influent CBODs. C O D and calculated N B O D levels
experimental site). Pan evaporation showed a distinct in the influent were 3.2 and 1.5 fold higher, respect-
seasonal pattern increasing from monthly averages of ively, than the standard C B O D 5. Despite addition of
0.5 mm d-~ in winter to around 4.5 mm d -1 in sum- a standard nitrification inhibitor (APHA, 1989),
mer, with an annual mean of 2.7 m m d -~. During the CBOD20 determinations showed wide fluctuations
250 -
300, /e
1000000 •
• ., • 200
,., f . ' . • / / . ,....
- ,,
; '.
• dDo o•
. 150 10000 •
• •

. . . . . o-;, .... o . . . . . . . . . . . . i#I •

/ o
o ,'.:_ ....... ,'.. :..'__.~'- ,q
"L:- "; ~oo • • • • •
• • • • ,O
i 100 - _ ' I; •
,-'+-o-+~; . . . , / , . ; % ~oo.
• " 0
,. .o I"
=o • ,j~-.t...~-/" ~o

° #
• , , , , , , , , w • , • • • .

1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991
Fig. 1. Influent concentrations of CBOD and SS (g m 3), and FC [mpn (100 ml) -~, log scale]. Fitted curves show mean values (solid lines) and their 95% confidence intervals (fine
dashed lines).
2 days 3 days 5.5 days 7 / 3.8 days

E 15 15' 15- 15'


i O

10 10 10 10'

i- 5" 5- 8

0 ...... ! ....... A..., 0 . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .A..., 0 . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . --" • • I

1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991

Fig. 2. Mean mass loading (solid lines) and removal rates of C B O D 5 recorded for each hydraulic loading rate (expressed as nominal retention time) in the planted (dotted
line) and unplanted (dashed line) wetlands over the 20 m o n t h monitoring period. The arrow heads show when the influent wastewater strength to all wetlands was
increased, and the hydraulic loading to the wetland operating at ~ 7 day retention was increased, giving a modified retention time of ~ 3.8 days. The mass loadings
achieved in the planted and unplanted wetland pairs differed slightly (Table 1), but showed almost identical patterns during the trials. To aid comparison, the mass
removal rates l\~r both tile planted and unplanted wetlands have been proportionally standardised to a singlc mean loading curve, To aid clarity, the individual data
points ha,,c bccn omitted and only smoothed me;m curves sho,an for the data. Figure I (in which data points are retained) gives an example of how the smoothing
operation relates to the data.

due to various degrees of nitrification (confirmed by reductions in the first year increasing from 76 to 92%
subsequent ammonia and nitrate analyses) occurring and 60 to 85%, respectively, with increasing retention
during the extended incubation period. time. At the highest loading tested, mean annual
Figure 2 shows mass loadings and removal rates of CBOD5 removal in the unplanted wetland was signifi-
CBOD5 for the planted and unplanted channels cantly (P < 0.01) lower that of the planted systems.
during the 20 month study period, while Table 1 Mass removal rates closely followed loading rates
summarises loading and removal data for the annual with a maximum removal of ~ 13 g m -2 d-~ recorded
period July 1990 to July 1991 (i.e. starting 7 months during the period of highest loading (September
after planting and 4 months after initiation of waste- 1991). Removal of CBOD5 in relation to retention
water inflows). Between 35 and 40% of outflowing time was poorly described by first-order (plug flow)
CBOD 5 was attributable to SS during the final kinetic models. Within the range tested, mass removal
spring-summer period. Removal of CBOD 5was simi- rates for the planted wetlands showed a near-linear
lar for planted and unplanted channels, with mean relationship to mass loading during the first year of


3 I
i 6- ~'/


0 . , , , i , . . , i . . , , I m m . , I,
0 " 1 ' 1 " 1 ' 1
0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8

Total BOD FC



O! . . . . .
0 5 10 0 5 10

L o a d i n g rate

Fig. 3. Relationship between mass loading and removal rates of CBOD, total BOD, SS, and FC for the
4 planted (A) and 4 unplanted (0) wetlands for the annual period July 1990 to July 1991. All rates are
expressed as gm-2d -~ except those for FC; mpn x 107m-2d-L Smoothed means and their 85%
confidence intervals are shown for the planted (solid lines and heavy shading respectively)and unplanted
wetlands (heavy and fine dashed lines respectively,no shading). Where confidenceintervals overlap, lines
are not significantlydifferent at the 95% levelof confidence.The lines were forced to go through the origin,
where a zero loading corresponds to zero removal. The 1:1 line (dotted) is shown to indicate 100%
removal; on the FC graph it is obscured by the data.
Organic pollutant removal in constructed wetlands 23

monitoring (Fig. 3). The relationship, when con- mean percentage removal remained relatively stable
verted to volumetric rates, was very similar to that ( ~ 80%) until the end of the trial. Mass removal rates
derived for 12 comparable wetland systems treating for SS showed a linear relationship to mass loading
sewage wastewaters by Conley et al. (1991). (Fig. 3), similar to that reported by Conley et al.
Mean mass removal of total BOD (1991). There was no discernible difference between
(CBOD 5 + NBOD; Fig. 3) rose to nearly 6 g m -2 d -~ the performance of planted and unplanted channels,
while percentage removals decreased from around 80 with both showing similar fluctuations during the
to 5 0 0 with increasing loading in the planted wet- monitoring period (Fig. 5). Other gravel-bed wetland
lands. Removal of NBOD is likely to be higher than studies employing unplanted controls (e.g. Wolverton
that calculated from N H : N data, due to in situ et al., 1983; Gersberg et al., 1986; Bavor et al., 1987;
ammonification of organic forms of N (see Tanner et van Oostrom and Cooper, 1990) have also generally
al., 1995). The planted wetlands showed greater found little difference in their solids removals com-
removal of total BOD than the unplanted wetlands, pared to planted systems, suggesting removal is pri-
particularly at higher loadings (significant at marily due to physical processes which are hardly
P < 0.001), where in the absence of net ammonia affected by plant growth.
removal, mass reductions of total oxygen demand in Excavation of gravel substrates along the channels
the unplanted wetlands declined to < 2 g m - 2 d -~ showed accumulation of organic solids occurred pref-
(about 20% removal). COD levels in the outflows erentially at the head of the channels, as noted in
were 4-10 times higher than the CBOD5 (Fig. 4), and other studies (Reed and Brown, 1992). These ac-
showed a close relationship to the total BOD (Fig. 4). cumulations resulted in partial surface-flow of ap-
Removal of total BOD (assuming plug-flow) followed plied wastewaters in the upstream l - 2 m of the
first-order kinetics, with a Kt of 0.17 (rE = 0.94), and highest loaded channels, apparently due to partial
a K20 of 0.22d -I (using a van't Hoff-Arrhenius clogging of interstitial spaces within the gravel
temperature coefficient (0) of 1.06; Conley et al., matrix. Further studies are in progress to evaluate the
1991). net accumulation rates of organic and inorganic
solids, which are likely to be critical factors affecting
Suspended solids the flow dynamics, the long-term functioning and
High and often variable levels of SS, largely sustainability of subsurface-flow wetland systems.
composed of phytoplankton biomass and detritus,
are common in discharges from oxidation ponds Faecal coliforms (FC)
(Hickey et al., 1989; Wrigley and Toerien, 1990). Mean FC densities in the influent showed a gradual
Influent SS levels varied markedly in the present rise during the monitoring period from < I × 103 to
study (60-250gm-3), showing an overall mean of > 1 × 106 mpn (100 ml)- ~ (Fig. 1). FC removal rates
120 g m 3 with no apparent seasonal trends (Fig. 1). closely followed loading rates during the course of the
During the first year of monitoring, SS levels were experiment showing an overall linear relationship
reduced by over 75% at all loading rates, giving mean (Fig. 3). Mean removal rates from 90 to over 99%
effluent concentrations between 14 and 3 6 g m -3 were recorded with increasing retention time during
(Table i). Outflow SS concentrations in the lowest the first year of monitoring (Table 1), with no signifi-
loaded wetlands responded rapidly to increases in cant difference (P < 0.05) between the planted and
wastewater loadings in September 1991, but the unplanted wetlands. FC removals of around 9 0 0
were still recorded over the final summer period, at
loadings of up to 92 mpn × 107 m 2 d 1. Gersberg et
al. (1987) have previously reported improved total
coliform removal in gravel-bed wetlands planted with
S. validus compared with that in unvegetated con-
trols. Mean effluent FC concentrations of between ! 5
200t and 40 ( x l 0 3 ) m p n (100ml) -~ were recorded at
intermediate retention times (Table 1), suggesting
,:,/ /° o
livestock drinking water guidelines of 1000mpn
(100 ml)-l would generally be met in receiving waters
"'°° T / at moderate levels of dilution ( > 15 to 40 fold).

Dissolved colour
0 1 " ' - - , - .

100 200 300 The potential effects of dissolved colour on receiv-

ing water colour are likely to vary depending on the
nature of the existing particulate and dissolved deter-
Fig. 4. Relationship between concentrations of COD, and minants of hue, with blue-coloured waters in particu-
carbonaceous and total BOD for the wetland outflows (all
g m-3), during the final spring-early summer period. The lar, showing high sensitivity to small additions of
regression lines shown are logarithmic (r 2 = 0.84) and linear yellow substance (Davies-Coiley and Close, 1990).
(r2= 0.71) least squares fits respectively (n = 40). Humic compounds typically account for 85-100% of
2 days 3 days 5.5 days 7 / 3.8 days
E 8- 8- 8- 8-

/ ° 6' 6'

"0 4" 4, 4, z
C z
.....,,~,f'~:..-;~,,, /.

o . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . ; 0 ...... ; . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 ...... i ....... A ,., 0 ...... i ....... "A''.I

1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991

Figl 5. Mean mass loading (solid lines) the removal rates of SS recorded for each hydraulic loading rate (expressed as days retention time) in the planted (dotted line)
and unplanted (dashed line) wetlands over the 20 month monitoring period. Other details as for Fig. 2.
Organic pollutant removal in constructed wetlands 25

absorbance in the visible region of the spectrum in autochthonous production (plant litter) may, as in
natural waters and comprise around 40-60% of the most natural wetlands (Thurman, 1985; Urban et al.,
dissolved organic carbon (Thurman, 1985). They are 1989), result in the net export of dissolved humic
considered to be largely refractory compounds, with compounds. Complexation of metals and trace
residence times in excess of 100 days in natural anions (including phosphate) by these humic sub-
waters. stances is likely to markedly affect their environmen-
The dairy farm wastewaters studied, were highly tal behavior both during treatment and in receiving
coloured and strongly light attenuating with mean waters (Steinberg and Muenster, 1985; Suffet and
g ~ values of 27 _ 5.9 m -~ recorded. This was con- MacCarthy, 1989).
siderably higher than values obtained by Davies-
Colley et al. (1992) in a study of 11 domestic sewage CONCLUSIONS
oxidation ponds in New Zealand (mean 6 m - I ) , Constructed wetlands operating at nominal reten-
reflecting the more concentrated nature of dairy farm tion times between two and seven days show con-
wastewaters and their high levels of organic de- siderable potential for the removal of BOD, SS and
composition products. Outflow g ~ values were simi- FC levels from dairy farm wastewaters after pre-
lar to influent levels at short retention times, but treatment in oxidation ponds. Dissolved colour was
showed a gradual decline with increasing retention only reduced at the highest retention times tested, and
time (Fig. 6). There was no apparent difference is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.
between dissolved colour outflows from the planted Monotonic relationships were found between mass
and unplanted beds. Moore and Skarda (1992) loading and removal rates for CBODs (planted wet-
also reported minimal colour removal (generally lands only), and SS and FC (both planted and
< 10%) in rock-filter wetlands treating pulp mill unplanted wetlands) over the range tested. These
wastewaters, with greater reductions apparent in the were similar to those reported for CBOD and SS
planted systems operating at 10 days than at 2 days removal in comparable systems treating domestic
retention. sewage. NBOD in the dairy farm wastewaters tested,
The potential for photolytic degradation of humic was the largest component of total BOD in both
compounds would have been minimal in the subsur- inflows and outflows; this should be taken into
face-flow wetlands and likely biological decompo- consideration in the design and performance assess-
sition rates (even in the presence of high nutrient ment of wetland systems treating agricultural and
levels) too low to account for the apparent reductions other high ammonia wastewaters. Over an annual
in g~0 noted with increasing retention time. Adsorp- period, mean mass removals of total BOD
tion onto the surfaces of the gravel substrates and (CBOD + NBOD) in the planted wetlands increased
particulates, incorporation into biofilms, and hy- with mass loading, while percentage removal de-
drous metal oxide precipitation are possible removal creased from around 80% at the lowest loading tested
mechanisms (Steinberg and Muenster, 1985). Such to 50% in the highest. Mass removal of SS and FC
adsorption potential is likely to be limited in gravel- was similar for both planted and unplanted channels,
bed constructed wetlands. In the long-term, de- but removal of total BOD and CBOD 5 at high
composition of accumulated organic matter and loadings, was significantly improved in the planted
Influent concentration Acknowledgements--This study was funded by the New
Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology,
25 and undertaken as part of a D. Phil program by the first
author (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand).
We are grateful for additional support from Environment
20 Waikato, who undertook and partially funded the waste-
water analyses. The experimental site was provided by the
Dairy Research Corporation of New Zealand. We are
15 grateful to Keith Thompson (University of Waikato) for his
C input to the project design, and to Robert Davies-Colley
Q (NIWA-Ecosystems) for valuable comments on the
z manuscript. Technical support was provided at various
10" • Unplanted times during the trials by James Sukias, Aleki Taumoepeau,
• Planted Phillip Rogers, Frank Parry, Richard Ford and Adam
0 2 4 6 8 0 REFERENCES
Retention time (daye)
APHA (1989) Standard Methods for the Examination of
Fig. 6. Relationship between effluent dissolved colour ex- Water and Wastewater, 17th edition. American Public
pressed as ~ and the nominal retention time of wastewater Health Association, Washington, D.C.
in the wetlands. Each value is the mean of five samples Bavor H. J., Roser D. J. and McKersie S. A. (1987)
sampled over an annual period (1991). The solid line shown Treatment of wastewater using artificial wetlands: large-
is a least squares linear regression (r 2= 0.82). scale, fixed-film bioreactors. Rust. J. Biotechnol. I, 67-73.
26 CHRIS C. TANNER et al.

Brix H. (1987) Treatment of wastewater in the rhizosphere Moore J. A. and Skarda S. M. (1992) Wetland treatment of
of wetland plants: the root-zone method. Wat. Sci. Tech- pulp wastewater. In Proceedings of the Wetland Systems
nol. 19, 107 118. in Water Pollution Control Conference, pp. 63.1--63.9,
Conley U M., Dick R. I. and Lion U W. (1991) An International Association on Water Quality, Sydney,
assessment of the root zone method of wastewater treat- Australia.
ment. Res. J. Wat. Pollut. Control. Fed. 63, 239-247. van Oostrom A. J. and Cooper R. N. (1990) Meat process-
Cooper A. B. (1986) Developing management guidelines for ing effluent treatment in surface-flow and gravel-bed
river nitrogenous oxygen demand. J. Wat. Pollut. Control constructed wetlands. In Constructed Wetlands in Water
Fed. 58, 845-852. Pollution Control. (Edited by Cooper P. F. and Findlater
Cooper P. F. and Findlater B. C. (editors) (1990) Con- B. C.), pp. 321-332. Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K.
structed Wetlands in Water Pollution Control. Pergamon Reed S. C. and Brown D. S. (1992) Constructed wetland
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