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15/12/2017 Inconsistencies in tables EKES EKET and EKBE, solutions for confirmation problems - ERP SCM - SCN Wiki

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Inconsistencies in tables EKES EKET and EKBE, solutions for confirmation

Criado por Karoly Taragyia, última alteração em jul 30, 2015

One or more of the following commonly occurring symptom(s) affecting purchase order(s) and/or scheduling agreement(s) or their follow-on documents in your system, due to inconsistency in EKES,
EKET or EKBE table(s):

More than one line appears for a purchasing document in MD04

Confirmation's MRP relevant quantity was not reduced, hence MRP still calculates with it
Not correct values appearing at reporting, in purchase order history or at schedule lines overview
MRP element ’POitem’ still visible in MD04 after posting Inbound Delivery
MRP element ’ShpgNt’ still visible in MD04 after posting GR
Negative quantity in MD04 even after goods receipt is posted
The receipt quantity in MD04 is inconsistent from PO History
Editing (Inbound or Outbound) Delivery is not possible, also may dump happens
Incorrect stock in transit quantity in MB5T based on PO history
Reversing/cancelling of a GR (goods receipt) or a GI (goods issue) or a delivery is not possible, error message M7 328 (Deficit of Delivered quantity...) also may raised

1. Check if there is a real inconsistency in the involved tables
2. according to the symptom search for a correction report from the below list.
3. make sure the correction reports are available in the system.
4. start the report(s) in Test mode first, then in update mode to correct false entries.

Symptoms and correction reports to solve them:

Inconsistency in "MRP reduced" (DABMG) values in confirmation and schedule lines:

Symptom Correction Report Note Additional info

Incorrect DABMG values in tables EKET, ZCORRDABMG 202875 This is the most commonly helpful and used report,
EKES please run it in all cases of the above mentioned symptoms
in connection with DABMG (MRP reduced quantity)

EKES-MENGE <> EKES-DABMG ZZ_CORR_EKES_DABMG 636853 In case if update within EKES table was incorrect

EKES-DABMG updated incorrectly for ZCORR_EKES_PO 1247578 Inbound delivery is posted and has movement status 'C'.
inbound delivery

Incorrect EKET-DABMG and / or ZCORREKESGRRTV 536190 Usually this inconsistency (or below) cause M7 328 error
EKES-DABMG entry also (for example by document reversing, MIGO, VL09).
(with "GR assignment" confirmation)
You cannot use it if you switched between 'No GR assignment' and 'GR assignment'

Use it if return deliveries for inbound deliveries are handled via delivery

Make sure EKES/EKET-ETENS numbering are correct, if not go to entry "Incorrect EKES-ETENS
numbering" and use the correction report.

ZCORREKESBYGR 215072 You cannot use it if you switched between 'No GR assignment' and 'GR assignment'

Make sure EKES/EKET-ETENS numbering are correct, if not go to entry "Incorrect EKES-ETENS
numbering" and use the correction report.

Above reports work only if the EKPO-ELIKZ (delivery completed) indicator is NOT ticked, and if the "GR-assignment" checkbox is ticked for the used confirmation type in the used confirmation control

Inconsistency between or within scheduling lines and PO History:

Symptom Correction Report Note Additional info about symptom(s) which solvable with
the report

EKBE-MENGE <> EKET-GLMNG (incorrect EKET-GLMNG) ZKOGLMNG 100690 Cannot delete delivery, mainly for STO / SA problems



(incorrect EKET-MENGE) dump at insert to EKPO, EKET (***)

15/12/2017 Inconsistencies in tables EKES EKET and EKBE, solutions for confirmation problems - ERP SCM - SCN Wiki

EKET-WEMNG <> EKBE-MENGE (incorrect EKET-WEMNG) ZKORWEMN3 Problems with delivery also

EKET-WEMNG <> EKBE-MENGE (incorrect EKET-WEMNG ZKORWEMN4 Reverse, or return not possible

Inconsistency in EKET-GLMNG, EKET-WEMNG and in EKET- ZZ_CORR_EKET_WEMNG_WAMNG_GLMNG Tip: run this also, if non of the
WAMNG together above reports (from note 100690) help


EKET_UPDATE) dump could occur because of this (***)

Additionally helpful reports for missing table entries:

Symptom Correction Report Note Additional info

History for the delivery contains incorrect ZKOEKBEPO 431145


Order history for delivery does not exist ZCREA_EKBE 433505

EKES-MENGE after reversal of goods is ZCORR_EKESMENGE 521164 Checkout the "Reason and Prerequisites" segment of the note for more details

Missing EKES entries for the inbound ZCREATE_EKES 1130335


Purchase order contains EKES entries,

but inbound delivery does not exist

Incorrect ETENS numbering in EKBE ZCORR_EKBE_ETENS 655427 Ensure that ETENS numbering is consistent in EKBE table.
But this report only applicable when deliveries already posted. If the ETENS sequence number
is inconsisent compairing EKES table with EKBE table, where EKBE-VGABE = 1 (GR), then you
need to adjust the wrong field number in database level.

Correction report for completing open Z_COMPLETE_INBOUND_DELIVERY 570991

inbound deliveries in case the GR
already exists

Incorrect EKES-ETENS numbering ZHIGETENS 407371 Will correct from entered ETENS value

ZCORETENS Correction for '0000' value records

Additional symptoms and resolution:

Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X LIS_VERTEILUNG_LF while editing delivery (deleting, canceling, etc.):

The dump is possibly caused by inconsistency, please see the solution of note 431145:
"Use correction report ZKOEKBE to get an overview of the number of incorrect updates. and to have a consistent status for the replenishment delivery again.
Then use report ZKOGLMNG from note 100690 in order also to correct the quantity delivered of the purchase order delivery schedule line."
If these reports not helped, please read note 167242 and use the two mentioned 2 correction reports:
The first report (ZKOEKB1) checks for inconsistencies on table EKBE and fixes them.
The second report (ZKORWEMN3) fixes inconsistencies between tables EKBE and EKET.

Dump BIT_OFFSET_NOT_POSITIVE could be caused by incorrect EKES-ETENS numbering or SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC dump due to that an EKES record with the value '0000' in the field
ETENS is created or other specific system problem occurs related to incorrect numbering of schedule lines:

Check out this TSG for solution suggestion.

See also
BIT_OFFSET_NOT_POSITIVE in Schedule Agreement BAPI's due to EKET-ETENR overflow (06 859)

If you observe further problems with deliveries, probably due to an inconsistency, checkout note 2006809 - Composite SAP note: How to fix delivery-related inconsistencies

Additional Info:

The root cause of the above inconsistencies are not known. According to SAP-Support knowledge, from SAPKH60610 SAP-APPL Support Package level with also implemented notes: 1860803, 1911909,
1941146, 1960756, 1967549, 1979068, (2086182 also in case you use IS-AFS - Apparel and Footwear) the system is more reliable and less inconsistencies occur.

Please be aware that the above stated reports are not in the standard SAP system by default. You need to open the corresponding note and copy the reports' program code manually from the note's
correction instructions - then you need to create the report in SAP System with SE38 transaction and activate them - or implement it via SNOTE.

All of the mentioned reports can be run in all of the currently supported SAP ERP System versions.

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