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Patients come with fainting since 3 days ago, this complaint appear slowly and worsening due to

excessive physical activity, this complaint is lost when resting. There is no dizziness, and vomiting.
Patients initially want to do routine chemotherapy in Ulin Hospital, after routine examination for
complete blood count evidently this patients has low Hemoglobin serum, then the patient was
hospitalized in Ulin Hospital. Patient also requires both hands numbness and cramps that appear since
starting chemotherapy and is felt throughout the day. The patient also complained of vaginal bleeding
for 2 weeks that appear every time after chemotherapy and had stopped since 3 days ago, this
bleeding is outside of the menstrual cycle. 7 months ago (September) the patient come to the hospital
with abdominal pain that radiating through all surface of anterior abdominal wall and being distended,
Then doctor diagnose with colon cancer and being surgically removed. Now, Patients planning to take
12th chemotherapy drugs. Patients do not complain of reduced appetite , she can still work at home,
but can't work in a company like before.

• History of past illness: -

• Medical History : patient often hospitalized because complaint of any fainting or weakness

• Family History : Her mom diagnose with breast cancer

• Social history: patient live with her husband and 3 children, once in 2 month patient must
went to Banjarmasin to take chemotherapy.

• History of allergy: -

BP= 120/90 mmHg PR= 92 x/mnt RR = 18 x/minute T : 36,0 ◦C


General Condition : looked mildly ill GCS 456

Head Conjunctiva: pale Skin : turgor < 2 second

Rash(-), petekie (-)

Neck JVP=5 +0 cm H2O

Thorax: Cor: Ictus cordis invisible, palpable on ICS V MCL sinistra

LHM = 2nd ICS – 5th ICS left MCL

RHM : 3rd ICS – 5th ICS right sternal line

single s1-s2, gallop (-), Murmur (-),

Lung: Simetris ,

Percution S S Breath sound V V Rh - - Wh - -

S S V V - - - -

S S V V - - - -

Abdomen Rounded, bowel sound N 8 tms/mnt, liver span 10 cm, troube space tympani,
shifting dullness (-), caput medusae (-), venectasi (-), aortic pulse non-palpable.

Ekstremitas Within normal limit

Edema - -

- -

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