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Pregnancy is a serious issue in our society today, where people become pregnant

because they are not informed. Although teenage pregnancy is not yet a serious case in

our school the numbers are still slightly increasing. Teenage pregnancy affects not only

females but mates as well. It causes serious health and Education Problems. Most Teen

gets pregnant because they want to know what it feels like to raise a child and they find

them cute and want them to themselves.

Others get pregnant because they don’t know the different ways of contraception and

ways to stay safe. Many teen pregnancy because of their low confidence and self worth.

One of the reasons why teenagers are already aware with this topic is because of media.

They get a higher knowledge to sex from magazines, TV shows, Internet, movies and

other media. In television they know also create and make shows bout teenage pregnancy

like “Teen Moms” and “16 and pregnant.” these shows makes us realize that the rate of

this problem is getting higher and it is getting usual. There are lot of reported cases

regarding teenage pregnancy since the past few years until now.

According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), teenage pregnancy has a huge rate

in the Philippines, especially among the poor. 2/3 of Filipinos, who give birth before age

20, belongs to the low class society. Data from the National Statistics office showed that

8 percent among 1.7 million babies born in 2004 were born to mothers 15-19 years old.
Young mother gave birth to 818,000 babies and 2000 alone. This means, almost one of

every 10 babies is born to teenage mothers. The risk is, almost 10 percent of the born

Babies from young mothers are malnourished. As years passed by, the statistics are

getting higher. According to the study done by Population institute of the University of

the Philippines, more than 46 percent of teenage pregnant woman resort to induced

abortion which is against the law and the Church; 2 of every 5 teenage pregnancies are

unwanted ones. If the government won’t start acting on this, this problem will be worse

as years goes by. We concluded this research to increase awareness to this kind of issue.

With this research we plan to down scale the amount of teen pregnancy in our

community. We aim to inform you on what are the consequence of early teenage

pregnancy. How to avoid teenage pregnancy and why is it important for us to be aware

on this kind of issue. In order to prevent teenage pregnancy, teenagers need to have a

comprehensive understanding of abstinence, contraceptive techniques and consequences.

Although there are many ways to prevent a teenage girl from becoming pregnant, the

only one that is absolutely effective is sexual abstinence.

We all know that teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that we are facing nowadays.

As year passed by the rate getting higher. Most of the teenager gets pregnant in an early

age of 15 and above. Some teenagers want to know what it feels like to raise a child,

because of lack of education, curiosity and guide of parents the child makes his or her

own decisions at the end they will regret on what they have done. Teenagers do not know

how hard raising a child and they think it was easy. It is important to know what their

consequences in will be making wrong decisions in life so in other to prevent it there

must be a proper education and also a guide of the parents. In this study we aim to
inform the youth about the awareness in getting pregnant at the early age. This will help

the younger to be more aware in this kind of cases. It will help them to be more open

minded about this issue and also to lessen their curiosity about getting pregnant.

Statement of the Problem

Basically, teen pregnancy is a serious issue. Slightly increasing number of students

in our community are getting affected for now. That’s why we took the responsibility to

invest our time in researching about this kind of issue because we aim to lesser than

affected numbers and help you understand the general problems.

a. What are the consequences of getting pregnant in early age?

b. How to avoid teenage pregnancy?

c. Why is it important to be aware in this kind of issue?


This study focuses on Senior High School Students specifically in Marcial O.

Rañola Memorial School, Guinobatan Albay. Our prospects respondents are the students

from the Senior High School Department. In this study we’d like to conduct our study

for the next youth to be aware of this issue. We all know that in the Philippines the rate

of being pregnant in an early age is increasing every year.


It is important that young people in community succeed in school so they can thrive

as Adults. Becoming pregnant makes it hard for teens to do their best in school.

Preventing teen pregnancy is one key factor in making sure that teens have the

opportunity to achieve success in school. Conversely, school failure and disconnection

from School are important risk factors for becoming pregnant as a teen. Helping teens

get involved and succeed in school can reduce the likelihood of teen pregnancy. Can lead

to teenage pregnancy. Teens who are engaged in school become sexually active later and

are less likely to become pregnant in their teens, while students who drop out of school

are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors and become pregnant.

Students. This study helps the students to give answers about teenage pregnancy and be

aware on the things that they need to do and do not.

Parents. This study will help the parents on how to guide their children to be aware of

this kind of issue and enlighten them the consequences if they will be in this predicament

Teachers. This study will help the teachers to counsel his or her student’s situation. The

teachers will be the one to give advice his or her students.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a basic guide for other researchers to be

guided on how to avert teenage pregnancy.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region V (Bicol)

Marcial O. Rañola Memorial School

San Francisco Guinobatan, Albay

“How to Avert Teenage Pregnancy among Senior High School Student”

Jeff Beck Lim

Alexie Bautista

Erica Mae Oriel

Ellona Jane Taguic

Mariton Prescilla

Evan Jules Camba

Jhon Ronald Dayto


Mrs. June C. Llames


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, synthesis of the

state of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework, also its theoretical and conceptual

paradigm as well as the definition of terms.

Related Literature

Teenage pregnancy defined as being pregnant in an early age or in other words

adolescents. Specifically, in the ages of 13-19. Teenage pregnancy is usually the product

of innocence, ignorance and curiosity sometimes, hormones and desire. We all know that

these factors are inevitable in a normal teenage life. That’s why we are putting action to

this research for everyone to grasp the idea on how serious this issue is and hope that

these preventions are implemented not just to teens but even to parents to lessen the

increasing count of this issue.

In recent years, a nationwide concern over the “epidemic” of teenage pregnancy has

developed. Explanations for this phenomenon have ranged from poor sex education to

promiscuity. Teenagers are becoming more sexually active, and at an earlier age. These

changes in sexual behavior among adolescents involve all segments of society. A review

of the earlier literature indicates that a significant increase (tenfold) in the incidence of

sexual intercourse among single, teenage girls occurred in the early part of this century.

measurable changes in the attitude of adolescents toward sexuality became strikingly

apparent in the 1960s. The double standard practiced by males began to disappear;

currently, the percentage of sexually active males and females is similar. Teenagers are
becoming more sexually active, and at an earlier age. These changes in sexual behavior

among adolescents involve all segments of society. The younger the teenager, the more

sporadic and generally infrequent is the level of sexual activity. This behavior has

important implications for effective contraceptive control. Teenagers are not really

promiscuous, according to recent studies.’ They generally confine their sexual relations

to a single partner in a “monogamous” relationship that may last a long time Sexually

active teenagers need to make decisions about the use of contraception. The use of

contraceptive measures among adolescents is erratic, and their general use is not

widespread. Several studies have found that more than one half of the girls and three

fourths of the boys interviewed had risked pregnancy by having unprotected intercourse

at least once. The younger the adolescent, the less likely he or she is to use an adequate

contraceptive measure. Some younger teenagers believe they are too young to become

pregnant; others object to using a contraceptive because it “destroys the spontaneity” of

the sex act. Because of the minimal use of contraception, fertility rates for adolescents

are high.

According to Natividad J.(2014) young filipinos have limited access to sex

education especially, if they are underage and unmarried. 78% percent are not using any

form of contraception or protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections

when they are having sex for the first time. While government programs aims to delay

the beginning of child bearing and hasten fertility decline, teenage pregnancies continue

to increase. Reasons for becoming pregnant among teenagers include:unplanned sexual

encounters and peer pressure; lack of information on safe sex;breakdown of family life
and lack of good female role models in the family; and absence of accessible,

adolescent-friendly clinics.

According to Macleod and Durrheim (2003), teenage pregnancy as asocial problem that leads to

the disruption of schooling' poor obstetric outcomes, inadequate mothering' poor child outcomes'

relationship difficulties with relatives, partners and peers' and demographic concerns about increasing

population numbers. In major cases teenage mothers are not in a position to go back to school after

delivery as they are forced to look after their children. In some cases, these young mothers+physical

health conditions do not make it conducive for them to go back to school. While some young women

may be prevented from going back to school as a result of these factors.

Related Study

According to this research, many of the disadvantages accruing to early child

bearers are related to their own disadvantaged backgrounds. This research suggests that it

would be unwise to attribute all of the problems faced by teen mothers to the timing of

the birth per se. But even after taking background characteristics into account, other

research documents that teen mothers are less likely to finish high school, less likely to

ever marry, and more likely to have additional children outside marriage. Thus, an early

birth is not just a marker of preexisting problems but a barrier to subsequent upward


The question is do the teenage pregnancy program do work to prevent teenage

pregnancy? Well the answer is “yes some do” Based on a careful review of the scholarly
literature completed a number of rigorously evaluated programs have been found to

reduce pregnancy rates. It helps the teens to know the consequences about getting

pregnant in an early age. Those programs will give explanation to teens who are clueless

about getting pregnant but sometimes this programs also triggers teenagers to try sexual

intercourse out of curiosity

Synthesis of the State of the Art

Discussed in a Cosmopolitan web article, there are many ways of contraception,

majority of these contraception methods are very accessible, especially for teens. First is

IUDs (intrauterine device) it is said that this is 99% effective for contraception. However

this method requires a doctor’s prescription and can only be administered by health

service professional. This is very expensive though that’s why it’s not the most

accessible method .Second way is to use condoms, it is 82% effective. A condom is

cheap and very accessible. A condom is a small and thin pouch made of latex, plastic, or

lambskin, used to cover the penis and collect semen to stop sperm from getting into the

vagina. Condoms are also good to prevent AIDS. Third option is Depo-Provera, AKA

the Shot. This 99% effective, this is basically a birth control injection and this is offered

by both private and governmental hospitals or clinics. Other contraceptive methods are

the use pf pills, from pre to post sexual activity. This is 80 to 91% effective. The fourth

method is the implant. It releases hormones to prevent a woman from being pregnant

(Estella. 2017).
These contraception methods are provided and discussed because the consequence of

teen pregnancy is hard to overcome for teens and almost impossible if they’re alone

solving it. Here are some consequences of teen pregnancy. Teenage births are associated

with lower annual income for the mother. Eighty percent of teen mothers must rely on

welfare at some point. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school. Only about

one-third of teen mothers obtain a high school diploma. Teenage pregnancies are

associated with increased rates of alcohol abuse and substance abuse, lower educational

level, and reduced earning potential in teen fathers. (Swierzewski.,2015). From the Health

line website, Katie Mena (2016) reviewed and approved the article that, teen mothers are

not only prone to physical health changes but also to the mental health and state of a

woman. In that article it is expressed clearly on what are the mental effects are. Here are

some: Difficulty bonding with the baby, overwhelming fatigue, feeling worthless, anxiety,

panic attacks, thinking of harming yourself or your baby, difficulty enjoying activities you

once did. These are only some of the complications a woman is prone to. That’s why we’re

continuing and summing up this research topic.

Gap Bridge by the Study

The present study is like the previous studies both studies are related to each other

in terms of proving that Teenage Pregnancy is a most serious problem nowadays. The

good news is that teen birth rates are declining in the Philippines which is a 10% drop

from 2012 according to the centers for disease control and prevention. Birth rate also fell

13% for teen aged 15-17 and 8% for ages 18-19.

However, this study is one of the controversial issues in our country since the

researchers focused on How to Avert Teenage Pregnancy among Senior High School


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical of the study is choosing on the theories applicable to the study. The

theories of Family Development Theory, Social Bond Theory and Neo-cognitive Theory.

These theories differ in what they proposed to be the factors contributing to teen

pregnancy. The present study used a multifaceted approach to examine the antecedents

of teen pregnancy; family development, social bond and neo-cognitive theory each help

in the explanation of how the variables chosen may contribute to teen pregnancy. We

observed that the rate of teenage pregnancy in Senior high school is somehow increasing

because of the vulnerability of teens about sexual intercourses and for being clueless

about the feeling of having sexual intercourse.

Family Development Theory

According to White (1991), in this theory states the event, becoming sexually active,

determines the probability of becoming pregnant. In terms of teen pregnancy, the timing

of becoming sexually active depends on the age of the person, the duration of the dating

relationship, and the period effects.

Social Bond Theory

Social bond theory includes aspects of attachment theory, control theory, and

problem behavior theory. This theory is related to Bowlby’s concept of attachment

instincts in the new born. The bond is shaped by the family, friends, and community and

by increased interactions with the environment. If a teen girl does not feel attached to her

mother (since this is considered by some to be the most important attachment), she may

seek an attachment through a boyfriend who says that he loves her unconditionally.

Therefore, she may do whatever it takes to keep the connection between her and the

boyfriend in order to keep this feeling of attachment alive. Likewise, if a teen feels

rejected by or has a weak bond with society and its norms, she may become involved

directly with deviant behavior ( i.e., becoming sexually involved before societies says

she should) or involve herself with a group with deviant teens.

Neo-cognitive Theory

This theory further states that deviant youth view themselves in a negative

framework in relation to social institutions; this negative leads to a learned insecurity in

the youth. Youth who are at risk or who have experienced an early pregnancy often were

reared and this functional environment that may have resulted in learned insecurities. As

a result of the dysfunctional environment, the youth may believe she is inadequate. This

cognitive model of learning from the environment and experiencing increased degrees of

alienation thus predicts school failure, delinquency, and health damaging behaviors

(Mills, 1988).


Social bond


Figure 1. Theoretical framework

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework discusses the process, method used to gather data and

the findings of the study. This will be the guide of the researcher on how to avert teenage


Early adolescence (ages 10-14 years) is among the most neglected stages of

development, yet there are few stages during the life course where changes are as

dramatic. The present conceptual framework proposes 4 central goals to be achieved by

early adolescence: engagement with learning, emotional and physical safety, positive

sense of self/ self- efficacy, acquisition of life/ decision making skills. The framework

proposes an ecological model where the macro level factors (economic forces, historical

events, national priorities, laws/policies/norms and values, national events, political

realities) All set the context that influence community, family, school, and peer factor

that all in turn influence the adolescent. Existing indicators for points of development are

noted as are future areas of research priorities.

How to avoid of awareness
of getting
teenage about
pregnat in
pregnancy teenage
early age

Figure 2. Conceptual paradigm

Definition of Terms

Multifaceted approach- A person who has many different talents in all kinds of fields

and subjects’ areas is an example of someone who would be described as multifaceted.

Deviant- is someone whose behavior falls far outside of society’s norms; as an adjective,

deviant can describe the behavior itself.

Consequences – is about the result or effect of an action or condition. In this study, the

researcher will determine the possible consequences of being involve in early pregnancy.

Early age – is about being young. The researchers focus the research about all women

who experience pregnant at this young age. It also pertains ages below 18 years old.

Teenage pregnancy – is being pregnant at the age between thirteen (13) and eighteen


Aware – is having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. The researchers will

determine the level of awareness of the students of Marcial O. Ranola School about

teenage pregnancy

Issue – is an important topic or problem for debate or discussion. The researchers will

pursue studying one of the still hot topics in the world about teenage pregnancy. It will

discuss the cons of the being in this situation and how a person (woman) to cope with

this situation.

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