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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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EaaS Optimization: Available yet hidden information technology

infrastructure inside medium size enterprise
JosephNg P.S.
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University Technology Petronas, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia


Keywords: Information technology infrastructure procurement is a focal issue for Malaysia Medium Size Enterprises con-
Cloud computing fronting shortage asset amid economic turbulence. In this paper, we propose a financially savvy asset pooling
Economic turbulence shared service that improves on-request benefit yet dependable as the enterprise revolves. Further, we look at
Exostructure the appropriateness of legacy hypotheses for the commodity of IT infrastructure and disruptive innovation. Our
provocation opens up a key investment association between the proposed integrated IT infrastructure benefits
Grid computing
with the key enterprise factors in monetarily feasible. The exploration was completed by means of a survey with
ICT infrastructure data collected from 100 respondents in Peninsular Malaysia and test-retest again the validity of the past 122
Malaysia respondents for data consistency. The findings posits that despite the fact that innovation highlights have its own
Optimization points of interest, however, un-optimized and un-reusabilities of existing desktop are two critical determinants of
Reusability infrastructure investment. It additionally rationalized that wasteful spending is a basic determinant of invest-
Resource pooling ment, giving the huge impact to over-speculation and over-spending plan. The findings drive us to propose an
Small and medium sized enterprise organic flexibility infrastructure solution that will expand or recoil with the business execution prompting the
discoveries for Exostructure as a Service framework as a Technology Management manual.

1. Introduction to the MSE business values infrastructure. Web and email server technology are pretty much
common for enterprises, however, hosting services provided by infra-
With more than $1billion ringgit of contribution and 23% to the structure provider is a great financial and resources relief for the
Malaysian Gross Domestic Productivity (GDP), the Malaysia Medium smaller enterprises (Amazon, 2016). The above examples underline that
Size Enterprise (MSE) plays an important factor in the business sector although technology is the enabler, what is more, important is services
(Edge, 2016, Tsai and Hsu, 2012). As the electronic economy continues differentiation that drives the competitiveness that is being adopted and
to improve and enlarge the market, digital tools will continue to affect implemented in our typical lifestyles (Haddon, 2008).
the uprising budget allocation of each enterprise (Zhang et al., 2015). In contrast to the common generalisations about the impact of
The "Manufacturer must adopt technology to gain the competitive edge technology on society, this fascinating collection of original studies
to keep cost down and profit up" (Focus Malaysia, 2016). MSEs are shows that we can only really understand ICTs by looking at how they
trapped in the middle with sales growing nearing the bigger Multi- are adopted and used in everyday life settings. MORAR Consulting has
National Corporations (MNCs) while constraint with smaller resources highlighted that 89% enterprises had risk associated with unplanned
like the Small and Micro Enterprise (SMEs). While running with limited expansion while 79% enterprises relate optimize and the enterprise-
IT budgets and uneconomical production volume, yet MSEs still need to wide solution will be the driver for profitability (Vinotharan, 2014).
trade off the rising 54% capital expenditure and operating expenses This is also shown in JosephNg and Kang (2016) alarming research of
(Vinotharan, 2014). over-investment findings. The problem statement is then translated into
The research is primarily focused on the applied concept of using a the following research objective below:
proven and stable shared services technology. Uber, one of the leading
ridesharing service provider have incorporated a disruptive online • RO1: To explore the current infrastructure investment effectiveness
booking technology that revolutionises the taxi services (Uber, 2016). and efficiency level.
AirAsia (2016) new budget airfare moves into a new marketplace with • RO2: To identify the infrastructure services that are core to opera-
online booking capabilities and emphasising the importance of bare- tional excellence.
bone services while still maintaining the use of the same aeroplane • RO3: To optimize the available infrastructure investment cost.
E-mail address:
Received 18 April 2017; Received in revised form 11 January 2018; Accepted 24 January 2018
0040-1625/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: P S, J., Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2018),
P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

• RO4: To synchronize the capabilities and capacity of infrastructure Ultimately, this research output will provide a commercially viable
performance with enterprise dynamic growth. technology management guidebook for the MSEs to optimize their
currently available infrastructure for sustainable growth.
With the development of IT technology outsourcing, MSEs could be
able to embark towards deeper complicated business environment. Kun
2. Medium size enterprise infrastructure investment outlook
et al. (2013) has highlighted that as MSEs start to develop, they should
“invest in information technology, which allows the organization to process
more information without overloading the communications channels”. The
Nicholas Carr (2003, 2005) from Harvard University emphasize the
advance and maturation of technology that have over time integrated
concept that “technology is a commodity product” and MSEs can use it
into standard operating procedures like automated manufacturing have
as a weapon to make that competitive attack. However, technology
pushed MSEs to be much more efficient thus enabling their global
updating can be a costly weapon in the context of MSEs financial
competitiveness. The above-mentioned challenges have led to the for-
constraints. Therefore, MSEs need to strike a balance between de-
mation of the research questions below:-
ploying latest most advanced technology to capture competitive and
overdoing it as advocated by George in his research “Outsourcing and
• RQ1: What is the current infrastructure investment breakdown?
• RQ2: How can we prioritize the core infrastructure services?
Globalization: The View from the United States” (George et al., 2004).

• RQ3: Where are the major infrastructure investment spent on?

Christensen (2006) from Harvard University emphasizes the con-
cept that “disruptive technology product lifecycle” and is unavoidable
• RQ4: How can the infrastructures be provided on demand when only during the economic turbulence period. MSEs must be aware of the
stage at which the technology is currently at. Deploying the technology
at the “too early” stage requires higher premium investment to skim the
The creation of phenomenon needs for an “Organic Infrastructure”
market while using outdated or “everyone has it” technology will not
capability and capacity in MSEs has provoked the preliminary justifi-
create significant uniqueness to acquired competitiveness (Bannister &
cation for research, generating the following hypothesis summaries in
Remenyi, 2005, Bhatt & Grover, 2005). This is an expensive lesson
Fig. 1 as below:
learned by this enterprise in “Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed
H1. Volatile business performance has effects on infrastructure the digital photography revolution” as written by Lucas and Goh (2009).
investment. “The success of a firm depends on its ability to take advantage of the
technology shifts to innovate in their business models and eventually to
As usual, infrastructure investment requires huge capital ex-
compete differently” is a wake-up call by Lee et al., 2013).
penditure that is highly associated with the enterprise business per-
Although financial and expertise limitation is known for the MSEs
formances. Furthermore, it requires steady financial consideration in
but it should be their ultimate excuse to shy away from deploying
operating expenses for continuous maintenance. Amidst the current
competitive technology as localizing infrastructure becomes more sa-
market uncertainty, enterprises are having dilemma on deciding the
turated (Lee et al., 2013, Chandio et al., 2013). IT infrastructure is the
most appropriate timing to invest and payback period.
backbone of the MSEs computerized operation which produces impacts
H2. MSE resource constraints have impacts on Infrastructure only after matured deployments, beyond traditional management result
implementation difficulties. oriented benchmark (Joseph et al., 2012). Therefore, infrastructure is a
“long and continuous capital investment” even during the profitable
With their financial hands tied, MSEs is constantly facing challenges
period and can stretch into possible during the economic turbulence
in the infrastructure implementation. This has lead un-economy of
scales, leading negative productivity. Yet, with the availability of effi-
Based on the above two concepts, it has affected the MSEs infra-
cient infrastructure, it will truly enhance the central infrastructure
structure design consideration in the near future. While cloud archi-
services satisfaction.
tecture is already legacy with limited competitive differentiation, the
H3. External services have influences on hardware maintenance. current volatile business market put more stress and complication for
the MSEs. The window for hardware to show significant business sense
While new hardware helps to lower maintenance cost, the main
in small time frame also makes decision making difficult will be ad-
challenges are actually the utilization rate of invested infrastructure.
dressed in this paper. JosephNg (2018/JosephNg and Kang, 2016 and
This is how consultancy aids the unveiling of available yet hidden
JosephNg et al. (2016a,b,c) and Sen and Raghu (2013) have highlighted
services to drive MSE competitiveness.
the impact of “over-invested on IT infrastructure after being pressured by
H4. Business performance has correlation with efficiency of organic their peer competitive advantages resulting significant impact on their fi-
infrastructure growth. nancial returns”. It is also not uncommon to hide such “unmatching
technology” from public domain news while unfamiliar enterprises
Typically, organization size is related to the dynamics of the busi-
continue to invest in such technology. Most importantly, JosephNg
ness wealth. As the enterprise moves positively, the infrastructure
(2018/JosephNg and Kang, 2016 and JosephNg et al. (2016a,b,c) re-
growth in tandemly naturally. However, when the enterprise faces
search has identified that IT infrastructure was considered as a com-
challenging times, does the infrastructure downsize naturally?
modity due to the different view of procurement classification angle


H1 H3

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework for hypothesis relationship.

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Research methodology summary.

Research Phenomena explanatory sequential dimension


Research design • Random Survey • Personal Interview • Focus Group Discussion –

Technical Level
• Focus
Group Discussion – Strategic

Data collection • End users - Managerial level. • End users - Top management • Consultants, vendors & end- • Malaysian Manufacturing
• Across peninsular Malaysia. level. users. Federation.
• January to February 2012 • Central Malaysia. • Central Malaysia. • Central Malaysia.
• 228 respondents. • January to March 2013 • October 2013 • Targeted October 2014
• 10Convenient
respondents. • 10Convenient
respondents. • 10Convenient
• Convenient sampling using
available organization hosting final
• willing to participate
sampling who are
and share
• willing to participate
sampling who are
and share
• willing to participate
sampling who are
and share
year industrial training students. information. information. information.
• Distributed by undergraduate
student to the site supervisor during
• Interviewed by First Author. • Facilitated by First Author. • Facilitated by First Author.
their industrial internship.
Data analysis Spearman correlation quantitative Qualitative reasoning explanation Delphi inductive conclusion Qualitative reasoning explanation
Contribution Draft framework Preliminary framework Pilot framework Validated framework

while the technology features are applicable but in a differentiation hundred twenty-two respondent collected by IT students who were
environment. Although moving to a shared service is unavoidable, but undergoing their undergraduate final year internship onsite in various
the more important question should be just limiting shared service as a enterprises across Peninsular Malaysia. This current 2nd phase of the
cloud technology. Local shared service inside the MSEs is also the next survey was conducted the main author to respondents who are mem-
available options. bers of some computer association with Malaysia or professionals at-
tending computing industry seminars. Both sets of data collected here
3. Research methodology are used to validate the consistency of the information tabulated.
The (Edge, 2016) Mass Survey with Test-Retest data method used in
Based on the research questions discussed earlier, we had for- this current research to gather primary data is an extension of the
malized a few essential questions to be asked in the survey. The ques- previous () Delphi Focus Group with technical expert team and ()
tions asked to emphasize and focus on the infrastructure utilization, personalized interview with top management. Based on the research
prioritizing core infrastructure, infrastructure investment and coping questions discussed earlier, we had formalized a few essential questions
with the on-demand request. The rationale of the questions asked to be asked in the survey. The questions asked to emphasize and focus
would provide justification to the research questions and aid in the on the infrastructure utilization, prioritizing core infrastructure, infra-
initial EaaS framework design and creation. The researchers had used structure investment and coping with the on-demand request. The ra-
questionnaire survey to collect primary data related to the phenomenal tionale of the questions asked would provide justification to the re-
sequences happening in this research (Venkatesh et al., 2016/2013, search questions and aid in the initial EaaS framework design and
Agerfalk, 2013, Creswell, 2013, Zachariadis, 2013, Zhang & Shaw, creation. The researchers had used questionnaire survey to collect pri-
2012). The research uses mass survey of 100 respondents again (refer as mary data related to the phenomenal sequences happening in this re-
Data 2) as to test and retest the reliability of the previous mass survey of search (Venkatesh et al., 2016/Venkatesh et al., 2013, Agerfalk, 2013,
122 respondents data (refer as Data 1) conducted by JosephNg and Zachariadis, 2013). The research uses mass survey of 100 respondents
Kang, 2016 and JosephNg et al. (2016a,b,c) and deploys the same re- again (refer as Data 2) as to test and retest the reliability of the previous
search dimension of Explanatory to provide Generalization output mass survey of 122 respondents data (refer as Data 1) conducted by
consistency (JosephNg 2018/JosephNg et al. (2016a,b)/JosephNg JosephNg and Kang, 2016 and JosephNg et al. (2016a,b,c) and deploys
et al., 2015/4/3; Ng-Poh-Soon et al., 2011). This provides important the same research dimension of Explanatory to provide Generalization
quantitative justification for the further infrastructure capital ex- output consistency (JosephNg, 2018/JosephNg and Kang, 2016 and
penditure for MSE and shown in table below. JosephNg et al. (2016a,b,c)/Joseph et al., 2015/Joseph et al., 2014/
The sequential design was used to justify the magnitude of the re- Joseph et al., 2013; Ng-Poh-Soon et al., 2011). This provides important
search environment. It helps to provide justification for the action of the quantitative justification for the further infrastructure capital ex-
following steps. This help to provide the explanation to behaviour penditure for MSE and shown in table below.
linking of various primary data collection stages to identify possible Table 1 below shows the profile of the respondents selected for this
relationship or abnormality. research. In this current survey data gathering, 222 respondents were
The quantitative feedback is used to generalize the viewpoint of collected to discuss various questions pertaining to this study. The use
numerous respondent from various MSE located in scatted part of of three different instruments for the whole project is part of Table 2
Peninsular Malaysia. This allows greater control on the predefined set Concurrent Validity method aims to affirm the consistent views and
of the possible best matching answer within the survey “question and opinion from all executive ranks within the enterprise.
answers” options. Using survey as the data collection tool allows the As for Construct Validation in Table 2, the instruments have been
research team to collect more data when to compare to using the sin- tested in both the university and the industry level. The views and
gular tool like interviews which are also more time consuming with opinion from the lecturers have helped to test the research theoretical
expensive travelling charges. framework to ensure all possible theories have been revisited. The in-
The previous 1st phase of the survey was conducted from one dustry respondents are required to test the practical implication of

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Research validation. Quantitative Data Collection
and Generalize Exploratory
1. Content validity Analysis
Domain distribution
Language, depth
2. Concurrent validity
Mass survey
Personalized interview Identify outlier and Qualitative Data Collection
Focus group follow up with … and In-Depth Explanatory
3. Construct validity Analysis
Industry experts

framework in non-controlled environment with multi-factored con-
straints. Validation was gathered from the executive interview with the
top management on the MSME strategic direction of computing infra-
structure (Joseph et al., 2013). As the infrastructure investment is
higher, the deliverable is mapped to the long-term strategic direction of Fig. 2. Sequential design.
the enterprise which is set by them. Further validation was obtained
from the focus group discussion via email with the technology subject
matter experts. This was conducted between March to May 2013 centralized infrastructure to support the rapid deployment of new
(Joseph et al., 2014). This Delphi method was used to share view and knowledge, MSEs will remain to be uncompetitive.
comment from the experts and their feedbacks were analyzed. Amidst continuous challenges with scarce resources and bustling
The sequential design was used to justify the magnitude of the re- turbulence climax, MSE must be able to spend less while gaining
search environment. It helps to provide justification for the action of the more returns. However, Fig. 4 shows an uncomfortable quarter
following steps. This help to provide the explanation to behaviour (17 + 15 = 32% & 16 + 13 = 29%) of their investments level goes
linking of various primary data collection stages to identify possible into questionable “over-invested” or” underinvested” decisions. This
relationship or abnormality. could have help to minimize the budget constraint faced in Fig. 1 or
The quantitative feedback is used to generalize the viewpoint of used for further investment to help boost better product knowledge to
numerous respondent from various MSE located in scatted part of strengthen internal and external support. Therefore H3: External ser-
Peninsular Malaysia. This allows greater control on the predefined set vices have influence to hardware maintenance operation expenses. In
of the possible best matching answer within the survey ‘question and addition to questioning whether the MSE is investing sufficiently, over
answers’ options. Using survey as the data collection tool allows the or under in line with the business performance, there must an infra-
research team to collect more data when to compare to using the sin- structure solution that can understand the dynamics of enterprise. As
gular tool like interviews which are also more time consuming with the organic infrastructure, these solutions will grow or shrink its per-
expensive travelling charges. formance capacities and capabilities in line with H4: Business perfor-
The previous 1st phase of the survey was conducted from one mance has correlation with efficiency of organic infrastructure growth.
hundred twenty-two respondent collected by IT students who were This optimization strategy help MSEs to concentrate on the already
undergoing their undergraduate final year internship onsite in various scarce resources to address their budget constraints. An organic virtual
enterprises across Peninsular Malaysia. This current 2nd phase of the infrastructure also helps to improve physical space utilization within
survey was conducted the main author to respondents who are mem- the typical smaller office space within the MSE, plus also the associated
bers of some computer association with Malaysia or professionals at- supporting systems like power consumption, rental and maintenance.
tending computing industry seminars. Both sets of data collected here This helps to minimize the ‘over-invested’ syndrome highlighted in
are used to validate the consistency of the information tabulated. Fig. 1.
Table 2 shows a consistent slightly weak correlation among the
4. Findings and discussion variables from both data, concluding four difference independent cri-
tical investment. Hardware has a weak correlation with Software at
While the MSE continue to embrace the volatile business landscape, 0.298 (Data 1) and 0.317 (Data 2) with p = 0.01 for both, showing a
they look into enhancing their computing infrastructure technology as typical environment where new software will be installed on every new
competitive weapon to differentiate themselves. While capital invest- hardware. However, since a new hardware will come will with a war-
ment continues to haunt the MSE at 50% of the Implementation ranty protection and more reliable components, therefore reducing the
Difficulties shown in Fig. 2 consistent in Data 1 and Data 2, it is also needs for a Maintenance program as shown in the negative −0.155
important to understand the contribution of Processes (18% & 12%). (Data 1) and −0180 (Data 2). Hardware also has a negative −0.571
This justifies the proposition for hypothesis H1: Volatile business per- moderate correlation with Consultancy since MSEs are faced with ex-
formance has effects on infrastructure investment. Although the MSE clusive but limited resources as mentioned in Fig. 1. Therefore, MSEs
operates mostly within a single site (with limited branches) operation, need to find a solution that can reduce the future investment in hard-
they lacked the infrastructure capacities and capabilities to integrate ware while controlling further operating expenses on hardware main-
their operation. tenance renewal inline with H3: External services have influences on
With over concern of putting too much investment in non-profitable hardware maintenance.
computing infrastructure, they continued to operate with skeleton silo With budget being the half the problem as shown in Fig. 3, MSE is
struggling to accommodate all the four distributed critical processes
solutions. With scarce budgets to support disintegrated operation pro-
cesses, it furthers add burden to Internal and External Support (21%) of due to the weak correlation from negative −0.364 to positive 0.285 in
Table 3. The Client and Supplier have weak dependencies and therefore
the MSEs. As competition put more pressure to deliver more superior
goods and services, enterprise needs to stay ahead with better product creating concerns in allocating resources. As the MSEs are relatively
smaller when compare to the larger Multi-National Corporation (MNC)
knowledge. This support the creation of H2: MSE constraint has impacts
on infrastructure implementation difficulties. Yet, without the much- as reflected in the negative correlation of −0.193 and, therefore, are

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Data 1 Data 2
Fig. 3. Implementation difficulties.

concentrated at a single site (or limited branches) operation. Due to The technology solution in Fig. 5 is a combination of Grid Com-
their higher focus on Client processes, their Internal processes are puting and Virtualization. The “centralize server” emerged from the
sidelined as reflected in the negative −0.364 correlations (Table 4). organic integration of various underutilized desktops, servers or com-
The MSEs are a unique yet significant enterprise group that uses the patible computing devices within the enterprise forming an optimized
cloud computing IaaS to remain competitive in the current volatile Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The IaaS will then host all the re-
business environment. However, as resources become highly scarce, quired Software as a Service (SaaS) applications to run their core En-
enterprise also need to reconsider the survival element of running it terprise Resources Planning (ERP) operation to enhance operational
with the basic necessity. Technology enabler is common but enterprise effectiveness and efficiency as per RO1 and RO2.
needs to reconsider technology optimization (Rong et al., 2013, Tambe EaaS is a virtual yet organic platform that is born from internal
and Hitt, 2013, Gu and Jung, 2013, Sen and Raghu, 2013, Bharadwaj infrastructure resources. This allows greater management access and
et al., 2013, Santos et al., 2012, Brown et al., 2012). With reference to control when to compare to external outsource web hosting service,
initial Carr (2003) Commodity theory of availability of technology especially in service level priority especially from increasing con-
features for larger enterprises with the greater economy of scale, such sultancy service from Fig. 1. Being a local infrastructure also means
advancement is considered premium offerings for the MSEs. In Clayton much more assured security confidence level to minimize possible im-
(2006) Disruptive theory where technology innovation does not induce plementation difficulties as addressed in Fig. 1. As the business en-
more competitiveness, yet is does promote sustainability in operations. vironment become much more dynamic yet time-sensitive, the need for
Table 5 summaries the overall findings of the research. minimum third-party dependencies should be avoided as much as
possible. This help to address the dynamic nature of business perfor-
5. Exostructure as a Service (EaaS) mance and resolve the answer to RQ3. This is particularly important in
digitizing operation where processing capability and capacity is an in-
The essence of this research to study and identify the IT infra- creased operating cost for conventional external IaaS.
structure investment effectiveness and efficiency that are core to the The virtual server is a dynamic server that will blend with the at-
operational excellence. However, we all understand that quality and mosphere of enterprise performance to achieve RO4. As the enterprise
excellence have a direct relationship with cost-effective adversely. enjoying positive growth, it will logically expand its operations thus
Hence, it is very critical to have a balance between the both of them. invest more computing devices. Furthermore, as the technology per-
Another concern of this research is the ability of MSEs to synchronize formance power and feature enhanced, so will be the server. This
the capabilities of infrastructure performance to cope with organiza- tandem increased (or reduction) of the virtual server performances as
tions' dynamic growth. Hence, to achieve the ROs mentioned earlier, addressed by RQ4 as “to synchronize the capacities and capabilities of the
the EaaS framework is an excellent solution for the MSEs to start im- infrastructure performance with the enterprise dynamic performance".
plementing. Nevertheless, the virtual server will also shrink according to when the

Data 1 Data 2
Fig. 4. Investment level.

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3
: Competitive critical ICT investment.

enterprise experience challenging period. This flexibility will help the workstation processing. The server will also detect and monitor the
enterprise to sustain survivability and aids sustain barebone investment availability or performance capabilities and capacities of each work-
cost from RO4 especially the 32% poorly invested infrastructure men- station as the enterprise grows or downtime in line with the business
tioned in Fig. 2. performances to resolve challenges faced by RO4 for a synergetic
The project uses the BONIC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for growth.
Network Computing) open source grid solution developed by Berkeley The external task can be capped at a specific threshold of the local
University (2016). The use of open source solution help to encourage workstation processing capabilities so not to burden the user front end
greater participation in the use of a new technology without the over- application processing capabilities and distort their performances.
whelm initial high capital expenditure, traditionally associated with When incorporated with desktop's WakeOnLAN feature, it can remotely
computerization license fees. This also helps to mitigate implementa- boot up the desktop during the night for month-end heavy processing
tion difficulties shown in Fig. 1 while addressing RO1 and RO3. With requirements. This allows the workstation to perform on-demand ex-
open source, it also allows much wider flexibilities in the future en- ternal service yet maintained a reasonable cost-effective financial
hancement and annual maintenance charges. health while achieving RO2.
Each of the workstation, which could be a typical desktop or laptop
is installed with a BONIC client agent. A central administration server 6. Conclusion
will be used to manage the whole grid solution. This server can also be
configured from an existing server, thus lowering the initial capital Taking a look at the current monetary downturn (Bloomberg, 2016/
investment. Whenever the workstation is started up, the agent will 2013, Tong, 2016, StarBiz, 2013, Reuters, 2013, SunBiz, 2013), MSEs
activate the BONC application as background services. It will be pre- needs to deliberately and proactively roll out improvements critically as
configured to receive the external task from the BONIC server for local IT infrastructure procurement requires more time to yield results. While

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 4
Critical processes.

most enterprises are starting to set out the typical cloud service, many a pressing interest to make a future survival arrangement yet adaptable
are as yet ignorant of the considerable infrastructure pooling service versatility organic infrastructure that develops with the business ex-
potential that is as of now accessible on request yet hidden inside their ecution of the environment. While EaaS used accessible organic and
enterprise. flexible localize shared device to shape an integrated grid computing,
Most infrastructure requires extra spending (Vinotharan, 2014), there are still untapped options for combination into cloud services.
EaaS is centred around utilizing accessible assets inside the enterprise This test-retest second stage review quantitative research structure
while maintaining the limited resource faced by current MSEs. There is improvement has given a stage to request more broad subjective

Table 5
Research findings summary.

Top management interview Findings summary Expert focus group findings summary Managerial survey findings summary

A1. Current economic turbulence has limited impact on IT B1. Current economic turbulence is a seasonal factor that may C1. Continuous IT infrastructure investment
investment decision due to it medium and long-term be beyond the work scope of the budgeting process. currently
A2. Sufficient technology to fulfil operational requirements. B2. IT infrastructure is a medium and long-term planning C2. IT infrastructure investment is based on the
where contribution may be experienced during or after the pressure from having what competitor have
economic turbulence
A3. IT infrastructure investments to provide the platform to B3. Technology edge service is a major differentiation in C3. Technology focuses on day to day
differentiate the market player technology product competition. electronic business.
A4. Slow migration to IaaS due to security and capacity B4. IaaS high baseline charges forcing impractical utility model C4. Felt that their organization has over-
concerns on shared services. for lower range users. invested on ICT
A5. IT infrastructures are nowadays considered as a Utility B5. Current market saturation is forcing competitive pricing C5. A technology edge is highly dynamic and
Tool for day-to-day operational support. war to attract customers. evolving.
A6. Focus mainly on core operation like client service and B6. Technology resource is now available from outsourcing C6. Lack of internal IT expertise to implement
manufacturing flow. technology solution

P.S. JosephNg Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. EaaS logical architecture.

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