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6/2/2009 Standard Report Set

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BioPharm Clinical Trial Enrollments from May 2009

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Clinical Trial Enrollments

Date New s ID Company Name Industry Type of New s Indication Trade Name
2009-05-29 69125 Baye r He althcare LLC P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Liver C ancer Ne x avar w/ Tarceva
2009-05-29 69166 Inte rce ll AG Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Influe nza Inte rce ll Pa n. Flu Vaccine P atch
2009-05-29 69157 Incyte C orpora tion Scie ntific Re se arch & De ve lopm e nt Se rvice s Phase III Ente re d He m ato logical (Ge ne ra l) INCB18424
2009-05-29 69121 O nyx P harm a ce uticals, Inc. P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Liver C ancer Ne x avar w/ Tarceva
2009-05-29 69155 Am a rillo Bioscie nce s Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Influe nza Am arillo Inte rfe ron Alpha (O ral Lo w Dose )
2009-05-28 69064 C ornerstone Pharm a ce uticals P harm a ce utical Phase I/II Initiate d Pa ncrea tic C ancer CP I-613
2009-05-28 69088 Ne oprobe C orporatio n Me dical De vice s and Equipm e nt Phase III Initia te d He ad and Ne ck C ance r Lym phose e k
2009-05-27 69024 Ve rte x Pha rm ace utica ls, Inc. Biote ch Phase III Initia te d C ystic Fibrosis VX-770
2009-05-27 69037 Fa te The rape utics Diagnostics - The rape utics Phase I Initiate d He m ato logical Ca nce r Sm all Mo le cule Ste m Ce ll Modulator
2009-05-27 69038 Me dare x , Inc. Biote ch Phase I Ente re d Le uk e m ia MDX-1338
2009-05-26 68976 Vax a rt, Inc. (FKA: W e st C oa st Biologica ls) Biote ch Pre -Clinica l Initia te d Influe nza Vax art H1N1 Influe nza Va ccine
2009-05-26 68981 Nano viricide s, Inc Biote ch Pre -Clinica l Ente re d Influe nza FluC ide
2009-05-24 68946 Bioniche Life Scie nce s P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Bla dde r C ance r Urocidin
2009-05-22 68938 Dr. R e ddy'S La borato rie s Lim ite d P harm a ce utical Phase I Initiate d Athe roscle ro sis DR L 17822
2009-05-21 68878 Am a rillo Bioscie nce s Biote ch Phase II Ente re d Influe nza Am arillo Inte rfe ron Alpha (O ral Lo w Dose )
2009-05-21 68890 P olym e dix Inc Biote ch Phase I Initiate d Staphylococcus Aure us Infe ction PMX-30063
2009-05-21 68894 Eli Lilly & Co . P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Alzhe im e rs Dise ase Sola ne zum a b
2009-05-20 68925 Ge nta Inco rpo rated Biote ch Phase III Initia te d Mela nom a Ge nase nse w/ Dacarbazine
2009-05-19 68809 Inte lge nx Co rp P harm a ce utical Se rvice s Phase I Ente re d Hype rlipide m ia /Dyslipide m ia CR ES Pra vasta tin
2009-05-19 68790 Ge nta Inco rpo rated Biote ch Phase III Initia te d Mela nom a Ge nase nse w/ Dacarbazine
2009-05-19 68854 Abbo tt Labo ratorie s P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d C onstipation AMITIZA
2009-05-19 68763 Ve nus R e m e die s, Ltd. P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Bronchitis Nove l Inje cta ble Am inoglyco side
2009-05-19 68786 Age nnix , Inc. Biote ch Phase III Initia te d Lung C ance r Tala ctofe rrin Alfa
2009-05-19 68765 R e x ahn Pharm ace uticals P harm a ce utical Phase II Initiate d De pre ssion/Stre ss/Anx ie ty Se rdax in
2009-05-19 68804 C irc P harm a , Ltd. Biote ch Phase I Ente re d Hype rlipide m ia /Dyslipide m ia CR ES Pra vasta tin
2009-05-19 68764 Ve nus R e m e die s, Ltd. P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Ba cte ria l Infe ctions Nove l Inje cta ble Am inoglyco side
2009-05-19 68855 Sucam po Pha rm ace utica ls, Inc. P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d C onstipation AMITIZA
2009-05-18 68762 Ste m C e ll The rape utics Co rp. (Sct) Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Strok e NTx -265
2009-05-18 68723 Entre m e d, Inc. Biote ch Phase I Initiate d Le uk e m ia ENMD-2076
2009-05-18 68814 Novava x , Inc. Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Influe nza Triva le nt flu VLP Va ccine
2009-05-15 68611 Apre a AB Biote ch Phase I Ente re d Hem ato logical Ca ncer APR -246
2009-05-15 68649 Ste m C e ll The rape utics Co rp. (Sct) Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Strok e NTx -265
2009-05-15 68618 Diam yd Me dical P harm a ce utical Phase III Initia te d Diabe te s (Type 1) Dia m yd
2009-05-15 68654 Novava x , Inc. Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Influe nza Triva le nt flu VLP Va ccine
2009-05-15 68610 Apre a AB Biote ch Phase I Ente re d Prosta te Ca nce r APR -246
2009-05-15 68699 Nile The rape utics, Inc. P harm a ce utical Phase II Ente re d He art Fa ilure Chim e ric Na triure tic Pe ptide
2009-05-14 68564 Ste m C e ll The rape utics Co rp. (Sct) Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Strok e NTx -265
2009-05-14 68599 Eryte ch Pha rm a Biote ch Phase II Initiate d Le uk e m ia GR ASPA
2009-05-14 68573 P rove ctus P harm a ce uticals P harm a ce utical Phase II Initiate d Me la nom a Pro ve cta
2009-05-14 68600 Via P harm a ce uticals, Inc. P harm a ce utical Phase II Initiate d Acute C orona ry Syndrom e VIA-2291
2009-05-14 68602 Alpha vax , Inc. Biote ch Phase I/II Initiate d C olore ctal Ca nce r CEA(6D)-VR P Im m unothe rapy
2009-05-14 68604 Mo le cular Insight P harm a ce uticals (FKA: Bio stre am ) P harm a ce utical Phase III Ente re d Gastrointestinal C ance r O nalta
2009-05-13 68544 Ne rvia no Me dical Scie nces P harm a ce utical Phase I Ente re d C ance r (Ge neral) Nerviano PLK1 Inhibito r
2009-05-13 68535 Alk e rm e s, Inc. P harm a ce utical Phase I Initiate d Alcohol/Drug De pe nde nce ALKS 33… 1/1

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