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Effect of Withania Somnifera and Tinospora cordifoia on body weight

gain in immunosuppressed broiler birds

Siddiqui M.F.M.F.,A.Y.Kolte S.U.Raut, K.M.Khan, ,M.V.Kamble and L.A.Khan
Department of Veterinary Medicine,PGVAS,MAFSU,Akola

Abstract –
Broiler birds are good source of animal protein and have got lot of importance in
the national economy. Due to side effects of the chemical drugs, the peoples are looking
to the herbal growth stimulator. In the present study effect of herbal medicines i.e.
Ashwagandha and Goodwal on body weight gain in immunosuppressed broiler birds was
studied. The results show that there was better weight gain up to 6 th week by using
Poultry as a source of animal protein has been recognized worldwide &
therefore poultry industry has assumed a considerable importance in the national
economy of the developing countries like India. Immunopotentation is a process which
helps to regain or revitalize the suppressed immune system to its normal status among the
indigenous plants Withania somenifera (Ashwagandha) & Tinospora cordifoia (goodwel)
has been shown to posses activity to normalize or modulate the patho –physiological
process in the immune system (Davis & kuttan[2000] , Nichare[1999]). In anicient
science Ayurveda, the herbs W.Samifera & T.Corifdia are used to increase the muscle
strength in human being & also said to have a immunopotentiating
effect(Venkenraghavan[1980],Devegowda[1990]), however have not been treated
so far. Therefore, above herbal drugs were used to modulate the immune system in broiler

Materials and Methods:-

One hundred broiler birds of 3 week age were divided equally & randomly into
five groups. These birds were maintained at standard & identical managmental condition
at Poultry Research Station, PGVAS, Akola. One group of birds were kept as normal
control (T1) i.e. without immunosuppression & without treatment, second group of birds
were kept untreated control (T2) in which birds were immunosuppressed with
cyclophosphamide @150 mg/kg body weight I/V once and kept without treatment. Third
group of birds(T3) was immunosuppressed with cyclophospamide & treated Withania
somnifera @ 2 gm/Kg in feed for 2 week from 5 to 6 week of age. Forth group of
birds(T4) was immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide & treated with combination of
W.Somnifera @2 gm/Kg in feed & T. cordifoia @2gm/Kg in feed. Body weight gain in
birds were recorded from end of 4th week to end of 6th week of age at weekly interval (7
Data collected were analyzed with FCRD as described by Snedecopr & Cochran

Result & Discussion:-

Table 1. Showing the body weight gain in different groups before treatment &
after treatment. The study indicated that the cyclophosphamide reduces the body gain in
broiler birds due to its immunosuppressive effect (Hennessy, 1987). There was
increase in body weight in broiler birds in Withania somnifera treated group (T 3),
Tinofera Cordifoia treated group (T4) & combination of W.Somnifera + T.Cordifoia (T5)
treated group as compared with normal control group. The weight gain in T 3, T4&T5 was
might be due to improvement in genral body health of bird in respect of blood circulation
& increased immune status of the birds resulting in better conversion of feed leading to
more weight gain (Venketraghvan, 1980).
Overall body weight gain upto 6 th week of age was also recorded, maximum in
T5 group. This weight gain might be due to effect of T.Cordifalia on general body health,
better immune status of birds & improvement in the liver function resulting into better
efficacy of feed conversion leading to increase body weight gain in broiler (Panda &
Chawala, 1996)


1) Davis,L and G.Kuttan (2000). Immunomodulatory activity of Withania

Somnifera, J.Ethnopharmacology, 71(1-2): 193-200.
2) Devegowa,G; B.S.Ramappa & B.S.Barmase(1990). Livol Supplimantation in
broiler diets improved their performance, Pashudhan, 5:25.
3) Hennessy,K.J.;F.Blencha;D.S.Pollman and E.F.kluber (1987): Isoprinosino and
levamisole immunomodulation in artificially reared neonates pigs. Am.J.of
Vet.Res.;48(3):477-480 (C.F.Vet.Bull.1987,57(11);7305 P.N..958)
4) Nikhare,R.R. (1999). Effect of feeding Liv.52 powder in performance of broiler
chicks. M.V.Sc Thesis submitted to Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi
5) Panda,B.K. and M.M.Chawak (1996). Immunomodulatory effect of some
indigenous growth promoter in commercial broiler. Indian J.Poultry Sci.32(3):
6) Snedecor,G.W. and W.G.Cochran (1994). St stistical method 8th edi. IOWA State
press.Amer IOW, USA.
7) Venketraghvan (1980): Comparative efficacy of milk fortified with ash &
purnarnava in chindren. A double blind study.J.Res.Ayur.Siddha.1(3): 370-385

Table : Showing body weight gain in normal (T1) control, untreated (T2)
immunosuppressed control & W. Somnifera treated(T3) & T.Cordifoia (T4) treated and W.
Somnifera treated + T.Cordifoia(T5) treated gr
Treatments Weeks
4 5 6
b b a
Normal Control(T1) 415.5 ±15.71 412.5 ±31.17 315 ± 22.39
Untreated 367.5b ± 19.79 418.5c ± 28.24 307.5a ±25.20
W. Somnifera 387.5ab ± 23.42 457.5c ± 40.59 352.5ab ± 33.73
treated (T3)
T.Cordifoia 395.5a ± 24.86 470bc ± 18.28 452.5 bc± 18.28
W. Somnifera + 402ab ± 25.62 457.5 bc ± 19.95 425 abc ±30.88

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