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ETOOS Comprehensive Study Material

For JEE- Main & Advanced

We have seen that in certain situations light may be described as a wave. The wave equation for light propagating
in x-direction in vacuum may be written ass
E = E0 sin (t –x/c)
where E is the sinusoidally varying electric field at the position x at time t. The constant c is the speed of light in
vacuum. The electric field E is in the Y-Z plane, that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
There is also a sinusoidally varying magnetic field associated with the electric field when light propagates. This
magnetic is perpendicular to the direction of propagation as well as to the electric field E. It is given by
B = B0 sin (t –x/c)
Such a combination of mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields is referred to as an electromagnetic wave
in vacuum. The theory of electromagnetic wave was mainly developed by Maxwell around 1864.

We have seen that an electrical current produces a magnetic field around it. Maxwell showed that for logical
consistency, a changing electric field must also produce a magnetic field. This effect is of great importance because
it explains the existence of radio waves, gamma rays and visible light, as well as all other forms of electromagnetic
To see how a changing electric field gives rise to a magnetic field, let us consider the process of charging of a
capacitor and apply Ampere's circuital law given by

 B.dl  μ0 i (t) ........ (1)


to find magnetic field at a point outside the capacitor. Figure 1 (a) shows a parallel plate capacitor C which is a part
of circuit through which a time-dependent current i (t) flows. Let us find the magnetic field at a point such as P, in a
region outside the parallel plate capacitor. For this, we consider a plane circular loop of radius r whose plane is
perpendicular to the direction of the current - Carrying wire, and which is centered symmetrically with respect to the
wire. From symmetry, the magnetic field is directed along the circumference of the circular loop and is the same in
magnitude at all points on the loop so that if B is the magnitude of the field, the left side of equation. (8.1) is B (2r).
So we have
B (2r) = 0 i (t) ......... (2)
Now, consider a different surface, which has the same boundary. This is a pot like surface (Fig.1 (b)] which nowhere
touches the current, but has its bottom between the capacitor plates; its mouth is the circular loop mentioned above.
Another such surface is shaped like a tiffin box (without the lid) [Fig. 1 (c)]. On applying Ampere's circuital law to
such surfaces with the same perimeter, we find that the left hand side of Eq. (1) has not changed but the right hand
side is zero and not 0 i, since no current passes through the surface of Fig 1 (b) and (c). So we have a contradiction;
calculated one way, there is a magnetic field at a point P; calculated another way, the magnetic field at P is zero. Since
the contradiction arises from our use of Ampere's circuital law, this law must be missing something. The missing term
must be such that one gets the same magnetic field at point P, no matter what surface is used.


Sources of Electromagnetic Waves

How are electromagnetic waves produced ? Neither stationary charges Nor charges in uniform motion (steady
currents) can be sources of electromagnetic waves. The former produces only electrostatic field, while the latter
produces magnetic fields that, however, do not vary with time. It is an important result of Maxwell's theory that
accelerated charges radiate electromagnetic waves. The proof of this basic result is beyond the scope of this book,
but we can accept it on the basis of rough qualitative reasoning. Consider a charge oscillating with some frequency.
(An oscillating charge is an example of accelerating charge.) This produces an oscillating electric field in space,
which produces an oscillating magnetic field, which in turn, is a source of oscillating electric field, and so on. The
oscillating electric and magnetic fields thus regenerate each other as the waves propagates through the space. The
frequency of electromagnetic wave naturally equals the frequency of oscillation of the charge. The energy associ-
ated with the propagating wave comes at the expense of the energy of the source-the accelerated charge.

Nature of Electromagnetic Wave

It can be shown from Maxwell's equations that electric and magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave are perpen-
dicular to each other and to the direction of propagation. It appears reasonable, say from our discussion of the
displacement current. Consider Fig 2. The electric field inside the plates of the capacitor is directed perpendicular to
the plates. The magnetic field this gives rise to via the displacement current is along the perimeter of a circle parallel
to the capacitor plates. So B and E are perpendicular in this case. This is a general feature.
In Fig 4, we show a typical example of a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along the z direction (the fields are
shown as a function of the z coordinate, at a given time t). The electric field Ex is along the x-axis, and varies
sinusoidally with z, at a given time. The magnetic field By is along the y-axis and again varies sinusoidally with z.
The electric and magnetic fields Ex and By are perpendicular to each other, and to the direction z of propagation. We
can write Ex and By as follows :
Ex = E0 sin (kz – t) ............ Eq. 7(a)
By = B0 sin (kz – t) ............ Eq. 7 (b)
Here k is related to the wave length  of the wave by the usual equation

k= ............ Eq. 8

and  is the angular frequency. k is the magnitude of the wave vector (or propagation vector) k and its irection
describes the direction of propagation of the wave. The speed of propagation of the wave is (/k). Using Eqs. [7 (a)
and (b)] for Ex and By and Maxwells equation we finds that

 = cK, where, c = 1 / 0 0 ...........Eq.9 (a)

The relation  = cK is the standard one for waves. This relation is often written in terms of frequency.
 (=/ 2) and wavelength.  (= 2/ k) as
 2 
2 = c   or
  
 = c ...........Eq. 9(b)


1. Cathode rays :
(a) Generated in a discharge tube in which a high vaccum is maintained.
(b) They are electrons accelerated by high potential difference (10 to 15 kV)
1 p2
(c) K.E. of C.R. particle accelerated by a p.d V is eV = mv 2 
2 2m
(d) Can be deflected by Electric & magnetic fields.

2. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Ordered arrangement of the big family of electro magneti waves (EMW) either in ascending order of frequencies
or decending order of wave lengths.
Speed of E.M.W. in vaccum : c = 3 × 108 m/s = v

3. Plancks Quantam Theory

A beam of EMW is a stream of discrete packets of energy called photons; each photon having a frequancy v and
energy = E = hv
where h = planck's constant = 6.63 × 10–34 J-s.

(a) According to Planck the energy of a photon is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation.
hc 12400 o
 hc o

E  eV  A   12400(A  eV) 
   e 

E hc h 1
(b) Effective mass of photon m   2  i.e. m 
c 2
c  c 
So mass of violet light photon is greater than the mass of red light photon.
  R  V 

E hv h
(c) Linear momentum of photon p   
c c 


Ex.1 A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area A and separation between the plates d, is charged by a constant current i.
Consider a plane surface of are A/2 parallel to the plates and drawn symmetrically between the plates. Find the
displacement current through this area.
Sol. Suppose the charge on the capacitor at time t is Q.The electric field between the plates of the capacitor is E  .
0 A
The flux through the area considered is
E   
 0 A 2 2 0
The displacement current is

dE  1  dQ i
id  0  0   
dt  2 0  dt 2

Ex.2 A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in the x-direction hass a wavelength of 5.0 mm. The electric field is in the
y-direction and its maximum magnitude is 30 V m–1. Write suitable equations for the electric and magnetic fields as
a function of x and t.
Sol. The equation for the electric and the magnetic fields in the wave may be written as

 x
E  E 0 sin   t  
 c

 x
B  B0 sin  t  
 c
We have,
  2v  c

 2 
Thus, E  E 0 sin  (ct  x) 
 

 2 
= (30 V m–1) sin  (ct  x) 
 5.0 mm 
The maximum magnetic field is

E0 30 V m 1
B0    107 T
c 3  108 ms 1

 2 
So, B = B0sin  (ct  x) 
 

 2 
= (10–7 T) sin  (ct  x)  .
 5.0 mm 
The magnetic field is along the z-axis.


Exercise # 1 [Single Correct Choice Type Questions]

1. The fundamental source of e. m. waves
(A) is varying magnetic field (B) constant magnetic and electric fields
(C) are continous oscillations of electric charge (D) is planets

2. The displacement current was first postulated by

(A) Ampere (B) Maxwell (C) Hertz (D) Marconi

3. An accelerated electric charge emits

(A)  – rays (B) – rays (C) e.m. waves (D) none of the above

4. The speed of e. m. waves is given by the relation

(A)  (B)  0 0 (C) 1/ (D) 1/ ( 0  0 )

5. Electromagnetic waves in nature are

(A) longitudinal (B) longitudinal stationary (C) transverse (D) transverse – stationary

6. An accelerated charge
(A) emits an electromagnetic wave (B) does not emits electromagnetic wave
(C) produces a gravitational field (D) none of the above

7. Electromagnetic waves
(A) are longitudinal waves
(B) travel in free space at the speed of light
(C) are produced by charges moving with uniform velocity
(D) travel with the same speed in all media

8. Choose the only wrong statement from the following about electromagnetic waves
(A) are transverse (B) travels free space at the speed of light
(C) are produced by accelerating charges (D) travel with the same speed in all media

9. In an electromagnetic wave, electric field E and magnetic field B are

(A) mutually perpendicular to each other (B) all parallel
(C) at 300 to each other (D) at 600 to each other

10. Electromagnetic wave obey the principle of

(A) superposition (B) interference (C) 1 and 2 both (D) none of the above

11. If E and B be the electric and magnetic fields of electromagnetic waves, then the direction of propagation of e. m.
wave is along the direction of
(A) E (B) B (C) E  (D) None of the above
12. Which of the following pairs of space and time varying E and B fields would generate a plane electromagnetic wave
travelling in the Z– direction
(A) Ex, By (B) Ey, Bx (C) Ex, Bz (D) Ez, Bx
13. Choose the correct statement about electromagnetic waves
(A) they are supersonic waves (B) they are the electric charged particles
(C) they travel with the speed of light (D) they can only be produced in laboratory.


Exercise # 2 Part # I [Multiple Correct Choice Type Questions]

1. The waves which can travel directly along surface of the earth are known as
(A) ground waves (B) X–rays
(C) –rays (D) sky waves

2. The ionosphere bends the e. m. waves having the frequencies

(A) less than 40 MHz (B) beyond 40 MHz
(C) nothing is certain (D) depends on the moisture present

3. The S.I unit of displacement current is

(A) H (B) A (C) Fm–1 (D) C

4. Transmission of T. V. signals from the surface of the moon can be received on earth. But transmitted T. V. Signals
from Delhi can not be received beyond 110 km distance. The reason is
(A) there is no atmosphere on the moon
(B) strong gravitational effect on T. V. signals
(C) T. V. signals travel along a straight line, they do not follow the curvature of earth
(D) there is atmosphere around the earth

5. The number of radio frequency carrier waves transmitted by a television transmitter is

(A) three (B) two (C) one (D) four

6. The speed of electromagnetic waves is independent of

(A) wavelength (B) frequency (C) intensity (D) medium, in which it travels

7. An electromagnetic radiation of frequency , wavelength , travelling with velocity c in air, enters a glass slab of
refractive index . The frequency, wavelength and velocity of light in the glass slab will be respectively :

c  c
(A)  ,  and (B) , and
    

c 2 
(C) , 2and (D) , and c
  

8. If 0 and 0 are the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in free space,  and  are the corresponding
quantities in a medium, then index of refraction of the medium is

0   0 0 
(A)  0 (B) 0 (C) (D)  0 0

9. Dimension of 00 is :
(A) LT–1 (B) L–1 T (C) L2 T–2 (D) L–2 T2

10. For television transmission, the frequency employed is normally in the range
(A) 30–300 MHz (B) 30–300 GHz (C) 300–300 kHz (D) 30–300 Hz


Exercise # 3 [Subjective Type Questions]

1. Show that the dimensions of the displacement current 0 are that of an electric current.

2. A point charge is moving along a straight line with a constant velocity v. Consider a small area A perpendicular to
the direction of motion of the charge (figure). Calculate the displacement current through the area when its distance
from the charge is x. The value of x is not large so that the electric field at any instant is essentially given by
Coulomb's law.
q A

3. A parallel-plate capacitor having plate-area A and plate separation d is joined to a battery of emf  and internal
resistance R at t = 0. Consider a plane surface of area A/2, parallel to the plates and situated symmetrically between
them. Find the displacement current through this surface as a function of time.

4. Consider the situation of the previous problem. Define displacement resistance Rd = V/id of the space between the
the plates where V is the potential difference between the plates and id is the displacement current. Show that Rd
varies with time as
Rd = R(et/ – 1).

5. Using B = 0 H find the ratio E0/H0 for a plane electromagnetic wave propagating through vacuum. Show that it has
the dimension of electric resistance. This ratio is a universal constant called the impedance of free space.

6. The sunlight reaching the earth has maximum electric field of 810 V m–1. What is the maximum magnetic field in this

7. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by

B = (200 T) sin [(4.0 × 1015 s–1) (t – x/c)].
Find the maximum electric field and the average energy density corresponding to the electric field.

8. A laser beam has intensity 2.5 × 1014 W m–2. Find the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields in the beam.

9. The intensity of the sunlight reaching the earth is 1380 W m–2. Assume this light to be a plane, monochromatic wave.
Find the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields in this wave.


Exercise # 4 Part # I [Previous Year Questions] [AIEEE/JEE-MAIN]

1. Infrared radiation is detected by [AIEEE 2002]

(1) spectrometer (2) pyrometer (3) nanometer (4) photometer
2. Dimensions of , where symbols have their usual meanings, are [AIEEE 2003]
 0 0
(1) [L–1 T] (2) [L–2 T2] (3) [L2 T–2] (4) [L T –1]
3. Which of the following radiations has the least wavelength ? [AIEEE 2003]
(1) -rays (2) -rays (3) -rays (4) X-rays

4. An electromagnetic wave of frequency n = 3.0 MHz passes vacuum into a dielectric medium with permittivity  = 4.0,
then [AIEEE 2004]
(1) wavelength is doubled and the frequency remains unchanged
(2) wavelength is doubled and frequency becomes half
(3) wavelength is halved and frequency remains unchanged
(4) wavelength and frequency both remain unchanged
 
5. An electromagnetic wave in vacuum has the electric and magnetic field E and B , which are always perpendicular
 
to each other. The direction of polarization is given by X and that of wave propagation by k . Then
         
(1) X || B and k || B  E (2) X || E and k || E  B [AIEEE 2012]
         
(3) X || B and k || E  B (4) X || E and k || B  E

6. The magnetic field in a travelling electromagnetic wave has a peak value of 20 nT. The peak value of electric field
strength is : [JEE-MAIN 2013]
(1) 3V/m (2) 6V/m (3) 9V/m (4) 12 V/m

7 Match List-I (Electromagnetic wave type) with List-II (Its association / application) and select the correct option
from the choices given below the lists: [JEE-Main 2014]
List – I List – II
(a) Infrared waves (i) To treat muscular strain
(b) Radio waves (ii) For broadcasting
(c) X-rays (iii) To detect fracture of bones
(d) Ultraviolet rays (iv) Absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

8. During the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium: [JEE-Main 2014]

(1) Electric energy density is equal to the magnetic energy density.
(2) Both electric and magnetic energy densities are zero.
(3) Electric energy density is double of the magnetic energy density.
(4) Electric energy density is half of the magnetic energy density.

11th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Physical World and Units 1. Mole Concept 1. Basic Maths and Logarithm
& Dimensions 2. Atomic Structure 2. Quadratic Equation
2. Basic Maths & Vector 3. Chemical Bonding 3. Sequence and Series
3. Kinematics 4. Gaseous State
Module-2 Module-2(PC) 1. Trigonometric Ratio and
1. Thermodynamics Identities
1. Newton’s Law of Motion 2. Trigonometric Equation
& Friction 2. Thermochemistry
3. Chemical Equilibrium 3. Properties & Solution
2. Work, Energy & Power of Triangle
4. Ionic Equilibrium
Module-3 Module-3
1. Centre of Mass & Collisions 1. Periodic Table & Its Properties 1. Permutation & Combination
2. Rotational Motion 2. Redox Reaction & Equivalent 2. Binomial Theorum
3. Gravitation Concepts 3. Complex Number
3. Hydrogen & Its Components
Module-4 4. S-Block Module-4
1. Straight Line
1. Mechanical Properties 2. Circle
of Matter Module-4(OC)
1. Nomenclature of 3. Conic Section
2. Thermal Properties of Matter (Parabola,Ellipse & Hyperbola)
Organic Compounds
Module-5 2. Isomerism
3. General Organic Chemistry Module-5
1. Simple Harmonic Motion 1. Mathematical Induction
2. Wave Motion Module-5(OC) 2. Mathematical Reasoning
3. Measurement Error 1. Reaction Mechanism 3. Statistics
& Experiment 2. Hydrocarbon
3. Aromatic Hydrocarbon
4. Environmental Chemistry

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12th Class Modules Chapter Details

Physics Chemistry Mathematics

5 5 5
Modules Modules Modules


Module-1 Module-1(PC) Module-1

1. Solid State 1. Sets & Relation
1. Electrostatics
2. Solutions and 2. Function
2. Capacitance
Colligative Properties 3. Inverse Trigonometric Function
3. Electro Chemistry 4. Probability
1. Current Electricity Module-2(PC) Module-2
2. Magnetic Effect of Current 1. Chemical Kinetics and
and Magnetism Nuclear Chemistry 1. Limit
2. Surface Chemistry 2. Continuity
Module-3 3. Differentiability
Module-3(IC) 4. Method of Differentiation
1. Electromagnetic Induction
2. Alternating Current 1. Metallurgy
2. P- Block Module-3
Module-4 3. Transition Elements 1. Indefinite Integration
(d & f block) 2. Definite Integration
1. Geometrical Optics 4. Co-ordination Compound 3. Area Under the Curve
2. Wave Optics 5. Salt Analysis & Qualitative
Analysis Module-4
Module-4(OC) 1. Application of Derivative
1. Modern Physics
1. Alkyl Halides & Aryl Halides 2. Matrix
2. Nuclear Physics
2. Alcohol, Phenol & Ether 3. Determinant
3. Solids & Semiconductor
Devices 3. Carbonyl Compound
4. Electromagnetic Waves
5. Principle of Communication Module-5(OC) 1. Differential Equation
1. Carboxylic Acid & Their 2. Vector & 3-Dimensional
2. Biomolecules & Polymers
3. Chemistry in Everyday Life

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