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 Wing let 的功用?

increase the lift generated at the wingtip

reduce the lift-induced drag

improving lift-to-drag ratio

 燃燒室友哪三種?

Multiple can

Can-annular (Turbo-annular)


 Annular 逆流式的優點?

長度短 重量輕 有預熱功能

 發動機公司有哪三間?

Pratt & Whitney

General electric


 解釋 bypass ratio

Air flow of bypass duct divide air flow core

 解釋 overall pressure 的定義

Outlet pressure/ inlet pressure

 解釋鈦纖維的優點
Stronger, lighter

 ETOPS 的定義?

剩下的發動機必須持續航行 180 分鐘

 N1 和 N2 的意思

N1 low pressure turbine’s rpm

N2 high pressure turbine’s rpm

 3 種壓縮機?

Centrifugal flow

Axial flow

Axial and centrifugal flow

 戰機上增加控制性的部件


 CPR 的定義?

Compressor delivery pressure/ compressor lnlet pressure

 CTOL CV 的意思?

Conventional take off and landing

Carrier variant

 STOVL 的意思?

Short take off and vertical landing

 F-35B 在進行垂直起降時,總共有幾道噴氣口噴出?


 In subsonic and supersonic, what ducts will be used?


Convergent:Velocity increase, Pressure decrease, Temperature


Divergent:Velocity decrease, pressure increase,

Temperature decrease


Convergent:Velocity decrease, pressure increase,

Temperature decrease

Divergent:Velocity increase, Pressure decrease,

Temperature decrease

 馬赫怎麼算?

Air speed/ sonic speed

 Annular 有哪三種?

Annular, reverse flow, double annular

 Prototype 的定義?

 燃燒室的特點?

Low velocity, high pressure, high temperature

 FOD 的全名

Foreign object damage

 發動機的組成?

Case, rotor, stator, shroud

 渦輪靜子的三個名字?

Turbine nozzle, nozzle diaphragm, guide vanes

 如何處理熱膨脹

A loose fit between the vanes and shrouds

The gaps between shroud segments

 引擎產生的推力比例

75% by fan, 25% by compressor

 壓引擎的冷段及熱段有哪些元件?

Cool section:compressor, diffuser

Hot section:combustion, turbine, exhaust, afterburner

 Component modularity’s advantages

Easy to maintain

 協和號為何機頭朝下
For seeing runway

 空心葉片的功能?

Anti-icing, de-icing

 TBEO 的設計原則?


 何謂 TIT?

Turbine inlet temperature

 TIT IGT EGT 的溫度由高到低排列


 Variable stator vanes 的用途?

防止 surge

 AH-46 阿帕契攻擊機的武裝,用於攻擊地面戰車的武裝名稱為


Hell fire

 Free turbine 的定義?

Two different RPM.

 ACC 的作用和目的

Allowing the casing to expend and prevent inadvertent blade tip

 V-22 魚鷹在直升機模式下,旋翼的方向為何?


 Counter rotating 的優點

Reduce swirl and fuel cost, less component

 三種推力反推器的名字?

Bucket door, clamshell door, coldstream reverser

 高旁通比的推力反推器為哪種?

coldstream reverser

 解釋何謂盤旋?

Stay a position and not move in the air

 Rotor craft 用何種引擎?


 機動性及操控性的英文?

Flexibility, maneuverability

 FADEC 的全名?

Full authority digital engine control

 渦輪有哪四種?

Impulse, reaction, impulse/reaction, radial inflow

 APU 的功能?
Electric power, air condition, start engine, anti-icing

 Impulse 渦輪的 nozzle 為哪種?

Convergent (rotor 則是 constant area)

 引擎尾段皺褶的目的?

Reduce noise

 Reaction 渦輪的 nozzle 為哪種?

Constant area (rotor 則是 convergent)

 三種乘客座艙的名稱?

Economy, business, first-class

 漢莎公司是哪個國家的?


 葉片改變角度的目的?

Prevent surge

 盤旋的英文?


 油封分為哪幾種?

Carbon seal, labyrinth seal

 PW4000 的軸承代號及使用軸承為何?
1 和 2:ball bearing, 1.5、3 和 4:roller bearing

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