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Ó 2018 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society


New-Generation Aluminum Composite with Bottom Ash

Industrial Waste

1.—Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, Varanasi, India. 2.—e-mail: 3.—e-mail:

Industrial waste bottom ash (BA) from a pulverized coal combustion boiler
containing hard wear-resistant particles was utilized in this study to form an
aluminum composite through a liquid metallurgy route. Composites com-
prising 5 wt.% and 10 wt.% bottom ash were characterized for their physio-
chemical, microstructural, mechanical, as well as tribological properties, along
with pure aluminum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microstructure
revealed uniform distribution of BA particles throughout the matrix of the
composite, whereas x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed presence of
aluminosilicate phase. Addition of 10 wt.% BA improved the Brinell hardness
number (BHN) from 13 to 19 and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) from
71 MPa to 87 MPa, whereas ductility was adversely reduced after 5% BA
addition. Incorporation of BA particles resulted in reduced dry sliding wear
rates examined up to 80 N load compared with aluminum. Hence, such com-
posites having lower cost could be applied as significantly hard, wear-resistant
materials in applications in the automotive industry.

Bottom ash is an inert vitrified material con-

taining silica and alumina as a combined alumi-
Fly ash, a waste byproduct of coal-based thermal nosilicate phase, being a tough and wear-resistant
power plants, has been successfully dispersed into material.3,13 It has been proposed that bottom ash
cast and wrought aluminum alloys to form light- could be used as road base material, although its
weight aluminum–fly ash (ALFA) composites. Use large-scale utilization requires further maturation.
of such composites with lower density and adequate Bottom ash has higher density than fly ash,
properties has been confirmed for several automo- favoring its addition to aluminum melt. That also
tive applications.1,2 It is expected that, by 2020, explains why the retention of bottom ash in the
India will produce over 190 million tons of coal melt will be higher, resulting in uniform distribu-
combustion residues. Therefore, such materials will tion of bottom ash at higher content. Breakage of
be freely available at almost no cost, requiring only hollow cenospheres at higher loads degrades the
costs associated with enhancement and properties of such composites, whereas the non-
transportation.3–5 hollow structure of bottom ash could enhance the
Powder or liquid metallurgy techniques are the properties of composites.3,14 Rohatgi et al. per-
primary routes used for preparing particulate com- formed testing of the abrasive wear properties of
posites by injecting reinforcement particles into a an aluminum casting alloy A356–fly ash composite
solid/semisolid or liquid matrix.6–9 The liquid met- and the base alloy simultaneously for comparison.
allurgy route is preferred due to its inexpensive It was observed in that study that addition of
processes, amongst which stir casting is the cheap- lower-density fly ash decreased the density as well
est. Therefore, it is widely used for preparing as wear rate of the composite. However, above
particulate-filled metal-matrix composites load of 8 N, debonding and fracture of fly ash
(MMCs).10–12 However, nonuniform distribution of particles are responsible for increasing the wear
the particulate material due to its poor wettability rate of the composite to a level higher than that of
and gravity-regulated segregation is a common the base alloy. Fractured fly ash particles accu-
problem associated with this process. mulate in spaces between abrading particles,
Mandal and Sinha

resulting in two- and three-body wear.15 The

objective of the present study is to prepare alu-
minum–bottom ash composites with improved
quality for mechanical and tribological

Materials and Characterization
The materials used in this investigation were
commercially pure aluminum and thermal power
plant waste material (bottom ash). The bottom ash
sample was collected from a pulverized coal injec-
tion boiler with capacity of 250 MW of DPL, Dur-
gapur, West Bengal, India. Pure aluminum was
procured from a local dealer in Varanasi, Uttar
Pradesh, India. The specific gravity of the samples
was determined by water pycnometer as per ASTM Fig. 1. Stress–strain diagram of pure aluminum and composite.
method.16 The specific surface area of bottom ash
particles was measured by standard Brunauer–
Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis (SMART SORB 92/
93) based on the gas absorption/desorption isotherm Testing Methodology
using liquid N2 at 77 K as per ASTM C1069.17 Bottom ash retention in the composite was deter-
Chemical analysis of samples was carried out by x- mined by chemical extraction method, dissolving
ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis (ARL OPTIM’X x- the composite in 20% hydrochloric acid solution.
ray analyzer). X-ray diffraction analysis was per- The amounts of bottom ash addition and retention
formed on the sample using a RIGAKU D-MAX IIIB in the composite are presented in Supplementary
at scan rate of 3°/min in the range from 3° to 85°. Table SI. Compared with earlier reported values of
Various physicochemical properties of the raw fly ash retention inside pure aluminum composite,
materials are presented in Supplementary made under similar condition, greater retention of
Table SI. Major constituents of the bottom ash were bottom ash was observed.18 It is clear from the
silica and alumina, as indicated by the XRF results, table that the retention ratio of bottom ash in the
in combined aluminosilicate form. These properties aluminum composite was not uniform. Therefore,
motivated the formation of aluminum–bottom ash two composites having 5.1% ( 5%) and 9.9%
composites. The size, shape, and texture of the ( 10%) bottom ash with pure aluminum were
materials were observed by SEM [QUANTA 200F at selected for the present study.
20 kV with scan rate of 10 ls using an Everhart– The bulk density values of pure aluminum and
Thornley detector (ETD)], revealing that the bottom both composites were determined by water displace-
ash was relatively coarser with irregular, rough ment method as per ASTM C-20.19 SEM imaging
surface texture, as shown in Supplementary Fig. S1. and XRD analysis were also performed to investi-
The main particle size of the raw bottom ash lay in gate the second-phase particle morphology and their
the sand range, as shown in Supplementary Fig. S2. distribution in the composite.
Brinell hardness number was determined by
applying load of 500 kg using a steel ball indenter
Preparation of Composite Samples
with diameter of 10 mm. Standard specimens with
The required amount of commercially pure alu- gauge length of 15.5 mm and sample diameter of
minum was melted in a graphite crucible inside a 4.5 mm were used for tensile testing to measure the
resistance-heated muffle furnace as shown in Sup- UTS and % elongation of the composite as well as
plementary Fig. S3. The melt temperature was the base metal using an INSTRON machine at
raised to 1073 K, and the melt was degassed by constant loading rate of 0.5 mm/s. Stress–strain
purging argon gas. The pulverized bottom ash curves for pure aluminum and both composites are
particles with size of 50 lm were preheated to shown in Fig. 1. The SEM image of the fracture
423 K for 5 h to remove moisture. After degassing of surface after the tensile test is shown in Fig. 2. The
each melt, preheated bottom ash particles were results of analysis conducted on the composites and
added at different wt.% values (5, 10, 15, and 20) pure aluminum are summarized in Table I.
separately into the vortex formed in the melt by The wear characteristics of pure aluminum and
stirring with a graphite stirrer attached to an both composites were evaluated under dry sliding
electric motor. The speed of the stirrer was opti- condition in adherence to ASTM G99-05(2010)
mized and maintained at 500 rpm to achieve uni- standard under atmospheric conditions (1 atm,
form mixing of the bottom ash in the melt. 30 ± 1°C) using a DUCOM wear friction monitor
New-Generation Aluminum Composite with Bottom Ash Industrial Waste

Fig. 2. SEM image after tensile fracture of (a) pure aluminum, (b) 5 wt.% composite, and (c) 10 wt.% composite.

Table I. Physical properties of composites

Property Pure Al 5 wt.% BA 10 wt.% BA

Density (g/cc) 2.26 2.22 2.18
Hardness (BHN) 13 15 19
UTS (MPa) 71.20 84.37 87.74
Fracture strength (MPa) 44.05 64.72 84.34
Strain 0.3646 0.4621 0.2612
% Elongation 26.5 29.0 27.5
Young’s modulus (MPa) 3245 1622 2460

(model-TR 20 LE) at sliding speed of 1 m/s and composite demonstrate its enhanced toughness
sliding distance up to 3600 m at different loads (10– compared with the base metal up to 5 wt.% bottom
80 N).20 Wear test specimens with diameter of ash addition, as shown in Fig. 1 and Table I. During
8 mm and minimum length of 30 mm at the rubbing solidification of aluminum, bottom ash particles
end were used. Pins of samples (unreinforced and help to nucleate aluminum grains, and also restrict
composite) were tested against EN32 hardened steel their growth as foreign particles are mainly present
disc (62HRC). Many authors have observed that the in grain-boundary regions.21 This combined effect
wear rate is greater at lower velocity, so a speed of decreased the grain size of the aluminum; therefore,
1 m/s was chosen.12,14,15 addition of bottom ash resulted in grain refinement,
After load of 80 N, the test was stopped due to as evidenced by observation of finer dimples on the
sticking of the pin above the disk; therefore, the test tensile fracture surface compared with pure alu-
was restricted to 80 N. A similar result was minum. On increasing the bottom ash content
observed by Sudarshan and Surappa.14 Each exper- beyond 5 wt.%, the hardness and UTS values
iment was repeated thrice, and the averages of close increased due to the presence of the hard second-
repeatable test values were taken. phase particles, but brittleness occurred inside the
composite, resulting in lower elongation values.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION With increasing bottom ash content, segregation of
The amount of bottom ash retained in the com- the bottom ash particles increased, mainly in grain-
posites showed a decreasing tendency with increas- boundary regions. The nonmetallic nature of the
ing amount of addition. At lower addition (5 wt.%), bottom ash particles resisted plastic deformation
almost 60% yield was observed, gradually decreas- but failed suddenly when applying load without
ing to 49.5% for addition of 20 wt.% bottom ash. prior indication. Therefore, the composite contain-
This occurred due to the difference between the bulk ing 10% bottom ash showed lower elongation and
density values of aluminum and bottom ash, result- higher tensile strength values. The only ductile
ing in their separation. Addition of bottom ash fracture was observed in the case of pure aluminum,
decreased the bulk density of the composite. XRD as pure aluminum is ductile and contains no second-
analysis and SEM proved presence of aluminosili- phase particles in the matrix. Mixed-mode fracture
cate phases and their uniform distribution through- was found in the case of the 5 wt.% bottom ash
out the matrix of the composite, as shown in composite due to presence of fine grains as well as
Supplementary Fig. S4. The increasing hardness hard second-phase particles. Brittle fracture was
and tensile strength along with % elongation of the found in the case of the 10 wt.% bottom ash
Mandal and Sinha

Fig. 3. Wear properties of pure aluminum and composite (a) wear rate vs applied load, (b) friction coefficient vs applied load.

Fig. 4. SEM of wear surface at 40 N load of (a) pure aluminum, (b) 5 wt.% composite, and (c) 10 wt.% composite and photographs of wear
surface at 80 N load of (d) pure aluminum, (e) 5 wt.% composite, and (f) 10 wt.% composite.

composite due to presence of a greater amount of of pure aluminum, the wear rate was directly
hard and brittle second-phase particles (Fig. 2). proportional to the applied load, whereas for the
This explains why increased strength along with composites, after a specific applied load, a drastic
ductility was observed for the 5 wt.% composite increase in wear rate was observed. For pure
whereas high strength and low ductility were found aluminum, the wear rate was mild up to loads of
in case of the 10 wt.% composite. 40 N. The wear rate increased drastically when the
The results of the dry sliding wear test revealed a load was increased from 40 N to 60 N. Significant
lower wear rate in case of the 10 wt.% composite material transfer from the pin to the steel disc was
compared with pure aluminum (Fig. 3a). Increasing also observed at these high loads. Patches of Al were
the bottom ash content decreased the wear rate seen on the wear tracks, possibly indicating melting
gradually due to the increased presence of hard and subsequent smearing of pin material onto the
second-phase particles which resist material trans- surface of the steel disk. The amount of material
fer. On increasing the load applied during testing, transferred onto the disc was more pronounced at
the wear rate increased for all samples. In the case load of 80 N. This indicates a transition from mild to
New-Generation Aluminum Composite with Bottom Ash Industrial Waste

severe wear when the load exceeded 40 N. Above The composite with 5 wt.% bottom ash exhibited
load of 80 N, excessive wear occurred, and the test good toughness with increased strength and ductil-
could not be performed for aluminum. This is due to ity values, whereas the composite with > 5 wt.%
generation of excess heat, which softens the alu- bottom ash showed increased values of strength and
minum and results in a viscous nature, sticking the hardness and wear properties, but lost ductility.
aluminum sample to the rotating disk. For the They could be used effectively up to applied load of
composites, above a certain load, the wear rate 40 N.
increased to a greater extent due to delamination of The wear behavior changed drastically at loads
second-phase particles. The wear surface for load of above 40 N, and the test could not be performed
40 N was examined by SEM, revealing that adhe- above the 80 N load condition due to significant
sive wear was most dominating for pure aluminum material transfer from the pin to steel disc. Patches
whereas abrasive wear was dominant for the com- of Al were seen on the wear tracks, indicating
posites, as shown in Fig. 4a–c. Beyond load of 40 N, possible melting and subsequent smearing of pin
the wear phenomena changed drastically. With material onto the surface of the steel disk.
increasing load, it was observed that pure alu- Based on the experimental results, such alu-
minum showed lower wear rate compared with the minum composites could indeed be formed using
composites. At higher load, due to generation of industrial waste materials such as bottom ash as
high frictional force, excess removal of materials reinforcement through a liquid metallurgy route.
generated more heat, which softened the surface of The produced composite with 5% bottom ash repre-
the aluminum, and delamination of the material did sents a significantly hard, tough, and wear-resistant
not occur, resulting in formation of elephant’s tusk material for use in applications in the automotive
(Fig. 4d). The formation of elephant trunks industry.
decreased with increasing bottom ash content
(Fig. 4e and f). With increasing applied load, the
friction coefficient gradually decreased, due to
removal of large quantities of wear debris particles ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY
from the wear surface and filling of the empty MATERIAL
spaces between abrasive particles, thereby decreas-
ing the adequate depth of penetration. As wear The online version of this article (
debris particles are loose, they can also start sliding 10.1007/s11837-018-2774-7) contains supplemen-
at the interface between the pin material and
tary material, which is available to authorized
abrasive, which reduces grooving of the matrix
while simultaneously decreasing the effectiveness of users.
the cutting force, as has been mentioned by many REFERENCES
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