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‘COMMUNION Girt OF FINEST WHEAT REFRAIN Legato Db Bbm Gb Fm Bbm Ebm Fm Db Ab sat-is-fy the hun-gry heart With gift of finest wheat, Bbm Gb Fm Bbm7 Ebm Ab Db em Fine a ° sav-ing Lord, The ra of life to eat,__ — vERses Db Bbm Gb o Ab Bbm7 4 — ~ — ty == a = eee SS rs se f 1. As when the shep - herd calls his sheep, They know and heed his voice; 2. With joyful lips we sing to you Our praise and grat - i - tude, 3. Is not the cup we bless and share The blood of Christ. out poured? 4 The mys-try of your _ pres-ence, Lord, No mor - tal tongue can tell: 5. You give your-self to us, O Lord; ‘Then self - less let us be, | i fee) ate —— = = : et = Bm Ebm? Ab Ebm GAB A De. SS 2 SS a fe f ae ane 1. So when you call your fam-'ly, Lord, We fol - low and re - joice. 2. That you should count “us wor-thy, Lord, To share this heav'n-ly food, 3. Do not one cup, one loaf, de-clare Our one - ness in the Lord? 4. Whom all the world can - not con-tain Comes in our hearts to dwell. 5. To. serve each oth - er in yourmame In uth and. char -i- ty. pe pp — 9 yn - a : es — Fe aS , Text: CM withrefain; Omer Westendor 1916-1987 ‘Music BICENTENNIAL Robert EKrets, 1922-1996. Teatand music 1877, Archdiocese of Phiadeiphi, Al ight esd, Used with permission,

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