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Applied Contacted
102.13 124.98 93.12 52.47 113.64 148.88 119.05 105.56
142.27 111.92 129.98 98.99 127.04 142.6 139.59 138
95.91 134.56 132.82 170.94 125.49 77.75 101.96 166.3
138.67 68.49 218.92 131.94 125.97 110.49 102.29 141.32
196.18 182.73 130.19 117.03 102.78 166.27 191.36 164.08
125.79 128.48 94.54 118.81 74.11 151.91 104.62 88.97
140.99 108.73 107.17 119.59 154.15 113.85 155.62 97.84
143.79 98.88 95.81 101.03 88.86 86.41 140.81 139.12
122.78 161.82 184.48 163.26 94.87 112.41 163.04 136.73
157.54 125.94 125.94 129.13 89.14 134.52 166.74 130.6
119.98 118.4 89.72 119.11 131.32 145.13 141.62 93.79
125.5 133.08 96.44 161.62 97.23 59.54 131.84 66.64
188.29 94.98 122.63 105.69 109.16 130.79 139.65 91.06
91.4 121.79 144.48 150.11 131.01 154.24 142.74 94.94
192.97 122.66 136.87 176.2 134.5 101.18 177.31 132.89
128.17 124.77 109.25 124.14 115 122.59 128.01 116.76
133.82 186.36 169.29 149.2 103.71 112.89 140.56 150.86
164.15 64.04 144.67 144.65 155.85 120.21 141.61 146.91
225.42 101.29 160.97 97.43 104.33 130.8 101.39 123.24
120.64 103.51 172.91 124.88 103.65 101.37 115.59 158.32
99.67 108.7 164.55 105.66 103.02 117.19 124.49 174.63
94.23 144.12 146.25 117.92 123.45 116.56 141.02 98.81
129.43 127.09 95.49 148.68 146.53 172.31 140.38 151.47
118.01 106.77 173.39 149.53 108.16 132.9 139.02 139.09
151.44 92.91 179.55 106.32 135.15 166.18
148.91 141.91

SITUATION : It is often useful for companies to know who their customers are and how they
became customers. In a study of credit card use, a random sample of cardholders who were contacted
by telemarketers or by mail were drawn. The total purchases made by each last month were recorded.

Can we conclude from these data that differences exist on average between the two types of

Solution : Easiest way to solve this issue is to do by hypothesis.

Step 1: Claim - µ1 ≠ µ2.

Opposite - µ1=µ2.
So the null hypothesis, Ho : µ1=µ2.
And the Alternate hypothesis, Ha : µ1≠µ2 (from this, it is clear that it is two tail test).

Step 2 : The objective is to compare two independent population, and the data are interval.
As variance is unknown, so we have to do t-test of two sample but before applying t-test we must
know, which t- test we should to apply, for instance, equal variance or unequal variance. To determine
whether to apply the equal or unequal variances t-test we use the F-test of two variance.
The F-test for variances was conducted , and the results indicate that there is enough evidence
(Fstatistic ˃Fcritical, so null hypothesis is rejected) to infer that the population variances are differ.
Hence we use the unequal varinaces test statistics.

F-Test Two-
Sample for

Applied Contacted
Mean 130.9252 126.1356
Variance 1023.359474 675.8545158
Observations 100 100
df 99 99
F 1.514171245
P(F<=f) one-
tail 0.020111803
F Critical -4 -2 0 2 4 6
one-tail 1.394061257

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal

Applied Contacted
Mean 130.9252 126.1356
Variance 1023.359474 675.8545
Observations 100 100
Difference 0
df 190
t Stat 1.161917272
P(T<=t) one-
tail 0.12336328
t Critical one- -4 -2 0 2 4 6
tail 1.652912949
P(T<=t) two-
tail 0.24672656
t Critical two-
tail 1.972528182

INTERPRETATION : The value of test statistic(t= 1.16) is not in region rejection region, so
we could not reject null hypothesis. This indicates that, from the data recorded, we could not
infer that there is differences exist in total average purchase of customers applied and
customers contacted.

By : Shabahat Kareem(x01026)

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