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4 Tuesday, July 16, 2018
IN RE: Grand Central Sanitary Landfill, Inc.
10 6480 Sullivan Trail
Wind Gap, Pennsylvania 18091
15 ROBERT SIMPSON, Vice-Chairperson
THOMAS PETRUCCI, Township Manager
18 JOHN LEZOCHE, Zoning Officer
Mid-Atlantic Region
23 4949 Liberty Lane, Suite 200
Allentown, PA 18106
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I ALSO PRESE T: I out at I 0 o'clock. What we're going to do is give
KARASEK LAW OFFICE. LLC 2 the applicant a few minutes to give an updated
3 BY: MATTHEW GOODRICH. ESQUIRE 3 presentation. Then we're going to pick up with a
641 Market Street 4 couple people from last month, or the last meeting I
4 Bangor. PA 18013-1701
610.5880224 5 should say, to finish comments and then we're going
5 -- For Synagro 6 to go into the zoning review letter of 40 pages, at
6 7 least get started, which we've had for many, many
7 BY PETER LA YMA . ESQUIRE 8 months now.
134 Broadway 9 So Synagro, it's all yours.
8 Bangor. PA 18013
10 MR. HECHT: Thank you very much. J'm
9 -- For Pen Argyl Borough II Jim Hecht, project developer for the Slate Belt Heat
10 12 Recovery Center. Tonight we have a short
SPEAKERS ON THE RECORD: 13 presentation and then as the chairman said, we'll be
12 14 opening up to comments from the commission and
JIM HECHT. Project Manager. Synagro IS questions or comments from the public.
13 DAVE ALLEN. Civil Engineer. Earth Res
TOM PULLAR. Senior Project Manager. EanhRes 16 Where we are in the process, we have
l-l 17 gone through the engineer's letter. We have
15 18 reviewed the zoning letter. We still have to go
17 19 over it with you, but we've taken a look at it and
18 20 we are preparing a supplemental application as
21 we -- as we mentioned during -- at the time of the
21 22 Hanover Review.
22 23 And for tonight, I will -- we're
24 24 preparing the application, which will go in sometime
25 25 before the end of the month. And so that
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THE CHAIRMAN: Grant Central Sanitary I application will be formally reviewed at the August
2 Landfill. Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center. again. a 2 planning commission meeting.
3 time extension through September 30th. 3 But what \\'e thought would be helpful
4 MR. BACKE STOE: That's actually 4 for us and possibly the commission. is to do a brief
5 through October. 5 informal description of the major changes to
6 THE CHAIRMAN: Through October 30th. 6 the -- our application and secure any additional
7 Do I have a motion to agree to that? 7 comments from the commission or the public. We can
8 MR. SIMPSON: I make a motion. 8 still make changes over the next week before we
9 THE CHAIRMA : I have a motion. Do I 9 ubmit it.
10 have a second') 10 So \\'e'll have a short presentation and
11 MS. DINGLE: I'll second. II then we'll tum it over to questions.
12 MR. GOODRICH: And \\'e submitted the 12 The comments that we're going to make
13 formalized -- 13 tonight will be addressing the four variances that
14 MR. BACKENSTOE: Papemork and written 14 are noted in the zoning officer's letter which we
15 extension on that as well. Paul. 15 have yet to go over. We can go over them now. We
16 THE CHAIRMAN: All those in favor say 16 have a presentation. If we get to the letter. we'll
17 Aye. 17 have addressed them.
18 MR SIMPSO : Aye. 18 We have been -- as you know. we've
19 MR. KLEI TOP: Aye. 19 been modifying our plans on the project since our
20 MS. DINGLE: Aye. 20 submittal. which has been about a year and a half
21 MR. BEA YA : Abstain. 21 ago. We think we have a -- a design now that is
22 (Off the record.) 22 fully compliant \\'ith the zoning ordinance that
23 THE CHAIRMA : "Ve are going to call 23 addresses all of the ariances. some in different
24 the meeting back to order. We do have a time frame 24 ways. We'll go over those today and then we can
25 here. as like last month. the fire company wants us 25 discuss them.

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I And if you have questions while we're I here. and that access road extended all the way up
2 doing the presentation, we can certainly entertain 2 to the curve of Pen Argyl. and this is also a
3 those. In order to go over the variances, I have 3 full-movement driveway used by trash trucks.
4 Dave Allen from EarthRes who is going to do a 4 So in the mid '90s. the Grand Central
5 presentation on that. Thank you. 5 Sanitary Landfill proposed an expansion. Part of
6 MR. ALLE : Good evening. I'm Dave 6 that is also a local municipality involvement
7 Allen with EarthRes. I'm the civil engineer on the 7 program. So that's basically DEP notifies all the
8 project. As Jim mentioned, we're going to go 8 municipalities in the area that the project is
9 through the four variances highlighted by the zoning 9 coming through to facilitate input from Pen Argyl
10 officer's review letter. I only have a handful of 10 Borough. Plainfield Township. [believe there was
II slides, but each one I'm going to touch on a II 13 municipalities invited to that meeting in all.
12 variance. 12 So part of that was the concerns of
13 So the first one is just a 13 the increase in tonnage and increase in truck
14 revised -- a current copy ofa revised site plan 14 traffic through Pen Argyl Borough. That was a
15 that we will be submitting to the township, along 15 comment that resonated throughout the correspondence
16 with the technical comments that we're going to 16 I looked at with DEP. I wasn't personally involved.
17 address from the Hanover Engineer review letter. 17 but you can see the train of concerns from
18 So with this I'm going to move to the 18 particularly the borough and particularly the
19 next slide just to show you this specific area. So 19 township. ha ing truck traffic going through the
20 as the zoning officer observed in his review, we had 20 borough streets.
21 some proposed parking areas that were not compliant 21 [ think everyone here would agree the
22 with the zoning ordinance. 22 streets are rather tight. It's an old borough.
23 So there was two issues and two 23 They're not conforming to today's curb radiuses and
24 variances highlighted by that letter. We have had a 24 that type of thing for truck movements.
25 24-foot drive-out. We since then have revised that 25 Part of that Grand Central Landfill

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I to a 25 foot to be compliant with the zoning agreed to extend the access road a haifa mile from
2 requirement. We also have this area shown as 2 this point through the to\\'nship property up through
3 gravel. So we were just having an additional 3 here and connect to 5 I2. Part of that was the
4 parking field just reserved in the back of the site. 4 Plainfield Township reviewed the technical design of
5 It will go back here. And in the back of our site 5 that driveway. was ultimately approved by PennDOT
6 just for additional parking spaces. So that has 6 for a highway occupancy permit. which they call HOP.
7 been revised to show that's all pavement versus 7 and that technical review period was probably a year
8 gravel. 8 long. and as was submitted to DEP. and they approved
9 So they're the two variances that the 9 the access road and it was put into operation
10 zoning officer mentioned. 10 roughly in spring of 1998.
II With the third variance that was II With that. the other thing 1want to
12 noted, I want to go through kind of a timeline of 12 note. this is rather difficult to see. but there is
13 the access drive for the landfill. I think it's 13 three existing Grand Central Sanitary Landfill
14 important. I guess the overreaching point here is 14 driveways in Pen Argyl. So there is an emergency
15 that we're going to revise the plan to show a 15 access road here. There is the operations area
16 driveway off of Pen Argyl Road. But I do think it's 16 entrance here. and there is also a third driveway
17 appropriate just to mention the timel ine of the 17 here. which all three are closed off. gated and
18 access road before. 18 locked. And there's obviously the Evergreen
19 So this is a Google Earth aerial from 19 Cemetery driveway.
20 1999. This is 512. This Pen Argyl Road. Atthat 20 So there is a chain of permitting
21 time the access road from the landfill to 512 was 21 documents that we have and we'd be glad to submit
22 not in existence. 22 them that basically shows that old entrance. the
23 So you will see the old operation here 23 original approval from Penn DOT. the approval to
24 for the landfill. This area here is the Evergreen 24 remove it and also we have -- we did not have
25 Cemetery. There was a driveway off of Pen Argyl 25 permits for these driveways. because I think they

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I predate that requirement to go through Penn DOT. I MR. KLE TOP: So your trucks \\·ill now
2 So what are we proposing to do? Well, 2 get off at Belfast?
3 we're proposing to put in the driveway in the 3 THE WITNESS: Correct. through
4 revised plan. This is the proposed lot line. And 4 Stockertown. through Stockertown Borough. come up
5 this is the facility driveway that would use, you 5 191. as they did before. with the previous landfill
6 know, a portion of the access road to come through 6 trucks.
7 25-foot wide exit, 25-foot entrance and then the 7 MS. DI GLE: And then go Pen Argyl
8 25-foot stripe island. 8 Road?
9 That would basically accommodate 9 MR. ALLEN: Correct.
10 trucks 65 feet to be exact, which is the largest 10 MS. DI GLE: As you said. these roads
II truck that you can put on the Pennsylvania state II are not really designed for that and nor do we have
12 road. 12 traffic lights. And there are couple pedestrian
13 Trucks will be coming from southbound 13 intersections there that there are constant
14 and traveling north on Pen Argyl Road. They will 14 accidents.
15 come in, use -- you know, they'll come into the 15 MR. ALLE : We would -- and that's an
16 facility, same thing, they'll all exit the facility 16 important reason to look at the 512 driveway as
17 here and come back and return on Pen Argyl Road. 17 well. Obviously that's going to be part of a
18 There is an internal traffic movement, 18 scoping meeting with Penn DOT. They're all PennDOT
19 which we have previously predicted. So any time a 19 roads from the 33 interchange. So 191 is a state
20 truck comes in and needs to visit the facility, it's 20 road and also Pen Argyl Road is a state Road.
21 going to go to -- ['II return to th is image. It's 21 MR. KLEINTOP: Just so I'm clear. \,·ill
22 going to return to the scales for the landfill. So 22 you use the Stockertown exit or the Belfast exit?
23 basically they'll come in, visit the facility, come 23 Because if you use Belfast. you will probably be
24 down and use the internal access road, use the 24 coming across Belfast Road to get on I91. which is
25 scales and return back and then exit. 25 problematic. more problematic than getting off at
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I That will be in our submission. The 1 Stockertown. What's your plan. to get off and on at
2 applicant has contracted with a traffic engineer, 2 Stockertown?
3 the original traffic consultant for the landfill. 3 MR. GOODRICH: I think I can answer
4 We would anticipate they'll have a scoping meeting 4 that. Part of the evaluation and analysis that
5 with Penn DOT to figure out what intersections, what 5 we're contracting with the traffic expert would be
6 the extent of the traffic assessment that PennDOT 6 to evaluate and assess the various routes and which
7 wants to look at. 7 route would be most beneficial. safest. et cetera.
8 [ don't know for sure, but it's 8 and that's also why \'·e're evaluating the 512
9 customary for the township to be invited to those 9 entrance or exit as well. to determine \,·hether or
10 meetings. So I would anticipate that you will be 10 not that would. in fact. be a better or more
II invited to the scoping meeting. And that would II plausible access point.
12 ultimately be something that the traffic consultant 12 But in order to conform with the
13 is going to look at, not only this proposed 13 requirements of your zoning ordinance as directed.
14 driveway, but also looking at the existing 512 14 and we've taken your comments into consideration. we
15 driveway, because we feel it's important to look at 15 are having that evaluated and we have now placed an
16 both those traffic conditions. Yes, sir. 16 entrance point on the -- in conforming with your
17 MR.KLE[ TOP: Mr.Allen,doesthis 17 ordinance.
18 mean your trucks now will be using 191 to get to Pen 18 MR. KLEINTOP: So you would be coming
19 Argyl Road and travel north on Pen Argyl Road? 19 in Pen Argyl Road and making a left turn off Pen
20 MR. ALLE : Yes, sir, [ apologize, [ 20 Argyl Road into the Evergreen Cemetery -- let's not
21 missed that step. In the original landfill access 21 say cemetery. you know. where the scale is?
22 before, that was part of my understanding of 22 MR. GOODRICH: Potentially. 1don't
23 discussions is landfill trucks would no longer use 23 want to really give you a hard yes that that's
24 Pen Argyl Road and travel 191 through the township 24 definitely the route. Again. that \ ould be
25 to the 33 interchange. 25 something we would rely on our traffic expert to

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I tell us what's safest and what's the best and how it I elevations. so. hey. sediment is deposited and need
2 would best serve the community. 2 to be removed. We need to highlight staging areas
3 MR. KLEfNTOP: I just wanted to make 3 for that material that is removed. And. quite
4 sure I get a general idea. 4 frankly. one of the other items is. there's also a
5 MR. GOODRICH: That would be part of 5 sediment tract located here. That will be provided
6 our ongoing submission, but that change would be 6 in more detail. because right now that is not. That
7 made when we make our submission, sir. 7 facility is not.
8 MR. KLEI TOP: Then you would be 8 We are also -- we also had some
9 traveling down to the facility on your access road 9 conversation in regards to the industrial POES
10 as it exists now, down to your plant. Your trucks 10 permit with OEP ortheast Regional Office. and they
II would tum around down there, come back up your II are tentatively looking at us having additional
\2 access road and exit the Grand Central property -- 12 monitoring points. So someway so we can monitor the
13 MR. ALLE 0, no, they would come in 13 runoff from the Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center.
14 and use this new proposed driveway. They do 14 which was originally contemplated and shown on the
15 need -- trucks do need to visit the facility first 15 plan. but also to provide monitoring points from the
16 and then go to the scale using the internal access 16 land fi II runoff.
17 road and then return back to the facil ity again 17 So basically there will be additional
18 because they're using that scale. 18 monitoring points of the swales that discharge into
19 But that's someth ing we can, you know, 19 the basin and also an internal monitoring point in
20 discuss and present in more detail. I think that 20 the basin itself.
21 would probably be appropriate when we 21 So there will be additional monitor
22 get -- facilitate some feedback from Penn DOT on the 22 requirements of OEP. That has yet to be finalized.
23 driveway and basically truck routes, which we're 23 but that's some of our preliminary requirements with
24 concerned with. 24 OEP indicates that's the way things are going to go
25 MR. KLEINTOP: Well, after they've 25 with that permit.
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I unloaded, are you leaving down at the plant? Are I So with that said, there is more on
2 you exiting onto Pen Argyl Road, or are your turning 2 monitoring. Tom Pullar. who is the project engineer
3 around and coming back up to the scales? 3 for the DEP permits, is here if needed. But that's
4 MR. ALLE : Coming back to the 4 generally the four variances that we feel with the
5 facility. They have to come back to the facility 5 revised plan is going to address the zoning relief
6 because they don't hold empty weights of the trucks. 6 that was indicated.
7 They need to return back to the Slate Belt Heat 7 MR. KLEINTOP: Is your revised plan
8 Recovery Center. 8 going to still require filling in part of the
9 MR. KLEI TOP: Okay. 9 quarry?
10 MR. ALLE : So that was the third 10 MR. ALLE : Yes. Well, modifying the
II variance highlighted in the zoning officer's review II existing sediment basin.
12 letter. The fourth is the 50-foot setback from a 12 THE CHAIRMA : Just for a point of
13 lake, stream, river or pond. 13 information, and I know I have never addressed this,
14 We're going to be revising the plan to 14 but I imagine most of this audience already knows,
15 change the construction of the sediment basin 15 but every industry has its alphabet soup. Just a
16 modifications. We're also going to include more 16 little explanation. What is an E&S plan, what does
17 detail on the operation, inspection and maintenance 17 it stand for, and NPDES, so people who don't know,
18 of the sedimentation basin. 18 at least have an idea?
19 Right now it is -- we do have an E&S 19 MR. ALLE : Correct. So E&S is
20 plan in our land development set. I will note that 20 erosion and sedimentation control. Any time you
21 some deficiencies were noted in conversations with 21 move or disturb earth with any project you need to
22 DEP. I think that's consistent with the Hanover 22 have E&S controls in place. Part of the landfill's
23 Engineering review letter. that we need to put in 23 erosion and sedimentation control is Sediment Basin
24 information in regards to access for maintenance. 24 umber 2.
25 We need to put in clean-out stake 25 I guess the easiest way to explain the

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I sedimentation basin function is it gathers and holds I sludge trucks go there.
2 sediment latent water from the landfill during 2 [ TERESTED C[TlZE ['II take video
3 landfill development. This is a poor example, 3 for you if you want me to.
4 because it's so oversized. But typically you would 4 MR. ALLE : That would be great.
5 have routine cleaning out of the basins that could 5 THE CHA[RMAN: All right. [want to
6 involve dewatering it, getting in, removing, you 6 keep moving because we got a lot of things. I don't
7 know, deposited silt at the end of the basin. You 7 want to spend too much time on questions here. We
8 know, you typically have them for construction sites 8 have other issues.
9 which you may have or may not have seen. 9 MR. LA YMA : ['II be very short,
10 The NPDES permit, there's various 10 Mr. Levits. I'm sure we'll have a lot more
II PDES permits, but it's a non-point II questions when we actually see the plans. but just
12 discharge -- it's a permit for discharging water. 12 real quick question, [ understand the proposal is
13 So basically there is one associated with 13 for the trucks to come up from the south on 191,
14 construction activities and also ones with 14 it's not to come through Pen Argyl Borough on Pen
15 industrial activities. IS Argyl Road?
16 We are modifying the existing permit 16 MR. ALLE : That's correct.
17 for the landfill for the modifications to the 17 MR. LAYMA : Just because it does
18 sediment basin, and we're also applying for a new 18 involve and could have an impact with Pen Argyl,
19 industrial NPDES permit associated with the Slate 19 when you have the scoping meeting with
20 Belt Heat Recovery Center. 20 Penn DOT -- I'm sorry -- yeah, with Penn DOT, would
21 THE CHA[RMA : Anybody on the board 21 there be any problem with not only the township
22 have any other questions? Any quick questions from 22 being invited, but the borough being invited?
23 the audience? Real quick, please. I'll start here. 23 MR. ALLE : I would think it be
24 INTERESTED C[T[ZEN: Won't traffic 24 appropriate for the borough to be in attendance.
25 back up with trucks on Pen Argyl Road with that 25 The borough is -- you know, their jurisdiction is
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plan? I across the street, so [ think that's customary.
2 MR. ALLEN: The traffic generation is 2 MR. LAYMAN: [just wanted to make
3 pretty low for the facility. It's not -- it's not a 3 sure that we had a seat at the table. Thank you.
4 high traffic use. It actually would meet the 4 THE CHA[RMA : [had other hands over
5 definition -- 5 here.
6 [ TERESTED C[T[ZE : [disagree, 6 [ TERESTED C[TlZE : Quick question.
7 because [ travel that every day and [ see a number 7 Do you still need to cross the path? [n other
8 of sludge trucks already at 8 o'clock in the 8 words, will you only be using the one entrance or do
9 morning. So if you open at 6 o'clock in the 9 you need to use the recreational trail to get
10 morning, how many trucks will you be servicing an 10 around?
II hour and how could they not back up, because they're I I MR. ALLE : [fthe question was, was
12 currently backing up on 512 every day? 12 the trail ever restored?
13 MR. ALLE : And that's a great 13 INTERESTED CITIZE 0 no, if you go
14 question. [should have clarified this is just for 14 to the entrance that you showed, second
15 the Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center. [t will not be 15 entrance/exit, will you need to still use the
16 for the landfill trucks. 16 recreation, the township property that goes across
17 [ TERESTED C[T[ZEN: [understand 17 the northwest side of the plant?
18 that. So these are the sludge carrying trucks. 18 MR. ALLE o. We would still be
19 MR.ALLE : Correct. Sothere's 19 using it -- th is portion of the road for truck
20 only -- 20 movements just because it's available. But
21 [NTERESTED C[T[ZE : [see at least 21 hypothetically, if the trail was restored on the
22 four or five when [ go through there every day. So 22 township property, no, truck movements could occur
23 maybe all that sludge traffic is early morning 23 internally and then just use this driveway solely.
24 coming to the landfill currently. 24 Again, assuming this is restored to a pedestrian
25 MR. ALLE : [don't know how many 25 trail.

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2 center have to be shut down at that point') 2 accidents is one thing and the conditions of the
3 MR. ALLEI : I wouldn't see \\-hy it 3 roads, they haven't been traveling these roads for a
4 would need to be shut down_ 4 long time, to go to the dump. They've been going
5 THE CHAIRMAN: Ma'am. 5 512 the other way. The roads used to be in terrible
6 TERESTED CITIZEI : First of all. I 6 condition when the trucks were along these roads
7 would like to comment about the number of accidents 7 constantly. They were just tore up. And you you'd
8 that happened on 191 in Stockertown coming all the 8 have gullies in them because they use those roads
9 way up through Pen Argyl Road. turns off into Pen 9 all the time. So those are big issues besides the
10 Argyl at the comer and all the way into Delabole 10 dump.
1 I Road. motorcycles. cars. accidents. II THE CHAIRMA : Understood. And that's
J2 I live off that road and I can't tell 12 PennDOT and there will be a meeting. I hate to do
13 you how many times that they have to divert the 13 this. I do want everybody to speak. It was my
J 4 traffic from off all the other roads up and down 14 fault for going this path a little bit. We have a
15 from Belfast Road. When you come from Stockertown. 15 lot of other things to cover. We only have until 10
16 up 191 as you come up through. you get to where 191 16 o'clock.
I 7 goes into Bangor. 17 MR. GOODRlCH: Mr. Chairman, can I
18 The accidents there before that 18 just briefly address that, Ms. Beam's question?
19 intersection where Pen Argyl Road goes off over the 19 Just to the extent I believe those issues are going
20 years there's been dozens and dozens of bad 20 to be addressed in the analysis evaluation of our
21 accidents up at the grove right \"here Kesslerville 21 traffic expert.
22 Road goes off. motorcycles flying at 100 miles an 22 So those will be submitted moving
23 hour. the trucks. the cars flying. accidents. 23 forward to balance those safety issues that you've
24 Half the time the fence at the grove 24 raised at taking that route as opposed to the
25 is destroyed because of all the accidents. You go 25 current existing entrance.
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I into Pen Argyl Road at Delabole. people have been I MS. DI GLE: I have a question.
2 killed at that intersection. That's why they have 2 MR. GOODRlCH: Yes, ma'am.
3 the I O-foot stop signs. 3 MS.DI GLE: The traffic analysis, I
4 It's a lot of traffic. A lot of bad 4 know they studied and put out their counts and all
5 places. And you're going to have these trucks 5 of that stuff, but will they do an analysis of
6 coming up through. It's a concern. because 6 historical accidents at those intersections')
7 of -- just bad places. I don't know why. it just 7 MR. GOODRICH: I believe that would be
8 seems like we have a lot of accidents. I'm sure the 8 part of the report that they wou Id do an historical
9 people that live here know that and see it. We hear 9 analysis of accidents.
10 the sirens going. 10 MS. DINGLE: They are very windy,
II The other issue is that they II hilly and snow drifting.
12 haven't -- 12 MR. GOODRICH: Yes, I live in the
13 THE CHAIRMAI : Ma'am. I don't mean to 13 Slate Belt and I'm familiar with that.
14 cut you off. I need your name for the record. 14 MS. DINGLE: There's a lot of school
15 TERESTED CITIZEN: Millie Beam. 6299 15 bus routes.
16 Hower Road. Pen Argyl. 16 MR. GOODRICH: They would be
17 THE CHAIRMA : This is really -- [ 17 addressing those issues and looking at those issues
18 said brief. That's my fault maybe for letting this 18 for both safety traffic flow and ease of use for
19 happen or is my fault for lelling this happen. but I 19 both locations.
20 needed brevity. because we have other things. This 20 THE CHAIRMA : Okay. Is there
21 is only preliminary. You'll have plenty of time in 21 anything else you wanted to present real quick?
22 the future to make these exact comments on the 22 MR. ALLE o.
23 record directly addressing these issues when they 23 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. What I want to
24 make the full submission. All of this stuff is 24 do now is actually go back to the last meeting, and
25 going to be in the future. this application. 25 I cut off the last presenter who really didn't have

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time and I forget your name. Tracy Carluccio. I and that indicates that the regrading of the
2 INTERESTED CITIZEN: Yes. Thank you. 2 existing water body is going to change from its
3 THE CHAIRMAN: And pick up where you 3 present configuration.
4 left off. Tracy. 4 We assume that's going to be by the
5 I TERESTED CITIlEN: I'm deputy 5 placement offill, but there hasn't been a lot of
6 director of the Delaware River Keeper etwork and 6 discussion of how that will be done.
7 I'm representing our members in the region here. 7 So our consultant did look at
8 I'm going to be submitting on the 8 historical documents and saw that it would require
9 record a letter that has been prepared by a 9 substantial refiguring of that substantial water
10 professional engineer that we engaged to look at the 10 body. So our concerns are really related to that
II issue of water body. The existing water body. which 1I and also to the wastewater.
12 is in the form of a quarry. is being planned to be 12 [ guess our flrst question, and then
13 modified as part of the project as a sediment basin. 13 I'll go quickly through our others is, will the
14 And the conclusion of the engineer is 14 applicant be providing a 100-foot buffer?
15 that it does meet the definition of a water body. I 15 MR. HECHT: We haven't had a chance to
16 brought this up at the last meeting briefly. But I 16 even look at your letter.
17 did want to put on the record. I brought II copies. 17 INTERESTED CITIZE In your plans,
18 so I think there should be enough. 18 are you going to be providing a 100-foot buffer?
19 And I'll send in an electronic copy as 19 Are you going to complying with the township's
20 well. 20 100-foot buffer ordinances?
21 MR. GOODRICH: We would obviously. you 21 MR. GOODRICH: We are in compliance
22 know. request a copy of whatever is being provided 22 with the township's zoning ordinances. I would like
23 to the board. 23 at very least the opportunity to review the report
24 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes. 24 and the author is obviously not here, so I would
25 MR. GOODRICH: I don't know who the 25 like the opportunity to review this before we start
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I engineer is or to what extent the proposal has been I answering questions about it.
2 written. There is no record for purposes of the 2 MR. BACKE STOE: Well, 1mean, she has
3 planning commission, so this person has not been 3 a right to ask these questions.
4 provided as an expert here to testify or anything of 4 MR. GOODRlCH: She certainly may
5 that nature. I just want to make that clear and I'd 5 comment.
6 also ask for a copy. 6 MR. BACKE STOE: We would hope that
7 INTERESTED CITIZEN: Also, the 7 the applicant can answer those questions. If the
8 engineer states that -- the engineer's opinion is it 8 applicant is telling you they simply can't do it
9 also meets the definition of a watercourse in 9 tonight, you don't have a choice but to let them
10 Plainfield Township's subdivision and land 10 defer and answer that at a later date.
II development ordinance. 11 THE CHAIRMA : Okay.
12 So correspondingly, the proposed site 12 INTERESTED CITIZE : 1have follow-up
13 improvements must meet the requirements of the 13 questions related to that.
14 township's specifically Chapter 22, repairing 14 MR. BACKE STOE: Yes, please.
15 wetland buffers. 15 INTERESTED CITllE : So the drainage
16 So our concern that we brought up last 16 plan does not indicate the current water body
17 time is that the repairing wetland buffers says 17 surface elevation. Do you have that elevation and
18 that -- requirement says that 100 feet from the top 18 can you prov,ide it?
19 of the stream bank of a watercourse is to be 19 MR. GOODRICH: It's not noted on the
20 required, and that is not required in the 20 plan?
21 application. It has not been submitted in the 21 I TERESTED CITIlE : The current
22 application. 22 surface water elevation, can you provide that then
23 And also the drainage plan shows that 23 or tell us where it is in the plans?
24 there is a plan to fill in part of that sediment 24 MR. ALLE : I believe on sheet C7.
25 basin. The -- that is the site plan drainage plan, 25 INTERESTED CITIZE : While he's

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I looking that up, do you want me to go forward? I application to Pennsylvania DEP as well.
2 THE CHAIRMA : Yes. 2 Where does the existing storm sewer
3 TERESTED CITIZEI : What is the 3 system and the access drive discharge to?
4 proposed fill material and the process to create the 4 And we would just like to note that
5 proposed final grades? There's no discussion of 5 there is no true known discharge sediment basin as
6 that in the application. 6 it has been discussed as a no-discharge sediment
7 MR. GOODRICH: I apologize. I'm 7 basin. The township ordinance does require an
8 trying to read this for the first time. 8 emergency outfall. emergency spillway. and also an
9 INTERESTED CITIZEN: You want me to go 9 outfall. and there is an outfall. of course.
10 through-- 10 identified on the PDES application. There's a
II MR. GOODRICH: If you have comments. I I statement that it does not discharge to the surface.
12 you can certainly note it and I'll respond. 12 then where does it discharge to?
13 INTERESTED CITIZE : Will the water 13 I would like to know if you've
14 body be pumped to place the fill? And ifso. will 14 resubmitted your revised plans to the Lehigh Valley
15 the water be tested? Will the sediments be tested? 15 Planning Commission after you received the
16 Where will the water be pumped to? Is it going to 16 inconsistency determination with the Act 167
17 require regular pumping and monitoring? 17 stormwater management ordinance from the director of
18 MR. GOODRICH: Can you slow down a 18 environmental planning?
19 little bit? I'm trying to write them down as you're 19 Also. have you submitted all required
20 going. 20 stormwater calculations to the state? Because
21 TERESTED CITIZE : To keep the water 21 they'll be very important in terms of analyzing the
22 level where you want it. will the former quarry pond 22 pond impacts in terms of the township ordinance as
23 have to be regularly pumped or continuously pumped? 23 well.
24 And if so. where would the water go to? 24 We have great concerns that the water
25 And what would be any sort of water 25 quality and quantity impacts of storm water from the
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I quality or quantity monitoring of that water? I changes that are going to be made and the use of the
2 And has the effect of the pumping of 2 stormwater basin are going to have negative impacts
3 groundwater on -- from the -- I'm sorry, from the 3 on the high quality stream of the Little Bushkill
4 pond on groundwater and the base flow to the Little 4 Creek, of the groundwater for the region and
5 Bushkill Creek been analyzed at all? 5 possibly even Waltz Creek, which is located not that
6 1saw that there was some discussion 6 far away.
7 of that in the letter that the engineer did, but 1 7 ow, we did have some questions
8 didn't see any definitive answer about a groundwater 8 related to wastewater that was not what was
9 study that shows what the impacts would be on the 9 submitted here tonight as one of the issues that
IO Little Bushkill Creek and groundwater possibly on 10 they're addressing. Shou ld I put them on the record
II the Waltz Creek as well. II or--
12 We're wondering how will the sediment 12 THE CHAIRMA : When you say
13 be handled during the placement of the fill, the 13 wastewater, domestic wastewater?
14 sediment that's already in the pond? 14 fNTERESTED CITIZEN: 0, no, the water
15 And are you going to be seeking a 15 that they're going be to hauling away.
16 Pennsylvania DEP permit for the filling in of the 16 THE CHAIRMA : The vice-chairman and I
17 pond since it is a water body and it's going to be 17 made a suggestion, and I agree, it would be nice if
18 modified? 18 you would submit all these questions in writing to
\9 Is there any proposal to change the 19 the township office, and then we can distribute it
20 water surface elevation permanently? And if so, can 20 to the applicant. to all the members, so we could
21 you please provide the proposed water surface 21 all see instead of trying to remember this. So, I
22 elevation that you're planning to maintain? 22 mean, how many questions are there?
We also would like to know if the fill I TERESTED CITIZE I just really
24 is going to be above the surface water elevation? 24 have one long question related to that and one short
25 All of this is relevant to the 25 question. You know, basically --

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THE CHA[RMAN: These are very good and I opportunity to finish my questions. I appreciate
2 valid and good questions. 2 it.
3 INTERESTED C[TIZEN: We didn't see the 3 MR. GOODRICH: To the extent that, you
4 truck wash area located on the plot. so that's a 4 know, that they're provided in writing and we could
5 simple one. I would like to know exactly where that 5 address them under the terms of the ordinance,
6 is. And. you know, mainly -- mainly our concern is 6 obviously we will.
7 related to the lack of the development of a plan for 7 MR. SIMPSON: You're not prepared to
8 the wastewater that would be backhauled. so our 8 answer tonight?
9 questions. and I'll submit them all. are long 9 MR. HECHT: We can answer some of
10 questions really related to what kind of research 10 them. I don't know if that would be helpful. What
II has been done in ew York. ew Jersey. Connecticut. II would be helpful to us if you can provide those
12 whatever states would be sending sludge to the 12 questions.
13 facility of their existing regulations to find out. 13 fNTERESTED CITIZEN: [fwhat?
14 is there going to be. you know. modifications of the 14 MR. HECHT: You can provide the
15 permits of treatment of wastewater treatment plants 15 questions sooner or later, because we are doing our
16 in order to take wastewater back. how are they going 16 revisions. If there's something in there that you
17 be to guaranteeing that the same constituents are in 17 would like to address, we can take them into
18 the wastewater -- in the sludge as they have sent 18 account.
19 down. 19 INTERESTED CITIZEN: Sure.
20 This is all relevant to the ational 20 MR. HECHT: Some of them we can answer
21 Pollution Discharge Elimination System or NPDES 21 those questions now.
22 permits that are required by these various state 22 THE CHAIRMAN: No, I don't want you to
23 agencies for the wastewater treatment plants that 23 answer. We have other things to get through. I cut
24 will presumably be sending the sludge to the plant. 24 her off short at the last meeting. I wanted her to
25 So we're concerned that there is very 25 have an opportunity to fmish. We need to get into
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I little detail on this. We think this is a huge [ the zoning review. If there's any time left to get
2 issue. We think that it's going to be very 2 back to the other public comment on top of that yet
3 difficult. and after the meeting last week -- last 3 tonight--
4 month. whenever that was. I guess it was in June. it 4 MS. DINGLE: Well. one comment.
5 was -- I was told that New York State has said that 5 though. currently. you are not -- you're not
6 they do not think that they would allow this 6 recognizing that basin as a regulated water body.
7 wastewater to be returned to their wastewater 7 correct. so you're not doing any PA DEP 105 permit')
8 treatment plants at all. 8 That's the biggest issue. I think.
9 So has there been any answer from the 9 INTERESTED CITIZEN: Exactly.
10 New Jersey plants? There has been a discussion made [0 MS. D[NGLE: That's a straightforward
II about the two facilities that would be accepting the II answer. you know. that right now, you know. how
12 Passaic Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant and the 12 that's going to be addressed on your plans.
13 Parsippany Troy Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant. 13 MR. PULLAR: Tom Pullar. senior
14 but has there been an analysis of what their 14 project manager for EarthRes. Working on the
15 capacity is and whether or not they would have to 15 application. working with Dave. more on the DEP
16 modify their permit? 16 pennitting. NPDES. the solid waste pennitting. the
17 I mean. all of these are really big 17 sediment basin 2. it's an existing stonnwater
18 questions that we feel are woefully missing from the 18 management design. stormwater management sediment
19 infonnation that's been provided so far and we feel 19 basin for Grand Central. It used to be the Doney II
20 that it's essential to the environmental impact 20 Quarry. [t was closed and then modified as part of
21 requirement. Thank you very much. I'll send them 21 the Grand Central Sanitary Landfill permit.
22 in writing. 22 MS. D[ GLE: Have you had a
23 THE CHA[RMAN: Again. if you submit 23 jurisdictional determination?
24 them in writing. we would really appreciate that. 24 MR. PULLAR: I'm sorry.
25 INTERESTED C[TIZEN: Thank you for the 25 MS. DINGLE: Have you had a

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I jurisdictional termination of that? I from just the Slate Belt portion of this facility
2 MR. PULLAR: For out here? There are 2 going into sedimentation basin 2. So that's the
3 wetlands on the site. We have not done any in the 3 NPDES permit that was applied for. It is an
4 basin. It's an existing sedimentation basin while 4 individual permit for industrial storm water runoff
5 it's regulated by DEP. It's exempt from the Chapter 5 from industrial activities.
6 105 regulations because it is a sedimentation basin 6 Part of that was addressing the
7 and the sedimentation basin design was approved by 7 stormwater run off and also the containment for
8 DEP waste management, again, as part of the Grand 8 unloading areas, the containment for the wastewater
9 Central Sanitary Landfill. So it is an existing -- 9 storage tank and how that's managed. So that's all
10 MS. DI GLE: We need something from to part of that application.
II DEP stating that. II MS. DI GLE: Have you done any studies
12 MR. PULLAR: Yes, we will-- 12 to determine where the water does go? I mean,
13 MS. Dl GLE: Based on the waterway, do 13 you're saying it doesn't infiltrate?
14 you guys have that permission to hydrologically 14 MR. PULLAR: No, no, we're saying it
15 connect to surface water or groundwater, to other 15 is a zero -- does not discharge surface water.
16 water? It should be regulated as such. 16 MS. DJ GLE: So when you have a
17 MR. PULLAR: Again. it's regulated as 17 groundwater connection in a high quality watershed
18 a -- under -- it's exempt from 105 permitting. It 18 to Little Bushkill or Waltz Creek or to the public
19 wi II be covered under the perm it appl ication that 19 water supply, a lot of us are on wells, what kind of
20 was submitted to DEP for Grand Central, because it's 20 analysis have you done to know what infiltration
21 part of their storm water management facility. So 21 rate you have from that basin and what is going to
22 that application has been submitted to DEP. It's a 22 be put in?
23 minor mod to their application. 23 MR. PULLAR: We have done an analysis
24 We have talked to DEP waste management 24 of whether it would discharge or not. There's
25 about that. We have talked to the clean water 25 monitoring of groundwater associated with Grand
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I program about the NPDES permits, because it's in I Central. There's monitoring the surface water at
2 conjunction with the NPDES for the Slate Belt 2 Grand Central.
3 facility as well as since it overlays on the Grand 3 MS. DI GLE: Monitoring in what
4 Central property, the NPDES permit for Grand 4 capacity? Water quality? Have you done any
5 Central. So we have talked to them about that and 5 modeling? Do you understand the groundwater
6 this is the direction that we've been given. 6 discharge from that basin?
7 It is exempt from the 105 regulations. 7 MR. PULLAR: I don't believe we've
8 It's covered under the solid waste perm it and that's
8 done any specific modeling from where that
9 basically how the permitting goes. 9 groundwater goes. We have evaluated the
10 The basin -- the quarry that was there 10 groundwater. I mean, that's done basically on a
II was modified to the basin design that's there now. I I quarterly basis, evaluating groundwater contours,
12 It was filled in. It was filled in with onsite 12 where it goes in the site to make sure that the
13 material. 13 monitoring program is, you know -- is, in fact,
14 MS. DI GLE: J know, but less actively 14 monitoring groundwater correctly.
15 managed. A water basin, a lot of times they are 15 So that is something that we've
16 regulated as a water body. And this that you 16 actually talked to DEP about, and I'm part of the
17 submitted has not maintained or managed really. It 17 monitoring program that's going to come out of this
18 was left amuck and it is now functioning probably as
18 permit, will be monitoring for the landfill runoff
19 a well or water body. 19 going into the basin, the mon itoring of the Green
20 But that aside, are you also doing an 20 Knights discharge basin and the monitoring of the
21 anti-degradation for the PDES permit? 21 runoff from the Slate Belt facility.
22 MR. PULLAR: We submitted that 22 So there will be independent surface
23 application to DEP. We're waiting to hear back. We 23 water monitoring of what's going into the basin.
24 comply with their requirements. But the PDES 24 And that's pretty much -- we don't know -- we're
25 permit for Slate Belt was submitted for the runoff 25 working on the specifics. J don't have those

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specifics right now. It's just hasn't been 1 MR. GOODRlCH: Right. Part of the
2 detennined and it's too early in the process. 2 permitting process is --
3 MR. KLEINTOP: Do you have a letter on 3 MR. PULLAR: Right, there will be a
4 DEP letterhead stating that you are exempt from a 4 public hearing that you can express these concerns
5 105 permit') Because if you have that. I would like 5 directly to DEP. You can submit testimony, written
6 to see that sooner rather than later. 6 testimony and the letters -- I'm sorry, those
7 MR. PULLAR: That is something that we 7 questions, letters, we would be glad to answer, but
8 will try to get. I do not have a specific letter on 8 you can also submit them to DEP.
9 that. It's just been in our discussions with the 9 INTERESTED CITIZE We need those
10 department. We've had discussions. We've told 10 answers now.
I 1 them. you know. what was proposed and \\'e are 11 MR. PULLAR: We'll get you as many as
12 following the direction we were given. So that is 12 we can.
13 something that we will work together -- 13 MR. KLEI TOP: Your discharge as it's
14 MR. KLE TOP: That is a quarry hooked 14 shown on your current plan, I know it's going to
15 up into the aquifers to the groundwater. It would 15 change. But at least as I understand it, your
16 be amazing to me that DEP would be foolish enough to 16 discharge as I understand is currently headed for
17 put their signature on such a letter. 17 the Waltz, rather than the Little Bushkill. ot
18 MR. PULLAR: We'll -- we're working 18 that I don't have concerns about the water table in
19 with the department right now. 19 the Little Bushkill as well, but your discharge, as
20 MS. DINGLE: As you know. there's 20 it's proposed, is going across Pen Argyl Road into
21 divisions in DEP. It sounds like you're going more 21 the Waltz.
22 through the industrial and sediment basin and PDES. 22 MR. PULLAR: There's really -- do you
23 You need to talk to the wetland biologist in the 105 23 have the pointer? It's difficult to see on this
24 chapter to determine if that's a regulated area. 24 plan. Most of the site -- can you hear me if I
25 MR. PULLAR: We've talked to the 25 stand back here? Most of the site -- parts of the

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I regional director and the damage to waterways was in I landfill drain into the basin this way and also over
2 our pre-application meeting. So that included all 2 land flow this way.
3 the programs in the region. [t was air. water. 3 The majority of this site. basically
4 waste. waterways. storage tanks. They were all at 4 this area. will go into the basin. There's a small
5 that meeting. so they were initially involved. 5 portion of the property along the entrance road and
6 And we've also subsequently had 6 basically areas where there's really not
7 corre pondence relative to that. as to whether it's 7 much -- there's really no industrial activity.
8 confinning if we need that pennit. If we need the 8 There is the driveway. This will drain into the
9 pennit. that's something that we would want to get. 9 Waltz Creek watershed.
10 We've been told that it's exempt. 10 It's basically sheet flow. It's from
II because it's -- while it's regulated. it's exempt I I this property. and it's a non-point source. It's
12 from 105 pennitting and that's through the dams and 12 something that we've talked to DEP about. They'll
13 waterways program. 13 make a determination on whether monitoring is
14 MS. DINGLE: I think we need that in 14 required.
15 writing as part of the application. 15 There's a portion over here that
16 MR. PULLAR: I understand. 16 drains to this ditch in front of the Green Knights
17 MR. HECHT: There is going to be a 17 facility. That is part of -- there is a
18 public hearing at DEP where citizens and electeds 18 sedimentation basin here. which has an PDES outfall
19 can come in and ask questions on how they're 19 for Grand Central. There is a surface monitoring
20 regulating and what their rationale is for how 20 point in this stream that is monitored. I believe.
21 they're regulating. 21 on a quarterly basis. And that goes down and does
22 TERESTED CITIZEN: I can't hear what 22 connect to -- this i an unnamed tributary of the
23 he said. 23 Little Bushkill Creek. which goes down that way.
24 THE CHAIRMA : Basically the statement 24 Those are basically the components of
25 was. they'll have a public hearing with DEP. 25 flow that comes off the Slate Belt facility.

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I Along with that, what we're going to I water by DEP's definitions. but it is exempt from
2 establish, I think I talked about it before, but 2 the dams and waterways regulations. It will be
3 just to show you on the plan, we're proposing -- 3 permitted as part of the sedimentation basin erosion
4 and, again, this isn't finalized, but it's 4 and sedimentation control under the wastewater
5 discussions with DEP, preliminarily discussing a 5 program as it is now.
6 monitoring point here for surface ,vater going into 6 MR. PETR CCI: Yes. but our township
7 the basin. There would be outfall 00 I for Slate 7 zoning ordinance defines -- requires an open space
8 Belt, which would be at this point, which is after 8 buffer of 50 feet between a watercourse. So if it's
9 the surface runoff goes through a vegetative swale 9 a body water. the 50-foot buffer would still apply.
10 and would be monitored at that point. And then 10 MR. P LLAR: Again. it is a
11 there would be a separate inlet that would be II sedimentation basin. It's a non-discharging
12 monitored for the Green Knight facility. 12 engineered designed structure so --
13 So three contributory sources to the 13 MR. PETRUCCI: You're saying it is a
14 basin for surface water would be monitored before it 14 regulated body of water --
15 gets into that basin. ~5 MR. PULLAR: Regulated by DEP. This
16 And then there's containment provided 16 is basically what -- you know. what we would go back
17 for this area, the unloading area, and this area 17 in with the revised plans.
18 which is the product loading area. And there's 18 THE CHAIRMA : All right.
19 containment provided around the wastewater storage 19 Mr. PETRUCCI: The township would need
20 tank, which is just a secondary containment in case 20 the opportunity to review the revised plan
21 there's a leak in the tank. 2\ obviously.
22 That water is generally clean. It 22 MR. GOODRICH: Absolutely.
23 would be tested. If it proves to be clean, it could 23 MR. PULLAR: Absolutely.
24 be released under the permit when it's issued. If 24 MR. PETR CCI: We're not going to
25 it is contaminated, it would be handled as 25 determine it right now at 9:45.

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I wastewater and taken off site. 1 MR. GOODRICH: Oh. no. And we're not
2 Those are basically where the surface 2 asking you to determine it.
3 water is -- how it's managed at the site and how it 3 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm going it segue this
4 will be monitored. 4 into the next step here. which. again. is your our
5 THE CHAIRMA : Okay. Anything else 5 township administrator to highlight some of the
6 for an overview right now? 6 zoning review letters from March 20th. 2018. We
7 MR. PULLAR: That's it. There was a 7 have yet to even touch on this at a public meeting.
8 lot there. We'll get you the information as soon as 8 and tom is going to hit the high points right now.
9 we get -- 9 correct? It is 39 pages long. We're supposed to be
10 THE CHAIRMA : Our administrator has a 10 out of here in about 15 minutes.
1I quick question. II I see one of the firemen over there
12 MR. PETR CCl: How do the revised plan 12 staring me down. because he doesn't want to be here
13 specifically address 27-505 Development Along Water 13 any longer than he has to be and I don't blame him.
14 Bodies in the zoning ordinance? Can you show on 14 So that being said. I don't think
15 there ho\\' that addresses it? 15 we're going to get to the public tonight. I wish we
16 MR. P LLAR: Is that the repairing 16 were. But -- so we had a full agenda. Again. we're
17 buffer? 17 nowhere near the finish line on this project. so
18 MR. PETR CCI: That's the 50-foot open 18 there's going to be ample time. There's going to
J 9 space requirement between any bodies of water and 19 DE? meetings. and who knows how many other meetings
20 water courses. 20 and applications will have to be submitted. At this
21 MR. PULLAR: Again. \ve're saying it's 21 point. Tom. do you want to take over?
22 a sedimentation basin. 22 MR. PETRUCCI: I'll provide a brief
23 MR. PETRUCCI: But it's a regulated 23 overview.
24 body of water. 24 The proposed facility falls under a
25 MR. PULLAR: It is a regulated body of 25 material separation facility as defined within

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27-202 of the zoning ordinance. So the land I Under part -- under the requirements
2 development plan show a combination of two principal 2 for the three acres with -- for a facility with a
3 uses permitted by right and their accessory uses. 3 capacity to treat or dispose up to 300 tons of solid
4 So the zoning officer is in agreement that the 4 waste, the applicant has -- the proposed lot size is
5 combination of the two principal uses and their 5 12.05 acres. And there are two uses on the lot.
6 accessory uses are permitted by right in the solid 6 So the zoning officer is asking the
7 waste processing and disposal district on the same 7 applicant to delineate the area that is specifically
8 lot as per 27-3\9. 8 part of the Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center/Material
9 So those two uses that are 9 Separation Facility and what is identified for use
10 specifically allowed in that district with multiple 10 by the Green Knight Landfill Gas-to-Energy plant,
II uses, unlike other areas of the township's zoning II which is the Refuse Derived Fuel Facility.
12 ordinance. are the material separation facility and 12 To the applicant. Is the revised
13 the refuse derived fuel facility. 13 plans going to address that issue?
14 So the material separation facility is 14 MR. GOODRlCH: Yes.
15 a permitted-by-right use within the solid waste 15 MR. PETRUCCI: Okay. Thank you. So
16 processing and disposal district only. And there's 16 the next item identified by the zoning officer was
17 several requirements that fall under the 17 that a covenant shall be placed on the recorded land
18 permitted-by-right use as set forth in 27-316 of the 18 development plan, which limits the capacity of the
19 zoning ordinance. And there are six of them -- or 19 applicant to treat or dispose waste up to 400 tons
20 seven of them. I'm sorry. 20 of waste per day.
21 The first is. the site shall contain 21 The purpose of that request is to
22 at least three acres for any facility with a 22 eliminate any future ambiguity as to the number of
23 capacity to treat or dispose of the 300 tons of 23 tons of waste being treated or disposed in the
24 solid waste per day. The size of the site shall be 24 future. For example, a 12.05 acre lot that is
25 increased by two additional acres of land for each 25 dedicated solely to the material separation facility
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I additional capacity of 100 tons per day or fraction I use, would permit the applicant to treat or dispose
2 thereof. 2 of up to 750 tons per day.
3 Entrances and exits to the facility 3 There should not be any future
4 shall be separated and clearly designated. 4 ambiguity on the part of the township or the
5 Entrances and exits shall be at least 30 feet in 5 applicant with respect to how many tons of waste the
6 width and shall be located along either an arterial 6 applicant wishes to treat or dispose per day or now
7 or collector road. 7 in the future.
8 All access roads shall be paved. 8 Is the applicant going to comply with
9 Measures and procedures to prevent and 9 that request or are the revised plans going to
10 minimize fire hazards shall be established and 10 address that?
II practiced at the facility. A report describing II MR. GOODRICH: Yes.
12 these procedures will be provided to the township. 12 MR. PETRUCCI: Okay. Thank you.
13 Each faci Iity shall be operated and 13 So the first variance that was
14 maintained in such a manner as to minimize health 14 identified, based on the previous plans that were
15 hazards, odor, dusts, noise, environmental IS submitted, was the fact that the exits to the
16 degradation, unsightl iness and the attraction, 16 facility are not located along either an arterial or
17 harborage or breeding insects, rodents or vectors, 17 collector road.
18 as well as to eliminate conditions which create 18 In light of the infomlation tonight,
\9 safety hazards or impose an undue burden upon the \9 you know, I believe that the township should have
20 township or its municipal services infrastructure. 20 the opportunity to review the revised plans as
21 The operation of the faci Iity shall 21 indicated previously. Since the applicant has
22 comply with all applicable state and federal 22 identified the new plans in their belief would
23 regulations. The facility shall comply with the 23 comply, so the zoning officer would just need to
24 performance standards in this chapter, which is 24 confirm that.
25 under part 5. 25 MR. GOODRlCH: Agreed.

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I MR. PETRUCCI: Okay. Thank you. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
2 The next item is the proposed 2 or any of its divisions. ob iously we would be
3 driveway, access roads, and loading areas are shown 3 providing copies if the township wishes to have
4 in the plan as areas to be paved. There was one 4 copies of either their approvals. or if there's
5 that's -- you know, the zoning officer determined 5 tests and analy es that's performed by them. to
6 that that was in compliance. 6 allow the township to see those: i that the
7 Measures and procedures to prevent and 7 question?
8 minimize fire hazards shall be established and 8 MR. PETR CCI: Well. I guess the
9 practiced at the site or facility. A report 9 question is whether the planning commission is
10 describing these procedures shall be provided to the 10 looking for more information above and beyond that.
II township. The applicant has indicated that they II MR. GOODRICH: Above and beyond the
12 will comply with the ordinance with all applicable 12 regulations')
13 building and fire codes, a written report 13 MR. PETRUCCI: Well. the zoning
14 demonstrating facility compliance with applicable 14 ordinance specifically requires certification of
15 codes and standards and wi II be subm itted by the 15 tests. So is part of your permitting -- so you're
16 applicant as part of the building permit building 16 saying you're performing the certification of the
17 submission. 17 tests currently? I guess we would need to see that
18 The reports shou ld be to the 18 and review it and determine if it meets the zoning
19 satisfaction of the fire department ch ief, the 19 ordinance.
20 zoning officer, the township building code official 20 MR. HECHT: Well. we'll get a permit
21 and the emergency management coordinator. 21 that has conditions in it. Part of the conditions
22 Is that still the intent of the 22 are our monitoring and reporting. And as we said
23 applicant at this point? 23 before. we're prepared to share that with the
24 MR. GOODRICH: Yes. 24 to\\-nship.
25 MR. PETRUCCI: Okay. Number 5 was 25 MR. PETR CCI: Okay.
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I basically the new distance provision, with respect I MR. HECHT: So, what they require,
2 to the additional requirements. The applicant has 2 we'll share with you. And as then as we comply,
3 indicated that evidence of all required state and 3 we'll share that with you.
4 federal permits required for operation and the 4 MS. 01 GLE: If I may, Tom. In
5 results of all required compliance reviews and 5 addition, though, the township ordinance requires
6 notifications to regulatory agencies will be 6 that we have to -- that you have to minimize health
7 submitted to Plainfield Township at the time of the 7 hazards, odors and noise. If we feel additional
8 building permit application submission. 8 testing is required to understand the potential
9 So they have submitted their, as 9 health hazards, that is part of the ord inance for
10 indicated earlier, PA DEP permit applications. 10 this.
II So the zoning officer is requesting II So, yes, there may be some additional
12 that as a condition of any future approval of this 12 requirements beyond the permits.
13 proposed use and the occupancy of any proposed 13 MR. HECHT: It would be helpful for us
14 structure associated with this use, that evidence of 14 to know what those are as we're designing the
IS all performance standards complied with shall be 15 facility. So I don't know how you --
16 provided via certification of tests by appropriate 16 MR. GOODRICH: Are you talking about
17 government agencies or be recognized testing 17 the section --
18 laboratories, with the costs to be borne by the 18 MR. HECHT: We're currently only
19 applicant, pursuant to 27-410, Performance and 19 addressing what's required by state regulations.
20 Traffic Impact Requirements. 20 MS. DI GLE: That's why we keep
21 Is that -- I don't believe that's been 21 reiterating these.
22 addressed at the current time. 22 MR. HECHT: We would need to know what
23 MR. GOODRICH: With respect the 23 they are.
24 to -- with respect to the testing performed and 24 MR. KLEINTOP: Are you considering an
25 reviewed by the reviewing government entities like 25 environmental impact study?

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I MR. HECHT: No. Unless the state I THE CHAIRMA It's 10 o'clock. We
2 requires it, no, we're not. 2 can't go past 10 o'clock. Do you want to discuss
3 INTERESTED CITIZE o. you're not 3 the next planning commission meeting. We have to
4 requiring it? It's mandatory. 4 come up with a schedule. We'll have to table this.
5 MR. HECHT: If it's mandatory, then 5 MR. BACKENSTOE: We can't -- you will
6 we'll do it. But we don't believe right now the 6 have to pick a new date.
7 state requires it. 7 THE CHAIRMA : It's 10 o'clock or a
8 INTERESTED CITIZE : Then you're in 8 little past 10 o'clock already. So what we're going
9 violation of the Environmental Justice Act. 9 to have to do is table this for tonight, and then
10 MR. PETRUCCI: I'm only on the first 10 just our attorney won't be available at our next
II section. II regular scheduled meeting, so we'll have to look at
12 I TERESTED CITIZE : Can I have a list 12 an alternative date for the next meeting.
13 of the local ordinances spelling out what tests are 13 MR. BACKE STOE: You can have your
14 needed? I would suggest that they get a letter 14 regular meeting and have your associate there, but I
15 format saying that A, B, C, D, E. 15 want to be there the next time Synagro comes back.
16 MS. DINGLE: At this point we have 16 THE CHAIRMA : Can I get a motion to
17 other consultants that are working on that, because, 17 table the Synagro application for tonight?
18 again, the ordinances aren't specific because we 18 MR. SIMPSO : I make that motion.
19 don't know what kind of developments or projects 19 THE CHAIRMAN: Do I have a second?
20 we're going to have. 20 MS. DI GLE: Second.
21 But we do have to ensure the health of 21 THE CHAIRMA : Questions,
22 the residents through this ordinance. That is 22 comments -- one question in the audience?
23 something, I guess -- Tom, I don't know if that's 23 INTERESTED CITIZE : Is there any way
24 something that some of our expert consultants can 24 that you can have a meeting where the residents get
25 put together or provide. 25 more time to ask questions instead of an hour or a
Page 59 Page 61
I MR. PETRUCCI: I'll have to coordinate I half an hour?
2 with them. 2 THE CHAIRMAN: As you saw what
3 MR. GOODRICH: If there are certain 3 happened here tonight, there was a lot of other
4 things that you are looking for, we would be happy 4 issues on the agenda and it was at the request of
5 to listen to the comments and see exactly what 5 the applicant to be here tonight during the regular
6 you're looking for. I don't know that we can agree 6 meeting.
7 above and beyond the required regulation testing to 7 I think the last meeting there was
8 simply allow whatever type of testing. 8 quite a bit of time for the -- for the public to
9 INTERESTED CITIZE : This company 9 make questions. And I'm not going to -- you know.
10 obviously does not care about -- 10 the public will not be ignored. You will not be
II THE CHAIRMAN: We're not going down II ignored. It's just -- it just might take more time.
12 that road, please. 12 That's alii can say.
13 MR. GOODRICH: Ifit can be listed as 13 Here we're stuck at 10 o'clock to be
14 to what sorts of testing you would be looking to 14 out. Last time we ran past. The school. we had a
15 obtain, then that would be helpful to us in making a 15 little bit more time with the school. But then the
16 representation to you. 16 school in June, you know, they're back up with all
17 THE CHAIRMAN: The testing is what the 17 their activities so we couldn't be there. The staff
18 supervisors have in the ordinance. 18 is not available in the summer. so now we have that
19 MR. GOODRlCH: To the extent that we 19 issue. So scheduling is difficult. Then trying get
20 would comply with the ordinance, we're going to 20 everybody together, you know.
21 comply with the ordinance. 21 But believe me, you're going to have
22 MR. SIMPSON: It would have to be our 22 your -- I will not ignore your requests this week
23 consultants. We'll consult our consultants and get 23 okay?
24 back to you with testing. 24 MR. KLEI TOP: I don't know who
25 MR. GOODRlCH: That's fine. 25 addresses this, Mr. Goodrich or Mr. Allen, but is

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I it -- is it your wish to have your -- or is it your I CERTIFICATE
2 intention, I guess I should say, to have your new 2
3 plan submitted in time for the August planning 3 I do hereby certify that the
4 commission meeting? 4 aforesaid hearing was taken before me, pursuant to
5 MR. GOODRICH: We do. We intend to 5 notice, at the time and place indicated; that said
6 submit that very, very shortly. 6 witnesses were by me duly sworn to tell the truth,
7 MR. HECHT: Which raises the question. 7 and nothing but the truth; that the testimony of
8 I mean, we were targeting off -- Monday is the 20th. 8 said hearing was correctly recorded in machine
9 You say the 19th? 9 shorthand by me and thereafter transcribed under my
10 MR. BACKENSTOE: I will not be here. 10 supervision with computer-aided transcription; that
II the hearing is a true and correct record of the
II I have planned trip a year ago --
12 testimony given by the witnesses; and that I am
12 MR. HECHT: We want you to go.
13 neither of counsel nor kin to any party in said
13 MR. BACKENSTOE: I could do it the
14 action, nor interested in the outcome thereof.
14 Wednesday or Thursday the following week.
15 MR. HECHT: You're talking about the
16 28th or 29th?
17 THE CHAIRMAN: I think what we're 18
18 going to have to do and see if people are available, 19 Charleen A. Eyer
19 again, trying to get everybody together. I know the Registered Professional Reporter
20 following Thursday I won't be available or the 20
21 following Wednesday. 21
22 So at this point, I don't think 22
23 there's any reason to spend time discussing that 23
24 other than the fact that it's going to be an 24
25 alternative date. 25
Page 63
I MR. GOODRlCH: Tom will coordinate
2 that with us.
3 THE CHAIRMAN: I have a motion and a
4 second to table. Any questions or comments? All
5 those in favor say Aye.
6 MS. DINGLE: Aye.
9 MR. BEAVAN: Abstain. One abstention.
10 THE CHAIRMAN: One abstention.
II I need a motion to adjourn.
12 MR. BEAVAN: Motion.
13 MS. DINGLE: Second.
14 THE CHAIRMAN: All those in favor say
15 Aye.
16 MS. DI GLE: Aye.
17 MR. SIMPSON: Aye.
19 MR. BEAVAN: Aye.
20 (Hearing adjourned at 10:02 p.m.)


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[& - ample] Page 1

& 27-316 50: 18 9:45 48:25 addresses 5:23

& 2:6 27-319 50:8 a 47:1561:25
27-410 55 :19 addressing 5: 13
o 27-505 47: 13
absolutely 48:22
001 46:7 48:23
28th 62:16 40:6 57: 19
abstain 3:21 63:9
1 29th 62:16 adjourn 63: 11
abstention 63:9,10
10 4:123:324:15 3 adjourned 63 :20
accepting 35: 11
60:1,2,7,861:13 administrator
30 51:5 access 7:13,18,21
100 22:2227:18 300 50:23 52:3 47:1049:5
8:1 9:1,9,15 10:6
28:14,18,2051:1 30th 3:3,6 aerial 7: 19
105 37:738:6,18 33 11:25 12:19 aforesaid 64:4
14:9,12,16 15:24
39:7 42:5,23 39 49:9 agencies 34:23
32:3 51:8 54:3
43:12 accessory 50:3,6 55:6,17
10:02 63:20 agenda 49:1661:4
accidents 12: 14
11 26:17 40 4:6 ago 5:21 62:11
12.05 52:5,24 400 52:19 agree 3:78:21
22:25 23:824:2
4949 1:23 33:1759:6
13 8: 11 25:6,9
134 2:7 5 accommodate
agreed 9:1 53:25
15 49: 10 5 51 :25 54:25 agreement 50:4
16 1:4 50 15: 12 47: 18 aided 64:10
account 36: 18
167 32:16 48:8,9 air 43:3
acre 52:24
18013 2:8 512 7:20,21 9:3 allen 2:136:4,6,7
acres 50:22,25
18013-1701 2:4 11:14 12:16 13:8 11:17,2012:9,15
180911:10 19: 1224:5 14:13 15:4,10
act 32:1658:9
18106 1:23 17:10,1919:2,13
6 action 64:14
191 11:18,24 12:5 19:19,2520:4,16
6 19:9 actively 39: 14
12:19,2420:13 20:2321:11,18
610.588.0224 2:4 activities 18: 14,15
22:8,16,16 22:3 25:2229:24
610.588.0484 2:8 40:561:17
1998 9:10 61:25
6299 23:15 activity 45:7
1999 7:20 allentown 1:23
641 2:3 addition 57:5
19th 62:9 allow 35:6 56:6
6480 1: 10 additional 5:6 7:3
2 65 10:10 7:6 16: 11,17,21
allowed 50:10
2 17:2437: 1740:2 50:2551:1 55:2
7 alphabet 17: 15
200 1:23 57:7,11
750 53:2 alternative 60: 12
2018 1:449:6 address 6: 17 17:5
8 24:1836:5,17 62:25
20th 49:662:8 amazing 42: 16
22 27: 14 8 19:8 47:1352:1353:10
ambiguity 52:22
24 6:25 9
addressed 5: 17
- 53:4
25 7:1 10:7,7,8 17:13 24:2037:12
90s 8:4 ample 49:18
27-202 50: 1 55:22

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[amuck - borne] Page 2
~ - -
amuck 39:18 appropriate 7: 17 author 28:24 41:2342:2245:1
analyses 56:5 14:21 20:2455:16 available 21 :20 45:4,1846:7,14,15
analysis 13:4 approval 9:23,23 60:1061:1862:18 47:2248:3,11
24:2025:3,5,9 55:12 62:20 basins 18:5
35:1440:20,23 approvals 56:4 aye 3: 17, 18, 19,20 basis 41:1145:21
analyzed 31 :5 approved 9:5,8 63:5,6,7,8,15,16 beam 23:15
analyzing 32:21 38:7 63: 17,18,19 beam's 24:18
answer 13:3 29:7 aquifers 42:15 b beavan 1:17 3:21
29:1031:835:9 area 6:197:2,24 63:9,12,19
b 58: 15
36:8,9,20,2337:11 8:89:1534:4 belfast 12:2,22,23
back 3:24 7:4,5,5
44:7 42:2445:4 46: 17 12:2422:15
answering 29: 1 46: 17,17,18 52:7 belief 53:22
15 :3,4,5,7 18:25
answers 44: 10 areas 6:21 16:2 believe 8: 10 24: 19
anti 39:21 40:845:650:11 25:729:2441:7
37:239:23 44:25
anticipate 11 :4,10 54:3,4 45:2053:1955:21
anybody 18:21 argyl 2:97:16,20 58:661:21
61: 16
apologize 11 :20 7:25 8:2,9,149:14 belt 3:24:11 15:7
backenstoe 1:20
30:7 10:14,17 11:19,19 16:13 18:20 19:15
applicable 51 :22 11 :24 12:7,20 25:1339:2,25
60:5,13 62: 10,13
54:12,14 13:19,20 15:2 40:1 41:21 45:25
backhauled 34:8
applicant 4:2 11:2 18:2520:14,15,18 46:852:8
backing 19:12
28: 1429:7,8 22:9,10,1923:1,16 beneficial 13:7
bad 22:2023:4,7
33:2052:4,7,12,19 44:20 best 14: 1,2
balance 24:23
53: 1,5,6,8,21 arterial 51:653:16 better 13:10
bangor 2:4,8
54:11,16,23 55:2 aside 39:20 beyond 56: 10,11
22: 17
55:1961:5 asking 49:2 52:6 57:1259:7
bank 27:19
application 4:20 assess 13:6 big 24:935:17
base 31:4
4:245:1,623:25 assessment 11 :6 biggest 37:8
based 38:1353:14
27:21,2230:6 associate 60: 14 biologist 42:23
basically 8:7 9:22
32:1,1037:15 associated 18: 13 bit 24:1430:19
10:9,23 14:23
38: 19,22,23 39:23 18:1940:2555:14 61:8,15
16:1718:13 33:25
40:1043:2,15 assume 28:4 blame 49: 13
55:860:17 assuming 21 :24 board 18:21 26:23
45 :3,6,10,24 47:2
applications 49:20 atlantic 1:22 bodies 47: 14, 19
55:10 attendance 20:24 body 26: 11,11,15
basin 15:15,18
applied 40:3 attorney 60: 10 16:19,20 17:11,23
apply 48:9 attraction 51: 16 30:1431:1737:6
applying 18:18 audience 17:14 39:16,1947:24,25
appreciate 35:24 18:23 60:22 48:9,14
36: 1 august 5: 1 62:3 borne 55: 18
40:2,21 41:6,19,20
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[borough - connect] Page 3
- -
borough 2:98:10 central 1:7 3: 1 8:4 21:6,1322:1,6 commission 1:2
8:14,18,20,22 12:4 8:259:13 14:12 23:1524:1 26:2,5 4:145:2,4,7 27:3
20: 14,22,24,25 37: 19,21 38:9,20 27:728: 1729: 12 32:1556:960:3
breeding 51: 17 39:4,541:1,2 29:15,21,2530:3,9 62:4
brevity 23 :20 45:19 30:13,2133:14,23 community 14:2
brief 5:423:18 certain 59:3 34:3 35:25 36: 13 com pany 3:25
49:22 certainly 6:229:4 36:1937:943:22 59:9
briefly 24: 18 30:12 44:958:3,8,12 compliance 28:21
26:16 certificate 64: 1 59:960:23 54:6,1455:5
broadway 2:7 certification 55:16 citizens 43: 18 compliant 5:22
brought 26: 16,17 56:14,16 civil 2: 13 6:7 6:21 7:1
27:16 certify 64:3 clarified 19: 14 complied 55:15
buffer 28: 14, 18,20 cetera 13:7 clean 15:2538:25 comply 39:24
47:1748:8,9 chain 9:20 46:22,23 51 :22,23 53:8,23
buffers 27: 15, 17 chairman 3: 1,6,9 cleaning 18:5 54: 12 57:2 59:20
building 54: 13, 16 3:16,234:13 clear 12:21 27:5 59:21
54: 16,2055:8 17:1218:2120:5 clearly 51:4 complying 28: 19
burden 51:19 21:422:523:13 closed 9:1737:20 components 45:24
bus 25: 15 23: 17 24: 11 ,17 code 54:20 com puter 64: 10
bushkill 31 :5,10 25:20,23 26:3,24 codes 54: 13,15 concern 23:6
33:340:1844:17 29:11 30:233:12 collector 51:7 27: 16 34:6
44:1945:23 33:16,1634:1 53: 17 concerned 14:24
c 35:23 36:2243:24 combination 50:2 34:25
47:5,1048:18 50:5 concerns 8: 12,17
c 58:15
49:359:11,17 come 10:6,15,15 28:1032:2444:4
c7 29:24
60: 1,7, 16, 19,21 10: 17,23,23 12:4 44:18
calculations 32:20
61 :2 62: 17 63:3 14:11,13 15:5 conclusion 26:14
call 3:23 9:6
63:10,14 20:13,1422:15,16 condition 24:6
capacity 35:15
chairperson 1: 14 41:1743:1960:4 55:12
41:4 50:2351:1
1: 15 comes 10:20 45 :25 conditions 11: 16
chance 28: 15 60:15 24:251:1856:21
care 59:10
change 14:6 15:15 coming 8:9 10: 13 56:21
carluccio 26: 1
28:231:1944:15 12:24 13:18 15:3 configuration 28:3
carrying 19: 18
changes 5:5,833:1 15:4 19:2422:8 confirm 53 :24
cars 22: 11,23
chapter 27:14 23:6 confirming 43:8
case 46:20
38:5 42:24 51 :24 comment 8: 15 conform 13:12
cemetery 7:25
charleen 64: 19 22:729:537:2,4 conforming 8:23
9: 19 13:20,21
chief 54: 19 comments 4:5,14 13:16
center 3:24:12
choice 29:9 4:155:7,126:16 conjunction 39:2
15:816:13 18:20
citizen 18:24 19:6 13:1423:2230:11 connect 9:3 38: 15
19: 15 22:2 52:8
19:17,2120:2 59:5 60:2263:4 45:22

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[connecticut - dingle] Page 4
connecticut 34: 11 copy 6: 1426: 19 d department 42:10
connection 40: 17 26:2227:6 42:1954:1956:1
d 58: 15
consideration corner 22:10 deposited 16: 1
damage 43:1
13: 14 correct 12:3,9 18:7
dams 43:1248:2
considering 57 :24 17:1919:1920:16 deputy 26:5
date 29:1060:6,12
consistent 15 :22 37:7 49:9 64: 11 derived 50: 13
constant 12: 13 correctly 41: 14 52: 11
dave 2:136:4,6
constantly 24:7 64:8 describing 5 1:11
constituents 34: 17 correspondence 54:10
david 1:20
construction 8:1543:7 description 5:5
day 19:7,12,22
15:15 18:8,14 correspondingly design 5:21 9:4
50:24 51: 1 52:20
consult 59:23 27:12 53:2,6 37:1838:739:11
consultant 11 :3,12 costs 55: 18 dedicated 52:25 designated 51:4
28:7 counsel 64:13 designed 12: 11
defer 29: 10
consultants 58: 17 counts 25:4 48:12
deficiencies 15 :21
58:24 59:23,23 couple 4:4 12:12 designing 57: 14
defined 49:25
contain 50:21 course 32:9 destroyed 22 :25
defines 48:7
containment 40:7 courses 47:20 definitely 13 :24 detail 14:2015:17
40:846:16,19,20 covenant 52: 17 16:635:1
definition 19:5
contaminated cover 24: 15 determination
46:25 covered 38: 19 definitions 48: 1 32:1637:2345:13
contemplated 39:8 definitive 31:8 determine 13:9
16: 14 create 30:4 51: 18 degradation 39:21 40: 1242:2448:25
continuously creek 31:5,10,11 49:256:18
51: 16
30:23 33:4,540:1845:9 determined 42:2
delabole 22: 10
contours 41: 11 45:23 23: 1 54:5
contracted 11 :2 cross 21:7 developer 4: 11
delaware 26:6
contracting 13:5 curb 8:23 delineate 52:7 development
contributory current 6:1424:25 15:20 18:327:11
46:13 29:16,21 44:14 54:14 34:747:1350:2
control 17:20,23 55:22 dep 8:7,16 9:8 52:18
48:4 currently 19: 12,24 15:22 16:10,22,24 developments
controls 17:22 37:544:1656:17 17:331: 1632: 1 58: 19
conversations 57:18 37:7,1538:5,8,11 dewatering 18:6
15:21 16:9 curve 8:2 38:20,22,24 39:23 different 5:23
coordinate 59: 1 customary 11 :9 41:1642:4,16,21 difficult 9:1235:3
63: 1 21: 1 43:18,2544:5,8 44:23 61: 19
coordinator 54:21 cut 23:1425:25 45:1246:548:15 dingle 1: 16 3: 11
copies 26: 17 56:3 36:23 49:1955:10 3:20 12:7,1025:1
56:4 dep's 48: 1 25:3,10,1437:4,10

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[dingle - eyer] Page 5

39:1440:11,16 documents 9:21 elevations 16:1 evaluation 13:4

41:342:2043:14 28:8 eliminate 51: 18 24:20
57:4,2058:16 doing 6:236:15 52:22 evening 6:6
60:2063:6,13,16 37:739:20 elimination 34:21 evergreen 7:24
directed 13: 13 domestic 33: 13 emergency 9:14 9:18 13:20
direction 39:6 doney 37:19 32:8,8 54:21 everybody 24:13
42:12 dozens 22 :20,20 empty 15:6 61 :2062:19
directly 23 :23 drain 45: 1,8 energy 22: 1 52: 10 evidence 55:3,14
44:5 drainage 27:23,25 engaged 26: 10 exact 10: 1023 :22
director 26:6 29:15 engineer 2:136:7 exactly 34:5 37:9
32:1743:1 drains 45: 16 6:1711:217:2 59:5
disagree 19:6 drifting 25: 11 26: 10,1427: 1,8 example 18:3
discharge 16: 18 drive 6:25 7: 13 31 :7 52:24
18: 1232:3,5,6,11 32:3 engineer's 4: 17 exempt 38:5,18
32: 1234:21 40: 15 driveway 7:16,25 27:8 39:742:443:10
40:2441 :6,20 8:39:5,16,19 10:3 engineered 48: 12 43:11 48:1
44: 13,16,19 10:5 11:14,15 engineering 15 :23 existence 7 :22
discharging 18: 12 12:16 14:14,23 ensure 58:21 existing 9:13
48: 11 21:2345:854:3 entertain 6:2 11:1417:1118:16
discuss 5:25 14:20 driveways 9: 14,25 entities 55:25 24:25 26: 11 28:2
60:2 duly 64:6 entrance 9: 16,22 32:2 34: 13 37: 17
discussed 32:6 dump 24:4,10 10:7 13:9,1621:8 38:4,9
discussing 46: 5 dusts 51: 15 21:14,1524:25 exists 14: 10
62:23 e 45:5 exit 10:7,16,25
discussion 28:6 entrances 51 :3,5 12:22,22 13:9
e 58: 15
30:531:635:10 environmental 14:1221:15
e&s 15:1917:16
discussions 11 :23 32:1835:2051:15 exiting 15:2
17: 19,22
42:9,1046:5 56: 1 57:25 58:9 exits 51:3,553:15
earlier 55: 10
disposal 50:7,16 erosion 17:20,23 expansion 8:5
early 19:23 42:2
dispose 50:23 52:3 48:3 expert 13 :5,25
earth 7:1917:21
52:1953:1,6 esquire 1:202:3,7 24:21 27:4 58:24
earthres 2:13,13
disposed 52:23 essential 35:20 explain 17:25
distance 55: 1 establish 46:2 explanation 17: 16
ease 25: 18
distribute 33: 19 established 51: 10 express 44:4
easiest 17:25
district 50:7,10,16 54:8 extend 9: 1
effect 31:2
disturb 17:21 et 13:7 extended 8: 1
either 51:653:16
ditch 45:16 evaluate 13:6 extension 3:3, 15
divert 22: 13 evaluated 13: 15 extent 11:624: 19
electeds 43: 18
divisions 42:21 41 :9 27: 1 36:3 59: 19
electronic 26: 19
56:2 evaluating 13:8 eyer 64: 19
elevation 29:17,17
41: 11
29:22 31 :20,22,24
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[facilitate - green] Page 6

f fine 59~25 fully 5:22 24: 1926:828:2,4

facilitate 8:9 14:22 finish 4:5 36: 1,25 function 18: 1 28:18,1930:16,20
49:17 functioning 39: 18 31:15,17,2433:1,2
facilities 35: 11
facility 10:5,16,16 fire 1:9 3:25 51: 10 future 23 :22,25 33:1534:14,16
10:20,23 14:9,15 54:8,13,19 52:22,24 53:3,7 35:237:1240:2
14:1715:5,5 16:7 firemen 49: 11 55:12 40:2141:17,19,23
19:334:1338:21 first 6:13 14: 15 g 42:2143:1744:14
39:340:141:21 22:628: 12 30:8 44:2046: 1,6
gap 1: 10
45:17,2546:12 50:21 53:13 58:10 48:2449:3,8,15.18
gas 52:10
49:24,25 50: 12,13 five 19:22 gated 9: 17 49:1852:13 53:8
50:14,2251:3,11 flow 25: 18 31 :4 53:958:2059:11
gathers 18:1
51:13,21,2352:2,9 45:2,10,25 59:2060:8 61:9
general 14:4
52:11,2553:16 flying 22:22,23 61:21 62: 18,24
generally 17:4
54:9,1457:15 follow 29: 12 good 6:634:1,2
fact 13: 10 41: 13 following 42: 12 goodrich 2:33:12
generation 19:2
53:1562:24 62:14,20,21 13:3,22 14:5
gertstenberg 1: 19
fall 50:17 foolish 42:16 24:1725:2,7,12,16
getting 12:25 18:6
falls 49:24 foot 6:25 7: 1 10:7 26:21,2528:21
give 4: 1,2 13 :23
familiar 25: 13 10:7,8 15:1223:3 29:4,1930:7,11,18
given 39:642: 12
far 33:635:19 28:14,18,2047:18 36:3 44: 1 48:22
64: 12
fault 23: 18.19 48:9 49:1 52:1453:11
glad 9:21 44:7
24:14 forget 26: 1 53:25 54:2455:23
go 4:6,18,245:15
favor 3:1663:5,14 form 26:12 5:15,246:3,87:5 56:11 57:1659:3
federal 51 :22 55:4 formalized 3:13 7:12 10:1,21 12:7 59:13,19,2561:25
feedback 14:22 formally 5:1 62:563:1
feel 11: 15 17:4 format 58:15 google 7:19
35:18,1957:7 former 30:22 government 55: 17
24:425:2428: 13
feet 10: 10 27: 18 forth 50: 18 55:25
30: 1,9,2440: 12
48:851:5 forward 24:23 grades 30:5
fence 22:24 30:1 grand 1:7 8:4.25
field 7:4 four 5:136:917:4 9: 13 14: 1237: 19
goes 21: 16 22: 17
figure 11:5 19:22 37:21 38:8,20
22: 19,22 39:9
fill 27:2428:5 30:4 fourth 15:12 41:9,1245:21,23 39:3,440:25 41:2
30:1431:13,23 fraction 51: 1 45:19
filled 39:12,12 frame 3:24 grant 3:1
going 3:23 4: 1,3,5
filling 17:831:16 frankly 16:4 gravel 7:3,8
final 30:5 front 45:16 great 19: 13 20:4
6:187:15 8:19
finalized 16:22 fuel 50:1352:11 32:24
10:21,22 11:13
46:4 full 8:323:24 green 41:1945:16
find 34: 13 49:16 46:1252:10
16:24 17:5,823:5
23: 10,25 24:4,14

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[groundwater - issues] Page 7
groundwater 31 :3 heat 3:24:11 15:7 ignore 61 :22 initially 43:5
31:4,8,1033:4 16:13 18:20 19:15 ignored 61: 10,11 inlet 46: 11
38:1540:17,25 52:8 ii 37:19 input 8:9
41:5,9,10,11,14 hecht 2: 124: 10,11 image 10:21 insects 51 :17
42:15 28:1536:9,14,20 imagine 17: 14 inspection 15: 17
grove 22 :21 ,24 43:1756:2057:1 ' impact 20: 18 intend 62:5
guaranteeing 57:13,18,2258:1,5 35:2055:2057:25 intent 54:22
34:17 62:7,12,15 impacts 31:9 intention 62:2
guess 7: 14 17:25 helpful 5:336:10 32:22,25 33:2 interchange 11 :25
28: 1235:4 56:8 36:11 57:13 59:15 important 7:14 12: 19
56: 17 58:23 62:2 hey 16:1 11:15 12:1632:21 interested 18:24
gullies 24: 8 high 19:4 33:3 impose 51 :19 19:6,17,2120:2
guys 38:14 40:1749:8 improvements 21:6,13 22:1,6
h highlight 16:2 27:13 23:1524:1 26:2,5
49:5 include 15:16 27:728:1729:12
half 5:209:122:24
highlighted 6:9,24 included 43:2 29: 15,21,25 30:3,9
15: 11 inconsistency 30:13,21 33:14,23
hall 1:9
highway 9:6 32:16 34:3 35:25 36: 13
handful 6: 10
hills 35: 13 increase 8: 13,13 36:1937:943:22
handled 3 1:13
hilly 25: 11 increased 50:25 44:9 58:3,8,12
historical 25 :6,8 independent 41 :22 59:9 60:23 64: 14
hands 21:4
28:8 indicate 29: 16 internal 10: 18,24
hanover 4:226: 17
hit 49:8 indicated 17:6 14:16 16:19
hold 15:6 53:21 54:11 55:3 internally 21 :23
happen 23:19,19
holds 18: 1 55: 1064:5 intersection 22: 19
happened 22:8
hooked 42:14 indicates 16:24 23:2
61 :3
hop 9:6 28:1 intersections 11 :5
happy 59:4
hope 29:6 individual 40:4 12:13 25:6
harborage 51: 17
hour 19: 11 22:23 industrial 16:9 invited 8: 11 11:9
hard 13:23
60:25 61: 1 18:15,1940:4,5 11: 11 20:22,22
hate 24: 12
hower 23:16 42:2245:7 involve 18:6 20: 18
hauling 33:15
huge 35:1 industry 17:15 involved 8: 1643:5
hazards 51: 10,15
hydrologically infiltrate 40: 13 involvement 8:6
51: 19 54:8 57:7,9
38:14 infiltration 40:20 island 10:8
headed 44: 16
hypothetically informal 5:5 issue 23: 11 26: 11
health 51: 1457:6
21 :21 information 15 :24 35:237:852:13
17:13 35:1947:8 61: 19
hear 23:939:23
53:1856:10 issued 46:24
43:2244:24 idea 14:4 17:18
infrastructure issues 6:23 20:8
hearing 43: 18,25 identified 32: 10
51:20 23:2324:9,19,23
44:463:2064:4,8 52:9,1653:14,22
64: 11
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[issues - mean] Page 8

61 :4 26:2531:2332:13 letter 4:6,17,18 looking 11: 14

item 52:1654:2 33:2534:5,6,14 5:14,166:10,17,24 16:1125:1730:1
items 16:4 36:4,1037:11,11 15:12,2326:9 56:1059:4,6,14
j 39:1440:2041:13 28: 16 31:7 42:3,8 lot 10:420:6,10
41:2442:11,20 42:1758:14 23 :4,4,824: 15
jeffrey 1: 17
44:1448:1653:19 letterhead 42:4 25:1428:539:15
jersey 34:11 35:10
54:557:14,15,22 letters 44:6,749:6 40:1947:850:8
jim 2: 12 4: 11 6: 8
58: 19,23 59:6 letting 23: 18,19 52:4,5,24 61:3
john 1: 18
61:9,16,20,24 level 30:22 low 19:3
jordan 2:6
62:19 levits 1: 14 20: 10 m
july 1:4
known 32:5 lezoche 1: 18
june 35:461:16 ma'am 22:523:13
__knows 17:1449:19 liberty 1:23
jurisdiction 20:25 25:2
I light 53:18
jurisdictional machine 64:8
lights 12: 12
37:2338:1 laboratories 55: 18 maintain 31 :22
limits 52: 18
justice 58:9 lack 34:7 maintained 39: 17
line 10:4 49: 17
k lake 15:13 51: 14
list 58: 12
-land 15:2027:10 maintenance
karasek 2:2 listed 59: 13
45:250:1,25 15: 17,24
keep 20:630:21 listen 59:5
52:17 major 5:5
57:20 little 17:1624:14
landfill 1:7 3:2 majority 45:3
keeper 26:6 30:1931:4,10
7:13,21,248:5,25 making 13:19
kesslerville 22 :21 33:335:140:18
9:13 10:22 11:3 59:15
killed 23:2 44:17,1945:23
11:21,23 12:5 managed 39: 15, 17
kin 64:13 60:8 61: 15
16:1618:2,3,17 40:947:3
kind 7:1234:10 live 22:1223:9
19:16,2437:21 management
40:1958:19 25: 12
38:941:1845:1 32:1737:18,18
kleintop 1: 16 3: 19 lie 2:2
52:10 38:8,21,24 54:21
11 :17 12: 1,21 loading 46: 18 54:3
landfill's 17:22 manager 1: 15
13:1814:3,8,25 local 8:658:13
lane 1:23 2:12,13 37:14
15:917:742:3,14 located 16:533:5
largest 10: 10 mandatory 58:4,5
44:1357:2461:24 34:451:653:16
latent 18:2 manner 51: 14
63 :8, 18 locations 25: 19
law 2:2 march 49:6
knight 46: 12 locked 9: 18
layman 2:6,720:9 market 2:3
52:10 long 9:824:4
20: 1721:2 material 16:3 30:4
knights 41 :20 33 :2434:949:9
leak 46:21 39: 13 49:25 50: 12
45: 16 longer 11 :23 49: 13
leaving 15: 1 50: 14 52:8,25
know 5:18 10:6,15 look 4:1911:7,13
left 13:1926:4 matthew 2:3
11:813:2114:19 11:1512:1626:10
37:139:18 mcfall 2:6
17:13,1718:7,8 28:7,1660:11
legal 1:22 mean 11: 18 23: 13
19:2520:2523:7 looked 8: 16
lehigh 32:14 29:233:2235:17
23:925:4 26:22
. 40:1241:1062:8
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[measures - opportunity] Page 9

measures 51 :9 monday 62:8 43:8,1444:9 observed 6:20

54:7 monitor 16:12,21 48:1953:2356:17 obtain 59:15
meet 19:426: 15 monitored 45 :20 57:2263:11 obviously 9: 18
27:13 46:10,12,1447:4 needed 17:3 23 :20 12: 17 26:21 28:24
meeting 3:24 4:4 monitoring 16:12 58: 14 36:648:21 56:2
5:28:1111:4,11 16:15,18,19 17:2 needs 10:20 16: 1 59:10
12:1820:1924:12 30:1731:140:25 negative 33:2 occupancy 9:6
25:2426:1635:3 neither 64: 13
41: 1,3,13,14,17,18 55:13
36:2443:2,549:7 41:19,20,2345:13 network 26:6 occur 21:22
60:3,11,12,14,24 45: 1946:6 56:22 never 17: 13 october 3:5,6
61 :6,762:4 month 3:25 4:4,25 new 14:14 18:18 odor 51:15
meetings 11: 10 35:4 34:11,11 35:5,10 odors 57:7
49:19,19 months 4:8 53:2255:1 60:6 office 2:2 16:10
meets 27:956:18 morning 19:9,10 62:2 33:19
member 1: 16,16 19:23 nice 33: 17 officer 1: 18 6:20
1:17 motion 3:7,8,9 noise 51:1557:7 7:1050:452:6,16
members 26:7 60:16,1863:3,11 non 18:1145:11 53:23 54:5,20
33:20 63:12 48: 11 55: 11
mention 7: 17 motorcycles 22: 11 north 10:1411:19 officer's 5: 14 6: 10
mentioned 4:21 22:22 northeast 16: 10 15: 11
6:87:10 move 6:18 17:21 northwest 21: 17 official 54:20
mid 1:228:4 movement 8:3 note 9:12 15:20 oh 49: 1
mile 9: 1 10: 18 30: 1232:4 okay 15:925:20
miles 22:22 movements 8:24 noted 5:147:12 25:2329:11 47:5
millie 23: 15 21 :20,22 15:21 29:19 52:1553:1254:1
minimize 51: 10, 14 moving 20:624:22 notice 64:5 54:25 56:25 61 :23
54:8 57:6 multiple 50:10 notifications 55:6 old 7:23 8:229:22
minor 38:23 municipal 51 :20 notifies 8:7 ones 18:14
minutes 4:249:10 municipalities 8:8 npdes 16:917:17 ongoing 14:6
missed 11 :21 8: 11 18:10,11,1932:10 onsite 39:12
missing 35: 18 municipali~ 8:6 34:21 37:1639:1 open 19:947:18
mod 38:23 n 39:2,4,21,2440:3 48:7
modeling 41 :5,8 42:2245:18 opening 4: 14
name 23:1426:1
modifications number 17:24 operated 5 1: 13
national 34:20
15:1618:1734:14 19:7 22:7 52:22 operation 7:23 9:9
nature 27:5
modified 26: 13 54:25 15:1751:2155:4
near 49: 17
31:1837:2039:11 o operations 9:15
need 14:15,15 15:7
modify 35:16 opinion 27:8
15:23,25 16:2 o'clock 4: 1 19:8,9
modifying 5: 19 opportunity 28:23
17:2121:7,9,15 24: 1660: 1,2,7,8
17:1018:16 28:2536:1,25
22:423:1436:25 61: 13
38: 1042:23 43:8
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[opposed - possibly] Page 10
- -

opposed 24 :24 56:15,21 57:9 37:7,21 38:19 44: 14,2446:3

order 3:246:3 particularly 8: 18 39:4,8,21,2540:3 47: 1248:20 50:2
13:1234:16 8: 18 40:4 41:18 42:5 52: 18 54:4 62:3
ordinance 5:22 parts 44:25 43:8,946:2453:1 planned 26: 12
6:2213:13,17 party 64: 13 54:1655:8,10 62: 11
27:11 32:7,17,22 passaic 35: 12 56:20 planning 1:2 5:2
36:547:1448:7 path 21:724:14 permits 9:25 17:3 27:331:2232:15
50:1,12,1954:12 paulI: 14 3: 15 18:11 34:15,22 32: 18 56:960:3
56:14,1957:5,9 paved 51:8 54:4 39:1 55:457:12 62:3
58:2259:18,20,21 pavement 7:7 permitted 48:3 plans 5:1920:11
ordinances 28 :20 pedestrian 12: 12 50:3,6,15,18 28:1729:2332:14
28:2258:13,18 21:24 permitting 9:20 37:1248:1752:13
original 9:23 11:3 pen 2:9 7: 16,20,25 37:16,1638:18 53 :9, 14,20,22
11 :21 8:2,9,149: 14 39:943: 1244:2 plant 14:10 15:1
originally 16: 14 10:14,1711:18,19 56:15 21:1734:2435:12
outcome 64: 14 11 :24 12:7,20 person 27:3 35:13 52:10
outfall 32:8,9,9 13:19,19 15:2 personally 8: 16 plants 34: 15,23
45:1846:7 18:2520:14,14,18 peter 2:7 35:8,10
overlays 39:3 22:9,9,1923:1,16 petrucci 1: 15 plausible 13:11
overreaching 7: 14 44:20 47:12,18,2348:6 please 18:2329:14
oversized 18:4 penndot 9:5,23 48: 13, 19,2449:22 31:2159:12
overview 47:6 10:111:5,612:18 52:1553:1254:1 plenty 23 :21
49:23 12:18 14:2220:20 54:2556:8,13,25 plot 34:4
p 20:2024: 12 58:1059:1 point 7:149:2
pennsylvania 1: 10 pick 4:3 26:3 60:6 13:11,16 16:19
p.c. 2:6
10:11 31:1632:1 place 17:2230:14 17:12 18:11 22:2
p.m. 63:20
56: 1 64:5 45:11,2046:6,8,10
pa 1:23 2:4,8 37:7
people 4:4 17: 17 placed 13:15 49:21 54:23 58: 16
55: 10
23:1,962:18 52:17 62:22
pages 4:649:9
performance placement 28:5 pointer 44:23
paige 1: 19
51:2455:15,19 31: 13 points 16:12,15,18
paperwork 3: 14
performed 55:24 places 23:5,7 49:8
parking 6:21 7:4,6
56:5 plainfield 1:2,9 pollution 34:21
parsippany 35: 13
performing 56: 16 8:109:427:10 pond 15:1330:22
part 8:5,12,25 9:3
period 9:7 55:7 31 :4,14,17 32:22
11 :22 12:17 13:4
14:5 17:8,2225:8 permanently plan 6:147:15 poor 18:3
31:20 10:413:115:14 portion 10:621:19
permission 38:14 15:2016:15 17:5 40:1 45:5,15
38:8,21 40:6,10
permit 9:6 16:10 17:7,1619:1 possibly 5:431:10
16:25 18:10,12,16 27:23,24,25,25 33:5
18:1931:1635:16 29:16,2034:7
52:1,853:4 54:16
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[potential - regional] Page 11
potential 57:8 48:5 42:7,18,2543:16 47:11
potentially 13:22 programs 43:3 44:3,11,2247:7,16 quickly 28: 13
practiced 51: 11 project 2:12,13 47:21,2548:10,15 quite 16:3 61:8
54:9 4:11 5:196:8 8:8 48:23 r
pre 43:2 17:2,2126:13 pumped 30:14,16
radiuses 8:23
predate 10:1 37:1449:17 30:23,23
raised 24:24
predicted 10: 19 projects 58:19 pumping 30: 17
raises 62:7
preliminarily 46:5 property 9:2 31:2
ran 61:14
preliminary 16:23 14:1221:16,22 purpose 52:21
rate 40:21
23:21 39:445:5,11 purposes 27:2
rationale 43 :20
prepared 26:9 proposal 20: 12 pursuant 55: 19
read 30:8
36:7 56:23 27:131:19 64:4
real 18:2320:12
preparing 4:20,24 proposed 6:21 8:5 put 9:9 10:3,11
present 1: 142: 1 10:4 11:13 14:14 15:23,2525:4
really 12:11 13:23
14:2025:21 28:3 27: 1230:4,5 26:1733:1040:22
presentation 4:3 31:2142:1144:20 42: 17 58:25
4: 13 5: 10,166:2,5 49:2452:4 54:2 q 35:2439: 17 44:22
presenter 25 :25 55:13,13
quality 31: 1 32:25 45:6,7
presumably 34:24 proposing 10:2,3
33:340:1741:4 reason 12: 16
pretty 19:3 41 :24 46:3
quantity 31: 1 62:23
prevent 51:9 54:7 protection 56: 1
32:25 received 32: 15
previous 12:5 proves 46:23
quarry 17:926: 12 recognized 55: 17
53:14 provide 16: 15
30:2237:2039: 10 recognizing 37:6
previously 10: 19 29:18,2231:21
42:14 record 2: 11 3:22
53:21 36:11,1449:22
quarterly 41: 11 23:14,2326:9,17
principal 50:2,5 58:25
45:21 27:233:1064:11
probably 9:7 provided 16:5
question 19:14 recorded 52: 17
12:23 14:21 39:18 26:2227:4 35: 19
20:1221:6,11 64:8
problem 20:21 36:4 46:16,19
24:1825:128:12 recovery 3:2 4: 12
problematic 12:25 51:1254:1055:16
33:24,2547: 11 15:8 16:13 18:20
12:25 providing 28:14
56:7,960:2262:7 19:1552:8
procedures 51:9 28: 1856:3
questions 4: 15 recreation 21: 16
51:1254:7,10 provision 55: 1
5: 11 6: 1 18:22,22 recreational 21 :9
process 4: 16 30:4 public 4:155:7 20:7,1129:1,3,7 refiguring 28:9
42:244:2 37:240:1843:18
29:1333:7,18,22 refuse 50:1352:11
processing 50:7,16 43:2544:4 49:7 34:2,9,1035:18 regards 15:24
product 46: 18 49:1561:8,10
36:1,12,15,21 16:9
professional 26: 10 pullar 2:1317:2
43:1944:760:21 region 1:2226:7
64:19 37: 13,13,2438:2
60:2561:963:4 33:443:3
program 8:7 39: 1 38:12,1739:22
quick 18:22,23 regional 16: 10
41:13,1743:13 40:14,2341:7
20:1221:625:21 43: 1
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[registered - secure] Page 12

registered 64: 19 request 26:22 reviewed 4: 18 5: 1 routes 13:6 14:23

regrading 28: 1 52:21 53:961:4 9:455:25 25:15
regular 30: 17 requesting 55:11 reviewing 55:25 routine 18:5
60: 11,14 61: 5 requests 61 :22 reviews 55: 5 run 40:7
regularly 30:23 require 17:828:8 revise 7: 15 runoff 16:13,16
regulated 37:6 30:1732:757:1 revised 6:14,14,25 39:2540:441:18
38:5,16,1739:16 required 27:20,20 7:7 10:4 17:5,7 41:2146:9
42:2443:11 47:23 32:1934:2245:14 32:1447:1248:17 s
47:2548:14,15 55:3,4,5 57:8,19 48:2052:1253:9
safest 13:714:1
regulating 43 :20 59:7 53:20
safety 24 :23 25: 18
43:21 requirement 7:2 revising 15: 14
51: 19
regulation 59:7 10:127:1835:21 revisions 36:16
sanitary 1:7 3: 1
regulations 34: 13 47:19 right 15 :19 16: 6
38:639:748:2 requirements 20:5 22:21 29:3
51:2356:1257:19 13:13 16:22,23 37:1142:1,19
satisfaction 54: 19
regulatory 55:6 27:1339:2450:17 44:1,347:648:18
saw 28:831:661:2
reiterating 57 :21 52:1 55:2,20 48:2549:8 50:3,6
saying 40:13,14
related 28: 10 57: 12 50:15,1858:6
47:21 48:13 56:16
29:13 33:8,24 requires 48:7 river 15: 13 26:6
58: 15
34:7,10 56: 14 57:5 58:2,7 road 7: 16, 18,20,21
says 27:17,18
relative 43:7 requiring 58:4 8:1 9:1,9,15 10:6
scale 13:21 14:16
released 46 :24 research 34: 10 10:12,14,17,24
relevant 31 :25 reserved 7:4 11:19,19,24 12:8
scales 10:22,25
34:20 residents 58:22 12:20,20,20,24
relief 17:5 60:24 13:19,2014:9,12
schedule 60:4
rely 13:25 resonated 8: 15 14:1715:218:25
scheduled 60: 11
remember 33 :21 respect 53:5 55: 1 20:1521:1922:9
scheduling 61: 19
remove 9:24 55:23,24 22:11,12,15,19,22
school 25:1461 :14
removed 16:2,3 respond 30: 12 23:1,1644:20
removing 18:6 restored 21:12,21 45:551:753:17
scoping 11 :4,11
repairing 27: 14,17 21 :24 59: 12
47:16 resubmitted 32: 14 roads 12: 10,19
seat 21:3
report 25:828:23 results 55:5 22: 1424:3,3,5,6,8
second 3: 10, 11
51:1154:9,13 return 10: 17,21,22 51:854:3
reporter 64: 19 10:25 14:1715:7 robert 1: 15
reporting 56:22 returned 35:7 robin 1:16 secondary 46:20
reports 54: 18 review 4:6,226: 10 rodents 51:17
secretary 1:19
representation 6:17,209:7 15:11 roughly 9: 10
section 57:17
59: 16 15:2328:23,25 route 13:7,24
58: 11
representing 26:7 37: 1 48:2049:6 24:24
secure 5:6

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[sediment - submission] Page 13
sediment 15: 15 shorthand 64:9 small 45:4 staring 49: 12
16:1,517:11,23 shortly 62:6 snow 25: 11 start 18:23 28:25
18:2,1826:13 show 6:197:7,15 solely 21 :23 52:25 started 4:7
27:2431:12,14 46:347:1450:2 solicitor 1:20 state 10:1112:19
32:5,637:17,18 showed 21: 14 solid 37:1639:8 12:2032:2034:22
42:22 shown 7:2 16:14 50:6,15,2452:3 35:551:2255:3
sedimentation 44: 14 54:3 solutions 1:22 57:1958:1,7
15:1817:20,23 shows 9:2227:23 someway 16:12 statement 32: 11
18:1 38:4,6,7 40:2 31 :9 soon 47:8 43:24
45:1847:2248:3 shut 22:2,4 sooner 36:1542:6 states 27:834:12
48:4,11 side 21: 17 sorry 20:2031:3 stating 38:1142:4
sediments 30: 15 signature 42: 17 37:2444:6 50:20 step 11 :21 49:4
see 7:238:179:12 64:17 sort 30:25 stockertown 12:4
19:7,21 20:11 signs 23:3 sorts 59: 14 12:4,2213:1,2
22:323:931:8 silt 18:7 sounds 42:21 22:8,15
33:21 34:342:6 simple 34:5 soup 17:15 stop 23:3
44:23 49: 11 56:6 simply 29:8 59:8 source 45: 11 storage 40:943:4
56:1759:562:18 simpson 1:153:8 sources 46: 13 46:19
seeking 31: 15 3: 18 36:7 59:22 south 20:13 storm 32:2
seen 18:9 60:1863:7,17 southbound 10:13 stormwater 32: 17
segue 49:3 sir 11:16,20 14:7 space 47: 1948:7 32:20,2533:2
send 26:1935:21 sirens 23: 10 spaces 7:6 37: 17,1838:21
sending 34: 12,24 site 6: 14 7:4,5 speak 24:13 40:4,7
senior 2:1337:13 27:12,2538:3 speakers 2: 11 straightforward
sent 34:18 41:1244:24,25 specific 6: 1941:8 37:10
separate 46: 11 45:347:1,3 50:21 42:858:18 stream 15:13
separated 51:4 50:2454:9 specifically 27: 14 27:1933:345:20
separation 49:25 sites 18:8 47: 13 50: 1052:7 street 2:3 21: 1
50:12,1452:9,25 six 50:19 56: 14 streets 8:20,22
septem ber 3: 3 size 50:24 52:4 specifics 41 :25 stripe 10:8
serve 14:2 slate 3:24:1115:7 42: 1 structure 48: 12
services 51 :20 16:13 18:1919:15 spelling 58: 13 55: 14
servicing 19: 10 25:1339:2,25 spend 20:762:23 stuck 61: 13
set 15:2050:18 40:1 41:21 45:25 spillway 32:8 studied 25:4
setback 15: 12 46:7 52:8 spring 9: 10 studies 40: 11
seven 50:20 slide 6: 19 staff 61: 17 study 31:9 57 :25
sewer 32:2 slides 6: 11 staging 16:2 stuff 23:2425:5
share 56:23 57:2,3 slow 30:18 stake 15:25 subdivision 27:10
sheet 29:2445:10 sludge 19:8,18,23 stand 17: 1744:25 submission 11: 1
short 4:125:10 20: 1 34: 12, 18,24 standards 51 :24 14:6,723:24
20:933:2436:24 54:1555:15 54:1755:8

Veritext Legal Solutions

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[submit - traveling] Page 14

submit 5:99:21 t thereof 51:2 64: 14 53:1860:9,17

33:1834:935:23 thing 8:24 9: 11 61 :3,5
table 21:344:18
44:5,862:6 10:1624:2 tonnage 8: 13
60:4,9,17 63:4
submittal 5:20 things 16:24 20:6 tons 50:23 51: 1
take 20:234:16
submitted 3:12 23:2024:1536:23 52:3,19,23 53:2,5
9:824:2227:21 59:4 top 27:1837:2
taken 4:19 13:14
32:1933:938:20 think 5:21 7: 13, 16 tore 24:7
47:1 64:4
38:22 39: 17,22,25 8:21 9:25 13:3 touch 6:1149:7
talk 42:23
49:2053:1554:15 14:20 15:2220:23 township 1:2,9,15
talked 38:24,25
55:7,962:3 21:126:1835:1,2 6:158:10,199:2,4
submitting 6: 15 45:1246:2 35:637:843:14 11 :9,24 20:21
26:8 46:249:1461:7 21:16,2232:7,22
talking 57:16
subsequently 43:6 62: 15 62: 17,22 33:1948:6,19
substantial 28:9,9 third 7: 11 9: 16 49:5 51:12,20
tank 40:946:20,21
suggest 58:14 15: 10 53:4,1954:11,20
tanks 43:4
suggestion 33: 17 thomas 1:15 55:7 56:3,6,24
targeting 62:8
suite 1:23 thought 5:3 57:5
technical 6:169:4
sullivan 1: 10 three 9:13,17 township's 27:10
summer 61:18 tell 14:1 22:12 46: 13 50:22 52:2 27:1428:19,22
supervision 64:10 29:2364:6 thursday 62: 14,20 50: 11
supervisors 59:18 telling 29:8 tight 8:22 tract 16:5
supplemental 4:20 time 3:3,244:21 tracy 26:1,4
tentatively 16: 11
supply 40:19 termination 38: 1 7:2110:1917:20 traffic 8: 14, 19
supposed 49:9 terms 32:21,22 20:722:2423:21 10:1811:2,3,6,12
sure 11:814:4 24:4,926: 1 27: 17 11:16 12:12 13:5
20:1021:323:8 30:8 37: 1 49: 18 13 :25 18:24 19:2
terrible 24:5
36:1941:12 55:7,22 60: 15,25 19:4,2322:14
terry 1: 16
surface 29: 17,22 61:8,11,14,1562:3 23:4 24:21 25:3
tested 30:15,15
31:20,21,2432:11 62:23 64:5 25:1855:20
38:1540:1541:1 timeline 7: 12,17 trail 1:1021:9,12
testify 27:4
41:2245:1946:6 times 22:1339:15 21:21,25
testimony 44:5,6
46:9,1447:2 today 5:24 train 8: 17
swale 46:9 testing 55: 17,24 today's 8:23 transcribed 64:9
swales 16: 18 57:859:7,8,14,17 told 35:542:10 transcription
sworn 64:6 59:24 43:10 64: 10
synagro 2:5,124:9 tests 55:1656:5,15 tom 2:13 17:2 trash 8:3
60:15,17 37:1349:8,21 travel 11: 19,24
system 32:3 34:21 thank 4: 106:5 57:4 58:23 63: 1 19:7
21:326:235:21 tonight 4: 12,23 traveling 10: 14
35:2552:1553:12 5:1329:933:9 14:924:3
54: 1 36:837:349: 15

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[treat - writing] Page 15


treat 50:23 52:3 w watershed 40: 17

52:1953:1,6 11 :22 45:9
waiting 39:23
treated 52:23 understood 24: 11 waterway 38: 13
waltz 31:1133:5
treatment 34:15 undue 51:19 waterways 43: 1,4
34:15,2335:8,12 unloaded 15: 1 43:1348:2
35:13 unloading 40:8 way 8: 1 16:24
want 7:129:11
tributary 45 :22 46:17 17:2522:9,10
13 :23 20:3,5,7
trip 62: 11 unnamed 45 :22 24:545: 1,2,23
troy 35: 13 unsightliness 60:23
truck 8:13,19,24 51: 16 ways 5:24
10:11,20 14:23 updated 4:2 we've 4:7,195:18
49:21 60:2,15
21:19,2234:4 use 10:5,15,24,24 13:1439:641:7
trucks 8:3 10: 10 11:23 12:22,23 41:1542:10,10,25
wanted 14:321:2
10:13 11:18,23 14:14 19:421:9 43:6,1045:12
25:21 36:24
12:1,6 14:10,15 21:15,2324:8 wednesday 62: 14
wants 3:25 11:7
15:618:25 19:8 25:1833:1 50:15 62:21
wash 34:4
19:10,16,1820:1 50:1852:953:1 week 5:835:3
waste 37:1638:8
20:1322:2323:5 55:13,14 61 :2262: 14
24:6 uses 50:3,3,5,6,9
50:7,15,2452:4,19 weights 15:6
true 32:5 64: 11 50: 11 52:5 wells 40: 19
52:20,23 53:5
truth 64:6,7 v wetland 27:15,17
wastewater 28: 11
try 42:8 42:23
valid 34:2 33:8,13,13 34:8,15
trying 30:8,19
valley 32:1435:12 34:16,18,2335:7,7 wetlands 38:3
33:2161:1962:19 wide 10:7
variance 6: 12 7: 11 35:12,13 40:8
tuesday 1:4 width 51:6
15:1153:13 46:1947:148:4
turn 5: 11 13: 19 wind 1:10
variances 5: 13,23 water 18:2,12
14: 11
6:3,9,24 7:9 17:4 26:11,11,1528:2,9 windy 25:10
turning 15:2
various 13:6 18: 10 29:16,2230:13,15 wish 49: 15 62: 1
turns 22:9 wishes 53:6 56:3
34:22 30: 16,21,24,25
two 6:23,23 7:9 witness 12:3
vectors 51:17 31: 1,17,20,21,24
35: 11 50:2,5,9,25 32:2433: 1437:6 witnesses 64:6,12
vegetative 46:9
veritext 1:22 38:15,16,2539:15 woefully 35: 18
type 8:24 59:8
versus 7:7 39:16,1940:12,15 wondering 31: 12
typically 18 :4,8 40:1941:1,4,23 words 21:8
vice 1:15 33: 16
u 43:344:1846:6 work 42:13
video 20:2
46:14,2247:3,13 working 37: 14, 15
ultimately 9:5 violation 58:9
47:19,20,2448:1,9 41:2542:1858:17
11: 12 visit 10:20,23
48:14 write 30: 19
understand 19: 17 14: 15
watercourse 27:9 writing 33: 18
27: 1948:8 35:22,2436:4
43: 15

Veritext Legal Solutions

215-241-1000 - 610-434-8588 - 302-571-0510 - 202-803-8830
[written - zoning] Page 16
written 3: 1427:2
44:5 54: 13
yeah 20:20
year 5:209:7
62: 11
years 22:20
york 34:1135:5
zero 40: 15
zoning 1:184:6,18
37:1 47:1448:7

Veritext Legal Solutions

215-241-1000 - 610-434-8588 - 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

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