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Module 54

Passive Voice.
Contents Conversational Objectives
• To talk about WHAT HAPPENS, not WHO IT
Passive Voice usage • To talk about what IS DONE to the person
or thing that we’re interested in.
• To focus the attention on the receiver of an
• To say who did or what caused an action.
Skit Class Notes

• Practice with the skits in the guides.

• Passive Voice Structures.
• Passive Voice usage in conversation.

Passive Voice Structures.

Object of the action + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE VERB + BY + SUBJECT

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Simple The dog bites the cat. The cat is bitten by the dog.

Past Simple The dog bit the cat. The cat was bitten by the dog.

The cat will be bitten by the

Future Simple The dog will bite the cat.

Present Perfect The cat has been bitten by

The dog has bitten the cat.
Simple the dog.

Past Perfect The cat had been bitten by

The dog had bitten the cat.
Simple the dog.

Present The cat is being bitten by the

The dog is biting the cat.
Continuous. dog.

The cat was being bitten by

Past Continuous The dog was biting the cat.
the dog.

Future The cat will be being bitten

The dog will be biting the cat.
Continuous by the dog.

Present Perfect The dog has been biting the The cat has been being
Continuous cat. bitten by the dog.
Passive Voice with modal verbs

Modal Active Voice Passive Voice

WILL They will send the letter. The letter will be sent.

The job would be done by

WOULD They would do the job.

SHOULD They should send the letter. The letter should be sent.

MUST They must repair the car. The car must be repaired.

They might cancel the The concert might be

concert. cancelled.

MAY They may see you there. You may be seen.

CAN Someone can tell you later. You can be told later.

COULD Someone could take it. It could be taken.

They had better bring my The computer had better be

computer today. brought today.

The teacher ought to teach us

OUGHT TO We ought to be taught better.

Passive Voice in conversation.

• We use passives when we are interested in
talking about WHAT HAPPENS, not WHO IT
• Many accidents are caused by drunk • Passives are common when we are talking
drivers. about what IS DONE to the person or thing
• The letter was opened.
that we’re interested in.
• Tom was robbed.
• Complaints should be sent to client’s • It’s used to focus the attention on the
service department. receiver of an action when we don't know
• The letter was written by Thomas the subject.
Jefferson. • It’s also used when it is not essential to
mention the subject.
• In a passive sentence, if you want to say
who did or what caused an action, use BY.

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