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44 Ahimsa Nonviolence, Vol. XI, No.1, Jan. - Apr.

, 2015

Dynamics of Human Existence*

S. Jeyapragasam

Let me present my vision of the dynamics of human existence in the form of a clock diagram and then
explain each item in brief and finally make some generalizations. on si

safety and protection needs

Towards selfless inc

belongingness needs
self-esteem needs

survival needs


Fullfillment of self-
basic needs and moving
towards excellence for
the individual and for all Grace Random
Relativity - Pre-determined
Co-dependent Mechanical Process
Action & Teleological Process (Building up
Consequence Social Dynamics based on a drafted blueprint)
Natural evolution
Integral Process
Conscious evolution
Dialectical Three dynamics
Process Three Faces Cumulative
of Power Process
Process Cyclical Process
Integration, love, Threat, Destruction
social power
Productive, Economic & Political-military
(hug) Power (stick-
Power (Carrot-
reward) punishment)

* The basics of this paper springs from my conversation with Prof. Dr. Kennath Boulding in Boulder, USA during May
1992 and his two books - A Primer of Social Power (1970) and Three Faces of Power (1992). I am indebted to several
authors and conversations over these years. This is only a preliminary version.
Dynamics of Human Existence 45

1. Random Process variables. One may need more complex Mathematics

to explain things. Einstein’s General Theory of
There is definitely an element of mystery,
Relativity, needed new developments in Mathematics.
unpredictability and randomness in happenings. It is
often compared to the throwing of dice in gambling. Understanding of the nature of “Pre-
Some may argue that we do not have enough data or determined Mechanical process” help us to handle
knowledge to predict the happenings. It is seen as an situations more efficiently. From proper and careful
error from our side rather than as an inherent quality studies famine, natural disasters, wars, etc., may be
of the happenings. We can improve our competence predicted and we can make suitable efforts in time to
of predictability but however there will continue to avert them. An young man with drinking and smoking
be the presence of random process. This is our habits, eating disorders and devastating life style may
experience so far. die early or he/she may be prone to serious illness.
The campaign to stop smoking, to achieve de
We are in fact making a two dimensional
addiction to drinking or drugs, to transform one’s
approach. 1) To increase our competence to predict
own life style, etc., may help to prolong longvity.
2) To cope with the random happenings. In USA,
data for 200 years recorded in more than 10,000 places Ajivaka religion, which was established along
about the climatic conditions is available. Even then with Jainism and Buddhism in India, over emphasizes
the super computers find this data as inadequate. Life the pre-determined nature of events. According to this
insurance, medical insurance, etc., are good examples religion, everything is pre-programmed in nature.
for coping strategies of randomness. People write their However it is obvious we can to some extend change
will, create savings for the future, build safe houses, the pre-planning even if such pre-planning
store information in time capsule, transmit (programming) exists in nature.
information through radio waves to other parts of
the universe, build atomic shelters, underground Pre-determined Mechanical process helps to
housings, store seeds and genetic materials for future understand and predict many of the natural
generations, look for outer space habitate, prepare for happenings including the eclipses. Much of physical
self-defence and offence (may be often in wrong sciences and natural sciences depend on this. Since
ways). humans have some freedom, they can try to change
the happenings according to their will and effort to
All the memories contained in various oriental at least some extend.
myths and world scriptures about holocausts is only
an indication about the forecasting of the future in 3. Teleological process / Building up on a
spite of randomness and pre-plan things. drafted blueprint

2. Pre-determined mechanical process An Architect develops a blueprint for a house/

church, etc., and then it is constructed. In nature also
Look at the series there is a blueprint - e.g. the blueprint in a seed/DNA.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... A seed may become a tree or may be eaten away by a
bird or dried up in heat. Here an architect consciously
We can easily predict after 5 there will be 6
develops a blueprint and proceeds on that basis for its
consider the following series
construction work. In the construction process, there
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... may be some shortcomings or there may be some
We can easily predict after 21, there will be 34. excellent additions. Taj Mahal should have been once
There may be highly complex series with several a dream, then a blueprint and finally a reality.
46 S. Jeyapragasam

The human capacity to develop a blueprint is happenings triggered the evolutionary process
further enhanced by science and technology, 3) Unknown factors triggering evolution. We
collaborative imput and by the inherent strive towards generally call these as natural process of evolution.
human excellence. Some may develop blueprints for
death and destruction, conquest and subjucation of Humans with their consciousness and freedom
fellow human beings. and with the help of all their enhanced knowledge
and tools can become co-creators of the evolutionary
Democracy, Socialism, freedom, human rights, process. Modification of DNA, enhancement of brain
human unity and excellence are all human developed capacity, collective effort, use of the various
blueprints for individual and social development. technologies and power can push the process of
Mahatma Gandhi called it as a constructive natural evolution a new level.
programme to build up a nonviolent and prosperous
world for all. He called it as Sarvodaya (welfare and Evolution does not always mean progress. In
prosperity & holistic development of all at all levels) the evolutionary process, humans also have lost
and Antyodaya (welfare of the last first) The additional somethings such as the social organization of ants and
imput of Vinoba Bhave and Vethathiri Maharishi bees. There is also the possibility that instead of
about the wellbeing and prosperity of the entire world, evolving into superhuman levels of existence, humans
it becomes the most advanced blueprint for human also may degenerate into demonic levels of existence
excellence. as described in many anceint tales.

Slavery, Colonialism, genocide, varnashrama Conscious evolution also provides excellent

system, patriarchy, feudalism, militarism, capitalism, possibilities for super human levels of evolution. What
imperialism, and various brands of nationalism and the prophets and mystics dreamed may at last become
parochialism are examples of destructive blueprints. true. We may move from the possibilities of a total
holocaust to a heavenly existence for all.
The capacity to dream and develop blueprints
need to be matched with the ability to translate them 5. Three Dynamics
into practice. There are three inter-related dynamics. They are
4. The Evolutionary Process 1) equilibrium process 2) cyclical process
3) cumulative process
From the elementary particles thrown out
during the “big bang” which took place about 14 5.1. Equilibrium process
billion years ago to the human beings on earth, there
In a pond, there may be X number of fishes.
is an unbroken evolutionary chain. The combination
That may be the maximum sustaining capacity of that
of fundamental particles gave birth to atoms (elements
pond. Suppose we remove 10% of that X number of
and isotopes) which in turn by bonding became the
fishes, then after a while the pond will reach to the
known matter in the universe. Matter contains energy
level of X number of fishes. After the loss of a member
as well as knowledge (software). We, on this beautiful
in a family, the equilibrium position is often reached
planet see the evolution of organic compounds and
either by an additional member or an additional new
life systems. Yet we do not know enough about the
capacity. Loss in war or natural calamity is soon
evolution of life systems in other parts of our universe,
compensated in many cases. Conscious humans may
overcome periodical losses and may move forward.
As for as we know, the evolutionary process Reconstruction of Sanfransisco after the earth quake
till now has three aspects 1) There is an inherent plan and Hiroshima & Nagasaki after the drapping of atom
for evolution (design for evolution) 2) Natural bombs are good examples.
Dynamics of Human Existence 47

5.2. Cyclical Process rules, pay our monthly due, rent etc., because failure
to do so will result in bad consequences. Threat also
As happens in the biological world, there is
can keep good relationships and it can also act as a
birth, growth and decay. The time frame for this cycle
meaningful exchange. Family relationships become
may vary from one to another. However this is true
stable also due to the fear of family breakdown. To
and inevitable in the biological world. Many Indian
avoide “stick”, one may keep up a contract.
scriptures speak of cyclical movement of Yugas. There
is a period of growth, reaching of a zenith and then Threat or destructive power has become a major
descend. The concept of endrophy is an expression of danger in our age of weapons of mass destruction it
the cyclical concept. It is in a way a pessimistic may become a sure way to total annihilation. Threat
concept. Medival Tamil mystic Manickkavasagar power is expensive and contagious. Threat power
proclaims “I will melt my body but enhance my inner cannot be eliminated. However it can become more
light”. This is a challenge to the concept of endropy. meaningful.
Life is a relay race and what one carries with onself
and what one leaves to humanity before one’s demise 6.2. Exchange, Productive and Economic
is very important. Power - Carrot (reward)

5.3 Cumulative process Exchange relationship is a process of giving and

taking rewards. Rewards and mutual benefits sustain
According to this, there is no limit to growth. relationships. It leads to productivity and prosperity.
There can be continuous growth across the The destructive dimension of reward may be bribery
generations. There are families which flourish and corruption. Exchange power also may result in
continuously for more than a few generations. Even stable, solid and creative relationships.
sky is not the limit to growth. However unplanned
and disintegrated growth such as the growth of cancer Though reward can take many forms, its
cells or weapon systems may lead to doom. economic dimension is important. There may be
rewards in terms of emotional satisfaction and
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan combines the cyclical and Psychological uplift. Exchange relationship may
cumulative process concepts into a single concept of remain as a business and contractual relationship.
dynamic and ascending spiral growth
6.3. Integral, love and social power - hug
6. Three Faces of Power
Love is truly a cementing and linking force.
Power is a basic entity in all process. In social Relationships become stable, prosperous and creative
dynamics we think of three faces of power - often with love. Love also may turn into exchange
inter-related and inter-twained. relationship as in the case of many arranged marriages.
6.1 Threat, Destructive & Politico-military This is to be more and more expected in our age of
power - Stick (punishment) global market economy. Love also may degenerate
into a destructive relationship as life instinct slides
Threat power can be a creative force and it can down into death instinct/narcissism. In the long run
bring in positive results. Sometimes destruction is and in the ultimate sense, love is the truly integrative
inherent in situations. Knife can be used for power. The quality of love is very important.
destruction. But it has positive uses. Electricity,
cooling gas, petrol are all good examples - we daily Let us explain this with the help of a diagraham
use them with care. We pay our taxes, follow traffic used by Prof. Dr. Kenneth Boulding
48 S. Jeyapragasam

of these opposites resulted in constant holy wars.

(exchange) Power
Integrative Power
(Power of Love)
Inspite of the integral vision of Jesus Christ,

Political-military Threat Christianity mostly subscribed to the perennial war
power (Stick- (destructive) between good and evil. Islam which came later, inspite
punishment) Power of its vision of fraternity is deeply immersed in the
holy war tradition of God vs Saturn / good vs evil...
with violence, punishment and hell. The same
tendency is dominantly found in the Easter traditions
inspite of their emphasis on integral views. Hindu
Threat (destructive)

Integrative Power
(Power of Love)
epics and Bhagavad Gita centres around dharmic wars
Economic Exchange between good and evil.

Power (Carrot- (Productive)

Power There are two modern powerful developments
in favour of the dialectical process. 1) In the foot-
steps of Hegel, Karl Marx brought the dialectical
process to the centre stage of history with his views
on historical materialsm , class war and communism.
Threat (destructive)

This triggered endless violent clashes 2) The idea of

(exchange) Power

“us” vs “them” found a powerful expression in


Social Power Integrative


nationalism, religious fundamentalism, racism, rexism,

(hug) Power
(Power of Love) castism, lingualism, regionalism, etc.,

The major limitation of the dialectical process

is twofold 1) one party with more violence tries to
destroy the opposite party. Here the problem is not
7. Dialectical Process solved but one party is destroyed or crushed. 2) In
In dialectical process two opposites develop the nuclear age with the weapons of mass destruction
increasingly sharp polarities, ultimately resulting in such violent clashes may lead to human mass suicide
violent clashes and end with the triumph of the one and holocaust. Dialectical process nourishes ancient
over the other. The victorious side may later become and pre-human instinct of violence and conquest.
corrupt and the vanquished side may gain energy for
8. Integral Process
revengeful actions. This becomes an ongoing process.
Integral process is based on the assumption that
The dialectical process in a old concept. In the
we are all part of one another and we all inherit a
pre-human levels of existence, the predator - prey
comman heritage. Here welfare of the individual is
relationship is a dialectical one. Another expression
contained in the welfare all (Sarvodaya) and the
of this is the division “us” and “others”. As human
welfare of the last is first (Antyodaya) gets primary
beings evolved from matter and pre-human existence,
importance. This is essentially the way of Buddha,
there are two distinct traits 1) Movement towards
Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. The Buddha in
survival and greater excellence (life-instinct) 2)
his last teaching, Lotus Sudra, develops the vision of
Movement towards pre-human and material levels of
the upliftment of all to the Bodisathuva level. This is
existence (death instinct)
to be done through the path of forgiving, self-
Zorastrianism and Judaism speak about the suffering to wash the sins (way of the cross or
clash of God and saturn - good and evil. The dialectics redeeming blood) and transformation of all. Jesus
Dynamics of Human Existence 49

Christ gave the vision of liberating and redeeming all A wrong action by one may bring damage to
through his redeeming holy blood and forgiving. many. Here is the social dimension of Karma (action)
A good action may bring benefit to many.
The anekanta vada (pluralism) of Mahavira and
the modern vision of Truth and Reconciliation Apart from social dimension, there is also the
through dialogue, forgiving, inclusiveness, penance historical dimension. The good example would be
and transforming acts are fine expressions of integral religious and ethnic conflicts. The hatred and
approach. Mahatma Gandhi in the foot-steps of Jesus revengeful attitude spread across history.
Christ developed the vision of transforming evil
3. Inherited imprints
through soul force (Satyagraha). Holistic knowledge
(truth), forgiving and forgetting, justice, setting right Humans inherit the imprints from human
the past mistakes, compensatory action, penance, ancestors and pre-human ancestors. These are carried
rightful action, healing the wounds, transformation in our DNA, genes, brain system, milieu, etc.,
practices are all tools for the integral process. This is Christianity speaks of original sin carried all along and
the way for human survival and excellence in the Indian religions speak of the load of Karma of
Nuclear Age. previous-births.

9. Action and Consequences 10. Relativity & independent arising

The general concept is “good action will bring The Buddha spoke about the concepts of
good result and bad action will bring bat result”. This relativity and co-dependent arising. There is nothing
is true to some extent. If one touches a live electric in isolation. Everything is inter-related and inter-
wire or mishandle a gas connection, the result will be twained. We are all a intricate web of relationships.
immediate danger. However good people suffer and Life is itself a “relay race”. In Nature there is nothing
bad people flourish. To explain this, religions use the in isolation. From fundamental particles to atoms
concepts of birth cycle and past actions, curse of gods, (elements and isotopes) and from atoms to all that
test by gods, etc., There are three possible exists are all the result of intricate bonds of
explanations. relationships.

1. Time frame Each human being may be seen as the result of

countless causes and relationships and he/she in turn
a. For some actions, the consequence is
does the same. What is key here is relationships and
immediate (e.g. touching fire)
cause and effect chain. We need to be deeply aware of
b. Throwing a ball with force against a the web of relationships and cause and effect chain
wall - It takes a while for the ball to and act with mindfulness, holistic knowledge and love.
return back That is the way to human excellence and to a new
evolution to superhuman levels of existence.
c. Planting a seed - It takes a few days to
sprout (different time frame for Albert Einstein presented the “Theory of
different things) Relativity” and enriched the Buddhist vision further.
We need to move from self-centered nature to selfless
2. Social and historical frame
and all pervading holistic nature. This is not negating
One person may sell bad food stuff and amass the self but truly enriching self in an all inclusive way.
profit but those who pay, buy and consume them From the individual we need to become would centric
may develop health problems. Because of a Mother and universe centric and from the present we should
Teresa many poor were benefitted. be connected to all the past and all the future.
50 S. Jeyapragasam

11. Fullfillment of basic needs and towards There is beauty, order, rhythm, wonder, joy,
excellence development, perfection and excellence in nature
amidst all negativities. There is vastness and no limit
Abraham Maslow has presented a map of
to the universe and life systems. From the Big Bang
hierarchy of five needs. This is often presented in the
to today, a fourteen billion years of evolution suggests
form a triangle. A circular representation may be a
the presence and working of a positive force-Grace.
better way to do this.
It is up to each one to feel and realize the
Without fulfilling the survival and security
working of Grace and take advantage of that reality
needs, our existence will be in a jeopardy. There is a
as well. If we believe in ultimate doom, there is
vast difference between basic and honest needs and
difficulty in moving forward. If we believe or have
extravagant and limitless greed. The basic needs may
faith in marching towards excellence and perfection,
differ from context to context. Humans does not live
then that becomes a powerful impetus. All religious
by bread alone. Relationship and self-esteem needs
systems and spiritual traditions express faith in Grace.
are also equally important. Untill now vast majority
Except the Ajivakas, no other religious and spiritual
of human beings have spent much of their time and
tradition places exclusive faith on the pre-determined
energy to meet their basic needs. Today we are moving
nature of life. Grace is one factor, may be an important
from need-seeking society to need-fullfilled society.
factor, along with several other factors explained in
This has already happened for a considerable section
this paper. The greatness of God/Grace is that it allows
of human population. This should happen for the
or it has inbuilt place for freedom, free-will and action
entire humankind. We need sustainable and eco-
and it is an open-ended system with no limits.
friendly development for all.
The fifth stage is self-actualization. One has to
bloom and ascend peak after peak of excellence for A beautiful and intelligent use of all these twelve
oneself and for others. From self-actualization, we need factors may help humanity to achieve survival,
to move to selfless actualization for all. That would excellence and move forward in evolution. Life is an
open a new eva of human excellence and superhuman endless journey towards the unknown excellence for
evolution. However there is always the danger of oneself and for all. Life is a mystry, challenge, risk
giving down. and ever expanding complexity. We are called upon
to move forward, to set right things and also carry
12. Grace
others with us in the endless journey / pilgrimage /
Materialists and rationalists may deny the role adventure. However we should also be prepared for
of Grace. This needs careful examination. The concept failures, defeat and setbacks in our endless journey.
that God is everything and three is no place for Integral aspects and visions of co-creations may be
freedom and free-will and the belief that everything very important. Individual humans are bound to perish
is pre-determined and all we see is only an illusion but still they can facilitate the marching ahead of
(maya) cannot be accepted for obvious reasons. humanity. Let us do our best with our human body,
which has no parallel is for as we know, before we
We need to move from rational to loose it.
trans-rational and from material to trans-material levels
of existence. Sliding down to pre-rational and
pre-material levels is dangerous.

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