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ar I


(pig 47)

773. The *eels a r e s t e e l , W.D. divided type and the sfm fs b50E x 7 6 in. in early
production cargo vehicles and 5.50F X 16 in, in l a t e cargo and a l l F.F.W. vehicles,
Each wheel a d i s c (l) and a aetadxible flange ( 5 ) . which i a assembled ~ 5 t h
ei&t c l a m p i n g b o l t s , each bolt being riveted at the neck to secure it in the flange.
T h e d i s c and the flange are positioned relatively to each other by engaging f o u r
protrusions on t h e former in f o u r indentations on the latter and a r e secured together
by eight conical-end ~ l a m p h g n u t s( 6 ) . These nuts are positioned at the h e r side
of the wheel and, in accordance with n o d practice, are painted red.
774. The wheels are fikt ed with low-pressme cros;s-country type covers ( ~ u nTrak- l ~
grip T29~)(21, h e r tubes ( 3 ) and flaps (41, the siees being 6.50 x 16 in. for the
L 5 0 wheela and 7.50 X l 6 h. f o r the 5.50 wheels. The Trakgrip covers have a
" c h k o n n type tread form and are suitable f o r m e on r o d and track, f o r general
cross-corntry work m d f o r t m t n g , Regarding the direction & t r e a d form, each tyre
is initially f i t t e d so that the impression on the ground shows the spear head point-
ing b a W ,

775, Each wheel and tyre assembly is secured to the hub by five wheel nuts which a r e
conical at both ends. Wheel studs and puts at the left-hand side of the v e h i c l e
have left-hand threads and are st q e d L, while thoee m the opposite side have righb
hand threads and are s t q e d R .
776. For the t y r e pressures f o r road and cross-country use see under Technical Data.

I Wheel d i s c 4 map
2 Low-pressure cover (IXmlop 5 Detachable flange
Trakgrip ~ 2 9 ~ ) 6 C14nrping nute
3 Low-pressure inner tube

Fig 147 Component parts o f wheel and t y r e assembly

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