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2 Level – 2

1 111 A flow where there is no inter section of stream line and no side wise flow it is called as ___________ .

a Turbulent flow b Laminar flow

c None e
2 We have Seen by experiment there is a tendency of air to go slightly up before reaching the aerofoil which is known as
_________ .
a Up wake b Up wash
c Up draft e
3 The pressure distribution over an aerofoil at an angle of attack 4°__________ .

a The decrease in pressure on the upper surface is b The pressure is not evenly distributed both decrease in
greater than the increase in pressure on lower pressure on upper surface and increase in pressure on
surface. lower surface being most marked over the front portion
of aerofoil
c Both e
4 It we remove the distributed pressure by a single for the intersection of this force with chord line is called ______ .

a Aerodynamic centre b Centre of pressure

c Centre of gravity e
5 Where Centre of pressure acts?

a More than half way back along the chord b Less than half way back along the chord

c Exactly half way back along the chord e

6 What we have seen From CL VS alpha curve (cambered aerofoil)?

a There is some lift at alpha=0° b There is some lift at alpha = -2°

c Both e
7 What we have seen From CL VS alpha curve ?

a 0° -12° a.o.a lift increase linearly b 0° -12° a.o.a lift increase rapidly

c 0° - 12° a.o.a lift increase drastically e

8 What we have seen From CL VS alpha curve?

a Above 12 ° angle of attack lift increase linearly b Above 12 ° angle of attack lift increase in small Quantity

c Above 12 ° angle of attack lift increase drastically e

9 In CL VS alpha curve generally stalling occurs at what angle?

a 14° a.o.a b 15° a.o.a

c 16° a.o.a e

10 From L/D VS alpha curve best lift in comparison to drag occurs at what angle?

a 3°- 4° a.o.a b 4°- 5° a.o.a

c 5°- 6° a.o.a e
11 At stalling angle (alpha stall ) what will be lift coefficient ?

a Zero b Maximum

c Minimum e
8.2 Level – 2

12 Slats and slots are on the section of wing .where they are situated?

a Out board section b In board section

c Mid section e
13 The factor affecting the stalling speed of an aerofoil is / are_______

a Power and slip stream b Change in CL max

c Power and slip stream, change in cl max e

14 A high aspect ratio has __________ .

a Very little down wash b Very high up wash

c Very little up wash e

15 Swept back wing stalls first at________ .

a Root b Tip

c wing e
16 An Aircraft with low aspect ratio wing induce __________ .

a Low amount of down wash b Large amount of up wash

c Large amount of down wash e

17 What is the cause of increase of a.o.a?

a Induce drag increase b Induce drag decrease

c Remain same e
18 What will be cause of increase in the angle of attack ?

a Transition point to more forward b Transition point to move backward

c Centre of pressure to move back ward e

19 The method used in the prevention of tip stalling is / are ________ .

a Washout b Root spoilers

c Washout and root spoilers. e

20 Normally an aircraft wing is designed to stall progressively from where?

a Tip to root b Root to tip

c Whole wing e
21 The conventional recovery from stall is done by the movement of stick in which position?

a Forward b Backward

c Neutral e
22 Swept back wing have _________stalling angle than those of upswept wing

a Lower b Higher

c Same e
23 What is the effect of swept back (to increase) wing?
8.2 Level – 2

a Speed b Lift

c Stalling angle e
24 The stalling angle or level flight stalling angle is increase when

a Slat is deflected b Slot is deflected

c Leading edge flaps are employed e

25 At higher angle of attack ________ .

a Induced drag will be more b Induced drag will be less

c Induced drag not affected by a.o.a e

26 At straight and level flight _______ .

a Wing tip vortices will be more powerful b Wing tip vortices will be less powerful

c None e
27 What is Wing loading ?

a W/S b W/L

c L/D e
28 The drastic effect of ice, reduce the co efficient of lift .what is it’s effect on stalling speed?

a Stalling speed is higher b Stalling speed is lower

c No effect on stalling speed. e

29 What is High performance wing ?

a Tapered in thickness, Tapered in plan from b Sweepback

c Tapered in thickness, planform and sweepback e

30 What is low performance wing?
a Straight wing , no Tapered in thickness and no b Swept forward wing
tapered in plan from
c Sweptback wing e

a b
c e

a b
c e

a b
c e

a b
8.2 Level – 2

c e

a b
c e

a b
c e

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