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Developmental Tasks  Defined as a reaction of the mind and

1. Adjust to sexually maturing bodies and the body to a stimulus that disturbs a
feelings. well being, state of calm or equilibrium
2. Develop and apply abstract thinking of a person.
skills.  Common belief that stress is unhealthy,
3. Develop and apply a new perspective on but discussions among experts
human relationships. conclude that this is not entirely the
4. Develop and apply new coping skills in case.
areas such as such as decision making,  Psychologist have agreed that small and
problem solving and conflict resolution. sporadic amounts of stress can be
5. Identify meaningful moral standards, helpful and beneficial to individuals,
values and belief systems. while excessive amounts of stress
6. Understand and express more complex sustained over a lengthy period of time
emotional experiences. can be destructive to both physical and
7. Form friendships that are mutually close mental health.
and supportive
8. Establish key aspects of identity. Stress as stimulus and response, and
9. Meet the demands of increasingly mature relational
roles and responsibilities.  Stress is also a stimulus, as well as a
10. Renegotiate relationship with adults in relational condition between persons
parenting roles. and the situations they are in (Feist and
Developmental Task a Filipino Adolescent Rosenberg, 2012).
Must Learn.  Stress is caused by stimulus that may
1. Developing occupational skills. be life threatening or life changing, such
2. Self- Reliance as separation, moving into a new job.
3. Ability to manage their finances These are also called stressors.
4. Social Responsibility  Stress is a response is the way the body
5. Mature work orientation reacts to challenging situations. This
6. Personal Responsibility involves the interactions between
7. Positive attitude towards work. hormones, glands and nervous system
1. Being courageous in standing up in where the adrenal gland drives the
being different from your friends. production of “cortisol”. Better known as
2. Developing Self-Esteem “Stress Hormone”.
3. Being true to yourself and avoiding  The production of Cortisol enables a
the tendency to please others. person’s body to produce the energy it
4. Learning how media and advertising needs to gear to it to action.
are trying to influence your thinking and  Another response of the body similar to
feelings. the production of cortisol is the release
5. Becoming aware, critical and being of the substance called
involved with social issues. norepinephrine, which triggers the
6. Embracing healthy lifestyle. body’s reaction, such as increasing of
7. Developing your spirituality. heart rate, high blood pressure, and
Coping up with Stress respiration, to prepare the body for
Stress action.
 Cortisol can help control blood sugar suppressed, could lead to socially
levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce unacceptable outcomes).
inflammation, and assist with memory
formulation. It has a controlling effect on  The frontal cortex supports concrete rule
salt and water balance and helps control learning, while more anterior regions
blood pressure. In women, cortisol also along the rostro-caudal axis of the
supports the developing fetus during frontal cortex support rule learning at
pregnancy. All of these functions make higher levels of abstraction.
cortisol a crucial hormone to protect  The adolescent’s physical response to
overall health and well-being. stress is faster than that of an adult
 The actions of norepinephrine are vital simply because the part of the
to the fight-or-flight response, whereby adolescents brain , the prefrontal cortex,
the body prepares to react to or retreat that assesses danger and directs action
from an acute threat. during stress is not yet fully developed.
 Prolonged or chronic situations both
cortisol and norepinephrine will
eventually affect the body eventually to
wear down fast. This is the reason why
prolonged fatigue, aging and illness
caused by low immune system.
 Brain and Nerves- Headaches,
Feelings of despair, lack of energy,
nervousness, sadness, anger, irritability,
 The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the
increased or decreased eating, memory
cerebral cortex which covers the front
problems, trouble in sleeping, mental
part of the frontal lobe. This brain region
health problems (panic attacks, anxiety
has been implicated in planning
disorders, depression etc.)
complex cognitive behavior, personality
 Skin- Acne and other skin problems.
expression, decision making, and
 Muscle and joints- Muscle aches and
moderating social behavior.
tension (especially in the neck,
 The basic activity of this brain region is
shoulders, and back).
considered to be orchestration of
 Heart- fast heartbeat, in the blood
thoughts and actions in accordance with
pressure, increase of high cholesterol
internal goals. The most typical
and heart attack.
psychological term for functions carried
 Stomach- Nausea, stomach pain,
out by the prefrontal cortex area is
heartburn, weight gain/weight loss.
executive function.
 Intestines- Diarrhea, constipation, and
 Executive function relates to abilities to
other digestive problem.
differentiate among conflicting thoughts,
 Reproductive system- For Women
determine good and bad, better and
irregular or more painful periods,
best, same and different, future
reduced sexual desire, for men low
consequences of current activities,
sperm production, reduced sexual
working toward a defined goal,
prediction of outcomes, expectation
 Immune system- Lowered ability to
based on actions, and social “control”
fight or recover from illness.
(the ability to suppress urges that, if not
Healthy Stress self-understanding, for altering
 There are certain type of stress that can her or his self-concept, attitudes,
benefit a person. Stress is short and and self-directed behavior—and
sporadic can propel a person to a that these resources can be
necessary action. tapped if only a definable climate
 These type of stress can motivate of facilitative psychological
energize, and spur an individual to a attitudes can be provided.
fruitful action. (Rogers, 1956) ( Mamahalin kita
 Examples: speaking in front an maging sino ka man)
audience is a healthy type of stress as it
pushes the speaker to prepare and be
an effective speaker.  Conditions of Worth- conditions
 Stage performers are also stress while we think we must meet in order
performing and this same stress may for other people to accept us as
bring out their best performances. worthy of their love or positive
 Other types of healthy stress can propel regard.
the competing in sports.  Create a situation where you can feel
 Bad stress can be transformed into more relaxed like a quiet environment or
good stress depending how an a comfortable position and project a
individual assesses the situation. passive attitude toward the stressor.
 Adolescent students, who are in  Learn manage your time
constant stressful situations particularly  Eat properly. Avoid skipping meals.
related to school work and  Seek spiritual growth toward prayer and
relationships, should learn some coping medication.
mechanisms to assist them in their  Have a worthwhile hobbies.
development toward healthy adult life.  Watch movies with friends
 If the stressor is one of your
Know you stressors. expectations assess it and see if it is
 School Demands and expectations. doable and realistic or not. Then adjust
 Selecting a School, College Course, or the expectations to what you are
Career. capable of doing one step at a time.
 Separation Anxiety #trusttheprocess.
 College Life  Believe in yourself.
 Romantic Relationships
 Family Demands and expectations
 Health Concerns
 Demands of Social Life
 Bullying
Coping with Stress
 Conduct Creative imagery of the
 Seek Group or social support
 Unconditional Positive Regard- It
is that the individual has within
him or her self vast resources for
The Whole Brain Theory Reptilian complex, which were referred
Trivias as the “Triune Brain Theory” .
 Trephination- process wherein they drill  Neocortex or the Rational Brain that is
the skull of the patient to release the evil responsible for intellectual tasks. Such
spirit on the body. as language, planning abstraction and
 Witchcraft perception.
 Asylums  Limbic system or the intermediate brain
 Exorcism is responsible for motivation and
 Lunatics- People believed that mental emotion involved in feeding,
problems arise when they look at the reproductive behavior and parental
moon/moon has a influence in a behavior.
persons personality.  Reptilian or the Primitive Brain which
 Luna-Moon controls the self preservation and
 1861- Paul Broca conducted on a study aggressive behavior of humans similar
on the language and left and right brain to the survival instincts of animals.
specialization on a patient who had
problems with language. After several
tests, Broca theorized that some
language functions reside on the left
side of the brain.
 Broca's area is involved with language.
His work revealed that the brains of
patients suffering from aphasia This was
the first anatomical proof of localization
of brain function.
 Ned Herrmann an engineer at General
 Aphasia- is an inability to comprehend
Electric was tasked to determine why
and formulate language because of
some individuals were more creative
damage to specific brain regions.
than others.
 1981- Dr. Roger Perry Conducted a
 Brain Dominance Theory.- derived from
study for epilepsy.
the observations and test that the
 He explained that the brain has two
human body although symmetrical and
hemisphere that perform task differently
paired in almost all aspects, do not
from each other.
necessarily function equally.
 He discovered that the left hemisphere
 People have normally have a dominant
of the brain was performing task that
part of their body, like a dominant leg,
were intuitive, creative and synthesizing.
eye, or arm which a person often prefers
 The right hemisphere of the brain was
to use.
more adept with analytical, logical,
 Example a right handed person will
reasoning and critical thinking.
have a weaker left hand compared to
 This theory was known as the “Split-
the dominant right hand vice versa.
Brain Theory”
 He extended this dominance theory in
 Dr. Paul Mclean- Neuroscientist
the brain, which he concluded to not
identified 3 distinct parts of the brain
having not just two parts but four.
namely : Neocortex, Limbic System, and
 The upper left and right hemispheres,
and the lower left and right limbic
 They are all connected to each other.
 Hermann labeled the Four Quadrants of
the brain as:
 Upper Left (A) Cerebral mode- Keyword
for this quadrant is analytical.
 Lower Right (B) Limbic Mode- Keyword
for this quadrant is organized.
 Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode- Keyword
for this is interpersonal.
 Upper Right (D) Limbic System-
Keyword for this is imaginative.

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