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Lesson Plan (Experimental Pair)

School : MTsN Model Gandapura

Subject : English
Class / Semester : VIII/ I
Time Allocation : 5 x 45 minutes
Meeting :1&2
Standard of Competency: 3. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat
Basic Competency : 3.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get
things done dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan
member informasi. Mengucapkan terimakasih, meminta maaf
dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.
Indicator :
1. Mengidentifikasikan makna dan fungsi ungkapan meminta
(asking for) dan memberikan informasi (giving
2. Merespon ungkapan meminta (asking for) dan memberikan
informasi (giving information).

I. Learning Objectives
Cognitive :
 The students are able to describe something that happen in asking information
correctly .

Affective :
 The students are able to be involved actively and politely in the process of teaching
and learning.

Psychomotor :
 The students are able to show/demonstrate the process of asking and giving
information correctly.

II. Material
Expressions used in asking and giving for information:
Asking Information Giving Information
 Where do you live?  I live at Jl. Rahayu no.13
 Where does he play foot ball?  He plays football in the field.
 Where is your book?  My book is on the table.
 Where is the pen?  The pen/it is on the book.
 The book/it is in the book.
 The book/it is under the book.
 The book/it is behind the book.
 The book/it is beside the book.
 The book/it is in front of the book.
 The book/it is between the books.
 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get  It’s this way.
to…?  Yes, it’s that way.
 Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here?  Take the first on the left.
 Can you give me directions to (the)…?  turn right at the crossroads
 Can you tell me how to get to the drugstore?  At the traffic lights, take the first
 What are the best/quickest/easiest/ way to get left and go straight on. It’s on the
to (the)…? left.
 Do you have a map?  Yes I have.
 Can you show me on the map?  Yes, straight ahead of you

Final tips
If you’re giving directions over the phone, remember to speak slowly to allow the other
person to write things down.

Check that the other person has understood.

If you’re speaking face-to-face with someone, use your hands to show left, right, or
straight on.

Use “please” when you ask someone to give you directions. It’s polite, and will
normally get you what you want!!

III. The Learning Method

Method : Communicative Language Teaching
Technique : Picture strip story

IV. Learning Activities

A. Pre-teaching
1. Greeting.
2. Praying.
3. Checking students attendance.
4. Apperception.
- Reviewing the previous lesson.
- Informing the new topic and objective of the lesson.
B. While - teaching
1. Exploration
 The teacher shows some pictures to the students, then asks them to describe
the activity in the pictures.
 Then, the students will be divided into pairs.
 The teacher will give picture strip story to each pairs. The pictures are
related to the process of asking and giving something.
 Every student in their own pair will describe one picture.

2. Elaboration:
 After describing the pictures, the students have to arrange the pictures to be
a sequential event. The arrangement is based on their own creativity. So,
each pair may have different arrangement.
 The members of the pair will tell the sequential events based on the
arranged pictures in front of the class. Every student will tell about one
picture on his/her hand and it will be continued by the next student based on
the order of the picture they have arranged before.
 Each pair has to present their own presentation.
 After all of presentations. The students will choose one of the best
presentation and they have to say the reason of choosing it.
3. Confirmation :
 Teacher confirms the correct way to describe the process/procedure of
doing/using something.
 Teacher facilitates the students in identifying language function that will be
used in the activity.
 Teacher opens a question-answer session.
 Teacher gives reinforcement to students’ work.

C. Post-teaching
1. Summarizing the lesson.
2. Doing reflection.
3. Giving homework.
4. Preparing the forthcoming topic/lesson.
5. Leave taking.

V. Required Books and Media

1. Media: board marker, white board, internet, picture strip story.
2. Books:
 English Book for Junior High School, KTSP 2006

VI. Evaluation
Spoken Test
 Students describe/demonstrate the process of asking and giving something

VII. Assessment
Accuracy (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary), fluency, and comprehensibility.
No Speaking Aspects Weigh Scale Score ( W X S )
1 Pronunciation (10) 2 1 - 5
2 Grammar (10 ) 2 1 - 5
3 Vocabulary ( 20 ) 4 1 - 5
4 Fluency (30 ) 6 1 - 5
5 Comprehensibility ( 30 ) 6 1 - 5

Notes :
1 : Poor
2 : Fair
3 : Good
4 : Very Good
5 : Excellent

Gandapura, 19 Agustus 2014

Approved by: Prepared by:
Principal, Teacher,

Abdullah, S.Ag, M.Pd Reza Novianda, S.Pd

NIP. 197009151998031002

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