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1 8/26/2019
 Pollution is the process of making land, water, air or
other parts of the environment dirty and not safe or
suitable to use. This can be done through the
introduction of a contaminant into a natural
environment, but the contaminant doesn't need to be
tangible. Things as simple as light, sound and
temperature can be considered pollutants when
introduced artificially into an environment.
 Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people
worldwide, according to Pure Earth a non-profit
environmental organization. In some of the world's
worst polluted places, babies are born with birth
defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life
expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of
2cancers and other diseases. Read on to find out more

about specific types of pollution

Given Below are Categories of Pollution


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Air pollution refers to the release of harmful contaminants (chemicals, toxic
gases, particulates, biological molecules, etc.) into the earth’s atmosphere. These
contaminants are quite detrimental, and in some cases, pose serious health issues.
Some causes that contribute to air pollution are:
 Burning fossil fuels
 Mining operations
 Exhaust gases from industries and factories
The effects of air pollution vary based on the pollutant. But generally, the impact
of air pollution range from:
 Increased risk of respiratory illness and cardiovascular problems
 Increased risk of skin diseases
 May increase the risk of cancer
 Global warming
 Acid rain
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 Ozone depletion
 Hazards to wildlife
 Water pollution is said to occur when toxic pollutants and particulate matter
are introduced into water bodies such as lakes, rivers and seas. These
contaminants are generally introduced by human activities like
improper sewage treatment and oil spills. However, even natural processes
such as eutrophication can cause water pollution.
Other significant causes of water pollution include:
 Dumping solid wastes in water bodies
 Disposing untreated industrial sewage into water bodies
 Human and animal wastes
 Agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilisers
 The effects of water pollution are very pronounced
in ourenvironment. Furthermore, toxic chemicals can bioaccumulate in living
beings, and these chemicals can travel their way up the food chain, ultimately
reaching humans.
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Other consequences of water pollution include:
 Disruption of the ecosystem
 Threats to marine life
 Increased risk of water-borne diseases
 Increases toxic chemicals (such as mercury) in water bodies
 Eutrophication

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Soil pollution, also called soil contamination, refers to the degradation of land
due to the presence of chemicals or other man-made substances in the soil. The
xenobiotic substances alter the natural composition of soil and affect it
negatively. For instance, any toxic chemicals present in the soil will get absorbed
by the plants. Since plants are producers in an environment, it gets passed up
through the food chain.
Some of the common causes of soil pollution are:
 Improper industrial waste disposal
 Oil Spills
 Acid rain which is caused by air pollution
 he effects of soil pollution are numerous. Specific wastes, such as radioactive
waste become particularly hazardous when they are not well-contained. A
well-documented example is a nuclear accident in Chernobyl, which has left
an area of 2,600 km2 uninhabitable for several thousand years.
 Other effects of soil pollution include:
 Loss of soil nutrients, which renders the soil unfit for agriculture
 Impacts the natural flora and fauna residing in the soil 8/26/2019

 Degrades vegetation due to the increase of salinity of the soil

Noise pollution refers to the excessive amount of noise in the surrounding that
disrupts the natural balance. Usually, it is man-made, though certain natural
calamities like volcanoes can contribute to noise pollution.
 In general, any sound which is over 85 decibels is considered to be detrimental.
Also, the duration an individual is exposed plays an impact on their health. For
perspective, a normal conversation is around 60 decibels, and a jet taking off is
around 15o decibels.
 Noise pollution has several contributors, which include:
 Industry-oriented noises such as heavy machines, mills, factories, etc.
 Transportation noises from vehicles, aeroplanes, etc.
 Construction noises
 Noise from social events (loudspeakers, firecrackers, etc.)
 Household noises (such as mixers, TV, washing machines, etc.)
 The noise pollution has now become very common due to dense urbanisation and
industrialisation. Noise pollution can bring about adverse effects such as :
 Hearing loss
 Tinnitus
 Sleeping disorders
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 Hypertension (high BP)

10 8/26/2019
 In the chart above we compare the death rates from outdoor particulate
matter air pollution in 2017 (y-axis) versus 1990 (x-axis). Here the grey line
represents the line where death rates are equal in both years. Countries which
lie below the grey line have seen a reduction in death rates since 1990.
Countries which lie above the line have seen an increase in death rates from
air pollution.
 As we see, there is a notable split across countries: around half lie above,
whilst half lie below this line. Death rates have increased in some countries
over the last few decades whilst they have fallen in others.

11 8/26/2019
Humans produce vast quantities of waste—in
factories and offices, in our homes and
schools, and in such unlikely places as
hospitals. Even the most sophisticated waste
processing plants, which use plasma
torches (electrically controlled "flames" at
temperatures of thousands of degrees) to turn
waste into gas, produce solid waste products
that have to be disposed of somehow. There's
simply no getting away from waste: our
ultimate fate as humans is to die and become
waste products that have to be burned or
Chart: Although most of the waste we produce
is relatively harmless and easy to dispose of
(blue), around one fifth of it (orange, yellow,
and green) is dangerous or toxic and extremely
difficult to get rid of without automatically
contaminating land.
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Protection of our environment is one of our major responsibilities and a
natural way of caring for self and for our future generations. There are
several factors that would help reduce the impact of our consumption habits.
Beneath are some of the practical ways that can be implemented in our daily
life to reduce pollution.
 Choosing Transportation Facility : Avoid using car for short distance travel,
instead you can make use of a bicycle which will be beneficial in terms of
health as well as in reduction of air pollution.
 Food Choices : As transporting food across various parts of the country
would lead to consumption of considerable fuel, we can minimize
consumption of excessive fuel by choosing food products that has been
grown locally and naturally using viable methods. Hence reducing air
 Energy choices : Ensure that you switch off the lights and other electrical
appliances when you are not in the room. Unplugging them when not in use
would also help to save energy. Use energy efficient light bulbs.
 Usage of Chemicals : Make use of eco friendly chemicals because these are
what we use for washing utensils, cars and homes gets wash down into
sewage system that would in turn get collected as a ground water.
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 Avoid Flushing your Medication : Medicines with high dosage when
end up in sanitation system, are very difficult to isolate from the
water system and would cause adverse effect on people who would
consume this water.
 Conservation of Water : Avoid excess unwanted usage of water. Some
of the simple ways to prevent wastage of water includes, to make use
of water saving apparatus, fix leakage of taps and avoid washing
utensils with running water.
Creating Awareness
 There are several ways that you could educate people on
environmental pollution. Do some research online and get to know
about the causes of pollution in your area. Share with many people as
much as possible so that they are aware about the severity of
pollution and the ways to prevent it. One can also create awareness
through creating an environmental group.
14 8/26/2019
Audio on lack of oxygen due to pollution

15 8/26/2019
Grouping of objects

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Working with tables

Types of % of pollution in % of pollution in

pollution 1990 2017

Air Pollution 56% 76%

Water Pollution 66% 86%

Noise Pollution 40% 35%

Soil Pollution 42% 64%

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