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The sustainable development project has 17 goals that can improve the life quality of
every living creature in this world. As for one of it, which is the quality education, guarantees
the inclusive and prevalent education and increases the chance to get good education for
everyone all the time. The existence and implementation of this goals are protected by the law.
As stated on article 32 in constitution, every people deserves to get education. So, if there is
someone who does not get their rights for it, they can constitually sue it to government or
parties that responsible for it.
Among 65 countries, Indonesia is placed on 57th on the world education ranking. The
world education ranks 65 countries by its education quality which is measured by 3 factors :
reading scores, mathematics scores, and sciences scores. This fact is shown by a table shown
by :
Table 3.1 World Educational Ranking
From the table above, we know that Indonesia has the score 402 for reading scale, 371
for mathematics scale, and 383 for science scale. This number places Indonesia on 9 countries
which have the lowest quality of education system. All three aspects counted are colored red,
which means three of them is below the score average.
As for Southeast Asia countries, there are Singapore and Thailand whose rank is above
Indonesia. The weakness of this data is it does not count all countries in the world because
most of countries in Southeast Asia are not included to the table, such as Malaysia, Brunei
Darussalam, Philippine, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, etc. Therefore, what we can conclude
is Indonesia is not too bad at educational system in Southeast Asia, yet it should be concerned
if it viewed by the rank among most of countries.
In terms of educational domestic problem, it seems impossible if the quality education
is solely measured by those three factors which are mentioned above. There must be thousand
of possibility that could happen since Indonesia is such a great country with hundred thousand
of population. Other influential aspects we shall also consider are the supporting facilities and
infrastructure, school participation, role of surrounding, other activities besides formal
education, and whatnot.
Facilities and Infrastructures
The comfort and safe learning and teaching facilities and infrastructure is one of the
key to ensure good and safe school for students. Educational facilities are media or material
that have a direct role for teaching and learning activities, such as furniture, properties, and
educational media (ex : board), while educational infrastructures have an indirect role for
teaching and learning activities, such as classroom and library. As mentioned on article 45 of
Law No. 20 of 2003, every educational unit provides facilities and infrastructures which fulfills
the educational needs corresponds with the growth and development of physical potency,
intellectual intelligence, social, emotional, and psychiatric of the learners.
Table 3.2 Development of the number of schools according to the level of education

The table above (Table 3.2) shows the amount of school listed by the level of education
in last 2 years, compared between year 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The highest increase
conducted in middle education, which is vocational school (3,58%) and junior high school
(3,17%). This number already consists of both public and private schools. The role of
government dominates the school provision in Elementary School and Junior High School
(59% to 89%), but as the level of education gets higher, it is dominated by the private (25,67
to 49,96%).
This fact is followed by the number of learners according to the level of education,
which is shown by the table below :
Table 3.3 Number of Students According to Education Level
From the table above, we know that Elementary School has the most students among
other three higher levels. The number of students who continue their study gets decreased as
the level of education is increased. Only ten thousand out of 25 thousand students (equals with
approximately 39,73%) continue to their study Junior High School. Afterwards, only 47,24%
of them continue their study to Senior/Vocational High School.
Moreover, the number of vocational students is higher than the number of high school
students. It shows the high interest of children going to vocational schools, as the government
hopes to fulfill the necessity of the labor market through skilled and ready graduates of
vocational schools.
For the quality of infrastructure, there are many things we should concern since it is
also affect the quality of education. As mentioned before, the educational infrastructures
consist of many thing, two of them are classroom and library.
Table 3.4 Percentage of Classroom by Level of Education and Condition

Table 3.4 shows that classrooms with the most damaged conditions is on Elementary
School level. Classrooms with good conditions is still under 50%. Apparently, the management
of educational finance should be more focused on upgrading the facilities and infrastructures
to become a better version of it in order to improve the quality of the education itself. Not only
to repairing the bad condition, but also see and consider the sufficiency between the available
classrooms and the number of students.
Table 3.5 Number and Percentage of Libraries Towards Schools According to School Level and School Status
As stated on Government Regulation Number 24 of 2014 Article 83, every school is
obliged to provide school library. Therefore, the amount of school buildings supposed to be
parallel with the amount of school library. By contrast, table 3.5 shows that the availability
percentage of library does not reach 100%, which means not every school has its own library.
For example, it is calculated that only six out of ten vocational schools is equipped with their
own library.
The improvement of quality education should not only focus on improving the quality
of facilities and infrastructure, but also to define the quality standards of the teachers. Teachers
have the most important role in teaching and learning process.
Table 3.6 Percentage of Teachers Who is Eligible to Teach According to Education Level

The chart above shows that most of the teachers in 4 different levels are qualified as
eligible in teaching and meet the quality standards to teach. The number of qualified teachers
gets increased as the increase of the level of education.
Table 3.6 Number of students, teachers, and student-teacher ratios according to education level

The ratio between student and teacher is often used to compare the the education quality
between countries. On average, every teacher is responsible to 16-17 students. From the chart
above we know that it meets the quality standards. The weakness of this calculation is the role
of headmaster is still counted, meanwhile, the fact says that most of the headmasters do not
contribute directly in the process of learning and teaching.

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