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The single most critical function of Three-parts of person description:

management in building a successful

consulting practice is selecting and developing  Academic credentials
the consulting staff.  Experience
 Personal traits and characteristics
People selected to represent the consulting
firm: Effective and successful consulting will have
people with:
 The level of success
 The rate of growth  Consulting skills
 The future of consulting process  Technical skills

A consultant who does not improve in Senior consultants should have:

knowledge and expertise will soon become
 Technical skills
 Executive maturity
Consultants are composite of:
Senior consultants are valuable assets
 Training because they:
 Experience
 Develop clients
In selecting consulting staff, the following  Manages projects
considerations should be observed:  Supervise and trains junior
 The kind of consulting practice
(specialist or generalist) Senior consultants involve more in:
 The targeted principal market
 Critical analysis
 The kind of image the consultant
 Conceptualization
would want to project
 Decision making
Technical specialist - has ability to
Junior consultants -more in data
conduct in-depth assessments
and critical analysis leading
to: Technical specialist:

 Decisions and recommendations  Less experienced

 Limited or no managerial experience
In small business arena, a consultant will be
 Having support role
working with:
The consultant can stay current (updated) by:
 Entrepreneurial management style
 Fewer professional staff member  Understanding the need for
(educational program)
Two-part description of position profile:
 Wanting (educational program)
 Overall role of the position  Personally committing to a structured
 Job description program
Continuing educational program should be  Level of trust in the team’s
structured with: ability

 Forethought Levels of rewards:

 Time tables
 Material
Types of training methods for personnel  Social
 Personal development
 Formal training
 Ongoing training Process of group formation for teams:
 informal training
 Formation
If one is determined to build quality  Brainstorming
professional consulting practice and  Emergence of consensus
development of good management  Performance
techniques, this will lead to:
Types of conflict in team:
 personal satisfaction
 feeling of exhilaration  Functional conflicts
 Dysfunctional conflicts (negative)
Departments -good way of organizing jobs.

 Marketing
 Finance
 Operation

Factors that influence the structure of teams:

A. Intrinsic factors
 Group size
 Stage in group formation
 Individual expertise and
 Group norms and culture
 Leadership
 Individual personalities
 Group motivation
B. Extrinsic factors
 Group task
 Resource ability
 Group rewards
 Interaction with the group

Significance of the project will vary according


 Needs of the client

 Expectations

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