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Job Changes

Fewer and fewer people are staying with the same job their entire
lives. In the United States, the average person will switch jobs
more than 10 times in over the course of his/her life. Some
workers will make lateral, or even downward, moves in order to
increase personal fulfillment. Others switch jobs in an effort to
obtain the highest possible salary. Increasing personal autonomy
is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what happens when
length of experience is replaced with variety of experience? As
the number of jobs people will hold over the course of their lives
continues to climb, it is important to examine the implications and
meaning of this trend for our lives.

Perspective One: Because jobs are no longer a lifetime

commitment, people will feel freer to accept a greater variety of
positions. This increase in breadth of experience will in turn make
job applicants more attractive to future employers.

Perspective Two: As the frequency with which people change

jobs increases, the loyalty of people to their employers will
decrease. This in turn will lead to more fractured company
cultures, as employees will only care about what’s best for them.

Perspective Three: The disappearance of the stigma associated

with frequent job switching will allow employees more leeway with
employment decisions. Increased autonomy will lead to increased
happiness and job satisfaction.

Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple

perspectives on the increasing frequency with which people
switch jobs.

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