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NIM 201432071



Presented to Universitas Muria Kudus
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Completing the Sarjana
Program in English Education

Achlis noor saputra
NIM 201432071



- There is a sunshine after the rain, there is a good time after the pain.
- Better late than never.


This skripsi is dedicated to:

 His beloved parents, Mr. Nur Chamid

and Mrs. Siti Wasti’ah.

 His best friends.


The writer’s grateful prays are prised to Allah the almighty and merciful
God, for the guidance and blessing. So that the writer can finish the skripsi
entitled “The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus
in 2018/2019 Academic Year Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English”.
The writer realizes that he would not able to finish his skripsi without any
guidance, advice, suggestion and encouragement from many people. Thought his
occasion, the writer would like to express his gratitude and thanks to:

1. Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty of Universitas Muria Kudus and as the first advisor who has guided
with best guidance, best support to the writer in finishing this skripsi with all
his patience.

2. Nuraeningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd as the head of English Department and Education

Faculty of Universitas Muria Kudus.

3. Agung Dwi Nurcahyo, S.S, M.Pd. as the second advisor, who has also given
the writer time, best guidance, support and suggestion.

4. All of the lecturers in English Education Department. Thanks for the

knowledge that gave to him, hopefully be useful knowledge.

5. Drs. Saiful Hadi, M.Pd. as the headmaster of SMK 1 Kudus who has given
the permission to do this research.

6. Puji Basuki, S.Pd. as the English teacher in SMK 1 Kudus who has given the
permission, time, support and chance to conduct a research in his class.

7. The writer’s family, especially his beloved parents Mr. Nur Chamid and Mrs.
Siti Wasti’ah who always support him.

8. The writer’s best friends, Eden, Budi, Rifa, Ayu, Misbah, Lily, Masyit, Adjie
who always support and help him dealing idea.

9. The other friends who cannot mention one by one.

Finally, the writer will happily welcome any constructive criticisms and
suggestions. The writer hopes that it will be useful for those especially who are in
the education field.

Kudus, 18th of February 2019

The writer

Achlis Noor Saputra


Saputra, Achlis Noor. 2019. Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa Kelas Sepuluh SMK 1
Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 yang Diajar Menggunakan T-Flat
Learn English. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus.
Pembimbing: (1) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd. (2) Agung Dwi Nurcahyo,
S.S., M.Pd.

Kata kunci: penguasaan kosakata, memberi dan meminta arahan, mobile

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang penting, sehingga Bahasa Inggris
masuk dalam salah satu pelajaran di sekolah. Salah satu cara mengusai Bahasa
Inggris adalah dengan menigkatkan perbendaharaan kosakata (Vocabulary Items).
Semakin banyak kosakata yang dikuasi maka semakin mudah seseorang dalam
memahami Bahasa Inggris. Salah satu dari penguasaan kosakata adalah
penguasaan kosakata tentang memberi dan menerima arahan. Materi tersebut juga
diajarkan di pelajan bahasa inggris untuk SMK semester 2 ditahun pelajaran
2018/2019, khususnya kelas 10. Namun kebanyakan siswa masih kesulitan dalam
menguasai dan menghafal kosakata tentang memberi dan meminta arahan. Dalam
hal ini, penulis memberikan sosusi untuk membuat siswa jadi lebih mudah dan
tertarik dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Penulis mengajar siswa dengan
menggunaan aplikasi T-Flat Learn English. T-Flat Learn English adalah sebuah
aplikasi android yang ditujukan untuk memudahkan penggunanya dalam belajar
kosakata bahasa inggris.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan yang signifikan
antara penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas sepuluh SMK 1 Kudus pada tahun
pelajaran 2018/2019 sebelum dan sesudah diajar dengan menggunakan T-Flat
Learn English. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif
eksperimental. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah kelas sepuluh SMK 1 Kudus
pada tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penulis mengambil kelas X-AP 1 sebagai sampel
dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang
digunakan oleh penulis adalah pre-test dan post-test dengan format mengisi teks
rumpang dengan jumlah 10 soal.
Hasil pre-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata (mean) adalah 51,25.
Sedangkan rata-rata hasil post-test adalah 73,25. Perhitungan T-Test menunjukkan
bahwa t(obtained) = 6,7 > t(critical) = ±2,042 artinya ada perbedaan yang
signifikan antara penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas sepuluh SMK 1 Kudus pada
tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 sebelum dan sesudah diajar menggunakan T-Flat Learn
English. Aplikasi tersebut dapat meningkatkan ketertarikan siswa terhadap materi
dan membuat siswa jadi lebih aktif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan
hasil tersebut, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa T-Flat Learn English efektif dalam
membantu siswa belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya tentang penguasaan kosakata
tentang memberi dan meminta arahan.


Saputra, Achlis Noor. 2019. The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students
of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year Taught by Using T-Flat
Learn English. Sripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training
and Education Faculty, Univeristas Muria Kudus. Advisor: (1) Dr. Slamet
Utomo, M.Pd., (2) Agung Dwi Nurcahyo, S.S., M.Pd.

Key words: Vocabulary Mastery, Asking and Giving Direction, Mobile


English is an important language, so English is included in one of the

lessons in school. One way to master English is by increasing vocabulary items.
The more vocabulary is mastered, the easier it is for someone to understand
English. One of the vocabulary mastery is vocabulary mastery about asking and
giving for direction. The material was also taught in English language learning for
vocational school in semester 2 in 2018/2019 academic year, especially in tenth
grade. However, most students still had difficulty in mastering and memorizing
vocabulary about asking and giving for direction. In this case, the writer gave a
discussion to make students easier and interested in learning English. The writer
taught the students by using T-Flat Learn English Application. T-Flat Learn
English is an android application that is intended to facilitate users in learning
English vocabulary.
The purpose of this study was to determine the significant differences
between the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 academic year before and after being taught by using Mobile
Application. The design of the research used in this study is quantitative
experimental design. The population of this study is the tenth grade students of
SMK 1 Kudus in the 2018/2019 academic year. The writer took X-AP 1 class as a
sample by using cluster random sampling. The research instrument used by the
writer was the pre-test and post-test with the format of fill in the blank test with 10
The pre-test result shows that the mean value is 51.25. While, the mean of
post-test is 73.25. T-Test calculation shows that t(obtained) = 6.7 > t(critical) = ±
2.042 means that there is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery
of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before
and after being taught by using Mobile Application. It can increase the students
interest and makes the students more active in the teaching and learning process.
Based on these results, the writer concludes that Mobile Application is an
effective media to help students learn English especially about mastering
vocabulary about asking and giving for direction.


COVER........................................................................................... i
LOGO.............................................................................................. ii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION...................................................... iv
ADVISORS’ APPROVAL............................................................. v
EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL.......................................................... vi
ACKNWOLEDGEMENT............................................................. vii
ABSTRAK...................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT.................................................................................... x
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................. xi
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................... xiii
LIST FIGURE................................................................................ xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................ xv

1.1 Background of the Research...................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem........................................................... 2

1.3 Objective of the Research.......................................................... 3

1.4 Significance of the Research...................................................... 3

1.5 Scope of the Research................................................................ 3

1.6 Operational Definition............................................................... 3


2.1 English Vocabulary..................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Types of Vocabulary................................................................ 5
2.2 Mobile Application..................................................................... 6
2.2.1 T-Flat Learn English Application............................................ 7
2.3 Teaching English in SMK N 1 Kudus........................................ 8
2.4 Review of the Previous Research............................................... 8
2.5 Theoretical Framework.............................................................. 9
2.6 Hypothesis.................................................................................. 10

3.1 Design of the Research............................................................... 11
3.2 Population of the Research......................................................... 11
3.3 Instrument of the Research......................................................... 12
3.4 Data Collection........................................................................... 14
3.5 Data Analysis............................................................................. 14
4.1 Finding of the Research.............................................................. 17
4.1.1 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of
SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before being
Taught by T-Flat Learn English App...................................... 17
4.1.2 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of
SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after being
Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.................................... 19
4.2 Hypothesis Testing..................................................................... 21
5.1 The Significant Difference between the Vocabulary Mastery
of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
Academic Year before and after being Taught by Using
T-Flat Learn English.................................................................. 24
6.1 Conclusion.................................................................................. 25
6.2 Suggestion.................................................................................. 25
REFERENCE................................................................................. 27
APPENDICES................................................................................ 28


Table Page
3.1 The Criteria of Measuring the Score of the Test ................................... 12
3.2 The Criteria of Reliability Score ........................................................... 14
3.3 The Criteria of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery ...................................... 15
4.1 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of
SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before being Taught
by Using T-Flat Learn English............................................................... 18
4.2 The Frequency and the Percentage of the Vocabulary Mastery of
the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
Academic Year before being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English..... 18
4.3 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of
SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after being Taught
by Using T-Flat Learn English............................................................... 20
4.4 The Frequency and the Percentage of the Vocabulary Mastery of
the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year after being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English......................... 20
4.5 The Summary of Pre-Test and Post-Test of the Vocabulary Mastery
of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English........................................... 22


Figure Page
3.1 The Curve of T-Test............................................................................... 16
4.1 The Bar Chart of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before
being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English......................................... 19
4.2 The Bar Chart of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after
being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English......................................... 21
4.3 The curve of T-test Result of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth
Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year
Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English................................................... 23


Appendix Page
Appendix 1. Syllabus of the Tenth Grade Students
of SMK 1 Kudus.....................................................................29
Appendix 2. Lesson Plan.............................................................................31
Appendix 3. Research Instrument................................................................37
Appendix 4. Answer Key of the Research Instrument.................................39
Appendix 5. Score of Try Out......................................................................40
Appendix 6. The Calculating of the Reliability Try-Out Test.....................41
Appendix 7. The Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year
before being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English...............43
Appendix 8. The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of
Pre-Test Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth
Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year before being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English......44
Appendix 9. The Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year
after being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.................46
Appendix 10. The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of
Pre-Test Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth
Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year after being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.......47
Appendix 11. The Data Calculation of T-Test of the Vocabulary Mastery
of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
Academic Year Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English........49
Appendix 12. The Summary of the Calculation of T-Test of the
Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of
SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after being
Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English................................. 52

Appendix 13. T-Table................................................................................... 53

Appendix 14. Statement............................................................................... 54

Appendix 15 Keterangan Selesai Bimbingan.............................................. 55

Appendix 16. Permohonan Ujian Skripsi.................................................... 56

Appendix 17. Curriculum Vitae................................................................... 57



In this chapter, the writer discusses about the background of the

research, statement of the problem, objective of the research, significance of
the research, scope of the research and operational definition.
1.1 Background of the Research
Language is communication system in the world. It is important for us
to learn language especially English since it is used as international language
among nations in the world. As the first foreign language in Indonesia,
English is carried out in education. English as formal subject is taught at all
levels of education from kindergarten to university.
Besides learning about four English skills, listening, speaking, reading
and writing. The students also learn about the components such as
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In this case, according to
Masmaliyeva (2009), Vocabulary is central to the learning and teaching of a
second language as it affords learners access to all forms of oral and written
communication that includes literature, music, and content knowledge. It
means that vocabulary has a big role for the students in learning English.
Vocabulary mastery is one of the most important things to make
our communication fluent. Brown (1987:87) states that “the larger the
vocabulary size one has the better one’s performance in all aspect of English
language work will be”. The appropriate words are helpful to make a good
communication. If the students have limited vocabulary, it means that they
will find difficulties in understanding English.
In fact, students of SMK 1 Kudus especially students of tenth grade of
SMK 1 Kudus are still difficult in memorizing and understanding vocabulary
items. They think that English is unnecessary. They do not interesting in
learning English yet. Based on the English teachers of SMK 1 Kudus said that
the students still find some difficulties in learning English, because they think
that English is hard to understand, unnecessary lesson and not interesting in
learning English.


To solve the problem, the writer must find out how to make the students
enthusiastic in learning English. If the students enthusiastic in learning
English, it can make them easier to understand the material. The writer can
use various media, such as using a video, pictures or a game. Nowadays,
gadget or smartphone is spreading massively in entire world. Start from
children to adult now can operate a smartphone. It has a big effect for
humans’ life. People usually cannot go without a smartphone. So, related to
the phenomenon, the writer decides to use mobile application especially T-
Flat Learn English to teach the students. Based on Johnson (2014), “The
innovation in mobile apps has raised interest among educators because it
facilitates teaching and learning”. Similarly with Pure Oxygen Labs (2013)
define that Mobile devices with robust Internet connection have proliferated
in educational use since the advent of the iPad in 2010. The new mobile
device ecosystem led to the rise of thousands of free or almost free
applications (apps), which refer to compute programs design to run
exclusively in mobile devices. For instance, more than 775.000 apps were
available of January 2013”. Based on that data, there are a lot of mobile
applications which can help the teacher or the writer to teach English. From
the statements above the writer conclude that mobile application can improve
students’ spirit in learning English.

Based on the explanation above, the writer interested to conduct the

research entitled “The Vocabulary Mastery of Tenth Grade Students of SMK
1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year Taught by Using T-Flat Learn

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the writer determined
the statement of the problems as follows, “Is there a significant difference
between the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus
2018/2019 academic year before and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn
1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem, the objective of this research if

there is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the tenth
grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before and after
being taught by using T-Flat Learn English.

1.4 Significance of the Problem

By conducting this research, the writer hopes that the result will be
useful as follow:
1. For Teachers
This research can give contribution to the teachers to innovate learning
media, especially using T-Flat Learn English. So, they can increase
teaching and learning quality and the students’ learning achievement.
2. For Students

The students can apply or use their mobile application or T-Flat Learn
English wisely not only for useless activities such as playing games, go
surfing on the internet or do chatting with their friends but also for benefit
activities such as use it for increasing their knowledge.

1.5 Scope of the Problem

The writer focuses on the effectiveness of using of mobile phone

application to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery, especially in used of
asking and giving direction. The writer used a mobile application from
Android OS named “Belajar Bahasa Inggris” or TFlat Learn English from
Android Playstore.

1.6 Operational Definition

Related to the title of this research, the writer gives operational
definition of some key words as follow:

1. Students’ Vocabulary Mastery is the students’ mastery in understanding

any expressions as the key of the daily communications such as mastering
asking and giving directions.

2. T-Flat Learn English is an android application that is intended to facilitate

users in learning English vocabulary.

This chapter presents English vocabulary which covers the definition of

vocabulary, the types of vocabulary, vocabulary test; mobile application covers
the definition of mobile application, the types of mobile application; teaching
English in SMK 1 Kudus; review of the previous research; theoretical framework;
and hypothesis.
2.1 English Vocabulary
English is an international language which has some skills and some
components. The components consist of pronounciation, vocabulary, and
grammatical structe. It is impossible to master international language without
mastering vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary is an essential part of language
and it is also a basic step to learn English. It is very important for someone to
know what vocabulary is before discussing vocabulary mastery.
There are some definitions of vocabularies. Hatch and Brown (1995:1)
defined vocabulary as a list of words for a particular language or set of words that
individual speaker of language might use. While Hornby (1995: 985) states that
vocabulary is the total number of the words (with their meaning and with rules for
combining them) making up the language.
From the definitions above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is the
total numbers of words, a words, a list or set of words in a particular language that
a person knows or uses. said that mastery refers to having great
skill at something or total dominance over something”. Vocabulary mastery is
about memorize or capability to understanding the words as the basic skill in
learning English.

2.1.1 Types of Vocabulary

Some experts divide vocabulary into two types, active and passive
vocabulary. Harmer (1991) distinguishes between these two types of vocabulary.
The first type of vocabulary refers to the one that the students have been taught
and that they are expected to be able to use. Meanwhile, the second one refers to
the words which the students will recognize when they meet them, but which they
will probably not be able to pronounce. Haycraft quoted by Hatch and Brown


(1995), indicate two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive and productive

a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary s words that learners recognize and understand

when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce. It is
vocabulary that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text but
do not use it in speaking and writing (Stuart Webb, 2099).

b. Productive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and
can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It
involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or
write at the appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be
addressed as an active process because the learners can produce the words to
express their thoughts to others (Stuart Webb. 2005).

2.2 Mobile Application

A mobile application, most commonly reffered to as an app, is a type of
application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or
tablet computer. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with
similar services to those accessed on Personal Computer. Mobile applications are
generally small, individual software units with limited function. The use of mobile
application was popularized by Google Android and Apple iOS.
In this day, mobile applications are integral part of our daily lives. The
marketplace is crowded with all types of mobile applications. Even an educators
who never need it in the past are getting into the game. Based on Matteo (2018)
there are 6 categories of mobile application.
The 6 categories of mobile application are Lifestyle mobile application,
social media mobile application, utility mobile application, games/entertainment
mobile application, productivity mobile application, news/information outlets
mobile application.
a. Lifestyle Mobile Application

Lifestyle mobile application is one that accelerates or supports the individual

facets that define the lifestyle. Example : Spotify, Tripadvisor and Uber.

b. Social Media Mobile Application

Social media mobile application is one of the most popular application. It

connects people arround the world. Several common social media mobile
applications are Facebook, Instagram, Pinterst and Twitter.

c. Utility Mobile Application

Utility mobile application is a type of mobile applications that may be used

most often without thinking about them as application. The examples are
Reminders, Calculator and Weather.

d. Game or Entertainment Mobile Application

Game or entertainment mobile application is an application which entertain

the users. The deveopers make the game as addictive as possible by offering
incentives to users who come back every day or a certain number of days in a
row. For the exampple : Clash of Clans, Subway Surfer and Angry Bird.

e. Productivity Mobile Application

Productivity mobile application helps the users accomplish a task quickly and
efficiently. Fot the example : Docs, Sheets, Wallet and Evernote.

f. News or Information Outlets Mobile Application

News or information outlets mobile application is an application that provide

news and information the users looking for in an easy to understand layout
that efficiently navigates them to the things they care about most. For the
example: Buzzfeed, Smartnews, Feedly and Yahoo News Digest.
2.2.1 T-Flat Learn English
T-Flat Learn English is an android application that can be downloaded in
android playstore. T-Flat Learn English is made by T-Flat Group in Wichita,
Kansas, USA. It was made to help people learn vocabulary items. There are
several menu in the apps, there are video lesson, audio lesson, speaking, essential
words and games. The application also have several material such as asking and
giving direction, greetings, weather etc.

How to use T-Flat Learn English:’

a) Download the T-Flat Learn Englishlication in the android
b) Open the application.
c) There are several menu in the application, there are video lesson,
audio lesson, speaking, essential word, essential phrases, and
d) Open the essential word to learn vocabulary items.

2.3 Teaching English in SMK 1 Kudus

SMK 1 Kudus have applied full day school. The teaching and learning
process starts from Monday until Friday. English subject is taught in SMK N 1
Kudus 3 hours in a week. Teaching English in SMK 1 Kudus is taught based on
the syllabus and in the old way. The teacher comes to the class to teach the
students. The teacher focuses on the students’ hand book and LKS. By this way
the students are mostly passive.
SMK 1 Kudus use 2013 Curriculum. The teaching and learning focused on
the communication skills there are listening, speaking, reading and writing. This
curriculum is expected to answer both the needs and the challenges to improve the
quality of education in Indonesia (Permendikbud No.64, 2013).
English is an adaptive subject in SMK 1 Kudus. English is aimed to
prepare the students in master knowledge that will support skill competence
achievement in the program of stud and to apply the mastery of English in oral
and written communication on advanced level.

2.4 Review of the Previous Research

This research is supported by two three previous researches. The first
previous research was conducted by Deng and Trainin (2015) entitled “Learning
Vocabulary with Apps: From Theory to Learning”. The result of the research is
there is much evidence that uses of mobile devices has been increasingly used in
educational settings and was found prominent to help to become more effective
The second previous research is from Hsu and Ching (2013) entitled
“Mobile Apps for Teaching and Learning: Educators’ Experience in an Online
Graduate Course”. The result of the research is mobile apps for teaching and

learning process can improve the students’ feedback and interaction to the
The third previous research is from Small (2014) entitles “Theoretical
Implementations of Various Mobile Applications Used in English Language
Learning”. The result of the research is there is exist positively points toward
mobile phone technology as a tool that is becoming more widely used and
accepted by second language teacher.
The similarity among those three previous researches and this research is
talking about the effectiveness of mobile phone in learning English. Furthermore,
the difference among those previous research and this research is the writers of the
previous researches found the effectiveness of using mobile application in
learning English, while in this research, the writer wants to find out the
effectiveness of using mobile application in learning English especially in
mastering vocabulary of the students.

2.5 Theoretical Framework

In globalization era, the used of smartphone has been spreading massively
in entire world. There are a lot of advantages of using smartphone on of them in
educational sector. Smartphone can increase the students’ interest and motivate
them to learn English. Before the writer conducts this research the teacher
explains the material based on the handbook. After that the teacher write the
material on the whiteboard and asks the students to do the assignment. It a
monotonous ways and makes the students feel bored in the teaching and learning
process because there is no interesting media or technique to teach the students.
The teacher only focusess on the text as the introductory lesson. Zou and Li
(2015) states that Mobile learning can be adopted in English lessons and students’
self-study. The app which provided sources related to lessons offered extra
support to students to practice English in and after class. Participating students
expressed positive attitude towards mobile learning. It is supported by Hsu and
Ching (2013) said that mobile apps for teaching and learning process can improve
the students’ feedback and interaction to the material. Based on those statements,
it can predicted that the use of T-Flat Learn English is an effective media in
English teaching and learning process.

From the explanation above, the writer assumes that there is a significant
difference between vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1
Kudus 2018/2019 academic year before and after being taught by using T-Flat
Learn English.

2.6 Hypothesis
There is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the
tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus 2018/2019 academic year before and after
being taught by using T-Flat Learn English.


In this research, the method is presented in research design, population and

sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of
analyzing data.
3.1 Design of the Research
Based on the objective of this research, the design of this research is a
quasi experimental research. Single-subject experimental research design with one
group pre-test and post-test. Creswell (2002) noted that quantitative research is the
process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the results of a study.
Based on the title of this research, there are two variables involved.

1. The vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in

2018/2019 academic year.
2. Mobile application as a media of teaching English

3.2 Population and Sample

Arikunto (2006:130-131) states, “Population is the whole of research
subject, whereas sample is a part of population”. In this research, the target
population which will be chosen by the writer is all of the seventh grade students
of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year which consist of 15 classes there
are X-JB 1, X-JB 2, X-JB 3, X-BB 1, X-BB 2, X-BB 3, X-AK 1, X-AK 2, X-AK
3, X-AP 1, X-AP 2, X-PM 1, X-PM 2, X-PS 1 and X-PS 2. Every class consists of
36 students. The number of the population is 537 students. The population is
homogenius because they are taught with the same handbook and syllabus.
The writer used cluster random sampling to get the sample. The writer
made a tin which contains paper rolls whose class names have been written. Then
the writer whisked the can until one the papers comes out. The class was chosen
as the sample is X-AP 1.


3.3 Instrument of the Research

Arikunto (2010:193) categorized of two types of instrument, there are test
and non-test. He explains that test is series of questions or exercises uses to
measure skill, knowledge, intelligent, abilities or talents possessed by individual
or group. While non-test includes giving questionnaire, interview, observation and
In doing this research, the writer chose a “fill in the blank” test as an
instrument of the research to get and to collect the data and to measure the
vocabulary mastery of the students.
There are 10 items in the test, the score of the students are obtained by
multiplying the correct answer by 10. Therefore, the highest score is 100 and the
lowest score is 0. The data description of the students’ score was classified into
fire criteria.
The data description of the students score can be described on the table
Table 3.1 The Criteria of the Students’ Achievement of Vocabulary Mastery

Score Notes
81-100 Excellent
61-80 Good
41-60 Sufficient
21-40 Fair
0-20 Poor

The test that was used has fulfilled the reliability and validity to get
the data accurately. Before doing the test, the writer did a try out to another
class to make sure that the test is reliable. Furthermore, the question of the
test was compiled based on the syllabus to make sure that the test is valid.
A. Validity
Validity is the accuracy stage of an instrument to test the things in a
certain group. To measure the validity test, the writer used content
validity, in which the test is made based on the specification on the
English Curriculum.
B. Reliability
Reliability means the stability of the test to measure certain task that
can be applied everywhere and every time. In additional, to make sure
that the test will be called reliable, before using the test item for the pre-

test and post-test will be tried out. Firstly, tenth grade students of SMK
1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year get the material asking and giving
direction that has been taught before. The writer used fill in the blank
test. Then, the writer calculated the result of the try out to find the test
reliability by using formula as stated as follow:

rxy : items of test reliability
N : the number of sample
∑x : the sum of X score
∑y : the sum of Y score
∑xy : the sum of the scores X and Y scores for each students’

∑x2 : the sum of X scores of X square

∑y : the sum of Y scores of Y square

The result of the calculation was applied into “spearman-Brown”

formula to estimate the reliability of the entire test. The formula is:
r 11=
r11 : the reliability of the whole test.

Rxy : the result of the calculation using r product moment.

Table 3.2 The Criteria of Reliability Score

Reliability Notes
1.00 - 0.81 Perfectly Reliable
0.80 – 0.61 Highly Reliable
0.60 – 0.41 Fairly Reliable
0.40 – 0.21 Low Reliable
0.20 – 0.00 Not Reliable

The calculation of reliability of the research instrument:

r xy =0.59

2. r xy
r 11 =
1+r xy

2 . 0.59
r 11 =

3.4 Data Collection

In this research, the writer took several steps in collecting the data. The
steps in collecting the data for this research as follow:
1. The writer conducted pre-test to explore the data of the students’ vocabulary
mastery before being taught by using mobile application.
2. The writer gave treatment the students by using mobile application.
3. The writer conducted post-test to explore the data of the students’ vocabulary
mastery after being taught by using mobile application.

3.5 Data Analysis

In this research, the writer took several steps in analyzing the data. The steps
in analyzing the data for this research as follow:

1. Calculating data mean of pre-test to find out the students’ vocabulary mastery
before being taught by using Mobile Application.

2. Calculating data mean of post-test to find out the students’ vocabulary

mastery after being taught by using Mobile Application.

3. Calculating data mean of pre-test and post-test, the writer utilizes the mean

= frequency
x = Middle score of the internal class
N = the nfumber of sample

4. Calculating standard deviation


SD = Standard Deviation
i = the width of interval
= frequency
X’ = coding

N = the number of sample

After calculating mean and standard deviation, the writer decides to divide
the criteria of students’ ability in vocabulary mastery. The writer divides it into 3
groups as follows:
Table 3.3 The Criteria of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

No Score Predicate
1 81-100 Very Good
2 61-80 Good
3 41-60 Sufficient
4 0-40 Poor

5. Testing the hypothesis used t-test

t = the value for independent (correlated) means
= the difference between the paired score
= the mean of the differences
= the number of sample

6. Making the decision and interpreting the result of the test

a. Accept H0 and reject Ha if t0 does not fall in the critical region.

b. Reject H0 and accept Ha if t0 falls in the critical region.


This chapter focuses on the research finding of the data obtained to find
out whether there is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of
the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before and
after being taught by using T-Flat Learn English.

4.1 Finding of the Research

The data of the research was taken from the result of pre-test and post-test
of vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students before and after being taught by
using T-Flat Learn English in 2018/2019 academic year. The type of the the test is
fill in the blank test. The test contains of 10 question.

4.1.1 The Vocabulary Mastery of Asking and Giving Direction of the Tenth
Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before
being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.
Before doing the treatment teaching using T-Flat Learn English the writer
give a pre-test. The writer used fill in the blank test to get the data. After the
writer analyzes the pre-test result, the writer found the lowest score is 30 and the
highest score is score is 80. Most of the students are get 40 and 50. The mean of
the data is 51.25 and the standard deviation is 11.7. It means that the vocabulary
mastery of asking and giving direction of the tenth grade students of SMK 1
Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before being taught by T-Flat Learn English
is sufficient.


Table 4.1 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1
Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before being Taught by Using T-
Flat Learn English.

Students’ Number Students’ Score Students’ Number Students’ Score

1. 60 19. 70
2. 40 20. 50
3. 80 21. 60
4. 60 22. 60
5. 60 23. 80
6. 40 24. 30
7. 60 25. 50
8. 40 26. 40
9. 50 27. 70
10. 40 28. 60
11. 50 29. 40
12. 70 30. 40
13. 50 31. 50
14. 40 32. 30
15. 50 33. 70
16. 40 34. 70
17. 50 35. 40
18. 50 36. 50

From the data pre-test above, it can be computed in the table of the
frequency as follows:
Table 4.2 The Frequency and the Percentage of The Vocabulary Mastery of
the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year before being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.

No Score Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

1. 72-80 2 5.56
2. 63-71 5 13.89
3. 54-62 7 19.43
4. 45-53 10 27.78
5. 36-44 10 27.78
6. 27-35 2 5.56
Total 36 100
Based on the table 4.2 showed that the highest frequency and the highest
percentage of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus
in 2018/2019 academic year before being taught by using T-Flat Learn English are
27.78% from total number of the students who reached score between 36-44 and

45-53, both of them are 10 students and the lowest percentage and frequency are
5.56% from total number of the students who reached score between 27-35 and
72-80 both of them are 2 students. It means that the vocabulary mastery of the
tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before being
taught by using T-Flat Learn English is categorized as sufficient. The table is
shown by the diagram as follows:

30 27.78 27.78


15 13.89
10 10
5.56 5 5.56
2 2
27-35 36-44 45-53 54-62 63-71 72-80

Figure 4.1 The Bar Chart of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus In 2018/2019 Academic Year Before Being
Taught By Using T-Flat Learn English.

4.1.2 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus
in 2018/2019 Academic Year after being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn
The writer gave the treatment that consist of four meetings after giving the
pre-test. After the writer did the treatment, the writer gave post-test to find out the
result of the treatment. The result is described in the table below.

Table 4.3 The Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1
Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after being Taught by Using T-Flat
Learn English.

Students’ Number Students’ Score Students’ Number Students’ Score

1 80 19 90
2 70 20 70
3 100 21 80
4 90 22 80
5 80 23 100
6 70 24 70

7 60 25 70
8 70 26 80
9 70 27 70
10 60 28 70
11 60 29 80
12 90 30 60
13 90 31 70
14 70 32 50
15 70 33 80
16 60 34 90
17 80 35 60
18 70 36 80

From the data, the highest score of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth
grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year after being taught by
using T-Flat Learn English is 100 and the lowest score is 50. The writer makes the
data frequency distribution based on the result of the post-test as follows:
Table 4.4 The Frequency and the Percentage of The Vocabulary Mastery of
the STenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic
Year after being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.

No Score Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

1 92-100 2 5.56
2 83-91 5 13.89
3 74-82 9 25
4 65-73 13 36.10
5 56-64 6 16.67
6 47-55 1 2.78
Total 36 100

Based on the table 4.4, the highest percentage is 36.11% from the total number of
the students who reached score between 65-73 and the lowest is 2.78% from the
total number of the students who reached 47-50. Then the writer makes the bar
chart of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 academic year after being taught by using T-Flat Learn English as



15 13 13.89

10 9
6 5 5.56
5 2.78
1 2
47-55 56-64 65-73 74-82 83-91 92-100

FIgure 4.2 The Bar Chart of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus In 2018/2019 Academic Year After Being
Taught By Using T-Flat Learn English.

4.2 Hypothesis Testing

The writer calculated the T-test based on the data to know whether the
hypothesis is rejected or accepted. The writer shows the result of pre-test and
post-test of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 academic year before and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn
English before testing the hypothesis.

The hypothesis tested using the following steps:

1. Making assumptions and meeting test requirements.

Model: Random Sampling.

Level of measurement is interval ratio.
Sampling distribution is normal.

2. Stating the null hypothesis.

H0: µ1 = µ2
(H1: µ1 ≠ µ2)

3. Selecting the sampling distribution and establishing the critical region.

Sampling distribution = t-distribution.

α = 0.05 two-tailed test.
df = (N – 1) = 36 – 1 = 35
t(critical) = ±2,042

4. Computing the test statistic.

t 0=

(Σ D)²
Σ D 2−
N N −1 )

t 0=6.7
Table 4.5 The Summary of Pre-Test And Post-Test of the Vocabulary Mastery
of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
Academic Year Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English.

Pre-test Post-test T-test

Mean SD Mean SD df α t-critical t-obtained

36 51.25 11.7 73.25 15.3 35 2.042 6.7

5. Making a decision and interpreting the result by computing the t(critical)

with the t(obatined) in the level of significant is 0.05 and df is 35.

There are two possibilities:


c. Accept H0 and reject Ha if t0 does not fall in the critical region.

d. Reject H0 and accept Ha if t0 falls in the critical region.

The curve of T-test Result of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year Taught by Using T-
Flat Learn English Can Be Drawn As Follows:


The result of this research is there is a significant difference between the

Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
Academic Year Before and After Being Taught by Using T-Flat Learn English. H0
is rejected and Ha is accepted because t0 or t(obtained) falls in the critical region.

The result of this research is there is a significant difference between the

vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
academic year before and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn English. The
mean of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 academic year before being taught by Using T-Flat Learn English is
51,25 and it can be categorized as sufficient. Meanwhile, the mean of the
vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019
academic year after being taught by Using T-Flat Learn English is 73,25 and it can
be categorized as good.
Based on the data, the result of post-test is significantly different from
pre-test. The result of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK
1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year after being taught by using T-Flat Learn
English is higher than before being taught by using T-Flat Learn English. After
calculating mean and standard deviation of the data, the writer tested the
hypothesis with t-test hypothesis testing to find out there is a significant difference
between the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 academic year before and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn
Based on the calculation of t-test, the writer compared the t(obtained) =
+6,7 with the level of significance (α) = 0.05 and degree of freedom (df) = 35 and
t(critical) = ±2,042. Then, the writer rejected H0 (null hypothesis) and accepted Ha
(alternative hypothesis) because t(obtained) falls in the critical region. It means
that there is significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the tenth
grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before and after
being taught by using T-Flat Learn English. So, it proves that Mobile Application
especially “T-Flat Learn Englishs” is an effective media to increase the vocabulary
mastery of the students.


6.1 Conclusion
After completing the research, the writer make a conclusion that can be
seen as follows:
The writer concludes that there is a significant difference between the vocabulary
mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year
before and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn English in the level of
significance (α) is 0.05 and degree of freedom (df) is 35 and t(critical) is ±2,042.
The result is t(obtained) = +6,7, it means that t(obtained) falls in the critical
The mean of the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students of SMK
1 Kudus in 2018/2019 academic year before being taught by using T-Flat Learn
English is 51,25 and after being taught by using T-Flat Learn English is 73,25.
Therefore, the mean of the vocabulary mastery of the students after being taught
by using T-Flat Learn English is higher than the vocabulary mastery of the
students before being taught by using T-Flat Learn English. T-Flat Learn English
can increase the students’ interest and make the students more active in the
teaching and learning process.
From the data which is obtained, the writer concludes that Mobile
Application especially “T-Flat Learn Englishs” is an effective media to teach the
students and increase their vocabulary mastery.

6.2 Suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the writer gives several suggestions that are
hopefully useful for those who involve in teaching and learning English.

1. The teachers can use the mobile application or find a new application to
support teaching and learning process especially in learning English. It can
be seen from the result of this research that mobile application can
increase the vocabulary mastery of the students

2. The students should use their mobile phone wisely. Better for the students
to use their mobile phone to support their education.


3. The next researcher can use this research as the reference for the next
research which is related to the effectiveness of using Mobile Application
in learning English especially in mastering vocabulary.


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Appendix 1


Jl. Ganesha II Purwosari Telp. / Fax ( 0291 ) 437367, 434010
Homepage :
E – mail :
KUDUS 59316

ALOKASI WAKTU : 111 X 45 menit

KI.3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaran, dan peradaban terkait
fenomena dan kejadian dalam bidang kerja yang spesifik untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI.4 Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di
sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung


3.11.1 Memahami Social Function: A. Pemberian  Tes lisan 9  Bahasa Inggris  Disiplin,
3.11 Menganalisis fungsi rangsangan kelas X tekun,
ungkapan-  Giving  Menyamp
sosial, struktur teks dan (Stimulation); aikan pesan Kurikulum ketelitian ,
ungkapan tentang Information to public
unsur kebahasaan teks B.Pernyataan/identifika secara lisan 2013 tanggung
interaksi transaksional Direction. si masalah (problem Kementerian jawab,
Language Feature:
lisan dan tulis yang statement)  Tes Pendidikan bekerjasama
3.11.2 Menerapkan -Vocabulary: topic-
melibatkan tindakan C.Pengumpulan data tertulis Nasional  Teliti, tekun,
ungkapan- related (Data Collection) mandiri,
memberi dan meminta  Membuat Edisi 2014
ungkapan tentang words, Preposition D.Pembuktian bekerjasama
informasi tentang pesan singkat  Kamus Inggris-
Direction. (verification)
petunjuk arah (direction) dan atau Indonesia
-Grammar: Imperatives, E. Menarik kesimpulan petunjuk cara
sesuai dengan konteks 3.11.3 Mendiktesi Gramedia
(generalization) penggunaan
penggunaannya di dunia Ungkapan-  Kamus
kerja. alat secara Indonesia-
ungkapan tentang tertulis. Inggris

4.11 Menyusun teks interaksi 4.11.1 Membentuk

transaksional lisan dan tulis, ungkapan
pendek dan sederhana, yang sederhana tentang
melibatkan tindakan memberi direction,dalam
dan meminta informasi tentang bentuk lisan.
petunjuk arah (direction)
dengan memperhatikan fungsi 4.11.2 Menjelaskan
social, struktur teks dan unsur tentang direction
kebahasaan yang benar dan dalam bentuk
sesuai konteks di dunia kerja. tulisan.

Appendix 2


School : SMK 1 Kudus

Subject : English
Topic/Theme : Asking and Giving Direction
Class/Semester : X/2
Time Allotment : 3 x 45 Minutes

1. Standard Competence:
1. Understand, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge
based on their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and
humanities with humanity, nationality, state, and civilization insights
regarding the causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge to specific fields of study according to their talents and
interests to solve problems.
2. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract realms
related to the development of those studied in school independently, and
being able to use methods according to scientific rules
2. Basic Competence :
1. Analyzing social functions, text structures and linguistic elements of oral
and written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and
asking for information about directions in accordance with the context of
their use in the world of work.
2. Compose short and simple transactional interaction text, which involves
the act of giving and asking for information about directions (direction) by
paying attention to social functions, text structures and linguistic elements
that are correct and in accordance with the context in the world of work.
3. Indicators:
1. Students are able to understand phrases about asking and giving direction.
2. Students are able to apply expressions about asking and giving direction.
3. Students are able to select phrases about asking and giving direction.
4. Learning Objectives:
Students are able to analyze, apply and detect oral and written texts about the
phrase asking and giving direction according to the context by paying
attention to social functions, text structure, and correct language elements,
and showing polite behavior, discipline, confidence, and responsibility.

5. Learning Materials

Pengertian Asking And Giving Direction

Asking and Giving Directions merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk

menanyakan arah.

Asking directions

Ini adalah beberapa kosa kata yang sangat berguna dalam meminta/ bertanya
tentang arah/ petunjuk dalam Bahasa Ingris.

 How do I get to …?
 What’s the best way to …?
 What’s the quickest way of getting to your office?
 Where is …?
 Can you tell me the best way of getting to your office?
 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?
 Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here?
 Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?
 Giving directions
 Come off the motorway / highway at Junction / Exit 12.
 Follow the signs to …
 Go straight on / left / right at the lights / at the roundabout /at the
junction of … and …
 Go past the supermarket.
 You’ll come to see …
 It’s the first turning on the right after the bank.
 Turn left / right to…
 Go ahead…

Some Phrases to Show Direction (menunjukkan arah)

 Go straight on (until you come to …).

 Turn back./Go back.

 Turn left/right (into …-street)

 Go along ….

 Cross …

 signpost

 Opposite

 Near

 Between

 Next to …

 at the end (of)

 on/at the corner (of)

 across from

 traffic lights

 behind

 in front of, in back of, in the middle of

 Take the first/second road on the left/right

 It’s on the left/right.. / (to) (on) the right/left of

 To be (is) located/situated

 (just) around the corner

Contoh Dialog
Man : Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bank?
You : Yes, sure. Turn left at the end of this street.
Man : At the traffic lights
You : Yes. Then go as far as the roundabout.
Man : And at the roundabout?
You : Turn right at the roundabout into Dee Road.
Man : OK … right at the roundabout.
You : Go down Dee Road. The bank’s on the left.
Man : Thank you.

6. Teaching Method/Techniques: Scientific Approach, Cooperative Learning,

7. Learning Procedures
1st Meeting

1. Introduction Activities
a) Say hello and pray together
b) Give brainstorming in the form of questions that are in accordance with
the material to be delivered
c) Explain the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved
d) Delivering the scope of the material and an explanation of the activities
to be carried out
2. Main Activities
a) Observing
The teacher guides students to watch and observe a video relating to
asking and giving direction.
b) Questioning
The teacher guides students to ask the contents of the video that has
been played.
c) Experimenting
The teacher explains the material about asking and giving direction.

d) Associating
The teacher guides students to create groups and discuss about asking
and giving direction and playing role play.
e) Communicating
The teacher asks students to practice the results of their discussion in
front of the class.
3. Final Activity
a) The teacher gives direction and student guidance concludes the material
that has been learned.
b) The teacher gives individual structured assignments

2nd Meeting

1. Introduction Activities
a) Say hello and pray together
b) Review the lessons that have been delivered before
2. Main Activities
a) Observing
The teacher guides students to see and pay attention to Learn English T-
Flat applications that are related to asking and giving direction.
b) Questioning
The teacher guides students to ask about the contents of the T-Flat Learn
c) Experimenting
The teacher explains asking and giving direction from the T-Flat Learn
English application.
d) Associating
a. The teacher will make several groups consisting of several students.
b. The teacher will play the game contained in the application.
c. Students will see several letters randomly.

d. Students must arrange the letters into the correct words.

e. Students or groups who want to answer must raise their hands first.
f. Groups that successfully answer correctly will get 1 point.
g. At the end of the session, the group that gets the highest score will get
a prize.
e) Communicating
The teacher gives assignments to students about asking and giving
3. Final Activity
a) The teacher gives direction and student guidance concludes the material
that has been learned.
b) The teacher gives greetings.

3rd Meeting

1. Introduction Activities
a) Say hello and pray together
b) Review the lessons that have been delivered before
2. Main Activities
a) Observing
The teacher guides students to see and pay attention to Learn English T-
Flat applications that are related to asking and giving direction.
b) Questioning
The teacher guides students to ask questions about asking and giving
c) Experimenting
The teacher explains asking and giving direction from the T-Flat Learn
English application.
d) Associating
a. The teacher will make several groups consisting of several students.
b. The teacher will play the game contained in the application.
c. Students will hear a word.
d. The students must arrange the words into the correct words.
e. Students or groups who want to answer must raise their hands first.
f. Groups that successfully answer correctly will get 1 point.
g. At the end of the session, the group that gets the highest score will get
a prize.
e) Communicating
The teacher gives assignments to students about asking and giving
3. Final Activity
a) The teacher gives direction and student guidance concludes the material
that has been learned.
b) The teacher gives greetings

4th Meeting

1. Introduction Activities
a) Say hello and pray together
b) Review the lessons that have been delivered before
2. Main Activities
a) Observing
The teacher guides students to see and pay attention to Learn English T-
Flat applications that are related to asking and giving direction.

b) Questioning
The teacher guides students to ask questions about asking and giving
c) Experimenting
The teacher explains asking and giving direction from the T-Flat Learn
English application.
d) Associating
a. The teacher will make several groups consisting of several students.
b. The teacher will play the game contained in the application.
c. Students will see a word in English.
d. Students must interpret the words that have been provided correctly.
e. Students or groups who want to answer must raise their hands first.
f. Groups that successfully answer correctly will get 1 point.
g. At the end of the session, the group that gets the highest score will get
a prize.
e) Communicating
The teacher gives assignments to students about asking and giving direction.
3. Final Activity
a) The teacher gives direction and student guidance concludes the material
that has been learned.

b) The teacher gives greetings

8. Learning Resources
- English Book for Vocational High School

9. Teaching Aids :
PPT about asking and giving direction and T-Flat Learn English Application.

Appendix 3

Nama :
Kelas :
No. Absen :

Fill in the blank by using the words given below!


Jack is a tourist. He stays in the hotel. He will go to the market but he doesn’t
know where the market is. So he asks the local people.

Jack : Excuse me Sir, can you help me?

Billy : Yes, what can I do for you?

Jack : Well, I’m (1) ____ here. My name is Jack. Nice to meet you.

Billy : Nice to meet you too. People call me Billy. So, what’s up Jack?

Jack : I’m (2)____something for my souvenir. Is there any Market around here?

Billy : Yes, there is one of course. There is giant market in this area but you will
take a minute to get there because it is far from here.

Jack : Never mind, I will enjoy that (3)____. How do I (4)____ there?

Billy : I will show you the (5)____ to get there. From this hotel, (6)____ into St.
James Mansions. You will find (7)____ at the Central Avenue Street.

Jack : I see. What’s next?

Billy : (8)____ left from T-Junction. Keep going until you (9)____ what you are
looking for. There is a market on the right (10)____ of Central Avenue
Street and you can find the souvenir there.

Jack : I get it. That’s not too complicated. Thank you very much.

Billy : You are welcome

Journey Looking For Find Foreigner Turn

T-Junction Walk Along Side Way Get


Appendix 4

Answer key of the Research Instrument (Try out, Pre-test, Post-test)

Number Answer key

1 Foreginer
2 Looking for
3 Journey
4 Get
5 Way
6 Walk along
7 T-junction
8 Turn
9 Find
10 Side


Score of Try Out


1 90 18 70

2 70 19 90

3 70 20 80

4 60 21 70

5 30 22 80

6 50 23 60

7 30 24 40

8 80 25 60

9 40 26 80

10 60 27 90

11 70 28 60

12 70 29 50

13 30 30 30

14 80 31 90

15 70 32 40

16 60 33 30

17 80 34 30


The Calculation of Reliability of the Research Instrument

2 2
N y −(∑ y ¿ ) 2. r xy
¿ r 11 =
1+r xy
N x −(∑ x ¿ 2) ¿

¿ 2 . 0.59
√¿ r 11 =
( N ∑ xy ) −( ∑ x )( ∑ y ) 1+0.59
r xy =
r 11 =
10710−9864 1.59
r xy =
√(20230−18769)(6596−5184) r 11 =0.74
r xy =
r xy =
√ 2062932

r xy =

r xy =0.59

The Content Validity

Menganalisis fungsi sosial, 3.11.4 Memahami ungkapan- ungkapan tentang 1, 3
struktur teks dan unsur Direction.
kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan
3.11.5 Menerapkan ungkapan- ungkapan 2, 6, 7, 8, 10
tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan tentang Direction.
meminta informasi tentang
petunjuk arah (direction) 3.11.6 Mendiktesi Ungkapan- ungkapan tentang 4, 5, 9
sesuai dengan konteks direction
penggunaannya di dunia


The Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1
Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year before Being Taught By Using Mobile

Students’ Students’
Students’ Score Students’ Score
Number Number
1 60 19 70
2 40 20 50
3 80 21 60
4 60 22 60
5 60 23 80
6 40 24 30
7 60 25 50
8 40 26 40
9 50 27 70
10 40 28 60
11 50 29 40
12 70 30 40
13 50 31 50
14 40 32 30
15 50 33 70
16 40 34 70
17 50 35 40
18 50 36 50
MEAN = 51.25


The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Pre-Test Score of the

Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 Academic Year Before Being Taught By Using Mobile Application

a. Minimum score = 30
b. Maximum score = 80
c. The number of interval = 1 + (3.3) log n
= 1 + (3.3) log 36
= 1 + (3.3) (1.5)
= 1 + 4.95
= 5.95

Highest Score−Lowest Score

d. Width of interval =
Number of Interval
= 8.3

e. The Table of Frequency Distribution of Mean and Standard Deviation

SCORE F X FX X' FX' X'² F(X')²

80-72 2 76 152 3 6 9 18
71-63 5 67 335 2 10 4 20
62-54 7 58 406 1 7 1 7
53-45 10 49 490 0 0 0 0
44-36 10 40 400 -1 -10 1 10
35-27 2 31 62 -2 -4 4 8
∑ 36 321 1845 3 9 19 63

f. Mean

∑ fx 1845
x= = =51.25
N 36

g. Standard Deviation

'2 ' 2
∑f x
− )( )
∑f x

63 9
36)( )


SD =9 √ 1.75−( 0.25 )

SD=9 √ 1.6875

SD=9 x 1.3



The Score of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1
Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after Being Taught by Using Mobile

Students’ Students’
Students’ Score Students’ Score
Number Number
1 80 19 90
2 70 20 70
3 100 21 80
4 90 22 80
5 80 23 100
6 70 24 70
7 60 25 70
8 70 26 80
9 70 27 70
10 60 28 70
11 60 29 80
12 90 30 60
13 90 31 70
14 70 32 50
15 70 33 80
16 60 34 90
17 80 35 60
18 70 36 80
MEAN = 73.25


The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Pre-Test Score of the

Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in
2018/2019 Academic Year after Being Taught By Using Mobile Application

a. Minimum score = 50
b. Maximum score = 100
c. The number of interval = 1 + (3.3) log n
= 1 + (3.3) log 36
= 1 + (3.3) (1.5)
= 1 + 4.95
= 5.95

Highest Score−Lowest Score

d. Width of interval =
Number of Interval
= 8.3

e. The Table of Frequency Distribution of Mean and Standard Deviation

SCORE F X FX X' FX' X'² F(X')²

100-92 2 96 192 3 6 9 18
91-83 5 87 435 2 10 4 20
82-74 9 78 702 1 9 1 9
73-65 13 69 897 0 0 0 0
64-56 6 60 360 -1 -6 1 6
55-47 1 51 51 -2 -2 4 4
∑ 36 441 2637 3 17 19 57

f. Mean

∑ fx 2637
x= = =73.25
N 36

g. Standard Deviation

∑ f x' 2 ∑f x '
N )( )


57 17
36 )( )


SD=9 √ 1.58−( 0.47 )


SD =9 √ 1.36

SD=9 x 1.7



The data calculation of t-test of the Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade
Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year Taught By Using
Mobile Application

1 60 80 20 400
2 40 70 30 900
3 80 100 20 400
4 60 90 30 900
5 60 80 20 400
6 40 70 30 900
7 60 60 0 0
8 40 70 30 900
9 50 70 20 400
10 40 60 20 400
11 50 60 10 100
12 70 90 20 400
13 50 90 40 1600
14 40 70 30 900
15 50 70 20 400
16 40 60 20 400
17 50 80 30 900
18 50 70 20 400
19 70 90 20 400
20 50 70 20 400
21 60 80 20 400
22 60 80 20 400
23 80 100 20 400
24 30 70 40 1600
25 50 70 20 400
26 40 80 40 1600
27 70 70 0 0
28 60 70 10 100
29 40 80 40 1600
30 40 60 20 400
31 50 70 20 400
32 30 50 20 400
33 70 80 10 100
34 70 90 20 400
35 40 60 20 400
36 50 80 30 900
∑ 1890 2690 800 21000

Calculating test statistic:




t 0=

36 X 35

t 0=

√ 21000−4444

t 0=


t 0=
t 0=

t 0=6.17


The Summary of the Calculation of T-test of the Vocabulary Mastery of the

Tenth Grade Students of SMK 1 Kudus in 2018/2019 Academic Year after
Being Taught By Using Mobile Application

Pre-test Post-test T-test

Mean SD Mean SD df α T-Critical T-Obtained
36 51.25 11.7 73.25 15.3 35 2.042 6.7





Kampus UMK Gondangmanis Bae Kudus Po Box 53 phone/

The undersigned


NIM : 201432071
Study Program : English Education Department
State that this skripsi is indeed the scientific work of mine, not that of
others. I only make some certain quotations from others’ as references I need to
support my skripsi.

I am fully responsible for this statement.

Kudus, 18TH of February 2019

The writer

Achlis Noor Saputra




Achlis Noor Saputra was born in Kudus on September 12 th, 1996. His
nickname is Achlis but His collage friends
usually call him Babe. He lives in
Tanjungrejo Jekulo. He is the first child of
two children from Mr. Nur Chamid and
Mrs. Siti Wasti’ah and his little brother’s
name is Fauzi Achsan Nor Saputra.

He graduated from TK Pertiwi 1

Tanjungrejo in 2003, after that he
continued her study in SD 5 Tanjungrejo
and graduated in 2008. Then he continued his study in SMP 2 Jekulo in 2008.
Then, he studied in SMP 2 Jekulo and graduated in 2010. Next, he continued his
study in SMA N 1 Jekulo until 2014. After he graduate, he decided to contimue
study in Universitas Muria Kudus majoring the study in English Education
Department. In the campus, he got so many experiences related to English and he
also got a lot of friends. After finished his study, he hopes that his experience and
knowledge will be useful in the future.

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