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Hammond settings

Banks L122 clarinet 00 8080 800 no perc

Banks L122 trumpet 00 6688 888 no perc, slow les, drive (4)

Banks pad 30 8808 000 no perc

Banks L122 full organ 86 8868 446 2nd perc soft, no les, drive 4

Banks comm full organ bite 86 8868 446 3rd perc norm, no les, drive 4

L122 SR Ensemble (lower) 00 6644 222

T 102 upper manual:

String 8': 00 8888 666

Full Tibias 16': 80 6808 006

Theater Brass 16': 84 8868 666

lower manual:

Ensemble 8': (00) 8666 444

SR Banks church pad 62 4313 000 no perc, slow les

Willow farm 85 8850 822 3rd perc soft

SR Heavy chords 87 8865 223 no perc lot of reverb

SR Flute section 00 2800 000 2nd perc

Guards of ma.. 86 8868 444 2nd perc

Banks apoc lead 45 67876 54 3rd perc norm, slow les,

Banks clean pad 82 8828 028 slow leslie, lots of reverb

Tony Banks brass 33 6866 330, 2nd Percussion (approximation)

Banks lead 66 8844 200 2nd percussion

Slippermen 88 8800 000

In the cage 88 0040 000

Watcher (intro): UP: 888868446 + reverb (FULL ORGAN TAB)

_______ (verse): UP: 748808000

________________ LW: 007848210 (the lower doesn't have the first two drawbars)

Dancing: UP: 008080800 (CLARINET TAB)

________ UP: 876707000

________ LW: 008700006

________ UP: 888868446 (FULL ORGAN TAB)

Firth: UP: 888868446 (FULL ORGAN TAB)

______ LW: 008808008

Battle: UP: 806807000 + 3rd percussion

_______ LW: 005307006

Spocks/Transatlan 888885000 2nd perc norm no les

Dylan Rolling Stone 88 8300 560 no perc fast leslie d3

Dylan Rolling Stone 2 00 8008 888

Child In Time 86 0080 008 - C3 - Perc Third Fast - Leslie Stop - reverb

Wakeman Edge Solo 56 8685 110 perc no leslie

Gospel 88 8000 008

Blues 88 8800 000

88 5324 588

RodArgent (Argent) 88 0000 000

?BrianAuger 88 8110 000, 2nd Percussion, C3 Vibrato

TomCoster (Santana) 88 8800 000

JesseCrawford Setting 80 0800 000 (?TheatreOrgan sound)

ELP (KeithEmerson) 88 8000 000

JoeyDeFrancesco 88 8400 080

83 8000 000, C3 Vibrato

Also see StandardJazzRegistrations

BookerT Jones 88 8630 000, 2nd Percussion

GreenOnions 88 8800 000 (1st chorus)

80 8800 008 (2nd chorus)

JonLord 88 8800 000, 2nd Percussion, C1 Vibrato

ProcolHarum MatthewFisher 80 0808 000

AWSOP Melody 68 8600 000, 2nd, slow, soft Percussion

Chords 00 4370 000

JimmySmith 88 8000 000, 3rd Percussion, C3 Vibrato

JimmyMcGriff (gospel) 86 8600 006

SteveWinwood 84 8848 448

88 8888 888

ErrolGarnerStyle 80 0008 888


00 5320 000. Stopped Flute (pp)

00 4432 000. Dulciana (ppp)


00 8740 000. French Horn (mf)

00 4544 222. Salicional (pp)

00 5403 000. Flutes 8' & 4' (p)

00 4675 300. Oboe Horn (mf)

00 5644 320. Swell Diapason (mf)


00 6876 540. Trumpet (f)

32 7645 222. Full Swell (ff)

Lower Manual


00 4545 440. Cello (mp)

00 4423 220. Flute & String (mp)


00 7373 430. Clarinet (mf)

00 4544 220. Diapason, Gamba & Flute (mf)

00 6644 322. Great, no reeds (f)


00 5642 200. Open Diapason (f)

00 6845 433. Full Great (ff)


00 8030 000. Tibia Clausa (f)


42 7866 244. Full Great with 16' (fff)

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