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For Young Learners

Ediţie noua
în conformitate eu
actuala programa şco

S Test SĂMPLES for the 3rdForm

Texts for Dictations
S Tongue Twisters
S Educaţional Games
Irina Sajina Lorina Bujor Doina Tolico

Test Your English

For Young Learners

S Test SAM PLES fo r the 3 rdForm

'A Texts fo r Dictations
'A Tongue Twisters
'A Educaţional Games

Chişinău, 2014
S 15

Autori: Irina SAJINA

Lorina BUJOR

Redactor tehnic: Silvia LUNEVI

Coperta: Silvia LUNEVI
Responsabil de ediţie: Elena STATI

Sajina, Irina

Test Your English : Test Samples for the 3rdForm / Irina Sajina, Lorina Bujor,
Doina Tolico. - Ch.: Lyceum, 2014 (F.E.-P. “Tipogr. Centrala”). - 52 p.

1000 ex.

ISBN 978-9975-9846-6-9.


Editura Lyceum
Str. Puşkin, 24, bir. 2
Tel.: 21-26-36

ISBN 978-9975-9846-6-9 Lyceum

Irina Sajina
Lorina Bujor
Doina Tolico

Test YourEnglish (for young learners) is a three-level sériés for primary

school pupils. It combines Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar activities
aimed at systematic practice of the material studied in the second, third
and fourth forms.
The activities included in the book are based on the course book (text-
book) and the requirements of the national curriculum.

Test YourEnglish (for young learners) can be used:

® in class with the text-book. Pupils can practise some activities as

pre-tests and identify their difficulties with the teacher s help;
• after class. The “fill-in” exercises are ideal for homework.
Accomplishing the suggested activities in written pupils get the
possibility to practise and consolidate what they hâve learned or
revised in class.

In addition to tests Test Your English includes:

a number of texts for dictations, which can be helpful in

developing pupils’ writing skills;
a list of tongue twisters ideal for improving pupils’ pronunciation;
a sériés of games which combine fun and serious practice in the
preliminary stage of learning the English language.

We hope that this support will assist both the English teachers who
are eager to enrich their lessons with additional practice activities and
primary school pupils who look forward to enhancing their foreign
language skills.


3 / three
Tests for the 3rd Form
Pre-Test 1 3rd Form

1. Write these sentences in the plural.

1) The woman picks a tomato. The women pick tomatoes.
2) There is a dress on the chair._____________________________________ .
3) This is a m an.___________________________________________________
4) That was a little child.___________________________________________ .
5) The goose is eating grass.________________________________________
6) The fox doesn t hâve a big nose.___________________________________

2. Write these sentences in the singular.

e.g. The pupils are singing songs. The pupil is singing a song.
1) The benches are green.__________________________________________ .
2) The boys play with the balls._____________________________________ .
3) The girls dont fish.______________________________________________
4) They hâve two sisters.___________________________________________ .
5) There are many shoes under the bed._____________________________ .

3. Odd one out.

Sunday September Saturday Friday__________________
tomato trousers tie tights __________________
plum nut well carrot __________________
rooster her hen cow __________________
I he they our __________________
his her it its __________________
am is are do
sleep read busy play
July June Johny April __________________
tree three twelve twenty __________________

4. Fill in: am, is, are, do, does, was, were, will, hâve, has.
1) Father_____ reading a newspaper. 2) W e_______ at school yesterday.
3) W hat____ _they eat in the morning? 4) The girls_______ in the park
now. 5) Johny______ at the library yesterday. 6) W here_______ he play
football? 7) I ______ writing a letter to my Granny. 8) D an _______ a new
red satchel. 9) A nn______ go to the mountains on vacation. 10) The
children________a lot of fun in summer.

4 / four
Pre-Test 2 3rd Form

1. Complete.
1) one - thefirst 6)
21 7)
31 8)
41 9)
5) 10)

2. Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

Eye, turtle, mummy, armchair, zebra, yard, xerox, village, doll, lorry,
basket, finger, water, jam, cake, goose, ice-cream, queen, pet, night,
kitchen, saucer, umbrella, hair, roof, orange.
a___________________ ___________ 'o___________________________

________________________________ w.
k _________________________________

g---------------------- ------ -------------- —

3. Write the names o f the seasons and their months.


4. Disagree.
e.g. My name is Dan. My name is not Dan.
1) Dan is sleeping at school.____________
2) We will swim in the park..___________
3) I was in Africa yesterday.____________
4) He has an éléphant at hom e._________
5) There are potatoes in the tree.________

5 / five
Test 3 (Module One) 3rdForm

1. Fiii in the missing letters.

S_nday, M_nday, Tu_sday, We_ _esday, Th_ _sday, Sat_rd_y, Fr_day.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in the plural.

eg. A man is sitting on a hench. Men are sitting on benches.

1) There is a child in the park.____ ____________________

2) She has a big house. __________
3) This is my friend._____________ _________ _______________________
4) This woman is my grandmother. ______________________________ __
5) A child is reading a book._____ ___________________________________

3. Choose the correct word.

1) Bob (is, am )_____ a teacher. He works at (school, hospital)_________ .
2) My mother (is, are)___a nurse. She works at the (school, hospital) _____ .
3) John (am, is )______ a postman. He (work, works)__________ at the
post office.
4) (I, W e)______ am Dan. (My, H er)________ friends are Nick and Nelly.
5) My parents (is, are)_____ programmers. These are (his, their)________

4. Nante the animais.

' A y-

f m

5. Describe thepicture. Use there is or there are.

6 / six
Test 4 (Module One) 3rd Form

1. Fiii in the missing letters.

Cla_ _mate, toge_ _er, bet_een, ab_ve, nur_e, trun_, fr_ _ndly.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in the plural.

e.g. A man is sitting on a bench. Men are sitting on benches.

1) This pupil is my brother._________________________________________

2) His job is interesting.________________________________ __________
3) The child has a cat.______________________________________________
4) The pig is pink.__________________________________________________
5) That woman is a florist. __________________________________________

3. Choose the correct word.

1) Helen (are, is )________an actress. (Her, M y)_______ job is interesting.
2) (This, These)___________ are my shoes. (They, I t) _________ are new.
3) I (have, has)_________a cat. It (doesn’t, d o n t)___________ _ hke dogs.
4) Tim and Ann (is, are)________pupils. (His, Their)_________ books are
on the table.
5) My brother is (a, an, - ) _____ farmer. (He, She)________ likes his job.

4. Name the animais.

7 / seven
Test 5 (Module One) 3rd Form

1. Make up sentences with: your, his, her, our, their.

1) I wash my face. He washes his face.
2) I eat my ice-cream. She________________
3) I like my school. You __ _____________ __
4) I greet my teachers. W e________________
5) I sleep in my bed. H e__________________
6) I help my mother. They________________

2. Fiii in: This or These.

1) is mv grev cat.
2) are her friends.
3) is our house.
4) are their books.
5) are his parents.

3. FUI in: a or an.

1) I have___ apple,____orange and____banana.

2) There is ___ elephant in the zoo.
3) On Monday we have___ English lesson.
4) They are having___ . test now.
5) Mother is cooking___ Easter cake and____chicken.
6) Nick has___ fish and___ cat at home.

4. Write the words in the corresponding column.

Cats, his, is, these, this, pencil, Music, lesson, nice, has.

/s/ /z/
Test 6 (Module One) 3rd Form

1. Complete the chart.

1 one the l sl the first
2 two the second
3 the 3rd

the seventh

2. FUI in: I, He, She, It, We, You or They.

1) _________are at school now.
2) _________is a little boy.
3) _________are our new friends.
4) _________am your sister.
5) _ _ _ _ _ is our teacher.
6) _________are doctors.
7) _________is my book.

3. Ask and answer questions using in, on, near, between, above or under.
1) apples/plate
Where are the apples? They are on the plate.
2) pendis / pendl-box

3) pidure /bed

4) bail / chair

5) desk / the lamp and the bed

6) computer /lamp

4. Fiii in: am, is or are.

1) What your father?
2 ) They good pupils.
3) I in the third form.
4 ) Where vou from?
5) Howold he?
9 / nine
Test 7 (Module Two) 3rd Form
1. Odd one out.
cloudy/ holiday/ rainy/windy__
flower/ cabbage/ pepper/ tomato
milk/ pizza/ juice/ cola________
soup/ add/ chop/ m ix_________
cheese/ cup/ spoon/ plate______

2. Write what these people and y ou like (+) and don’t like (-).
cabbage pumpkin corn garlic quince
Kate + + - +
Mary and Nick - + + +
Dana + + +
Jane and Rob - + + -

e.g. Kate likes cabbage, corn and quince. She doesn’t likepumpkin andgarlic.
Mary and Nick like ______________________________________________ __

3. Match the halves ofthe sentences.

In autumn leaves have tea for breakfast?
What is the weather fall from the trees.
Harvest time like today?
Farmers plant vegetables is busy time.
Do you usually in spring.

4. Write the 3rdperson singular.

e.g. I eat- he eats
1) I add - h e ____________ 6)Irake-he_
2) I chop - h e ___________ 7) I water- he
3) I mix - h e ____________ 8) I plant - he
4) I wash- h e ___________ 9) I meet - he
5 ) I f a l l - h e ____________ 10)Ibuy-he

10 / ten
Test 8 (Module Two) 3rd Form

1. Odd one out.

cold/ cool/ warm/ vacation_________
grapes/ pear/ onion/ apple_________
fries/ hamburger/ hot-dog/ lemonade
peel/ tea/ coffee/ m ilk______________
morning/ butter/ evening/ affernoon _

2. Write what thesepeople andyou like (+) and don’t like (-).
pepper pears onion pizza fries
Kate + - + -

Mary and Nick + - - - +

Dana + + - +
Jane and Rob + ~ - + -

e.g. Kate likespears and pizza. She doesnt like pepper, onion and fries.
Mary and Nick like______________________________________ __________

3. Match the halves o f the sentences.

For lunch we and puts them into a bowl.
Do you like coffee for supper.
She doesnt have first autumn month?
Is September the have soup and bread.
Angela chops fruits ice-cream with fruits?

4. Write the 3rdperson singular.

e.g. I eat- he eats
1 ) I Iove - h e __________ 6) I sell - h e _
2) I play - h e ___________ 7) I have - he _
3) I help - h e ___________ 8) I gather- he
4) I pick - h e ___________ 9) I peel - he _
5) I put - h e ___________ 10) I meet- he

11 / eleven
Test 9 (Module Two) 3rd Form

1 M ake up new words.

e.g. snow - snowy
rain -
Iove -
wind -
sun -
cloud -

2. Write the words in alphabetical order.

pumpkin, orange, apple, cabbage, quince, banana, grapes, nut, vegetable,

3. Disagree.
1) We hâve a vacation in September.
We don’t hâve a vacation in September. We hâve a vacation in June.
2) Pupils go to school on Sunday.

3) Water-melons grow on trees.

4) My friends sell vegetables at the market.

5) I am twelve.

6) He has eight fingers.

4. Write in the plural as in the example.

1) This is a farmer. These arefarmers.
2) This is a zebra._________________
3) This is a m an.________
4) That is a child._________________
5) That is a woman._______________
6) That is a leaf.__________________

12 / twelve
Test 10 (Module Two) 3rd Form

1. Fiii in: My, Your, His, Fler, Its, Our or Their.

1) We have a house.______ . houseisbig.
2) Tim has a p et._____ pet is a dog.
3) You have a brother._____ brother is not a pupil.
4) This is my cat._____ name is Pussy.
5) I have a new car._____ car is red.
6) Vicky & Kate are sisters._____ mother is a florist.
7) Diana has a doll.____ doll is new.

2. Find the missing letters and write the words.

1) biscit 6 ) sugă
2) pumkin 7) piza
3) sanwich 8) snak bar
4) sun 9) iuce
5) ad 10) ofen

3. Disagree.
1) My mother works at the hospital.
My mother doesn’t work at the hospital. She works in a bank.
2) My teacher has three children. ________________________

3) I eat fruits every day.

4) You have blue eyes.

5) They have coffee for lunch. ___

6) We go to a snack bar on Sunday.

4. Make the sentences interrogative.

1) My brother likes m ilk.________________________________ ?
2) We add ice-cream to the salad. ______________________________ ?
3) The pupils play in the affernoon._____________________________ ?
4) Angelahas breakfast at seven oclock.____________________________
5) Granny has soup for lunch. _________________ ?

13 / thirteen
Test 11 (Module Three) 3rd Form
1. Write the numbers in letters.
e.g. 21- twenty-one
7 6 - ________ _________ ___
8 0 - ____________________
53 - ____________________
4 7 - ____________________
3 2 - ____________________

2. Write what these people and y ou can (+) or can not(-) do.
speak English ride a bike draw pictures drive a car
Adam + +
We + + +
Bob and Bill + - - -

Sandra + + -

e.g. Adam can draw pictures and drive a car. He cant speak English and
ride a bike.

3. Choose the correct variant.

1) Who (live, lives)_________________________in a cosy house?
2) I like my (friends, friend s ) _______________________ new flat.
3) There (are, is )______________________ bedrooms downstairs.
4) There are no (flower, flowers)_________________in the room.
5) There is a carpet (on, a t)_________________________the floor.

4. Find as many words as possible and write them out.

J W J C S P E A K s
F L O W E R - B E D

14 / fourteen
Test 12 (Module Three) 3rdForm
1. Write the numbers in letters.
e.g. 21- twenty-one
6 9 - ____________________
98 - ____________________
1 4 - ____________________
1 0 0 - ___________________
2 5 - ____________________

2. Write what these people andyou can (+) or can not (-) do.

3. Choose the correct variant.

1) (Mike’s, M ike)___________________ house is small.
2) Alice (like, likes)_____________ her friends carpet.
3) There (are, is )________________ a bike near my car.
4) There are trees (on, in )_________________the park.
5) What is your (address, adres)_______________ ?

4. Find as many words as possible and write them out.

c O M P U T E R 0 s
A R o O M B Y O S T
A R M c H A I R o N

15 / fifteen
Test 13 (Module Three) 3rd Form
I. Write sentences and questions according to the model.
e.g. Play the guitar (Nick, John) 2. Skate (Ann, You)
a) Nick can play the guitar. a) __________
b) ___________
b) John cant play the guitar. c) _______________
c) Who can play the guitar? 3. Swim (We, They)
Nick can. a) __________
b) ___________
1. Ski (Susan, Val) c) _______________
a) _____________________ 4. Cook (My mother, I)
b) ______________________ a)____________________
c) __________________________ b) _
c) _
2. Circle the word that matches the given number.
12 - A. nineteen B. twelve C. eighty D. twenty
18 - A. eighty B. sixty C. eighteen D. nineteen
70 - A. seventeen B. ninety C. seventy D. eighteen
17 - A. seventeen B. twelve C. ten D.seventy
80 - A. eighteen B. eight C. eighty D. eleven

3. Circle the letter o f the correct answer.

1. ‘You are English’. What is the question?
a. Do you are English? b. Are you English? c. Does you are English?
2. 1 can swim’. What is the negative?
a. I doesn’t can swim. b. I cant swim. c. Can I swim?
3. ‘There are many desks in the classroom’. What is the singular?
a. There is a desk in the classroom. b. There be a desk in the classroom.
c. Is there a desk in the classroom?
4. ‘There is a flower in the vase.’ What is the negative?
a. There arent a flower in the vase b. There doesn’t a flower in the vase.
c. There isnt a flower in the vase.

4. Use the correct préposition.

1 .1 put the cups____ the table. 2. He puts his picture on the wall______
his bed. 3. The dictionary is _____ the desk. 4. My mother’s slippers are
_____ the table. 5. My chair is _______ the sofa and the TV set. 6. There
are colourful curtains______the Windows.
16 / sixteen
Test 14 (Module Three) 3ld Form
1. Write the word to thepicture_________________________________

% 1 il :


2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. This is my room.
3. Write the correct form
o f the verb ‘to be\
2. There are pictures above the bed. 1. ____ there a new house
on your Street?
2. ____ there blocks of flats
3. My father can swim very well.
in your town?
3. H ow old________yourfriend?
4. There_______ no computer
4. Petty Mouse has a new house.
in my room.
5. W h o ________your teacher
of English?
5. My friends play basketball.

17 / seventeen
Test 15 (Module Three) 3rd Form

1. Complete the description ofthe room.

This is my room. I _________it very much. It i s _______ and____________.
In my room there is a chair, a ________, a wardrobe and a ________. On the
wall, above my bed, there are two____________. I have a lot of books in my
room. They are on th e_____________ . I do my homework at th e________ .
There___ a lamp on it. I like when there is light in my room, that’s why I
don’t have__________ on the Windows.

2. Write questions starting with Who.

E.g. He plays chess. Who plays chess?
I can play basketball.
Who______________________ ?
He has a wardrobe in his room.
Who______________________ ? 3. Circle the odd one out.
They have English every day. 1. thirteen, fifty, twelve, nineteen
Who______________________ ? 2 . my, her, our, they
My friends often visit me. 3. cosy, dark, snug, rope
Who______________________ ? 4. table, armchair, sofa, tasty
Our cousin can jump the rope. 5. there is, there are, there is no,
Who______________________ ? is there?

4. Complete each sentence with the possessive form o f the noun in

Model: The (puppy) _______________ __ _ toy is new. The puppv’s toy is new.
1. This is (Matthew)____________ ___homework.
2. The (boy)____________________ _ trousers are black.
3. That (bird)___________________ tail is yellow.
4. This is (Sarah)_______________ ____ jacket.
5. The (dog)____________________ . toy is noisy.

5. Write sentences with There is. There are , There is no.

E.g. : There is no desk.


18 / eighteen
Test 16 (Module Four) 3rd Form

1. Say how theyfeel now using: sad, thirsty, hungry, shy, tired or proud.
1) Jemmy wants to eat. She is hungry.
2) Pinky wants to drink.____________
3) Ruddy wants to cry.__________ _
4) Doggy wins the game.________ _
5) Tommy was in the garden. _ _ _ _ _
6) Petty doesn’t have the homework. _

2. Find the winter words starting with „s”.

s____ s____ m ___
s____ g _ s____ f ----------
s s_____e

3. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

1) Mary can ski.________________________? .____
2) We can swim.________________________? __ __
3) They ride on a sledge.______ \_______________

4) It drinks milk.
5) I am singing. _

4. Complete the list with Christmas words.


•f / /fa

5. Fiii in: Who, What, When, Where or Why.

1 ) __________ holiday is Corning?
2 ) _________is bringing Christmas présents ?
3 ) __________ do you like Christmas ?
4 ) ________ do people sing carols at the door of the houses?
5 ) ________ does father Christmas put the présents ?

19 / nineteen
Test 17 (Module Four) 3rd Form

1. Give short answers.

1) Is your mother cooking now?________________
2) Are you writing now?_______________________
3) Are your classmates dancing now?___________
4) Is your granny baking a cake now?___________
5) Are the teachers decorating the Christmas tree?

2. Ask and answer using ”can”.

1) Superman / ski Cari the Superman ski? Yes, he can.
2) little Ann / read________________________ ?
3) your father / swim______________________ ?
4) your mother / skate_____________________ ? _____________
5) you / ride a bike________________________ ?
6) your friend / dance_____________________ ? ____________

3. Unscramble the sentences.

1) is, everybody, in, happy, winter.__________
2) sorry, birds, feels, the, boy, for, th e._______
3) Christmas, Merry, wish, we, you, a ._______
4) cornes, Father, here, Christmas.__________
5) Christmas, children, the, decorating, are, the, tree.

4. Ask and answer as in the example.

Are they skating?

No, they arent.
They are skiing.

20 / twenty
Test 18 (Module Four) 3rd Form

I. M atch the w ord to the pictare.

snowball snowflake skates skis candie mittens bells snowman wreath

2. Write short answers to the questions.

e.g. Isyour mother a teacher ofEnglish? Yes, she is.
Are there many children outside?_____________ _________________
Can your sister speak English?__________________________________
Are you proud of your classmates?_______________________________
Do you like to ride on a sledge?_________________________________
Is your granny cooking now?___________________________________

3. Match the weather conditions to the most logical dressing advice.

1. It’s sunny. a. You must put on your sun glasses.
2. It’s cold. b. Dont take an umbrella. Put on your raincoat.
3. Its rainy c. You must put on your sweater.
4. Its rainy and windy. d. You must take your umbrella.
5. Its snowy and freezing. e. You must put on your mittens and scarf.

4. Write what thesepeople are doing.


21 / twenty-one
Test 19 (Module Four) 3rd Form
1. Unscramble thefollowing weather words. Make up sentences with them.
_____________ l)dlco 1 ._____________________________________
_____________ 2) idynw 2. __ __________________________________
_____________ 3) anyir 3. ____________________________________
____________ 4) unyns 4. ____________________________________
______________ 5) nwyos 5 ._____________________________________

2. Write as many winter words as you remember.

3. Change thefollowing sentences into négatives and interrogatives.

1. You know the answer.
( - ) _______________________________ ( ? ) ________________________________
(?)_____________________________ 4. She is writing a test at the moment.
2. Fie has breakfast at 8 oclock. (-)____________________________ ___
(-)_______________________________ ( ? ) ________________________ _

( ? ) _______________________________
5. She does her homework everyday.
3. Pupils are wearing uniforms now. (-)________________________________
(-)_________________________ _____ ( ? ) ________________________________

4. FUI in: dont/ doesnt/ isnt/ arentf am not.

1. We . watching a télévision program now.
2. They_______ ________ watch télévision every day.
3. They_______ ______study their lessons after class.
4. W e_________ . having a party right now.
5. I t __________ __ raining very hard at the moment.
6. It . rain very much during the summer.
7. Mr. Johnson. _____________ eating his lunch now.
8. My friend__ _______ always eat at this time.
9 .1 _______ see any students in that room.
10.1 _______ riding my horse now.
22 / twenty-two
Test 20 (Module Four) 3rd Form
1. What is the weather likef

2. Read theparagraph and give complete answers to the questions.

Hello! My name is Chris Hunter. I ’m a driver. I drive buses. I am not working
today. I am playing basketball with myfriends. It is myfavourite sport.
1. What is his name? ______________________________________________
2. What does he do? ___________________ ___________________________
3. What is he doing now?____________________________________
4. What is his favourite sport?______________ _________________ ______
5. Who does he play basketball with?________________________

3. Choose one o f the adjectives from the box. ________________________

tired, thirsty, hungry, hot, cold, shy, proud, happy, sad
1. When I want to drink I am _____ ___________ .
2. When I want something to eat, I am_________________.
3 . 1 put on my coat, because I am ___________________ .
4. When I want to take off my sweater, I am______________ ■
5. When I work a lot in the garden, I feel_____________________ .
6 . 1 a m ______________ when I meet a new person.
7 . 1 am _______________when I meet my friends.
8 . 1 am _________________ when I get a bad mark.
9 . 1 am _________________ when I know the right answers.

4. Underline the correct form o f the verb.

1. Mother usually makes/ is making salad for dinner.
2. My sister dont/ doesnt speak English.
3. Are/ is Nick and Ann dancing now?
4. The wind blows/ is blowing hard in winter.
5. Can you swim? Yes I do/ can.

23 / twenty-three
Test 21 (Module Four) 3rd Form

1. Write sentences as in the example.

e.g. Gabi (7)/ Victoria(8)/ old. Victoria is older than Gabi.

2. Fill in: name, pretty, a, cooking, planting.

My mother’s _________is Jane. She is ____ _ singer. She is young and

__________ . She likes__________ flowers and_____________.

3. Read the sentences and draw the hands on the docks.

It’s ten twenty. It’s three thirty. It’s seven o’clock. It’s one forty -five. It’s twelve fifteen.

4. Unscramble the sentences.

Greg/ is/ My/ name/ brother’s ________________________
live/ us/ with/ grandparents/ O u r______________ _
are/ these?/ Whose/ clothes___________________________
at/ oclock/ Diana/ seven/ gets u p ______________
now/ cooking/ Ann/ is/ lunch________________________

5. Name the clothes in the pictare.

24 / twenty-four
Test 22 (Module Five) 3rd Form

1. Write sentences as in the exam ple.

2. Fiii in: music, strong, young, is, a.

My father’s nam e_________Alex. He is __________ mechanic. He
is __________ and__________ . He likes listening to __________ and
watching TV.

3. Read the sentences and draw the hands on the docks.

/ ' ï l k ï" ï \
,'1 0 2\ .•*10 2\ .'1 0 2\ /•io 2\ .-'10 2\
h 3i »9 3; ~9 3“ ?9 3^ -9 3 -f
V8 4 *' \e 4c V8 4c V8 4c ',8 4C
V .,6 ' v „ 6 > *■

I t ’ s n i n e f if t e e n . I t ’s t w o f o r t y - f i v e . I t ’s e i g h t o ’ c l o c k . I t ’ s f o u r th ir ty . I t ’s e le v e n tw e n ty .

4. Write what they are or are not doing. Use the verbs: to dust, to vacuum
clean, to clean, to write, to sleep. ___________________________________

25 / twenty-five
Test 23 (Module Four) 3rd Form
1. Write a positive, a negative and an interrogative sentence to each pictare.
My brother is cleaning his room.
My brother is not cleaning his room.
Is my brother cleaning his room?

f »

2. Write general questions to thefollowing sentences and give short answers.

E . g M y father plays chess. Does myfatherplay chess?
1 .1 like to play chess. ____________________________________________
2. My father isn t sleeping now.___________________________________ __
3. Tim makes his bed every day.____________________________________
4. We are having a nice vacation.____________________________________
5. Maggie and Chris never play football.________ ____________________ _

3. Write the correct comparative and superlative forms fo r each adjective.

1. bright 6. tall
2. easy 7. heavy
3. hot 8. fat
4. sad 9. short
5. healthy 10. nice

4. Use the correct préposition.

1 .1 like to play chess___ my older brother. 2 . 1 hâve a surprise______ my
granny. 3. _ _ winter we must wear warm clothes.4. It is cold outside, so
put___ your coat. 5 . 1 like to get___ early in the morning. 6. Our lessons
begin_____ eight thirty. 7. My mother asked me to put____my toys. 8.
My brother’s duty is to take the rubbish____ . 9 . 1 am hot. May I take _ _ _
my hat? 10.1 usually clean my room ___ Saturday.

26 / twenty-six
Test 24 (Module Five) 3rd Form

1. Complete the story with words or word combinations that match the pictures.

at 7 oclock. I go to the bathroom,


and . At 7.15 I P il®

After that, I my coat and go to school by bus.

AfterschoolI —.â-n ______


2. Use a verb in the Présent Simple, then make the sentences negative.
E.g. I ________ books. I read books. I dont read books.
1) They_________dinner at around 6:00.___________________________
2) H e_________télévision too m uch!______________________________
3) W e_________our bikes to work every morning.__________________
4) The train_________cheaper than the bus._______________________
5) You_________beautiful!_______________________________________

3. Put the verbs in the Présent Simple or Présent Continuous.

1. We usually ____________ (hâve) lunch at two oclock.
2. Listen! _______ the phone___________ (ring)?
3 . ______ people_____________(put) trees in their houses at Christmas?
4. My friend_________________________________(not visit) me every day.
5. B ill______________________ (play) outside now.

4. Underline the correct variant.

1. My father is a (strong, stronger, the strongest) man.
2. She is (pretty, prettier, the prettiest) than her sister.
3. You are (tall, taller, the tallest) in class.
4. That is a (long, longer, the longest) film.
5. John’s kite is (new, newer, the newest) than my kite.
27 / twenty-seven
Test 25 (Module Five) 3rd Form

1. Complete the story with words or word combinations that match the pictures.
Our family is veiy friendly. We like to spend our free time together, but we also
lilceto worlcaround the house together. We all try to be very helpful My mother usually

2. Unscramble these family words.

1. sconui _____________ _ 4. fwei ---------------------------
2. mrthoe_________________ 5. bhsnaud______________
3. rrdoagenthm___________ 6. a n tu ----------------------- _

3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. My mother is younger then my father.______________________
2. What is the cold season of the year?.________________________
3. The armchair is heavyer than the chair.______________________
4. Susan is the short of the three..______ ______________________ _
5. My sister is fater than my brother. __________ _________ .----------

4. Underline the correct verb in each sentence.

1. We are learning/learn grammar at the moment.
2. Helen is wearing/wears blue jeans today.
3 . 1 usually am going/go to the beach when I am hot.
4. The gardener is coming/cornes to our house every Friday.
5. Dad is washing/washes the car now.

5. Answer the questions using the dues.

E.g: When do y ou go to school? (8.15)1 goto school at eight fifteen.
1. When do your lessons start? (8.30) _________________________
2. When does your father come home from work? (19.40)______

3. When does your English lesson start? (10.20)_______________

4. When do you come home from school? (13.20)_____________

5. When does your mother wake up? (6.45)__________________ _

28 / twenty-eight
Test 26 (Module Five) 3rd Form

1. Complete the sentences with the suitable family word. The chart will help
M ary (f) S im o n Harrlet (f) 1. Tina is Phil’s mother.
2. Thomas is Phil’s _____ _
Tina (O
3. Simon is Phils__________
4. Harriet is P h ils _________
Robert Jenny (O Phll 5. Jenny is P h ils___________
H annah (O 6. Hannah is P h ils_____

2. Make up sentences usingthe comparative or superlative degree of the adjectives.

Model: Sam’s hair (long) Helens hair. -> Sam’s hair is longer than Helen’s hair.
This place is (nice) on the planet. -> This place is the nicest on the planet.
1. Betty (young) Allison._______________________________________ _ _
2. Her car (clean) Peter’s car._______ __________________________________
3. Your bag (big) my bag.__________ _________________________________
4. Peter is (strong) boy in the school._________________________________
5. February is (short) m onth.________________________________________

3. Add the missing letters.

_o_t_ t _ o _ s e _s t_ a_ ne

_ a __ e t b _ p ___e ho_s

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Présent Continuons, then rewrite each
sentence in the negative form.
1) You________________(work) too hard!________________ ____________
2) W e________________(play) basketball now._________________________
3) She______________ (hâve) an English lesson now.__________________

4) At the moment, I ______________ (hâve) a test.

5) He __ _________________ (talk) about her.____

29 / twenty-nine
Test 27 (Module Six) 3rd Form
1. Tick (v) and write about you.
~ I can read.
I can I can’t
T can’t ride a bike.
read V

ride a bike V



sing carols

plant a tree

make salad

Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

11 We were at the market vesterdav. ?

21 Sarah cooked the lunch. ?

31 He made a hie snowman. ?

41 Chris was at the sweet shon. ?

51T saw a dream last nieht. ?

3. Choose the best variant.

1) I was at the theatre (now/yesterday/next Sunday)..__________
2) Julia (played/plays/is playing) chess last week.______________
3) Sandy (raked/is raking/will rake) the leaves now.____________
4) They spent a week in the mountains(last summer/now/today).
5) We (had/have/are having) Maths every day.________________

4. Write the Past Tenseforms o f the verbs.

cook - ___________ buy - ______ ____ eat ---------------
rake - ___________ do - ___________ wash - ______.
drink - __________ turn - _______ _ _ hear - ________

30 / thirty
Test 28 (Module Six) 3rd Form
1. Open the brackets.
1) Last Monday Andy (come) home in the afternoon.____________
2) Yesterday I (buy) a cute turtle. _________ _____________________
3) The Giant’s garden (be) lovely.
4) The children (play) yesterday evening. __ _____________________
5) Last month we (go) to the market. ___________________________

2. Write the degrees o f comparison.

hot - _______________ - th e_____________
large - __ - th e _____________
big - ______________ - th e_____________
old - ______________ - th e_____________
thin - ______________ - th e _____________

3. FUI in: was,forest, blossom,river, went, covered,mother, sweet, appeared, picked.

Last weekend w e________to the \_________ . The forest________green
and wonderful. There was a blue__________ near the forest. The trees
__________ their branches with_________ . ________flowers____________
everywhere. W e_________some flowers for our____________.

4. Choose the best variant.

1) the ( 1st/1rd/1th) of September_________________________
2) the (2th/2st/2nd) of January____________________ _
3) the (15nd/15th/15st) of August
4) the (llst/ llth / llrd ) o fM a y ___________________________
5) the (23st/23nd/23rd) of April _________________________
6) It is a (sun/sunny) day today. __________________________
7) I dont like (rain/rainy) weather.________________________
8) The days are (frost/frosty) in winter. ___________________
9) It is (wind/windy) today.
10) The sky is (cloud/cloudy) in autumn.___________________

31 / thirty-one
Test 29 (Module Six) 3rdForm
1. Use the appropriate préposition where necessary.
1. My father was__the village yesterday.
2 . 1 went__the cinema last Sunday.
3. My sister is ___ the cir eus now.
4. The cat entered___ the yard.______________ _____ a hole in the wall.

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb. Make them negative.

John / j y j l turned the soil in the garden Tom md Maly ^ a tree

yesterday. last year

(-) John didn’t turn the soil in the garden.

My father yesterday. a letter last week.

( - ) _______ (-)

the leaves last auturan. Ken was hungiy and a lot.


(-) (-)

3. Insert: dry, sweet shop, seeds, think, melt.

1. In spring people plant ______________ ______________in the gardens.

2 . 1 like chocolaté, that’s why I often go to th e --------------------------- ------ •
3. In spring the snow begins t o ____________________________ —--------- •
4. I cant find my bag. I ___________ ___________________ h is in the car.
5. In autumn the yellow leaves get ____------------------------------------- ----------•

4. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Our friends were very busy yesterday. 4 . My classmateTare friendly.

2 .1 am watching TV with my family now.

5. Her sister was at the circus last week.

3 .1 was thirsty after sport yesterday.

32 / thirty-two
Test 30 (Module Six) 3rd Form
1. Complete the charts.
teach hear
knew take
eat told
began make
drink buy

2. Underline the correct answer.

1. Who likes to Write letters? a. I do. b. She likes. c. They does.
2. Doesyour mother play chess? a. Yes, she did. b. No, she doesnt. c. No,
she isn’t.
3. Didyou go to the circus yesterday? a. Yes, we went. b. No, we didn’t.
c. Yes, we go.
4. Do you often go to the seaside? a. No, I dont. b. Yes, I go. c. Yes, I went.
5. Was Jane happy yesterday? a. No, she weren’t. b. Yes, she was. c. Yes, she did.
6. Are you a third form pupil? a. Yes, I was. b. Yes, I do. c. Yes, I am.
7. Were they at the concert yesterday? a. Yes, they did. b. No, they weren’t.
c. No, they arent.
8. Did she drink a lot of juice yesterday? a. Yes, I did. b. No, she doesnt.
c. Yes, she did.
9. Who is in the classroom? a. My teacher is. b. My teacher was.
c. My teacher does.
10. Are you writing a test now? a. Yes, I am. b. Yes, I do. c. Yes, I was.

3. Write the verbs in the brackets in the correct form .

1. They (go)_________________________________to school yesterday.
2. My sister (water)______________________ the flowers on Sunday.
3. Our teacher (check)____________________________ the tests now.
4. You always (draw)_____________________________ _ nice pictures.
5. Last year we (visit)____________________ our relatives in France.

4. Correct the mistakes.

1. This pupil planted a tree tomorrow._______________________________
2. My granny cook dinner last week._________________________________
3. Did your mother worked in the garden last month?_________________

4. My friends didn t cleaned the room ._______________________________

5 . 1 travel to Great Britain two years ago.____________________________

33 / thirty-three
Test 31 (Module Seven) 3rd Form

1. Fiii in: Did, Will, Do, Does, Can. Then answer the questions.
_____ you live in Moldova? ______________________ —— .----------
_____ you go to the zoo tomorrow?__________ ______________ ____ ____
_____ you swim? ________________________________ ______ ___________
_____ your mother get up early?____ _______________ ____ ___________
____ _ you play football yesterday? _____________________ __________ —

2. Write the pastforms. E.g. to hear- heard.

to be - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to get - ______ ______________
to go - __________________ _ to write - ____________________ .
to come - ____________ _ to do - ------------------------ ------ ---
to v is it- ________________ _ to h a v e - _____________ ______
to wash - _____________ _ to see - _____________________

3. Write the comparative and superlative degrees o f the adjectives below.

long- _ -------- -------------- _----------------------- -------
busy-_________________ ____________________
funny-______________ _ ____________________
new -_____________ _ _________ ___________
high-______________ _ ____________________

4. Ask and answer as in the example.

e.g. Will Sarahgo to the mountains next month? Yes, she will.
Will Sarah go to theforest next month? No, she won’t.
the mountains the forest
Sarah + -
Alice - +
Alexandra + -

34 / thirty-four
Test 32 (Module Seven) 3rd Form
1. Fiii in: Do, Did, Does, Can, Will. Then answer the questions.
_____ you have fun yesterday?______________________________ _____
_____ you go for a picnic?______________ ________________________
_____ you go to school every day?______________ _______ _
_____ your father speak English?_______________ _____________
_____ you cook?_____ ______________________________________ __

2. Write the pastforms. E.g. to have- had.

to do - __________________ to teii - ____________________
to hear - ____________ to take - ___________________
to sit - ___________________ to see - ____________________
to plant - ________________ to buy - ___________________
to clean - ___________ _ to appear-_______________ _

3. Write the comparative and superlative degrees o f the adjectives below.

ta ll-___________________ ____________________
noisy- _________________ ____________________
young- ________________ ____________________
o ld -___________________ , ____________________
poor-__________________ ____________________________

4. Ask and answer as in the example.

e.g. Will Sarah go to the zoo next month? Yes, she will.
Will Sarah go to the cinema next month? No, she wont.

the zoo the cinema

Sarah + _
Melanie - +
George + +

35 / thirty-five
Test 33 (Module Seven) 3rd Form
1. Give complete answers to thefollowing questions,
1. What season is it?____________________ .
2. What is the weather like in the picture?

3. What are the summer months?

4. What are the people in the picture doing?

5. Are they having fun?_

2. Insert: yesterday, tomorrow, never, next week, now.

1. We will have a lot of fu n ________________ .

2. School will be over_____________________ , not tomorrow.
3 . 1 saw an interesting puppet show_______________________ •
4 . 1 a m _____________ _ late for school.
5. Are your parents having a vacation_________________ ?

3. Write questions to the underlined words.

Model: Mike went to the Zoo yesterday. Who went to the Zoo yesterday?
1. Angela picked mushrooms. __________ __________ _______________
2. My family went to the village last week. ___________________ _______
3 . 1 clapped hands after the puppet show.___________________ _ _ ____ _
4. My father spent a lot of time at the office._______________ ___________
5. Maggie bought a tennis racket yesterday.__________________________

4. Write what thepersons will do. Then change your sentences into
negative and interrogative f orms.________ _____________________

The children will run.
The children won’t run.
Will the children run?

‘ç . v î ÿ

36 / thirty-six
Test 34 (Module Seven) 3rd Form
1. Correct the mistakes
1. My brother will goes to school tomorrow.
2. It is rain today, but I like this weather.____
3. I write a letter now.____________________
4. Yesterday they go to the village._________
5. He doesn’t can play chess._____________

2. Write questions to thefollowing answers.

1 -_____________ _______ ______________ ? I am ten.
2 . _____________________________________ _ _ ? My name is Jim.
3 . _________________________ _ _ ? My mother is a doctor.
4 . _________________________ _ _ _ _ _ ? John lives in Chisinau.
5 . _________________________ _ ? I am fine, thank you.
6. ? It is rainy and windy.
7. Why ? Because I didn t eat today.
8. ? Yes, the show was interesting.
9. When ? I went to the village yesterday.
10. ___ ? It s 2 Nicolae Iorga Street.

3. Write 5 sentences telling what you and yourfamily will do next

summer. Use the pictures.

4. Write the correctform ofeach verb.

Yesterday I (to have)__________ a really bad day. I (to get)_________ up at
9 o'clock, so I (to b e )_________late for school. I (to put)_________ on some
clothes, (ru n)________ _ into the kitchen, (drink)__________ a cup of tea
and (eat)_________a sandwich. Tomorrow, I hope I (wake u p )_________
earlier. I am sure I (not to b e )_______________ late for school tomorrow.

37 / thirty seven
Final Test (35) 3rd form

1. Find and correct the mistakes.

On the l st of July we are back at school.................................................... .- ...-

This is a cat. She is white. _______ _____________________________ — —
Peter work in a shop...............................................................................................
Tim have a banana in his hand. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------------------------------------
Are there a school near your house? __________________________ _—

2. Choose the correct item.

1) I (have, has, a m ) ________________ nine years old.

2) How old (is, are, am) _ _ _ ________________ _you?
3) Sam can (to speak, speak, speaking) ________________ English well.
4) Christmas is in (spring, autumn, winter) __________________.— — •
5) Santa brings lots (on, of, a t) ____________________ _ surprises.
6) My grandpa is (old, older, the oldest) _ _ _ _____________ in my family.
7) Nick (play, plays, is playing) _________________________ tennis now.
8) He (is, was, were) _ ______________________ at the stadium last week.
9) Mothers usually (cook, cooks, are cooking) -------------------------------- -
breakfast in the morning.
10) (Did, Does, Was)_________________you brush your teeth yesterday?

3. Describe your favourite season in 5 sentences.

38 / thirty-eight
Final Test (36) 3rd form

1. Find and correct the mistakes.

Eléphants give eggs._______________

This is Monica. Shes sister is a doctor.
Alice dont work in this flower shop. _
Lily eats a apple a day. _____________
Is there gardens in your city? _______

2. Choose the correct item.

1) Mary (is, has, am) __ _____________________ fifteen years old.

2) Kim can (to draw, draw, drawing) ________ __________ well.
3) Easter is in (spring, autumn, winter) ______
4) It often snows (in, of, at) ________________________ ____________ winter.
5) My grandma is (old, older, the oldest) ________________ than my father.
6) Bella (do, does, is doing) __________________ ______ her homework now.
7) She (is, was, w ere) ________________________ ___at the market yesterday.
8) Fathers usually (clean, cleans, are cleaning) _____________ the carpets.
9) How old (is, are, am) _____________________ ______ _______________ she?
10) (Did, Does, W as) ________________________ you go shopping yesterday?

3. Describeyour room in 5 sentences.

39 / thirty-nine
F in al Test (37) 3rd form

1. Underline the correct variant.

1. She often is spendinglspends time with her grandmother.
2. They usually are going/go skating on Sundays.
3. We are having/have an English lesson now.
4. Mmm! Mum is making / makes a cake now.
5 . 1 always have/am having tea before I leave for school in the morning.

2. Read theparagraph andgive complete answers to the question.

They are Dan and Chris. They teach French in a school. They arent teaching
now. They are at the cinema. They re watching a film.
1. Who are they?............................................................................................. —
2. Do they teach? ________________________________________ __ —-------
3. What do they teach? ________ ____________________ _____ _____ —
4. Where are they now?...................................................................... .... .......—
5. What are they doing now?__________ ___________________________ _

3. Complete the sentences using do / does / a m i is / are.

1. ______________ children want toys for Christmas?
2. Why __________________ ____ your brothers late?
3. W h o______________________ on the playground?
4 . _______________ _ your uncie like chocolaté?
5 . _____________ __________________ I your friend?

4. Circle the correct spelling ofthese weather words.

1. A. hut B. hott C. hot
2. A. windie B. winndy C. windy
3. A. snowy B. snowie C. snouy
4. A. could B. cold C. kold.
5. A. suny B. sonny C. sunny

5. Use the correct préposition where necessary.

1. At Christmas pupils dont go ________________ school.
2. We are ______________________________ vacation now.
3 . 1 like to ride ___________________________ _ my sledge.
4. Can you help m e _______________ these décorations?
5 . 1 am sad when clouds appear ________________ the sky.

40 / forty
Final Test (38) 3rd Form
1. Underline the correct variant.
1. They sometimes go /are going/to school by bus, but usually they walk/
are walking.
2. Listen! The birds are singing/ singl
3. He always brings/is bringing a dictionary to his English class.
4. No, she cant go out, she has/is having a shower.

2. Read theparagraph and give complete answers to the questions.

She is Jane Graham. She is a shop assistant. She Works at Green Hills
market. She isnt working now. She is having a bath.
1. What is her name?__________________________________________
2. What does she do? ______________________________________
3. Is she working now?_________________________________________
4. What is she doing?__________________________________________
5. Where does she work?_____________________________________

3. Complete the sentences using do / does / am / is.

1. _____________ you like Christmas?
2. _____________ I late for class?
3. W h o ____________ in the yard?
4 . ___________ your granny tell you stories?
5. Why __ ____________ the boys so sad?

4. Circle the correct past form ofthe verbs.

1 . A. had B. hâde C. haved
2. A. drew B. drow C. draw
3. A. lefd B. leaved C. left
4. A. saw B. sew C. sow
5. A. sayed B. said C.sad

5. Use the correct préposition where necessary.

1. Its too late. I must g o __________ home.
2 . 1 feel sorry_________birds. They are very cold in winter.
3. What are you thinking___________ ?
4. It often snows_____________ December.
5. Draw a tree on your paper and eut i t _____________ .

41 / forty-one
Final Test (39) 3rd Form

1. Write 5 sentences about thisfamily.

E.g. Diana is Henry s wife
1 ._______________________________

2 . ______________________________

3 . ______________________________

4 . _________________________ _


2. Insert one ofthegiven words.____________________________________

_______ anything, everybody, nowhere, something, nobody_______
1. Did you buy___________ at the market? 2. The poor children had
___________ to play. The Giant didn’t let them into his garden. 3. When it
snows____________ is happy. 4. ______________ can enter this room .The
door is too small. 5 . 1 am thirsty. I want__________________ to drink.

3. Match the words and make up sentences with them.

Wash the room
Tidy the dishes
Take out the plants
Put away the rubbish
Water the toys

4. Correct the sentences.

1. My classroom is cleaner of all. ______________
2. The gloves is cheaper than the T-shirt.______
3. Kate writes a letter now.___________________
4. We goed to the village yesterday.___________
5. This is my sister. His name is A nn._________
6. There are many childs in the yard.__________
7. There teacher is very kind.________________
8. He cant to play chess.___________ _________
9. Who does go to school every morning?_____
10.1 am ill. May I go to home now?_________

42 / forty-two
Final Test (40) 3rd Form
1. Underline the correct spelling o f the words.
6. A. Annas B. Annas C. Annas
1. A. sixtie B. sicksty C. sixty 7. A. making B. makeing C. makking
2. A. fatte B. fater C. fatter 8. A. you where B. you were C. u were
3. A. because B. becouse C. becauze 9. A. their mother B. there mother
4. A. plais B. plays C. playz C. they’re mother
5. A. usualy B. ussually C. usually 10. A. workd B. worket C. worked

2. Write three sentences to describe 3. Write three sentences to describe

anything that is happening now anything that usually happens in
using the Présent Continuons. the class using the Présent Simple.
1 1 _____________________________
2 2 ______________________________
3 3 _________________________

4. Make up positive and negative sentences with the given verbs in the

43 / forty-three
Textsfor Dictations
Introductory Dictation
I hâve a pet. It is a cat. My cat is white and black. It is two years old. Its name is
Tom. In the morning Tom gets up early. It goes to the kitchen and eats. In the
afternoon Tom sleeps. In the evening Tom plays with me. I like my pet.

Module One
On Sunday men, women and children usually go to the zoo. The zoo has a lot of
animais. You can see big and small animais. There are éléphants with big trunks.
There are monkeys that swing. There are turtles, bears, zébras, parrots, hamsters
and horses. I like bears very much. They are kind.
* * *

On September the first the pupils are back at school. They are happy to come
from their vacation. The children learn a lot of things at school. They read, write
and speak. They draw, dance and sing. They study English. They hâve many
friends at school.
It’s November. The days are short and the nights are long. It is cool. It is rainy
and windy. The sky is cloudy. The leaves change their colours and fall from the
trees. Children like to play with yellow, red, brown, orange and golden leaves.

Module Two
There is a table in the kitchen. On the table there is a bowl with fruit salad,
biscuits, a glass of milk, a jug with juice, two napkins, a teapot, two tablespoons
and a plate with sugar. There is a boy and a girl sitting at the table. They are
drinking tea with milk and are eating sandwiches.
* * *

On Sunday my parents and I go to a snack bar. My parents usually hâve salad,

fries and lemonade. They dont like hot-dogs or hamburgers. They are not
healthy. I usually hâve pizza and juice. I dont like hot-dogs too. Sometimes we
hâve ice-cream and a cup of tea. I like Sundays very much.

Module Three

Bill is fourteen. He can ride a bike and climb trees. His sister Vicky is twelve. She
can draw and jump the rope. Bill and Vicky hâve a dog. In the morning and in
the evening they walk their dog.
* * *

45, 73, 98, 19, 53, 37, 54, 49, 78, 100.

4 4 / forty-four
Module Four
Christmas is coming. Pupils dont hâve lessons. They are on vacation. They help
their mothers with the décorations. The children usually decorate the Christmas
tree with tinsel and merry lights. They also go outside to ride on the sledge,
throw snowballs. Then they make a snowman.
It is cold, frosty and windy in winter. It often snows. The ground is white.
Children like when beautiful snowflakes fall. They put on warm clothes: coats,
hats, mittens. Then they go outside.

Module Five
Every morning I get up, make my bed and do my morning exercises. Then I
wash, dress and hâve breakfast. After that I go to school. I am at school on time.
I greet my teacher and classmates and put my books, exercise books and my
pencil box on my desk. I am ready for the lessons.
* * *

I hâve a granny. Her name is Lisa. She lives in the country. Today is her birthday.
She is sixty today. She is the oldest in the family. I hâve a présent for her. It is a
book. My granny likes to read books. I give my présent to granny. She opens it,
thanks me and kisses me.

Module Six
Yesterday I went shopping with my mother. She bought a doll for me, a shirt
for my father and a toy car for my brother. My doll is the prettiest I ever had.
Its name is Dolly. It has a nice dress and a hat. Yesterday I took Dolly to school.
Everybody liked it. I like it a lot.
Last week my parents took me and my brother to the garden. We had a busy
time. I raked the dry leaves. Father turned the soil. Mother planted seeds of
vegetables and flowers. My younger brother watered them. In the afternoon we
were tired but happy.

Module Seven

On Sunday Alice was in the forest. She went there with her grandparents. The
day was nice. It was warm and sunny. The trees and the bushes were green.
There were many beautiful flowers. Alice and her granny picked flowers and
mushrooms. They saw a hedgehog under a bush. Alice was happy.

45 / forty-fïve
Tongue Twisters
♦♦♦ Bee is busy as a bee.
❖ Betty bought some butter,
but the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter,
and the better butter Betty bought
was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before!
❖ A cup of coffee and a nice coffee cup.
❖ One shirt, two shirts, three shirts, four;
five shirts, six shirts, seven shirts and one more.
❖ Blakes black bike’s back brake bracket block broke.
❖ Red lolly, yellow lolly.
❖ Great gray goats.
❖ John, put the orange juice into the fridge.
❖ Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city,...
❖ One smart man, he felt smart.
Two smart men, they both felt smart.
Three smart men, they all felt smart.
❖ A box of biscuits,
a box of mixed biscuits,
and a biscuit mixer.
❖ Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.
❖ Five fat firemen frying flat fish.
❖ Sun shines on shop signs.
❖ The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
❖ Ray Rag ran across a rough road.
Across a rough road Ray Rag ran.
Where is the rough road Ray Rag ran across?
❖ She sells sea shells on the seashore.
The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
❖ Plain bun, plum bun, bun without plum.
❖ Swiss watch, wrist watch.
❖ Three tame tigers taking tea.
❖ Father, mother, sister, brother, hand in hand with one another.
❖ Brads big black bath brush broke.

46 / forty-six
Educaţional Gantes
1. How many animais can you see in the picturef Name them.

2. Complete the crossword puzzle.

20 t y
30 t y
40 t y
50 t y
60 t y
70 t y
80 t y
90 t y

3. Compare the pictures as in the example:

e.g. Thefirstpotato is smciller than the secondpotato. The

second potato is bigger than thefirst one.

the first snowman/ the second/ big/small

the teacher/ the pupils/ tall/ short

47 / forty-seven
the pig/ the mouse/ fat/thin

Meg/ granny/ young/ old

4. Find ten winter words.
Z s N 0 w B A L L X
R X M F c A R O L E
s N 0 W M A N 0 W A
E G D L S S N 0 W Y
0 T 0 P R N E M Y W
s N 0 W F L A K E X

5. Complete the crossword.

2. What is the opposite of FAT?
4. What is the opposite of HAPPY?
5. What is the opposite of DAY?
6. What is the opposite of UGLY?
7. What is the opposite of COLD?

1. What is the opposite of BORING?
3. What is the opposite of CLEAN?
4. What is the opposite of CLOUDY?
8. What is the opposite of SMALL?
9. What is the opposite of SHORT?

48 / forty-eight
6. Match the words in the first and the third columns to the
correspondingpicture in the second column.

\ *3*y
we can make a snowman
we can swim cold
we can ride bikes cool
we can play hockey ( ^ S ) sunny
we can pick mushrooms rainy
we can plant trees wet
we can rake leaves hot
we can jump the rope snowy
we can throw snowballs dry
we can go for a picnic frosty

7. Help the boy tidy up his room. Tell him what to do.
Example: Water theflowers.

49 / forty-nine
8. M ake up a story m atching the pictures.

50 / fifty
English IL Veresheaghina I. Dubrovin M., Pritykina T. Prosveshyenie,
1986.- 173 p.
Get Set Go! Workbook 1. Cathy Lawday. Oxford University Press, 1996.-
103 p.
Magic English. Pupils book. Ignatiuc I., Aladin L„ Foca L., Puiu D.,
Muntean A.- Chisinau: Editura ARC, 2008.-120 p.
tongue.twisters.OO 1.htm
51 / fifty-one

Forew ord .................................................................................................................3

Tests for the 3rdF o r m ............................................................................................4

Texts for Dictations ............................................................................................ 44

Tongue Twisters...................................................................................................46

Educaţional Games ............................................................................................ 47

Bibliography.................................................................................................. 51

52 / fifty-two

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