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researchers, as a stimulus to further study, her C. Cheynet (for example, ‘Se révolter
declared aim – to portray the historic and intel- légitimement contre le “Basileus”?’, in P. Depreux
lectual environment of Thessalonica and its (ed.), Revolte und Sozialstatus von der Spätantike
spiritual heritage in and after the post-Byzantine bis zur Frühen Neuzeit, Munich 2008, 57–73) have
period in an unconventional, sometimes qualified shown that there were practical limitations to the
and definitely out-of-the-ordinary way – has been emperor’s theoretically absolute power in what
admirably achieved. And while, like almost every functioned as an Akzeptanzsystem according to E.
study of the spiritual production of post-Byzantine Flaig’s definition (‘Für eine Konzeptualisierung
Thessalonica, it has its occasional deficiencies and der Usurpation im Spätrömischen Reich’, in F.
omissions (for example, in addition to a few Paschoud and J. Szidat (eds), Usurpationen in der
instances in which the bibliographic information is Spätantike, Stuttgart 1997, 15–34; this, along with
incomplete, the author’s failure, in the chapter on R.-J. Lillie’s article mentioned above, F.
the Akathistos, to mention other recent research Winkelmann, Quellenstudien zur herrschenden
which places the work in a period before that of Klasse von Byzanz, Berlin 1987 and C. Gizewski,
Romanos Melodos), it is a fact that Russell’s book Zur Normativität und Struktur der
offers the reader a different perspective on inter- Verfassungsverhältnisse in der späteren römischen
esting aspects of the literal and cultural atmos- Kaiserzeit, Munich 1988, are important omissions
phere of post-Byzantine Thessalonica. from the bibliography).
In any case, and despite its – rare, indeed – Kaldellis goes beyond all this and asserts that
weaknesses, this book is an important aid for the the autocratic tenet of the Byzantine political
study of the history, literature and spirit of system should be dismissed, since supreme
Thessalonica during the last centuries of the authority was vested in the people – not the
Byzantine Empire and an important tool for those emperor. He regards the analytical distinction
interested in the Palaiologan era and Byzantine between Roman Republic and Empire as
studies generally. The historic, literary and proso- misleading because there was an ideological
pographical information that it provides and the baseline of republican beliefs that diachronically
methodology of the research that follows are determined the operation of both political systems.
particularly interesting, in a way that makes the In this essentialist approach, a political system’s
book a useful aid not only for students and young dominant ideology need not be reflected in the
researchers, but also for the scientific world in political structures and institutions of governance
general. – it is neither intended to reproduce nor to be
ILIAS TAXIDIS reproduced by them. Moreover, articulated
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki political ideas and their operative role are not examined in conjunction with the socio-economic
conditions in which they were embedded. Within
this theoretical framework, the continuity of
KALDELLIS (A.) The Byzantine Republic: republican motifs in Byzantine political discourse
People and Power in New Rome. Cambridge – testified in legal-political treatises and histories
MA: Harvard University Press, 2015. Pp. 290. written by emperors and authors of the
£25.95. 9780674365407. Constantinopolitan court elite – is not analysed as
doi:10.1017/S007542691600104X an integral aspect of imperial ideology but as
bottom-up republican beliefs external to the
In this thought-provoking study, Kaldellis takes former.
issue with dated views of the Byzantine Empire as Elaborating on the thesis of H.-G. Beck (Das
a theocracy and argues that this was rather a repub- Byzantinische Jahrtausend, Munich 1978),
lican monarchy. Few would disagree with the Kaldellis regards riots, coups d’état and rebellions
author on Byzantium’s Roman identity and, in of usurpation as evidence of republican political
Weberian terms, theocracy is an inadequate practice, i.e. as means of a normative extra-legal
definition for the Empire’s political system. political activity of the Roman people (treated as a
Moreover, studies by R.-J. Lilie (‘Des Kaisers reified political agent throughout the book), which
Macht und Ohnmacht. Zum Zerfall der made the emperor answerable to and controlled by
Zentralgewalt in Byzanz vor dem vierten it. Uprisings in Constantinople are viewed as a
Kreuzzug’, in R.-J. Lilie and P. Speck (eds), Varia product of the citizenry’s voluntarist political
I (Poikila Byzantina 4), Bonn 1984, 9–120) and J.- activity, aiming to impose its unanimous political

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agenda. Kaldellis seems little concerned that histo- (and equally coups d’état) were a recurrent
riographical reports often treat cursorily or pass phenomenon with a structural role in the repro-
over the different roles, motives and interests of duction of the imperial system, they also were
various social groups in these events, especially contingent political events determined mainly by
the role of senatorial and church elites in canal- conflicting factional interests and personal
izing the oppressed mob’s social discontent or ambitions as well as the relocation of military and
need for plunder in order to serve their political political power within the elite. They had little to
agenda. From a period of seven centuries, only on do with a customarily regularized political
two occasions did a revolt in Constantinople result mechanism of popular control over imperial
in the deposition of the emperor (Michael V and authority. It was not common people’s opinion but
Andronikos I). This rather indicates the citizenry’s power networks and shifting loyalties in the army,
limited ability to exercise sovereign control over i.e. military power, that determined the outbreak
the imperial office. Questionable also is the view of rebellions and the outcome of civil wars, in
that the activity of the Constantinopolitan citizenry which the vast majority of the provincial popula-
was representative of the public of the empire tions had a marginal or passive role.
(157). The ability of the Constantinopolitan Kaldellis usefully reopens the discussion on
commoners to exert political influence due to Byzantine political ideology. In deconstructing the
proximity to the emperor could hardly induce a dated image of theocracy, he also seeks to dismiss
sense of political involvement and participation the political sovereignty of the emperor. To do so,
upon common provincials, at least 80% of whom he downplays the dialectic relationship between
lived in the countryside and only learned about an an undisputed dominant belief in a single person’s
uprising or a coup d’état in Constantinople several rule and centralized control over economic and
weeks or even months after the event. This lived military resources. These reproduced the charisma
experience rather reaffirms their exclusion from of the imperial office, which concentrated
political processes there. supreme political power on its holder and his
Kaldellis argues that common provincials had power faction in a city-state ruling over an
a decisive role in issues of central governance imperial realm. In G. Agamben’s theory (State of
through military rebellions of usurpation, since Exception, Chicago 2005) – quoted by the author
these were determined by public opinion and an – a prolonged state of exception becomes a state of
emperor’s unpopularity: ‘the best protection being that robs individuals or broader social
against rebellion was popularity’ (181). This is an groups of their citizenship. Republican motifs in
evidently problematic premise regarding a politi- Byzantium were principally instrumentalized to
cally influential role of the provincial masses. legitimize a prolonged state of exception, the
According to it, Basil II, who faced four rebellions emperor’s autocratic rule that deprived the people
during his long reign, should be considered as a of any participatory political rights.
very unpopular emperor Empire-wide. This could YANNIS STOURAITIS
not deprive him, though, of his autocratic rule. If, Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik
instead, we regard his victories in the civil wars as der Universität Wien
evidence that he and not his adversaries enjoyed
popular support, this again means that public
opinion hardly protected an emperor from rebel-
lions of the military elite and that the latter hardly BENT (J.T.) (edited by G. Brisch) The
reflected the political opinion of common provin- Dodecanese: Further Travels Among the
cials. Moreover, less than one out of five civil Insular Greeks: Selected Writings of J.
wars in Byzantium ended with the reigning Theodore and Mabel V.A. Bent, 1885–1888.
emperor’s deposition. This demonstrates that, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015. Pp. xiv + 195.
whatever the role of ‘public opinion’ (if at all £15. 9781784910969.
measurable Empire-wide) in their outbreak, most doi:10.1017/S0075426916001051
emperors had the arbitrary power to maintain their
throne against it. Theodore Bent is perhaps better known as the
Kaldellis fails to appreciate the role of the author of a book based on his travels to the
ruling class in the majority of military rebellions Cyclades in 1883–1884. That book, entitled The
of usurpation (demonstrated in Winkelmann’s and Cyclades, or, Life among the Insular Greeks, was
Cheynet’s classical studies). Even though these first published in 1885 and then republished in

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