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Escorel, Romeo
Nagal, Louise Anne N.
Villar, Queen
Grade 12 STEM

Mr. John Regie A. Sansait

Research Teacher
August 2019

Chapter I



To cope with the increasing human population and increasing demand

for food, the use of fertilizers has also been highly needed (Hargrove, 2008). Commented [lf1]: revise the opening statement

The use of inorganic fertilizers improves the quality and quantity of crops, soil

pH and nutrient content and availability, but it has been one of the leading causes

of environmental degradation (Alkalde, et al, 2010). An example is ground

water contamination, which has been associated with gastric cancer, goiter, birth

malformations, and hypertension, testicular cancer and stomach cancer

(Wagner, N.D. 2010). These health hazards has led to the use of bio-fertilizers

which are defined as preparations containing living cells or latent cells of

efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants’ uptake of nutrients by

their interactions in the rhizosphere when applies through seed or soil

(Nooralvandi, 2016).

In order to grow, plants need light, carbon dioxide, water, soil and the

macro and micro-nutrients. The agricultural industry depends on chemical

fertilizers that contain, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which are essential

for plant growth (Carlson, N.D. 2011). Such macro-nutrient components are

found in different kinds of bio-fertilizers.

Bio-fertilizers are the substances which make use of microorganisms to

fertile soil. These fertilizers are not harmful to crops or other plants like the

chemical fertilizers. There are of many types and each type takes care of the
amount of nitrogen and phosphorus level in the soil, increasing the plant’s

productivity (Adnan, 2010). The three identified resources that can be used as

fertilizers are seaweed, animal manure, and blood meal.

One of the best fertilizers one can use on plants is seaweed. Trace Commented [lf2]: revise.

elements found in organic seaweed fertilizers include magnesium, potassium,

zinc, iron and nitrogen – all of which are beneficial to plant’s growth. Nitrogen,

for instance, is essential to the production of nitrate, a key component needed

by plants during photosynthesis (Lawson, 2018).

In addition, the potentiality of manure as a source of fertilizer can be

described in an example that in a 1000 pound cow, it can produce 15 tons of

manure per year. This 15 tons contains an equivalent of 213 pounds of nitrogen,

192 pounds of phosphate and 267 pounds of potassium (Zhang, 2013).

Therefore, application of bio-fertilizer and organic manure may enhance plant

growth. Moreover, improved plant growth could be an attribute to the energy

source provided by plants and availability of nutrients good for the body.

On the other hand, the beneficial profile of blood meal by providing

nitrogen source together with the capability to keep the Fe(iron) bound to

organic compounds makes it a good candidate to be used as Fe(iron) fertilizer

in organic farming (Yunta, 2013). As proven, blood meal is a good source, slow

released, high quality nitrogen. Furthermore, blood meal as a bio-fertilizer can

help plants to achieve high amount of nitrogen thus it affects the growth and

numbers of the leaves of a plant (Woods End Research Lab, 2013). This growth

promoting substances released by bio-fertilizers improve plant’s physiological

& biochemical parameters. In addition to these advantages, bio-fertilizers are

also comparatively cheaper than the chemical fertilizers (Patel, R., et al. 2010).
With this, the researcher have decided to conduct a study regarding the

comparison on the effects of different kinds of bio-fertilizers namely seaweed

bio-fertilizer, animal manure bio-fertilizer and blood meal bio-fertilizer on the

growth of Brassica nigra. This study will be beneficial in increasing knowledge

about different kinds of bio-fertilizers and how each affects plant growth in

terms of physical appearance. This research study encourages practitioner and

agriculturists to use bio-fertilizers especially the best resulting bio-fertilizer

instead of harmful chemically-made fertilizers. Generally, this study aims to

know the effects of different bio-fertilizers on the growth of the Brassica nigra.


Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Determine the characteristics of the Brassica nigra exposed with the

different kinds of bio-fertilizers in terms of: Commented [lf3]: Compare the diff bio fertilizer bases on
the ff characteridtic of b.n
a. Plant Height

b. Most Grown Leaf Length

c. Most Grown Leaf Width Commented [lf4]: remove the most grown

d. Weight of The Leaves

2. Determine the potential of seaweed bio-fertilizer, animal waste bio-

fertilizer, and blood meal bio-fertilizer on the growth of Brassica


3. Provide knowledge in which of the three bio-fertilizers used in the Commented [lf5]: maybe add the effect on soil
experiment produce the most grown Brassica nigra. •temp
•N lvl
•K lvl

since sa lupa naman talaga kayo magtatanim mas okay ang

methodologies nito
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

30 grams bio- Applying of Growth record

fertilizer each bio- of the mustard
(seaweed, blood fertilizer to the plants with the
meal, animal soil use of different
manure) kinds of bio-
fertilizer in
Daily watering terms of:
15 Brassica of plants (once a
nigra seeds day)
-Plant height
Daily equal
exposure to -Most Grown
sunlight Leaf Length

Observation of -Most Grown

the growth of Leaf Width
plants weekly
-Weight of
Data Gathering Leaves
and Analysis


Significance of the Study

Farmers, Agriculturists, and Home Crop Growers. This study will

encourage the farmers, agriculturists, and home crop growers to use bio-

fertilizers in their crop production. Their awareness on the capability of bio-

fertilizers to greatly nourish the plant will lead them to try bio-fertilizers.
People. Through this study, people in the environmental and scientific

field will become more aware of the possible contributions of using bio-

fertilizers such as seaweed, animal manure and blood meal in the environment

and can further assess their effectiveness on the growth of plants.

Future Researchers. They may find the results of this study as useful

basis for their own future researches specifically studies which include the

effectiveness of seaweed, animal manure and/or blood meal as bio-fertilizers.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is conducted to determine the effects of different kinds of bio-

fertilizers particularly seaweed, animal manure, and blood meal on the growth

of Brassica nigra. It mainly focuses on how organic fertilizers affect the

physical characteristics (plant height, most grown leaf length, most grown leaf

width, and weight of the leaves) of Brassica nigra. However, the effects of the

bio-fertilizers on the composition of the soil and plant nutrients is not included.

Data and information will be gathered through experimentation and

continuous observation. This study is conducted from October 2019 to

December 2019.
Chapter II


As the human population increases, demand for the production of food

increases, which varies directly with the production of fertilizers to fasten the

growth of plants (Hargrove, 2008). Fertilizer demand, particularly nitrogen,

phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers reached a number of 186.67 million tons.

Hence, the global capacity of the production of fertilizers is expected to further

increase in the years to come (FAO, 2017). With this, the use of a safe,

sufficient, effective and efficient fertilizer is desired to not only to sustain and

promote plant growth and nourishment but also to establish a healthy

perspective for consumers.

Usage of Chemical Fertilizers

Chemical fertilizers are industrially made substances which are composed

of known quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The use of chemical

fertilizers causes air and ground water pollution as a result of eutrophication of

water bodies. According to Chun-Li et al. (2014), though the practice of using

chemical fertilizers and pesticides accelerates soil acidification, it also poses the

risk of contaminating ground water and the atmosphere. It also weakens the

roots of plants, thereby making them to be susceptible to unwanted diseases.

Thus, attempts have recently been made towards the production of nutrient rich,

high quality fertilizer to ensure bio-safety.

One of the serious threats to human health and the environment is

inorganic chemical-based fertilizers which are prominent in current soil

management industries. Meanwhile, in the agriculture sector, the exploitation of

beneficial microbes and its potential role in food safety and sustainable crop

production has accumulated great importance. It has been found that improved

nutrient uptake, plant growth and plant tolerance are attributed to a wide range

of application of plant growth promoting useful microscopic organisms such as

rhizobacteria, endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, cyanobacteria,

which are present in bio-fertilizers (Bhardwaj, et al. 2014).

Usage of Bio-fertilizers

Bio-fertilizer has been identified as an alternative to chemical fertilizer to

increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming. These potential

biological fertilizers would play the key role in productivity and sustainability

of soil and also protect the environment as eco-friendly and cost effective inputs

for the farmers (Khosro, 2012). The application of bio-fertilizer to the soil

increases the biodiversity which constitutes all kinds of useful bacteria and

fungi, including the arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) called plant growth

promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and nitrogen fixers. Bio-fertilizers keep the soil

environment rich in all kinds of macro and micro nutrients via nitrogen fixation,

phosphate and potassium solubilisation or mineralization, release of plant

growth regulating substances, production of antibiotics and biodegradation of

organic matter in the soil bio-fertilizers when applied as seed or soil inoculants,

multiply and participate in nutrient cycling and leads to crop productivity.

Generally, 60% to 90% of the total applied fertilizer is lost and the remaining

10% - 40% is taken up by plants. Hence, bio-fertilizers can be an important

component of integrated nutrient management systems for sustaining

agricultural productivity and a healthy environment (Sinha, 2014).

Plant growth-promoting mechanisms are being inhibited by many

rhizospheric bacterial strains. In agriculture and forestry, these bacteria can be

applied as bio-fertilizers to enhance crop yields. These bacteria fertilizers,

through several mechanisms, promote plant growth. The mechanisms are as

follows: (a) the synthesis of plant nutrients or photo hormones, which can be

absorbed by plants, (b) the mobilization of soil compounds, making them

available for the plant to be used as nutrients, (c) the protection of plants under

stressful conditions, thereby counteracting the negative impacts of stress, or (d)

defense against plant pathogens, reducing plant disease or death. Having the

potential to contribute to more sustainable agriculture and forestry in the modern

day is the result of increased crop yields and soil fertility. This is attributed to

several growth-promoting rhizobacteria plant being used worldwide for many

years as bio-fertilizers. For the technologies concerning the production and

application of bacterial nocula, they are still under constant development and

improvement. Likewise, the bacterial-based bio-fertilizer market is growing

steadily. In different countries in the world, the production and application of

these products is heterogeneous (García-Fraile, et al. 2015).

In a study entitled “Effect of Bio-fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on

Growth and Yield in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Green House Condition”

by Hassan et al. (2015), a comparison between the effect of chemical fertilizer

and bio-fertilizer on the growth of a cucumber plant was made. The results

indicated that there is a significant difference between the application of bio-

fertilizer and chemical fertilizer for yield and yield component traits.
Accordingly, the study revealed that the use of bio-fertilizers increased both

yield and yield component of cucumber significantly.

Seaweed Bio-fertilizer

A type of bio-fertilizer that is effective in sustaining the nourishment of

the plant is the seaweed bio-fertilizer. Generally, seaweeds are full of

carbohydrates, which plants use as a building block and which numerous

beneficial microorganisms use as food sources. Seaweed extract boosts crop

yields, improves resistance of plants to frost and disease, increases the uptake

of inorganic constituents from the soil, bolsters resistance to stress conditions

and reduces storage losses of fruit. Moreover, they contain almost every micro-

nutrient in a fully chelated form (Lawson, 2018).

Studies have shown dramatic changes in plant with the presence of

seaweed treatments. It includes better frost tolerance, increased yield, increased

germination of seed, and greater capacity for absorption of trace elements.

Results showed geraniums are producing more flowers per plant with the help

of seaweed fertilizers, corns growing larger, cucumber increasing in yields,

grapes sweetening, and fruits suffering from less softening and rotting.

Moreover, improved production after seaweed treatments were measured in

various plants such as potatoes, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes and apples

(Kourik, 2018).

In a study by Mounir, et al. (2015), they experimented the effect of

seaweed extract (SWE) from two macroalgae species such as Ulva rigida and

Fucus spiralis on drought stress tolerance in green bean plants (Phaseolus

vulgaris L.). In their study, examination of growth parameters and some

physiological and biochemical parameters showed that SWE extract enhanced

vegetative growth with and without under drought stress condition in bean plant.

Maximum plant height and dry weight were observed with 25 % of U. rigida

and F. spiralis extract.

Similarly, to study the effect of liquid seaweed fertilizer as a foliar spray

on Brassica nigra (mustard plant), a field experiment was conducted in summer

of 2006. The concentrations of the liquid seaweed as a foliar spray were 2.5%,

5.0%, 7.5%, and 10.0%. On the other hand, control plants were sprayed with

water. The results revealed that the liquid seaweed fertilizer spray on 2.5%

concentration significantly increased the yield and nutritional quality of mustard

fruit by 20.47% (Zodape, et al. 2008).

Meanwhile, the group of plants that live either in marine or brackish water

environment are called seaweed or benthic marine algae. Seaweed contains

photosynthetic pigments and with the help of sunlight and nutrients present in

the seawater, they perform photosynthesis and produce their own food like the

land plants. In the coastal region between high tide and low tide and in the sub-

tidal region up to a depth where 0.01% photosynthetic light is available are

where seaweeds are found. To substitute the commercial chemical fertilizers and

to reduce the cost of production, the application of seaweed fertilizer was of

great importance. Liquid fertilizers derived from seaweeds are found to be

superior to chemical fertilizers. This is due to the fact that they contain high

levels of organic matter, micro and macro elements, vitamins, and fatty acids

and also because they are rich in growth regulators. In the study conducted by

Sathya and his colleagues (2010), the effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer prepared

from different seaweeds at different concentrations on the plant Cajanus cajan

were studied. The types of seaweeds used in the study were Grateloupia

lithophila (Red algae), Chaetomotpha linum (Green algae), and Sargassum

wightii (Brown algae) but each on different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%,

40%, 50%, and 100%). The one that showed maximum growth parameters on

Cajanus cajan was the 30% concentration of the seaweed liquid fertilizer

prepared from Chaetomorpha linum. On the other hand, the one that promoted

maximum photosynthetic pigments and biochemical parameters at 20%

concentration than the control was the seaweed liquid fertilizer of Sargassum

wightii. At a lower concentration, among the three seaweeds used, Sargassum

wightii and Chaetomorpha linum showed better results than the Grateloupia


Animal Manure Bio-fertilizer

Animal manure are considered also as a good bio-fertilizer to promote

growth and stability in plants. Research interest is continually elicited by the

search for cheaper and environmentally friendly options of enhancing petroleum

hydrocarbon degradation. As bio-stimulating agents, animal manure is one of

the options for this issue. During a period of 4 weeks of remediation in situ, a

combination of treatments consisting of the application of poultry manure,

piggery manure, goat manure, and chemical fertilizer was evaluated. Every

treatment consisted of a soil containing petroleum hydrocarbon mixture

(kerosene, diesel oil, and gasoline mixture) (10% w/w) as a sole source of carbon

and energy. The results showed that poultry manure, piggery manure, goat

manure, and NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash [potassium]) fertilizer

exhibited 73%, 63%, 50%, and 39% total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation,
respectively, after the 4 weeks of remediation. In conclusion, the ability to

enhance petroleum hydrocarbon microbial degradation was shown by all of the

bio-stimulating treatment strategies conducted. However, greater petroleum

hydrocarbon reductions than the NPK fertilizer treatment was shown by the

poultry manure, piggery manure, and goat manure treatments. NPK fertilizer <

goat manure < piggery manure < poultry manure was the order of effectiveness

of these bio-stimulating strategies in the cleanup of soil contaminated with a

petroleum hydrocarbon mixture (mixture of kerosene, diesel oil, and gasoline).

This is shown by the specific degradation rate constant (k) values obtained from

a first-order kinetic equation that was fitted to the bio-degradation data. The

application of poultry manure, piggery manure, goat manure, and chemical

fertilizer could enhance petroleum hydrocarbon degradation with poultry

manure, showing a greater effectiveness and thus could be one of the several

sought environmentally friendly ways of remediating natural ecosystem

contaminated with crude oil (Agarry, Owabor, and Yusuf, 2010).

In addition, manure and compost not only supply many nutrients for crop

production, including micronutrients, but they are also valuable sources of

organic matter. Increasing soil organic matter improves soil structure or tilth.

Most vegetable crops return small amounts of crop residue to the soil, so

manure, compost, and other organic amendments help maintain soil organic

matter levels (Gulshan et al., 2013).

All the macro-elements and micro-elements needed for plant growth is

contained in manure. However, one of the most underutilized resources in the

US is represented by it. The direct effect of its composition on application cost

is the major problem with the use of manure on cropland. A function of the
mineralization process of organic matter is the cost of this. The properties of the

manure, properties of the soil, moisture, and temperature influence the

mineralization process. The simultaneous effect of these variables on the

optimal use of manure on cropland was evaluated in this study (Efficient use of

animal manure on cropland – economic analysis). The properties of manure and

soil significantly affect the mineralization of organic nitrogen as showed by the

results. Moreover, the results also showed the optimal quantity of manure

required to satisfy the nutrient requirement of crops in a given rotation system.

From a low of 18% of the cost of commercial fertilizer for chicken manure

applied to one type of soil, to a high of 125% of the cost of commercial fertilizer

for cow manure applied to another type of soil is the Manure application costs’

range. From a high of 35 km (22 miles) for chicken manure applied to one type

of soil, to a low of 1 km (0.62 miles) for cow manure applied to another type of

soil is the range of the maximum distance to transfer manure to the field, that

will equate its application cost to the cost of commercial fertilizer. Manure

application costs range from a low of 37% of the cost of commercial fertilizer

for chicken manure applied to one type of soil, to a high of 136% of the cost of

commercial fertilizer for cow manure applied to another type of soil for rotation

system 2. From a high of 20 km (12.5 miles) for chicken manure applied to one

type of soil, to a low of 0 km (0 miles) for cow manure applied to another type

of soil is the range of the maximum distance to transfer manure to the field, that

will equate its cost to the cost of commercial fertilizer (Araji, Abdo, and Joyce,


Blood Meal Bio-fertilizer

Blood meal bio-fertilizer is a fertilizer enriched with nitrogen which is

helpful for plant growth. In general, nitrogen can help increase the acidity of the

soil which is essential for plants such as peppers and squashes. With its quick

capability to provide heavy feeding plants such as corn, lettuce and mustard with

high amounts of nitrogen, it can build new growth, increase yield and keep the

healthiness of plants. Additionally, blood meal can help heal the soil, in the

sense that it can return the natural balance if the depletion of soil nutrients

partakes. Blood meal can help with the recovery of wilting plants with the

infusion of nutrients and minerals in the soil that can boost and promote the

growth and healthiness of plants. Blood meal with bacteria and nematodes

breaks down nitrogen components so plants can easily absorb the nutrients.

Hence, it helps in increasing root growth and strengthening the overall root

system (Rhoades, 2018).

High reactivity of blood meal fertilizer with soil constituents, mainly in

the presence of calcium, where aggregation processes are predominant, and its

ability to take Fe from synthetic Fe (hydr) oxide is demonstrated by the batch

experiments. What makes it a good candidate to be used as Fe fertilizer in

organic farming is the beneficial profile of blood meal by a providing nitrogen

source together with the capability to keep Fe bound to porphyrin organic

compounds (Yunta et. al., 2013).

Made from dried animal blood that is collected as part of the rendering

process, and then made into a powder, blood meal is so high in nitrogen. It

releases fairly quickly into the soil and can readily be used by plants. It should

be used sparingly as an organic fertilizer because blood meal is high in nitrogen

as too much can prevent plants from flowering or even burn and kill plants if

the concentration is too high. Dogs, opossums or raccoons can get attracted to

the garden because of the scent of blood meal. To mix it into the soil is the best

way to add blood meal, preferably before a rainfall, or water it well to help hide

the scent. Otherwise, mix the blood meal together with the compost pile

thoroughly. It will also speed up the composting process with adding the blood

meal to a compost pile. Blood meal also tends to repel rabbits and other

vegetarian critters who may want to raid the garden for a free meal. It can be

sprinkled around the perimeter of the garden even if the blood meal is not used

to add nitrogen to the soil where it will provide a barrier against marauding

bunnies (McGroarty, 2015).

Moreover, blood meal provides the nitrogen content for fertilizers.

Nitrogen is a plant micronutrient which is responsible for the vegetative growth

of plants. Generally, nitrogen is important for earlier development of plants to

further improve their vegetative structure for increased production. Blood meal

being a pure source of nitrogen for plants can immediately boost and

continuously release useable nitrogen (Dahl, 2016).

Brassica Nigra

Brassica nigra (mustard plant) is a cash crop that can be planted in

rotation with small grains. Brassica nigra is best adapted to fertile, well-drained

soils. Brassica nigra responds to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer in a manner

similar to small grains. Brassica nigra can be raised on variable soil types with

good drainage, but is best adapted to fertile, well-drained, loamy soils. Dry sand

and dry, sandy loam soils should also be avoided.

Consumption of Brassica nigra has been steady and growth of the Brassica

nigra market is directly related to population growth. This stability of demand

is due to the lack of any real substitutes for Brassica nigra. Consumers will not

substitute for Brassica nigra as this would not save much money. Brassica nigra

also serves as companion plant to the other crops planted on the farm. Farmers

often use companion planting (like Brassica nigra) -- positioning vegetables,

herbs and flowers strategically -- to benefit the garden. The plants can provide

vital nutrients to the soil, draw beneficial insects, repel insects that can damage

your plants and provide shade and contrasting scent and color. The efficiency of

the fertilizers applied on Brassica nigra can be determined by the number of

leaves and weight (Gesmundo, 2019). Commented [lf6]: add about the possible needs of b.n
that Fertilizers can provide

Adnan, A. (2010, June 24). Biofertilizers: Types, Benefits and Applications. Retrieved

June 5, 2019 from


Agarry et al. (2010). Bioremediation of Soil Artificially Contaminated with Petroleum

Hydrocarbon Oil Mixtures: Evaluation of the Use of Animal Manure and

Chemical Fertilizer. Retrieved June 3, 2019 from



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Garcia-Fraile, P. (2015, August 14). Role of bacterial biofertilizers in agriculture and

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Gulshan et al. (2013). Effects of Animal Manure on the Growth and Development of

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Hassen, I. (2015). Effect of Bio-fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth and

Yield in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Green House Condition. Retrieved

August 2, 2019 from

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Itelima et al. (February 2018). A review: Biofertilizer - A key player in enhancing soil

fertility and crop productivity. Retrieved July 12, 2019 from


Kourik, R. (2018). Seaweed for Plants. Retrieved August 2, 2019 from

Lawson, C. (2018, July 12). The Benefits of Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer. Retrieved

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McGroarty. (2015). Organic Fertilizer Options for the Garden. Retrived June 5, 2019


Nadu, Tamil. (November 2014). Retrieved August 2, 2019 from

Nooralvandi, T. (2016, March 15). What is biofertilizer?. Retrieved July 4, 2019 from

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Patel et al. (2018). A Review: Scope of Utilizing Seaweed as a Bio-fertilizer in

Agriculture. Retrieved July 12, 2019 from


Shober, Sims, and Maguire. (December 2013). Manure Management. Retrieved July

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Saeed et al. (2015, July 6). Effect of Bio-fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Growth

and Yield in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) in Green House Condition.

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Yunta et al. (2013). Blood Meal-Based Compound. Good Choice as Iron Fertilizer for

Organic Farming. Retrieved July 4, 2019 from


Zodape et al. (2008). Effect of liquid seaweed fertilizer on yield and quantity of Okra.

Retrieved July 12, 2019 from

.Chapter III


This chapter includes the research design, the material list, the instrument,

the data collection procedure, the intervention, and the statistical treatment to be

used to analyze the data to be gathered.

Research Design

This study will use experimental research design to determine the effects

of different kinds of bio-fertilizers on the growth of Brassica nigra. This

research design will be utilized to be able to explore the differences on the

effects of bio-fertilizers namely the seaweed, animal manure, and blood meal on

the growth of Brassica nigra. In this study, the three presented bio-fertilizers

will serve as the independent variables while the dependent variable will be the

growth of the Brassica nigra in terms of plant’s height, most grown leaf length,

most grown leaf width, and weight of leaves.

Material List

The experimentation will be done in accordance to the analysis of effects

of different kinds of bio-fertilizers on the growth of Brassica nigra particularly

in the height of the plant, most grown leaf length, most grown leaf width, and

weight of the leaves. The following materials will be used throughout the

process of the research:

o 150 in by 90 in of fertile and well-drained soil with a pH level of 6.5-7

o 15 Brassica nigra seeds

o 30 grams Seaweed bio-fertilizer

o 30 grams Animal manure bio-fertilizer

o 30 grams Blood meal bio-fertilizer

o Water

Statistical Treatment of Data

In conducting the experiment, on a weekly basis, the researcher will

observe and gather significant data needed to find the result of the effects of the

three bio-fertilizers on the physical growth of the mustard plants. In addition

after data collection, the researcher will then compare and analyze the given data

using different statistical medium needed to assess the effects of the bio-

fertilizers on the growth of the mustard plants.

To analyze the data to be collected, about the effects of the different bio-

fertilizers on the growth of the mustard plant in terms of plant height, most

grown leaf length, most grown leaf width, and weight of leaves, the process of

finding the sample mean and to determine the average data in multiple

observation of a single variable, is through the use of this statistical formula:

With the use of this formula, the data that will be gathered for each

physical characteristics on a weekly basis for two months will be averaged to be

able to get the estimated and ideal numerical data.

In determining which bio-fertilizers to be used has resulted with the most

grown mustard plant, ANOVA or Analysis of Variance will determine the

significant differences on the growth of mustard plant under the three conditions
in the experimental group which include the three bio-fertilizers namely the

seaweed, animal manure and blood meal. The formula is as follows:

MS between
MS within

Experimental Units

The experimental unit of this research study is the Brassica nigra or the

mustard plant itself.

Experimental Design

The sampling design to be used in this study is the Randomized Block

Design. With a Randomized Block Design, subjects are divided into subgroups

called blocks by the experimenter, such that the variability within blocks is less

than the variability between blocks. Then, subjects within each block are

randomly assigned to treatment conditions.

Experimental Treatment

The experimental treatment of this research study are the different kinds

of bio-fertilizers namely seaweed bio-fertilizer, blood meal bio-fertilizer, and

animal manure bio-fertilizer.

Data to be Gathered

The data to be gathered in this research study is the growth of the plant in

terms of its height, weight of the leaves, most grown leaf length, and most grown

leaf width.

This study will make use of two research instruments for the analysis and

accumulation of the data to be gathered. Weekly monitoring and observation are

the data gathering tools to be used to be able to determine the Brassica nigra’s

growth as a result of its exposure to the different bio-fertilizers.

Monitoring and observations are two processes in one. Observation will

help the researcher to see the effects and the possible changing factors in the

plants’ growth. On the other hand, monitoring involves tallying and listing of

the data needed for the analysis of the plants’ growth such as the measurement

of the plant’s height, most grown leaf length, most grown leaf width, and weight.

In order to obtain the best result, weekly monitoring and observation of the

mustard plant will be done in span time of six weeks based on the recommended

time and maturity for the mustard plant to fully grow. The units will be measured

in centimeters. The plant height will be measured from the soil to the plant’s

maximum vertical appearance. The most grown leaf length will be measured

from the tip of the leaf up to its bottom. The most grown leaf width will be

measured from both the left and right edges.

Experiment Procedure

The experimentation will include three plant groups compose of Plant

Group A, Plant Group B, and Plant Group C. Each plant group will respectively

represent each of the bio-fertilizers to be use in the experiment particularly the

seaweed bio-fertilizer, animal manure bio-fertilizer, and blood meal bio-

The three different plant groups will undertake one procedure with

variation only in the type of bio-fertilizer to be used in growing the mustard

plant. The group of mustard plants will be planted in an enriched soil, watered

once daily, exposed to enough amount of sunlight, and will be monitored once

weekly. The pH level of the soil in which the three different kinds of bio-

fertilizers will be applied will also be measured. This is necessary in order to

produce the plant’s best nurture. In this study, the suitable pH level to obtain the

maximum growth output for the mustard plant is a measurement between 6.5 to

7 pH level.

Table 1. A tabular representation of the variables present in each set of mustard


Plant Group A Plant Group B Plant Group C

Bio- Seaweed Animal Manure Blood Meal


Water Once a day Once a day Once a day

Sunlight Exposed in an open Exposed in an open Exposed in an open

plot plot plot

Seeds Mustard Mustard Mustard

To thoroughly explain the experimentation in detail, on soils with pH

levels 6.5 to 7, three sets of mustard plantations (5 mustard plants per group)

will each be fertilized with different kinds of bio-fertilizers namely seaweed,

animal manure, and blood meal. Each fertilizer respectively will be applied on

an interval of 4 weeks after every application. Each mustard plantation will be

watered once daily and the amount of sunlight will also be balance among all
mustard plantations. The mustard plantations will then be monitored weekly for

a duration of two months. Data such as the plants’ height, most grown leaf length

and most grown leaf width will be recorded.

Fig 1. A diagrammatic representation of the experimentation

Nagal, Louise Anne, Notario

Grade 12 STEM – Sinai

LRN: 428520151385

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