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Tuesdav, 1 October 2019

Daily Tribune

Violators of their Constitutions

Yellows, especiallY defended the wrongful Lagman and the yellows salivating l0r' doclared guilty ol
(( Vice Presidenl, Leni imprisonment of Sen. De power who are yiftually brovn-nosillg the crime alrd her judicial lights
, Robredo, are all ovor Lima, does not consider Ame ca and its senators, shor d really are being exercised h a Proper a$d
Leahy start boning up on their respoctive
the place dcfending oul aid to be 'interleriM legal courtroom, through her many
and, his motions delaying her Ldal, as wcll
the United States in their sovereignty."' Constitutions.
alrd its senators Leahy added that, As poinied out by Plilippine Senate as her moves to stop Yiltually all the
sena,tor- Iegislating the denial "Our aid is rot a blanl{ Pr€sident Tito Soiio, in a te\t message, goyemment witnesses from iestlfying,
partners of 1,he eniry bo Uncle check, and whel he stated that, "Ihe poposal of the being prisoners. She also wants a
on the ban, Sam's lard 0f Filipino Philippine oflicials abuse two US senators fiis ihe meanilg - non-prisoner, her then appointed
along with olficials involved in the the justice system for of a Bill of Attainder, prohibited Bureau of Corrections chief, Ralael
incarceration of SeD. the purpose ol political by both the US and iihe Philippine Ragos, a.lso to be banled fi 0m testilying
Constitutions. Maybe the legal staff
Lagman Leila de Lima. They FR0ltrullE reiribution, we have a
respoNibility to rcpofi ol the two sen ors should study their
against her, insistiry that he should
also be her cGaccused. This is ha.ldly
insisted thai the US Ninez Cacho-0livares
crnd. the (it)." Constitutior." ,a move coming froll a se]f{ecla-r'ed
ban or such Philippire
[ellows ofricials "is an enforcellent ofAnlericrL,ir Leahy just conlilmed that the did The "Bill ol Attaindcr" "relctr to irnocant woman.
saliaating immigration laws and does not ilrtl ude from th; US, which is measl$ given the act 01 declarillg a group of people And if the US senatoN argue the
the lbct that it keeps on saying ihai guilw of a crine, and punishing ihem same way De Uma does on the prisoners
Jor power into Philippine sovereignty,' as Albay
uho are Rep. Ddcel Lagman said. the Phitippin€s is its shong ally in the for it, usually wiihout a tlial. Ofticials being barred by the courts from
liobredo, for her part, echoed Asean region, but has not kept the have used bills of attainder to st P testi{ying, Leahy and Durbin should
airtually individuals of eYerlthing from their
Lagman, saying that the United States Philippine military with its ancient recall that in the US, Salvatore "Sa,nurly
can choose wholn to allow oI deny lv€apons, carries a lot of st ngs. propeity to tfieir lives." the BL l", a founer underboss ol
America entry into iis territory," addirg that, Mor€ovel, ihe Democratic senator A simpler meaning of a bill of the Gambino crime family and prisoner,
and, its "We may not agrec, but w€ canlot deny ce ainly gives the inpression that attainder is this: "A law that sentences though his testimonll brought down the
EenatorS, that it's thoir right as a country. That'$ due to the aid given by the US l,o thc a peruorl, or group of pcople, to sutiei ir hmous Mafia boss, John Gotti.
should' why we apply lbr visa. they have thc I'hilippirlcs, Uncle Sam, at any tirre, punisluncnl lbr a crime without beillg Leahy and Durbin, along with
really start right to apuove or deny our eni;ly to and lor whalevel reil,son, calt il iingc able to exucise l,heirjudicirl dglts in tlie little brown American officials,
their countly." on the sovereignty of the Philippines defending themselves." Robredo and Lagman, who, without
boning up This is exacl,ly any evidence presented bY he} in
But ihe riglt ol the US to ban any And Robr€do, as well as Lagman
on their and other yellows, who.viftually kiss what Leahy and 66 claiming the innocence of De Lirta and
foreigrrer they please is not at issue
and they know it, ol ought to klow it the feet of Uncle Sam' senators, his colleague, US Our aid calling her a political prisoler, have
Condihrtians, She stoutly delcnded America, appear to agree with Leahy and thei.r Sen. Dick Durbin, ,s /ro, d the gumption to ptoudly state the US
s that llle US uses this right
essing arnendment t0 the bill, with the little have committed bhnk check, giv€s the Philippines aid with sirings

to show other countries that there brown American PhiliPPine Yice and continue to and when attached, which is for the Filipino
are values moLe impodant io tho US Besident agreping to the ght of the commil with theit p1ri1;Onins ofticiats, ilcluding iihe c0ults of law,
ard that ii will use the power of its US, showing her uiier subservienc€ to c.onst itutiona I offcirk to bow in subservience to Ame ca.
goverlment to spread this nessage, ihe foner US master, America, duling Molatlon. ohttsc the If I were Dutede, I would tell Leahy
US Sen. Patdok Leah$ answering the colonial period, salng that 'trow The pldtippines and Durbin to shove their aid with
President Duterte's spokesman's America is using this dght to show also nas \!.L .r.asri{.e
sustem for
st ngs up thct asses.

description 0f the US senatot being

*ignolant," hit back, saying that)
other countdes that there are values
that are important to it and it will use
prolubrtron o,
ot ,lfarnder ln lts
tlh" ou,,lror"
, ot -ttolu,tal
( lonsl,rf,Dtr{rn. ano
\ p,\9e-Ac/ /
''Every yeai the United Siates ployid0s the power of its government to spread "
[ne counltY nils rctnbutton.
large amounts of aid to the Philippines, this message,'r she added.-
and I have suppofted that aid. I assrune Iaal\y ard his other senator-partncrs nrovc n thilL lhe wenaUea
President Dutefte's slrokesmati, who on the ban, along wiih Robredo, deiained De Lint', resPonsibiW

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