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Sundry debtors

Sundry debtors might refer to a company's customers who rarely make purchases on credit and the amounts
they purchase are not significant.


An overdraft usually refers to a checking account where the amount of checks presented to the bank for
payment exceeds the amount on deposit. When this occurs we say that the checking account customer
has overdrawn its account. The overdraft means that the bank's records indicate a negative checking
account balance.

Liquid assets include current assets like cash, bank balance, accounts receivable etc. and excludes
inventory and prepaid expenses. ... That's the reason why inventory (as it is difficult to convert, when
needed) and prepaid expenses (cannot be converted into cash at all) are not considered as liquid assets.

All those expenses which are actually incurred but not yet paid. The most common example of
the accrued expenses is for wages and taxes. Accrued expenses represent a spontaneous source of

Unlike with other common sources of financing, such as loans or bonds, obtaining additional spontaneous
financing doesn't require any special action by the company; it just "happens," hence the
name spontaneous. The two primary sourcesof spontaneous finance for most businesses are trade credit
and accruals.

Paycheck is a salary or wages cheque made out to an employee.

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