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______________1. The total cost of ( 3a -2b) units of cell phone is ( 6a2 + 5ab -6b2) pesos. What
expression represents the cost of one cell phone?
______________2. If one ream of bondpaper costs ( 3x-4) pesos, how many reams can you buy for ( 6x4-
17x3 + 24x2 -34x+ 24) pesos?
______________3. If a car covers ( 15x2 + 7x -2 ) km in ( 3x+ 2) hours, what is average speed in km/ hr?
______________4. The volume of a rectangular solid is ( x3+ 3x2 + 2x -5) cubic cm, and its height is ( x+
1) cm. What is the area of its base?
______________5. If a car moving at a constant rate travels ( 2x3 –x2 -4x + 3) km in ( x2 -2x + 1) hous,
what is the rate of the car in km per hour?
______________6. A tailor earns ( 12y2 + y – 35) pesos fow working ( 3y -5) hours. How much does he
earn per hour?
______________7. What must be multiplied to ( x2 + 2x+ 1) to get ( x4 + x3 + x2 + 3x + 2 )?
______________8. If a square has a perimeter of (2x-48) meters, what expression represents its area?
______________9. Suppose the area of a rectangle is ( 6x2 -7x + 14) square units. If its width is ( 2x-5)
units, what expression represents its length? How about its perimeter?
_____________10. Find a cubic polynomial equation with roots -3, -4 & -1.
____________11. How many real roots does x4 –x3 -11x2 + 9x + 18 =0 have ?
____________12. One dimension of a cube is increased by 1 inch to form a rectangular block. Suppose
that the volume of the new block is 150 cubic inches. Find the length of an edge of the original cube.
____________13. The dimensions of a rectangular metal box are 3cm, 5cm and 8cm. If the first two
dimensions are increased by the same number of centimeters, while the third dimensions remains the
same, the new volume is 34cm3 more than the original volume. What is the new dimensions of the
enlarged rectangular metal box?
____________14. Find the value of k for which the binomial ( x+ 4) is a factor of x4 + kx3 -4x2.
____________15. What is the remainder when 5x 234 + 2 is divided by ( x+ 1)?
____________16. The dimension of a rectangle is 8m longer than its shorter side. If the area of the
rectangle is 60square m, find its dimension.
____________17. Jerry deposited $15,000 on an investment that will give $2,150 for every year that his
money stays in the account. How much money will he have in his account by the end of year 9?
_____________18. There is a stack of logs in the backyard. There are 16 logs in the 1st layer, 15 in the
second, 14 in the third, 13 in the fourth, and so on with the last layer having one log. How many logs are
in the stack?
_____________19. In his piggy bank, Bingo dropped $1.00 on May 1, $1.75 on May 2, $2.50 on May
3 and so on until the last day of May. How much did he drop in his piggy bank on May 22? What was
his total deposit in his piggy bank for the month of May?
_____________20. There are 18 rows of seats on a concert hall: 25 seats are in the 1st row, 28 seats on
the 2nd row, 31 seats on the 3rd row, and so on. If the price per ticket is $2,400, how much will be the
total sales for a one-night concert if all seats are taken?
__________21. Sonia has 55 blocks. She decides to stack up all the blocks so that each row has one
less block than the row below. She wants to end up with just 1 block on top. How many should she
put in the bottom row?
__________22. A theater has 30 rows of seats. If there are 25 seats in the 1st row, 30 in the 2nd, 35 in
the 3rd, and so on, how many seats are there in all?
__________23. A tube well is bored 800 meters deep. The 1st meter costs $250 and the cost per meter
increases by $50 for every subsequent meter. Find the cost of boring the 700th meter and the total cost
incurred for the entire job.
__________24. A recovering heart attack patient is told to get on a regular walking program. The
patient is told to walk a distance of 4 km the first week, 8 km the second week, 12 km the third week
and so on for a period of 10 weeks. At that point the patient is to maintain the distance walked during
the 10th week. How far will the patient walk during the 12th week?
__________25. A virus reproduces by dividing into two, and after a certain growth period, it divides into
two again. As the virus continues to reproduce, it will continue to divide in two. How many viruses will
be in a system starting with a single virus AFTER 8 divisions?
__________26. . Sam has purchased a $30,000 car for his business. The car depreciates 20% every year.
Depreciation means the value of the car goes down by that percent each year. What will be the value of
the car after the 5th year?
__________27. Allen is on the football team this year but he has poor time management skills. His
mother told him that he is off the team if he fails anything in school. On his first math quiz he earned a
93, then he earned an 90 and an 87 on his next two quizzes. If his grades continue at this rate, what will
his quiz grade be after the 7th quiz? Will he still be on the team?
__________28. Edgar is getting better at math. On his first quiz he scored 50 points, then he scores 56
and 62 on his next two quizzes. If his scores continued to increase at the same rate, what will be his score
on his 8th quiz?
_________29. Suppose you drop a tennis ball from a height of 18 feet. After the ball hits the floor, it
rebounds to 75% of its previous height. How high will the ball rebound after its third bounce? Round to
the nearest tenth.
_________30. Viola makes gift baskets for Valentine’s Day. She has 13 baskets left over from last year,
and she plans to make 12 more each day. If there are 15 work days until the day she begins to sell the
baskets, how many baskets will she have to sell?
__________31. A house worth $350,000 when purchased was worth $330,000 after the first year and
$310,000 after the second year. If the economy does not pick up and this trend continues, what will be
the value of the house after 7 years?
__________32. Find k so that the terms k-3, k+1, and 4k- 2 form a geometric sequence.
________33. The sum to infinity of a geometric sequence is twice the first term. What is the common
________34. What must be the value of k so that 5k-3, k+ 2 and 3k -11 will form an arithmetic sequence?
________35. The length of a rectangular wood is 2 cm more than 4 times the height and its width is twice
the height. Find the dimensions of the wood, if its volume is 576 cm3.

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