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Imagine a voting system which:

1. One is a candidate from receiving only one vote from another.
2. All candidates are in a ranked hierarchy in real-time.
3. Popularity isn't the only measure; strength of vote is also a factor.
4. It is peer ranking instead of popular ranking.
5. Generalist selection is mandatory (two or more).
6. Specialist selection is an option.
7. Direct referendum votes are an option.
8. Can be used in conventional organizations to form executive committees.
Structural Deep Democracy (SD2): A transitive proxy voting approach to democratic-
republicanism. SD2 uses TMMP (Transitive Mandatory Multiple Proxy) modified PageRank as a
centrality algorithm to analyze votes to determine the center of TRUST and CONSENT in a
human trust network, then keeps those leaders accountable with frequent rank recalculations. The
top three or five lead such an organization with one of them as the executive. This creates a small
and efficient locus of trust and accountability to lead the organization.
PageRank, with the additional constraint of mandating that at least two proxy votes be
chosen, Transitive Mandatory Multiple Proxy (TMMP), allows the best leaders to determine who
the best leaders are, eliminating the popularity game of conventional populist-democracy. SD2
can be used by nonprofits, businesses, government entities, but it is intended to be best for grass-
roots activism for groups thirty or more, and is scalable to a global level. SD2 can also be used as
DIRECT DEMOCRACY, by allowing voters to vote directly on issues AND vote for
representatives, creating a DD/ RD hybrid that encourages PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY.
Those who claim that Islam has not enunciated a clear method of Governance are sadly
lacking in insight and knowledge. Vested interests soon usurped power and cast the true
methodology of Governance into obscurity. Islam promotes participatory and egalitarian systems
of Governance by consensus as opposed to exclusivist, highly competitive oligarchies (rule of
the rich) disguised as democracies or representative Governance. Those who uphold Western
Democracy as an ideal are perhaps not aware of the fact that they promote the rule of the largest
minority instead of the majority. For example in a population of one hundred (or any number) if
they are five candidates and forty % abstain from voting. If twenty five % vote for one, fifteen %
for another and the rest (twenty %) are divided between the remaining three candidates. The
person who garners twenty five percent of the votes is deemed to be successful. Is this not unfair

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to the remaining seventy five %? This system soon degenerates into voter buying, conflicts and
rivalries and promotion of divide and rule policies on the part of external and internal vested
interests. Technocratic responsibilities are undertaken by those who are unqualified for these
positions and the question arises as to why they vie for election and the holding of power. Can
we divorce human psychology from practical matters? As referred to before those who are under
the sway of the lower or animal self commanding to evil, the Nafs-e-Ammara, are usually at the
forefront in seeking election and dominance in direct opposition to Islamic injunctions. For those
who object to this statement by citing the example of so called “Religious Parties” in the fracas
that is called Politics, are easily answered by the words “Beware Lest The Nafs assume the garb
of Piety”. This situation is the worst condition that a person can fall into, in other words that of
being wrong and yet convinced of being right and that too with Divine Sanction.
As an alternate, a system that uncovers the Centrality or Nexus of Trust within Society is
called for. This fairly or unfairly competitive atmosphere that prevails within society has to be
eradicated if we are to exist as a society. The questionable intents of those who pitch themselves
into the Political arena; the vast expenses incurred upon elections; voter buying; coercion;
subversion by local and foreign intelligence agencies; the ill will generated by competition and
the requirement to recoup expenses incurred by those who win, show ample need for reform.
Page Rank Algorithm is one such method for uncovering centrality. This algorithm is used to
rank web sites. As a graphic illustration in the society of one hundred voters cited above with the
same turn out, each voter is required to select a minimum of five individuals. At the end of the
exercise the results go through various software of statistical and social network analysis. A
graphic illustration of selection and grouping is made. The person who received the most votes
and also the trends of voting as well as interconnectedness of each voter is graphically displayed
as an interlocking grid or network. The center most five individuals in the network are selected
to form an executive committee to run the affairs of the community. They are free to form sub
committees of those qualified for various activities pertinent to that society (agriculture, trade
etc.). Accountability is inbuilt into the system as a repeat of the exercise immediately reveals
whether the committee members have lost the position of trust due to any reason or retained it by
excelling. This method relieves society from division and promotes cohesion. Here consensus
and taking society along is rewarded and the opposite is soon exposed and disposed.

"The results are amazingly accurate and display the inner dynamics of the group with astonishing
accuracy...Nawab is next in seniority and first as a Technician. He definitely deserves
- Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan, Leader in Sustainable Development and Chairman, Khidmat
Foundation, commenting about a pilot study with Contact Youth.

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Agri-Eco Zones Administration
I. Zone Sustainable Development Authority
A. District Sustainable Development Authority
1. Tehsil Sustainable Development Authority
a. UC/ Village Sustainable Development Authority
Presently Pakistan is administered through 5 Provinces and 1 Disputed territory. These
are: Sindh; Baluchistan; Punjab; Khyber Pukhtunkhawa and Gilgit-Baltistan. The disputed
territory is Azad Kashmir. It is submitted that The Almighty Created the World which ultimately
evolved into Agri-Ecological Zones. The Administration of any territory should be along the
lines of these zones to make for complete and sustainable administration on the lines of a single
zone for ease of governance. This should be irrespective of race as the world was not created for
occupation on racial lines. Administration along Agri-Ecological lines would serve to blur racial
divisions within National Boundaries. In Pakistan the majority of the area is occupied roughly
along these very lines and separate races can club different zones on Provincial basis to maintain
harmony and identity. There are 9 such zones divided Provincially into 2 Sandy Desert and 3
Irrigated Plains, making 12 areas in total.

I= Indus Delta. II = Southern Irrigated Plain. III = Sandy Desert (a & b). IV = Northern Irrigated
Plains (a & b). V = Barani Lands. VI = Wet Mountains. VII = Northern Dry Mountains. VIII =
Western Dry Mountains. IX = Dry Western Plateau. X = Sulaiman Piedmont.1
Map of Pakistan Agri-Ecological Zones. Regional Soil Survey Report, Rawalpindi Area, Soil Survey of Pakistan.

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Zone/ District/ Tehsil/ UC-Village Sustainable Development Authorities:

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