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1. Enumerate and describe the different types of plans used in your company.


performed by our top heads. In this plan, they discuss issues and future
plans to improve our overall organization.
b. FINANCIAL PLANNING – This plan discuss financial status and
budgeting plan.

2. Find out as much as you can about the mission, vision, values and major goals
of a certain organization/company in the nearby area. Evaluate the firm’s
mission, vision, values and goals. What are the positive aspects of these
statements? Is there anything you would criticize?
We will create joy and inspiration through the fusion of logistics and
We will exceed all customers’ expectations, earn their full trust and
create new markets.
We will always remain a reputable company through actions based on
our conscience.
Move forward – Take positive steps with purpose
Fairness – Adopt a fair and square attitude
Efficiency – Operate with a sense of speed and efficiency
Top Quality – Always offer high quality products and services
Innovation – Tenacious pursuit of innovation
Safety – Live the safety-first philosophy every day
Speed of Action
Clarity of Response
Enhanced Customer Experience
Based on this mission, vision, the purpose and type of this organization is not
clearly identified. It is also observed that future state of the company is not
described and the goal is not measureable.

3. In your company, describe the different strategies or tactics you used in order
to achieve your goal, key performance indicators (KPI), and target.
In our company, the strategy I use to achieve my goal and target
is to proper monitoring of the status and closure of all the activities that I am
and closely update to my immediate superior since our KPI is only base on our
closure of activities.

Case Analysis – Managing by Whose Objectives

1. Is this a workable MBO system?

As of my opinion, YES this is a workable MBO. This system
will allow each employee to focus on their goals and objectives and
promote proactive behavior to each member by allowing them to think for
their individual plans to improve their performance.

2. What would you do differently? Why?

I think the system is already ideal for each organization.
However, if I will be given a chance I won’t do differently, instead I will
improve this by adding an indicator legend on how Ben will evaluate the
performance of each member based on their given quotas or plans. In
addition, Ben may also give the benefit to each member to evaluate their
own performance and discuss the outcome on how Ben and the member
come up with that certain evaluated performance or grade.

3. If you were Ben, what goals would you set for the company?
If I were Ben, the goals that I will set on the company are
always based on customer requirements and always align with the company
mission and vision. This goal must be measureable, attainable and time

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