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Literature Reviewer

13. “Go and meet the abogado and invite
DETERMINE THE CHARACTER him in our house”?
14. “If he were engaged, he could not
1. “And when will be the long table be possibly love another woman”?
set?”  Esperanza
 Carmen 15. “Well - Americans are rather
2. “A last spurt of hot blood”? essential to my entertainment”?
 Don julian
3. “Why would men mismanage their  Alfredo Salazar
lives”? DASHBOARD:
 Alfredo Salazar
4. “Are weddings interesting to you”? • At the advent of American
 Alfredo Salazar colonialism, fiction became one
5. “You need not to think of me and of of the most well-read literary
what people will say”? genres.
 Julia Salas • Literature during those times
6. “Like a carabao in a mud pool”? were primarily used as (1)
 Julia Salas didactic tool for imparting
values and (apparatus for
7. “I suppose long engaged people are forming an image of great other
like that; warm now, cool tomorrow”? (the colonizer).
 Don Julian
8. I could study you all my life and still • It did not take very long,
not find it”? however, for Filipinos to master
 Alfredo Salazar fiction as a literary genre.
9. “Is this man sure of what he should • One of the fictionists considered
do”? to have set the foundations in
 Julia Salas the Philippine literary history is
10. “The only test I wish to apply to Paz-Benitez Marquez
conduct is the test of fairness”?
 Julia Salas Paz Marquez-Benitez
11. “The end of an impossible dream”? • Born in 1894 in Lucena, Quezon
 Alfredo Salazar
• Authored the first Filipino
12. “May is the month of happiness they
modern language short story,
 Julia Salas
Literature Reviewer
Dead Stars, published in the Esperanza but still fleeting to
Philippine Herald in 1925. Julia Salas.
LITERARY TECHNIQUES: • Esperanza - wife of Alfredo
Salazar. She is a homely woman,
IRONY - is a contrast or incongruity
literal-minded, acquisitive and
between expectations for a situation and
has a gift of beauty.
what is reality
- it can also be a difference between • Julia Salas - sister-in-law of Judge
what might be expected to happen
Del Valle. She is the other girl of
and what actually occurs
FLASH FORWARD - refers to the
Alfredo Salazar.
technique of showing bits or glimpse of • Don Julian - an old man, father
what is to happen towards the end of the
of Alfredo and Carmen.
FLASHBACK - refers to the glimpse • Carmen - sister of Alfredo
provided about the past Salazar
- it often elucidates things that
happened in the narrative • Judge Del Valle - brother-in-law
FORESHADOWING - the writer gives an of Julia Salas
advance hint of what is to come later in the
story • Doña Adella - sister of Julia
- it usually appears at the beginning Salas. She is small and plump, a
of the story pretty woman with a complexion
DEUS EX MACHINA - Literally means of a baby and an expression of a
“god out of the machines” in Greek
likeble cow.
- an event or twist in the story which
is completely illogical and is simply • Calixta - note carrier of Alfredo
inserted to save the protagonist Salazar and Esperanza.
from danger
IN MEDIA RES - means “in the middle of • Dionisio - the absent-minded
things” husband of Donna Adella
- this is shown when the story starts
in the middle of the action without • Vicente - husband of Carmen
• Brigida Samuy - She is illusive
CHARACTER: woman whose Alfredo is looking
• Alfredo Salazar - son of Don for.
Julian, a more than 30 years old
bachelor. He is engaged to
Literature Reviewer
SETTINGS: of Sorrows. It was when Julia
found out and congratulated
• Don Julian's house
Alfredo's on upcoming wedding.
• Judge Del Valle's house At this point, Alfredo pondered
on choosing between what he
• Don Julian's house in Tanda
wanted to do and what he has to
where there are coconut do.
plantations and a beach
Falling Action
• Church of Our Lady of Sorrow
• Julia did not want Alfredo to
PLOT: honor his understanding with
Exposition Esperanza. She said goodbye and
walked away as they reached the
• Don Julian and Carmen are house. The final word has beed
talking about the Alfredo and said and Alfredo went home to
Esperanza's upcoming wedding Esperanza.
and how much Alfredo was so in
love with Esperanza. Alfredo, on Resolution
the other hand, is reminiscing • Alfredo and Esperanza
the restlessness of his childhood eventually got married. It has
in his room. been eight years since Alfredo
Rising Action met Julia. Alfredo was searching
for a lady named Brigida Samuy,
• One day, Alfredo had gone an important lady for his defense
neighboring with Don Julian to in the court in Sta. Cruz, Julia's
Judge Del Valle's house and there hometown. He visited Julia's
he met Julia Salas. He was calling house, who is still remains
her Mrs. Del Valle all the time unmarried. He realized that his
which led him to embarrasment. love for Julia is like a Dead Star.
Vising Judge Del Valle's house It was non-existent.
became more often until Alfredo
developed his feelings towards Conflict
Julia inspite of his engagement to • Man vs. Man
• Man vs. Circumstances
• Alfredo caught up with Julia
after the procession of the Lady • Forbidden love
Literature Reviewer
• the reader is addressed directly
by the voice that narrates the
SETTING: story
• The story happened inside the • this is utilized in hypertext
house of the two children. literature, in which a reader has
a control over the plot of story
• Vicente - the bus conductor
• the narrator does not participate
• The Mother
in the action of the story as one
• Oscar - the little boy of the characters
• The Father • the all-knowing narrator knows
everything about all the
characters and their problems
• Man vs. Himself
• Third person omniscient • when the narrator knows
everything, including the
• is the vantage point from which
thoughts, of a particular
a story is told
character or group of characters
• the writer does not state PLOT:
opinions and does not favour any
sides of the story
• A man named Vicente came to a
house and volunteered to tutor
• there is a narrator among the the two children. The family
characters absolutely trusts him for he is
• the narrator plays like the eye of always gentle, so kind and there
the reader - what the narrator was nothing to fear when he is
observes the reader knows around.
Literature Reviewer
Rising Action threw the clothes she had taken
off the girl in the kitchen range.
• One evening, Vicente came
The mother also asked the girl to
earlier than usual. The children
put the pencils fire by tomorrow.
immediately put their lesson
down, telling him of the envy of Theme
their schoolmates of the pencils
• Motherly love and protection
Vicente gave them. Then,
Vicente asked Oscar to get him
some glass of water.
• Vicente held the little girl by the - Setting
arm then let the girl take her full - Characters
trust. He took the little girl - Dialogue
lightly in his arms as he held her - Theme
in the armpits and put her in his - Symbols
lap. The girl keeps squirming - Conflict
and somehow felt
uncomfortable. The girl's writing
is interrupted by Vicente
twisting her around. Suddenly,
Vicente's face is wet with sweat
and his looking strange.
Falling Action
• The little girl jumped away from
Vicente's lap as the mother came
downstairs while holding the
merienda. The mother asked the
girl to go upstairs and
immediately confronted Vicente
and slapped her.
• The mother rushed, scrubbed,
soaped and bathed the girl. She
also changed her clothes and
Literature Reviewer

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