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Determine the acceleration of a 15 kg box down a 30° slope if the coefficient of friction is


Fg = m.g. SinΘ

F// = SinΘ. Fg

= sin30° (147.15 N)
F// = 73.575 N

F⊥ = CosΘ. Fg
= cos30° (147.15 N)
F⊥ = 127.436 N also we can say Fn

Force of friction
Ff = μFN
= 0.15 (127.436)
Ff = 19.115 N

FNET = F// + Ff
= 73.575 + -19.115
FNET = 54.460 N

Now, finally we can determine the acceleration of the box...

FNET = ma
a = FNET / m
= 54.460 / 15
a = 3.6 m/s2

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